Russian military operation in Syria - Russian troops in Syria. What are the Russian military doing in Syria?

For three years military operation in Syria, since 2015, the losses of the Russian Armed Forces amounted to 112 people. The number of dead military personnel was reported by the former Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces (VKS) of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Defense and Security Committee Viktor.

"On this moment The losses of our Armed Forces in Syria amount to 112 people, almost half of which are due to the An-26 crash and the downed Il-20,”

— the senator’s press service quotes him as saying. The statement was published in connection with the third anniversary of the start of Russia's operation in Syria.

Losses in equipment are insignificant: 8 aircraft, 7 helicopters and “possibly 1-2 armored personnel carriers and an armored car,” Bondarev added.

For comparison, the senator recalled the number of losses of the USSR Armed Forces in Afghanistan, where in the first three years of the war, 4.8 thousand military personnel were killed, about 60 tanks, at least 400 armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, as well as 15 aircraft and 97 helicopters were lost.

During this time, the Russian military killed about 85 thousand terrorists, reports FAN .

In addition, Bondarev made a comparison with the losses of the US-led coalition during the active phase of the campaign in Iraq - from 2003 to 2006. Then the allies, according to the senator, lost more than 2.5 thousand military personnel, a couple of dozen M1 Abrams tanks, several dozen armored personnel carriers, about 50 Bradley armored infantry vehicles, 15 aircraft and about 80 attack and transport helicopters, reports NSN .

“The Russian counter-terrorism operation in Syria proved that we have learned to fight,” Bondarev emphasized. According to him, the most important criterion military skill is not the fact of victory itself, but its price.

Late in the evening of September 17, a Russian Il-20 reconnaissance aircraft crashed in the Mediterranean Sea. At approximately 23:00 Moscow time, the aircraft, located 35 km from the Syrian coast, disappeared from radar.

This happened while Israeli Air Force F-16 fighters were carrying out airstrikes on Syrian territory, and missiles were being launched from the French warship Auvergne. It later turned out that the plane was shot down by a Syrian air defense S-200 anti-aircraft missile system.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has published second-by-second details of the flight of F-16 fighters air force Israel and S-200 missiles during an attack on a Russian Il-20 reconnaissance aircraft.

“The data was obtained from the indicators of the combat control point of the S-400 system from the Khmeimim airbase. The technical capabilities of the complex make it possible to detect and track both aerodynamic targets and high-speed ones flying along a ballistic trajectory,”

- said the official representative of the Russian Federation Igor.

He explained that automated system management of Syrian assets air defense assigned the rocket number 158B. Index B means an air target that flies along a ballistic trajectory at high speed.

“The screen clearly shows the direction of flight of the S-200 missile fired by the Syrian air defense complex, as well as the position of the Russian and Israeli aircraft. At the same time, it is quite clearly visible that the direction of the missile’s flight is aimed at the Israeli plane,” Konashenkov noted. The general emphasized that Israel's statements about non-involvement in the tragedy do not reflect the real state of affairs.

Russia began its military operation in Syria in September 2015. This operation was the first since the collapse Soviet Union, when the Russian military took part in hostilities outside former USSR. The first commander was a colonel general.

Russia's entry into the conflict allowed a radical change in the direction and nature of military operations. By the beginning of 2018, it became clear that the coalition of forces led by Russia (Syria, Iran and various local militias) was already close to fulfilling its main military-strategic objectives. This military success led to the achievement of political advantages and the establishment of a political agreement on Russian terms.

Fighting Russian army in Syria were actively used as a testing ground for new combat platforms and weapons systems. Thanks to regular rotations, the Syrian campaign had a huge impact on increasing the experience of the personnel of the Russian Armed Forces.

December 11, 2017 President Russian Federation during a visit to the Khmeimim air base, he announced the end of hostilities and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria and on the same day gave an order to the Minister of Defense, General of the Army, to withdraw the bulk of the forces and assets of the Russian group of troops. The first units returned to their locations in Russia on December 12, and the withdrawal operation was finally completed on December 22 of the same year.


Saturday, September 30, marks two years since Russia entered the war in Syria. Since then, the Russian army has been drawn deeper and deeper into this war, which, according to official data alone, has claimed the lives of 38 Russian military personnel. However, the real losses are likely to be much greater. The situation allows us to assert that the Russian Federation has become involved in its Vietnam, from which it will be much more difficult to leave than to enter.

Two years ago, on September 30, 2015, Russia got involved in the Syrian war on the side of the government forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. By the time of the Russian intervention, the Assad regime was losing the civil war in its country, squeezed by ISIS militants and armed groups of the Syrian opposition. The Russian Federation deployed an air wing to Syria, which began supporting Assad’s troops from the air. According to official data, Russian aircraft bombed ISIS targets, but Syrian oppositionists stated that they were not occupied by ISIS militants.

Russian President Vladimir Putin explained his participation in the Syrian events by the need to fight terrorism on the side of the international coalition. In reality, one of the reasons was the desire of the Russian side to divert the attention of the world community from the problem of Donbass and the desire to “exchange” Syria for Crimea and Donbass, having achieved the lifting of sanctions for the invasion of Ukraine.

At first, Russia’s participation in Syria was limited only to the air force; the Russian leadership assured that it was not going to get involved in ground battles. The Russian army began to suffer losses almost immediately. Thus, on October 24, 2015, 19-year-old Russian contract soldier Vadim Kostenko died at the Khmeimim airbase, where Russian aviation is based. Exactly a month after this event, Turkish Air Force fighters shot down a Russian Su-24M front-line bomber that flew into Turkey. The crew of two pilots ejected, but the bomber commander, 45-year-old Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Peshkov, died as a result of fire from the ground.

Very soon it became clear that the Russian leadership, to put it mildly, was deceiving its citizens when they said that they would not get involved in ground-based fighting. The presence of Russian “ground specialists” has become increasingly obvious and completely undeniable since the sudden retreat from Palmyra last December, when ISIS militants seized equipment and items belonging to Russian ground forces.

IN last days In connection with the attempt to relieve the blockade of the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor, which the Syrian and Russian military are trying to carry out, reports of losses in the ranks of the Russian army are coming more and more often. The most high-profile event was, who at one time commanded the so-called first “army corps” of the illegal “DPR”, and in Syria was the commander of the 5th army corps of the Syrian army (further evidence of the active participation of Russian “ground forces” in the Syrian events).

According to official information, Asapov died during a mortar attack in Deir ez-Zor, but Russian blogger Anatoly Nesmiyan (el-murid), who closely monitors events in the Middle East, believes that Russian Ministry of Defense hid the true information about the place and time of Asapov’s death. “I provided a link to the regional press from Bratsk, where it was reported about the funeral local resident Sergeant Tarasyuk. He died on September 16. His sister said that a general and a colonel died with him. There are many generals in Russia, but it is logical to assume that there are not so many that they would die in such numbers in one place. It is quite possible that they were talking about General Asapov. But then the date of his death is different, perhaps the place and circumstances are also different. The sister of the deceased sergeant reported that he and the officers were ambushed while moving... The name of the colonel who was ambushed along with Tarasyuk and (presumably) Asapov is also known: Rustem Abzalov. In other words, the Ministry of Defense, having reported the death of the general, hid information about two more victims,” Nesmiyan said.

It turns out that by hiding the participation of the Russian military in ground operations in Syria, the Russian leadership is also hiding the true information about losses. According to the Russian publication Kommersant, the Russian Federation has officially recognized the death of 38 people in Syria. However, if you count the dead by name, you get about 50 people. Therefore, it is absolutely possible that the real losses of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria are even higher.

By invading Ukraine and getting involved in Syrian events, Russia got its Afghanistan and Vietnam at the same time.

This behavior can be explained very simple reasons. Russia got involved in the war in Syria to divert attention from its actions in Crimea and Donbass and “buy” the lifting of sanctions. This goal was not achieved, but now it will not be possible to simply leave the Middle East without “losing face.” The same applies to Donbass. However, it is impossible to admit one’s full participation in both wars, as well as to disclose full information about losses, since this could raise unwanted questions in society on the eve of the 2018 presidential elections. After all, then it will be necessary to explain what the goals of both wars are and the reasons why Russian servicemen are dying in them. By invading Ukraine and getting involved in Syrian events, Russia got its Afghanistan and Vietnam at the same time.

Denis Popovich, specially for “Word and Deed”

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The civil war in Syria ceased to exist almost from the very beginning internal matter one country. Both countries in the region and larger players, such as the United States, actively intervened in the conflict. These countries supplied weapons to militants fighting against the official authorities of Syria, and also provided training in camps in Jordan. Against the backdrop of the anti-Assad campaign and the actual support of Islamist militants from the West, Russia has repeatedly been accused of supporting the ruling regime in Syria. And if at first the accusations concerned only the supply of weapons, then in the summer and autumn of 2015 there were reports of the presence of the Russian military in the country and direct participation in hostilities. Ruposters figured out whether the Syrian conflict really continues with the use of modern Russian weapons with the participation of our specialists.

Cargoes and Tartus

The first evidence that Russia was helping Assad's forces with weapons and ammunition appeared in mid-2011. Then, a large ship began making regular voyages to the port of Tartus, where the only Russian stronghold for servicing naval ships abroad is currently located. landing ship(BDK) "Nikolai Filchenkov." There are no exact statistics on voyages for 2011 and 2012, but it is known that in the first half of 2013, six ships of the Black Sea and Baltic fleets made 11 voyages. A year later, the number of flights reached 23, and during the same period in 2015, our ships passed through the Bosphorus 18 times. We didn't notice any cargo on the deck, because... The design of ships provides for the transportation of goods in the hold.

Syrian Cossacks

Information about Russian citizens who fought in Syria on Assad’s side appeared in the fall of 2013, when 267 people, acting on behalf of the Slavonic Corps company registered in Hong Kong, went to the Middle East. This group was supposed to guard oil fields in the Deir az-Zor area in the east of the country. The Russians received weapons and transport in Latakia, on the Mediterranean coast of Syria. To reach their destination, they had to travel through the entire country, where civil war was already raging. Halfway, near the city of es-Sukhna, they encountered many times superior forces of militants. After an hours-long battle, during which six members of the Slavonic Corps were wounded, they were forced to retreat. As a result, they all first returned to Latakia, and then flew home on two charters.

Thus, the Russians did participate in the fighting in Syria. But it is important to understand that Slavonic Corps cannot be considered a professional military and it is impossible to talk about direct Russian intervention in the conflict in 2013.

Russian weapons and equipment in Syria

As already mentioned, it is almost impossible to accurately determine the nature of Russian cargo transported to Tartus. But there are pictures that demonstrate the presence of modern Russian weapons in the Syrian army. Although such evidence has surfaced before, let’s focus on what has been recorded over the past year and a half.

In February 2014, Smerch installations were detected for the first time in Syria, which were not in service with the Syrian army at the start of the conflict.

Installation of BM-30 "Smerch" in Syria

In October of the same year, a UR-77 mine clearance system was caught on camera.

UR-77 on footage from Syria

In addition to heavy weapons, it is known about the supply of small arms to the army of the Syrian Arab Republic (SAA). In the spring of 2013, a request was sent to Rosoboronexport for the supply of various light weapons to Syria. At that time, the Syrian side planned to purchase 20,000 AK-74M, 400 Kord machine guns, PKS machine guns, under-barrel grenade launchers, etc.

The document mentions 12.7 mm sniper rifles. Obviously, we're talking about about the KSVK and OSV-96 sniper rifles, which can be used both to destroy unarmored vehicles and to destroy enemy personnel at a distance of up to 1300 m. Many of the listed weapons were brought to Syria for the first time during the conflict.

Sniper rifle OSV-96

Machine gun "Pecheneg" in footage from Syria

OSNAZ GRU facility

They started talking about Russian specialists in Syria in October 2014. The reason was a video from Mount Tal al-Hara in the Daraa province near the border with Israel. Two videos show radar installations, as well as stands in rooms with inscriptions in Russian and Arabic.

Object from inside

The emblems indicate the ownership of the OSNAZ facility of the GRU General Staff of the Russian Federation, as well as its relationship to the Syrian intelligence department. Theoretically, this object could be used to intercept terrorist communications. However, the militants who captured Mount Tal al-Hara did not provide any evidence that the base functioned during wartime, although they had every opportunity to do so.


On July 21, 2015, the media unit of the Syrian group Jabhat al-Nusra published photographs of two downed drones. They turned out to be products of the Russian military-industrial complex Orlan-10 and Eleron-3SV, which are intended for reconnaissance and artillery fire adjustment.



Both surveillance systems were shot down in Idlib province in northwestern Syria. The sudden appearance of two new drone models in addition to the Iranian-made models already in service has led some observers to speculate that the drones could have arrived in Syria along with Russian specialists, who could train Syrians in handling equipment and independently control drones. While no one disputes the presence of Russian drones, reliable information about their maintenance has never appeared.


On August 23, reports appeared in the Turkish media that Russia had transferred several MiG-31E aircraft to Syria. This news provoked speculation about Russia launching its own operation against the Islamic State group. Allegedly, the planes are based at a base in the suburbs of Damascus, from where it is very close to IS positions in Homs province.

MiG-31 in service with the Russian Federation

Several facts contradict this version. Firstly, the MiG-31E is an interceptor aircraft designed to operate in the country’s air defense system, and not to destroy ground targets. Secondly, the contract for the supply of eight aircraft of this type was signed back in 2007.

On September 2, accounts associated with Jabhat al-Nusra published several photos captioned as “Russian planes in the skies over Idlib.” The militants independently determined the types of aircraft: Su-34, Su-27 and MiG-29. A drone may have also appeared in the photographs. Russian production"Bee-1T".

Presumably MiG-29

Presumably Su-27

And if in two photographs it is possible, despite the poor quality, to see the silhouettes of the Su-27 and MiG-29, then the third photo raises questions.

Allegedly Su-34

It is alleged that it shows a Su-34 fighter-bomber, which is not in service with the Syrian Air Force. But the picture is of such poor quality that it makes it impossible to make out the details. This leaves room for manipulation and discrepancies. And most importantly, the plane is turned in profile, which is why it is impossible to see the main difference between the Su-34, which is built on the basis of the Su-27 airframe - the front horizontal tail console. Therefore, this could be the same Su-27, only in profile.

Someone may ask the question: “But, MiG-29 and Su-27, why aren’t they Russian planes?” The answer is no.

Both the MiG-29 and Su-27 have long been in service with the Syrian Air Force. This is the first thing. And secondly, aircraft of this type are not best choice for striking ground targets. Both vehicles are fighters whose main task is to gain air supremacy.

There is no doubt: Russian specialists, if necessary, to strike concentrations of militants in the province of Idlib from the air, would choose more suitable means for this.

But why then were the Su-27 and MiG-29 used by the Syrians to “work” on the ground? The answer lies in the lack of resources of the SAA, which uses any means to support its ground forces from the air. Everything is used, including barrel bombs dropped from helicopters. Therefore, the Su-27 and MiG-29 are used by Assad’s troops in an unusual attack aircraft role. There were even cases of militants being fired upon by the standard MiG-29 aircraft cannon.

UAV "Pchela-1T" in the sky over Idlib

On last photo, allegedly captured by the Pchela-1T drone. And here there is no evidence that the device belongs to the Russian military. Despite the fact that there is no publicly available data on the supply of UAVs of this type to Syria, there is information that the drone was, in principle, supplied abroad. This is a fairly old model that was adopted Soviet army back in the 80s.

Finally, indirect information confirms the presence of a drone of this type on the Syrian side. In 2013, such a car was shot down over Israeli territory.

"Nikolai Filchenkov" and soldiers

Photo taken by one of the Marines on board the Nikolai Filchenkov in the port of Tartus

A comparison of two facts - the passage of a military transport with cargo on board to Tartus and the appearance of Russian marines there - prompted some “investigative” bloggers to conclude that Russia allegedly launched a ground operation in Syria, and not against just anyone, but against “ moderate" democratic rebels.

The “corner of Russia” in the port of Tartus is marked in red

First things first. The logistics center (not a naval base) in Tartus was inherited by the Russian Federation from the USSR. What it is: it is one pier along with a couple of warehouses for military equipment. Object and before civil war in Syria was not relatively large and was staffed by only four people.

After the outbreak of hostilities, officials made statements about the imminent evacuation of personnel and the closure of the facility. However, he continued to service the ships that delivered cargo there, incl. and humanitarian assistance.

Photo of a Russian sailor from Tartus, 04/13/2014

Photo of Russian sailors in the port of Tartus, 10.27.2014

This kind of information would hardly have become a sensation if only sailors appeared in the photo. The media, especially Western ones, have repeatedly said that Russia supplies weapons to Syria precisely through the port of Tartus. However, Russian marines appeared in the photo.

For people who know, this is unlikely to be a “discovery”. According to regulations, every warship must have a detachment Marine Corps which performs security functions. If the BDK Nikolai Filchenkov sailed without a marine escort, there would be more questions for the command than there are now.

Apparently, upon arrival at the port, the Marines go ashore, waiting for the ship to be unloaded and it will sail back to Sevastopol. During this time, some visit the Tartus city park and openly take pictures with the Syrian soldiers who serve there.

Russian marine in Tartus city park, 05/24/2015

Russian sailors with the Syrian military, 04/15/2015

Russian soldier on duty. Tartus, 04/10/2015

Absolutely all photographs found in the VKontakte profiles of Russian military personnel were taken in Tartus. The entire surrounding area is under the control of Bashar al-Assad’s forces, and the closest line of contact with the militants is tens of kilometers from the coast.

Map of confrontations in areas near the coast. The territory controlled by Assad's troops is marked in red.

For the first time, photographs of Russian marines from Tartus appeared on VKontakte back in winter last year.

Russian marine in Latakia, 02/17/2014

Russian military personnel in the port of Tartus, 10.23.2014

Over the past six months, even the media units of the Syrian militants, traditionally inclined to exaggerate facts, have never mentioned any participation of Russian soldiers in the clashes.

Cult of geolocation

Of course, someone may object by providing photographs of “Russian soldiers” posted on VKontakte with a geotag in the province of Homs, where the line of contact of the Syrian army with both the Islamic State and other Islamist groups lies.

A group in combat gear against a landscape that could pass for Syria

In the barracks

However, take a closer look at the camouflage - it is used exclusively in the army of Kazakhstan. It is strange that no one has yet accused Kazakhstan of invading Syria. But there is one more interesting detail. In the profile from which this photo was uploaded to the Internet, there is another one - with a geotag in Lebanon.

It turns out that a soldier of the Kazakh army managed to fight first in Lebanon, and then moved to Syria? Most likely, he simply edited the geotag on the photo and posted the picture on the Internet.

Some media outlets did not disdain even outright fakes in order to prove “Russian aggression” in Syria. For example, Ukrainian bloggers discovered a photograph by searching by geolocation, the authorship of which was immediately attributed to the person who published it. They say this “Russian soldier” disguised himself as an IS militant, which means he participated in battles with this group.

The same photo

The case of this photo shows that a good place to start is to use Google's tools to determine the authenticity of a photo. Search system discovers a large number of copies of this photo, and deeper research indicates that it was taken about two years ago.

Some of the pictures were apparently used in the “investigations” to add a little humor to the “revelations.”

Photo a la "Al-Qaeda" with false geolocation

A photograph whose geolocation points to an entire Syrian province instead of a specific point on the map. Another example of false geolocation

The same armored personnel carrier

Much more significant evidence of the participation of “Russian troops” in the fighting in Syria was the video published on August 23 from the province of Latakia. It shows the BTR-82A armored personnel carrier taking part in the battle. The fact that this is a new modification of the combat vehicle, and not the old BTR-80 (supplied to Syria under contract), is indicated by special shape towers.

Armored personnel carrier on video from Syria

There is no publicly available information on the procurement of armored personnel carriers of this type by the Syrian Ministry of Defense. Officially these combat vehicles are in service with the armies of Russia and Kazakhstan.

In the video you can see the side number on the armor of the armored personnel carrier - “111” in European numerals. In the Syrian army, armored vehicles are marked with side numbers written in original Arabic numerals, and not those accepted in Russian and other European languages, which have undergone changes compared to the original version.

In this case, we can safely say that the armored personnel carrier captured on video (with high degree probably) does not belong to the Syrian army. Considering that the BTR-82A is officially in service with the Russian army, which supports the regime of Bashar al-Assad, it could be a Russian armored personnel carrier. The crew of the armored personnel carrier can be either Syrian or Russian.

The assumption that the crew is Russian after all is supported by the audio from the already mentioned video.

Russia with the help maritime transport supplies weapons to Syria.

Both Russian small arms and equipment supplied to Syria after the outbreak of the civil war are used by the Syrian Arab Army in the conflict.

In one of the episodes of the civil war in Syria, mercenaries from Slavonic Corps participated - Russian citizens, but not regular Russian military personnel.

There is an OSNAZ facility of the GRU of the General Staff of the Russian Federation on the territory of Syria, but there is no reliable information about how and by whom it was used during the conflict.

The use of Russian-made drones in Idlib province does not indicate the presence of military specialists from the Russian Federation in Syria. If there are UAV control specialists there, there is no information about their participation in the battles.

There are indeed Russian military presence in Syria. They do not participate in hostilities, but serve at the logistics point in Tartus and regularly accompany Russian Navy ships for several years.

The only possible evidence of the involvement of the Russian military in the clashes is a video from the province of Latakia, in which Russian speech is heard.

Who are Assad's troops fighting in Latakia province?

By an amazing coincidence, in the segment of social networks where users who are aggressive towards the Russian military are gathered, there is an opinion that Russia “sent troops into Syria to fight the freedom-loving Syrian rebels who are fighting against the tyrannical Assad regime for democracy.” These same users were the first to start distribute explosive mixture based on fakes, as well as outdated, unverified and officially confirmed information under the guise of “independent investigations.”

As we have already found out, there is no evidence of any massive participation of Russian troops in the clashes in Syria. Now it’s worth explaining who the “moderate Syrian rebels” fighting against the Assad regime are now represented by.

"Moderate" militants

Over the past year and a half, due to the widespread media circulation of the threat of the Islamic State, other Islamist groups have faded into the background. In particular, the creation of the coalition group Jaysh al-Fatah by Syrian militants in March did not make it onto the front pages of newspapers or TV news. ”, who took this step to “improve coordination.” The coalition, led by the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda, the Jabhat al-Nusra group, included Ahrar al-Sham, Jund al-Aqsa, Suqur al-Sham, Ajnad al-Sham and other Islamist groups that, from an ideological point of view, are almost identical to the Islamic State. They also believe that they are waging Jihad. They also strive to establish Sharia as a counterbalance to the secular Assad regime.

Their only disagreement with IS (which is why they are fighting it) is their unwillingness to obey IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. There are very few “moderate rebels” of the Free Syrian Army left in Latakia. Most of them have become ordinary bandits who keep warehouses on the border with Turkey and resell weapons received from the CIA to jihadists.

It is difficult to argue that various jihadist groups are the same threat to peace and stability as the Islamic State promoted in the media. This is the same the most important problem, which requires at least cardinal decision than measures to combat ISIS. And if the day comes when Russian aircraft begin to bomb militant positions, then anyone who decides to be outraged by this fact will have to be aware that he is supporting murderers who, just like IS militants, are ready to take the life of anyone whose religion seems to them wrong.

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On March 14, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the withdrawal of the main Russian forces from Syria from March 15.

At the same time, two Russian bases- Khmeimim and Tartus. They will continue to monitor the ceasefire in coordination with foreign partners.

In total, the Russian operation in Syria lasted 5 months and 14 days, it involved formations of the Aerospace Forces (VKS) and the Navy (Navy) of the Russian Federation.

From September 30, 2015 to mid-February 2016, when ceasefire negotiations began (the agreement came into force on February 27), Russian aviation carried out more than 7.2 thousand sorties from the Khmeimim airbase, destroying over 12.7 thousand militant targets .

The support of the Russian Aerospace Forces allowed the Syrian government forces to stop the territorial expansion of terrorist groups and launch an offensive in the provinces of Hama, Idlib and Aleppo. In addition, thanks to Russian strikes, terrorists lost more than half of the income from oil illegally extracted in Syrian territory.

According to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Russian troops killed more than 2 thousand militants in Syria who came from the Russian Federation, including 17 field commanders.

The combat losses of the Russian Armed Forces amounted to three people, one plane and one helicopter.

How the Russian army fought and what diplomatic efforts are being made to ensure that the successes of the military operation are justified, - in the TASS material.

Main stages of the operation

On September 30, 2015, the Federation Council of the Russian Federation unanimously approved the request of Russian President Vladimir Putin to use the country's Armed Forces outside its territory. This decision made it possible to launch an operation of the Aerospace Forces (VKS) of the Russian Federation against the terrorist groups "Islamic State" and "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in the Russian Federation) in Syria at the request of the country's President Bashar al-Assad.

Immediately after the decision of the Federation Council, a Russian aviation group stationed at the Syrian Khmeimim airfield launched the first targeted airstrikes against IS targets in the Syrian provinces of Homs and Hama.

In addition to the Russian Aerospace Forces, the Russian military was also involved in the operation. Navy. On the night of October 6-7, the ships of the Red Banner Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy from the Caspian Sea launched a massive strike with cruise missiles of the sea-based Kalibr complex against IS targets in Syria. 26 missiles were fired from the ships "Dagestan", "Grad Sviyazhsk", "Veliky Ustyug" and "Uglich".

On November 17, 2015, Putin demanded that Russian air strikes be stepped up in Syria. This happened after the head Federal service Security Alexander Bortnikov reported that the cause of the crash was the Russian airliner A321 in Egypt.

On the same day, in accordance with the assigned task, massive strikes were carried out on militant positions in Syria with air-launched cruise missiles and aerial bombs by the crews of the Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22M3.

On November 20, Russia increased the air force participating in the operation to 69 aircraft. At the same time, the ships of the Caspian Flotilla launched 18 cruise missiles at seven terrorist positions, successfully hitting all targets.

On December 8, sea-based cruise missiles "Caliber" were launched for the first time from the submarine "Rostov-on-Don" from the Mediterranean Sea. The attack destroyed two IS command posts in Raqqa province.

ISIS's income hits

In the first two months of the operation alone, 32 oil production complexes, 11 oil refineries, and 23 oil pumping stations were damaged. One thousand eighty tank trucks transporting petroleum products were destroyed. This made it possible to reduce the turnover of illegally extracted oil on Syrian territory by almost 50%.

According to Russian military data, the Islamic State's annual income from illegal oil sales amounts to about $2 billion a year.

Russia also accused Turkey's top leadership and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan personally of being involved in the illegal production and transportation of Syrian and Iraqi oil.

In turn, the chief operational management Russian General Staff Sergei Rudskoy reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense has identified three main routes for transporting oil from Syria and Iraq to Turkey.

© Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Combat losses

On November 24, 2015, a Su-24M front-line bomber (tail number “83 white”, registration number RF-90932) of the Special Aviation Group of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria was shot down by an F-16 fighter of the Turkish Air Force in Syria.

The pilots managed to eject, ground fire was opened on them, and the pilot, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Peshkov, was killed.

According to the Turkish side, the bomber was shot down due to a violation of the airspace of this country. The Russian Ministry of Defense denied the fact that the Su-24M crossed the Turkish border.

Russian Aerospace Forces helicopters flew out to search for the pilots; during the operation, one of them (Mi-8AMTSh) was damaged by shelling from the ground, and a contract marine, sailor Alexander Pozynich, died on board. The helicopter made an emergency landing on neutral territory, the crew and personnel The search and rescue group were evacuated, the car itself was later destroyed by mortar fire from the territory controlled by the gangs.

On February 1, 2016, as a result of a mortar attack by IS terrorists on a military garrison where one of the Syrian army units was stationed, a Russian military adviser was mortally wounded.

Coordination in the sky

The military operation required coordination with the countries of the region, as well as with the United States, which leads the coalition against the Islamic State, which has been fighting in Iraq and Syria since the fall of 2014.

The only party with which Russia had problems was Türkiye.

Putin instructed Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to intensify Russia's participation

Lavrov, in turn, reported to the president that the operation of the Aerospace Forces contributed to the creation of conditions for the political process in Syria. The Foreign Minister recalled that Russia has consistently advocated the establishment of inter-Syrian dialogue.

It is noteworthy that the diplomatic process in Syria sharply intensified precisely with the start of the Russian military operation. Russia succeeded in bringing Iran into the negotiations, something Moscow had been insisting on since the beginning of the Syrian conflict in 2011. For the first time, the head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry joined negotiations on the Syrian settlement on October 30, 2015 in Vienna.

The second meeting in Vienna took place on November 14. Its participants agreed to facilitate the holding of a meeting between the delegations of the Syrian government and the opposition by January 1, 2016, in order to later reach the creation of a transitional governing body and begin preparations for the development of a new constitution. This process, according to the work developed in Vienna, " road map", should take about 18 months.

Peace talks were due to resume in Geneva in late January - early February 2016. However, the parties were once again unable to reach a compromise. Negotiations were “paused.”

The situation changed dramatically after the conclusion of the armistice agreement, which was agreed upon at the initiative of Russia and the United States. The ceasefire agreements do not apply to the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra groups and other groups designated as terrorist by the UN Security Council. Russia and the United States are jointly monitoring compliance with the terms of the ceasefire.

This opened up a chance to start a new round of negotiations, which would not have been possible if not for the efforts that Russia has made on the diplomatic and military front over the past months.

What weapons did the Russian Federation use?

Initially, the Russian group included 48 aircraft and helicopters, including Su-34 and Su-24M bombers, Su-25 attack aircraft, Su-30SM and Su-35S fighters, Mi-8 and Mi-24 helicopters.

The agreement on the deployment of a Russian aviation group at the Khmeimim airfield in Syria was concluded on August 26, 2015. The presence of Russian aviation, according to the document, “is defensive in nature and is not directed against other states.” The contract is concluded for an indefinite period.

The military operation also involved long-range aviation aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22M3 and about 10 ships of the Russian Navy.

On November 26, 2015, an anti-aircraft gun was deployed to the Khmeimim airfield. missile system S-400 "Triumph" to protect the Russian air group.




The main strike force of the Russian air group in Syria is the modernized Su-24M front-line bomber.

The Su-24 (according to NATO classification - Fencer-D) is a front-line bomber with a variable-sweep wing; it received the nickname “Fencer” for its elongated nose. Designed to carry out missile and bomb strikes in simple and adverse weather conditions, day and night, including at low altitudes. Chief designer- Evgeny Felsner.

The plane made its first flight in 1976. The bomber is equipped with a special computing subsystem SVP-24 "Hephaestus", adopted for service in 2008, which expands the aircraft's capabilities to search and destroy targets. The Su-24M is capable of flying at low altitude and following the terrain. The bomber can strike both ground and surface targets using a wide range of ammunition, including high-precision weapons, including adjustable aerial bombs (KAB). The maximum flight speed at the ground is 1250 km/h, the ferry flight range is 2,775 km (with two PTB-3000 external fuel tanks). The aircraft is equipped with two AL-21F-3A turbojet engines with a thrust of 11,200 kgf each.

Armament - a 23 mm caliber cannon, on 8 suspension points it can carry air-to-surface and air-to-air missiles, adjustable and free fall aircraft bombs, as well as unguided aircraft missiles, removable cannon installations. Can carry tactical nuclear bombs on board.

Currently, the Su-24 and its modifications are in service with the Russian Air Force, as well as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. About 120 modified units are planned to be replaced by the Su-34 by 2020.

© Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


The multifunctional fighter-bomber of the "4+" generation Su-34 (according to NATO classification - Fullback) is designed to carry out high-precision missile and bomb strikes, including using nuclear weapons, against ground and surface targets at any time of the day. The main attack aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Among the Russian military, the Su-34 was nicknamed "Duckling" due to the nose of the aircraft, which resembles a duck's beak.

The all-weather front-line bomber is a modernization of the Su-27 fighter. Chief designer - Rollan Martirosov.

The first flight took place on April 13, 1990. It was adopted by the Russian Air Force on March 20, 2014. Serially produced since 2006 at Novosibirsk aircraft factory named after V.P. Chkalova. Maximum speed - 1900 km/h, flight range - more than 4,000 km without refueling (7,000 km - with refueling), service ceiling- 14,650 meters. Armament - a 30 mm caliber cannon, on 12 hardpoints it can carry air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles of various types, unguided rockets and aerial bombs.

The aircraft is equipped with an in-flight refueling system. The Su-34 is equipped with two AL-31F M1 turbojet engines with a thrust of 13,300 kgf each in afterburner mode. The aircraft crew is 2 people.

According to information from open sources, in December 2014, the Russian Air Force had 55 Su-34 units in service. In total, the Russian Ministry of Defense intends to adopt 120 Su-34s.

© Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


The armored subsonic attack aircraft Su-25SM (NATO reporting name - Frogfoot-A), nicknamed "Rook", is intended for close support ground forces over the battlefield day and night with direct visibility of the target, as well as the destruction of objects with given coordinates around the clock in any weather conditions.

The aircraft differs from the base model of the Su-25 in the presence of an on-board sighting and navigation system PrNK-25SM "Bars" and equipment for working with the GLONASS satellite navigation system. The cockpit equipment has also been seriously updated - multi-function displays (MFDs) and a new head-up display (HUD) have been added in place of the old sights.

The Su-25SM is capable of using a wide range of ammunition, including precision weapons. The aircraft is equipped with a 30 mm GSh-30-2 double-barreled aircraft cannon. The maximum flight speed at the ground is 975 km/h, the flight radius is 500 km. The aircraft is equipped with two RD-195 turbojet engines with a thrust of 4,500 kgf at maximum mode every.

The Su-25 has become the most combative aircraft in the Russian army. He participated in many military operations (Afghanistan, Angola, South Ossetia). It is the “Rooks” that leave plumes of colored smoke in the form of the Russian flag over Red Square at every Victory Parade.

© Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


Multi-role fighter Su-27SM (according to NATO classification - Flanker-B mod.1). Designed to gain air superiority. The aircraft's efficiency has doubled compared to the base Su-27 when operating against air targets.

The Su-27SM is equipped with new avionics systems (avionics). The aircraft cockpit is equipped with multifunctional displays (MFDs). The range of aircraft weapons used has been expanded.

On Su-27SM3 type aircraft, two additional hardpoints are installed under the wing consoles.


The task of the Su-30SM fighters (according to NATO classification - Flanker-H) is to cover bombers and attack aircraft that strike the positions of Islamic State militants.

The Russian two-seat multirole heavy fighter of the "4+" generation was created on the basis of the Su-27UB through its deep modernization.

Designed both for gaining air superiority and for striking ground and surface targets. The design of the aircraft uses the front horizontal tail (FH) and engines with thrust vector control (TCV). Thanks to the use of these solutions, the aircraft has super maneuverability.

The Su-30SM is equipped with a multifunctional control radar station (RLCS) with a Bars passive phased array antenna (PFAR). The fighter's ammunition range includes a wide range of weapons, including air-to-air missiles and precision-guided air-to-surface weapons. The Su-30SM can be used as an aircraft for training pilots for advanced single-seat fighters. Since 2012, the construction of these aircraft for the Russian Air Force has been underway.

The Su-30SM is capable of performing combat operations involving long range and flight duration and effective management a group of fighters.

The Su-30SM is equipped with an in-flight refueling system, new navigation systems, the group action control equipment has been expanded, and the life support system has been improved. Due to the installation of new missiles and a weapons control system, the combat effectiveness of the aircraft has been significantly increased.

© Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


The Russian multi-role supersonic super-maneuverable fighter Su-35S belongs to the 4++ generation. It was developed in the 2000s by the experimental design bureau named after. BY. Sukhoi based on the Su-27 front-line fighter. The Su-35 made its first flight in 2008.

The aerodynamic design of the aircraft is made in the form of a twin-engine high-wing aircraft with a three-wheel retractable landing gear with a front strut. The Su-35 is equipped with AL-41F1S turbojet engines with an afterburner and a thrust vector controlled in one plane.

The 117C engine is responsible for the super-maneuverability of the Su-35. It was developed on the basis of its predecessors AL-31F, installed on Su-27 aircraft, but differs from them in increased thrust of 14.5 tons (versus 12.5), longer service life and lower fuel consumption.

The Su-35 has 12 external hardpoints for attaching high-precision missiles and bombs. Two more are for placing electronic warfare containers.

The Su-35's armament includes a whole range of air-to-air and air-to-surface guided missiles, as well as unguided missiles and aerial bombs of various calibers.

In terms of the range of bomber and unguided missile weapons, the Su-35 is generally no different from today’s Su-30MK, but in the future it will be able to use improved and new models of aerial bombs, including those with laser correction. The maximum combat load weight is 8000 kg.

The fighter is also equipped with a GSh-30-1 cannon of 30 mm caliber (ammunition capacity - 150 rounds).

© TV channel "Zvezda"

Long-range aviation


Long-range supersonic missile carrier-bomber with variable wing geometry.

Designed to engage ground and sea targets with supersonic guided missiles at any time of the day and in any weather conditions.

Chief designer - Dmitry Markov. The first flight took place on June 22, 1977, it went into serial production in 1978, and was adopted by the USSR Air Force in March 1989.

In total, about 500 Tu-22M of various modifications were built. The maximum speed of the aircraft is 2,300 km/h, the practical range is 5,500 km, the service ceiling is 13,500 m. The crew is 4 people. Can carry cruise missiles various types with a conventional or nuclear charge.

Currently, aircraft of this model, which are in service with the Russian Air Force, are being repaired and modernized.

© Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


Turboprop strategic missile-carrying bomber.

Designed to destroy important targets with nuclear and conventional weapons in remote military-geographical areas and in the deep rear of continental theaters of military operations.

Chief designer - Nikolai Bazenkov. The aircraft was created on the basis of the Tu-142MK and Tu-95K-22. The first flight took place in September 1979. Adopted by the USSR Air Force in 1981.

Maximum speed is 830 km/h, practical range is up to 10,500 km, service ceiling is 12,000 meters. Crew - 7 people. Armament - long-range cruise missiles, 2 23 mm cannons.

Currently, the Russian Aerospace Forces have about 30 units in service. Modernization to the Tu-95MSM version is underway, which will extend the service life of the aircraft until 2025.

© Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


Supersonic strategic missile-carrying bomber with variable wing geometry.

Designed to destroy the most important targets with nuclear and conventional weapons in remote military-geographical areas and in the deep rear of continental theaters of military operations.

Chief designer - Valentin Bliznyuk. The vehicle made its first flight on December 18, 1981, and was adopted by the USSR Air Force in 1987.

Maximum speed - 2,230 km/h, practical range - 14,600 km, service ceiling - 16,000 m. Crew - 4 people. Armament: up to 12 cruise missiles or up to 40 tons of air bombs. Flight duration is up to 15 hours (without refueling).

At least 15 aircraft of this type are in service with the long-range aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces. By 2020, ten modernized Tu-160M ​​aircraft are expected to arrive.

© Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation



Mi-8AMTSh Terminator transport and attack helicopters are stationed at the Khmeimim air base. This is the latest modification of the well-known and proven military transport helicopter Mi-8.

"Terminator" is designed to destroy enemy equipment, including armored equipment, shelters and firing points, and manpower.

The range of ammunition used on board the Mi-8AMTSh, in addition to unguided weapons, includes high-precision weapons, in particular anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) 9M120 "Attack" or 9M114 "Sturm". The helicopter can carry up to 37 paratroopers, up to 12 wounded on stretchers or transport up to 4 tons of cargo, perform search and rescue and evacuation operations.

The helicopter is equipped with two VK-2500 engines of increased power. Mi-8AMTSh are equipped with a set of means of protection against damage. The cockpit of the new helicopter is equipped with multifunctional indicators that display a digital map of the area, and the latest flight and navigation equipment that works with GPS and GLONASS navigation systems. Mi-8AMTSh helicopters are also distinguished by improved service life indicators, allowing significant savings on helicopter maintenance throughout the life cycle.

Crew - 3 people. Maximum speed - 250 km/h, flight range - up to 800 km, service ceiling - 6,000 meters.

Versatility and high performance characteristics have made Mi-8 helicopters one of the most popular Russian helicopters in the world.


The Mi-24P attack helicopter (NATO classification - Hind-F) is designed for visual surveillance and organization of a security zone in the area of ​​the Khmeimim airfield, as well as search and rescue operations. It is a modernized version of the Mi-24.

Each Mi-24P used in Syria carries four units of 20 unguided aircraft missiles. The helicopter is also equipped with guided missiles and a 30-mm double-barreled automatic aircraft cannon GSh-30K (ammunition - 250 rounds), capable of reaching speeds of up to 300 km/h and rising to a height of 4,500 meters. Can fly at extremely low altitudes from 5 to 10 meters.

The helicopter made its first flight in 1974, mass production began in 1981.

The Mi-24P is designed to strike concentrations of manpower, combat equipment, including armored ones, and destroy low-flying, low-speed air targets.

The crews of the Mi-8AMTSh and Mi-24P helicopters are equipped with night vision goggles, which allows them to fly at night.

Bombs and rockets



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The BetAB-500 concrete-piercing bomb was developed at the Basalt State Research and Production Enterprise. Designed for the destruction of concrete structures, bridges, naval bases. The main task of the bomb is to pierce the roof of a fortified facility, these can be underground fuel or lubricant warehouses or weapons, various concrete fortifications. BetAB-500 is capable of breaking through 1 meter of concrete buried 5 meters into the ground. In the ground medium density this ammunition forms a crater with a diameter of 4-5 meters. Such parameters are achieved, firstly, due to the trajectory of the bomb falling - vertically downwards. After being dropped from an airplane, a special braking parachute opens at the ammunition, which directs the BetAB to the ground. In addition, when the parachute is fired, a rocket accelerator is activated in the tail of the bomb, which creates additional speed at which the ammunition meets the target. The mass of the bomb warhead is 350 kg.

BetAB has a reinforced shell compared to a conventional high-explosive bomb, which helps break through concrete and other fortifications.


The X-29 family of missiles were developed in the USSR and put into service back in 1980. Currently, the modernization and production of ammunition is carried out by the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation.

Missiles of this type are designed to destroy ground targets such as strong aircraft shelters, stationary railway and highway bridges, industrial structures, warehouses, and concrete runways.

In the Kh-29L version, the missile is equipped with a laser homing head. In Syria, these missiles are used by Su-24M front-line bombers and Su-34 fighter-bombers.

The missile is equipped with a high-explosive penetrating warhead. Before launching a missile, the pilot can set the option for the missile to fire - instantaneous, upon contact of the missile with the target, or delayed firing.

The firing range of the Kh-29L missile is from 2 to 10 km.

The rocket has a powerful combat unit weighing 317 kg with an explosive mass of 116 kg.

Kh-25 is an aviation guided multi-purpose air-to-surface missile equipped with a semi-active homing head (GOS). The Kh-25ML missile is equipped with a laser seeker.

Designed to destroy small targets both on the battlefield and behind enemy lines. Capable of breaking through up to 1 meter of concrete.

The maximum launch range is 10 km. Flight speed - 870 m/s. Warhead mass (warhead) - 86 kg.


This adjustable bomb is designed for high-precision destruction of stationary ground targets - railway bridges, fortifications, communications centers. The bomb has high accuracy defeat due to the inertial-satellite guidance system. The ammunition can be used effectively both day and night in any weather.

The bomb can be dropped at distances from 2 to 9 km from the target and at altitudes from 500 meters to 5 km at a carrier aircraft speed of 550 to 1100 km/h. Bomb mass in different options- 560 kg, mass of high-explosive concrete-piercing warhead - 360-380 kg.

The probable circular deviation of the bomb from the target, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, is 4-5 meters, according to the manufacturer - from 7 to 12 meters.

KAB-500S has a fuse with three types of delay.

A direct hit from two such aerial bombs in Syria destroyed the headquarters of the Liwa al-Haq formation, and more than 200 militants were immediately eliminated.


Free-fall high-explosive fragmentation bomb. It is used to destroy weakly protected military targets, armored and unarmored vehicles, and manpower. It is used from altitudes from 500 meters to 16 km.

In Syria, these munitions are used by Su-25SM attack aircraft.


Subsonic air-launched strategic cruise missile, modification of the X-55, equipped with a conventional warhead.

The missile is equipped with an inertial Doppler guidance system, which combines terrain correction with satellite navigation. X-555 can be equipped different types Warhead: high-explosive fragmentation, penetrating or cassette with different types of elements. Compared to the X-55, the mass of the warhead was increased, which led to a reduction in the flight range to 2000 km. However, the X-555 can be equipped with conformal fuel tanks to increase the cruise missile's flight range to 2,500 km. According to data from open sources, the circular probable deviation (CPD) of the rocket is from 5 to 10 m.

According to data obtained from a video recording of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Kh-555 missiles were used from Tu-160 and Tu-95MS aircraft, which carried them in the intra-fuselage compartments.

Strategic missile carriers of these types are equipped with an MKU-6-5 drum-type launcher, which can carry 6 air-launched cruise missiles.


On October 7, 2015, 3M-14 cruise missiles of the Caliber NK complex were successfully used during the Russian military operation in Syria.

Three small missile ships of Project 21631 of the Caspian flotilla (Uglich, Grad Sviyazhsk and Veliky Ustyug) and the Project 11661K patrol ship Dagestan fired 26 missiles at 11 ground targets located at a distance of about 1,500 km. This was the first combat use of the missile system.

The missile ships of projects 11661K and 21631 included in the flotilla are equipped with launchers of tactical cruise missiles "Caliber" (according to NATO classification - SS-N-27 Sizzler).

The Kalibr missile system was developed and produced by the Novator Design Bureau in Yekaterinburg on the basis of the S-10 Granat complex, and was first introduced in 1993.

Ground-, air-, surface- and underwater-based complexes and export versions have been created on the basis of "Caliber". Currently different types"Caliber" complexes are in service with Russia, India and China.

Data on the maximum range of only the export version of the missile was officially disclosed; it is 275-300 km. In 2012, at a meeting with the President of Dagestan Magomedsalam Magomedov, Vice Admiral Sergei Alekminsky, who at that time held the post of commander of the Caspian Flotilla, said that the tactical version of the cruise missile of the Caliber complex (3M-14) could hit coastal targets at a distance of up to 2,600 km.

The tactical and technical characteristics of the 3M-14 missile are classified information and are not publicly available.

2019 TASS information agency (registration certificate mass media No. 03247 issued April 2, 1999 G state committee Russian F Federation of Press)

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