Internal hinges: do-it-yourself selection and installation. Types and design of furniture hinges What is the difference between an inset hinge and an overhead hinge

Hello, friends.

In this article we will look at probably the most used fittings in furniture production, thanks to which we are able to attach facades to frames.

As you probably already understood, we will talk about loops.

And the most widely used of them are four-joint ones.

They consist, in fact, of the loop itself, connected to a cup (the diameter of which is usually 35 millimeters), which is designed to fit into a hole specially made for it in the facade. It is fixed in the hole using self-tapping screws.

They are attached to the side of the box using special mounting strips. These strips are also attached using self-tapping screws (for example, 4x16mm).

The design of the fittings we are considering allows you to adjust the façade in three planes, which makes them universal.

A facade hung on semi-overlay hinges covers the frame in the same way as a facade on overhead hinges, with one difference: from the side where the facade is attached to the frame, the side of the box is overlapped in half.

The façade on internal hinges is positioned differently than the options described above. It is located inside the box (between its horizons and sides).

A 45 degree hinged façade is a corner façade located in a corner box, the base of which is a regular polygon

And gallery loops (they are also called blind). They are installed on the so-called blind walls of the modules.

All overhead and semi-overlay hinges are designed for installing facades on boxes made of chipboard with a thickness of 16-18 millimeters.

For installing facades on boxes made from thicker chipboard (for example, 25 millimeters), there is special fittings(with an increased cup diameter), although there are also universal hinges (for example, such as Ferrari), which simply need to be installed in a certain way under a box made of chipboard of a certain thickness (there are special installation tables for them in the catalog).

In addition to this, the most used fittings, which are described above, there are also others:

  • 30 degree loop
  • Loop -30 degrees
  • Loop -45 degrees
  • Transformer loop
  • 175 degree loop

But this is not the whole list. There are hinges for other installation angles (of course, with different opening angles).

In addition, there are special spacers that are placed under the strikers, allowing you to change the nominal installation angle by a certain degree.

There are also fittings for hanging glass facades.

It is similar to the hinges discussed above, except that it has a special mechanism for attaching to the glass (to the glass facade), unlike strikers.

By the way, attaching such fittings to glass is the most “slippery” moment. The fact is that holes in the glass for fastening must be made using special equipment (they cannot be made at home), and it is in this place, if the hinge is incorrectly adjusted (when additional stresses arise), that the glass usually cracks.

And from an aesthetic point of view, these hinges look great. Included with them are special decorative plugs that cover the hinge cup and the place where it is attached to the glass facade.

Like this one short review furniture hinges used for the manufacture of cabinet furniture.

That's all, see you later.

In modern furniture production used great amount a wide variety of fittings, not least of which are furniture hinges.

A furniture hinge is a semi-mechanical device designed to fasten the façade of cabinet furniture to the base and ensure that the door opens to a certain angle.

Currently, thanks to the emergence of more and more new design developments in the field of cabinet furniture production, hinges are continuously being improved, complemented by non-standard and very original design solutions.

Furniture hinges can be classified different ways, namely:

  • by type of construction;
  • according to the method of fastening and applying the facade;
  • by purpose.

There are dozens of types of furniture hinges, and each of them has its own nuances and design features. In order to choose the right furniture hinges, you need to have at least a general idea about them.

Four-hinge furniture hinges

This is the most common this moment a type of furniture fittings that is widely popular due to its exceptional functionality and reliability. Such hinges have a huge margin of safety, providing an unlimited number of opening and closing operating cycles throughout their entire service life. Another advantage of this type is the ability to adjust them in three planes. Undoubtedly this is the most optimal solution for fastening hinged doors of linen closets, kitchen sets, walls, hallways, etc.

In Russian terminology, a four-hinged loop is also called a “cup” hinge, in common parlance – a “frog”. In Europe it is called a “hidden furniture hinge”, and in the USA it is called a “European-type hinge”.

Four-hinged hinges were invented in the first half of the 20th century by the Italian designer Arturo Salice, after whom a company specializing in the production of furniture fittings was later named and is still thriving today.

Such hinges are made by stamping from sheet steel. Application of special electroplating provides them reliable protection from corrosion and attractive appearance. A four-joint hinge consists of three main elements:

  • cup;
  • shoulder;
  • counter (mounting) plate.

The cup is a part of a rounded loop, which is located in a pre-prepared blind hole on the inside of the sash. The hole is drilled special tool– Forstner drill, the diameter of the working part of which corresponds standard sizes Cups: 35mm (regular size) or 26mm (small size). The cup is attached to the sash using self-tapping screws through holes in the lugs on the flange.

The arm acts as a lever and connects the cup to the strike plate via a four-joint mechanism. The strike plate is attached to inside side wall of the product using self-tapping screws. There is an adjusting screw in the cover of the plank, which allows you to adjust the position of the facade relative to the base.

Depending on the method of applying the sash to the furniture body, four-hinge hinges are divided into:

  • invoices;
  • semi-overhead;
  • loose-leaf;
  • corner;
  • inverse.

Overhead four-hinged hinges involve applying the facade to all ends of the furniture body. The presence of a special spring in the hinge design ensures a tighter fit of the sash to the ends when closed.

Semi-overlay mechanisms are used in cases where it is necessary to attach two sashes at once to one side post, opening in different directions. With this method of fastening, each of the doors will cover only half the width of the end. A semi-overlay loop can be easily distinguished from an overhead loop by the characteristic bend of the base.

Inset (internal) devices, as the name suggests, involve placing the facade inside the box. In this case, the ends of the facade come into contact with the internal walls of the housing. Externally, such a loop is quite similar to a half-overlay, but has a more pronounced bend.

Corner hinges find their application in cases where the façade needs to be placed at a certain angle to the base. There are hinges for attaching sashes at angles of 30º, 45º, 90º, 135º and 175º. The installation angle may be different depending on the design and design features products.

Inverse hinges allow the sash to open 180º. At the same time, the sash in open state forms a straight line with the plane of the base wall.

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Other varieties

Despite the wide popularity of four-hinged furniture hinges, their use for fastening facades is not always possible. In some cases, to implement specific project there is a need to use fittings with a fundamentally different design solution.

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Card fasteners

Furniture hinges of this type are the most ancient and inherit the tradition of forged hinged hinges with an elongated overlay. Structurally, card hinges are similar to conventional door hinges, but are much smaller in size. Typically, such a loop consists of two metal plates with holes connected parallel to each other by means of a hinge rod. Card mechanisms can be either collapsible (two-tubular) or non-collapsible (multi-tubular). In most cases, devices of this type are used in the manufacture of furniture in the “retro” style, and the plates can often have different shaped shapes (in the form of a “butterfly”, etc.).

The appearance of furniture with doors, its functionality and reliability largely depend on the fasteners. Hinges are no longer just accessories, but a complex mechanism that allows you to adjust the position of the door and open it at a large angle relative to the vertical strip of the body.

Four-joint devices are considered universal devices. They are classified by type, have different angle turn, characteristics fastenings Furniture overhead and inset hinges have gained the most popularity. They are used for hanging traditional doors kitchen cabinets and massive wardrobes. Manufacturers offer several modifications, each with its own pros and cons.

What is an overhead and inlay loop?

Structurally, the loops are very similar. They consist of:

  1. cup located on the mounting plate;
  2. counter fastening loop;
  3. hinged device.

An inset furniture hinge is attached to a drilled hole; an overhead hinge does not require a recess. Why is this design difference needed, and why inset and overhead:

  1. The position of the doors relative to the facade changes. If the fastening is overhead, the door overlaps the end of the body strip. When hanging in a mortise, it is visible; the door goes deep into the body.
  2. Hinges are applicable for furniture designs of various thicknesses. insets are impossible without the use of a cutter; a recess of 11 mm is made under the cup into the body strip. With the minimum standard thickness of cabinet furniture (16 mm), it is difficult to install. Furniture manufacturers sometimes press the hinge cup into the cabinet panel during the manufacturing process.
  3. The response plate has a different bend; the inset hinge has less bending; it swings open due to hinges.

What types of these loops are there?

Leading manufacturers of fasteners produce large volumes of four-hinged structures with a cross-shaped mounting plate loops. This fastening allows you to adjust the door with great precision; eccentrics are built into the striker of this design. The cost of such fasteners is higher, but they are more reliable and easier to use. All models have unified dimensions, the dimensions of the loop are the same:

  • according to cup diameter (35 mm);
  • by distance to the mounting holes.
  • Replacing hinges when they fail is simplified.


That's what they call a loop complex design with 4 rotation units (hinges) and a spring. Thanks to them, the doors open at an angle of up to 175° ( maximum value disclosure is indicated in the labeling). The hinge got its name because of the jumping vibrations when the door moves. The peculiarity of these hinges is their ability to withstand heavy loads. They are used for chipboard and dense wood.

With door closer

Fasteners equipped with a closer ensure smooth movement of the doors. The shock absorber eliminates noisy slamming when closing furniture, fixing is carried out silently. Structurally, the closer is made using a dense medium: the spring is located in oil or other viscous substance, ensuring uniform movement of the hinges. The cylinder is made in such a way that leakage is excluded. One of the advantages of such fastenings can be considered:

  1. safety of furniture;
  2. The fastening lasts longer, as the mechanical load on the hinges is reduced.

Using the regulator, the door slamming speed is adjusted. The loop is designed for heavy loads and can be used for any materials.

There are numerous models of such fasteners on the market. Manufacturers of cabinet furniture often use overhead furniture hinges 768 100 with a closer; they are universal, indispensable for glass doors, and significantly reduce the risk of damage when slamming.

For doors that open upwards, it is better to use fittings with a large opening angle; furniture hinges for 110 degrees are available Russian company Boyard, Italian Ferrari. The greatest demand is for a loop with a closer (damper) from the German company Hettich (Hettich sensys) made of durable metal. This leading fastener manufacturer is constantly improving its models. Hinges with closers require precise adjustment.

Furniture hinges Вlum overhead

The Austrian-made fasteners are distinguished by three-dimensional adjustment. Start installing the doors from a vertical plane; to do this, install the nearest screw in the desired position. Then the far one is weakened, the required height level and the front location of the doors are fixed. Bloom overhead hinges (Blum) guarantee 20 thousand operation cycles. These fasteners are more often used for kitchen cabinets; they are not afraid of humidity and temperature changes.

Without insert

When choosing fasteners that do not require tapping, it is important to determine the opening angle; it varies from 30 to 180 degrees. This range of opening of the hinge of the furniture invoice without insertion is achieved due to the design. Traditional designs are limited to a right angle; transformers with a rotating mechanism provide freedom of movement.

How to install an overhead furniture hinge?

This process does not require special skills. Installing a hinge begins with selecting a tool. You will need:

  • pencil and ruler for marking;
  • a drill with a drill smaller than the diameter of the mounting holes;
  • screwdriver, it will ensure a tight fit of the fasteners.

Marking a furniture hinge requires care. Before applying the fastening points, distribute the fasteners. The maximum space above and below is no more than 12 cm; if three hinges are needed, the location of the middle one is not important, the main thing is that it is located above the level of the shelf or drawer. 20 mm depart from the adjacent edge of the sash.

A hinged door is inserted into the body, the points where the hinge fastening screws will be screwed in are marked. First, we install the hinge on the facade, drilling holes to a depth of 2/3 of the self-tapping screw. One part of the loop is attached. Then a similar operation is carried out with the housing panel to which the door is attached.

It is important to check how tightly the loop is screwed on. If a loose fit is detected, the screw is deepened. After completing the work, the loop should fold freely, without difficulty. If there is a misalignment, the fastening is adjusted with a special screw. There are models with two regulators, then the near one is weakened first, only then the far one.

Fine adjustment allows you to align the edges of the door relative to the floor or furniture body.

One of the important functional elements of a door is the hinges. They are necessary to connect the door leaf to the frame and ensure opening/closing of the door. Without high-quality and reliable hinges, not a single door can function normally. In addition, you also need to install the door hinges correctly, otherwise even the most expensive models will not be able to fully perform their duties. functionality. Usually door hinges come complete with frame and leaf, but situations often arise when they need to be replaced. This may be due to either broken hinges or their inconsistency with the new design of the room.

Purpose of door hinges

In order for an entrance or interior door to work reliably for many years, it must have high-quality not only the door leaf and frame, but also all other elements, including hinges. The main purpose of these elements is to ensure smooth and easy closing or opening of the door leaf.

Door hinges connect the leaf and frame, and also ensure smooth opening of the door

In addition, door hinges ensure the fixation of the door leaf in the frame, so high demands are also placed on their strength and reliability. If you install weak hinges on a heavy door, they will soon sag and will not be able to perform their functions. Both entrance and interior doors are constantly visible, so their door leaf and other elements, including hinges, must fit harmoniously into the design of the room.

Types of door hinges: description of the device, pros and cons

When purchasing a door, you need to pay attention to the quality of the frame, door leaf, and door hinges. There are several types of canopies, their main qualifying features will be:

  • installation location;
  • fastening method;
  • material of manufacture;
  • type of construction.

Now available for purchase different types doors. For plastic and metal structures, hinges and other accessories are already included in the kit, so you need to immediately pay attention to their quality.

Interior ones made of wood or MDF can be equipped with hinges or they will have to be purchased separately.

Classification by installation location

At the place of installation, canopies can be: If you decide to purchase door hinges, you first need to decide whether you need right-handed or left-handed designs. It will depend on which way it opens.

door leaf

If the handle is on the right side of the door and the door is opened with the left hand towards you, then it will be a left-hand design, and vice versa. Most European countries have adopted a different classification. Here they focus not on the hand with which the door opens, but on the direction of its movement. In addition, they open up from themselves. If you're pushing doors right hand

and the canvas remains on the same side, then such structures are considered right-handed, and vice versa.

There are left, right and universal loops

This must be taken into account, so when purchasing hinges, pay attention to the manufacturer. If you are not confident in your own knowledge, it is better to additionally consult with the seller.

Professionals use terms for hinges such as “male” and “male.” The part with the pin is called “male”. This terminology is used and understood in all countries. When choosing It is necessary to take into account that its opening method complies with fire safety rules.

In critical situations, a person usually pushes the canvas rather than pulling it towards himself. Doors opening into the entrance should not block the exit of neighbors. Interior doors should also not block exits from other rooms. In addition, you need to take into account that they do not interfere with your moving large items.

Detachable and universal hinges

Nowadays you can buy universal hinges in stores, but they are not removable. Situations often arise when doors need to be removed. If there are left or right hinges, it is enough to open the canvas and lift it, but if universal models are installed, you will have to unscrew the screws securing them.

Detachable hinges allow you to quickly remove the door leaf

By type of design There are many different designs door hinges, their choice depends on the type of door on which they will be installed. There are models that are only suitable for wooden products

, others are used for plastic, metal, aluminum, glass. When choosing hinges, you need to take into account their number and placement, the material from which they are made, the size and weight of the door leaf.

The most common are overhead loops. They consist of a rod and a hinge; plates are attached to it, with the help of which installation is carried out. The classic option is when both parts of such a loop have identical plates. Now such models have been improved. They have one longer side, which makes installation much easier.

Modern overhead butterfly hinges are made in such a way that one part is embedded in the other, so when closing the canvas they do not interfere with each other.

In such models, when they are in the closed position, a flat, straight surface is formed, the thickness of which corresponds to the thickness of one plate. To install such hinges, you do not need to have special skills or tools, so even a beginner can handle their installation.

  • The thickness of the butterfly loop when folded corresponds to the thickness of one plate
  • Advantages of overhead loops:
  • ease of installation;
  • low cost;

long service life;

  • universality, they are not divided into right and left.
  • Among the disadvantages of this design it is worth noting:
  • the need to unscrew the hinges when removing the canvas;
  • increased risk of door skewing;

Mortise door hinges

This design resembles overhead loops in appearance; it also has a card structure. These two types differ in the installation method. Such models are cut into the end of the door leaf. They ensure smooth opening and closing and do not spoil the appearance.

Mortise hinges have a card structure principle

The main advantages of mortise hinges are their versatility, low cost and relatively easy installation. If we talk about the disadvantages, they will be the same as those of overhead structures.

Screw-in door hinges

Screw-in or screw-in hinges have differences in their design compared to previous options. Several pins are attached to the hinge axis, which has the shape of a cylinder or barrel; with their help, the elements are attached to the canvas and the box. After installing them, only the hinge remains visible.

To hide such loops, there are special decorative caps. They are chosen to match the tone of the door leaf, which is why after installation they merge with the surface of the door.

Screw-in hinges are fixed using pins

Screw-in hinges can only be installed on durable panels, otherwise they can destroy the structure of the door and lead to the formation of cracks and chips.


  • The thickness of the butterfly loop when folded corresponds to the thickness of one plate
  • the ability to adjust the height, not all models have this feature;
  • versatility;
  • the ability to change the position of the door in two planes.


  • can only be used on quarter doors;
  • the need for dismantling to remove the door;
  • impossibility of installation on fragile canvases.

Corner door hinges

If you look at the design of corner canopies, it becomes clear that this is a type of straight card model. They differ not in their functionality, but in their appearance. Instead of straight plates, angles are attached to the axial rod.

Installation corner hinges performed at the end of the door in the same way as for mortise elements.

A special feature of corner hinges are plates in the form of corners

If we talk about the advantages of corner canopies, they will be the same as those of other card hinges, but in addition, there is the possibility of installation on a canvas with a rebate. The main disadvantage is that they cannot be hidden, so they can spoil the appearance of the door.

Hidden door hinges

Hidden or secret hinges are popular due to the fact that they are not visible when the canvas is closed. They are usually installed on entrance, luxury and expensive interior doors. Unlike card options, such models are mounted inside the canvas and box.

The design of this type of canopy has at least three rotary axes. To install them, you must have special skills and tools. If you have never done this, it is better to invite a specialist.

At behind closed doors no hidden loops visible


  • high security, it is impossible to cut them off when the doors are closed;
  • long service life;
  • external attractiveness, they are not visible when the doors are closed;
  • increased strength, they can withstand heavy fabric.


  • limited opening angle, which complicates the movement of large objects;
  • complexity of installation, dismantling and repair;
  • susceptibility to impacts, as a result of which the canvas may become skewed and jammed;
  • high price.

Double-sided door hinges

Double-sided loops are widely used in public buildings, although they can also be used in a house or apartment. They have a special design, thanks to which they allow you to open the doors both towards you and away from you.

If we talk about appearance, they are similar to card models, but have three plates. On the sides of the additional third plate there are two axes of rotation, which ensure the opening of the blade in both directions.

Double-sided hinges allow doors to open in both directions

The main advantage of double-sided door hinges is the ability to open the door in both directions, but in houses or apartments this is very rarely required. If we talk about their shortcomings, it should be noted high cost and shock susceptibility.

Bearing door hinges

This solution allows you to evenly distribute the weight of the canvas. Rolling or sliding bearings may be used, but in any case they ensure smooth movement of the door. For lightweight fabrics, you can use hinges with roller bearings. The sliding option provides low friction, but is not suitable for installing lightweight panels.

Bearing hinges allow the weight of the blade to be evenly distributed


  • easy movement of the blade;
  • ease of repair and replacement;
  • uniform load distribution.

The disadvantages of this design are its unattractive appearance, so they are usually used for installing doors in utility rooms. If the quality of the bearings is poor, they can quickly fail.

By material and type of coating

If we talk about the materials used to create door hinges, then their choice will be relatively small:

  1. Brass. Such hinges are the most popular because they have high strength, ductility and can withstand a lot of door weight. Brass hinges are made by casting.
  2. Steel. Hinges made from this material have the highest strength, reliability and durability. Stainless steel canopies are the most expensive. This solution can withstand a large weight of the door, so it is usually used for entrance structures. IN Soviet time The steel hinges were made without decorative and anti-corrosion coating, so they did not look very attractive. Now they are becoming popular again.
  3. Aluminum, steel, zinc alloys. They are inexpensive and wear out quickly.

To give door hinges beautiful view and protect them from corrosion are used special compounds or enamel.

Now there are a lot of counterfeit products. Unscrupulous manufacturers imitate popular brands, but the quality of such door hinges is very low, so they can break at any time.

Video: types of door hinges

Features of installing hinges on doors made of different materials

Before you begin installing door awnings, you need to prepare all the necessary tools:

  • pencil or marker;
  • roulette;
  • caliper with depth gauge;
  • chisel;
  • building level;
  • carpenter's square;
  • hammer and mallet;
  • a set of screwdrivers or a screwdriver;
  • welding machine;
  • wooden wedges.

To install door hinges you will need both hand and power tools.

Installation of hinges for PVC doors

The PVC doors included already have hinges, but over time the door leaf may begin to close poorly. This is due to a malfunction of the door canopies, and if their adjustment does not bring the desired result, then replacement will be required.

Typically, plastic doors have overhead adjustable hinges. The sequence of their replacement is as follows:

  1. Removing the decorative trim. This must be done.

    It is necessary to remove the decorative trim from the hinges

  2. Removing the door. They open it slightly. Using a punch and a hammer, press the protruding part of the cylinder onto the upper hinge, after which the cylinder is removed using pliers. The canvas is slightly tilted towards itself, after which it is lifted up. All that remains is to take the canvas aside.

    To remove plastic door, you need to pull out the pin from the top hinge

  3. Removing loops. Unscrew them using a hex wrench or screwdriver.
  4. Installation of hinges. A new one is installed in place of the broken loop. It is recommended to select parts from the same manufacturer so that their mounting holes match.

    TO door frame and the canvas loop is fixed with fasteners

  5. Installation of the canvas. All that remains is to install the door in its place, and all work is carried out in the reverse order.

Installation of hinges for metal doors

Installation of hinges on metal doors can be carried out using welding or threaded connections.

Installation of bearing loops is carried out in the following sequence:

If hidden hinges are installed, then:

  1. Special holes must first be made in the canvas and the box for their installation.
  2. After this, fix the mounting boxes in them by welding, into which then secure the hidden hinges.

To install hidden hinges, holes are made in the box and frame for their installation

Video: installing hinges on metal doors

Installing hinges for wooden doors

For wooden doors, mortise structures are most often installed. This can be done in the following sequence:

  1. Marking of seats. The hinges should be located at a distance of 20–25 cm from the top and bottom of the door leaf. There should be no knots or chips in this place. If they are, then the loop needs to be shifted a little. The part is applied to the selected location and outlined with a pencil.

    Marking is done using a tape measure and pencil

  2. Preparing the seat. Using a hammer and chisel, a recess is cut out according to the finished markings for mounting the hinge. The depth must correspond to the thickness of the plate of the part being installed.

    Using a chisel and hammer, prepare the seat

  3. Loop fixation. Using self-tapping screws, the part is attached to the door leaf.

    The hinge is fixed with self-tapping screws

  4. Marking the door frame. The door is installed in the frame, aligned in the vertical and horizontal directions, and then fixed with wedges. If there is a lock, then it must be closed. Mark the top and bottom of the loop on the box, then remove the canvas and outline the outline of the loop on the box.
  5. Preparing the seat on the frame. Here they also make a seat for the loop, just as they did before on the canvas.

    The seat on the frame is prepared in the same way as on the canvas

  6. Installing the canvas and fixing the hinges. The door leaf is placed again, it should be slightly open, and wedges are used to fix it in the desired position. All that remains is to secure the hinges in the box.

To prevent the hinges from cracking during fixation in the wooden frame and canvas, you must first make holes for the screws with an electric drill.

Video: installation of overhead hinges

Installation of hinges for swing doors

In the case of pendulum or spring hinges, the installation process is not very different from installing conventional overhead hinges:

During operation of the door, the springs will weaken, so it is necessary to periodically adjust the hinges.

If such parts are installed correctly, the doors should open freely and return to their original position on their own.

Installation of hidden hinges First you need to decide how many loops you will install. It depends on the weight of the canvas. For wooden door two hidden loops are enough, and for metal structure

there must be at least three of them.

  1. Installation process:

    Sash markings. To do this, place the loop in the place where it will be installed and trace it with a pencil. There should be two contours: the inner one for the loop, and the outer one for its lining.

  2. It is necessary to mark the places for installing hinges
  3. Box marking. The canvas is inserted into the door frame and marks are made on the frame opposite the places marked on the canvas.

    Milling of seats. The place for the overlay is made using a chisel and hammer. Next, using a drill with a milling attachment, drill a hole for the loop in accordance with its dimensions. There should be recesses both in the canvas and in the box.

  4. Prepare a place for the lining using a hammer and chisel, and for a loop - using a router
  5. Installation of hinges on the canvas. They are inserted into the recess and secured with self-tapping screws.

    Attaching hinges to a door frame. Install the canvas and fix it in the slightly open state using wedges. The loop is inserted into the prepared recess on the box and secured with self-tapping screws.

The hinges are inserted into the prepared holes and secured with self-tapping screws.

After the installation of hidden hinges is completed, it is necessary to adjust them.

Video: installation of hidden hinges

Installing hinges for rebated doors For doors with a rebate, screw-in hinges are most often used.

Depending on the weight of the canvas, the quantity is determined. For light structures, two screw-in hinges are enough, but for heavy fabrics, 3-4 of them need to be installed.

  1. Installation process:
  2. Creating places for attaching hinges. Using a clamp, the template is fixed to the canvas. It usually comes complete with screw-in hinges or can be purchased separately. Using an electric drill, drill holes for the pins. Their depth and diameter must correspond to the dimensions of the fasteners.

    A template for creating holes for the pins usually comes complete with screw-in hinges.

  3. Installation of hinges. The corresponding parts of the hinges are mounted on the box and the canvas. To do this, tighten the pins with a screwdriver or screwdriver.
  4. Hanging the canvas. All that remains is to put the canvas in place and put on the decorative caps.

    After installing the hinges, the door is hung

Video: installation of screw-in hinges

Installing hinges for folding doors

First you need to decide on the type of folding door design. It can be of two types:

Such a door has no hinges as such. It moves along a guide installed at the top of the door. When it is opened, the panels stack on top of each other.

The accordion door plates are already connected to each other and open by moving along the upper guide

Folding book-type doors have two asymmetrical leaves. For their production it is used natural wood or MDF, so the weight of the structure is light. Such doors can be fixed to the door frame using overhead or mortise hinges. The canvases are connected to each other using butterfly loops.

Butterfly hinges are used to connect the book door panels

Installing hinges for louvered doors

Recently, louvered doors have often been used as interior doors. Instead of a solid canvas, they have slats in the form of blinds. Such doors can have both rotary and stationary slats. They are made from natural wood, MDF, and chipboard, so they are light in weight.

Louvered doors are a structure in which the door leaf consists of slats

Since the door leaf is light in weight, overhead, mortise, hidden, double-sided hinges can be used to secure it in the frame.

In this article I will look at the types of hinges that are used for cabinets. I will list the features of the varieties and the specifications for their use. I’ll look at what materials each option can be combined with. I'll tell you how to properly attach furniture hinges.

Types of furniture hinges for cabinets

Wardrobes are a piece of furniture that is found in every home or office. The product is designed to increase comfort and convenient placement of things. Modern models They are functional and remain in use for a long time. Durability directly depends on the materials used and the quality of fastenings. The fittings create certain style. Thanks to it, the design level of any household item is determined.

Furniture is put into operation only if it complies with international safety standards and standards. Hinges are considered auxiliary elements that ensure the mobility of individual parts. Modern technologies allow them to be made from various materials. The fastening is selected depending on the type of furniture product and the characteristics of its operation.

The characteristics of the hinges should be selected depending on the functionality, appearance and versatility of individual parts.

Today, the most commonly used elements are brass and steel. They will last a long time and will not suffer from corrosion. Such elements do not deform and do not slip.

Cabinet hinges are often used as long as they are easy to install. They can also be adjusted during operation. The designs allow you to adjust the position of the vertical and horizontal parts. The depth is also determined based on the individual parameters of the product.

Furniture hinges - convenient and practical look headsets. They are included in bedside tables, cabinets and drawers. Thanks to them, it is possible to ensure convenient closure of a drawer, cabinet or door. However, before installation, it is recommended to carefully study the characteristics and reviews of the selected option. What kind of loops are there?

Overhead and semi-invoice

This version of loops is considered classic. They include:

  • Furniture.
  • Entrance or interior doors.

The mechanism allows you to open the door 90 degrees.

It also supports the sashes in the selected position and prevents misalignment. To ensure reliable fixation, the main part of the mount is located on the inside of the furniture.

The holder is characterized by a comfortable bend at the base. The mechanism is considered optimal if it is necessary to fix two parts of the door at once. They can open in any direction. Most often, this type of hinge is included in kitchen sets.

Internal and corner

The hinge is often included in pencil cases and cabinets that have heavy doors.

This version of the hinges has many similarities with the semi-overlay fastening. However, it is characterized by a greater bending depth. For reliable fixation, it is fixed inside the furniture. The mechanism is universal, because it can be fixed at any angle.

Manufacturers offer customers different configurations. It is determined based on the interaction of individual planes of the product.

The hinge accepts any angle and provides the system with the necessary strength.

It is also possible to supplement the system with closers. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve smooth opening and closing of doors.

Inverse and piano

Furniture doors most often need to be opened at an angle of 180 degrees during operation. This option is used for bedside tables and cabinets. It allows you to securely fasten the side part. When it opens, a right angle is formed. It is enough to easily get the necessary thing.

The holder is formed by connecting two plates. They must be in a movable connection with each other.

This view is considered obsolete. That is why it is rarely used and included in modern designs.

Card loops

With its help, retro-style interior items are most often added.

It has similar features to the piano mounting option. It is formed between two plates that are parallel to each other. For mobility, the system includes a hinge with several holes. Depending on the type of furniture, the size of the hinge is determined.

Mezzanines and secretaries

Hinges are convenient to use on the doors of kitchen cabinets, which are located in a suspended version. Thanks to the hinge, it is possible to achieve convenient opening in a vertical position. A spring is used for this.

The fastener may be included desk small size with folding elements.

It is also used in the design of cabinet furniture. The mechanism operates in double adjustment mode. In this case, the hole milling is 35 mm.

Gallery and card shops

The hinge is the most popular design detail. With its help, it is possible to connect the facade with the false panel at a right angle. If the fittings are of high quality, then with its help it will be possible to secure a door of any weight and size. It is important to ensure silent operation.

They are part of kitchen sets.

The holder can also be used as part of folding parts of furniture. The part must be fixed by connecting individual parts of the structure. Thanks to this, the door opens 180 degrees.

Pendulum and heel

This system allows doors to open in all directions. The mechanism can be used as a fastener for doors of different structures. The loop has a narrow specialization.

When installing, it is important to adhere to mandatory rules specified in the instructions. Otherwise, problems may arise during operation.

Before use, the hinges will need to be secured in the upper and lower corners of the cabinet. For reliable fixation, cylinder-shaped rods are additionally used. The mechanism works like a hinge, which is pre-built into the canopy. It is advisable to use these fasteners for lightweight cabinets for small kitchens. They can also be attached to glass surfaces.

A furniture hinge is necessary for opening and closing individual parts of furniture. The detail is simple, but without it it is impossible to imagine the normal use of interior items. The mechanism is part of a bedside table, sideboard or table. The hinge allows you to open the doors in several directions at once. In this case, the angle is thought out before purchasing the mechanism. Furniture fittings presented in a wide range. It's easy to get lost among it. That is why it is recommended to take the advice of experts.