World of tank is the most comfortable tank destroyer. Which branch of tank destroyers is the best in World of Tanks? Pros and cons of tank destroyers


Soviet medium tank fifth level. This machine is typical example, as a real historical legend, occupies the second tier in. Not to say that the unit is bad, but there are clearer favorites at this level. Most of these paper projects are real T-34 I never saw it in the sights, and some were also on one side of the front. Therefore, if you get on this tank and it suddenly doesn’t “bend”, then don’t rush to shout “How can that be - the best tank of the war!” Because a game is just a game.

Historical reference

Story T-34 began in the late 30s, when the armored department of the Red Army decided to issue a new high-speed tank to replace the series BT, with more powerful armor. All design work was led by a design bureau under the direction of M.I. Koshkin. For comparison, two prototypes were produced - a wheeled-tracked one and a purely tracked one. A-32. The choice was made in favor of the second.

The tank represented a well-executed balance between speed, security and weapon power. For the first time, the rebound angles of the armor were fully used. True, due to the narrowing of the internal space. There were also disadvantages - insufficient visibility, poor quality filters, lack of radio communication. But all these childhood illnesses did not stop us from releasing T-34 into production - a total of 1,066 vehicles left the factory gates before 1941.

The beginning of the war became a serious crash test for the future legend. All the shortcomings showed themselves in full. Skeletons T-34 covered the border areas no worse BT And T-26. Although the Germans were surprised by the new tank, it did not cause any particular problems, and the Wehrmacht soon learned how to deal with it. But towards the end of the year, another surprise awaited them - the factories baked these machines like pies. In total, 85 thousand of them were produced during the war years - an incredible figure. Considering the wide scope for modernization, this tank truly became a legend during its lifetime.

Gaming characteristics

IN World of Tanks The Vanyatka, thanks to its maneuverability, ricochet armor and a wide range of guns, became a good second-line vehicle. Let's look at its characteristics in terms of the game:


The armor, which was breakthrough in reality, looks dull here - 45 mm. Even at an angle, this does not save you from gold. Everyone breaks through. After upgrading the turret of the 40 model to the 42 year, the armor plate increases to 52 mm, but even this does not help. Therefore, stay away from hot fights so as not to lose your 450 hit points.


You start with a sad stock gun 76 mm L-11. As soon as the opportunity arises, purchase it. 76 mm F-34 and the tank will immediately take on its historical appearance. But this is not the end of the story - then there is a fork in the top guns 57 mm ZiS-4 And 76 mm S-54. And here the question arises - what to choose? Most players are tempted by the larger caliber and damage from the second gun, but this is not true. The main numbers here are damage per minute and the first gun is the absolute leader here!

“Hole” has a simply amazing rate of fire of 23 shots in one minute, which, with insignificant damage of 85 HP, allows you to issue 2803 HP! Maximum value at the level. A plus will also be good armor penetration - 112 mm with the basic projectile and 189 mm with the sub-caliber one. The dispersion and mixing will be a little worse, but it’s quite enough even at a higher level. The vertical tilt angles are not bad for Soviet cars - minus eight degrees.


Mobility is our main defense. Diesel engine V-2-34 gives 500 l. s., which allows you to accelerate to 56 km/h. Good speed for a medium tank! Top caterpillars give slight increase lifting capacity and increase mobility by three degrees. The new tower spins faster than the old one by as much as nine degrees - a definite must-have!

Detection and communication

Stock radio station is terrible and gives a communication range of only 325 meters, so if necessary, replace it with 9RM with 525 meters. This is already something. Our visibility is average - 350 meters, but stealth is better - around 20 percent for a moving car. If you don't mind the money, buy camouflage.

Pumping and equipment

How to best study T-34? You can reach this tank through branches A-20, And . If you played hard T-80, then we managed to pump out a top radio station 9RM. It won't help much, but it's still better than nothing. Next, you throw everything into upgrading your line of guns, up to 57 mm ZiS-4- this gun doesn’t even need a ’42 turret. After this, you finish off the engine, since this is the second most important characteristic of your tank. After this, you can pump up the turret for visibility and tracks to improve dynamics. That's all.

Our crew consists of four people. But first, we are pumping up “Repair” for the crew, so as not to stand on the “harp” under fire, but for the “Gunner” commander. Next, we select different skills, customizing them to suit our performance characteristics - the commander “Sixth Sense”, the driver “ Smooth ride”, the radio operator “Radio Interception”, and the loader “Desperado”. Well, in the end we finish off the “Combat Brotherhood”.

As for special equipment, we recommend the “damage” option: “Improved aiming drives”, “Rammer” and “Ventilation”. You will shoot from the second line, or force them, going around from behind. You can, of course, turn into a firefly, but believe me, this is not the best choice.

We place the following consumables: “Manual fire extinguisher”, “Small first aid kit”, “Large repair kit”. A large “strap” is needed, because even just lying in the inventory, it gives 10 percent towards repairs.

T-34 is a medium damage tank that can develop a successful attack. Like all STs, it is extremely flexible tactically.

The first thing you need to understand is don't push forward. It almost always balances you to the bottom of the top, to the sixth and seventh levels. There, the strength of the “vanya” is enough for two or three bites. Therefore, at first, either cover the base by playing tank destroyers, or move forward after the “heavies”, but at a decent distance. As soon as someone appears in the light, immediately stick it to him from the “hole”.

When shooting, always aim to the end, even if the target is about to leave the field of fire. It is not clear what this is connected with, but for some reason the “grandfather’s guard” rule does not apply to the “hole”. You will often smear without mixing. And so, you will have enough precision to target the modules. First of all, try to put the enemy on the “harp”, even if your small caliber does not allow you to do this with the first shot.

As soon as the advantage appears in your favor on one of the flanks, immediately rush into the attack with the laugh of a hyena. Rush into the enemy's thinned ranks and push the formidable heavyweights from the rear. Somehow they never take it seriously T-34 with a “hole”, preferring to waste a powerful cannon shot on thick and armored colleagues. But in vain! The chicken pecks at the grain.

After breaking through the front, turn on the afterburner and press on the enemy base, cutting out the “art” and cowardly self-propelled guns. After this, do not hang out in the capture circle, let the slow-moving ones do this. It’s better to ride to the second flank, highlighting and shooting at the rescuers, who will inevitably rush to break the capture. If there are none, and smart opponents decide to take your base, fly there and interfere with them in every possible way.

If there are no LT left, then it is quite possible to work as a “firefly”. But remember - this is not your element. It's better to start hunting enemy scouts. To do this, select suitable bushes near the positions of the allied artillery and in machine gun mode, shoot all fans of high-speed raids. It is strictly not recommended to shoot from the “hole” while moving - only at close range! Sometimes it’s better to take the “firefly” for a ram, fortunately the mass allows it.

Review of the tank's strengths and weaknesses. Results


  • Rate of fire
  • Not bad speed
  • Ricochet armor
  • Low silhouette
  • Good farm


  • Weak armor
  • Slow mixing
  • Balancer victim

T-34- a fairly complex tank that will charge you for every joint. With him you are unlikely to achieve significant victories, and you won’t get much fun shooting from the second line. However, this car, with its beautiful and recognizable shapes, has its own charisma. It's just a pleasure to watch her in the hangar. A rich story and the title of the best WWII tank gives plus one hundred to the ChSV. Well, what are we waiting for?

Good luck in battle!

I’ll say right away that the game doesn’t have the most best tanks, pumping branches, positions on the map, win-win tactics. But I know how to help you. Having great experience games in World of Tanks, I guess that a similar question could be asked by a beginner who has not been in the game for very long and is trying to choose which vehicle to start with. Therefore, I will recommend a branch in which it is comfortable to play, there is no strong bias in some parameters to the detriment of others, there are no cars that you try to pass faster and forget about them (the so-called “cacti”). And since you have decided to upgrade tank destroyers, you need these tanks to perform purely the role of tank destroyers in battle - primarily an ambush tank with a gun with high armor penetration and high one-time damage (the so-called “alpha strike”).

1) The French branch of tank destroyers is not for beginners.

In general, the first 4 tanks of the branch cope quite well with the role of tank tanks; one of the shortcomings is poor mobility. But cars of levels 6 and 7 are passable. The ARL V39 has an inaccurate gun, the AMX AC 46 has more disadvantages than advantages.

Level 8–10 vehicles have good mobility and accurate weapons. However, when playing on them it is very important to feel the battle - French tanks have extremely weak side armor, so if you allow the enemy to enter the flank, you will quickly “end up”. Also, all tanks in this branch, except for the Foch 155, have low one-time damage as for a tank destroyer, and the latter, in addition, also has an automatic loader (“drum”), which will complicate the life of a beginner.

2) Turret branch of US tank destroyer - is this really a tank destroyer?
The peculiarity of these tanks is that they are not all similar to tanks, they have a turret and good armor. Often redundant. Most of these tank destroyers need to be played as either a medium tank or a heavy tank, depending on the model. The branch is eccentric; for a player who wants to try how it is - “PT sew” the branch is of little interest.

3) Crazy branch of US tank destroyers - sleep right in battle!
The branch is special in that almost all tanks have excellent armor, enormous mass and monstrously low mobility. Exotic that few will appreciate.

4) British tank destroyers- good, but not for us.
In general, an interesting branch, replete with comfortable cars, which, due to good armor and high armor penetration, easily forgive mistakes for beginners. A good branch for bending. But this branch has little in common with tank destroyers, up to level 10 - playing on British tank destroyers requires aggressive contact play, preferably in city maps. It is better not to overuse ambush tactics with this technique.

5) German branch A tank destroyer without a turret is an excellent choice.
One of the first PT branches introduced into the game. Interesting, painfully stinging armored vehicles, different high accuracy, armor penetration and damage per minute (DPM). All PTs in this branch are quite comfortable in battle and are capable of significantly influencing the course of the battle. The author of the article advises leveling up through Jpanther II rather than through Ferdinand, unless you are a big fan of World War II armored vehicles.

6) The German branch of the tank destroyer with a turret is better to upgrade later.

More precisely, not with a tower, but with a rotating wheelhouse. Reference tank destroyers: good level camouflage, amazing damage, armor penetration, exactly. BUT - high dependence on the player’s experience. Once discovered, the PT of this branch immediately turns into a pile of smoldering metal. And all because of the weak, almost bulletproof armor. When these armored vehicles were introduced into the game, one of the lead developers explained that Germany's turret-mounted anti-tank vehicles fit into the so-called "glass gun" concept - a unit that has heavy firepower, but high vulnerability. I advise experienced players to play.

7) The Soviet second branch of tank destroyers of the USSR is for players with developed willpower.
Abundant with “cacti”, it’s hard to download. But at level 10 there is a very dangerous Ob. 263 - a mobile and armored AT, ideal for contact combat in a narrow space.

8) The Soviet first branch of tank destroyers of the USSR is the crown of the tank destroyer structure.
It is this branch that is best downloaded by a beginner, or simply a player who wanted to try playing the tank destroyer class for the first time. Each vehicle in the branch is simply ideal for the role of a sniper, who, sitting in the bushes, is ready to rip off the floor of the cabin of an unlucky enemy.
The following machines are especially interesting:

SU-100- Level 5 AT with a 122 mm muzzle - a hit from a projectile of this caliber would upset even heavy tank Level 8.

SU-152- has a high explosive ML-20, which (if you're lucky) deals damage up to 1138 units per shot - a monster.

In this material we will present the best tank destroyers of level 8. We will be able to evaluate the strengths and weak sides each model, and also disassemble them tactical features. Let's start from the last place.

AT 15. Opens our ranking in 10th place.

The vehicle is equipped with heavy frontal armor and is well protected from other directions. For enemies lower level such armor will be an unpleasant surprise.
The advantage of the gun is its very short reload time and excellent penetration, which will allow the tank destroyer to continuously attack the enemy. Damage per minute 2760 units. Tactical advice: if you aim well at the caterpillar, it will definitely fly off with the first shot, so try to start the attack from this place.
The AT 15 has excellent elevation and elevation angles. We won’t have to show up too much to shoot, and the enemy will have a hard time circling us.
The tank destroyer has the largest safety margin at its level - 1450 units - this can save your life more than once.
The huge size of the AT 15 negates the camouflage feature. Enemies will notice us first than everyone else.
As a result of his size, he has very poor mobility; most likely, he will have to play near the base.
The tank destroyer's gun does not cause much damage (only 230 damage), so you won't be able to scare someone with a hit. Try not to get involved in an exchange of blows.
There is something dangerous in the frontal armor weakness– the hatch is very big size. When skirmishing, try to face the line of attack from the front to make it more difficult for enemies to hit the turret.

AT 15 is a clumsy tank with insufficient powerful gun. Try to take control of some direction and withstand the battle, relying on your armor.

T28. 9th place. One of the cars on the road to T110E3.

The tank destroyer is equipped with luxurious frontal armor – 254mm. Even level 10 enemies will not always be able to break through it.
Possesses an almost universal weapon.
The low body height increases our camouflage rate.
The slowest tank of this level. Maximum speed 18 km/h. Don't even try to leave somewhere. There is no need to capture any positions, you won’t have time anyway.
Terrible vertical aiming angles - only 5 degrees.
The side armor is only 50mm, which means the tank destroyer is very vulnerable to enemy artillery. Moreover, there are two large hatches on the tower, which is where the enemy will aim.
Bottom line.
T28 is designed to protect a strategic direction. Try not to let the enemy closer than average distance and rely on your frontal armor.

T28 Prototype. 8th place. The presence of a turret makes the tank destroyer look like a heavy tank.

The frontal part has good armor, the weak point is only a machine gun, but getting there is quite difficult. It’s hard for any classmate to break through the defense;
Despite the presence of a turret, the gun remained almost the same. We can play a little like TT.
The mobility parameters leave much to be desired. Maximum speed 13 km/h.
Very poor side armor, almost everyone will be able to penetrate it, so twist your body when they shoot at you.
The turret rotates only 143 degrees - don't let the enemy get too close.
Bottom line.
The tactics of the game remain the same - keep the direction. Don't forget to use the tower.

The highest damage per minute at this level is 2865 units.
The tank destroyer has a very low hull, which means it has a good camouflage indicator.
The SU-101 is capable of occupying more advantageous positions on the map thanks to its good dynamics.
Terrible UVN - 3 degrees. The slightest irregularity and we will no longer aim.
The gun has weak penetration by an armor-piercing projectile - 219 units.
Very small margin of safety.
Bottom line.
The characteristics of this vehicle suggest only one tactic: hide somewhere and destroy enemies at a long distance thanks to the gun’s rate of fire.

Ferdinand. 6th place. German tank hunter, in Russian "Fedya".

Frontal armor is 200mm.
It has a really serious Mousegun weapon with damage of 490 units. Such a gift will cool the ardor of an overly arrogant opponent. The penetration indicator is 246 units.
The main thing is that with such a weapon we have adequate angles of inclination.
Due to its large dimensions, camouflage is useless.
Again, they are responsible for poor speed and maneuverability.
Frontal armor is vulnerable closer to the bottom. Hit in this area often damages the engine.
Bottom line.
The tank destroyer is capable of causing significant damage thanks to its gun and is well protected, but try not to lean too far forward. The enemy's artillery will attack you among the first.

AMX AC mle.48. 5th place. It's not difficult to get used to her character.

A perfectly balanced weapon with good rate of fire and accuracy. Penetration indicator 257.
Good performance speed and maneuverability. You can borrow more on time advantageous position or not allow the enemy to screw us.
Frontal armor can easily withstand hits from tanks of the same level.
Weak side armor makes it suffer from enemy landmines.
The two turrets and the rangefinder at the top are a vulnerable point; they are often hit even by accident.
The aiming time of the gun is too long (buy drives as soon as possible).
A small health reserve - 1000 units - will force you to be more careful.
Bottom line.
It is advisable to immediately analyze the map and capture an advantageous point. Destroy enemy tanks from afar and try to avoid close combat. From a long distance, your turrets are more difficult to hit.

ISU-152. 4th place.

It can hardly be called universal, but it copes well with the tasks of its class of equipment.
The most powerful BL-10 gun with a penetration rate of 286 units is the main trump card of the ISU-152. Even tanks of higher levels will think twice before attacking her head-on.
The main thing for us is camouflage.
A very large gun mantlet.
Poor mobility.
The gun has a long aiming time and low firing accuracy - 0.41.
Very poor armor, even frontal. Tank destroyers will penetrate all and sundry.
The margin of safety is too small.
Bottom line.
Rely on camouflage and a smart weapon in battle. Wait until someone lights up the enemy, and try to avoid protracted firefights as much as possible.

Jagdpanther II. 3rd place. Some players underestimate the potential of this tank destroyer.

The most powerful weapon we have is the same “mousgun” with excellent damage and penetration.
This tank destroyer has one secret: a very durable cabin. There is an opportunity to hide behind some stone, exposing only the cabin, and both shine for yourself and shoot.
The machine boasts excellent mobility.
The frontal armor is only 100mm, and there is nothing to say about the side armor.
Bottom line.
Despite the huge disadvantage in armor, this tank destroyer is the first that can provide light for itself and support the team with fire, and not hide in the thistle thickets.

Rhm. BorsigWaffentrager. 2nd place. Another German, in Russian “Borsch”. Will kill the enemy without even leaving disguise.

We get the choice of the familiar Mousegun or a 1500mm cannon with 750 damage and slightly less armor penetration.
Excellent stealth, we are practically invisible. It's very difficult to find us.
Excellent visibility - 400m, allows you to shine on yourself (the best at this level).
The turret of the tank destroyer is capable of rotating 360 degrees.
Very poor armor, easily penetrated by enemy landmines.
Land mines cause great damage to the crew.
Bottom line.
"Borsch" hides well and attacks well from long range. If necessary, it can illuminate itself. The main thing is that enemy artillery does not find you.

Charioteer. 1st place


Amazing speed and maneuverability, 22 l/s per ton - this is an indicator inherent in a medium tank. You can quickly take or change positions.
An excellent weapon with good accuracy and armor penetration.
Hash mines with 210 penetration make it possible to effectively counter any enemy with good aim.
The tower eliminates the possibility of spinning us around.


Not very good hull and turret armor.
The number of shells in the ammunition load is not enough (30 pieces).
Bottom line.
Playing as Charioteer is easy and comfortable. What adds even more interest is that you can choose different variants actions: either sit in an ambush, quickly take a more advantageous position, or go to the aid of friends. This tank destroyer is the most versatile and therefore takes first place. Moreover, any tank can be destroyed with its help.

This is the end of the review the best tank destroyers. This information should help you achieve even greater results in World of Tanks.