Internal cleansing of accumulated emotional dirt. A. Sviyash “Technique of Forgiveness”, “Technique of Effective Forgiveness”

© Alexander Sviyash, 2016

© Alla Tikhonova, cover design, 2016

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero


The true life of a person is that

which he doesn't even know about.

N. Butler

Why would a normal person engage in forgiveness? This seems to be prescribed to believers: if you sin, ask for forgiveness, otherwise you will be punished.

But if you are a completely modern person, far from religion, and have no serious sins, then do you need forgiveness?

It turns out that it is very necessary. And the point here is not at all about sins.

When you live perfectly ordinary life, far from religion or mysticism, go to work, raise children, and so on, then you quite often experience negative experiences. Either you were deceived, then you were offended, then you were insulted, then you were not given enough - which does not happen in life. And you reacted to this - you got angry, offended, and felt guilty.

So, all these experiences did not pass without a trace for you - you still have undetected emotions in your body.

And when there are a lot of them, they create the following problems for you:

· Your energy levels drop; you don’t have the strength to take on new things or complete old ones. Your success declines, you find yourself in a zone of bad luck that just won’t go away.

· In places where unresolved emotions accumulate, diseases arise, and more than one. Doctors treat diseases of the body, and the cause lies in your experiences.

· You again and again unconsciously get involved in conflicts with your long-time opponents, although on a conscious level you dream of stopping swearing.

· You dream of changing something in your life, but nothing works out for you - some forces within you are blocking your attempts to change something.

· There is a continuous and uncontrollable rush of thoughts in your head, taking away your strength and distracting you from important matters.

Do you have any of the symptoms described above or do they all occur together? This means you urgently need to use techniques to cleanse your body of unresolved emotions.

And the simplest and best technique for this is forgiveness.

But not simple, but “Effective forgiveness,” which you will learn about from this book. And you can even start working with it. And at the same time start new life.

Read the review

Don't believe me? Read one of the reviews sent to us by a man who worked with Effective Forgiveness (EF).

“Hello, Alexander Grigorievich. The result of using the EP technique. With prologue, epilogue and afterword.


He and his wife separated, and all subsequent meetings with women only led to disappointment. Irritation began to develop into a fierce hatred of all females. Women appeared, but they became more and more bitchy. The last meeting made me think seriously.


At first everything is fine. People are adults, so we can’t just do that. We drew up an oral contract about what someone can do, what they need to do, and what they can’t do at all. I was especially pleased with the point that I should never propose to her, and she would never marry me. Doesn't ask for money. She has a big business and doesn’t depend on anyone. She comes on her own, she leaves on her own.

It would seem, live and be happy. A dream, not a woman. But no. Very soon indignation, irritation, jealousy began to creep in, although he said that everything was wonderful. Can drive me crazy with one phrase. Everything is boiling inside me. I don’t show it outwardly. I even smile. It is useless to be cunning and disingenuous. He senses falsehood physically. A business shark, in a word. She began to move away. Got it, he'll leave. I didn't want to lose it. A positive person, regular sex. Immersed in experiences. Twenty-five again.

Finally it dawned on me that the reason was my attitude towards women, my house-building habits. She dashingly tramples on all my idealizations. All that exist. Like a bulldozer. And smiles.

While we were traveling, I wrote up an EP for her (Effective Forgiveness - from the author). Have worked. We met. Stunned. If she was cold before, she suddenly became as affectionate as a cat. Just doesn't purr. This one:

- You have changed.

- How?

- Don't know. You have changed. Have you bewitched me?

- Certainly. Did you drink coffee? This is a love potion. I cooked it when the Moon was in something there. Do you want a lapel?

- No.

It may disappear for a week, but always, when I work with an electronic signature for her, she immediately sends an SMS, no matter where she is. Miracles!

I didn't treat her any worse. The passion did not go away, rather the opposite. Calm and quiet joy appeared inside. I looked at the EP for her. I was surprised. You remove the name, insert the words “woman” and the EP for the fair sex is ready. The expectations are the same. Irritated by the same things. With some bills. Further steeper. Calling. This is generally rare for her. Usually SMS. He's coming. We sit and talk. And suddenly, like this:

– You know, I had to sleep with a man in order to sign the contract I needed.

Oh, my sore subject. A month ago I would have strangled him. I listened to myself - calm inside, no reactions. No protest, no indignation. He's lying. I calmly:

- Look, if it's so important to you, why not?

“Do you care that I’m sleeping with someone else?”

- If I can’t give you what you want, why should I be indignant about it? The main thing is that everything is fine with you. You, when you come to a store and they don’t have what you need, you don’t get indignant, but go to another one.

I looked, and her eyes became round.

- Are you serious? She looked so intently.

- Yes, you are serious!

- Should I leave?

- As you wish.

I started getting dressed. Then he throws his coat at me. She fell out of place and onto her neck. He hugs me and hits me on the back with his fist:

- Bastard! You bastard! I hate you! What are you doing to me?

- Nothing. Is it possible?

In the morning she turned on her pragmatism and calmly and seriously said:

– I wanted to leave.

- I know. Why didn't you leave?

- I was afraid that you would do something stupid.

– Yesterday I was afraid that I would lose you. What's happening scares me. And I really like it. Want to be with you.

This one calls at night:

- Do you want me to come?

- Certainly.

I've arrived. He gets out of the car and immediately, without preludes, directly:

- I will live with you.

- Why?

The answer is simple and completely incomprehensible.

- Because!


We live together. And I get such a buzz from it! I really wanted this girl, and I got her in some strange way. I didn't do anything. He didn’t fight, didn’t participate in fist fights, didn’t deal with her men. She takes over my space and does it simply amazing. Gave a name to my brownie. He sits on the closet and, in my opinion, drags along. He stopped acting out, creaking parquet floors, slamming doors and behaves in an exemplary manner. We can still not leave the apartment for days and we are not bored with each other. We walk holding each other's hand. I'm not trying to change her, she's me. And in general, we sleep in an embrace. What a breath!

With respect and gratitude for your work, Alexey.”

And all this happened to a man. In women, similar processes occur much more clearly.

Don't believe me? Look at the reviews under the “Success Stories” button on my Open blog with answers to your questions at: [broken link]

And now you don’t believe it? This means you have not matured enough to understand the importance of the topic of internal purity. But don’t throw away this book, wait until things that are important to you come to a complete dead end. Then take out the book and start working on it. And everything for you will be the same as for Alexey from the review above.

And if there is no deadlock, then you can do without forgiveness.

Start thinking

This is not a book where ready-made recipes: Do this and that, and you will be happy. There are clearly many such books on your bookshelf.

We propose a different approach. The method offered to you is called the “Reasonable Way”, that is, you must first understand with your Reason what and how to do. And only then start doing the exercises.

If you just want a set of recipes, then look elsewhere. Here you will be forced to think.

I apologize to men

The author knows very well that the main readers and users of the proposed techniques will be women. In our country and countries like ours with a highly instinctive population, women are more open to external help. They make up 85% of all book readers and participants (participants?) of all trainings related to personal changes.

A “real” man always knows that he already knows everything. Asking for someone else's help immediately lowers his status in his own eyes; he must achieve everything himself, and thereby prove his toughness. He can only go to trainings that are not disgraceful for a “real kid.” That is, for business training or pickup training. And for the rest - no, no.

And he doesn’t read books on personal growth. And he will not engage in forgiveness, even if he is in a complete mess in life.

Therefore, I immediately address the book to women - the text will use feminine endings of words.

This does not mean that men do not need forgiveness. It’s necessary, how! That is, to those men who find the strength to read the ideas given in the book and use them - glory! It will be an act wise man, putting his real achievements above male show-offs.

I apologize in advance to my male readers for using feminine endings. Please ignore this.

AND little secret women. If after reading this book you realize that your man really needs this book to help him get out of his problems, do not even think of pushing the book on him and advising him to read it. You will rudely attack something sacred - his high opinion of himself. And you will most likely get a rude answer. This should never be done in our country!

It’s better to just leave this book in the toilet near the toilet, as if by accident (this is only possible for the paper version of the book, of course). Having nothing else to do, he can start reading it there and, perhaps, draw the right conclusions for himself.

And if he is a male male, only with problems, then tear these lines out of the book in advance so that he does not read them and understand that you are somehow controlling him - this may make him immediately throw the book in the trash.

This is the country we live in, we have to adapt.

Tatiana Kulinich

Many modern psychotherapists have repeatedly repeated in their works that one of the main psychological problems of a person is a feeling of guilt and negative memories deeply hidden in the psyche. Some specialists, for example, body-oriented psychotherapy, argue that these negative emotions“imprinted” into our body, creating muscle blocks and clamps. They are the cause of our uncertainty, irritability and all negative emotions.

Although psychotherapy is long work, there are techniques that can help you cope with the problem yourself. One of these techniques is called “The most effective self-forgiveness”, developed by A. Sviyash. According to its author, it cleanses not just our psyche and body, but also energy shell, which esotericists call an aura.

The essence of the “Forgiving yourself” technique

Each of us has a so-called “Inner Critic”. Sigmund Freud called it the Super-Ego and argued that it is formed under the influence of criticism from parents, others, and society. He remembers all our mistakes. This “inner critic” does not allow us to relax and constantly evaluates our behavior, remembering past mistakes, our own and those close to us. Memories of negative experiences are triggered by subconscious anticipation, and we repeat the same thing over and over again.

You can free yourself from this vicious circle only by working deeply with your subconscious, weakening the influence of the conscious mind that controls us. In the “Forgiving yourself” technique according to A. Sviyash, this is done by entering a trance while performing breathing exercises. As you know, in a trance state (the deepest of which is hypnosis), our subconscious opens, and we can “reprogram” our negative attitudes to positive ones. The short sentences that are repeated at this time are deeply imprinted on our mind.

In A. Sviyash’s technique, we work in three directions: self-acceptance, self-forgiveness and erasing negative memories. Self-acceptance frees us from the need to constantly evaluate and compare ourselves with others. We learn to love ourselves as the Universe created us. When we forgive ourselves, we free ourselves from guilt and all regrets. Complete forgiveness also implies forgiveness of insults that our loved ones have inflicted on us, and this is also spoken out while performing the technique. And finally, erasing negative memories completely frees us from the shackles of the past, and we begin life with a new leaf.

Sequence of performing the “Forgiving yourself” technique

1. Breathing exercises.

While standing, try to breathe as deeply and quickly as possible for 5 minutes. At the same time, you need to imagine how your body and subconscious mind are liberated, and you gradually enter a trance state. If after a while you feel dizzy or other discomfort, slow down your breathing for a few minutes, then continue for another 1-2 minutes. During breathing exercises, concentrate on exhaling.

2. Forgiving yourself

As emotionally as possible, putting all your feelings into each sentence, consistently pronounce the following phrases:

“With love and gratitude, I accept myself as I am. I remove from my body all the memories of when I was unhappy with myself. I remove from my body all the memories of when I felt guilty. I cleanse my body of memories of when I was unhappy with myself, when I fought with myself.

I'm completely satisfied with myself. I love me. I approve of all my previous actions.

I erase the memories that I failed to do something correctly or on time. I erase memories of not being able to do something. I erase all the memories of when I felt like I wasn't good enough. I erase all memories of when I couldn't help people. I erase all memories of things that didn’t work out for me.

I apologize to my body for being unhappy with it, for fighting with it. I love my body. I approve of my body. I remove all experiences of judgment from my body. With love and gratitude I accept myself. I completely erase all my doubts. I completely erase all my fears. I erase the memories of when I felt imperfect.

I erase the memories of when I was angry with my husband. I erase the memories of when I was offended by my child. I erase the memories of when I was offended by my parents.

All my unpleasant memories now become empty. I forgive myself completely. I erase from my body all energy charges from dissatisfaction with myself. I am clearing my body of all the memories of when I felt guilty.

My body is clean and transparent. It is filled with inner strength. I'm a wonderful person! I'm delighted with myself!"

3. Relaxation

After completing the exercises, you may feel an internal trembling, tears appearing in your eyes, these are signs of successful internal cleansing. Now sit down and gradually calm down with slow, measured breathing.

Contraindications and advice

A. Sviyash speaks about the following contraindications for his technique “Forgiving yourself”: the presence mental illness, taking serious medications that affect the psyche, pregnancy. Should be used with caution breathing exercises people with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In this case, alternate inhalations and exhalations more slowly.

For maximum effect, it is recommended to do this exercise in a course of 4-5 times.

Tatyana Kulinich for https://site

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Emotions make our lives more alive. But they also create many problems for us that we are not aware of. Unresolved emotions reduce energy, create diseases, control our behavior and our choices, create an endless running of thoughts in our heads, and much more. You can and should free yourself from all this. The book gives the most effective method for cleansing the body today. negative influence all your past experiences. Try it.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Effective forgiveness. How to stay internally clean in our difficult times (Alexander Sviyash) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Chapter 3. Technique “Effective Forgiveness”

There's no point in continuing to do the same thing

and wait for other results.

Albert Einstein

How to get rid of emotional blocks faster? Maybe you should just give yourself the command: “I’m removing all emotional blocks from myself right now!”?

We tried, nothing works.

Firstly, no brain understands what “emotional blocks” are.

Secondly, The reptilian brain does not agree to remove them, because you have not yet knocked on the neck of your offender and did not force him to behave correctly.

Third, all our thoughts and commands are controlled by our Mind (New Brain). And it works very simply. Having received a new command or new information, he immediately asks our memory (more precisely, the Subconscious) what is there on this topic.

And what is the end result?

For example, you give yourself a command: “I order you to remove all emotional charges aimed at fighting my husband!” The team seems to be good, correct, if you are tired of arguing with him.

But your Mind will not fulfill it right away - you never know what whim has hit your head? Yesterday you were ready to fight with him, today you suddenly decided to make peace. What will you come up with tomorrow?

So he will ask your memory - what is there about your husband? And he will get the full layout - your husband and a brute, and a miser, and a cheater, and a lazy person, and God knows who else. That is, you still have to work and work with him until he becomes a decent person. And in such a situation, do you suddenly want to be left without energy charges? You're crazy!

And your Mind will completely calmly send your team to the trash heap.

This is how we are made. We take any new information and any new proposals very critically. We immediately try to either squeeze new information into our existing knowledge, or reject it - if we already have some beliefs in this regard. The information loaded first is considered correct.(read more about this in the book “Open Subconscious”).

In the same way, any new command is tested to see if it is acceptable in comparison with existing beliefs or facts. And if a new command in some way contradicts existing beliefs, it is usually rejected.

This is not bad for the survival of the human race as a whole, but bad for giving yourself specific commands to change. Your “internal controller” will most likely reject the new command. And everything will remain the same, it’s safer.

Of course, you can convince him of the seriousness of your intentions, but to do this you will have to repeat your command many times - this depends on the level of your criticality. For example, 50 repetitions may be enough for a young and trusting girl, and for an adult man with two higher education Even 1000 repetitions may not help. And who will strain themselves when the result is not guaranteed? I want something more effective, this is the time now.

Is it possible to somehow bypass this “internal controller”?

Of course you can. People have long adapted to bypass any obstacles that Nature has come up with.

How to load a command into yourself (into your Reptilian brain) so that it is not rejected by our Mind?

How to bypass the internal controller?

You can use such a feature of the Mind as low speed decision making.

Having received new information along nerve fibers from the eyes, ears or from our imagination, the Mind must comprehend it. To do this, he makes a request to the Subconscious, what is it and what is it about? The subconscious mind quickly compares the information received with the various patterns it has that we received during the learning process, and gives an answer. The mind comprehends it and decides how to react to this information (including the situation when the Subconscious does not bring any answer).

Remember how you behave when you meet someone you know whom you haven’t seen for many years. You frantically remember his name and what you know about him; it takes up to a second. Then you either remember or you don’t.

Your Mind behaves the same way in any new situation. Neuroscientists have determined that the Mind (New Brain) requires up to 500 ms to make a decision.

And the Reptilian brain needs only 1-2 ms to make a decision.

So, how do you send a command to the Reptilian brain without the Mind recognizing it? Right, You need to make this command as short as possible. That is, collapse it in 10-20 ms.

Success Matrix program

How can I do that? You can throw the information you need onto the computer screen for 15 ms. The Reptilian brain recognizes it, but the New Brain does not. This principle of introducing some commands into yourself is called the “25th frame effect”, you’ve obviously heard about it. You have also heard the illiterate opinion that this effect does not work.

It works, it’s just that the command you need needs to be shown to you not for half an hour or an hour, but for 20-50 hours, or even more.

This is exactly how the “Success Matrix” computer program works. You load the commands you need into it, and they appear on the computer screen for a split second on top of any other programs.

You don't realize that these are the occasional blinks on the screen - they're too short for your New Brain. And the Reptilian brain recognizes them perfectly and, after some resistance, accepts them for execution.

You can purchase this computer program on the website [broken link] and use it.

This program uses the visual channel to download the information you need.

But we also have a rumor.

Super audio settings

You can go another way. You can write the commands you need about forgiveness or about the kind of person you want to become, read them and start listening to the recordings.

If the recordings are played back at normal speed, then our Mind will have time to catch each phrase, evaluate it and discard it. Only with prolonged listening can they exert their influence.

Or you can go another way. You can use a special program to process audio recordings, compress them and overlay them with the sounds of nature, For example. Next, you listen to the sounds of nature (unlike music, they never get boring), and the commands you need are easily recognized by the Reptilian brain and accepted for execution.

On the website [broken link] you will find about a hundred such encoded audio settings, which were transferred to the inaudible range at the Brain Institute in the USA using the technology developed there. This technology has been used in the USA for more than 20 years and has passed all possible tests.

You can use these moods to download into yourself the commands you need to cleanse your body of negative experiences.

Of course, this is a very convenient tool that allows you to move towards your desired goal with minimal effort.

But! In the moods, no matter how complete they are, you will not find all the phrases you need to completely cleanse your body of emotional blocks. Each person has his own set of experiences, and it is impossible to take into account all the features of your experiences in your mood. Some were arguing with their mother-in-law, some with their mother-in-law, some with their father or mother, some were eating themselves, some were angry at the world for abandoned dogs, and so on.

Therefore, for a complete cleansing, you need to work with a technique that will allow you to identify your entire personal set of experiences, and then completely free yourself from emotional blocks. And the moods can be used as an additional tool for cleaning the body.

This technique is called “Effective Forgiveness” and is carried out in two stages.

The first stage – we compose the radiopharmaceutical preparation

You already know that our Reptilian brain responds well to the words “I apologize” and “I forgive” - they are used in the “Simple Formula for Forgiveness”.

But this formula can be expanded to speed up the process of releasing emotional blocks.

The Expanded Forgiveness Formula (EFF) consists of 5 sections.

Section 1 of the RFP – I apologize

In the first section of the RFP, you ask for forgiveness from the object Forgiveness for the troubles you caused him. You were unhappy with him, you condemned him, did nasty things to him, and so on - you need to ask for forgiveness for everything.

· I apologize to my mother for the fact that I acted against her advice, and she suffered from it.

· I apologize to my mother for sometimes making her cry.

· I apologize to my mother for the fact that I get irritated by any of her actions.

Section 2 of the RFP - I forgive

In the second section of the RFP you forgive the object of forgiveness for the nasty things he did to you. He offended you, insulted you, deceived you, interfered with you, cheated on you, and so on - you need to forgive him for all these pranks.

For example, in the mother’s RFP the following phrases are possible:

· I forgive my mother for interfering in my personal life.

· I forgive my mother for hating my husband.

· I forgive my mother for imposing her views on life.

Section 3 of the RFP – I take energy from memories

In the third section of the RFP, you give yourself the command to take energy from those emotional blocks that arose during strong experiences.

Comments are needed here. The fact is that at different times we experience experiences of different strengths. For example, you are a girl and you have agreed on a date with your loved one for some time.

If it arrived on time, you have no negative experiences.

If he is 10 minutes late and you happen to be on time, you will obviously be annoyed. It will be a negative experience of small force that will leave a small emotional block in your body.

Imagine that you came, but he wasn’t there... You call him and find out that he forgot about his date with you. What will you experience in this situation? Your Reptilian brain will explode and you'll mutter curses about this bastard, won't you? But you won’t have the opportunity to knock on his neck so that he gets scared and always comes on time from now on - he won’t be at your fingertips.

In the end, you will still calm down, but you will have a large emotional block in your body that will then torment you for many years.

That is, a common emotional block, “charged” against any one object of struggle, looks like a piece of “foam” consisting of bubbles of different sizes. A small bubble means small experiences, a large bubble means strong experiences.

If we begin to remember our strong experiences and give ourselves the command to take energy from them, then we will make our piece of “foam” loose, and it will easily collapse.

The phrases from Section 3 of the RFP are specifically designed to recall strong or repeated experiences and take energy from them.

· I take energy from all the memories that my husband did not help me with the children and did not get up at night to see them.

· I take energy from all the memories of how my husband came to the maternity hospital in a company of ten girls from his work, and they kissed him under the windows of the maternity hospital, congratulating him on the birth of his daughter.

· I take energy from all the memories of how I had nothing to congratulate my future mother-in-law, and my husband did not talk to me because of this.

Section 4 of the RFP - I completely erase all memories

In the fourth section of the RFP we also work with past strong experiences, but we give ourselves the command to remove all memories of them from our body. Of course, you will not be able to completely forget about them, but after working with radiopharmaceuticals, your memories will remain energetically “empty” and will not affect your current life in any way.

The highly emotional events from the past that you will write about in Section 4 may overlap with the events from Section 3, or they may be different. It's better if they are different.

For example, the following phrases are possible in the husband’s RFP:

· I completely erase all memories of how I was offended by my husband for not helping me with the children and housework.

· I completely erase all memories of how unpleasant it was for me to have sex with my husband when he was drunk.

· I completely erase all memories of how I expected money from my husband, but he never started earning money.

Section 5 of the RFP – From now on I choose

In the fifth section of the RFP you are writing about the life you would like to have after completely forgiving the object of forgiveness.

For example, the following phrases are possible in the husband’s RFP:

· From now on, I forbid myself to experience strong feelings when my husband does not meet my expectations. I'm learning to accept him for who he really is.

· From now on, I am proud of my decision to completely forgive my husband.

· From now on, I feel the flow of love and tenderness emanating from my husband.

That is, when drawing up the RFP, you need to cover as much as possible all areas of the relationship with the object of forgiveness and pull out all the memories about the reasons for your experiences.

What size can the radiopharmaceuticals have?

Radiopharmaceutical sizes

The size of the radiopharmaceutical treatment is determined only by your desire to cleanse yourself quickly and your willingness to put in the effort to do so. The more phrases you write down in your RFP, the faster you will remove from yourself the emotional block with which you chose to work.

It’s normal to write 10-15 phrases in each section of the RFP, more is possible. Often people write sections of the RFP that contain 50-60 phrases.

It is not advisable to write less than 10 phrases, since you leave the emotional block monolithic, and it will resist your cleansing.

Who should I forgive?

Radiopharmaceutical therapy removes only one emotional block arising as a result of your struggle with any one object of forgiveness.

This means that you will need to draw up an RFP for all the main objects of forgiveness.

Who can be such an object of forgiveness?

Forgiving yourself

First of all, you yourself must become the object of forgiveness. It is quite difficult to find a person who loves himself so much that he is never dissatisfied with himself.

Any dissatisfaction you have with your appearance, your achievements, talents, successes and everything else is a manifestation of a struggle with yourself. You attack yourself from the inside, and thereby create an emotional block charged with fighting you.

Where does this struggle come from? From your fantasies.

Once upon a time you yourself came up with what kind of person you should be, you created your ideal. What you should look like, how much you should weigh, what talents you should have, and so on. Then you compared this ideal with your real self and found out that you do not live up to it.

Your Reptilian brain saw that there was a discrepancy between expectations and reality, and gave you a boost of energy to go and forcefully restore order. That is, so that you force yourself to be different. Your self-criticism, self-condemnation, irritation, guilt - this is all different shapes manifestations of one process - the desire to remake oneself by force.

It sounds like nonsense, but that's how we are designed. There is something that does not correspond to our expectations - we get excited and go by force to restore order.

Your child brought the wrong grade - you yell at him, trying to intimidate him and thereby force him to bring only the grades you need from school.

Your husband lingered somewhere or looked at another woman - you get excited and yell at him to behave the way you think is right. And so on.

That is, our Reptilian brain is accustomed to solving its problems by force. And since we are under the control of this brain, then we unconsciously use this caveman way of solving problems that arise. That is, we try to forcefully correct those who do not meet our expectations.

We ourselves can become such an object of forceful correction. You went to the mirror, saw your “extra” pounds and experienced a fit of irritation. It was your Reptilian brain that gave you a boost of energy so that you properly scare away those “extra” pounds, and they no longer stick to you.

Unfortunately, this trick does not work; the “extra” kilograms are not afraid of our anger and do not run away from us (and how nice it would be if they were afraid...).

But every attack of irritation for this and many similar reasons creates another emotional block in the body, charged against itself. No one is ready to accept themselves as they really are.

We forgive parents or children

The next most popular targets for forgiveness are parents (for children) and children (for parents).

Parents have a lot of expectations of what their children should be, and they often try to push their children into the image they have invented.

Children, naturally, resist. They want to become an independent Person and defend their rights (at any age). A struggle arises, the main result of which is emotional blocks charged against the oppressors (in children) and against slobs (in parents).

We forgive first of our loved ones

Very powerful blocks create relationships between the sexes. Girls (and women) have some expectations, boys (and men) have others.

The instinct of procreation draws them to each other; each has their own picture of the world, which usually does not coincide with the expectations of their loved one.

Your relationship partner takes a step away from your model of his behavior - your Reptilian brain immediately creates an emotional explosion for you, and you make an attempt to force him back into the desired relationship. Or even carry out its complete expulsion with the ensuing experiences.

It is clear that all these love affairs fill life with energy in the form of different emotions, but give rise to huge emotional blocks. And not just one, but several, different for each partner.

We forgive money

Then there are worries about money. Money does not seem to be a living object, but it creates a lot of experiences. There are always not enough of them, they always go to others and bypass you, they disappear inexplicably, and so on. We react nervously to all these dirty tricks from money, and thereby create a very large emotional block within ourselves, charged against it.

More precisely, the purpose of the emotional block is to try to catch money and scare it so much that it will never offend you again.

Unfortunately, no one has yet succeeded in intimidating money, but almost all people make such attempts, experiencing various discontent related to money. It is clear that on the way to increasing your income, this block must be removed.

We forgive loved ones and acquaintances

It could be your neighbors who play too loud music or learn to play the piano. These could be dog lovers who prefer to walk their dogs under the window of your apartment on the first floor, and so on.

In general, there are enough people in life whose behavior does not fit into your picture of the world and causes your intolerable desire to fix this problem quickly. That is, by force. Usually with completely absent results. It is necessary to remove emotional blocks aimed at fighting them.

We forgive other intangible and tangible objects

Next, you may need to work on forgiving an intangible object like your job. She may not be interesting to you, boring, disgusting, you may hate her, and so on. All these experiences have created a block in your body that is charged against your work.

In the same way, you may be annoyed by traffic jams, government regulations, the tax service, the healthcare or education system in general, and much more.

The subject of long-term worries may be your dog, which shits everywhere. Your computer that likes to freeze at the most critical moments. Internet that turns off at the most inopportune moments, and so on.

So you have only one way out. Urgently make your list of people and other objects that have poisoned your life before or are poisoning you now. They will all need to be forgiven.

Good news. If you work on forgiving your most powerful enemies, then small emotional blocks will be erased by themselves as you work.

What to do with radiopharmaceuticals?

For some highly emotional people, the very process of writing the radiopharmaceuticals causes tears and other experiences, that is, the process of cleansing the body begins right during the writing of the radiopharmaceuticals.

But this rarely happens. Most modern people tend to keep their emotions under control. In general, this turns out badly, but when drawing up the radiopharmaceuticals, they can remain calm.

But you definitely need to remove your emotional blocks, even if you don’t feel anything when writing the RFP.

To do this, your Reptilian brain needs to hear that you have chosen to no longer fight the object of forgiveness, and accept this command for execution. And the New Brain should not hear these commands, otherwise it will interfere with their execution. What should I do?

Rapidly pronouncing phrases from the RFP is not suitable. Although, maybe you can mutter a phrase from the RFP in 15 ms?? But this is unlikely, so you need to look for something else.

One of the exits is While the commands are loading, slightly turn off our New Brain, that is, weaken its controlling function.

And it turns off, if you remember, during any of our excitement, that is, when our energy rises. Any of our medium and high-energy emotions easily deprives us of the ability to think rationally, that is, turns off our Reason. You clearly noticed this yourself when you committed rash actions during irritation or anger. And just excitement caused by your anxiety about being late somewhere can cause you to lose control of the situation and forget to take your phone or documents.

However, we will not be able to use emotions for our purposes, but it is possible to raise our energy in a more neutral way.

This technique is called “Effective Forgiveness.”

"Effective Forgiveness"

The “Effective Forgiveness” technique is that we mentally repeat to ourselves 10 times all the phrases from the written RFP.

However, before repeating we turn off our Mind slightly, so that it does not interfere with us giving commands to our Reptilian brain with its control.

How do we turn off our Mind? We will do this through active, that is, more frequent breathing.

Many have heard and may have undergone trainings called “holotropic breathing” or “rebirthing”, based on active breathing. During this training, people lie down on the floor and, under the supervision of a certified specialist (required!), begin to actively breathe for an hour and a half. At the same time, they enter a deep trance state, completely lose control over the situation, and often plunge into their previous emotions, experiencing them again.

As a result of about 10 such breathing sessions, people are freed from most emotional blocks. No forgiveness or other mental activity is performed during breathing; the effect is achieved only through the processes occurring in the body during active breathing.

This is all done under the supervision of the trainer or other training participants. This practice is not suitable for us; we only use tools that we can use ourselves.

Therefore, we will use active breathing. But we will not enter into any deep trances, since we will need to consciously work with the radiopharmaceuticals.

To do this you need to actively breathe while standing.. No sitting on a chair or lying down is allowed - you will instantly go into a deep trance, and all forgiveness will end there.

Of these simple ideas and the “Effective Forgiveness” technique follows. It is as follows:

first, you draw up an RFP for the object of forgiveness you have chosen;

– then you get up, turn on music for active breathing and breathe quickly to it for 2-3 minutes. Due to hyperventilation of the lungs, an energy flow is formed in your body, which will create a light trance state. You may feel slightly dizzy and there will be slight tingling in your arms, cheeks and other parts of the body.

You need to breathe with your mouth open, deeply and often, about 1 inhale-exhale per second. There are many recordings of music with breathing superimposed on it, such a recording can be downloaded on the Open Blog [broken link] in Topic 6 “Methodology of Intelligent Life - new developments, ideas, philosophy” (section 6.25).

In this case, you hold in your hands a sheet with a written radiopharmaceutical, or stand in front of a computer screen where the text of the radiopharmaceutical is displayed.

then you begin to read the phrases from your RFP one by one and mentally repeat them to yourself 8-10 times each. There is no need to pronounce phrases out loud, it takes your breath away and returns the body under the control of the Mind!

Actually, this is the whole “Effective Forgiveness” technique.

Of course, a number of questions arise about it. And a number of restrictions on use - read about this in the next chapter.

How long should you breathe in one breathing session?

It is recommended to actively breathe for no more than 45 minutes at a time. During this time, you can work through only part of the phrases from your RFP - this is normal. You stop working on any phrase, and at the next breathing session you begin to repeat phrases from the radiopharmaceutical practice from the one you finished the last session with.

If the radiopharmaceutical procedure is short and you finished working with it earlier than 45 minutes, then you can start working with the same radiopharmaceutical method again, or start working with the next radiopharmaceutical method.

What if new thoughts come?

It often happens that while forgiving, the thought comes to you that you definitely need to forgive some other person. Or that you need to somehow formulate the phrase you are saying now differently.

It is your Subconscious that has come to your aid - it tells you how you need to act in order to more successfully cleanse your body of emotional dirt.

Under no circumstances should you put off writing down this hint until later - you will definitely forget it, this has been tested many times. It's like a dream - when you dream it, you try to remember it, but in the morning you can't remember anything.

What should be done? Without stopping active breathing, you take a piece of paper and write down the thought that comes to you in clear handwriting (or enter it from the computer keyboard). And then you return to repeating phrases from your RFP.

By the way, during active breathing, you can mentally ask yourself about how to more correctly formulate your phrase from the RFP, or who else you need to forgive. There will definitely be an answer, but perhaps not in the first breathing sessions, but later.

How long does it take to work with EP to completely erase an emotional block?

But this will be the wrong instruction.

In 2 hours you can completely erase an emotional block, the lifespan of which is 2-3 years, and it was created as a result of moderate experiences.

What if you are a super emotional person, but you don’t pour out all your experiences on others, as is customary, but keep them inside yourself? In this case, two hours of “Effective Forgiveness” is clearly not enough for you.

Or if you have been fighting with your parents for your freedom for 20 years, and they still continue to trample you with their total guardianship, then 20 hours may not be enough for you to work here and work with forgiveness. Especially if your parents sense that you are spinning out of control and increase their pressure.

That is, one year of your showdowns and discontent requires at least one hour of electronic communication.

You argued with your husband for 20 years - plan to work with his forgiveness for 20 hours, or even more in total.

You have been worrying at work for 8 years about why everything is so bad there - spend 8 hours on forgiving your work in ED mode, and your problems at work will resolve on their own. And so on.

But there is also a fly in this ointment. The fact is that cleaning is sometimes very painful initial stage, but then all the unpleasant sensations pass, and you experience a light, pleasant trance. And you do forgiveness with pleasure.

There is one important criterion to decide to complete the cleansing - you have lost any emotions and any bodily reactions when remembering the object of forgiveness. Your memories of this person are like a scorched desert, no signs of life. Moreover, this state was achieved precisely as a result of working with ED, and not through forgetting, repression, or some other way.

And further one criterion for getting rid of emotional blocks is that the uncontrollable racing of thoughts in your head disappears and relative silence sets in.

Is it possible to work with several radiopharmaceuticals at once?

Immediately is not simultaneously, but sequentially. Can. But at the same time, you must understand that if, for example, you need to spend at least 10 hours of EP in order to forgive your husband, and you are working with 10 different radiopharmaceuticals at once, then you will have very little time for your husband’s radiopharmaceuticals, and you will not you will see the results of working with it.

That's why it would be more correct to simultaneously work with no more than two or three objects of forgiveness. Once you have finished forgiving one object, you feel the result - add another object for forgiveness.

Then you will at least get joyful sensations from achieving intermediate results.

What happens after forgiveness?

But really, what can you expect after working with “Effective Forgiveness”?

At the beginning of this book, we talked about 5 problems that create emotional blocks.

If you have done quality work with forgiveness, you will inevitably get the following results:

your energy will rise, you will feel 10-15 years younger, you will have the strength to realize your ideas. Sometimes people enter a state of unconditional joy: they just feel good, although there seems to be no reason for this yet;

Some illnesses may go away on their own, which were caused by emotional blocks, this often happens;

you will stop getting involved in various conflicts for no reason, your former enemies will either stop noticing you or will unexpectedly improve relations with you. It is interesting that when one of the parties to a protracted conflict removes an emotional block from his body in relation to his opponent, then the emotional block against you automatically disappears from his body as well. And you have no reason to continue the conflict;

you remove a fairly powerful internal barrier that prevents you from making changes in your life– get married, change jobs, start your own business, and so on;

the racing of thoughts in your head disappears on its own and relative silence sets in. Of course, there are thoughts there, but they are manageable and not intrusive.

We end this story about the “Effective Forgiveness” technique and draw further conclusions.


1. If we simply give ourselves commands to forgive, then our Mind, which performs the function of protecting us from new information that is unnecessary to us, will reject these commands.

2. You can try to give commands for forgiveness very quickly. Then the Mind will not recognize them and will not reject them, but the Reptilian Brain will recognize them and accept them for execution. That is, it will remove those emotional blocks that were ready to fight with your object of forgiveness.

3. Ultra-fast commands can be given via the visual channel - throwing the necessary commands onto the computer screen for a few milliseconds - this is how the “Success Matrix” computer program works. Or send commands through the auditory canal - this is how encoded audio settings work. These tools are available in the online store [broken link]

4. Another option is to write a “Detailed Forgiveness Formula” to your object of forgiveness, consisting of 5 sections:

– I apologize for my bad deeds that I did towards the object of forgiveness;

– I forgive the object of forgiveness for the bad things he did to me;

– I take energy from memories of the strongest conflicts with the object of forgiveness;

– I completely erase the memories of the most powerful experiences associated with the object of forgiveness;

– I choose to live a completely different positive life from now on.

5. An expanded formula for forgiveness (RFF) must be written for all objects of forgiveness that have poisoned your life in the past or are poisoning you now. The objects of forgiveness can be yourself, your immediate family, parents or children, loved ones, friends, work colleagues, bosses, clients, Life in general, and so on.

6. Then the RFP needs to be loaded into itself in such a way that your Mind cannot control the process of loading commands for forgiveness and reject them.

7. To do this, we use the “Effective Forgiveness” technique, during which we use active breathing to increase the energy of the body and thereby reduce the analytical and control function of our Mind.

8. Using “Effective Forgiveness” you need to work through all your RFPs. The duration of work with each radiopharmaceutical is proportional to the time of its creation.

9. After completing work with most objects of forgiveness, you will feel extraordinary lightness in your body, all your enemies will forget about you, or will reconnect with you great relationship. Often, some diseases disappear on their own, and your energy and activity increase sharply.

10. The uncontrolled running of thoughts in the head stops, now there are only constructive thoughts there.

Events that you previously only dreamed of will begin to happen in your life.

Being able to forgive is important for any person, at any age - because there is always someone to forgive. People often hold grudges even over minor things when the offender did not mean to hurt you at all. Spiritual development through the practice of forgiveness is a powerful tool for developing fortitude, and forgiveness meditation is a method of achieving personal growth and inner harmony.

Forgiveness meditation allows you to cleanse yourself and your soul; it is a kind of spiritual hygiene. We are used to cleansing our body every day, but spiritual cleansing remains in the shadows and is not practiced among the broad masses. Throughout life, every person manages to accumulate hundreds of grievances - against friends, relatives, colleagues, God, and also against themselves.

Learn to forgive yourself. Everyone has had moments in life for which a person experiences burning shame or a painful feeling of guilt. Guilt poisons the soul, causing the body to weaken, taking away the strength for self-development and creating one’s own happiness. Guilt appears due to various factors:

- Guilt due to the lack of morality of certain actions. Many are gnawing at their conscience for what they once did that does not correspond to the general canons of morality, and this entails a series of grievances against themselves.

— Own failures can also make a person feel guilty. An absurd set of circumstances that leads to failure in any business often leaves a dark mark on the soul and painful thoughts with resentment at one’s own imperfection.

- People who tend to idealize the world and other people, often feel guilty for completely failing to live up to the ideal. An ideal life is only possible in heaven, everyone deserves forgiveness for minor mistakes and shortcomings - we are only human.

Self-forgiveness meditations

There are several types of self-forgiveness meditation. The simplest and obvious way Forgiving yourself is repentance. A sincere appeal to the higher mind, open internal state will allow you to repent of your deeds. Here you can also add a list of grievances against yourself. It is recommended to take a sheet of paper and write down each grievance in separate item, For example:

I, Olga, forgive myself for not giving alms to a cripple when I was studying at the institute.

I, Olga, forgive myself for...

The more complete your list is, the greater the burden of resentment you will remove from yourself.

The second method of self-forgiveness is, directly, forgiveness meditation. To begin with, imagine yourself on a sunny coast, walking along the water's edge and looking into the distance of the blue and clear sky. Inhale to the fullest extent of your lungs. Feel a lump in your throat making it difficult to breathe full breasts? These are all your grievances against yourself, preventing you from enjoying life and coming to harmony with yourself.

How long has this lump been present in your life? Why did he appear? Do you think that you were not diligent enough, that you could have much more than you have now? Or did someone accidentally say a harsh word about you, and you realize that the remark was true?

Imagine how the bundle of grievances inside you turns into a small child. After all, this is exactly him, the inner child - your grievances against yourself. Approach this baby, open your arms to him, pat him on the head so that he stops crying and calms down.

Tell that tiny person inside you that the world is not so hostile, that he is worthy of love, that you will never hurt him again. Forgive him for all his mistakes, forgive yourself, forgive both of you. Promise that from this moment you begin a completely different, new life, in which there is no place for grief and bad weather.

Look at the child. He stopped crying and smiles at you. Hug him again and become one with him. Take a few breaths in and out, remember - you are inhaling fresh air strength and harmony, and exhale pain and resentment. Forgiveness has arrived. Open your eyes.

Meditation for Forgiving Others

On the path to happiness, grievances against others also arise. To forgive another person you don’t need to talk to him personally or see him. It is enough to concentrate and let go of your grievances towards him. There are several techniques for forgiveness. The first of them is the Sviyash technique, one of the most effective meditations.

The Sviyash meditation formula includes several steps:

Focus on one specific person whose forgiveness is necessary. Repeat the following words repeatedly:

With sincere love and gratitude, I forgive (person's name) and accept him/her for who he/she is. I apologize to (person's name) for all the bad thoughts I had about him/her. With love and gratitude, (person's name) forgives me completely.

The last sentence is designed to erase traces of negativity on your biofield left after conflicts with this person and inflicted by him. The Sviyash technique must be repeated until you feel relief and warmth in the chest. The main factor in the success of this meditation is the total time spent doing it. For example, to erase a grudge against a person with whom you have had a tense relationship for years, you will need from 3 to 5 hours in total. Thus, according to the Sviyash technique, by meditating for 10 minutes daily, you will be completely cleansed in a few months.

This is not the longest period, given the overall beneficial effects that you will feel after Sviyash meditations. All negative thought forms will be erased, and you will feel a surge of strength and vigor, and along with this - spiritual cleansing.

Forgiveness provides the spiritual healing necessary for every person who wants to achieve spiritual and physical harmony. You may feel that forgiving others is not a profitable activity. By opening your soul to the offender, you seem to give him the opportunity to inflict another offense. The desire to take revenge for all the negativity caused to you by the offender does not disappear anywhere. If you are visited by this kind of thoughts, give up forgiveness meditations, you are not ready to cleanse yourself. This choice has a right to exist, but be prepared to bear responsibility for it.

If you feel ready to follow the path of forgiveness, another meditation is presented to your attention.

Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. On your last exhale, relax your body completely. Imagine the person you want to give forgiveness to. Imagine that it is located directly opposite you, comprehend its image in as much detail as you can. What do you want to tell him? Ask for forgiveness or forgive? The first thought that comes to mind will be correct. Tell him:

I'm sorry. And I forgive you. I let go of everything dark that happened between us, all the feelings and emotions from my relationship with you. Everything that is not love in our relationship, I let go

Imagine both of you being enveloped in flames purple. Ask this flame to cleanse you, to help you let go of everything evil and offensive that once existed. After this, concentrate on the top of your own head. Imagine how rays of pink and gold color penetrate through it. These rays will give you everything that was missing in your relationship with your offender. These are patience, love, support and much more. Let the rays fill your entire body, every corner of it.

Now imagine how the same rays penetrate the person sitting opposite you. Give him as much light and love as you did not give him throughout the entire time you met. Fill your former abuser with love and warmth, and then ask the Universe to restore peace and love between you. Thank this person for everything that happened between you - negative and good, mentally bow to him.

This completes the forgiveness meditation. Open your eyes and return to the present.

You can also watch the video.

A person is a vessel that is filled with all kinds of emotions (both positive and negative). One of the most powerful emotions is resentment. It poisons a person and eats him from the inside. Therefore, most psychologists agree that a full and happy life impossible while a person is offended. If you are having trouble letting go of this feeling, use effective forgiveness techniques.

Why is resentment dangerous?

Don't underestimate the importance of forgiveness and emotional cleansing techniques. Resentments can be compared to poisons that poison a person. If you do not take any measures to neutralize them, you risk encountering the following problems:

  • violation energy flows;
  • attacks of irritability;
  • uncontrolled aggression;
  • mood swings;
  • depressive states;
  • melancholy and indifference;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bone fragility;
  • problems with skin, hair and nails;
  • anorexia and bulimia;
  • change in behavioral norms;
  • chronic fatigue and weakness;
  • pessimism and depression;
  • bouts of laughing or crying.

Visualization of forgiveness

Visualization is an effective forgiveness technique that involves subconscious contact with the offender. It is implemented as follows:

  1. Neutralize distractions - sources of noise, strong odors and bright lights.
  2. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and try to completely detach yourself from worldly worries and vanities.
  3. Imagine yourself entering the open doors of a beautiful temple.
  4. Imagine that your offender is in the room, but not in his current form, but in the form of a frightened child who did a mischief and was exposed.
  5. Imagine how this child asks you for forgiveness for a crime he has committed. At the same time, he must call you by name.
  6. If you do not feel relief, mentally express all your grievances and complaints to your child.
  7. Ask your child for forgiveness and talk to him in a friendly manner.
  8. Imagine that you are leaving the temple, leaving your child there.
  9. Stay calm for a few more minutes without opening your eyes.

Three letters

To free yourself from negativity, you need to throw it out. But it is not always possible to express what is accumulated in the soul. But you can “express” everything on paper. The “Three Letters” technique of forgiveness involves the following actions:

  1. On the first day, write down all your grievances on a piece of paper. State in detail, describing not only the events themselves, but also the emotions that grip you.
  2. The next day, take a new sheet of paper and again “express” to it all the negativity that you have left from the previous day.
  3. The last letter is a description of the invaluable experience that you gained thanks to negative situations which you described earlier.
  4. The next day, burn all three letters and wash the ashes down the drain.

Letter to the offender

Unfortunately, people are not always able (or do not have the opportunity) to openly express their complaints to each other. In this case, written forgiveness techniques come to the rescue. A letter to the offender should contain answers to the following questions:

  • What did the offender do to you?
  • What troubles have you encountered because of this?
  • How has this situation affected your life?
  • What do you want from the offender?

This letter will help you understand whether your grievance has any practical meaning. If you don’t have an answer to the last question, it means that the situation has long been resolved and there is no point in cultivating your anger. If you need some kind of “compensation”, try to get it from some other sources.

Flowers for men

One of the effective techniques for forgiving a man involves presenting the offender with a luxurious bouquet (mentally, of course). This is done like this:

  1. Create a calm, private environment and find a comfortable position.
  2. Take a break from extraneous thoughts and focus on the offensive situation, replaying it in your head in great detail.
  3. At the climax, when your anger reaches its limit, imagine how you take out a luxurious bouquet of flowers from behind your back and give it to the man.
  4. Imagine how confused and dumbfounded he is. This way you will break the pattern of the situation and take your mind off the anger.
  5. Mentally communicate with the person on abstract topics, as if there was no conflict between you.
  6. Imagine that you have come to complete understanding and ended the conversation on a friendly note.

Forgiveness technique according to Sviyash

Resentment creates internal emotional blocks that prevent you from living a full life. To get rid of them, pay attention to Sviyash’s forgiveness technique. For women who have encountered male betrayal and want to get rid of the oppressive state of resentment, the following installation has been developed:

With love and gratitude, I accept (person's name or situation) as he is.

I apologize to (name) for all my thoughts, emotions and actions towards him.

With love and gratitude (name) forgives me.

Say this “mantra” not just for show, but sincerely. At the same time, you should not blame the offender, but rather feel guilty for being angry with him. You need to repeat the cherished phrases for a long time, each time the blocks will gradually be erased. According to the author of the method, to completely get rid of resentment you need to spend from 10 to 15 hours.

Money Forgiveness Technique

Money is important to a person. But in constant pursuit of material well-being man accumulates great amount negativity and “overgrows” indoor units. In this case, another technique of emotional cleansing by A. Sviyash will come to the rescue. The technique of effectively forgiving money involves deep breathing and reciting mantras through which you ask money to forgive you for the wrong way you treat it. This will free you from internal blocks and open up new material flows.

Empty chair

A fairly effective technique for forgiving grievances is called “Empty Chair”. It is performed in several stages:

  1. Choose a time when you are alone at home, place an empty chair in front of you and imagine that the very person you are holding a grudge against is sitting on it.
  2. Express to this imaginary person everything that has accumulated in you until today. Don't be shy in your expressions, you can shout. The main thing is to give vent to the negativity.
  3. If you are still tense, resort to physical force. Stomp your feet or throw objects at the chair, trying to hit the imaginary offender.
  4. When you feel physically and mentally tired, stop. This means that you have already gotten rid of some amount of negativity.
  5. Use this technique every day until you feel that the feeling of resentment has completely left you.

Cinema hall

One technique for effective forgiveness involves repeated meditation. This process includes several stages, namely:

  • Create a calm atmosphere in the room by eliminating sources of noise, strong odors and bright color.
  • Find a comfortable position, close your eyes and breathe calmly and deeply for a few minutes to drive away extraneous thoughts.
  • Imagine that you are in a cinema, and on the big screen you see your offender. Imagine how something good happens to him, how he rejoices and laughs.
  • Now imagine that you are watching the same joyful and bright film, but only about yourself.
  • Repeat this meditation daily until you feel that anger and resentment have completely left you.

Group forgiveness

If you have had a lot of conflicts in your life with different people, each of them probably left an unpleasant mark on your life. To get rid of all negativity at once, use the group forgiveness technique. Women and men who have caused you trouble will leave your thoughts if you follow this algorithm:

  1. On a piece of paper, in a column, write the names of all the people you hold a grudge against. On the contrary, be sure to clarify what exactly each of them did to you.
  2. Close your eyes, breathe deeply for a few minutes, and banish extraneous thoughts.
  3. Imagine that the first person on the list is standing in front of you. Express to him all your complaints, and then tell him that you forgive him and let him go.
  4. Cross off the first item on your list on paper.
  5. Repeat the same for all other offenders.
  6. When all the offenders are finished, write on the same piece of paper that you have forgiven them all.
  7. Get rid of the list. It can be burned, torn, or simply thrown into the trash.

Event adjustments

It often happens that events do not develop in your favor simply because you were unable to react correctly to the actions of the offender or respond to him with dignity. Thus, an unpleasant aftertaste in the form of something undone or unsaid is added to the painful resentment. To deal with this situation, follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • On a piece of paper, describe in detail a situation from the past that makes you feel resentful. Describe the events as detailed and accurately as possible, focusing on your emotions at that moment.
  • On another piece of paper, rewrite the events the way you would like them to develop. That is, make yourself a winner in this situation. Don't be afraid to fantasize. Describe in vivid terms how you would respond to the offender. Perhaps imagine a revenge scenario.
  • On the third sheet, describe the scene of reconciliation with the offender. For example, how you generously forgive him, how he thanks you for it. Or perhaps your story will all end in friendship.
  • Burn all three letters and throw the ashes down the drain.


If religion occupies a key place in your life, then prayer will be the most effective forgiveness technique for you. You can pray both according to generally accepted norms and in your own words. Ask God for wisdom that will help you get rid of feelings of resentment and forgive everyone who has once done you wrong. Also ask for the best for your offender that you wish for yourself.

Forgive yourself

Not all troubles in life are related to actions. strangers. Unfortunately, people create many problems for themselves. And self-resentment is the most painful and destructive. You can use any technique you like for yourself. And you need to ask for forgiveness, in addition to specific mistakes and misdeeds, for the following:

  • for putting the opinions of other people above your own interests;
  • for limiting yourself in fulfilling your desires, in having fun, in shopping, in pleasures;
  • for constantly expressing dissatisfaction with your life and loved ones;
  • for laziness and inaction;
  • for lack of ambition;
  • for self-flagellation when something does not go according to plan or does not work out;
  • for negative emotions;
  • for bad thoughts.


Hidden resentment is a powerful destructive force that slowly but systematically undermines you from the inside. Basically, spiritual and physical weakness occurs due to the inability to express one’s grievances to the offender (there are not many brave people who can decide to do this). Thus, you direct the negativity intended for the offender towards yourself. If you do not have the opportunity or courage to express your grievances directly, express them to the Universe using forgiveness techniques. If you take this issue seriously, you can free yourself and start a new life full of joy, bright emotions and lofty aspirations.