Do-it-yourself hydrogen generator for home heating. How does a hydrogen engine work? Advantages of hydrogen heating

Taking into account the rising cost of energy resources, heating a living space requires large material costs. If we take into account an apartment with a small living space, then the cost of heating in the cold season is affordable. However, taking into account the heating system of a cottage or private house with a large area, the question arises of finding heating. One such option is hydrogen heating. Scientists have proven that the heat capacity of hydrogen is several times higher than the heat capacity of natural gas, which allows for significant budget savings. What advantages does hydrogen heating have, its features and methods of self-made creation of this type of heating, we will analyze further.

Hydrogen is a light gas that, when burned, produces heat several times greater than that of gas.

Its main advantage when used in a heating system is its relatively low combustion temperature (only 300°C). This allows the use of gas in a boiler made of traditional inexpensive types of metal.

The gas itself is colorless and odorless, but when combined with others chemical components it does not form dangerous toxins harmful to human health. Therefore, its use in everyday life is extremely safe. The only danger is his increased level explosion hazard.

A story about heating a house with hydrogen

If gas is used incorrectly or comes into contact with open source fire, an explosion may occur.

Hydrogen in the heating system

Despite the presence of such favorable qualities as environmental friendliness and high level heat capacity, hydrogen does not occur in free form in nature. It is synthesized by a specially assembled boiler, in which, using electrolysis, plain water breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen. Accordingly, the heating system must include two irreplaceable components: water and electricity. Obtained as a result of electrolysis gas mixture received the name “explosive mixture”. This name is fully justified, because with a small spark the gas can provoke an explosion.

Let's take a closer look, how to convert hydrogen into energy resource. As mentioned above, this gas is obtained by electrolysis of water, so its synthesis will require special equipment, which is a container in which metal plates with water are immersed. A current of a certain frequency is supplied through the plates, after exposure to which hydrogen and oxygen are released, but not in pure form, but mixed with water vapor (it is formed as a by-product of electrolysis). To separate the steam and isolate the hydrogen, the gas mixture is passed through a chemical separator that can separate the hydrogen from other impurities.

The resulting hydrogen is supplied to a burner equipped with a valve, which prevents its movement in the opposite direction, preventing an explosion. Steam and oxygen are discharged through a special container. The device itself is equipped with pressure sensors and water level indicators. Modern models operate automatically, preventing side reactions by stopping the electrolysis process and supplying current in the absence of the proper water level.

In the context of constantly rising prices in the energy market, consumers are striving to find a cheap and high-quality heating system. Hydrogen generators have become an alternative to classic options.

General view of the hydrogen generator

Hydrogen is the most abundant element on the planet, does not contain toxins, and has a high calorific value. Hydrogen is produced by releasing H2 atoms from water molecules. Therefore, its use in new technologies for heat generation is justified. In addition to heating systems, electrolysis welding machines also use hydrogen energy.

Features of hydrogen generators

Hydrogen generators are direct competitors to boilers running on natural gas. The process of producing hydrogen as a fuel is the most advantageous in relation to the production and transportation of classical types (gas, coal, firewood, etc.) to the boiler unit. For work hydrogen plant All you need is a source of electricity (household power supply) and water.

The main task of hydrogen-powered generators is to independently heat houses. In existing heating systems, it is allowed to use these units as additional heat sources - heated floors, baseboard and ceiling heating.

It is always necessary to monitor the temperature of the heating system. Thermal sensors, relays, instrumentation and automation devices should work correctly. An increase in temperature can cause gas expansion and explosion.

Main nodes

  1. Boiler. It is selected based on the type of structure, area and required installation efficiency.
  2. Pipe system. The most rational way to heat a house is to use pipes with a diameter of 1.25 inches. It is necessary to follow the rule - each subsequent branch must have a smaller diameter than the previous one. Therefore, calculations of material requirements and installation efficiency should begin taking into account the minimum permissible pipe diameter.
  3. Removal of waste products - water vapor, without impurities.
  4. Burner. To burn hydrogen, a temperature of more than 3000 degrees is required.

Internal structure of a hydrogen generator

To increase efficiency, you should purchase modular units with several burners - this increases the speed of electrolysis. The type and power of the burner is also selected taking into account the heat supply needs of the room (area, wall material, climatic region, etc.) and optimal power generator

For a residential building, the highest power rating of a hydrogen generator is 6 kW.

Hydrogen generator for home

Principle of operation

To produce hydrogen gas, the process of electrolysis is used - the separation of a molecule into atoms through chemical reactions. To increase the reaction rate, it is necessary to introduce a catalyst - liquid liquor.

During the decomposition process, free H 2 necessary for heating is formed. The electrolyzer separates hydrogen and oxygen. Mixing the two chemical elements forms the so-called Brown's gas. To monitor parameters and gas leaks, the generator has special controllers.

Produced by electrolysis, Brown's gas has a brownish or green tint, is a non-explosive substance. After heating to a temperature of 40 degrees, the gas enters the heat exchanger, after which it is sent to the heating system of the house.

Instruments should be inspected and verified regularly, because The safety of your home depends on their performance.

Electrolytic generators

A package is required to install electrolytic generators permitting documents: certificates of conformity, permits from Rostechnadzor, etc. Factory-made units comply with European environmental and safety standards.

To implement the system, a boiler and pipes are required. To speed up chemical reactions, a catalyst is used - liquid lye. The system is refilled at least once a year.

Gas release occurs by electrolysis. After this, the hot steam enters the heating system of the house. Such devices are most effective for heating systems for baseboards, floors and ceilings.

Unit design

  1. Control and automation panel. The heating parameters are started and adjusted.
  2. An electrolyzer is a device in which water molecules are separated.
  3. The electronic unit. Consists of a transformer, a current rectifier, distribution boxes, water intake and preparation (demineralization) unit.
  4. System for monitoring gas parameters and detecting leaks (prevents emergency situations).
  5. Liquid cooling system.


  1. Compactness. Made in the form of small containers.
  2. Lack of exhaust gas removal device due to the fact that there are none.
  3. Low electricity consumption for hydrogen production: to produce 1 m3 of gas, 3.5 kW of electricity and 0.5 liters of prepared water are required.

Hydrogen generators for a private home produce up to 27 kW with an electricity consumption of 0.3 kW/h. The efficiency of the devices is on par with the most advanced and expensive heating systems.

Hydrogen generators for a private home should be purchased taking into account the heated area. To heat large areas, it is necessary to purchase more powerful units. If gas production is insufficient, it is impossible to achieve high system efficiency.

When operating a generator, safety requirements must always be observed.

When deciding to buy a factory-made hydrogen generator, you need to choose a boiler with optimal technical characteristics (power, type of heating circuit, etc.). Too high specifications have a negative impact on economic efficiency, because in this case, energy consumption increases. After purchasing and installing it yourself, the device must be checked by specialists.

Faulty hydrogen generators and unqualified installation can cause an explosion in a building, since hydrogen is odorless and its leakage is almost impossible to detect.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • To refill the device you need water;
  • high performance - efficiency reaches 90% - higher than that of gas and electric boilers;
  • low cost of installation;
  • high environmental friendliness of the heating system, because carbon monoxide is not produced;
  • quiet operation of the unit;
  • no need to build chimneys and gas exhaust pipes;
  • “inexhaustibility” of hydrogen energy;
  • heating of the coolant is based on catalytic reactions;
  • no need to use fuel, hence the quick payback of the heating system.

Disadvantages of these heating systems for residential buildings:

  • high cost of factory installations;
  • high cost of catalyst replacement;
  • explosion hazard due to incorrect installation or operation of the unit;
  • difficulty in finding specialists - in remote regions there are a small number of certified organizations that install and maintain heating devices.

Implementation into existing systems

The construction of new heating systems is an expensive and labor-intensive process. The purchase of hydrogen generators for small buildings has a long payback period, so such devices are often assembled independently.

Supplementing an existing heating circuit with a generator requires expanding the space. It is necessary to take care in advance about the installation location of the device.

Old boilers can be adapted to run on hydrogen gas: new burners are placed in the firebox. The system is supplemented with the necessary instruments for monitoring parameters and searching for gas leaks.

Retrofit systems also require the use of a catalyst. Reconstructing old systems is much cheaper than complete replacement equipment.

Modernization is advisable if the main unit - the boiler - is suitable for adaptation to work with hydrogen generators.

Building a hydrogen generator yourself allows you to save quite a large amount.

All homemade devices, like those purchased from the manufacturer, must be checked by specialists. Installation of faulty devices is unacceptable.

The relevance of installing “homemade products”

Hydrogen installations are quite popular for heating private homes. Consumers install both factory-made and home-made devices. It is quite difficult to achieve the maximum possible efficiency when introducing homemade generators. But with the necessary skills and known-good boilers and generators, it is possible to obtain effective systems.

Homemade hydrogen generator for home

In the absence of knowledge chemical processes You should not design installations or assemble generators yourself. It is possible to install a heating system if you have the necessary skills, but you must follow the instructions and safety regulations.

How to choose a generator

The main selection criteria are:

  1. Power indicator (kW). For large rooms there can be one powerful device or several that completely cover the heating needs.
  2. Number of circuits. For single-circuit and double-circuit systems they are used different models generators.
  3. Energy consumption (kW/h) – electricity consumption for hydrogen production. The more powerful the boiler, the greater the consumption.
  4. Manufacturer. When purchasing, you should choose trusted brands.

Tips for use:

  • You cannot make changes to the heating circuit yourself - the introduction of new elements can provoke a hydrogen leak;
  • to improve the quality of operation, it is necessary to use temperature sensors inside the boiler, which will prevent overheating of the water;
  • It is advisable to install shut-off valves on the burners in communication with the temperature sensor for normal cooling of the generator.

Installation of a hydrogen generator for heating


Alternative heating systems for residential buildings are becoming increasingly popular. Hydrogen generators provide comfortable temperature indoors at minimal financial costs. These installations are absolutely safe for environment, because waste combustion products do not contain harmful compounds.

The system requires water and electricity to operate. If designed correctly, heating homes with hydrogen can successfully compete with gas heating. Application is economically feasible for heating big houses. Hydrogen generators for heating a private home can be used both in urban areas and in suburban areas.

An electrolyzer is the name of the device, also called a hydrogen generator. It is a device whose operation is based on the use of the physicochemical process of decomposition of water under the influence of electric current into hydrogen and oxygen. This process is called electrolysis, it has long been known and is studied in high school.

The electrolyzer is one of the most common hydrogen generators.

Description and principle of operation

In general, a hydrogen generator is a set of metal plates immersed in distilled water. The design is enclosed in a sealed housing with terminals for connecting the power supply and a fitting for gas outlet.

Theoretically, the operation of a hydrogen generator can be represented as follows: an electric current passes between oppositely polarized plates (anode, cathode) immersed in distilled water. In this case, water is split into oxygen and hydrogen. The larger the area of ​​the plates, the greater the current passes through the water and the greater the amount of gases released. The plates are connected alternately (+-+-, etc.).

Application area

Due to the fact that the electrolysis process itself involves the use large quantity electricity, the industrial use of electrolyzers is significantly limited. It is more economical to use chemical methods to produce hydrogen.

Currently, hydrogen generators are used for:

  • gas welding and gas cutting with hydrogen in jewelry workshops;
  • reducing the toxicity of internal combustion engines (ICE) and increasing their efficiency (efficiency factor);
  • increasing efficiency and reducing toxicity of liquid fuel boilers.


The few industrial electrolyzers that are used to produce hydrogen and oxygen are manufactured as stationary units. The electrodes in them are connected bipolarly, and their number depends on the method of connection to the network (transformer or transformerless).

The designs of small-sized hydrogen generators, which are produced by both domestic and foreign companies and are used to increase the efficiency of internal combustion engines and for other purposes, are very diverse. In addition there is great amount hand-made structures. You can find a lot of information about them on the Internet.

Considering that the design of the electrolyzer is simple and it is not difficult to make it yourself, let’s consider the designs of several similar devices:

  1. The simplest electrolyzer.
  2. Hydrogen generator for car.

The simplest electrolyzer

In order to make a simple hydrogen generator, enough knowledge of physics and chemistry at the level of high school.

Materials and tools

  • Stainless steel 03Х16Н15М3 size 500x500 mm. Can be used of stainless steel any other brand.

    Important: Ordinary steel in water will corrode. In addition, instead of water, it is possible to use an alkaline electrolyte, which is quite aggressive, especially when electric current passes through it. Under these conditions, ordinary steel will not last long.

  • A transparent polyethylene tube at least 1 m long and 8 mm in diameter.
  • 2 bolts M6x150, washers and nuts.
  • 3 herringbone fittings with an outer diameter of 8 mm.
  • A plastic container with a lid with a capacity of at least 1.5 liters.
  • Filter for purifying running water (you can use a filter from washing machine).
  • Water check valve.
  • Silicone sealant.
  • Grinder or hacksaw for metal.
  • Wrenches for M6 bolts.

Manufacturing process

  • We cut the steel sheet so that we get 16 plates of the same size.
  • In one of the corners of each plate you need to drill a hole for an M6 bolt. With the help of this hole, the plates will be fastened together, so the center of the hole in all plates must be on the same axis.
  • In order to correctly connect the plates, it is necessary to cut off the corner in each plate, which is located on the side opposite the bolt hole.
  • Install the plates on the bolts one by one according to the diagram, isolating the “+” and “-” plates from each other using a polyethylene tube and washers. If the plates are installed correctly, the cut corners will not allow the plates of different polarities to contact each other.
  • After installing all the plates, the structure must be tightened with nuts.

    Important: Having completed the assembly, you need to make sure that the different-pole plates are not connected to each other (ring the structure).

  • We fasten the resulting structure into a plastic box using washers and nuts, having previously drilled 2 holes for the “+” and “-“ bolts. To ensure the tightness of the hole, treat it with silicone sealant.
  • We drill holes in the box cover and insert the fittings. The holes must be treated with silicone sealant.
  • It remains to check the performance of the resulting electrolyzer. To do this, fill the container with water up to the mounting bolts and close it with a lid. Then we put a polyethylene hose on one of the fittings and lower it into some container with water. Having connected a power source to the bolts, we observe the appearance of bubbles of released gas. In order to increase the amount of gas released, it is necessary to increase the current passing through the water.
  • After checking the functionality of the device, you need to drain the water and fill the plastic container with alkaline electrolyte. This will allow you to obtain a significantly larger amount of gas released.

ATTENTION: When operating an electrolyzer, it is necessary to remember that the process of splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen is explosive. Therefore it is necessary to comply certain rules safety precautions.

Hydrogen generator for car

The electrolysis process in an automobile electrolyzer is carried out using a special catalyst. When the device operates, oxyhydrogen (Brown's gas) is released, which has the formula NHO. Next, the gas enters the combustion chamber through the engine air supply system, where it mixes with fuel and burns. As a result, the octane number of the fuel-air mixture increases, which promotes more complete combustion of fuel.

Design of modern electrolysers

Brown Gas Generator includes:

  • the electrolyzer itself;
  • container for circulation.

The entire gas production process is controlled:

  • current modulator;
  • an optimizer that controls the ratio of Brown gas and the fuel-air mixture.

Types of catalysts

There are several types of catalysts, including:

  • Cylindrical– their design is not much different from the design of the simplest hydrogen generator and it is quite possible to make it yourself. They are characterized by low productivity (up to 0.7 liters of gas per minute) and a primitive control circuit.
  • With separate cells– the most efficient design with a capacity of over 2 liters of gas per minute. It is characterized by high efficiency and is installed on vehicles with continuous operation.
  • With open plates (dry)– capacity up to 2.1 liters of gas per minute. The design provides additional cooling of the device in difficult operating conditions.

All processes occurring in the hydrogen generator are carried out automatically and operate in accordance with special program, integrated into the car's computer control system.


The use of modern electrolyzers in a car allows you to:

  • save up to 50% fuel;
  • reduce exhaust toxicity;
  • reduce engine temperature;
  • increase traction and power of the power unit;
  • increase engine life.

Operating principle of a hydrogen generator

Security measures

Electrolyzer installations are high-risk devices. Therefore, during their manufacture, installation and operation, it is necessary to strictly observe both general and special safety measures.

Among the special requirements, the most important are:

  1. The formation of explosive concentrations of a mixture of oxygen with hydrogen or air is not allowed.
  2. The operation of hydrogen generators is not allowed if the liquid level is not visible in its inspection window.
  3. By doing repair work it is necessary to ensure the complete absence of hydrogen at the end point of the system.
  4. It is not permitted to use open flames, electric heating devices or portable lamps with a voltage of more than 12 V near electrolyzers.
  5. When working with electrolyte, you must use special clothing, gloves and goggles.

  1. Experts do not recommend making automobile hydrogen generators yourself. This is motivated by the fact that an automobile electrolyzer is a rather complex and unsafe device, the manufacture of which requires the use of special materials and reagents.
  2. At self-installation In a self-made electrolyzer car, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of gas entering the combustion chamber of the fuel-air mixture when the engine is turned off. When the engine is turned off, the hydrogen generator must be automatically disconnected from the vehicle's power supply.
  3. At self-production car electrolyzer, do not forget to equip it with a special water valve - a bubbler. Its use will significantly improve the safety of vehicle operation.

Oil reserves are running out, forcing humanity to look for alternative energy sources that can replace “black gold.” One solution is to use a hydrogen engine, which is characterized by lower toxicity and greater efficiency. The main thing is that the supply of raw materials for the production of fuel is almost unlimited.

When did the hydrogen car engine appear? What are the features of its device, and what is the principle of operation? Where is this technology used? Is it possible to make such a motor with your own hands? We will consider these and other questions below.

When the hydrogen engine appeared, the main companies leading its development

Interest in the use of hydrogen appeared back in the 70s during a period of acute fuel shortage. The first modern developer to introduce a hydrogen car engine was the Toyota concern. It was he who, in 1997, put on public display the FCHV SUV, which never went into mass production.

Despite the first failure, many companies continue research and even production of such cars. The greatest successes have been achieved by the Toyota, Hyundai and Honda concerns. Other companies are also developing - Volkswagen, General Motors, BMW, Nissan, Ford.

In 2016, the first hydrogen-powered train appeared, which is the brainchild of the German company Alstom. The new Coranda iLint train is scheduled to begin service at the end of 2017 on the route from Buxtehude to Cuxhaven (Lower Saxony).

In the future, it is planned to replace 4,000 diesel trains in Germany with such trains, moving along sections of roads without electrification.

Norway, Denmark and other countries have already shown interest in purchasing Coranda iLint.

Features of hydrogen as engine fuel

In an internal combustion engine, gasoline is mixed with air, after which it is supplied to the cylinders and burned, resulting in the movement of the pistons and the movement of the vehicle.

The use of hydrogen as fuel has a number of nuances:

  • After combustion of the fuel mixture, only steam is formed at the outlet.
  • The ignition reaction occurs faster than in the case of diesel fuel or gasoline.
  • Thanks to detonation resistance, it is possible to raise.
  • The heat transfer of hydrogen is 250% higher than that of a fuel-air mixture.
  • Hydrogen is a volatile gas, so it gets into the smallest gaps and cavities. For this reason, few metals are able to withstand its destructive influence.
  • Such fuel is stored in liquid or compressed form. If the tank breaks down, the hydrogen evaporates.
  • The lower level of gas proportion to react with oxygen is 4%. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to adjust the operating modes of the motor by dosing the consistency.

Taking into account the listed nuances, it is impossible to use H2 in its pure form for an internal combustion engine. It is necessary to make design changes to the internal combustion engine and install additional equipment.

Hydrogen engine design

Cars with a hydrogen engine are divided into several groups:

  • Machines with 2 energy carriers. They have an economical engine that can run on pure hydrogen or a gasoline mixture. The efficiency of this type of engine reaches 90-95 percent. For comparison, a diesel engine has an efficiency coefficient of 50%, and a conventional internal combustion engine - 35%. Such vehicles comply with the Euro-4 standard.
  • A vehicle with a built-in electric motor that powers a hydrogen cell on board the vehicle. Today it has been possible to create motors with an efficiency of 75% or more.
  • Conventional vehicles running on pure hydrogen or a fuel-air mixture. The peculiarity of such engines is clean exhaust and an increase in efficiency by another 20%.

As noted above, the design of a motor running on H2 is almost no different from an internal combustion engine, with the exception of some aspects.

The main feature is the method of supplying fuel to the combustion chamber and igniting it. As for the conversion of the received energy into the movement of the crankshaft, the process is similar.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of hydrogen engines is worth considering in relation to two types of such installations:

  1. Internal combustion engines;
  2. Hydrogen cell engines.

Hydrogen internal combustion engines

In an internal combustion engine, due to the fact that the gasoline mixture burns more slowly, the fuel enters the combustion chamber before the piston reaches its top point.

In a hydrogen engine, thanks to the instantaneous ignition of the gas, it is possible to shift the injection time until the moment the piston begins to move back. At the same time, for normal operation of the engine, a small pressure in the fuel system (up to 4 atmospheres) is sufficient.

IN optimal conditions The hydrogen motor is capable of operating with a closed power supply system. This means that atmospheric air is not used during the formation of the mixture.

After the compression stroke is completed, steam remains in the cylinder, which is sent to the radiator, condenses and becomes water.

The implementation of this option is possible if an electrolyzer is installed on the machine - a device that ensures the separation of hydrogen from H 2 O for subsequent reaction with O 2.

It has not yet been possible to make the described system a reality, because oil is used to ensure normal engine operation and reduce friction.

The latter evaporates and is part of the exhaust gases. So the use of atmospheric air when operating a hydrogen engine is still necessary.

Hydrogen cell engines

The operating principle of such devices is based on the occurrence of chemical reactions. The element casing has a membrane (conducts only protons) and an electrode chamber (it contains the cathode and anode).

H 2 is supplied to the anode section, and O 2 is supplied to the cathode chamber. The electrodes are coated with a special coating that acts as a catalyst (usually platinum).

Under the influence of the catalytic substance, hydrogen loses electrons. Next, protons are supplied through the membrane to the cathode, and water is formed under the influence of the catalyst.

From the anode chamber, electrons exit into an electrical circuit connected to the motor. This generates the current to power the motor.

Where have hydrogen fuel cells been used?

The peculiarity of hydrogen fuel cells is their ability to produce energy for an electric motor. As a result, the system replaces the internal combustion engine or becomes a source of on-board power for the vehicle.

Fuel cells were first used in 1959 by a company from the USA.

Generally speaking, fuel cells are used:

Hydrogen fuel cells have also found use in forklifts, bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, tractors, golf carts and other equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages

To understand the features and prospects of a hydrogen engine in a car, it is worth knowing its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY. The introduction of a hydrogen engine is an opportunity to forget about the problem of environmental pollution. With a global transition to this type of fuel, it will be possible to reduce the greenhouse effect and, possibly, save the planet. The environmental friendliness of new developments has been confirmed by Toyota. The concern's employees have proven that car exhaust is safe for health. Moreover, the water that comes out can be drunk, because it is distilled and purified from impurities.
  • DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE. It is known that the hydrogen engine was created a long time ago, so there should be no problems with its use in cars. If we go deeper into history, the first semblance of a hydrogen engine in early XIX century, François Isaac de Rivaz, a designer from France, managed to create it. In addition, during the siege of Leningrad, almost 500 vehicles were converted to a new type of fuel.
  • AVAILABILITY . An equally important factor in favor of H2 is the absence of deficiency. If desired, this type of fuel can even be obtained from wastewater.
  • POSSIBILITY OF APPLICATION IN DIFFERENT POWER UNITS. There is an opinion that hydrogen is used only in internal combustion engines. This is wrong. The new technology is used to create a fuel cell, with the help of which it is possible to generate electric current and power the electric motor of a vehicle. The advantages are safety and the absence of fossil elements, which eliminates environmental pollution. On modern stage This scheme is considered the most secure and is in greatest demand among developers.

Also the advantages include:

  • Minimum noise level;
  • Improving power, throttle response and other engine parameters;
  • Large power reserve;
  • Low fuel consumption;
  • Ease of maintenance;
  • High potential for use as an alternative fuel.

Disadvantages of a hydrogen engine:

In addition to those already discussed above, it is worth highlighting a number of disadvantages:

  • Fire or explosion hazard.
  • Risks for the planet, because an increase in the volume of hydrogen can lead to irreparable consequences for the ozone layer.
  • Increased weight of the machine due to the use of powerful batteries and converters.
  • There are problems with storing hydrogen fuel - under high pressure or in liquefied form. Researchers have not yet reached a consensus on which option is better.

The dangers of hydrogen fuel

The disadvantages discussed above mentioned the danger of using hydrogen fuel for the engine. This is the main disadvantage of the new technology.

When combined with an oxidizing agent (oxygen), the risk of hydrogen ignition or even explosion increases. Studies have shown that 1/10 of the energy required to ignite a gasoline mixture is sufficient to ignite H2. In other words, a static spark is enough for hydrogen to flare up.

Another danger is the invisibility of the hydrogen flame. When a substance burns, the fire is almost invisible, which complicates the process of fighting it. In addition, excessive amounts of H 2 lead to suffocation.

The danger is that it is extremely difficult to recognize this gas, because it has no odor and is completely invisible to the human eye.

In addition, liquefied H 2 has low temperature Therefore, if there is a leak with exposed body parts, there is a high risk of severe frostbite. This gas must be located in special storage facilities.

From what was discussed above, the conclusion suggests itself that the hydrogen engine is dangerous, and using it is extremely risky.

In fact, hydrogen gas is lightweight and if leaked, it will disperse into the air. This means that the risk of ignition is minimal.

In the case of suffocation, such a situation is possible, but only when in a closed room. Otherwise, a leak of hydrogen fuel does not pose a danger to life. In justification, it is worth noting that exhaust gases from internal combustion engines (namely carbon monoxide) also carry a fatal risk.

Modern cars with hydrogen engines

The possibility of using hydrogen fuel engines has attracted the interest of many manufacturers. As a result, more and more cars running on this gas are appearing in the automotive industry.

The most popular models include:

  • Toyota has released the Fuel Cell Sedan. To eliminate problems with limited space in the cabin and luggage compartment, containers with hydrogen fuel are placed on the floor of the vehicle. The Fuel Cell Sedan is designed to transport people, and its cost is 67.5 thousand dollars.
  • The BMW concern presented its version of the Hydrogen car. The new model has been tested famous figures culture, businessmen, politicians and other popular personalities. Tests have shown that switching to a new fuel does not affect the comfort, safety and dynamics of the vehicle. If necessary, fuel types can be switched from one to another. Hydrogen7 speed is up to 229 km/h.
  • Honda Clarity is a car from the Honda concern, which amazes with its power reserve. It is 589 km, which no vehicle with low level emissions. Refueling takes three to five minutes.

  • General Motors' "Monster" premiered in October 2016. The peculiarity of the car is its incredible reliability, which is confirmed by studies conducted by the US Army. During testing, the vehicle traveled more than 3 million kilometers.

  • Toyota has launched the Mirai hydrogen model on the market. Sales began in 2014 in Japan, and in the United States in October 2015. The Mirai takes five minutes to refuel and has a range of 502 km per fill. PHOTO 21 22 Recently, representatives of the concern announced that they plan to introduce this technology not only into passenger vehicles, but also into forklifts and even trucks. The 18-wheeler truck is already being tested in Los Angeles.
  • Manufacturer Lexus is planning its hydrogen-powered version of the car in 2020, so few details are known about the vehicle.

  • Audi presented the H-tron Quattro concept in Detroit. According to the manufacturer, the car can travel about 600 km on one tank, and it can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h in 7.1 seconds. The car has a “virtual” cockpit that replaces the standard dashboard.

  • BMW, in collaboration with Toyota, plans to release its hydrogen vehicle by 2020. The manufacturer assures that the power reserve of the new model is more than 480 km, and refueling will take up to 5 minutes.

  • In 2013, Ford announced that active production of hydrogen engines would begin by the end of 2017 in collaboration with Nissan and Mercedes-Benz. But it has not yet been possible to implement the plan in practice - the concern’s employees are at the development stage.
  • Mercedes-Benz presented the GLC SUV at the Frankfurt Motor Show, which will appear on the market at the end of 2019. The car is equipped with a 9.3 kWh battery, and the range is 436 km. Top speed is electronically limited to 159 km/h.
  • Nikola Motor presented freight car with a hydrogen engine, having a range from 1287 to 1931 km. The cost of a new car will be 5-7 thousand dollars per month for rent. Production is planned to begin in 2020.

  • Manufacturer Hyundai created new line Tucson. To date, 140 vehicles have been produced and sold. The Hyundai Genesis brand presented its GV hydrogen-powered car. The vehicle was first presented in New York, but its production is not yet planned.

  • The UK is also not lagging behind in terms of new technologies. The Riversimple Rasa hydrogen car can already be rented in the country for three or six months. The car weighs just over 500 kg and can travel about 500 km on one fill.

  • Designer house Pininfarina created the H2 Speed ​​hydrogen fuel car. The peculiarity of the car is its ability to accelerate to hundreds in just 3.4 seconds, and the maximum speed is 300 km/h. Refilling time is only three minutes. The cost of the new model reaches 2.5 million dollars.

Difficulties in operating hydrogen internal combustion engines

The main obstacle to the introduction of new technology is the excessive costs of obtaining hydrogen fuel, as well as the purchase of component materials.

Problems also arise with the storage of H2. Thus, to maintain the gas in the required state, a temperature of -253 degrees Celsius is required.

The simplest way to produce hydrogen is electrolysis of water. If H 2 production is required in industrial scale, one cannot do without high energy costs.

To increase production profitability, it is necessary to apply the capabilities nuclear power. To avoid risks, scientists are trying to find alternatives to this option.

Moving and storage requires the use of expensive materials and high-quality mechanisms.

We must not forget about other difficulties that one has to face during operation:

  • Explosion hazard. If there is a gas leak in a closed area and there is little energy for the reaction to occur, an explosion may occur. If the air is overheated, this only makes the situation worse. High H2 penetration causes gas to enter the exhaust manifold. That is why the use of a rotary motor is considered more preferable.
  • When storing hydrogen, containers with a large volume are used, as well as systems that prevent gas volatilization. In addition, devices are used that prevent mechanical damage to containers. If for trucks, water or passenger transport this feature does not have of great importance, passenger car loses valuable cubic meters.
  • Under heavy loads and high temperatures, H 2 provokes the destruction of the elements of the cylinder-piston group (cylinder-piston group) and lubricant in the engine. The use of special alloys and lubricants increases the cost of producing hydrogen engines.

The future of hydrogen engines

The use of H 2 opens up great prospects and not only in the automotive sector. Hydrogen engines are actively used in railway transport, airplanes and helicopters. They are also installed on auxiliary equipment.

Many concerns, which were already mentioned above, are showing interest in the development of such engines - Toyota, BMW, Volkswagen, General Motors and others.

Already today there are real cars on the roads that run on hydrogen. Many of them are discussed above - BMW 750i Hydrogen, Honda FSX, Toyota Mirai and others.

Almost all large concerns that are trying to find their niche in the market have joined the work.

The main disadvantage remains the high price of H2, the lack of gas stations, as well as the shortage of qualified workers capable of servicing such equipment. If the existing problems can be solved, cars with hydrogen engines will definitely appear on our roads.

Competing technologies

Attention to hydrogen engines is dissipating due to the fact that the technology has competitors.

Here are just a few of them:

Can I do it myself?

The technology of running a gas engine has been known for a long time, and many concerns have achieved success in introducing hydrogen engines. Craftsmen have also started thinking about improving the classic internal combustion engine.

The idea is to supply special gas to the combustion chamber. This device is called the Brown system. In this case, gasoline is also supplied to the engine, but is mixed with gas, which ensures better combustion.

As a result, water vapor appears, which cleans the valves and pistons of the engine from carbon deposits, improving the performance of the engine and increasing its service life.

To convert water into gas with your own hands, you need a catalyst, distillate, electrodes and electricity.

The structure is assembled from scrap materials. One can can be used, but it is better to use six.

Afterwards, the plates are cut out and combined according to the crosswise principle. Next, they are wrapped with wire and attached to the lid. It is important that the electrodes do not short circuit with each other.

At the last stage, the jars are filled with electrolyte and catalyst. This scheme can work on any car.

If we talk about a full-fledged hydrogen engine, then of course it won’t be possible to make it in a garage due to the complexity of the technology.

Many car owners are looking for ways to save fuel. A hydrogen generator for a car will radically solve this issue. Feedback from those who have installed this device suggests a significant reduction in costs when operating vehicles. So the topic is quite interesting. Below we will talk about how to make a hydrogen generator on your own.

ICE on hydrogen fuel

For several decades, there has been a search for the possibility of adapting internal combustion engines for full or hybrid operation on hydrogen fuel. In Great Britain, back in 1841, an engine running on an air-hydrogen mixture was patented. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Zeppelin concern used internal combustion engines running on hydrogen as the propulsion system for its famous airships.

The development of hydrogen energy was also facilitated by the global energy crisis that erupted in the 70s of the last century. However, with its end, hydrogen generators were quickly forgotten. And this despite a lot of advantages compared to conventional fuel:

  • ideal flammability of the fuel mixture based on air and hydrogen, which makes it possible to easily start the engine at any ambient temperature;
  • large heat release during gas combustion;
  • absolute environmental safety - exhaust gases turn into water;
  • the combustion rate is 4 times higher compared to a gasoline mixture;
  • the ability of the mixture to operate without detonation at a high compression ratio.

The main technical reason, which is an insurmountable obstacle to the use of hydrogen as a vehicle fuel, was the inability to fit a sufficient amount of gas on a vehicle. The size of the hydrogen fuel tank will be comparable to the parameters of the car itself. The high explosiveness of the gas should exclude the possibility of the slightest leak. In liquid form, a cryogenic installation is required. This method is also not very feasible in a car.

Brown's Gas

Today, hydrogen generators are gaining popularity among car enthusiasts. However, this is not exactly what was discussed above. By electrolysis, water is converted into the so-called Brown's gas, which is added to the fuel mixture. The main task that this gas solves is complete combustion of the fuel. This serves to increase power and reduce fuel consumption by a decent percentage. Some mechanics have achieved savings of 40%.

The surface area of ​​the electrodes is of decisive importance in the quantitative gas yield. Under the influence of an electric current, a water molecule begins to decompose into two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen. When burned, such a gas mixture releases almost 4 times more energy than the combustion of molecular hydrogen. Therefore, the use of this gas in internal combustion engines leads to more efficient combustion of the fuel mixture, reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, increases power and reduces the amount of fuel consumed.

Universal diagram of a hydrogen generator

For those who do not have the ability to design, a hydrogen generator for a car can be purchased from craftsmen, who put the assembly and installation of such systems on stream. Today there are many such offers. The cost of the unit and installation is about 40 thousand rubles.

But you can assemble such a system yourself - there is nothing complicated about it. It consists of several simple elements combined into one whole:

  1. Installations for water electrolysis.
  2. Storage tank.
  3. Moisture trap from gas.
  4. Electronic control unit (current modulator).

Below is a diagram according to which you can easily assemble a hydrogen generator with your own hands. The drawings of the main installation producing Brown's gas are quite simple and understandable.

The circuit does not represent any engineering complexity; anyone who knows how to work with the tool can repeat it. For vehicles with a fuel injection system, it is also necessary to install a controller that regulates the level of gas supply to the fuel mixture and is connected to the vehicle’s on-board computer.


The amount of Brown gas produced depends on the area of ​​the electrodes and their material. If copper or iron plates are used as electrodes, the reactor will not be able to operate for a long time due to the rapid destruction of the plates.

The use of titanium sheets looks ideal. However, their use increases the cost of assembling the unit several times. It is considered optimal to use plates made of high-alloy stainless steel. This metal is available, it will not be difficult to purchase. You can also use a used washing machine tank. The only difficulty will be cutting out the plates of the required size.

Types of installations

Today, a hydrogen generator for a car can be equipped with three electrolyzers that differ in type, nature of operation and performance:

The first type of design is quite sufficient for many carburetor engines. There is no need for complex installation electronic circuit gas performance regulator, and the assembly of such an electrolyzer itself is not difficult.

For more powerful cars It is preferable to assemble the second type of reactor. And for engines running on diesel fuel, and heavy-duty vehicles use the third type of reactor.

Required performance

In order to truly save fuel, a hydrogen generator for a car must produce gas every minute at the rate of 1 liter per 1000 engine displacement. Based on these requirements, the number of plates for the reactor is selected.

To increase the surface of the electrodes, it is necessary to treat the surface with sandpaper in a perpendicular direction. This treatment is extremely important - it will increase the working area and avoid “sticking” of gas bubbles to the surface.

The latter leads to isolation of the electrode from the liquid and prevents normal electrolysis. Do not also forget that for normal operation of the electrolyzer, the water must be alkaline. Regular soda can serve as a catalyst.

Current regulator

A hydrogen generator on a car increases its productivity during operation. This is due to the release of heat during the electrolysis reaction. The working fluid of the reactor experiences heating, and the process proceeds much more intensely. To control the progress of the reaction, a current regulator is used.

If you do not lower it, the water may simply boil and the reactor will stop producing Brown gas. A special controller that regulates the operation of the reactor allows you to change productivity with increasing speed.

Carburetor models are equipped with a controller with a conventional switch for two operating modes: “Highway” and “City”.

Installation safety

Many craftsmen place plates in plastic containers. You shouldn't skimp on this. You need a stainless steel tank. If it is not there, you can use a design with open plates. In the latter case, it is necessary to use a high-quality current and water insulator for reliable operation reactor.

It is known that the combustion temperature of hydrogen is 2800. This is the most explosive gas in nature. Brown's gas is nothing more than an "explosive" mixture of hydrogen. Therefore, hydrogen generators road transport require high-quality assembly of all system components and the presence of sensors to monitor the progress of the process.

A working fluid temperature sensor, pressure sensor and ammeter will not be superfluous in the design of the installation. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the water seal at the outlet of the reactor. It is vital. If the mixture ignites, such a valve will prevent the flame from spreading into the reactor.

A hydrogen generator for heating residential and industrial premises, operating on the same principles, is distinguished by several times greater reactor productivity. In such installations, the absence of a water seal poses a mortal danger. In order to ensure safe and reliable operation of the system, it is also recommended to equip hydrogen generators on cars with such a check valve.

For now you can’t do without conventional fuel

There are several experimental models in the world that run entirely on Brown gas. However, technical solutions have not yet reached their perfection. Such systems are not available to ordinary inhabitants of the planet. Therefore, for now, car enthusiasts have to be content with “handicraft” developments that make it possible to reduce fuel costs.

A little about gullibility and naivety

Some enterprising businessmen offer for sale a hydrogen generator for cars. They talk about laser processing of the surface of electrodes or about the unique secret alloys from which they are made, special water catalysts developed in scientific laboratories around the world.

It all depends on the ability of the thoughts of such entrepreneurs to fly scientifically. Credulity can make you, at your own expense (sometimes not even small ones), the owner of an installation whose contact plates will collapse after two months of operation.

If you decide to save money in this way, then it is better to assemble the installation yourself. At least there will be no one to blame later.