Aquatic plant with pink flowers. Flowers growing in water: a review of the best. The beauty of freshwater plants

Aquatic plants growing in natural and artificial reservoirs, not only serve as their decoration, but also perform the functions of cleaning and creating biological...

Aquatic plants: types, description, names

From Masterweb

02.06.2018 22:00

Aquatic plants or hydrophytes growing in natural bodies of water not only decorate them, but also perform the functions of cleaning and creating a biological microclimate. Using them when landscaping a pond or swimming pool on the territory of a country house or garden plot will help decorate the landscape.

Adaptation of plants to an aquatic environment

In any pond, river or other body of water there are always many different plants that grow and reproduce well in their natural environment. They are characterized by leaves with a large surface, sometimes dissected. The root system is usually weak and is designed to be fixed to the bottom soil; some species do without roots. The stems have cavities and a system of intercellular spaces that help consume oxygen when immersed in water, which also keeps them afloat.

Hydrophytes are divided into several species, each of which has its own habitat and performs a specific function in a given biozone. They are also characterized by a method of reproduction in which seeds spread under water: when they fall to the bottom, they begin to germinate.

Types of aquatic plants differ from the area where they are located:

  • coastal, which are located along the coast, exposing some of the stems and leaves above the surface: horsetail, arrowhead, cattail, reeds, reeds;
  • semi-aquatic: irises, pondeteria, susak, marigolds, etc.;
  • aquatic, whose entire life is spent at the depth of the reservoir: water moss, hornwort, chara, nitella;
  • floating on the surface or in the water column: pistia, fontinalis moss, water buttercup, duckweed, watercolor, marsh flower, water chestnut;
  • deep-sea or submerged, which take root in the ground, and above the surface there are flowers: egg capsule, water lily, orontium, lotus;
  • oxygen generators - plants immersed in water and actively releasing oxygen necessary to ensure the vital activity of all inhabitants of the reservoir: water star, hornwort, marsh turcha, spicate urut.

Plants of natural reservoirs

All natural bodies of water are surrounded by thickets of coastal vegetation, which grows in stripes along the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds. The only exception may be the leeward side, which is devoid of large plantings.

Various types and forms of aquatic plants are grouped or arranged in stripes depending on the direction of flow or depth. Along the shore, as a rule, there are dense thickets of reeds or reeds with hard leaves. Fish prefer to live among plants with softer stems and leaves.

The species composition of underwater plants in natural reservoirs can change quite significantly over time, since some of them deplete the soil and secrete into the bottom harmful substances and then die. They are also affected by changes in climate or weather, anthropogenic impact, environmental pollution.


Plants growing along the perimeter of the reservoir define the border with the shore. These include:

  1. The aquatic plant arrowhead (sagittaria or common bogwort) is widely used for landscaping ponds, its root is represented by cord-like shoots with rounded tubers, is immersed in water, the stem has a porous tissue filled with air bubbles, its length is 0.2-1.1 m. Above-water part has a petiole, the leaves are triangular in shape, similar to an arrowhead up to 30 cm long. In mid-June, sagittaria blooms and blooms until the end of summer with white flowers with a spherical middle; inside the petal there may be red or cherry spots. In total, there are about 40 species of mireweed, including decorative varieties. Many of them are used to decorate man-made ponds and go well with other aquatic plants.
  2. Reed or outline - herbaceous plant from the Poaceae family, which is found in middle lane in all reservoirs with a depth of up to 1.5 m, has hard stems that repel fish, has long rhizomes, from which long hollow stems grow up to 5 m in height. The reed inflorescence is a violet-silver panicle. Used in oriental medicine.
  3. Skirpus or reed is a perennial pond plant, growing up to 3.5 m tall, has a cylindrical strong stem and paniculate/capitate inflorescence, prefers swampy places. Many people confuse it with reed.
  4. Cattail, which is often confused with reeds, has a rigid stem with long leaves, at the end of which there is a beautiful brown velvet ear with seeds. Grows in reservoirs up to 1.5 m deep.


Submerged or semi-aquatic plants are common in wildlife and are available for cultivation in artificial ponds.

Examples of aquatic plants growing in shallow or near water:

  • Swamp iris - distinguished by bright yellow flowers with a brown pattern, prefers sunlit areas and fertile soil, stem height up to 1.5 m, suitable for ponds, planted to a depth of 40 cm.
  • Smooth iris - blooms from June to October with blue or purple flowers, up to 1 m high, goes well with other aquatic plants.

  • Marigold (Caltha) (marsh, thin-cupped, fistula, etc.) - winter-hardy unpretentious plant(poisonous!), prefers sunny places, tolerates flooding up to 20 cm, has golden, white-yellow flowers, planting depth depends on the variety (20-120 cm).
  • Pondetheria - decorated with blue or purple flowers, loves the sun and nutritious soil, a capricious and non-winter-hardy plant (transported indoors for the winter), planting depth is about 8 cm.
  • Susak (Butomus) is an unpretentious plant, blooms with small pink-crimson flowers, grows very quickly, planting depth is 10 cm.
  • Amphibious knotweed (Persicaria) - blooms all summer with bright pink small flowers arranged in a cone, when planting they are buried down to 0.5 m, it is better to plant in containers, winter-hardy and unpretentious.


One of the most important types of underwater plants that supply the entire body of water with additional oxygen. Many of them are also used as food for fish. Their advantage is also the improvement of sanitary conditions and biological treatment water.

Names of aquatic plants-oxygenators:

  • Common marsh grass (Callitriche), also called water star.
  • Urut (Myriophyllum) belongs to the perennials of the Slanoyagodnikov family; it has shoots rising above the water and a creeping rhizome. Long stems (up to 1.5 m) are covered with thin leaves and form an elegant lace of thickets under water, for which it is called “pinnate”. It is grown as a coastal plant, propagated vegetatively, its parts can be planted directly into the ground to a depth of 1.2 m in the spring and summer. Looks great in small ponds, where it forms beautiful patterns under water.

  • Turcha (Hottoni) - is a relative of primroses, has about 100 species in the Primrose family. The second name - “water feather” is given for the rosette consisting of dissected feathery leaves floating in the water. In the summer months, flower stalks appear, which rise 15-30 cm above the water and are decorated with flowers; in the fall it dies and overwinters at the bottom in the buds.

  • Hornwort (Ceratophyllum) is dark green and has a long stem that branches at the top. The leaves are dissected into segments, grows at a depth of up to 9 m, has unique aquatic pollination, thanks to which it is widely distributed in water bodies of Russia and other European countries. Instead of roots, it has stems that hold the plant on the ground in the silt. In autumn, the upper part dies off, and the shoots with buds overwinter at the bottom of the reservoir.
  • Elodea - belongs to the perennials of the Vodokrasaceae family, lives entirely under water, shoots branch up to 1 m long, and has small leaves located throughout the stem. It blooms very rarely with small white flowers with red sepals.

floating plants

Such plants can be successfully used to decorate an artificial pond. They do not require any maintenance, you just need to carefully monitor the growth rate so that the pond is not completely overgrown with them. The difference between these aquatic plants is that the roots are not fixed and therefore float freely, while the leaves and flowers are located on the surface.

The most popular floating ones:

  • Duckweed covers the entire surface of the reservoir with a green carpet, representing small plants, consisting of stems fastened together in several pieces (leaves). It blooms only in artificial reservoirs, reproduces vegetatively when young leaves are separated from the mother leaves, and overwinters at the bottom.
  • Watercolor (Hydrocharis) - perennial with small round leaves, at the base in the shape of a heart, from which fleshy roots hang down. The flowers are small, white, located 3-5 cm above the surface of the water above the leaves.

  • Azolla (Carolina or fern) came to Europe from the tropical reservoirs of America, resembles openwork moss, grows very quickly, which is why it has to be removed from the pond with a net, and by autumn the leaves acquire a reddish color.
  • Eichhornia, which has the name “Water hyacinth,” is a floating, heat-loving plant with dark green leaves that blooms in late summer with lilac-blue or yellow flowers, similar to orchids. In the fall, it must be moved indoors to an aquarium, placing it in a ring float, where the plant successfully overwinters. According to scientists, it has fantastic abilities to process organic pollutants (that is, it loves dirty water bodies).

  • Water chestnut (Chilim) is an annual, has original fruits decorated with horns (for which it received the names “devil’s” and “horned”), with which it clings to the bottom. Floats thanks to leaves that have swellings with an air layer. It reproduces by self-pollination, but only in regions with a warm climate: in the second half of summer, white flowers appear, protruding above the water, and by autumn, hard drupes of 1-15 pieces ripen. on each plant, which gradually sink to the bottom.

deep sea

These aquatic plants have rhizomes buried in the bottom of the reservoir, and stems, leaves and flowers are located above its surface. Their main diet consists of organic matter in the bottom soil. Sheet plates, usually, big size. This creates shade and prevents the water from heating, which helps prevent the active proliferation of small algae. The main advantage of deep-sea species is their beautiful flowering.

Some types of deep-sea plants:

  • Orontium or “Golden Club” (Orontium) is a perennial with green-blue leaves, silvery below, in April-May it blooms with inflorescences-cobs sticking out of the water (12-15 cm long), consisting of small yellow flowers, similar to white-yellow pencils.
  • Nuphar (Nuphar) is a perennial that is widely used for landscaping large bodies of water that have shade. Its roots are fixed in the bottom soil, and leaves and yellow flowers floating on the surface, located on thick peduncles.

Water lily and lotus

These 2 types of deep-sea plants are among the most spectacular and spectacular, having bright beautiful flowers, large leaves. When planted in a home pond, they will become a wonderful decoration.

The water lily flower (Nymphaea) takes its name from water nymphs in various European mythologies. There are 35 species and are divided into 2 groups: tropical and winter-hardy. The latter are suitable for growing in open reservoirs in the central and northern parts of Russia, preferring sunny places with standing water. The required area for each plant is 0.5-4 square meters. m.

The most common winter-hardy varieties of water lilies:

  • The white water lily, which is often found in natural reservoirs, has powerful roots up to 5 cm thick; petioles and peduncles are located on the surface, which begin flowering in May and continue until frost. The leaves are round and wide up to 25 cm, the flowers are snow-white, each lasts 4 days, after which the fruit sets under water. After ripening, the seeds spill out of the boxes and gradually sink to the bottom, where they then germinate.

  • The flower of the fragrant water lily is white, emitting a pleasant aroma; the leaves are bright green in color, turning red at the bottom over time. Some varieties bloom yellow (spotted Sulphurea), pink or cream flowers.
  • Hybrid water lily (nymphea) - becomes a decoration of any body of water, thanks to its beautiful flowers and heart-shaped bright leaves(some with spots or red tints).

Lotus (Nelumbo) is a perennial aquatic plant, the leaves of which are located both under water and on the surface, funnel-shaped and large, with a diameter of up to 70 cm. The lotus is decorated with large fragrant flowers (up to 30 cm) with pink-white petals, placed brightly in the center -yellow stamens. The fruits are dark brown in color with 30 seeds, the germination of which lasts for tens and hundreds of years. In the East, this plant is worshiped and ancient legends and traditions are told. In Europe, it has been grown in greenhouses and artificial ponds since the 18th century.

Creating a reservoir: rules

Using aquatic plants to decorate an artificial pond on garden plot or on the territory of a country house will create a unique natural landscape and provide the opportunity to admire beautiful leaves and flowers throughout the warm season.

Regardless of the size of such a reservoir, it is necessary to select several types of plants with different flowering periods, sizes and shapes of leaves, also taking into account their height and planting depth. The main rule is to maintain biobalance in artificial pond, in which for the successful coexistence of all plants, fish and microorganisms it is necessary to ensure that the vegetation covers the water surface by half or more.

The center of the reservoir is beautifully rendered flowering plants- water lilies, the variety of which is selected based on the area of ​​the pond. Coastal species (arrowhead, calamus, susak) are planted along the edge; forget-me-nots or marigold are planted in shallow water; moisture-loving plants (sedges, irises, daylilies) with a strong root system can be placed on the soil along the edge, which will help preserve the shore from erosion.

Free-swimming species (duckweed, teloris, vodokras) under favorable conditions multiply very quickly and can occupy the entire surface, so they must be periodically removed with a net.

Planting aquatic plants in a pond

Landscaping an artificial reservoir can be done in 2 ways:

  • planting plants in the ground in depressions made along the perimeter of the pond, which is more suitable for steep banks;
  • in special containers that are placed on stands or ledges; this method allows them to be moved if necessary.

The planting depth depends on the type: for water lilies it is up to 1.5 m, for coastal or marsh plants - 5-20 cm. Optimal planting time: from April to July. Oxygenators are usually planted first, water lilies are planted when the water is heated, then floating ones, and the coastal zone is settled last.

If desired, fish can be released into the pond, but only after 4-6 weeks, when all the plants have taken root and the water has settled.

Basic rules for planting aquatic plants and constructing a pond:

  • place it away from deciduous trees so that falling parts do not clog the pond;
  • ideal is solar lighting in the morning and in the afternoon, and at noon the plants will be comfortable in a little shade;
  • It is periodically necessary to thin out fast-growing species so that they do not obscure other plants and the surface of the reservoir.

With the correct selection of species and varieties of hydrophytes, their growth zones and flowering periods, the effort required to care for an artificial reservoir can be reduced. Bright greenery and plants blooming throughout the warm season will decorate the entire surrounding landscape.

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The water lily - a charming and delicate white water lily - is nothing other than the famous fairy-tale overpowering grass. Rumor ascribes magical properties to it. She was endowed with the properties of protecting people, she could give strength to overcome the enemy, protect them from troubles and misfortunes, but she could also destroy the one who sought her with unclean thoughts.

The Slavs believed that the water lily was able to protect people from various troubles while traveling. Going on a long journey, people sewed water lily leaves and flowers into small amulet bags, carried them with them as an amulet and firmly believed that this would bring them good luck and protect them from misfortunes.

There was also a kind of spell for this occasion: “I am driving in an open field, and in an open field the grass grows. I did not give birth to you, I did not water you. Mother earth gave birth to you, simple-haired girls and women who rolled cigarettes watered you. Overcome the grass! Overcome you! evil people: they wouldn’t think badly of me, they wouldn’t think anything bad; drive away the sneaky sorcerer.

Overcome the grass! Overcome high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dark forests, stumps and logs. I will hide you, overpowering grass, near a zealous heart along the entire path and along the entire path!”
Common names: grass grass or white grass, balabolka, floating fish, mermaid flower or mermaid color, water poppy or water poppy, bliskalka, beaver, white hens, water companion, water color, white water lily.
The water lily is beautiful! This is one of the most beautiful plants. Since ancient times, the white water lily has been considered a symbol of beauty, purity and mercy. These large flowers with a golden mean grow in quiet reservoirs of our rivers and lakes. The water lily nymph is also called the “child of the sun”: it beautiful flowers open in the morning and close at dusk.

"The blue lotus, or blue water lily (lat. Nymphaea caerulea) is an aquatic plant of the water lily family, a species of the genus Water Lily growing in East Africa (from the Nile Valley to the extreme south of the continent), India and Thailand."

There are many legends about the origin of this wonderful plant. They say that it got its name in honor of the nymphs that live, like these plants, in water. As is known from Greek mythology, nymphs are deities of nature: forests, mountains, lakes, rivers and seas. It's no surprise that the flowers named after them are beautiful. In Slavic fairy tales, the idea of ​​water lilies is associated with the mysterious image of a mermaid.

Scandinavian legends say that each water lily has its own friend - an elf, who is born with it and dies with it. By folk beliefs, nymphs live in its flowers and leaves along with little elves. Leaves and flowers serve as boats for these little elves.
The corollas of flowers serve as both a home and a bell for the elves.

During the day, the elves sleep in the depths of the flower, and at night they swing the pestle and ring the bell, calling their brothers to a quiet conversation. Some of them sit in a circle on a leaf, dangling their legs in the water, while others prefer to talk, swaying in the corollas of water lilies.

When they get together, they sit in the capsules and row, row with oars, and the capsules then serve as boats or boats for them. The elves' conversations take place at a late hour, when everything on the lake has calmed down and fallen into deep sleep.

Lake elves live in underwater crystal palaces built from shells. Pearls, yachts, silver and corals sparkle around the palaces. Emerald streams roll along the bottom of the lake, strewn with multi-colored pebbles, and waterfalls cascade onto the roofs of the palaces. The sun shines through the water into these dwellings, and the moon and stars call the elves to the shore.

Switzerland, Goldfish and Lily

The ancient Greek legend about the water lily tells how a beautiful white nymph, inflamed with love for Hercules and did not receive a response from him, turned into a white water lily out of grief and love for him.
In Ancient Greece, the flower was considered a symbol of beauty and eloquence. Young girls wove garlands from them, decorated their heads and tunics with them; they even wove a wreath of water lilies for the beautiful Helen on the day of her wedding with King Menelaus and decorated the entrance to their bedroom with a wreath.

The legend of the North American Indians says that the water lily appeared during the collision of the Polar and Evening Stars, from their sparks. These two stars argued among themselves who would get the arrow that the great Indian chief and collided in flight.

According to North German belief, water lilies grew on the site of two dead mermaids who were killed by an evil nix (a mermaid in ancient German mythology) who lived in the lake.
In Germany they said that once a little mermaid fell in love with a knight, but he did not reciprocate her feelings. Out of grief, the nymph turned into a water lily.

"Karelian Nymphea"

According to another legend, water lilies are the children of the beautiful countess, carried away into the mud by the king of the swamp. The grief-stricken countess went to the shore of the swamp every day. One day she saw a wonderful White flower, whose petals resembled her daughter's complexion, and whose stamens resembled her golden hair.

There is a belief that nymphs (mermaids) take refuge in the flowers and leaves of water lilies, and at midnight they begin to dance in circles and carry away people passing by the lake. If someone managed to somehow escape from them, then grief would dry him up.

In the distant past, the entire coastal strip of Italy, from Pisa to Naples, was occupied by swamps. There the legend of the beautiful Melinda and the swamp king was born. The legend is that the water lilies are the children of the beautiful blond Countess Melinda and the ugly, scary swamp king who kidnapped her. Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful Melinda.

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And the swamp king was watching her all the time. The king's eyes twinkled as he looked at beautiful girl, and although he was scary as hell, he nevertheless became Melinda’s husband, and the yellow water lily, the closest relative of the white water lily, which has long personified betrayal and deceit, helped him get the beauty.
Walking with her friends near a swampy lake, Melinda admired the golden floating flowers, reached for one of them, stepped on a coastal stump in which the ruler of the bog was hiding, and he carried the girl to the bottom.

""scarlet flower"-2"

At the site of her death, snow-white flowers with a yellow core emerged. So, after the deceiving water lilies, water lilies appeared, meaning in the ancient language of flowers: “You must never deceive me.”

Water lilies, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Crimea

The egg pod blooms from late May to August. At this time, next to the floating leaves you can see large yellow, almost spherical flowers sticking high on thick stalks.

The egg capsule has long been considered folk medicine healing plant. Both the leaves and the thick rhizome lying on the bottom, up to 15 centimeters in length, and large, good-smelling flowers, reaching 5 centimeters in diameter, were used.

They also tore off the egg capsule in order to decorate the home with flowers. And in vain: the flowers of the egg capsule, like the white lily, do not stand in vases.


The white water lily is protected by law, since there are very few of them left in the reservoirs of rivers and lakes. The water lily blooms for a long time, from late May to August. White lily flowers open in the early morning and close in the late evening.

"There are nymphs on our lake. Rumor has it that some enthusiast dived from a boat and landed... Praise be to him. A little far from the shore... But away from vandals..)))"

If you come to the lake early in the morning, you can watch these flowers emerge from the water. This is an unforgettable sight! Something begins to rise from the depths of the lake, and a large bud appears on the surface.

In a matter of minutes it turns into a beautiful white flower. There is another one nearby, a little further away... The amazing thing is that the buds emerge just before sunrise, and open as soon as the sun's rays touch the surface of the water.

You won't find them in the same position all day. From morning to evening, flowering water lilies follow the movement of the sun, turning their floating head towards its rays. At noon they open all their petals. Then their flowers begin to gradually close and the flower looks like an unopened bud.

And here something interesting happens: the closed water lily flowers begin to slowly sink into the water. These lashes-stems, shortening, draw the flowers along with them. Water lilies love the sun very much, a little clouds will come and they will slowly begin to close.

The water lily leaf is buoyant, like a raft, simple in appearance, heart-shaped and thick, like a cake; There are air cavities inside it, which is why it does not sink.

The air in it is several times Furthermore in order to support its own weight, the excess of which is necessary for unforeseen accidents: if, say, a bird or a frog sits down, the leaf must hold them.

In reservoirs, both natural and artificial, you can often find aquatic plants with leaves of various shapes and sizes floating on the surface of the water. Under the rays of the sun, on the water surface of the reservoir, they form a colorful mosaic carpet. Such plants include:

  • Water Lily, Nymphea (white water lily);
  • The water lily is small, tetrahedral;
  • Pondweed is grass-like or variegated;

These, except for Chastukha, Olisma and Euryale frightening, which have thick, massive rhizomes containing highly nutritious substances, grow mainly in frost-free areas of reservoirs. Therefore, they are valuable nutritious food for small animals throughout the year: muskrat, beaver, muskrat, water rat.

In addition, Egg Capsules and Water Lilies take root well at the bottom of reservoirs. The depth of the reservoirs can be judged from the plants growing in them. Thus, Kubyshka takes root at a reservoir depth of up to 2.5 m; water lily - up to 2 m. In artificial reservoirs for growing water lilies, the depth can be 75-100 cm.

The water lily family, distributed in water bodies of Asia, Africa, temperate zone Northern Hemisphere at a depth of 30-90 cm. It is believed that Egg Caps appeared in the reservoirs of the earth during the Oligocene period, that is, 25-30 million years ago. This is an aquatic herbaceous plant, has reddish stems, a powerful rhizome, the thickness of which is 5-8 cm, length about 1 m, greenish on top, whitish below.

From the rhizome located at the bottom of the reservoir, the petioles of the leaves and pedicels of the yellow egg capsule grow. In winter, it retains reserves of nutrients necessary for the formation of next year leaves and flowers of this plant. In addition, the rhizome, like other parts of the yellow capsule, has air channels through which the oxygen necessary for respiration enters the underwater organs of the plant.

The leaves of the Yellow Capsule are of two types: underwater - translucent, wavy along the edge, heart-shaped and arrow-shaped. Floating on the water surface are entire leaves of aquatic plants with triangular long petioles of a dark green color, shiny, leathery, dense, 20 cm long.

The single flowers are located on long stalks, are fragrant, and thanks to the nectar, attract numerous six-legged pollinators. Beautiful flowers bright yellow, up to 6 cm in diameter, they close at night, but remain on the surface of the reservoir. The plant blooms in June-July.

The fruit is a fleshy, multi-seeded, ovoid-conical jug. The yellow capsule propagates by seeds and vegetatively. Grows well on muddy or soil containing a mixture of peat, humus, and clay soil. Plants prefer a well-warmed, sunny location of the reservoir. It should be noted that the yellow egg capsule must be protected, since great harm intensive harvesting of her beautiful flowers is brought to her. Thus, in many reservoirs, the complete disappearance of this colorful plant was observed.

The Water Lily family is distributed in water bodies of the forest zone from the Western to the Eastern regions of Russia at a depth of 0.5-1.5 m. This aquatic herbaceous plant is much smaller in size than the yellow egg capsule, the rhizome of which is about 1 cm. The leaves are emergent, oblong-ovate, floating , rise above the water, rather pubescent below. The leaves are 15 cm long, 11 cm wide. The flowers are small, 2-3 cm in diameter, with golden-yellow petals.

Propagated by seeds and vegetatively. Grows well in soils containing a mixture of peat, humus and clay soil. It is recommended to remove old and excess leaves so that the water surface in the pond is ¾ or 2/3 free. The small egg capsule is widespread due to the fact that it grows both in standing and slowly flowing waters, and in rivers with fast currents.

Despite the fact that this plant contains toxic substances (alkaloids, nymphaine and nyufarina), many wild animals, like elk, water rat, muskrat, beaver and even bear and otter feed on this plant. Waterfowl also like to feast on the seeds of the Little Capsule. In America, Little Capsule is considered a highly nutritious food and protective plant for some valuable fish species.

Family Water lilies, distributed in Europe and the Caucasus. It is believed that Water Lilies appeared in the reservoirs of the Earth much earlier than the Water Lilies, that is, during the Paleocene period (about 60 million years ago). This is a perennial herbaceous stemless plant with a rather thick rhizome lying at the bottom of the reservoir. The rhizome is dark brown in color, covered with the remains of leaf petioles; leaves of aquatic plants floating, on the water surface, large, round-oval, glossy. The leaves are dark green above and reddish-violet below.

Flowers are solitary, delicate, white, the diameter of which is 10-12 cm with a pleasant subtle aroma, located on long stalks. The flowers have numerous petals, which are directed in different directions, and seem to cover each other. Therefore, the flower itself looks like a white, rather lush rose. The plant blooms from late May to August.

In the morning, at approximately 8 o'clock, this aquatic herbaceous plant releases its flowers onto the water surface, which open under the rays of the sun. At five or six o'clock in the evening, the flowers fold their petals and sink under the water. In rainy and cloudy weather, the flowers of this plant do not rise to the water surface at all.

The fruit of the Water Lily is fleshy, multi-seeded, and has the shape of a wide vessel. The plant reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. The water lily is unpretentious to soils, so its dense thickets are found on silty, clayey, sandy, and peat lands. To grow it in artificial reservoirs, a thick layer of silt or nutritious clay soil is poured onto the bottom.

The plant is not demanding of light, so its thickets can develop well in the shade of tall air-water plants. It is especially worth noting that Water Lily, Nymphea is very sensitive to injury, so you should not pick these beautiful flowers. The plant may die and disappear from water bodies forever.

The Water Lily family is distributed in the forest zone of North-Eastern Europe, Siberia, the Far East and North America. The differences that the aquatic plants have are the small water lily - the floating leaves and flowers (the diameter of which is 4-6 cm) are much smaller than those of the Nymphea water lily, the rhizome is much thinner.

However, the feeding value of this plant for small animals is great, since it grows precisely in northern regions, where the Water Lily Nymphea cannot grow.

Varieties of water lilies are also known: Water lily pure white (pure white flowers, diameter 6-10 cm); Pink water lily (pink flowers, 10-15 cm in diameter).

The Rogulnikov family, distributed in the south of Europe, the south of Siberia, and the Far East. This annual herbaceous aquatic plant has a long underwater stem, at the lower nodes of which there are thread-like roots that attach the water chestnut to the ground.

The leaves are in a rosette, floating, broadly rhombic, 3-4 cm long, 3-4.5 cm wide, pubescent below. The petioles have an oblong-elliptical swelling filled with air-bearing tissue of varying lengths. This creates good lighting for each sheet.

The flowers are small, white, located one at a time on thin stalks in the axils of the leaves. Flowers develop under water and are carried to the water surface by pedicels that are covered with upward curved hairs. The flowers open in the morning for several hours, close by noon and go under water. The plant blooms in May-June. The fruit is a nut with a conical base and four powerful, oppositely arranged horns. The fruits are well preserved in silt, even for ten years, without losing their viability.

The plant reproduces vegetatively. In order to grow this family of aquatic plants, the silty soil of the reservoir is necessary. Very sensitive to water composition. So, if it contains even one percent of sodium chloride and calcium salts, the plant dies. The fruits of the nut are highly nutritious food for muskrats, river beavers, geese, and ducks.

The local population consumes it as a delicacy. The water chestnut is interesting because sometimes for a while it can turn into: this happens when the water level in a reservoir can rise sharply so much that the stem of the plant cannot reach the bottom of the reservoir. However, if the water in the reservoir subsides or, like a free-floating plant, the water chestnut will float to shallow water, its stem will again take root in the soil of the bottom of the reservoir. Recently, the water chestnut is found less and less every year, therefore it is subject to protection. Listed in the Red Book.

Family Rhododaceae, common in lakes of Western Siberia. This is a rhizomatous, fast-growing plant. It has two types of leaves: floating and underwater. Floating ones are broadly oval, greenish, with a waxy coating, which adhere well to the water surface due to the presence of air-bearing tissue and channels in them.

The underwater leaves of aquatic plants are narrow-lanceolate and quite densely cover the stem submerged in water. They die off long before the plant begins to flower. The flowers are small, pink, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, rising above the water surface. The plant blooms in June-July.

The fruit is an obovate nut with a short nose. The seeds ripen in late July-August. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively. It is not picky about soils; it grows well on silty, clayey, and sandy soils. Pondweed overwinters floating at the bottom of reservoirs, the depth of which is from 0.5 to 2 m. At this time, “sleeping” buds are formed.

Overwintering buds and rhizomes are highly nutritious food, especially during the ice-covered period, for small animals: muskrat, beaver, water rat. Its dense thickets serve good place for the spawning of many, including valuable species of fish. The tuberous thickenings of the rhizomes, when baked, can also be used as human food. The peculiarities of this plant are that it enriches the water of the reservoir with oxygen, and can also be used as a good fertilizer.

The Rhododaceae family, distributed in the temperate zone of Eurasia and North America. This is a perennial rhizomatous plant with thin, highly branched stems. There are two types of leaves: underwater and floating. Underwater – numerous, lanceolate, translucent, forming the main vegetative mass. Pondweed is aquatic plants with floating leaves, the shape and structure of which resemble the leaves of floating pondweed.

The flowers are small, inconspicuous, collected in inflorescences - a thick spike. The fruits are spicate, with a short beak. Pondweed, like floating pondweed, overwinters at the bottom of reservoirs. In summer it is the favorite food of all aquatic animals and waterfowl. In winter - for animals in non-frozen areas of reservoirs.

Pondweed is a very variable species of Pondweed. So, when the water level in reservoirs rises, which leads to the deepening of the plant, its floating leaves die. When the reservoir dries out, the plant can take on a terrestrial form with leathery leaves narrowed into petioles.

The Chastukhov family, distributed in the European part of Russia, feeds the Arctic. It is a perennial aquatic plant with a thick, large tuberous rhizome. It has thick, erect stems, much longer than the leaves. Chastukha has two types of leaves: floating and emergent.

Floating - lower, wide-linear, pure green. Above-water - large, ovate or broadly ovate, located on long petioles, also pure green in color. The flowers are small, up to 1 cm in diameter, whitish-pink or pale lilac in color, collected in graceful pyramidal panicles.

The flowers are located on stems whose height is about 0.7 m. The plant blooms in June-August. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively. The plant is poisonous when fresh and harmful to livestock, but when dried, the toxicity disappears. The plant is very decorative; Winter bouquets are made from dry inflorescences. It can also be a beautiful addition to floating plants when decorating ponds.

The Water Lily family, distributed in the Ussuri Region, India, Japan, and China. It is an annual, stemless aquatic plant. The leaves are long-petiolate, arrow-shaped young plant. At a later time - round-oval, leathery, reaching 130 cm in diameter. The underside of the leaves of aquatic plants is slightly pubescent, violet-purple in color; the upper one is green, bare. It has strongly protruding veins on which numerous spines are located.

The plant is remarkable in that its leaves have numerous protuberances. Air bubbles accumulate under them, thanks to which the floating Euryale plants are held on the surface of the water surface of the reservoir.

The flowers are large, blue-violet in color with a reddish core, located on thin peduncles. Flowers and peduncles are covered with spines, bent down. The plant blooms in the second half of summer. The fruits are round, dark purple in color, weighing up to 200 g, covered with powerful thorns. The seeds are black, spherical, covered with sticky mucus, and ripen in September-October.

Euryale frightening is propagated by seeds. Each year the plant produces abundant, flat, spiny foliage. This original, light-loving plant is sown in ponds southern regions, the above countries.

Seed propagation of aquatic plants with floating leaves

Egg pods, pondweeds, water lilies, Chastukha, Alisma, Euryale are propagated by seed. The fruits of the egg capsules and spikelets of pondweed, which float on the surface of reservoirs, are collected from the boat by hand at the end of August - beginning of September, tearing them off the pedicels.

Water Lily Fruits that are under water are cut off with a hook. The collected fruits and spikelets are placed on the bottom of the boat, covered with damp moss or damp burlap to protect them from drying out. They are then placed in baskets or boxes with holes and placed in water to ripen. After 7-12 days, the seeds of these plants are completely freed from the fruit shells, spikelets, and mucus, that is, they are ready for sowing.

Seeds of Egg Capsules and Water Lilies scattered from a boat or from the shore. They descend onto the muddy soil of a previously surveyed reservoir. The following spring shoots appear, and a year later the plants bloom.

Pondweed seeds are rolled into lumps of clay and dipped in clay soil, the layer of which is 10-15 cm, to a depth of 40-90 cm; for clayey – sand-containing soil, to a depth of 30-90 cm.

Seeds of Chastukha, Alisma sown during the summer in open reservoirs, silty soil to a depth of 7-10 cm.

Euryale Seeds freed from fruit shells and mucus, they are sown in the muddy soil of a reservoir with a depth of up to 1.3 m.

Water chestnut is propagated by its fruits. , one plant of which produces 10-15 fruits. During collection, the fruits are placed in damp moss to protect them from drying out, since dry fruits completely lose their viability. It has been noted that water chestnut fruits can be preserved in silt for up to 10 years, without losing their germination capacity. Water chestnut fruits are planted in shallow, well-warmed by the sun reservoirs with silty soil to a depth of 0.6-1 m.

Vegetative propagation of aquatic plants with floating leaves

By vegetative method, that is, by dividing the rhizomes, Egg Capsules, Water Lilies, Pondweeds, Chastukha, and Alisma are propagated. To do this, the rhizomes of these plants are hooked from the bottom of reservoirs from a boat with a hook and removed to the surface. Then they are cut with a knife into cuttings 20-25 cm long so that each cutting contains buds (“eyes”) and bunches of roots. Having tied a load to the cuttings (it can be gravel, crushed stone, pieces of brick), they are immersed in the water of the reservoir. In this case, the rhizome cuttings should remain on the surface of the soil.

Cuttings of Egg Capsules and Water Lilies planted in the muddy soil of a reservoir to a depth of 0.6-1.2 m. Cuttings of Chastukha and Alisma in artificial reservoirs are planted to a depth of 7-12 cm; in natural ones - to a depth of 15 cm. It should be noted that for planting cuttings of rhizomes of these plants, the western thermal season can be used. However, the optimal time is spring and the first half of summer.

Legends and legends about Eggs and Water Lilies

Legend 1 (about the white water lily). The scientific name of the water lily family (Nymph) is apparently given in honor of the beautiful white-faced young Nymph with a shock of golden hair, living in a forest lake. At night, sinking to the bottom of the lake, she slept peacefully. And in the morning, having risen to the surface of the water, I washed myself with dew from the coastal plants. Her life flowed calmly, surrounded by dryads and naiads in picturesque nature.

But one day, on the shore of the lake, she saw the then young Hercules. Sleep and peace left her, she stopped sinking to the bottom of the lake, meeting her friends - she was still waiting for Hercules to return. But he didn't come anymore. Life was slowly leaving the beautiful Nymph and this legend about the white Water Lily says that she soon turned into a snow-white flower with golden stamens. Every morning the flower opened on the surface of the lake, as if expecting and hoping to see Hercules again.

Legend 2 (about Mermaids and Water Lilies). Apparently, myths about Mermaids appeared among the Slavs because of the ability of water lilies to submerge in water. These pale-faced, slender beauties loved to comb their long, flowing, moon-colored hair on moonlit nights, sitting on stones and stumps on the shore of a forest lake. And when they saw random belated travelers, they caught them and pulled them into their watery kingdom.

Legend 3 (Water lilies - amulets). Water lily (white water lily) was called in ancient times in Rus' Odolen-grass. It was believed that she was capable of protecting people traveling to distant lands. Therefore, a piece of its rhizome was placed in an amulet and worn as an amulet. They also believed that its root should be carried by a shepherd so that his flock would not scatter. There was also a belief: “whoever dislikes you and wants to dry him, give him the root to eat.”

Legend 4 (love story of the Water King and Princess Nymph). Admiring the Egg Capsules and Water Lilies, people created legends about the origin of these amazingly beautiful plants. So, one Italian legend about the Water Lily says......

Among the picturesque hills covered with flowers, in the foothills of the Alps lies a blue, blue lake. During the day, under the rays of the sun, many different species of fish splashed in its water. And when the stars lit up in the sky and the Moon appeared, the lunar path ran across the water surface of the lake; The Water King lived in this lake.

Not far from the lake, on one of the hills, stood a magnificent ancient castle. The beautiful towers, turrets, and spiers of this castle were reflected in the water of this lake. Many generations passed in this castle during the life of the water king. But one day he saw a young, beautiful girl with golden, lush hair, eyes bluer than the waters of a lake, skin whiter than snowy mountains.

It was Nymph - the daughter of the owner of the castle. Seeing her, the Water King felt loneliness for the first time. But how to get closer to it? After all, only a light small cloud of gray fog could he cling to the windows of the castle - this was his real appearance. And he could only inhabit a snag or a dead person. One day he heard that a ball was being prepared in the castle, at which Nymph was supposed to choose a groom.

That day, clinging to the windows of the castle, he watched with longing as the elegant guests who arrived were having fun, dancing - music was playing in the castle. And when dusk came, he saw a strange horseman appear on the road to the castle. He was sitting on a horse, for some reason backwards to front, muttering something indistinctly. True, he was young and handsome, dressed quite elegantly, and his horse was a thoroughbred. When the rider, driving a spur into the horse, made him fly up, the horse threw him to the ground. The young man groaned, but soon fell silent.

The water king felt sorry for this man, he bent over him. And a few moments later a young, handsome Stranger entered the castle hall. The music instantly stopped and there was silence in the hall. And suddenly his ironic, authoritative voice rang out: “why isn’t the music playing?” And the musicians, without even asking permission from the owner of the castle, began to play.

The guests made way for the stranger as he went to invite the Nymph to dance. They danced alone all evening; no one dared to enter the circle. “I’ll show you the whole world,” the Stranger whispered to the charming Nymph. Further, this legend about the Water Lily says that in the morning both disappeared, and no one ever saw them again. And on the blue, blue lake, Egg Caps and Water Lilies began to appear from time to time. Local residents said that it was the Water King and the Nymphs who visited this lake again.

There are thousands of rivers, lakes and swamps all over the world, the vegetation of which is impressive in its diversity. Moreover, some plants can exist not only above the surface of the water, but also below it. All plants of freshwater bodies of water are unique, but despite the fact that most of them still tend to grow in certain types of bodies of water, there are also varieties that feel great in any fresh water.

An example is the common trefoil, which is valuable medicinal plant. Its petioles begin to grow directly from the root, with each of them crowned by three large leaves. At the same time, there are no leaves on the stem itself, but its top is crowned with a cluster of small pale pink, almost white flowers, reminiscent of stars in their shape.

The most common plants in freshwater bodies

Plants of fresh water bodies, the names of which are indicated in this article, grow almost everywhere, but have many individual characteristics. As an example, we can cite plants that can be seen almost everywhere where there is fresh water - these are reeds, cattails and reeds.

They like to grow in thickets and have many similar features, due to which they are often confused with each other, although they belong to different families. First of all, these are the stems, which in these plants are tall and straight. In some cases they can even reach 6-9 meters, but this is where their similarity ends. In reeds there are practically no leaves on the stem; in cattails, the leaves begin to twist in a helical manner from the base. In addition, the cattail ear is long and velvety, unlike reeds, which are characterized by a fluffy panicle.

Practical benefits

Plants such as reeds, cattails and reeds are characterized by accelerated growth, due to which their number increases so much that they completely occupy large areas of water, gradually emptying them. Largely due to the fact that people from ancient times have adapted plants from fresh water bodies for various economic needs, in particular, for covering roofs, weaving baskets, bags, mats and even ropes, sources fresh water practically never dry out. The remaining plants simply do not have time to absorb all the moisture and dry up the source.

swampy area

In order to find out which fresh water plants are typical for your area, just carefully study the sources closest to you. For example, the most widespread in swampy areas is that there are more than 1000 different species around the world. Nevertheless, the structure of each of them contains similar features, among which is a triangular stem with a dense structure, while long, grooved leaves, pointed towards the end, extend from each face. A similar leaf structure can be observed in most cereal crops.

The second most common plant and the most similar in appearance to sedge is the rush plant. It also grows in swamps, but this grass, unlike sedge, is characterized by a round shape. In addition, due to the fact that the stem of the rush is thinner and branched, the leaves, while maintaining a similar structure, are still much narrower than those of the sedge and, Seeing these two plants side by side, it will be quite difficult to confuse them in the future.

Rivers and lakes

Plants of fresh water bodies, which are characteristic of river and lake areas, are primarily noticeable on the banks. This is primarily characteristic of iris flowers, which are similar in appearance to ordinary garden iris. In addition to them, the no less common weeping grass can grow in the coastal zone, whose purple inflorescences, reminiscent of a spike, immediately catch the eye. Its leaves are similar to willow leaves, but they are characterized by special slots, thanks to which excess moisture that the plant absorbs is easily drained out.

Poisonous representatives

However, it is worth considering that not all plants of fresh water bodies are harmless, because among them there are also poisonous representatives, among which the most common are chastuha and arrowhead. Moreover, the appearance of their leaves is directly related to their habitat. If these plants grow immersed in water, the leaves will resemble ribbons in their shape. If they are located on the surface of the water, they are held on it using an underwater petiole and a special floating plate. In addition, being on the surface, the leaves of the arrowhead take on the shape of arrows and begin to fully live up to their name. Unlike chastuha, which is completely poisonous, people have adapted arrowhead tubers for food.

Plants of freshwater bodies of water, characteristic of swampy areas, are buttercups, which also differ in that they can be either floating or located under water. Moreover, despite the fact that they can also be found in other freshwater sources, all buttercups, without exception, are poisonous plants. The most dangerous to humans are:

  • poisonous buttercup;
  • buttercup pimple - forms abscesses on the skin.

In addition, in the category poisonous plants, which are found in freshwater bodies, can be attributed to one of the most poisonous plants of modern flora - hemlock, which grows exclusively in marshy areas.

The beauty of freshwater plants

Plants of fresh water bodies, photos of which can be seen in this article, continue to amaze with their beauty. For example, having seen it in a pond, few people will remain indifferent to its grace. Her flowers are big and large.

Opening at sunrise, they close only at sunset. Among the people, the water lily received several names, among which the most famous are white lily and water rose. Its leaves, located above the water, are large and large. They are characterized by the presence of a large number of air cavities, but their underwater leaves look like ribbons. Often in freshwater bodies of water you can find an equally beautiful yellow water lily.

Plants and animals of fresh water bodies are unique and require constant protection. Thanks to constantly changing climatic conditions, some of them are on the verge of extinction, while the rest have significantly reduced their population. The only exception is the amphibious buckwheat, which, when the reservoir dries out, sheds aquatic leaves and grows new ones, characteristic of a land plant.

However, in contrast to the amphibious buckwheat, we can give the example of pondweed, which grows exclusively at great depths and is a favorite place for laying eggs by most fish. It is imported into some imported farms specifically in order to significantly increase the fish population.

A person should try with all his might to maintain the ecological situation of freshwater bodies of water, reducing harmful emissions not only into water sources, but also into the atmosphere, and also, as far as possible, reduce the population of various plants that reduce the moisture content in water bodies and ultimately lead to their complete drying.

If you want to create a green corner in your apartment that has a luxurious and slightly mysterious look, you will need indoor plants that grow in water, that are not afraid of excessive moisture, but prefer it. When selecting such species, pay attention to the origin of the plant; if its natural habitat is wetlands, such a flower will be suitable.

The benefits of moisture-loving flowers for humans

Excessive dry air is harmful to our respiratory organs. Everyone feels this for themselves. The normal level of air humidity in the room will be between 40 and 70%. In winter, dryness becomes critical. Trying to correct the situation, we buy expensive air humidifiers that do not decorate our interior at all. But there is a wonderful way to achieve comfortable humidity in a natural and beautiful way - by growing semi-aquatic or aquatic plants.

Houseplants growing in water have a romantic, fantastic appearance and lush greenery. Such an area with lush greenery, and even in combination with well-chosen photo wallpapers, will create a real tropical kingdom in the apartment.
Any indoor flowers cleanse the atmosphere of the apartment and enrich it with oxygen. True, cacti and other succulents do this to a lesser extent. But tropical swamp plants have powerful photosynthetic activity. All physiological processes occur energetically in them, so they can supply us with oxygen and moisture to the maximum.

Recently, decorating the bathroom with living plants has become popular. Moisture-loving plants are ideal for this purpose. They will grow beautifully here. And while taking a shower or bath, you will feel as if you are on a tropical ocean coast.

Main representatives

This is the most famous and unpretentious of indoor aquatic plants. Its triangular, strong stems, growing in a bunch, end in a lush “fountain” of leaves spreading to the sides. For such a characteristic appearance, Cyperus is often called “palm tree”. In fact, he belongs to the Osokov family. Its homeland is the wetlands of the tropics of Africa. Its closest relative is papyrus. And our pet is often called by a double name: Cyperus-Papyrus. This plant can be grown simply in a container of water. There is never too much water for him. The more it is, the more magnificent it grows. It is usually grown in flowerpots that stand in deep trays that are constantly filled with water.

Calla, or calla lily

The second most popular indoor plant, preferring to grow almost submerged in water. This marsh plant came to us from the subtropical regions of South America. Its charming snow-white blanket surrounding the bright yellow ear of the upward-pointing inflorescence looks solemn and elegant. Pots with calla lilies, like cyperus, feel best when placed in trays filled with water. The popularity of the flower is associated not only with its magical beauty, but also with the significant plasticity of the plant. Calla lilies can also grow in conditions of relative lack of moisture. True, in this case you can’t count on lush flowering.

It is also called water hyacinth. She is also surprisingly unpretentious. The main condition for it is water. In nature, Eichornia grows in the tropical part of South America. However, thanks to its vitality, it now grows successfully in many warm climates around the world, earning it the nickname “water plague.” Eichornia is often used by aquarists, growing it on the surface of the water. It also enjoys well-deserved attention from flower growers. This indoor aquatic plant prefers to grow in wide, but not small, containers of water, which are placed in a warm place with sufficient lighting. Drafts are extremely undesirable. IN summer time, when conditions are most favorable for it, eichornia will delight you with graceful lilac flowers, indeed, reminiscent of hyacinths.

This plant is no different lush flowering, but its delicate thin thread-like leaves give it a peculiar charm. It is no coincidence that flower growers, touched by his airy appearance, gave him whole line affectionate names: “cuckoo tears”, “graceful isolepis”, “hair grass”. The young leaves of this reed first grow vertically. Gradually, becoming longer, they begin to bend, forming a lush bunch of thin green tubes with silvery lights of small rounded inflorescences at the tips. This allowed flower growers to humorously call this reed “fiber-optic grass.” It is for this reason that the flower looks most impressive in tall flowerpots standing in filled trays.

Many varieties of bamboo, especially low-growing varieties, are excellent for growing in water. But it does relatively well with less moisture. Maybe he can put up with some lack of light. Bamboo is very plastic both in terms of growing conditions and the ability to give it different shapes. It grows quickly, creating fancy bushes. There are a lot of varieties of bamboo; you can choose both low-growing and powerful plants.

This type completely undemanding to growing conditions. The only thing he needs is large quantities- water. The modest appearance of the plant is not a reason to refuse to grow it in our homes. It perfectly complements compositions with calla lilies or bamboo. It is good to use for decorating a loggia or veranda. And for the summer, pots with calamus can be placed in a decorative pond in the country or personal plot. In any place this plant will delight not only with its bright greenery, but also pleasant aroma, reminiscent of a tangerine.

This is a very showy plant with shiny leaves and flowers in lilac, blue or white. Her homeland is South, Central and North America, from tropical to warm temperate parts. The flower grows in shallow areas of rivers and lakes. Therefore, when cultivating pontederia, it must be planted in water to a depth of about 8 cm. The height of its bushes reaches half a meter. In summer, purple spike-shaped inflorescences appear among the bright heart-shaped leaves. Flowering continues all summer until almost half of autumn. Then the pontederia begins a period of rest, but its luxurious bushes do not lose their attractiveness.

Based on these moisture-loving plants, you can create various compositions that will decorate your home, make it cozier and more comfortable. There is no need to try to buy all of them; just choose three or four types you like. They will make you happy all year round. Just don't forget to add water.