Wave of bans in wot. Mass bans for cheats in World of Tanks. Luring or extortion

28-03-2015, 22:55

Good day everyone and welcome to the site! Today we will talk about a wonderful, interesting and very strong vehicle, an American tank destroyer with promotional status - this is T28 HTC guide.

The full name of this device looks like T28 Concept and this self-propelled gun can rightfully be considered unique, because getting it is not so easy. The fact is that in order for this tank to end up in your hangar, you need to complete T28 Concept LBZ, because the car is a reward for completing all Personal Combat Missions of the second stage.

By the way, many people are interested in the question, T28 HTC premium or not. So, all the equipment that is passed off as implementation of LBZ, has promotional status, that is, it no longer farms, but it can pump up the crew and enjoy other benefits.

TTX T28 Concept

First of all, you should know that our American’s safety margin is average, that is, it does not stand out against the background of the PT-7, either for the better or for the worse. At the same time T28 HTC review initially is 370 meters, and this is already one of best performance by the standards of its classmates, but still this parameter does not make this car very vigilant.

The strength of a self-propelled gun can be considered survivability, however, everything is quite relative here. Let's start with the fact that T28 Concept specifications The frontal armor is really good, but there are practically no rational slopes of the armor, which is why the strong parts of the wheelhouse and hull from the forehead have approximately 205-215 millimeters. Such figures allow T28 HTC WoT confidently tank being at the top of the list, but the eighth and especially the ninth levels can without special labor cause us damage without even targeting vulnerable areas.

By the way, if you're interested, where to get T28 HTC, this device has enough vulnerable areas. Let's start with the fact that on the sides of the cabin (in the rear) there are two machine-gun nests, here the thickness of the armor varies from 102 to 158 millimeters. In addition, at T28 HTC penetration zones there are others we're talking about about inspection hatches on the roof. Of course, they are small, but there are already three of them and the thickness of each is only 65-75 millimeters.

As for the side projection, as you already guessed, it needs to be hidden. The problem is that here Tank destroyer T28 Concept when placed in a diamond shape, it not only exposes one machine-gun nest, but also exposes extremely unfortunate rounded protrusions on the body, which are no less easy to break through.

But there is another side to the coin - the camouflage coefficient, which T28 HTC World of Tanks turned out good, thanks to the low silhouette. At the same time, take into account the overall dimensions, the self-propelled gun is not only wide, but also very long, so it’s not difficult to hit it when exposed to light; you should especially be afraid of enemy artillery.

The driving characteristics of this creation of American engineers are not outstanding, because you have to pay for having decent armor and impressive dimensions. Dynamics American tank T28 HTC It is still tolerable, however, our maximum speed is really low and the terrible maneuverability is especially depressing.


The armament in our case, as in many others, has both a number of advantages and certain disadvantages; in general, the gun is quite good, but it is worth knowing its parameters.

So, first of all, T28 Concept gun does not have a record, but quite powerful alpha strike. The situation is the same with damage per minute, a DPM of 1920 units looks decent and is considered good for a PT-7, but it is far from the largest.

The situation with penetration in our case is normal, T28 HTC tank Confidently deals damage to classmates and level eight vehicles with standard armor-piercing shells. But if you want to play comfortably and not have problems with nines, carry about 15 gold sub-calibers with you.

The accuracy in our case is average, since the spread Tank destroyer T28 HTC It is quite large and has poor stabilization, but at the same time it doesn’t take us too long to converge, especially since the convergence speed can be improved if desired.

The last thing I want to talk about in terms of weapons is the vertical and horizontal aiming angles. The barrel bends down terribly, less than 5 degrees, which is due to the rear location of the wheelhouse. But UGN WoT T28 HTC a total of 60 degrees, that is, the gun moves left and right by 30 degrees, which is a very comfortable indicator.

Advantages and disadvantages

During the analysis general characteristics and the armament parameters of this self-propelled anti-tank gun, you should have formed some impression about the tank. But in order to understand everything completely, let's highlight the advantages and disadvantages World of Tanks T28 HTC separately.
Good viewing range by PT-7 standards;
Strong frontal armor;
Low silhouette and good camouflage;
Decent alpha strike and damage per minute;
Not a bad penetration;
Excellent horizontal aiming angles.
Low safety margin;
The presence of obvious vulnerable areas in the armor;
Large overall dimensions (width and length);
Poor mobility;
Mediocre accuracy;
Poor elevation angles.

Equipment for T28 Concept

By installing additional modules, as always, we try to achieve maximum efficiency in battle and gain superiority over the enemy. In our case, the choice will be quite predictable, that is, tank T28 Concept equipment It's better to install the following:
1. – this choice makes it possible to recharge faster, which has a beneficial effect on the most important parameter, that is, damage per minute.
2. – as stated earlier, accuracy is not on our list strengths and faster aiming will help you shoot more confidently and accurately.
3. – with the help of this module you will significantly increase your viewing range, but at the same time maintain mobility and the ability to act actively.

However, you can make some changes to the above set, that is, replace the second or third point with depending on what is less important for you, overview or mixing speed, because such an alternative gives both, but in smaller quantities, and also increases DPM.

Crew training

Another great way to improve your car and get the upper hand over your enemies is to upgrade your skills. Here you need to be especially careful, because you will have to spend a really long time correcting errors, so we immediately do everything correctly, studying for Tank destroyer T28 HTC perks in this order:
Commander (radio operator) – , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader – , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for T28 Concept

Consumables are purchased according to a well-known and understandable scenario for every tanker. If you have little silver in stock, take regular set from , , . But if there is no need to save, it is better to give preference to reliability and carry WoT T28 HTC equipment as , , . In addition, due to the low chance of fire, the fire extinguisher can easily be replaced with.

T28 Concept game tactics

The machine in front of you is strong, interesting and quite simple, however, when playing it you still need to take into account a lot of nuances. First of all, it is important to remember that we have good frontal armor, so for T28 Concept tactics the offensive fits quite well.

You can go to the front line, where, having taken a position, you can play from armor, mitigate problems with mediocre accuracy, and, accordingly, deal damage more confidently. Here to tank American tank T28 HTC must look directly at the enemy and move his body left and right while reloading. This way, you will not only constantly increase the reduced armor in your forehead, but you will also make it much more difficult for the enemy to target your vulnerable areas.

Of course, due to poor mobility and large dimensions, occupying a tanking position on Tank destroyer T28 Concept World of Tanks you need to ensure that the artillery cannot fire at you, and also minimize the chance that you will be driven into your side, because due to poor maneuverability, even with good anti-aircraft guns, it will be difficult to fight back.

But what has been said up to this point is more suitable for fights at the top of the list, where our armor is really good. In other cases, it is better to adhere to the standard tactics of playing tank destroyers, that is T28 HTC tank must remain on the second line in the bushes and fire, trying not to get caught in the light.

The second fighting style helps increase survivability and your safety, but position plays an equally important role. When going to a key point, remember that T28 Concept WoT has poor air defenses, and also provide cover or escape routes in case you are discovered.

T28 HTC This is a promotional tank (not to be confused with premium vehicles), which is awarded for completing the second stage LBZ. So who is this T28 HTC? Where to put T28 HTC? Now we will give answers to this question further.

History of the T28 HTC

Let's start a little with the history of the design of this war chariot. In the distant autumn of 1943, the Armaments Department began creating a heavy breakthrough tank. It was created on the basis of nodes from heavy tank M6, with a partially movable turret, and the planned gun was T5E1 - 105 mm. At the same time, the forehead had to be well armored - 203 mm of armor. But after reviewing the sketches by the US Army, it was canceled at the design stage. After which they began to create that same turtle T95. But as usual in World Of Tanks, a paper tank is also historical and we see it in the game, and I think many will soon “finish” it.

Review of T28 Concept or Funny Turtle from Jove

Specifications T28 HTC

First of all, I’ll note its weight – it’s almost 71 tons! For example, its classmate SU-152 weighs “only” 46 tons. As you can see, the difference is major. That's why it's terrible slow speed becomes inevitable. What we see in the game is that all T28 Concepts go into the streets so that frontal armor can be implemented.

A gun with an average penetration of 181 units for a slow PT is simply ridiculous. After all, the DPM comes out to only around 1900, which essentially prevents you from damaging enough in the game to be a plus.

Everything here is very simple, although the first time I met the Concept in battle at a medium distance, I never penetrated it. But having already approached him closer, he calmly began to punch. The turrets, the spheres on the sides and, of course, the sides and stern are simply made of foil.

- hatches on the roof
- 2 spheres on the sides

Spheres in general deserve special mention; absolutely all tanks penetrate them, starting from level 5.

So this is clearly a cactus, and not a fun car for World of Tanks.

Ran out new year holidays and on January 15, the long-awaited format of combat missions finally started - Personal Combat Missions. You can earn money in it great amount credits for completing certain tasks, and also receive 4 unique cars that cannot be purchased or obtained in any other way. T28 Heavy Tank Concept is one of them. And it’s definitely worth fighting for!

Let's start with the fact that the T28 Concept was originally a concept project for a heavy assault tank, which was developed by US designers to break through German fortifications and heavy defenses on the Siegfried Line. True, he did not go beyond projects on paper and several not very detailed models. Subsequently, T95 prototypes were created based on these developments.

So, what's so special about the T28 Concept? In the game, it is positioned as a premium US level 7 tank destroyer, and its closest analogues include the British premium vehicle AT 15A and the American upgradeable tank destroyers - T28, T28 Prototype and T95, which are projects historically based on the development of this concept.

Unlike its counterparts, the T28 Concept is more dynamic and its top speed is definitely higher than its armored counterparts. All this with a rather considerable weight of the tank of 70.7 tons and without compromising its armor - the promised armor 203/101/50 is quite impressive! The slope of the armor at the front is simply incredible - it is unlikely that anyone will be able to penetrate you into it. The gun mantlet is also good - thanks to its design, it combines armor with ricochet angles. But there is also weak spots- first of all, the NLD, which will always be at right angles to the enemy, which means either damage will go through it, or you will have to hide it behind folds of terrain and heaps of garbage in cities. The stylish hemispheres on the sides will also suffer from time to time - although they add charm to the car, unusually placed positions for the machine gunner will definitely fall into the enemy’s sights, and only an accidental ricochet will save you. This PT is allocated 880 HP, which is generally on par with other level 7 PTs. The crew consists of only four people, which will make it possible to easily use a team from another American self-propelled gun, if any are present in the hangar, without difficulty and recruiting the missing ones. Pleases on this moment and a view of 370 meters! And this despite the fact that in the patch note for upcoming updates there is already a nerf to the review of many tank destroyers, but not a word about this one yet.


The weapon here cannot be said to be special, but in direct hands it can have a good influence on the outcome of the battle! The average one-time damage with armor-piercing and gold weapons is at the level of 320, with high-explosive fragmentation - 420. In principle, this is quite in the spirit of most self-propelled guns of the seventh level. But the penetration is debatable - 181/224/53, actually average at the level among PTs. It has good accuracy, suitable for an assault self-propelled gun, and the aiming time of just over 2 seconds is quite pleasant. Well, with its rate of fire of 6 rounds per minute, it provides about 2000 damage during this time. It suffers from the lack of good vertical aiming angles, but the charismatic feature of the gun and the vehicle as a whole is the horizontal aiming angles - they are very good and comfortable in the game, and the design is unusual compared to other tanks in the game.

Comparison table with classmates (level 7):


As with most tank destroyers, the equipment is important to focus on damage per minute and comfort when shooting. This means the Rammer and Accelerated aiming drives are required! I don’t see much point in installing Improved Ventilation in the third slot, and the Camouflage Net, for example, will not fit into the playstyle at all, so the most profitable investment would be in Coated Optics or, in extreme cases, using a Stereo Tube lying around. This equipment will maximize the already good review. Please remember that these recommendations are not fundamental and you should proceed from your personal preferences.

Crew skills:

Although for this self-propelled gun it will most likely be used a crew from a US classmate, but if you have not upgraded them or you decide to upgrade another crew, it makes sense to take Repair and Sixth Sense for the commander first, and the missing Repair and perks as the second , improving the characteristics of the gun and cross-country ability (Smooth rotation of the turret, King of the Off-Road, Non-contact ammunition rack). Remember that these tips are only advisory in nature and when making decisions you should proceed from your personal considerations.

Speciality Skills 1 Skills 2 Skills 3
Commander "Sixth Sense" "Repair" "The Brotherhood of War"
Gunner "Repair" "Smooth turn of the tower" "The Brotherhood of War"
Mechanic "Repair" "King of the Off-Road" "The Brotherhood of War"
Charging "Repair" "Non-contact ammunition rack" "The Brotherhood of War"


To sum it up, this machine will definitely not be superfluous in the hangar! It may not be ideal, but it will bring a lot of pleasure in battle. And besides, personal combat missions getting it is not that difficult, so you should try to get it into your collection, and its unusual design and uniqueness only add motivation!

Hello everyone, dear friends!! This time we came across a unique American Tier 7 tank destroyer - T28 Concept! The tank is only available to players who have completed the second set of IBZ (that is, we first need to complete the tasks to obtain the Stug lV). I still couldn’t decide which tank to compare this tank destroyer with and now I’ll check full analysis Performance characteristics and I’ll tell you approximately what can be expected from this vehicle in combat. As usual, in this review I will use the information provided in the game client, on the official forum and on the World of Tanks website.

About the tank

T28 Concept or T28 NTS is in our game a unique American tank destroyer of level 7, which has no advantages in earning credits, but can upgrade the crew without penalty from any American tank destroyer and at the same time, based on the results of the battle, has more crew experience than pumped equipment. It is important to note that the uniqueness of the tank did not affect its level of combat and, unfortunately, it is not preferential, but the same as that of conventional vehicles.

The IBZ for obtaining the T28 Concept is complicated, but doable. From the data that the official website, forum and game client can provide us, we can imagine what this machine will be like on the battlefield.

Let's look at the performance characteristics of the tank, which are provided to us by the game client:

From the performance characteristics we see that the T28 Concept has a low maximum speed and mediocre dynamics (13.71 hp/t), but at the same time we have quite tolerable armor, which will allow us to tank well, covering our NLD behind uneven terrain or behind any buildings.

The 370m view is not the worst on the level and makes it possible to feel comfortable when playing with 7 levels.

The gun is worth mentioning separately; for level 7 it is very good, it has a penetration rate of 181 units with an armor-piercing shell. Rate of fire is 6 rounds per minute (10 seconds gun reload) and average damage is 320 units. In total, these figures give us good damage per minute, which is 1920 units. In appearance, the T28 Concept has excellent horizontal aiming angles, but in reality they are only -29...+29°. This optical illusion upset me personally. The gun goes down by -4 degrees, and goes up by +15 degrees, this means that shooting at an enemy who is located below will be inconvenient, but tolerable, exposing a huge NLD when approaching the enemy, we will only have to endure his shots.

If it were not for the presence of obvious weak areas of the tank that do not require special attention when targeting them and are guaranteed to let damage through, the tank would be a little better than other tank destroyers at its level, but we have a tank with average performance, which has its own unique gameplay and will definitely appeal to some of the players.

I believe that the tank will not gather dust in the hangar, since it is quite good car for random and it will be able to bring some pleasure to its owners, and particularly skilled players will be able to turn this tank destroyer into a real weapon and will always be able to prove that they are right in random.

Without a doubt. The tank will be loved by some players, especially fans of the T95, because essentially we get a tax on this vehicle at level 7. Also, this machine will appeal to those who do not like games on high levels, but likes to just relax and enjoy a leisurely and deliberate game. Thank you for your attention and I wish you all success on the battlefields and good luck in carrying out the IBZ!