Military ranks of air force personnel. What's the matter

    LIEUTENANT COLONEL- LIEUTENANT COLONEL, military rank 7th grade, between major and colonel; his wife and widow; nikovs, nitsins, everything that is personal to them; nobody related to him Dictionary Dalia. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    LIEUTENANT COLONEL - officer rank in the armed forces of a number of states. The rank of P. has existed in the Russian army since the 17th century; was introduced in the Soviet Army in 1939 and corresponded to the rank of captain 2nd rank in the Navy; remains in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation... Legal dictionary

    LIEUTENANT COLONEL- officer rank in the armed forces of a number of states. The rank of lieutenant colonel has existed in the Russian army since the 17th century; was introduced in the Soviet Army in 1939 and corresponded to the rank of captain 2nd rank in the Navy; preserved in the Armed Forces of the Russian... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    LIEUTENANT COLONEL- LIEUTENANT COLONEL, lieutenant colonel, husband. (pre-rev.). Staff officer rank in the tsarist army, average between captain and colonel (until the half of the 19th century between major and colonel). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    LIEUTENANT COLONEL- LIEUTENANT COLONEL, ah, husband. An officer's rank or rank above major and below colonel, as well as the person holding that rank. | adj. lieutenant colonel, aya, oe and lieutenant colonel, ya, ye (colloquial). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    lieutenant colonel- noun, number of synonyms: 6th rank (113) Oberst Lieutenant (3) Obersturmbannführer ... Synonym dictionary

    LIEUTENANT COLONEL- senior officer rank in the armed forces of a number of states. The rank of P. has existed in the Russian army since the 17th century; in the Soviet Army it was introduced in 1939 and corresponded to the rank of captain II rank in the Navy; remains in the Armed Forces of the Russian... ... Legal encyclopedia

    lieutenant colonel- A; m. In the ground and air forces: officer rank below colonel and above major; person holding this title. ◁ Lieutenant Colonel, ya, ye. P. uniform. P form. * * * lieutenant colonel is an officer rank in the armed forces of a number of states.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    lieutenant colonel- Askeri attack. P tің atkaratyn kyzmetteri: regiment commander orynbasary, regiment headquarters now bastygy, same battalion commander, askeri teniz kushterinde P. atagyna saikes ataktar: 2 ranks captain, 2 ranks engineer captain, engineer lieutenant colonel. P.… … Kazakh explanatory terminological dictionary on military affairs

    Lieutenant colonel- military officer rank in the Armed Forces of the USSR and some other states. Introduced in the USSR on September 1, 1939. In the USSR Navy, the rank of captain corresponds to the rank of captain 2nd rank. In Russian army rank P. appeared in the 17th century. In Germany and the GDR the rank of P.... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • , German Yuri Pavlovich Category: Classic Russian prose Series: Lenizdat Library Publisher: IG Lenizdat, Buy for 654 RUR
  • Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service. Start. Bucephalus. Lapshin. Zhmakin, German Yu., The story of Yuri German (1910-1967) “Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service” was written in the post-war years and is dedicated to loyalty to one’s work, the spiritual formation of a person. Selfless doctor... Category: Soviet literature Series: Publisher:

Original taken from nstarikov c He fulfilled his duty

THE PILOT WHO KNEW THE SOUTH KOREAN BOEING 747 IN 1983 DIED IN ADYGEA. In Maykop, a brave and sworn officer, Aviation Lieutenant Colonel Gennady Osipovich, was escorted to his final journey with honors. A TASS message dated September 2, 1983 spread across all Soviet newspapers: “On the night of August 31 to September 1, an aircraft of unknown origin from Pacific Ocean entered the airspace over the Kamchatka Peninsula, then violated the airspace over the Sakhalin Island for the second time. The intruder aircraft did not respond to signals and warnings from Soviet fighters.”

It was a passenger Boeing 747 flying from New York via Anchorage to Seoul Airport.

“In Maykop, a brave and oath-loying officer, an aviation lieutenant colonel, was honored on his last journey Gennady Osipovich.

A TASS message dated September 2, 1983 spread across all Soviet newspapers: “On the night of August 31 to September 1, an aircraft of unknown origin from the Pacific Ocean entered the airspace over the Kamchatka Peninsula, then again violated the airspace over the island of Sakhalin. The intruder aircraft did not respond to signals and warnings from Soviet fighters.”

It was a passenger Boeing 747 flying from New York via Anchorage to Seoul airport.

Military officers remember Gennady Osipovich as an exceptionally decent person, a high-class professional, and an excellent pilot.

“I wouldn’t wish what happened to him on anyone,” says a colonel of the Russian Air Force Anatoly Kovalenko.

According to the memoirs of Anatoly Grigorievich, Gennady Osipovich received a combat order to take to the air at five in the morning. At an altitude of approximately 9 km, he saw a South Korean plane approaching our border.

“But there was a flashing light on it, which means it was either a passenger plane or a transport plane. He did not respond to signals. When Boeing crossed the state border Soviet Union, Gennady received an order: destroy the target. Then a new order: plant. It didn’t work out - the crew didn’t react. Then another order: destroy the target. Gennady Osipovich behaved like a real military officer - he carried out the order exactly,” says Colonel Kovalenko.

When the fighter landed, Gennady's friends congratulated him on completing combat mission. But the next day, Western media turned the pilot from a hero into a killer. Gennady Nikolaevich was very upset that against his will he found himself at the center of a world scandal.

Thousands of Koreans live on Sakhalin Island. To save the life of the pilot and his family, Osipovich was transferred to serve in another place. In 1986, Osipovich retired from Armed Forces and settled in his homeland, in Maykop.

Much later it became clear that Soviet pilot was not guilty of anything. The downed passenger plane contained only the crew. It is obvious that a spy plane entered the territory of the USSR under the guise of a passenger plane.

“Then I read that at the bottom they found passports tied in a stack, tied sneakers and fragments of only 17 bodies. But 269 people were supposed to fly on the plane. Where did they go? But this scandal fell into the hands of the United States, which, thanks to the downed Boeing, fanned a global scandal, claiming that the USSR was an evil empire! The Soviet pilot turned out to be the last one,” Anatoly Kovalenko is sure.

By the way, it's official the real reason The death of the South Korean Boeing has still not been solved. The West is in no hurry to reveal the mystery of the death of another Boeing - a Malaysian one, shot down over Ukraine.”

P.S.Related materials

Imagine that you stopped by McDonald's for a snack and noticed a very middle-aged man among the young people. Moreover, he is not a visitor, and clearly not a boss, but an ordinary worker, like everyone else.
This picture is very unusual, but real. 62-year-old Vladimir Alekseevich Loginov, a retired Air Force colonel, works at one of the Ryazan McDonald's.

The responsibilities of the former colonel include maintaining cleanliness in the hall, replacing cashiers or kitchen workers if necessary. The main thing in this position is speed and efficiency. And Vladimir Alekseevich has more than enough of them.

According to the rules of this chain of eateries, visitors should not wait in line for more than 3 minutes, and more than 1 minute at the cash register. That is why McDonald's positions itself as a place of work for young people and students. Older people might like to work part-time in these cafes, but it is too difficult for them to adjust to the given work pace.

Vladimir Alekseevich himself admits that he got a job at McDonald’s after a dispute with his daughter. She assured that they would not take him to the cafe because of his advanced age. However, the former Air Force colonel had no problems getting hired.

The future Colonel Loginov graduated from the flight school in Lugansk in 1972. During his years of service, he had the opportunity to patrol borders with atomic charges. Later he was involved in preparing future ones. In 1987, he moved to Ryazan from Vladivostok, where he served as chief of staff until his transfer to the reserve in 1996.

Vladimir Alekseevich is always friendly and talkative with visitors; he will not only serve the client, but will also be able to advise on the choice of menu, and if there is a free minute, he will advise on a variety of issues. Vladimir can talk about everything - from military history before choosing whiskey. The book of complaints is full of praise addressed to him. Naturally, the management cannot but like this approach.

Surprisingly, the former colonel does not work for money. He will receive his military pension in any case. He considers himself very lucky with the team. Moreover, in his opinion, working among young energetic people and communicating with visitors is not an example better job security guard or watchman.

Perhaps someone will be happy for a military pensioner who does not want to let go of his youth, someone will be upset that people have to work at such an advanced age, someone will not understand at all. One thing is important, Vladimir Alekseevich - a real man who does not consider any work shameful, and if he takes it on, he does it conscientiously.

Original of this material
© "Finance." , 07/05/2010, Photo: "Kommersant"

Billionaires in reserve

Olga Shevel

For former military personnel currently participating in rating of billionaires "F.", the army background has become a significant competitive advantage in business. Students of the Ministry of Defense - who are they?

As a result of the upcoming reform of the Armed Forces, more than 100 thousand retirees will soon find themselves on the “civilian” labor market. Some of them will traditionally go to work in private security companies. But it’s not only in the security business that the qualities of former military personnel are in demand. In the list of the richest people in Russia at least. They received appropriate education and then served in the army. Three of them with a real combat background, went through hot spots: Afghanistan, Mozambique and Angola, and have awards. But almost all future billionaires left the Armed Forces early in the early 1990s, when it became difficult to even survive in the army. For example, the salary of a combat major in the Airborne Forces averaged 300–400 rubles. In 1993, this money could buy 2 kg of sugar or a kilogram of beef.

Flip flop

Leonid Fedun
The first step in integrating into society for most of them was acquiring a civilian profession. Although training at military schools often leads to engineering qualifications, in the mid-1990s such a specialty was little valued. For the most part, retirees graduated from universities that are commonly called not only high-quality, but also prestigious. Thus, Colonel of the Strategic Missile Forces Leonid Fedun (No. 20 in the rating of billionaires “F.”), later vice-president of Lukoil, graduated from the Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship. Air Force Major Sergei Petrov (No. 272), now a State Duma deputy and co-owner of the Rolf car dealer - Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade. Military translator Dmitry Mazepin (No. 70) and paratrooper Igor Potapenko (No. 454) studied at MGIMO. Several people even took up scientific work and defended their Ph.D. dissertations. Thus, the work of former Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Tsvetkov (No. 30) was devoted to the extremely relevant topic during the crisis, “Problems of attracting domestic and foreign investment in the oil and gas industry of the Russian economy.” Needless to say, almost every person on List 14 speaks a foreign language, or even more than one.

Imprint of the past

But this is the elite. Examples successful businesses, which were created by former military men who are not included in the list of billionaires, are also plenty. Former warrant officer Soviet army Leonid Makaron founded one of the largest advertising holdings “From Hand to Hand” (“Pronto-Moscow”). And Vadim Dymov studied at the Suvorov Military School and served in Far East. After being transferred to the reserve, he managed to build a successful company producing sausages under the Dymov brand. IN management company“East Line” (Domodedovo Airport) there are also many former military men among the management.

The military past leaves a certain imprint on the leadership style of current top leaders and co-owners of companies. It is known that iron discipline reigns in the office of the Razgulay agricultural holding, founded by paratrooper Igor Potapenko. One of the company's former employees recalls that the owner built a strict hierarchy. Igor Potapenko chose an authoritarian leadership style - this was closer to him due to his character and habits. That’s why at Razgulay they always work for different positions many former military men. Some of them, in terms of the rank from which they retired, were significantly higher than the head of the group - there were even generals. But thanks to the company’s work organization system, which they adopted for themselves, conflicts do not arise at this post office. At Razgulay, when hiring, preference is consciously given to employees with military bearing.

Evgeniy Kaspersky
The opposite example is demonstrated by the organization of work at Kaspersky Lab. Its founder, Evgeniy Kaspersky (No. 129), a senior lieutenant in the reserves, is an atypical military man. He did not serve long, and not in the troops as such, but in one of the institutes of the Ministry of Defense after graduating from the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics at the KGB Higher School (ICSI). Which, by the way, I went to in order to overcome such a character flaw as disorganization. Be that as it may, complete democracy reigns in the Laboratory, says one of the company’s employees. “I, a civilian, previously worked under the leadership of the military - I have not the most pleasant memories,” says the source. “And Evgeny Kaspersky is actually far from the army, he is rather a man of the world.” And yet, in the office of the country’s chief virus fighter, there hangs a jacket with the shoulder straps of a senior officer. As a memory of the past, when he devoted several years to serving his Motherland, but without becoming a great cryptographer, he turned into a programmer. And for the better: it was while he was a student at ICSI that Evgeniy Kaspersky caught the first virus, and wrote a small program to combat it.

Valuable qualities

How do former military personnel differ from “civilians” when doing business and why are they valuable as employees? It is assumed that they initially possess a set of traits that can be used more effectively.

“In the retail segment, where our company operates, the knowledge and skills acquired while serving in the Armed Forces were really useful to me,” explains Sergei Tsikalyuk, Chairman of the Board of Directors of VSK. - First of all, the ability to create a team, a technological network of branches throughout our country, capable of generating profit. An essential condition for capitalizing a business in the retail segment, which is in the initial stage of development, is the presence of a long-term strategy and its implementation. All this can also be considered part of the management experience gained while serving in the Armed Forces.”

There has long been a story going around the market about how Vagit Alekperov selects personnel. The president of Lukoil, himself a reserve officer after military service at the university, first of all evaluates future employees according to the parameters “discipline” and “order.” If you put in front of him several resumes of professionals and one of a former military man, far from the oil industry, he will most likely choose the latter. An experienced oil producer who has worked his way up from an ordinary driller to the head of largest company, believes that a person wearing shoulder straps can be taught skills in their specialty in a short time. But the qualities of an officer are a value formed by years of service.

Teamwork, the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for them, following the hierarchy, the desire to achieve a goal, precise fulfillment of the assigned task and dedication to the company - by and large, these are the qualities that any top manager must have to work successfully. However, in MBA schools they teach economics or psychology, they teach you how to analyze business cases, but they do not crystallize character and do not lay in the subconscious the basic values ​​for any officer. Taking this into account, employers sometimes quite deliberately choose retired army personnel for their enterprises.

“When a clear organization of all processes in a company is a strong competitive advantage, then former military personnel are irreplaceable,” says Yuri Virovets, president of the online recruitment company HeadHunter. “They make excellent businessmen in the field of logistics and trade and excellent operating directors.” Other areas of application of the efforts of former military personnel, as the experience of employees of the portal shows, are also associated with positions where strict adherence to order is required: warehouse manager, construction foreman, sales manager of technical products, fire inspector, customs inspector and others.

The main disadvantages of military people may be straightforwardness in communication and conduct of business. Due to inflexibility and inability to look at the problem from the outside, you can miss potential prospects for business development. And sometimes this quality is extremely necessary.

The scout revealed himself online

[email protected]" commissioned by the magazine "Finance." and the Vesti FM radio station studied the interest of Internet users in top managers and business owners.

Retired military men who have made their fortunes are a separate caste among billionaires. They are closer to the people. And Runet users are obviously looking for information not only about the thickness of their wallets, but also about their success in peaceful life.

The clear leader in search queries turned out to be Vladimir Gruzdev. 71.9% of all those who were looking for information about former military personnel - the current top leaders - were interested in his person Russian companies. The explanation is simple: Vladimir Gruzdev is an extraordinary and iconic figure in every way. A foreign intelligence captain, awarded government awards for his work as a translator in Angola and Mozambique, he was not lost in civilian life either. Gruzdev is not only the creator of the popular retailer Seventh Continent. He is also the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation. A couple of years ago I took part in a polar expedition and sank to the bottom in a submersible near the North Pole.

Another entrepreneur with interesting biography- Nikolai Tsvetkov. Also a combat officer and lieutenant colonel in the Air Force, he served as a pilot in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Then he created one of the largest Russian investment companies "Uralsib".

It is possible that some of the requests for the last name “Petrov” are not related to the military pilot, and now State Duma deputy Sergei Petrov. It’s unlikely that Internet users were interested in his activities as a people’s representative. Rather, the figure of the Air Force major is attractive because Sergei Petrov at one time developed the Rolf car dealer, successful in a competitive market, from scratch.

Which billionaire repaid his debt to the Motherland?

Capital, $ billion

Year of birth

Military education

Civic education

Retired, a year

Leonid Fedun

Vice President of Lukoil

Military-Political Faculty of the Rostov Higher Military Command School of Missile Forces (1977), postgraduate course of the Military Academy named after. Dzerzhinsky (1984)

Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship (1993)


Since the 1970s he served in the military, and since 1984 he has taught political economy and political science.

Nikolay Tsvetkov

Chairman of the Board of Directors of FC Uralsib

Tambov Higher Military Aviation Engineering School (1980), Air Force Engineering Academy named after. Zhukovsky (1988)

REA named after. Plekhanov (1996)

Lieutenant colonel

Air Force

In the 1980s he served in Afghanistan and the Far East, and since 1990 he has taught at the military department of MIREA.

Dmitry Mazepin

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Uralchem

Minsk Suvorov Military School (1985), Military Institute foreign languages (1986)

MGIMO (1992)

In 1986–1988 he served in Afghanistan as a military translator and was wounded. Awarded medals “For Courage” and “For Military Merit”

Vladimir Gruzdev

State Duma Deputy

Moscow Suvorov Military School (1984), Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(1991)

Law Faculty of Moscow State University (2000)

Foreign Intelligence Service

During his studies, he went on business trips to Angola and Mozambique as a translator. Awarded the medal "For Military Merit"

Sergei Tsikalyuk

Chairman of the Board of Directors of VSK

Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School (1980), Military-Political Red Banner Academy named after. Lenin (1990)

REA named after. Plekhanov (1992)


Central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense

Evgeniy Kaspersky

Creator and owner of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus laboratory

Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics at the KGB Higher School (1987)

Senior Lieutenant

Worked at a multidisciplinary research institute of the Ministry of Defense

Sergey Petrov

State Duma Deputy

Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School named after. Polbina (1975)

Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade (1987)

Air Force

Served as an instructor pilot

Vitaly Vantsev

Co-owner of Vnukovo and Sky Express

Leningrad Higher Military Topographical School (1990)

Academy of Economics and International Economic Relations (1997)

Senior Lieutenant

Topogeodetic troops

Surveyor, cartographer

Alexander Goncharuk

Member of the Board of Directors of AFK Sistema

Sevastopol Higher Naval Engineering School (1978), Naval Academy named after. Grechko (1987)

Captain II rank


Since 1987 he served in the flotilla of nuclear submarines of the Northern Fleet

Evgeniy Rodionov

CEO Rodex Group

Riga Higher Military-Political School named after. Biryuzov (1981), Military Space Engineering Institute named after. Mozhaisky (1989)

Lieutenant colonel

Military space forces

Alexey Shepel

Owner of the construction group "S-Holding"

Kharkov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Missile Forces named after. Krylova (1988)


Strategic Missile Forces

Since 1988 he was a junior researcher at the Central Research Institute-4 of the Ministry of Defense

Sergey Shishkarev

State Duma Deputy

Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense (1992)

Academy of Civil Service under the President (2003)


Marines, military translator

Igor Potapenko

President of the agricultural holding "Razgulay"

Kiev Higher Combined Arms Command School named after. Frunze (1987)

Senior Lieutenant

Airborne troops

Served as a translator-referent in Mongolia

Sergey Snopok

Co-owner of the holding company "Phaeton"

Higher Combined Arms Command School named after. Kirov (1987)

Senior Lieutenant

Motorized rifle troops

Served in intelligence

The odious citizen and politician Kirill Barabash became known thanks to the sensational trial in August 2017. The specifics of the trial and the verdict passed to all participants in the group that organized the referendum “For Initiative Power” have been discussed on the Internet for a long time, without letting up.

Political activity

Kirill Barabash supported the now banned political organization AVN (Army of the Will of the People) for many years. By creating this public association and the development of the ideology was carried out by the publicist Yuri Mukhin. Like any organization, the AVN had printed publications, a stated program and goals.

The ideas of creating a political association that could change the relationship between government and society, making them mutually responsible to each other, arose from Mukhin back in the nineties. Consistently developing his theories, the AVN leader attracted supporters and increased the breadth of his influence on residents different regions RF. This was quite difficult, since the political unification increased due to military specialists - members of the Union Soviet officers usually retired. Therefore, the organization grew slowly.

Despite the sonorous name, the goals of the movement were completely peaceful:

  1. Ensuring the control of power by society through organizing a referendum to introduce the necessary amendments to the Constitution.
  2. Possibility of creating a system for assessing the performance of executive bodies.
  3. Encouragement or punishment of representatives of power structures based on the people's opinion of them.

Overall, the program is quite idealistic. And therefore large quantity The organization did not gain any supporters.


Barabash Kirill Vladimirovich was arrested on December 17, 2015 after a search was carried out in his apartment the day before, which took place on the morning of December 16, 2015. The result of this event was the seizure of printed materials. No electronic media related to AVN were found. The search was carried out by five people with two witnesses after the door was broken into at 6.00 am.

Kirill was also given a summons for interrogation, which took place on December 17, 2015, and after which he was arrested and charged under Article 282. The investigator advised him to find a lawyer.

As a result of a quick trial held on December 18, 2015, Kirill was sent to Matrosskaya Tishina, where he remained until June 2016, when his imprisonment was extended by the judge based on an appeal from the investigation. The main trial took place in August 2017. An appeal was also ordered, which in December 2017 slightly commuted the sentences imposed on the defendants.

Process Details

The background to the process, the result of which was the deprivation of Kirill Barabash of the rank of lieutenant colonel and the restriction of freedom by imprisonment for four years in a general regime colony, was the decision of the Moscow City Court to ban the political movement AVN on the territory of the Russian Federation. This happened on October 19, 2010, at the request of Moscow prosecutor Yuri Semin.

Since some members of the AVN organization were simultaneously participants in the IGPR “ZOV”, which aimed to prepare a referendum, they continued their political work in this capacity. Some former AVN members joined the IGPR “ZOV” movement over the next year.

In March 2015, several cases were opened against Kirill Barabash with the wording “humiliation... of law enforcement agencies” and “inciting hatred” due to his speeches at rallies. Participation in political events is a common thing for the IGPR “ZOV”, which thus expressed its position to supporters and the people.

The consequence of this for Kirill Barabash was the following events:

  • 10.20.2015 - imposition of a fine for speaking at rallies - 300,000 rubles.
  • 12/16/2016 – search and subsequent detention for participation in the work of the banned organization AVN.
  • 08/10/2017 – Kirill Barabash was convicted and sent to serve his sentence in a colony.

The main motive for such a court decision was the continuation of the activities of the banned organization AVN, which had the goal of “shaking” the political situation in society by spreading extremist ideas. The defendants did not admit their guilt.

What's the matter?

Having problems recruiting participants into their movement, individual members of the AVN created the ZOV MOU in 2009, which was also involved in organizing the referendum. Also, on the basis of the MOU “ZOV”, the IGPR “ZOV” was created. When AVN was banned by a court decision, IGPR “ZOV” began to actively recruit participants, revising the program and goals of the movement. When announcing the court decision in 2010 to ban the AVN, in particular, it was stated that “holding ... a referendum” was of a declarative nature, covering up the main goals of the organization, which are extremist activities. At the same time, a survey of witnesses about the activities of the IGPR “ZOV” showed that the organization was not involved in the dissemination of extremist materials, being only engaged in preparing a referendum on amending Articles 93 and 109 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on close interaction with the Central Election Commission, and implementing the Law “On Referendum” "

Goals of the "CALL" movement:

  • amendment of two articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • rewarding the President and the government at the end of their term of office;
  • imposing responsibility on the authorities if the people recognize their work as bad.

At the same time, we were talking about changing completely different articles of the Constitution than those proposed by the AVN program.

Following the results of the trial in 2015-2018 (according to the IGPR “ZOV”), the accusation was a leaflet distributed by members of the organization. The leaflet was recognized as extremist back in 2010, as it was published in the banned publication “Duel,” published by the group’s leader, Yu. Mukhin.

Milestones of life's journey

How did the biography of Kirill Barabash begin? The man was born in 1977 into the family of a military pilot, which determined his future fate and career. Together with parents childhood he moved across the vast expanses of the USSR, as well as socialist countries - Mongolia, Vietnam - to his father’s places of service. The romance of aviation led him to the Barnaul flight school, and later to the military school in Achinsk. Kirill's versatile abilities (music, drawing, poetry) required constant development. Therefore, he subsequently received two more educations, graduating from the Polytechnic Institute and the Law Academy. In his person, several completely different hypostases - an engineer, a politician, a poet, an artist - were surprisingly united.

Before the court verdict came into effect, Kirill worked in Zhukovsky near Moscow as an aviation equipment support engineer. At the same time, he was an activist of the IGPR “ZOV”, which prepared the referendum and participated in all rallies denouncing the authorities, including on Bolotnaya Square.


Kirill Barabash enlisted the support of his family and friends. His wife Daria Kucheryavaya is known for her complete agreement with her husband’s political position and is confident in his innocence, considering the struggle for control of power not extremism, but the right of the people.

After Kirill Barabash was arrested, she regularly informed the media about the conditions of his detention in Matrosskaya Tishina and Butyrka. Later she stated her position many times full support husband and reported violations by law enforcement agencies during the investigation.

Kirill also has two daughters, Sophia and Polina, parents and sister Elena. The eldest girl (Sofia) studies music and demonstrates her skills at serious competitions. The youngest does not go to school yet.

Political Views

Despite his involvement in a specific organization since 2011, Kirill Barabash had his own views, which he repeatedly expressed in public speaking. The peculiarity of his political position is his complete intransigence towards circles in society, which, in his opinion, cause damage to Russia through their activities.

Basic personal views showing who Kirill Barabash really is:

  1. An irreconcilable struggle with liberals.
  2. Freedom of speech is a means of controlling power.
  3. The fight against the bourgeoisie, which constitutes the elite of society.
  4. The conviction that the country is governed from abroad, and the President is not real.
  5. Publication of the position of the lack of social elevators in society, which continues to widen the gap between the standard of living of the “elite” and the people.
  6. Campaigning for a boycott of the Presidential elections.
  7. Support for the tactical principles of the Stalinist regime (terrorism within the country “over the enemies of the Russian people”). The slogan is tough, but “CALL” is not present in the materials of the IGPR.
  8. Reliance on nationalist movements.
  9. The fight against illegal emigration.

Many opponents of the IGPR “ZOV” movement believe that with his speeches Kirill Barabash wants to drag Russia into bloodshed.

Idealist and fighter

The high aspirations characteristic of wealthy people shaped the political position of Kirill Barabash. For my military career he repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with the corruption of army officials, without changing his views even after resigning. In peaceful life, he found much more reasons for dissatisfaction with the current system of government.

At all times in Russia there were army political circles that expressed individualistic, not always popular ideas. An example of a large protest by Russian officers is the performance of the Decembrists, about whom Herzen said that they were “far from the people.” And the result of this protest was the prohibition for many centuries of the participation of the military in political associations and commercial activities, regardless of the type of current government. After all, the state relies on the army. The army must be under his control.

Kirill Barabash is a former career military man. Despite the vivid nature of all his speeches, army manners, clarity of presentation of thoughts and an invariable absence of verbiage appear in them. Even when considering the everyday problems of the citizens who came to his rallies, he did not change his rhetoric, calling for unification and expression of disagreement with the position of the authorities.

Having good support in officer circles, IGPR “ZOV” was not popular either among the intelligentsia or in the circles of the non-systemic liberal opposition, being formed exclusively from retired military personnel. Thus, IGPR “ZOV” did not have any real political power, but it influenced political views in the army. This organization is not banned and continues its activities. Accordingly, when sentencing, her materials did not influence the judges’ decision.

What is IGPR “ZOV”

The entry of Lieutenant Colonel Kirill Barabash into the ZOV organization in 2011, a year after the ban on AVN, practically violates the logic of the trial, as stated by human rights organizations. That is, despite having members accused of distributing extremist materials, the ZOV political group itself was not banned and continues to function.

It should be noted that the existence of this organization after the process seriously deteriorated due to the fact that many members began to leave its already small ranks.

Reasons for the failure of a political movement:

  1. Focus on nationalist movements.
  2. Rejection of the ideas of liberal parties and unwillingness to cooperate with them.
  3. Lack of government support for the movement program.
  4. The organization draws its ideas from the ideal, in its opinion, rule of J.V. Stalin, being, according to experts, “national-Stalinist”.
  5. The group was a radical opposition to the government, declaring its readiness to “take up arms” if it was impossible to resolve the issue of amending the Constitution through legal means.

In general, the flow principles are absolutely unpopular. Most likely, the “harm” of this society to the state was that its popularity expanded in army circles - retired and junior officers.

The court’s verdict was made after an investigation of all existing videos of speeches by representatives of the IGPR “ZOV” at rallies and on the basis of materials from the banned organization AVN found during the search.

Fate after the verdict

Where is Kirill Barabash now and what’s wrong with him? IN official sources information about the place of serving the sentence does not indicate the location of the prisoner. Convicts are a special contingent, and information about them general public are not transmitted. Let us remind you that Kirill Barabash, on the basis of the sentence, must serve the remaining part of his sentence after being kept in a pre-trial detention center in a colony, where he is now.

On January 12, 2018, Kirill Barabash appealed to the general public with a request to provide targeted assistance to the relatives and friends of other prisoners convicted in the case of the IGPR “ZOV” and AVN. In his opinion, such activities improve interaction between people and relationships in general.

It is also clear from the letter that Kirill Barabash evaluates his stay in the colony as a separate experience that allows him to comprehend ideas and change working methods. That is, he is not going to give up continuing the political struggle.

What does the public think

Many organizations did not express their attitude to the process that took place and its results. This happened due to the lack of interest of the liberal public in political movements close to nationalist ones. Not a single prominent figure of the non-systemic opposition made a statement regarding the group of accused from the IGPR “ZOV”.

Nevertheless, human rights centers“Memorial” and “Sova” consider the ban on AVN and the charges handed down by the court to the participants of the IGPR “ZOV” on August 10, 2017, unfounded, considering Kirill Barabash a political prisoner.

It is also worth noting that on March 18, 2017, the case of illegal arrest and indictment of Barabash and other participants in the process was discussed in State Duma, being initiated by deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The speakers expressed support for the IGPR “ZOV”, calling the participants their brothers. This indicates the support of IGPR "ZOV" by a major representative of the systemic opposition.

Thus, the biography of Kirill Barabash was enriched with one more hypostasis - a “political prisoner”.