Invest 400 thousand rubles with maximum benefit. Investing in commercial real estate

The retirement age is increasing, gasoline prices are rising, what should we expect next? Looks like it's time to take advantage of the opportunity to legally receive money from the government. How to do it?

Surely many have heard about tax deductions, but few have tried to get them. But in vain, it is not difficult, and the result may surprise you - it is quite possible that the amount from the tax deduction will be significant. One important condition is that you must have a white salary. If you don’t pay personal income tax, then what will they return to you? If anyone didn’t know, the tax calculation is not the amount you receive in your hands, but the 13% from which you can return the money.

How to apply for a tax deduction?

Method number 1: through the employer

To do this you submit:

— income statement;

— attach documents that confirm the expenses for which a deduction is due;

- 2-NDFL certificate from work.

You will have to wait three months for a tax decision on payment. It will need to be taken to your employer, who will return the amount to you in installments every month.

Method number 2: through the tax office

You can also receive the entire amount from the tax office. To do this, you must also attach an application for deduction to the documents listed above. You should not wait for payment right away; it can also be paid in installments, but faster than the employer does.

You can submit an application and attach scans of documents in your personal account on the tax website or through the State Services website. You can submit a deduction not only for the past year, but also for the previous three years.

What are the refund methods:

Method number 1. When buying a home

How much: up to 390 thousand rubles

Are you buying or building a home? The largest tax deduction can be obtained when arranging a family nest. You can get money even if you purchase housing on credit (if maternity capital is not involved).

Condition: You can get back up to 260 thousand rubles if you bought an apartment, house, rooms or shares in them up to 2 million rubles. A tax deduction for the same amount can be obtained from the costs of construction and decoration/repair of housing, as well as when purchasing a land plot for housing construction. The specified amount may include not one, but several real estate objects.

A deduction can be obtained for the cost of paying interest on mortgage loans for the purchase of housing or targeted loans (loans) for housing construction, as well as for repaying interest on loans to refinance a previous loan for housing construction or purchase of housing. If you buy a home on credit for an amount of up to 3 million rubles, then the maximum amount that can be returned back is 390 thousand.

Of course, no one will return this amount to you in a year; it will come back to you over several years.

Method No. 2. Deposit the amount into an IIS

How much: up to 104 thousand rubles

Good money can be made from the amount you deposit into an individual investment account (IIA). There is no need to invest this amount (and therefore spend money on commissions). You just need to deposit it into your account. The deduction amount is greater than for other types of investment - up to 400 thousand rubles (you can get 13% from 400 thousand - up to 52 thousand).

Condition: The IIS must be open for at least three years, the deduction can be received every year - the next after you deposit the funds. A little trick: if you don’t want to keep money in an IIS for three years, you can deposit funds in the last month of the third year and in the first month of the fourth, then close the account and withdraw all funds. And after the end of the calendar year, apply for a deduction and then immediately in two years you will receive 104 thousand rubles.

One of the advantages of this deduction is that it can be completely exempt from tax.

Method number 3. Insure your life

How much: up to 15,600 rubles

It is profitable to insure your life - you yourself will feel safe, and subsequently you will be able to return taxes in the amount of 13% of the amount up to 120 thousand rubles per year, that is, up to 15,600 rubles. Tax refunds are possible under any program - both savings (NSH) and investment (ILI).

Condition: If you constantly pay contributions (usually this applies to endowment life insurance), you will be able to claim a deduction several times during the term of the contract, in contrast to a one-time contribution (most ILI contracts). If the contributions are regular (once a year, once a quarter, etc.), then the deduction can be received every year.

Method number 4. Invest in some government program

How much: up to 15,600 rubles

Yes, yes, we understand that retirement is now too far away, but this does not negate the opportunity to invest any pension programs in a non-state pension fund and in an insurance company. This gives the right to a tax deduction of up to 120 thousand rubles per year. You can count on a refund of up to 15,600 rubles (13% of the deduction). The situation here is similar with one-time and regular contributions as with life insurance - the amount can be received only once, or annually.

Method number 5. Get an education

How much: up to 15,600 rubles

You have to pay considerable sums for a good education. It’s good that you can get a deduction back for paying for it. The amount may be small, but for the wallets of some Russians it is quite significant. In this case, you can get a deduction not only for yourself, but also for your children, brothers and sisters. On the plus side, you can get money not only for studying at a university or technical school, but also at a driving school, art school, etc.

Condition: If you receive paid education, you can study full-time, part-time, evening or distance learning. Your children, brothers or sisters must be under 24 years of age. If they are at university, they must study full-time. But part of the tuition fee can be received not only from the university, but also from kindergarten, school, clubs, etc. The maximum deduction amount is 120 thousand rubles, the maximum refund is 15,600 rubles. There is a similar limit on the amount when paying for the education of brothers and sisters, but the maximum amount per child is 50 thousand (you can return only 6,500 rubles).

Required condition: The agreement and payments must be executed in your name (or a power of attorney for the transfer of funds has been issued).

If you want to receive a social tax deduction for training through your employer, you do not need to wait until the end of the calendar year.

By the way, according to the Labor Code, the employer is obliged to provide paid leave to working students during the interim and final certification. Unpaid leave is provided for the period of passing entrance exams, passing the exam and preparing a diploma project. True, all these benefits can be used by students who successfully combine study with work. This is determined by the training record.

Method number 6. Get a deduction for treatment

How much: up to 15,600 rubles

If something happens to your health and you know that you will have to spend a decent amount on treatment, do not despair. Firstly, health is more important than any money. Secondly, you can return the deduction from an amount of up to 120 thousand rubles for treatment.

The deduction can be obtained for:

- Spa treatment;

— Dentistry;

— Medicines for yourself, your spouse, children under 18 years of age and parents.

What documents are needed to provide a deduction:

— A prescription from a doctor for medications,

— An agreement with a medical institution for the provision of services and a copy of its license;

— Copies of payment documents are not needed, a certificate of payment is sufficient: it is used as a document confirming the actual expenses of the taxpayer.

Method number 7. Free treatment

How much: unlimited

Condition: If the required medical service is included in the list of expensive treatment, then you will be paid the full amount of the entire cost of treatment.

List of expensive treatments: various surgical operations, endoprosthetics, reconstructive operations on joints, transplantation of organs, tissues and bone marrow, implantation of prostheses, metal structures, pacemakers and electrodes, treatment of complex burns, treatment of cancer and pancreatic diseases, as well as complex forms of diabetes, nursing premature babies weighing up to 1.5 kg, IVF.

Condition: If you, and not your employer, pay for a VHI policy for yourself, your spouse, parents or children under 18 years of age, you can also receive a deduction. The amount of the tax deduction also cannot exceed 120 thousand rubles, but in most cases an annual VHI policy is cheaper.

Method number 9. Have a child

How much: from 1,400 to 12,000 rubles

Once a year, you can receive tax deductions for a child (your own or an adopted one).

Condition: Usually the deduction is processed through the employer. For the first and second child you will be given 1400, for the third and subsequent children - 3000. For disabled children under 24 years of age (if the child is a full-time student, graduate student, resident, intern), the deduction can be up to 12 thousand rubles.

Method number 10. Provide charitable assistance

How much: unlimited

And even here you can get part of the amount back.

Condition: If you officially transferred money to a charitable foundation, religious organization, socially oriented non-profit organization or NPO working in the field of culture, healthcare, etc. You can return the amount within the limits of the personal income tax paid for the year, but not more than 13% (personal income tax) of a quarter of your annual income .

The accumulated amount of 300-400 thousand rubles is not only a certain guarantee of financial stability, but also certain troubles. No one has canceled the negative consequences of literally uncontrollable inflation and devaluation. And no one is immune from crisis circumstances. In addition, human psychology is such that it is natural for him to strive for higher achievements. Including in investing.

It is quite possible to achieve financial goals with an amount of three hundred thousand rubles even in a short period of time. At the present time, this is facilitated by the high dynamics of technology development, the introduction of productive investment concepts, the emergence of new ones and other related factors.

So, where to invest money if you have three hundred to four hundred thousand rubles in your hands or in your account? Below are several areas of investment selected with the following in mind:

  • Relatively low level of risks;
  • Stable dynamics in achieving profitability;
  • Decent degree of profitability;
  • Reliability of investments.

All projects are focused on the mentioned amount and involve both passive investment and direct participation in multiplying the capital of its owner.

Financial and stock instruments

But the investor should remember that if you invest 400,000 rubles in one of these instruments, you need to be prepared for increased risks - financial and stock markets are quite dynamic and unpredictable.

At the same time, the owner of capital can count on decent returns, reaching several tens of percent per month.

This investment method involves the participation of intermediary structures - brokerage companies and managing traders. At the present time, effective management tools and concepts have been created - PAMM and LAMM accounts, PAMM indices, which most likely exclude the possibility of the influence of market risks.

Profitable investment in promising franchises

In essence, this is an opportunity to invest 300,000 rubles or a more significant amount in one of the types of business. The difference with traditional schemes for developing entrepreneurship in franchising is that in this case the owner of the franchise (franchisee) may not take an active part in the development of the project. He can act as a founder and investor, but no one, however, forbids him to take over the management of his own business.

At the same time, the franchising concept eliminates a large share of risks due to the application of the proven strategy of the business founder (franchisor), whose guidelines and recommendations are transferred to the franchise buyer along with the right to use the brand, marketing tactics, management methods and established partnerships.

Depending on the type of activity proposed by the franchisor, the volume of investment, and the terms of the franchise, the return on such investments can range from 6-8 weeks to two to three years. In many cases, both parties share responsibility for emerging risks evenly, which minimizes the likelihood of bankruptcy at the initial stage of becoming a franchisee.

Portfolio of structured products

This direction of investment is to some extent reminiscent of the diversification methods used when working with exchange-traded assets. However, here the role of structured products is often played by:

  • bank deposits, occupying approximately half of all portfolio shares;
  • impersonal metal accounts, which account for 15-20% of all investments;
  • bonds that ensure the stability of structured products and occupy up to 10% of investment capital;
  • futures and vanilla options, which account for the remaining 20-30% of the investment.

However, there are other concepts for creating structured investment portfolios that involve the participation of other instruments. Their choice depends on how long it is planned to invest 400,000 rubles, what level of return is expected, as well as on the willingness of the owner of the funds to accept risks.

Hedge funds and their investment instruments

This is one of the most profitable and, at the same time, the most risky areas of investment activity. Hedge funds are more developed in the countries of the European zone and on the American continent, but in the last few years they have been actively developing in the CIS.

Unlike mutual funds and OFBUs, hedge funds have at their disposal a more extensive range of investment instruments. At the same time, they manipulate them both on a growing price trend and on falling prices. Often both types of operations are performed simultaneously.

The return on investment in hedge funds is determined by selling assets at the highest price and buying at the lowest price. The structure of this category of funds includes the following participants:

  • group of investors;
  • a guarantee banking institution responsible for safeguarding the fund's assets;
  • a management structure that analyzes the market and makes decisions on investment;
  • an audit company that carries out an independent assessment of assets and monitors market demand;
  • primary broker performing intermediary functions.

Owners of different sizes of capital can participate in hedge funds - here you can invest 300,000 rubles or up to a million dollars. Since hedge funds are not regulated due to their developmental stage, they are freer to choose effective and profitable tactics and strategies, which justifies their high degree of profitability.

Investments in cryptocurrency

Just three or four years ago, no one took this tool seriously as an effective means of getting rich. But the sharp jump in the value of Bitcoin (the first and most current cryptocurrency) in 2013 demonstrated the promise of such investments.

What is attractive about this type of activity is the opportunity to invest different amounts - you can invest 400,000 rubles in cryptocurrency, and this will be enough to receive passive income for a long time.

At the current stage, there are many analogues of Bitcoin (Ripple, One Coin, LiteCoin), however, these cryptocurrency units are still at the stage of becoming investment attractive. Such investments are more promising in comparison with speculation in the Forex market and exchange trading in the stock market. They are relevant for a long period and can bring multiple profits.

There are two tactics for generating income on cryptocurrency:

  • through speculative transactions, purchasing cryptocurrency assets for physical currency;
  • mining.

In the second case, powerful computer equipment is required. And three hundred thousand rubles will be enough to purchase the necessary equipment.

Investments in land resources

In the territories of developed countries, there are fewer and fewer land resources that are not yet subject to property rights. This may be agricultural land, reserve areas, business areas and development areas.

In any of these categories, you can choose suitable resources in which it is advisable to invest four hundred thousand rubles. The method of making a profit here is from the subsequent resale of the privatized land plot, receiving rent from renting it out.

In both cases, the owner of capital almost completely eliminates market risks, since due to the shortage of land, their value is constantly increasing.

At the same time, there are non-market risks associated with the danger of illegal sale of land, bureaucratic manifestations and the allocation for sale of land that is of little use for the planned purposes or does not have investment attractiveness in the short term.

Investing in startups

Another decision on where to invest financial resources is the development of startups. Typically, this term refers to an innovative idea for which its author does not have enough funds to implement.

When investing even four hundred thousand rubles in such projects, there is a possibility of receiving multiple returns, and often regular returns. But at the same time, such investments are associated with increased risks, which should be kept in mind when investing in them. Approximately only one tenth of startups turn out to be promising and viable. Therefore, such investments should be guided by the principles of rational diversification, distributing capital into several low-cost projects.

Finally, an exclusive area of ​​investment, which is only just acquiring worthy relevance.

The reason for such unusual investment interest was the properties of this product, and in particular, Pu-erh tea.

It can be preserved for decades, while improving its taste and preventative qualities. Naturally, this affects the cost of tea. In addition, over time, the cost of production of this product is constantly increasing at a dynamic pace.

The tea investment trend began in China itself, where several categories of Pu'er tea are produced. But this trend quickly became attractive in other countries on different continents.

Currently, experienced investors in this category can already earn fabulous capital by selling tea produced fifty years ago. Pu-erh with a shelf life of about half a century can have a market value of up to $70,000 per 1 kilogram right now!

To complete the review of what to invest the available capital in, it should be noted that there are other opportunities to invest 400,000 rubles, including the personal priorities of the owner of the funds and his investment goals.

You will learn where you can profitably invest 300,000-400,000 rubles, what business ideas will bring a guaranteed return on investment, how to invest so that the money does not disappear

Greetings to the readers of our business magazine! The founder of the online magazine “HeatherBober” Alexander Berezhnov is with you again.

The topic of the next publication is financial investments. This article will be interesting and useful to everyone who has a certain amount of money and wants to invest their money in a profitable business.

So, let's go!

If you are not satisfied with a fixed salary, working as a hired force and your current standard of living, it’s time for you to change your relationship with finance in the most dramatic way. Money can be made to make money: moreover, there is every chance of turning this process into a source of constant passive income.

You can increase your level of well-being through smart investing. There are a large number of effective financial instruments that will help you spin your money and get a solid profit.

An amount of 300-400 thousand rubles is ideal for launching a successful investment project. In this article we will tell you where to invest money to make money, but first we’ll talk about the principles of smart investing.

Investor's golden rules

The larger the amount, the more opportunities the investor has, but at the same time, the danger of losing money as a result of ill-considered monetary transactions increases. To prevent this from happening, experts in the field of profitable investments have developed rules for safe investments.

These rules will help you not to lose money during financial transactions and minimize risks.

Rule 1. Diversify your investments.

Such a complex word means a simple truth - never invest all your money (especially if the amount is impressive) in one company (PAMM account, project). Divide your investment portfolio into several parts - preferably equal ones - and distribute them in different directions.

Why is splitting contributions so important? The reason is simple - not all investment niches are 100% reliable. Some companies you invest in may go bankrupt.

If you put money into one account, your capital after the bankruptcy of your partner will be zero. If there were several accounts, the loss of one of them will not be a disaster for the total amount of deposits.

Rule 2. Invest only free money.

What does it mean? This means that you can only put into circulation those assets that do not affect your family’s standard of living.

Sometimes money is not physically available until a certain period has expired. In some financial transactions, according to the terms of the transaction, you cannot even receive the body of the deposit until the funds “turn around”. For this reason, in addition to investment money, you must have safety nets.

Rule 3. Control risks.

It would seem that the rule is obvious and does not need detailed elaboration, but according to statistics, novice investors ignore this principle most often.

Beginners often make decisions based on emotions and incorrect conclusions. They see only the final figures of possible profits and completely forget about existing risks. Repeated miscalculation, checking partners, caution and lack of haste in financial matters - these are the factors that will help you save and increase money.

We advise inexperienced investors to start with conservative investments made in accordance with all the rules of competent handling of finances. Remember that even talented businessmen often lose their investments, let alone neophytes in the world of investment.

Rule 4. Withdraw the deposit body as soon as possible.

In order to make a profit, you need to invest finances in some project or business. Therefore, the majority of our citizens, having collected some capital, try to open their own business or invest via the Internet.

And it is not at all necessary to “spend millions”; today it is quite possible to do it for 400 thousand rubles. Maybe someone will say that you won’t discover anything worthwhile for this money, but “money should bring money.”

Investing in residential real estate

The most reliable investment method available. People's needs cannot change; they still need housing. Our investor is successful, and in order to “lock in” the funds he has accumulated, he invests them in investments.

Residential real estate can then be inherited, rented out, and thus .
It is practically impossible to buy anything with this amount in pure form. But that’s enough for the down payment.

Investing in commercial real estate

In order to make a profitable investment and gain as much experience and knowledge as possible - to reach a high-quality level, you can invest your available funds in the purchase of commercial real estate.

Having 400,000 rubles available, you can invest it in the purchase of premises for entertainment and shopping centers, warehouses, and offices.

In addition, you can invest the available amount of funds by purchasing commercial premises in a new building. Nowadays, new buildings have non-residential premises on the ground floor.

It is possible to buy them during the construction stage, which will even be cheaper. The only negative is that it will take several years for the facility to be put into operation.

And again, it is unknown whether after some time the development company will go bankrupt and the invested money will be lost. The offer itself is tempting and attractive.

But when will the entire investment pay off?

  • the size of the invested amount;
  • condition of the object;
  • location;
  • rent;
  • repair costs.

Investing in bank deposits

The most common way to invest money is.

For more than 70% of people who are far from investing, this is the norm. Because bank deposits very well form the habit of “saving for a rainy day.”

When choosing a bank, you should definitely make sure that it is a participant in the deposit insurance system. And there are no problems - the funds are insured and in any case will return to your investor.

However, it is worth noting that interest rates on deposits throughout the CIS barely cover the inflation of national currencies, so this is a rather controversial option.

Investing in websites

Investing money in websites is profitable.

However, you should not count on receiving interest quickly, since this is a long-term prospect of receiving dividends. The business is risky and effective at the same time.

Currently, websites are becoming objects of large-scale trade, being an integral part of many large enterprises. But it is impossible to discard factors that can affect the loss of invested funds.

  • Never forget the rule - working sites with traffic and income need to be updated as often as possible, replenished and developed.
  • If necessary, you need to hire a copywriter, editor, programmer, etc.
  • You can sell your resources, especially when they are at the peak of profitability (you can quickly earn large sums).

Investing in currency

When deciding where to invest 400 thousand rubles, perhaps what immediately comes to mind is to invest in foreign currency. However, not everything is as simple as it seems.

How to choose exactly the currency that will be the most promising and stable, since high liquidity, reliability and speed of exchange of monetary units depend on this.

The following are especially popular in the financial market: dollar, euro, British pound, Swiss franc, and occasionally the Japanese yen.

Professionals believe that investing in foreign currency should be done in parts.

And in order for investments to be successful and have a high degree of convertibility, it is best to open a foreign currency account with a reliable broker, and freely be able to transfer your hard-earned money from one currency to another.

Investing in shares

If the amount of risk is not particularly important and there is a desire to take risks for the sake of big profits, then you need to invest money in shares of large profitable companies.

This is a profitable type of investment, which is very closely associated with risks. The market is volatile, and it is often difficult to follow the trend of its movement in a timely manner.

As long as the company shows growth in its activities and pays dividends, stock prices rise. The income of shareholders (investors) increases.

But there is a risk that the company may go bankrupt at any time, the result: loss of investment.

Investing in Forex

Quite a risky investment option. Few people become successful traders in independent trading on the foreign exchange market. Most lose their money.

Forex as an investment option for those investors who are ready to invest everything they have and at the same time are ready to lose everything.

But even after this, they do not give up. They find money, return, and study. However, the probability of losing money again still remains high.

Investing in PAMM accounts

Where to invest 400 thousand rubles? An investment tool such as a PAMM account will help you increase your funds and help resolve this issue.

Financial management requires knowledge. If you don’t have such knowledge, then you need to find a person who knows how to do it. PAMM accounts combine investor and trader.

Thanks to the trader, the investor makes a profit. If the trader does not have sufficient experience, all funds may “burn out”. If on the contrary, then in a year the income from invested funds can be about 100-150%.

Investing in binary options

You need to invest money at interest. It's simple. The main advantage is the passive nature of income generation, that is, investors do not need to do anything. Provided there is a professional nearby.

Today, binary options have become widespread. The principle of their work is “all or nothing”, offering at the same time a fixed return.

Pros of binary trading:

  • it is simpler and more accessible than on Forex; here it is enough to determine the direction of price movement;
  • losses in this type of trading are limited, profits are known in advance;
  • You don’t need to make a large investment; about 1,000 rubles are enough to enter.

Therefore, if you are concerned about the question: where to invest 400 thousand rubles, you need and can safely invest them in binary options.

One disadvantage of this trade: if the forecast was made incorrectly and there was no insurance, you can lose the entire invested amount.

Do you have a free amount of 400,000 rubles and would you like to invest it somewhere to benefit yourself? Indeed, today everyone has long known the simple truth that money should bring money, i.e. they need to be “forced” to work.

The most difficult thing here is to decide where and what to invest in. Today, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of different options that will differ in their scope of activity, the amount of profit offered, as well as the degree of risk.

How to decide on a direction that will be truly profitable and attractive for you? To do this, you need to get as much information as possible by all means available to you - books, trainings, courses, Internet resources, etc. All this will help you evaluate the market, select the right tools, and analyze the project where you will invest money.

Making a bank deposit

The most popular way to receive monthly passive income without putting in almost any effort is to open a bank deposit for the amount you need. If you want to get the highest possible interest, then you need to choose a period of at least a year, and the method of paying interest - at the end of this period using capitalization (more about this term).

In every city there are many companies offering to open a deposit. We recommend paying attention not only to the size of the offered return, but also to the reliability of the company, as well as whether this organization participates in deposit insurance or not.

The most reliable banks in this regard are state-owned, but they offer low interest rates of up to 7% per year:

  1. Sberbank of Russia ,
  2. Gazprombank,
  3. Company group .

If you want to get a higher income, then you need to choose private commercial banks, where you can count on a yield of up to 9-10% per annum. Searching for them is quite simple; the easiest way to select them is through special online portals:

  • Loko-Bank, - rate up to 9% per annum,
  • Fora-Bank - up to 8.88%,
  • , Asian-Pacific Bank - up to 8.8%;
  • Tauride,
  • International Financial Club - up to 8.7%;
  • — up to 8.65%;
  • Zenit Bank - up to 8.6%;
  • Bank Vozrozhdenie - up to 8.55%;
  • Expert Bank - up to 8.5% per year.

At the same time, the most profitable will be the registration of investment deposits, which are complex products (in addition to the deposit, you also purchase an insurance policy from a partner bank, due to which you receive an increased interest rate).

Investments in securities, shares, stock market

If the amount of risk does not matter much to you, and you are willing to take risks for the sake of big profits, then we recommend that you invest in shares of large profitable companies, securities or foreign currency. Even without extensive knowledge in this area, you can still make money on this with the help of a brokerage company or trust management in PAMM accounts.

It is the latter option that has gained great popularity today due to its high yield - about 10-12% per annum. Of course, investing money in this case will involve certain risks, and in order to avoid them, you need to choose the right trader.

A trader is a professional player, a seller who will buy and sell on the market for you. You will invest money in it and receive income from its actions in exchange for a small percentage of the profit. In this case, your income can be more than 100% per year of the original amount.

Federal loan bonds

A relatively new way of investing for our country is investing money in. These are securities issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In essence, you are lending to our state, due to which this type of investment has very high reliability.

You are buying a security that provides (this is analogous to the interest rate on a deposit) on which you will receive income throughout the entire validity period of the security. As a rule, payments occur once a year, less often - once every six months. At the end of the stated period, you will receive the amount you originally invested + coupon income.

What are the features:

  • long investment period (usually 2-3 years minimum),
  • small minimum contribution (accepted from 30,000 rubles),
  • increased profitability compared to standard deposits (up to 11-12% per year),
  • There are no additional options for replenishment or partial withdrawal.

How to purchase OFZ-n? To do this, you can contact a broker, who is a professional intermediary between the buyer (you) and the seller on the exchange (Ministry of Finance). In addition, you can make a purchase yourself at special branches of Sberbank and VTB Bank.