Vitaly Gitt biography. Dr. Gitt: treatment of joints with various methods. Lumbar spine

Arthrosis is one of the most serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which worsens the patient’s life, spoils his well-being, and reduces his performance.

Without proper treatment, a patient is doomed to live with pain. At first it occurs only when physical activity, however, after some time, the feeling of discomfort becomes a constant companion of the patient, appearing with minimal movements and even at rest.

Most often, elderly patients suffer from this pathology, but it can also occur in younger people; this is not a mandatory pattern. In particular, if we consider arthrosis of the foot, it can strike at any age. Especially if the person is too active image life, that is, he does boxing, gymnastics and various kinds of jumping.

Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt: treatment of arthrosis

Arthrosis is a disease that is characterized by the appearance of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the joint tissue. In addition, these processes are often accompanied by inflammation in the surrounding soft tissues. Articular cartilage degeneration is a dangerous condition that progresses rapidly over time. To slow down the course of the disease and reduce the severity of symptoms, it is necessary to treat it correctly.

Causes of the disease

The first step on the path to recovery from arthrosis is the correct diagnosis. It is important to establish the cause of the disease. It could be:

  1. Flat feet, sole deformities;
  2. Severe curvature of the lower leg;
  3. Obesity;
  4. Intensive sports, including professional sports;
  5. Work that requires constant standing or standing;
  6. Suffered leg injuries - these can be bruises, sprains, torn ligaments, fractures;
  7. General hypothermia of the body or frostbite of the extremities;
  8. Disturbances in the functioning of endocrine organs;
  9. Polyarthritis.

In addition, in the occurrence of arthritis great importance Hereditary predisposition may play a role, affecting the structure of bones and joints. The shoes we wear play an important role. If it squeezes the fingers, then sooner or later the person will develop arthrosis or arthritis. This is especially true for women who constantly wear high heels.

Clinical picture of the disease

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in various forms. First of all, this is a crunch in the joints of the legs, pain under any load, which does not subside for a long time. Patients note that the pain with this disease is quite dull and periodic. Sometimes after sleep you feel stiffness in your limbs.

In more advanced forms, fingers and joints begin to deform, so treatment of arthrosis should be carried out as early as possible. The legs usually become swollen and red, general state the patient becomes unstable, that is, the person quickly gets tired and feels weak.

Conservative medicine in the treatment of arthrosis gives very poor results. The fact is that in a diseased joint, not one pathological process develops, but several simultaneously. Cartilage can grow in one place and, on the contrary, collapse in another; the joint capsule becomes very rough because calcium substances are deposited in it. The same thing happens with tendons and ligaments.

Limited movement is associated with the aging process, because it has been known since ancient times that age can be determined by the condition of bones and joints.

Thus, the clinical symptoms of the disease quite strongly influence the patient’s volume of active movements, forcing him to limit himself in many aspects of life. Therefore, it is so important to start treatment for the disease on time.

Treatment: a new incredible technique

Traumatologists have been developing methods for treating such severe pathologies as arthrosis for many years. Many of the proposed methods involve the use of medications, others - physical therapy or physical therapy. Not all of them have the same effectiveness.

To date, the most effective way is considered manual therapy. Among the traumatologists there is a wonderful doctor V.D. Gitt, who developed his own methodology. He collected in it all the most best methods and managed to achieve excellent results.

For treatment, it is necessary to find key points that, when stimulated, can reverse the aging process of the joints. This is exactly what he does Vitaly Gitt.

Doctor Gitt has many grateful patients whose joints he restored to their previous condition. These people leave excellent reviews about his treatment method, not forgetting to mention the qualifications and friendliness of the specialist himself.

Vitaly treats arthrosis using manual therapy and special exercises that anyone can do. They perfectly nourish sore joints and help in recovery. In addition to a range of sports activities, she uses a special massage, in which the effect occurs through the palm. This is a truly unique method, thanks to which many people have been healed.

The peculiarity of this effect - percussion massage - is that if a person, for example, has pain in his foot, then the doctor will place it on his knee, and will place his palm on top of the sore joint, on which he will tap. Thus, the internal elements (damaged joint tissues) do not experience pain, and recovery comes much earlier.

The essence of these exercises, which I compiled Gitt Vitaly Demyanovich, consists of a light and smooth load on the joints, and the joint fluid should be distributed evenly. This leading traumatologist treats the sore spot as if it were his own child, because sometimes he will not only twist and tap, but also stroke and press.

The technique developed by the specialist is completely unique, as it combines all the best features of traditional methods of treatment and alternative methods, and also includes the use of special equipment - vibrating beds, which have no analogues among massage products.

Effects of visiting V.D. Gitt

The impact of a manual practitioner is aimed at:

  1. Effective and powerful stimulation of the regeneration of cartilage elements;
  2. Reducing pain, eliminating discomfort;
  3. Restoring the normal state of soft tissues;
  4. Relief of inflammatory processes.

After just a few visits to chiropractor Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt, you will notice a pronounced effect from the procedures. In this case, the treatment is completely painless. During the session, the person feels a slight pressure, and mild tingling may appear in the limbs.

After administration, the patient notes a general improvement in his condition - it decreases arterial pressure, discomfort in the spine disappears, headache, dizziness.

The patient himself chooses a convenient time for him to visit a specialist. You can sign up for a session on the official website created by V.D. Gittom.

Advantages and disadvantages of different methods

Many methods and folk remedies Treatments for arthrosis are known to mankind, but are they really effective? Dr. Gitt treatment of joints I studied it from different angles and did my own research, and this is what came out of it.

The first thing a person does today is buy all sorts of ointments and plasters at insanely high prices. In fact, not a single supergel is able to penetrate deep into the joint; it only temporarily numbs the skin.

Intense physical exercises suggested by some doctors only worsen the situation, and procedures with the application of salt or sand are no different from ointments. Treatment of arthrosis by fasting leads the body to complete decline, because during cleansing it is washed out great amount useful substances.

Such technological devices, like ultrasound, magnet, rays and the like, do have a beneficial effect, but not on the joints, but on the capillaries and muscles, which is inappropriate in this case. Some people use shamanic methods, that is, they put on amulets, capsules, and so on, but one can only laugh at this.

Developing scientists have come up with a special device that emits radio waves and gamma rays. In their opinion, this will serve as an excellent remedy for arthrosis. Vitaly Demyanovich conducted multiple experiments with this equipment, but to his great surprise, the patients did not feel the slightest difference.

In city clinics, people are offered physical therapy using laser and magnetic field. Yes, there is a result, but the only difference is that cartilage begins to grow in absolutely all places, even where they need to be reduced.

Whatever treatment method you choose, adhere to the golden rule, which both Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt and Valentin Ivanovich Dikul follow: you must have unconditional faith in the successful completion of treatment.
Advantages of contacting V.D. Gittu

Manual therapy offered by V.D. Gitt is the best way treatment of arthrosis, which has a number of important advantages:

  1. Safety of exposure. There is no radiation exposure or side effects, no risk of damaging the joints and aggravating the course of the disease.
  2. Efficiency of application. After just a few procedures, the patient will feel an improvement - pain will go away, limb mobility will increase, weakness will disappear and overall well-being will improve.
  3. Availability. Make an appointment with Dr. V.D. Anyone can do Gittu. The specialist will conduct a full examination of the patient, establish his diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment, individually selected in each specific case. The duration of therapy depends on what stage the arthrosis is at, how the patient feels, and whether he has concomitant diseases that slow down treatment.

Thus, arthrosis is a serious disease characterized by a slowly progressive course. Without appropriate treatment, the patient's condition will become worse and worse every day. To prevent worsening of the clinical picture, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor for a course of treatment.

The optimal choice would be to make an appointment with a leading specialist in this field - Viktor Demyanovich Gitt. This doctor is rightfully considered one of the best therapists who treat arthrosis. His high qualifications and extensive work experience are confirmed not only by the reviews of his patients, but also by the opinions of his fellow doctors. By making an appointment with him, you will ensure a quick recovery.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating any illness. This will help take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, ensure the correctness of treatment and eliminate negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting your doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a medical aid. All responsibility for use lies with you.

Almost every person, with age, begins to worry about joints, discomfort in the back, and headaches become more frequent. And even young people are increasingly complaining about crooked posture and severe fatigue after standing or walking for a long time. Everyone wants to choose the optimal treatment and become healthy.

Treatment methods

Today, the method of a chiropractor, chiropractor Dr. Gitt, is extremely popular in the treatment of joints. Almost every person who confidently uses the Internet has heard about the author of his own technology for restoring the musculoskeletal system without surgery.

By adhering to its technology, you can cure various joint diseases:

It is important that the technique allows you to generally improve the general condition of a person and forget about insomnia and migraines.

Dr. Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt presents a treatment technology in which various ways: it combines manual therapy with "percussion massage", and also uses beds that vibrate in treatment.

One of the unique ways to treat joints can be considered the use of acupressure hardware foot massage. Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt proposes to renew the body using the Japanese shiatsu method. It is based on the fact that massage has a beneficial effect on the main points in the body.

The opinion of scientists is this: if you know the main, that is, active points of the human body and influence them correctly, the body recovers twice as well.

In medicine this is called reflexology.

If you do a foot massage according to the doctor’s method, it will give the following results:

  • The functioning of the nervous system will improve;
  • The pain syndrome will go away;
  • Blood pressure normalizes;
  • Immunity will be strengthened.

Treatment on vibrating couches

Treatment on vibrating couches is a rather pleasant method developed by the doctor. This procedure not only helps to improve well-being, but also accelerates the healing process from scoliosis, joint diseases, and helps strengthen the skeletal system.

Blood circulation improves and the vascular network decreases. The procedure on a vibrating couch will also help restore your figure and generally have a positive effect on the body.

Treatment of arthrosis of the joints

Treatment of arthrosis occupies a special place in the method of a chiropractor. Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt developed a special technology for this. These are exercises that need to be performed regularly, they involve external factor impact on the affected area.

To cure arthrosis of the wrist joint, the author of the technique recommends doing the following.

Sit on a chair that is located near the table. Extend your hand onto the table. Relax her and start tapping your fingers on the table. It takes quite a long time to perform such manipulations.

Treatment of joints is a long and grueling process. Percussion massage is very important. In this case, you need to use an assistant. He should place the patient's hand on his lap, press it quite firmly and, using the other hand, strike through his palm. It is necessary to adhere to a mandatory condition - to firmly press the joints that are being treated. If the massage is being done for the first time, the blows should look like minor spanks.

Over time, with repeated procedures, blows must be delivered with the edge of the palm or even with a fist.

However, you should observe how the patient feels. In case of acute pain, such manipulations should not be performed. Massage should be done once every 3 days. If forms of the disease are accompanied by various complications - once every 7 days.

Exercises for knee joints

The following exercises are suitable for various diseases knees, including arthrosis. It must be done while lying on a hard surface.

You need to stretch your arms along your body and tap your fingers on your knees. Do it 20 minutes a day.

You need to sit on something high so that your feet do not reach the floor. It could even be a table. After comfortable placement, you need to swing your legs. There should be no pain. Don't swing it too hard. You need to be in a relaxed state. Perform 2-3 times a day for 7-10 minutes.

For a prolonged illness, as well as for severe forms of the illness, do the exercise once a day for 5 minutes. At first, stick to this time, but gradually you can increase it and do it for several hours in a row.

For knee injury

For injuries to the knee joints, the therapist advises applying heat compresses to the affected area. This method is suitable a week after the impact. This can be a heating pad or warming ointment. The bathroom is also suitable for thermal procedures. Massaging the affected area will have a good effect hot water from the shower. A contrast shower will be of great benefit.

If the joint is as if "jammed", that is, there was some immobility and pain in the knee, V.D. Gitt advises: don’t panic. You need to overcome the pain and try to move your knee, no matter what. Next, you need to sit down, lean on your toes and swing your leg. After this, slowly bend and straighten your leg. Just do it a few times and the pain will go away.

Therapeutic exercises for knees

Treatment of knees should be comprehensive. A prerequisite is a gentle diet.

You need to grab a support and squat. Movements should not be sudden until initial pain appears. Do it 2 times a day for 10 minutes at short intervals.

With a disease such as arthrosis of the knee joints, some load is needed on lower limbs. In order to be able to bend over painlessly, you need to make all kinds of turns with your body.

Sit on a hard surface and lean forward. Grab your legs and slowly rock back and forth, helping with your hands. Do the exercise 3 times a day for 4 minutes.

To perform the next exercise, sit on a chair. Rest your toes on the floor and lift your heel off the floor, then lower it. After a three-minute rest, repeat.

Do this exercise in the same position, that is, sitting on a chair. Lean on your heel and very carefully plop your toes on the floor. Maintain a 4 second pause between movements. Can be done many times a day. V.D. Gitt advises doing similar exercises for at least one month.

A set of exercises for knee ligaments

You need to sit down on a hard surface and straighten one leg. Place the foot of the other leg on the thigh of the first limb. Gently press on the knee, as if lowering it down. Change legs.

The next exercise is very simple. Bend towards the leg that is extended.

Connect your feet with your soles and pull them as close to you as possible. Then apply significant pressure to your knees, pressing them down.

While in the previous position, lean forward. Very carefully sit between your heels and point your toes in different directions.

All these exercises should be done several times a day for one minute. Such chiropractor techniques deserve attention and bring a significant therapeutic effect.

Gitt Vitaly Demyanovich and his method of micromovements Gitt V.D. – a manual therapy doctor with forty years of experience. He has developed and tested over 25 years of practice a unique proprietary method, with the help of which he cures all types of arthrosis, scoliosis and other musculoskeletal disorders. These diseases are considered the most hopeless and are one of the most common causes of disability. The technique involves the active participation of the patient. Before visiting Vitaly Gitt, 90% of patients were considered absolutely incurable and, nevertheless, they were healed! In his books, located on his website, which he made available for free download, he outlined his vision for human treatment in a simple and engaging manner. I read these books in one sitting. In his books, he makes statements about the following: 1. The active participation of the patient is necessary during treatment. 2. A joint that is deprived of movement overgrows very quickly and ceases to function. 3. The diseased joint is destroyed by load and movement. Even when walking slowly and when raising your legs while lying down, the load on hip joints exceeds the weight of a person. (And these exercises for arthrosis are often recommended for exercise therapy!) Can you imagine what the load is during running, squats and jumping?! Therefore, it is quite natural that with a rough surface of the articular cartilage and a large load on the joint, the cartilage is destroyed. 4. Painless movements in the joint of small amplitude without load help cure various arthrosis. Synovial fluid enters and enters the cartilage contact zones only when the joint moves! If the joint is immobilized, no power is supplied to the contact area! Lack of movement in the joint accelerates the degradation of the diseased joint. At the same time, the load on the joint and the large range of motion in the joint intensively destroy the joint. 5. There is currently no medicine for complete healing of arthrosis. They can only reduce pain; they are not capable of restoring cartilage tissue at the site of damage. 6. All arthrosis is curable, even the fourth degree. 7. Doctors' recommendations for arthrosis: playing sports and physical exercise only worsens the condition of the joint and also accelerates the development of the disease. With active physical exercise, pain in the joint often goes away or is significantly reduced. For most normal people pain and illness are synonymous. But this is not so.! The pain may pass, but the disease develops and the joint quickly deteriorates. 8. All exercises should provide long-term, constant food joints. The exercises should be of a type that can be performed for many hours every day. In this case, exercises should not injure sore joints. With advanced arthrosis, movement in the joint is severely limited and causes pain. Pain is injury and inflammation. Inflammation leads to the growth of tissues surrounding the joint and further restriction of mobility in the joint. Exercises should be simple and accessible even to very sick and elderly people. Exercises should be of very small amplitude, with an unloaded joint, slowly and with relaxed muscles. These exercises do not train muscles, do not load them, but at the same time they nourish the joints well. Such exercises correct execution do not cause fatigue and can be done for hours. The exercises can be performed sitting or lying down. Under some conditions and standing. As an example, the simplest exercise is “humpty - chat”. Sit high and dangle your legs. When dangling your legs, the load on your knees is zero. This means that joint destruction does not occur. But there is movement. Movement ensures the flow of synovial fluid between the articular surfaces and contributes to the rehabilitation of the joint! 9. You should follow a diet designed specifically for a particular person. For example, limiting salt, spicy foods, protein foods. 10. When treating any arthrosis, it is necessary to use percussive massage. During this massage, the doctor places one hand on the joint, pressing it tightly to the skin, and the other strikes through his fingers or palm. A prerequisite is that the joints being treated are well pressed and fixed. Failure to comply with this condition may result in injury and increased swelling. The first massage sessions are carried out very lightly, usually with spankings. As the joints heal and strengthen, the blows become stronger and are delivered with the edge of the palm or fist. But in any case, the patient should not feel acute pain, otherwise the inflammatory reaction may intensify. Massage should not be used too often. If the disease is mild, the procedure is performed once every 3–5 days. In severe forms, the intervals increase to 7, 10 and even 15 days. It should also be borne in mind that simultaneous massage of several joints can cause a short-term, but generally not dangerous increase in temperature. 11. Rehabilitation exercises are mandatory. None of the recommended exercises should cause even the slightest pain. Pain is extremely harmful to joints. In conclusion, I present several proposed by V.D. Git of exercises. The first is his V.D. Gitt finds it the most useful. It’s best to do it on the floor, after laying down a rug or blanket, but you can also do it on the sofa. Lie on your stomach, place your arms under your head or along your body. Place a small pad or cushion under your feet. With severe coxarthrosis, it happens that the hip joints do not straighten completely, so it is impossible to lie on your stomach and relax. In this case, a thick soft cushion (rolled up pillow) should be placed under the lower abdomen and groin. The thickness is selected individually, depending on the condition of the joints. Relax as much as possible. As you roll on your stomach, sway your hips slightly left and right. The amplitude of movements should not exceed 2–3 cm (This is very important! ). Find frequency resonance. Resonance is found if the movement is performed as easily as possible, and when the frequency increases or decreases, the difficulty of execution increases sharply. Like a swing. They are very easy to swing precisely at the resonant frequency. Very important! the exercise is carried out with maximum relaxation and minimum amplitude. The exercise is performed 3 times a day for 10 minutes (before meals). Particularly weak patients should start with 3-5 minutes 2 times a day and gradually increase its implementation to the full program. Some particularly severe patients who find it difficult to sit can perform this exercise for hours. With this exercise, rotational movements occur in the hip joints, helping to improve their nutrition. But people for a long time For those without normal physical activity, even such a simple exercise is sometimes difficult to perform correctly. Therefore, at first it is advisable to do it under external control or passively, with the help of an operator. How does the operator do it? The patient's position is the same. The operator sits next to the patient, puts his hand on his buttocks and, slightly moving his hand back and forth, rolls the patient back and forth. MINIMUM AMPLITUDE – 1–3 cm. No more! The patient must be completely relaxed! And, of course, the operator must also find the resonant frequency. The benefits of exercise are not limited to the joints. Its implementation helps improve intestinal motility, while the liver, gall bladder, stomach, pancreas and other organs are massaged. In overweight people, the stomach tightens, the waist size decreases and the appetite decreases. Diabetes often improves. If your knees are sore and swollen, you may feel pain in them. In this case, you need to place something soft under your knees. The exercise can be performed even with the most severe forms of the disease, because the leg muscles are not involved and the movement in the joint is passive. The second exercise (the laziest one). Performed while lying (reclining) on ​​your back. Stretch and spread your legs slightly. Place a small pillow under your knees. If the hip joint does not fully extend, increase the thickness of the pillow to make it more comfortable. Now move your knees a little, a little. One centimeter. And then immediately spread your knees to their original position. Have someone check the range of motion. Repeat the movement. Repeat one more time. Then many, many more times. That's all the exercise. This exercise can be done for many hours every day. A very easy and enjoyable exercise. If you experience pain, you need to reduce the range of motion, change the width of your leg spread and relax as much as possible. The exercise will appeal to couch potatoes, because while doing it you can read, watch TV, and talk. For comfort, you can place a pillow, even a thick one, under your head. The third exercise (the most universal and easiest). Performed while sitting. You can do it at home, at work, in transport and even in the theater. Sit comfortably. Your knees should be approximately shoulder-width apart and your feet flat on the floor. Bring your knees in and out easily and without tension. The amplitude of movements is 0.5–1 cm – THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! In the initial stage (to control the range of movements), it is better to keep your hands on your knees, and after acquiring skills - anywhere. If you feel pain, try to reduce the range of motion, place your legs a little narrower or wider, change the frequency of movements, relax. Total time performing exercises – from 3 to 6 hours. You shouldn't do them all at once, one after the other. It is advisable to distribute it throughout the day. All exercises are similar in their effect. Which one to perform depends on your capabilities and desires. I would also like to add the following. In many publications, micromovements are considered sufficient effective means in restoring health. Differences in frequencies, amplitudes, exercises used technical means and so on. Despite the fact that the vibration large quantities harmful to health, in dosed volumes it can significantly improve health, especially for those who are bedridden. At one time, I watched a video by visceral therapist Ogulov, in which he talked about how one doctor was hospitalized with a hip fracture. She read somewhere that shaking a broken limb shortens the time it takes for bones to heal. By making micromovements of the plastered limb, she restored herself twice as quickly. Sincerely, Victor Korshunov.

The famous chiropractor Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt developed a treatment method without vertebral traction, without surgical intervention and without.

In his opinion, the methods of official medicine bring the patient only temporary relief, but do not remove the cause of the disease.

Dr. Gitt's treatment combines traditional manual therapy techniques, proprietary massage, as well as micro-movement gymnastics, which effectively restores the musculoskeletal system.

Micromovements are the deflection of the diseased joint not at a large, maximum angle, but at a very small one. In this case, the joint should not be loaded, movements should not be carried out through force and cause pain or discomfort.

Positive effect of micro-movements:

  • Partially lost fluid in the intervertebral discs is replenished.
  • Their shock-absorbing function is restored.
  • The nutrition of the discs and, consequently, the entire spine is enhanced.
  • Calcium deposits on the vertebrae are destroyed.
  • Pain decreases and joint mobility increases.

Cervical spine

Vitaly Demyanovich considers Gitt one of the most unpleasant. If with thoracic and lumbar pain there is pain and discomfort occurs when walking, then with cervical the psyche suffers due to, especially the occipital lobe.

Osteochondrosis comes in varying degrees of severity. Sometimes it is so severe that the patient cannot even move his head. Vitaly Gitt developed effective exercises with cervical osteochondrosis.

Micromovements for cervical osteochondrosis:

  1. The patient should lie on his back on a hard surface, place a cushion under his neck so that his head is slightly tilted back. You need to roll your head along the roller from one side to the other. You can do it as much as you like, ad infinitum.
  2. Sit on a chair. Place your hands loosely on your knees. Bow your head a little. Direct your gaze forward, look at one point. Nod your head slightly down and up, as if saying an affirmative phrase: “Yes, yes.” The speed of nods is approximately 2 up and down per 1 second. Duration – 2 minutes.
  3. Bow your head a little, as in the second case. Direct your gaze forward, look at one point. Turn your head from side to side, as if saying a negative: “No, no.” The speed is the same as in the second movement. Duration – 2 minutes.
  4. For a severe form of the disease - exercise “Ah-ay”: sit up straight, do not tilt your head. Focus your gaze on one point. Shake your head to one side and the other. Speed ​​and duration are the same as in previous versions.

Vitaly Gitt's method of micromovements for cervical osteochondrosis involves repeating them many times during the day.

If you do the exercise once a day, there will be no effect, but if you repeat this complex every hour, you can achieve amazing healing.

This gymnastics is good because it can be performed anywhere: while working at a desk, while driving, watching TV, a computer, etc.

The Gitt technique for cervical osteochondrosis suggests that the amplitude should be small and everything should be done effortlessly, because heavy loads can cause an exacerbation of pain.

Thoracic spine

The nature of pain when this area is affected ranges from barely noticeable to very severe. Their localization is different: from the upper chest to the heart (). You can help yourself by doing exercises by Vitaly Gitt.


  1. Sit straight on a chair, hands resting loosely on your knees, relax. Shoulders should not work. Slightly bend your spine back and take the starting position. It is important to take your time, feel your back, feel the spreading warmth. You need to breathe evenly and not adjust your breathing to your movements. This exercise can be performed at home, at work, and in transport. It is very simple and pleasant for a sore back.
  2. Lie on your back, place a roll of terry towel under your shoulder blades. Repeat the movements of the previous exercise - bend slightly in the thoracic back.
  3. You need to exercise every hour for two minutes, doing 100 repetitions of each movement.

Lumbar spine

Increased load on the lower back is a person’s price for walking upright. Therefore, the lumbar vertebrae are the strongest. But this disease also affects.

Lower back pain, aggravated by coughing and sneezing, which makes it impossible to straighten up, numbness in the legs, impaired sensitivity of skin areas - these and other symptoms of the disease can be weakened by regularly doing micro-movement gymnastics.

Gymnastics according to Gitt for the lumbar spine does not involve pumping up the back muscles. Vitaly Demyanovich believes that strong abs will help cure a diseased spine. Therefore, a set of micromovements is aimed at strengthening the abdominal press.

Micromovements for lumbar osteochondrosis:

  1. Lie on your back, on a hard surface, place your arms along your body. It is necessary to slightly, at a small angle, raise and lower the upper part of the body, tensing the abdominal muscles.
  2. Lying on your back, place your hands under your buttocks. Alternately bending your knees, bring them to your stomach.
  3. Starting position - as when performing the second movement. Bring both legs bent at the knees to your stomach.
  4. Starting position - as in previous cases. Bringing both legs bent at the knees to your stomach, lift your lower back 10 cm from the surface.
  5. The starting position is the same. Raise straight legs perpendicular to the surface without lifting your lower back, or lift your lower back 10 cm from the surface.

This complex should be performed in the morning and evening from twenty to fifty repetitions of each exercise. The speed of movements should be approximately 1-2 per second.

Gitta micromovement gymnastics for osteochondrosis not only has a positive effect on the spine, but also gives pleasure, relaxes and restores the nervous system.

Noticeable improvements in physical condition, observed when all recommendations are followed, increase vitality, instill optimism and faith in complete healing.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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(Instead of a foreword)

Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt is a sorcerer. He works miracles, does impossible things, every day. The miracle that is constantly before our eyes ceases to be perceived as such, but... remains a miracle.

The technique developed by Vitaly Gitt is unique. During the treatment, joints are restored, the shape of the ribs and spine changes, legs are straightened, and disc herniations disappear without a trace. How does this happen? Are there any secrets here? How can you change the shape of a rigid skeleton? The usual practice of classical manual therapy is short-term and intense exposure. And Vitaly Demyanovich takes full advantage of it. This way you can cure many diseases, but not all of them. It is possible to correct a herniated disc, but scoliosis cannot be cured. You can get rid of osteochondrosis, but you cannot get rid of arthrosis. You can cure a pinched nerve, accompanied by terrible pain, but you cannot straighten your legs... But Vitaly Gitt does all this. Treats scoliosis, straightens limbs, restores damaged cartilage in joints.

At first glance, everything is simple. He'll stroke it, knock there, press it, twist it... Plus exercises. Large original set of exercises. Usually very light, extremely light... Similar to homeopathy. Small doses, long-term weak effect. And more stimulation. Changing the shape of the skeleton and restoring joints is possible because the body is a living and developing system.

Skeletal development occurs at any age. In living bone tissue there are two groups of cells with directly opposite actions. One group continuously destroys bone, the other builds it. Thus, the skeleton can adapt to changing loads during life. Similar processes occur in articular cartilage - under the influence of movement, the cartilage is destroyed and movement stimulates its growth. As a result, the shape of the legs, spine, and chest changes in old age. And since such a process occurs, it means that it is possible to control it and even reverse it. By influencing key points, it is possible to stimulate the growth of connective tissue (cartilage, tendons) in the required places. That is, by changing the thickness of the meniscus, you can straighten the leg or cure arthrosis of the knee joint, and by influencing the intervertebral discs, you can eliminate scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis or increase height. Olga S, 68 years old, says: “I knew my disease was incurable - coxarthrosis, fourth degree, hip joints were destroyed. I was getting ready to replace them. I accidentally got an appointment with Vitaly Gitt. He did a miracle. Now I can walk freely, no pain. I forgot to even think about the operation. The joints have recovered."

And here’s what Tatyana P., 40 years old, says: “I spent my whole life with a leg shortened by two centimeters. Because of this, scoliosis developed. My back hurt a lot. I constantly felt inferior. Now I am completely healthy. The leg has grown, no more scoliosis!”

Before visiting Vitaly Gitt, 90% of patients were considered absolutely incurable and, nevertheless, they were healed! The author's technique allows him to change the shape of skeletal bones in children and adults. Consequently, the shape of the legs, chest, and spine can be corrected. “Chicken” and funnel chests, kyphosis, scoliosis are successfully treated - diseases that most often affect children today.

And what beauties Vitaly Demyanovich creates from the most ordinary girls! Fashion models and fashion models in the hands of a sorcerer become simply irresistible...

Levinson Yu.M.,

Doctor of Medical Sciences

From the author

Everyone wants to be healthy. Everyone wants to have healthy children. Not always and not everyone succeeds. Quite often, the cause of deterioration in health is errors or lack of information from parents, patients themselves, or attending physicians. When it comes to health, learning from your mistakes is dangerous, and sometimes simply impossible... It is no less dangerous to rely on the advice of “informed” people. A special article is advertising. Television, radio, and the press constantly “bombard” inexperienced minds with advertisements for hundreds of miraculous remedies. Ointments, rubs, food additives, “magic” devices, amulets... Many of these products, according to advertising, easily “cure” hundreds (!) of diseases... Maybe there is something useful among them, but this happens extremely rarely. If the proposed means were highly effective, then it would hardly be necessary to advertise more and more new names every month...

The materials for this book have been collected for more than ten years. Some of them were published in periodicals. To the best of my ability, I have grouped them thematically. It is also worth noting that the specificity of the diseases that we will consider lies in the interaction of complex systems of the skeleton, muscles and brain. This interaction can take many different combinations.

For these reasons, the questions I raise are sometimes repeated, or rather examined from a slightly different perspective, which allows us to penetrate deeper into their essence.

Perhaps this is exactly what will help you better understand the causes of the disease, monitor the progress of its development, and also become familiar with the healing method.

Some readers may be confused about my philosophical position. Yes, most of the issues discussed in the book are quite amenable to explanation from a materialist position. But it should not be ruled out that the great Democritus could have been mistaken in believing that there is nothing in the world except atoms and emptiness. Numerous reliable cases of miraculous healings, clairvoyance, telepathic communication and much, much more absolutely do not fit into the rigid Procrustean bed of modern materialism...


The Art of Living

To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot.

Outstanding chess players, politicians, military men, artists and doctors are distinguished by their ability to foresee the future or more accurate results their actions and the reactions of others to them. Thanks to the development of this ability, achievements and discoveries are made in many areas of human activity.

Since childhood, I have been amazed at how much effort and energy is sometimes spent on practically useless activities and how little time is devoted to the most valuable art - the art of a long healthy life! The reason for this state of affairs is in our philistine logic: “a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky.” A reward delayed for forty years does not appeal to anyone, even if this reward is excellent health in one’s declining years.

All human needs can be placed on a small scale of values. The main ones are to breathe, drink, eat, reproduce, have fun... The need to be healthy takes a changing place.

A young and healthy person does not think about health, just as most of us do not think about the need to breathe. There is enough air and this need is satisfied by itself.

With age, everything changes. Health care comes to the fore - usually too late. There is a rather dark joke about this: you wake up, nothing hurts... You are in the next world.

Such a joke is possible in a society where most of the members suffer from chronic diseases, in a society with very poor medicine, in a society that does not care about people. It’s no secret that an epidemic is declared in our country, if 5% of the population falls ill with the flu, serious measures are immediately taken - vaccinations, vaccinations, quarantine...

But old age is a disease that causes one hundred percent mortality. Old age comes to all who live to see it. In 99% of elderly people, it is accompanied by excruciating pain, helplessness, loss of memory, hearing, and vision. And much less attention is paid to the problem of aging than to the flu or such a rare disease of our time as cholera. And very often the patient hears from the doctor that at this age all this is natural. That's the thing, it's unnatural! Unnatural and abnormal. At any age, a person can and should be healthy and live without suffering.

What to do and how to live so that in your declining years there is no excruciating pain? No, not for years spent aimlessly, as Nikolai Ostrovsky wrote, but simply so as not to suffer from chronic diseases. We need to take timely measures.

JOINTS HURT MOST OFTEN. Our whole life depends on the ability to move, which means it depends on our joints. A person’s biological age and the rate of his aging are 90% determined by the condition of the joints and spine, which is also a continuous chain of joints. Non-traumatic joint diseases develop long years. The pain is either weak or at a subthreshold level. Due to the lack of strong incentives, potential patients simply do not turn to an orthopedist or surgeon. Early diagnosis of joint diseases is extremely poor. X-ray studies show changes in the joint many years after the onset of the disease. And if you remain able to work and don’t climb the wall in pain, then no one will take care of you. At a certain stage of the disease, a person’s motor activity sharply decreases, and the heart, lungs, and the entire body suffer.

HURTING LEGS is an alarming signal. It is very unpleasant when the pain spreads throughout the leg. This type of pain occurs unexpectedly and can be incredibly severe. They are caused by injury or pinched nerves and involve the spine rather than the legs, although the pain in the spine may be mild. If not treated promptly, the disease can lead to a decrease in muscle mass affected limb and nerve degeneration, with loss of sensation and paresis (from the Greek. paresis"weakening"; incomplete paralysis, weakening of the function of a muscle or group of muscles due to damage to the nervous system).

PINCHED NERVE IS SOMETIMES CONFUSED WITH KOKCAPPOSIS, in which there is a similar pain picture. The diagnosis of coxarthrosis is complicated by the low information content of x-ray examination in the initial stages of the disease. (I once met a surgeon who had been treated for twelve years for radiculitis, which he did not have.) With coxarthrosis, the functioning of the hip joint is disrupted, and leg shortening is often observed (reversible by early stages). The disease develops relatively slowly, in advanced cases it causes excruciating pain that does not stop day or night. In general, the disease is typical for people of mature age, but it also occurs in children. Coxarthrosis often develops in people born with dislocations, injuries or severe hypothermia of the hip joints.

KNEES are the largest and most commonly injured joints. It’s rare to see a child in the summer without knocked-out knees. Injuries received in childhood and adolescence often cause serious illnesses after many, many years.

ANKLE JOINTS hurt no less than the knee and hip joints, and although the pain can be very painful, its effect on the process of walking is weaker. These joints are easier to treat than knee and hip joints.

Now about the feet. Foot diseases arise from wearing tight shoes or shoes with high heels, as well as from standing for a long time, not to mention various injuries. Diseases develop especially easily against the background of flat feet. They are so common that many people, especially women, consider foot pain to be completely normal. And completely in vain...

ALL THE DISEASES LISTED CAN BE CURED. The success of treatment depends on the stage of the disease - the earlier treatment is started, the easier it is to carry out and the better the result will be.

There is an opinion that arthrosis, in particular coxarthrosis, can be cured by intense physical exercise or running. Practice shows that this opinion is extremely erroneous. With this “treatment” the destruction of the joint occurs very quickly.

The joints of the hands and fingers largely determine a person’s ability to serve himself. The pain in them can be no less painful than in the legs, and they are treated in a similar way.

And finally, posture. Even minor violations of posture in childhood can cause a lot of pain over the years. If detected in time, such violations can be treated quite easily, although the Ministry of Health system does not know how to do this...

TIMELY TREATMENT of osteochondrosis, arthrosis and various postural disorders will help you maintain health, vigor and youth until your old age, making these years pleasant and painless.

I have listed all these diseases for purely informational purposes, so that it is clear to you what will be discussed next.


The first thing I would like to start the conversation with is arthrosis. The topic of treating arthrosis is extremely important. Arthrosis of large joints - hips, shoulders, and knees - are considered the most hopeless diseases and one of the most common causes of disability. This means that every month, and especially every year, the sick person feels worse and worse. Against the background of evenly increasing deterioration, seasonal variations can be observed - autumn and spring exacerbations. And sooner or later a person is forced to agree to a difficult operation or to use crutches. However, the operation only delays the use of crutches for a few years.

Typically, arthrosis develops quite slowly, sometimes over decades. And at the same time, there are cases of extremely rapid development of diseases, when a year or less passes from the first symptoms to severe disability.

A survey of patients shows that the rapid development of arthrosis is usually associated with intensive treatment with physical exercises, fractures, and surgery. Many people begin to exercise on their own initiative, others are convinced by relatives, friends or doctors. There are vague rumors that someone somewhere has been cured in a similar way. Attempts to repeat the feat end sadly - after all, even physical therapy can cause accelerated destruction of the joint.

It must be admitted that there are reasons for treating joints with movement. A joint that is deprived of movement quickly overgrows and ceases to function. It would seem that the only conclusion suggests itself here: more movements – healthier joint. Yes, this is true when it comes to healthy joints. But if destructive processes are already taking place in the joint, this conclusion loses its validity.

Let's look at what happens in a joint affected by arthrosis when doing regular exercise and why these exercises destroy the joint.

ARTHROSIS is a disease of a trophic nature. It begins with cartilage, which, for one reason or another, becomes covered with calcium salts. At this time, the person still does not feel anything, the disease is hidden. Cartilage tissue, very dense and slippery, does not contain blood vessels, nutrition occurs through the surface. Nutrients are delivered to the cartilage by the articular (synovial) fluid. Calcium salts disrupt the nutrition of cartilage. Cartilage cells, deprived of nutrition, die. The articular surface becomes rough and uneven. The first pain begins when moving, since the cartilage contains many sensitive nerve endings. Attempts to get rid of pain through active physical exercise, running, squats or long walks initially lead to some reduction in pain, since endomorphins are released into the blood during physical activity. Feeling relief, the person begins to exercise even more intensely, hoping to be completely cured. But these same exercises cause accelerated destruction of cartilage (the surfaces are uneven!) and often provoke an inflammatory reaction in response to irritation.

The inflammatory process involves the joint capsule and tendons. The pain intensifies, the joint swells, endomorphins stop helping, and the person is forced to refrain from unnecessary movements for some time. But abstaining from movement also has Negative influence on the joint – arthrosis develops rapidly. For the normal functioning of the joint, movement is absolutely necessary! In short, no matter what a person does, the joint is destroyed.

THE TASK OF THE DOCTOR and the task of the patient himself is to interrupt this process and reverse it.

FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF A JOINT, two conditions are necessary - movement and load. Most physical exercises provide these conditions. Even when walking slowly and when raising legs while lying down, the load on the hip joints exceeds the person's weight. (And these exercises for arthrosis are often recommended for exercise therapy!) Can you imagine what the load is during running, squats and jumping?! Therefore, it is quite natural that with a rough surface of the articular cartilage and a large load on the joint, the cartilage is destroyed.

Treatment of joints

People don’t die from arthrosis, they just shorten their lives.



Few people manage to live to middle age with healthy joints. And unhealthy joints are known to cause pain - sometimes severe, and sometimes so much that it is impossible to imagine.

It is believed that people do not die from joint diseases. At least the statistics don't say anything about this. Statistics count losses from cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, car and plane accidents, diseases caused by smoking, alcoholism and various epidemics. If several people fall ill with cholera or a certain percentage of the population with influenza, a general alarm is heard: “Epidemic!!!”

In Moscow alone, hundreds of thousands of people suffer from various joint diseases, and almost no one cares. Sick joints cause a lot of trouble. A sick person loses the ability to move freely. Going to the store becomes an undertaking of unimaginable complexity. Problems with personal hygiene arise - it is difficult to sit in the bath or get to the toilet... And effects (rather, affects) appear that are not taken into account by statistics.

Loss of mobility provokes diseases of the cardiovascular system. At this time, the lungs, endocrine glands, digestive organs and psyche suffer. And the result is a heart attack, stroke, pneumonia, stomach ulcer, or even cancer.

Specialized units are called upon to save lives on water, but, nevertheless, it is well known that saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves, as the most interested persons. The same situation exists in our medicine. Despite the large army of doctors and many medical institutions, for certain diseases, only a person’s help to himself can be the only effective one.

Arthrosis and arthritis are diseases whose treatment using traditional medicine gives very little results and often ends in disability.

In a diseased joint, several processes begin immediately. In some places the cartilage becomes calcified and destroyed, in others it grows. The joint capsule becomes rougher, and calcium compounds are often deposited in it. Similar changes occur in nearby tendons and ligaments. The tendons become rough and inelastic. As a result, movements in the joint are partially blocked and - when trying to increase the amplitude - the first pain appears. At later stages, adjacent muscles and nerves are involved in the process, and in some joints the destruction of bone tissue begins.

The general changes that occur in a diseased joint are very similar to the aging process. In most cases, the mobility of the articular joints decreases slowly and the sick person more or less adapts to these changes. A senile type of behavior and a cautious gait appear. And limited movements are associated with age... All this leads to degradation of the cardiovascular and muscular systems. It is not for nothing that in the East it has long been believed that a person’s age is determined by the condition of the joints.

Unfortunately, such changes are possible even at a very young age. From time to time, “old people” 10–15 years old appear at my reception!

Often the impetus for the development of arthrosis is the forced immobility of the joint during the treatment of fractures or dislocations. And putting a joint in order can be much more difficult than curing the fracture or dislocation itself.

It happens that arthrosis begins to develop as a result of arthritis that has arisen for one reason or another. And then two groups of diseases - arthrosis and arthritis - go as if in one harness in a train, one after another. Only the order sometimes changes.

You ask: “Why do I need all this? Why do I need to understand arthrosis and arthritis? Why do I need all these subtleties? After all, there is medicine, maybe not the best in the world, but some kind of joints!..”

Unfortunately, joint diseases are extremely dangerous and their importance is greatly underestimated. Like the highest achievement modern medicine operations to replace large joints are presented. But artificial joints do not last forever, although they are more reliable... than the patient’s bone tissue, which is destroyed earlier.

Therefore, it is extremely important to understand the phenomena that occur in diseased joints. Understanding gives us the opportunity to prevent, slow down and even reverse the process of disease and joint destruction. And underestimation of the ongoing processes forces people to reinvent the same treatment methods over and over again, which, in principle, cannot help. There are a lot of such techniques. See if they are familiar to you?

1. The use of various rubbings, ointments and plasters, sometimes very exotic ones.

It should be remembered that medicinal substances cannot enter the joint from the surface of the skin, no matter what the advertising promises. The effect of these means is distracting. They do not stop or slow down the progression of the disease.

2. More or less intense physical exercise.

Usually accelerate the process of joint destruction.

3. Thermal procedures - bath, hot sand or salt.

The effect is close to the effect of rubbing and ointments.

4. All kinds of “cleansing” of the body.

Application is acceptable, but not in all cases. Cleansing can lead to accelerated development of osteoporosis, leaching of calcium and potassium from the body, seizures, and heart disease. The beneficial effects are negligible.

5. Fasting.

The remedy is very strong, sometimes it is beneficial, sometimes it is harmful.

6. The use of a vitaphone and other devices that act on the affected area with sound waves, ultrasound, ultraviolet and infrared rays, and a magnetic field.

The creators and developers claim that with the help of these devices it is possible to cure many diseases, including arthrosis. Indeed, with the use of some of them, an improvement in the condition of the muscles and capillaries is observed, but these devices have practically no effect on the joint, although in many cases they relieve pain. Other devices are completely useless.

7. Use of bioenergy correctors.

Treatment comes down to wearing a certain amulet on the sore spot - a capsule filled with substances of plant, animal, mineral origin or some kind of spirals. They say that an emanation of health emanates from them, correcting the human biofield and having a healing effect. All this is very doubtful... Huge masses of harmful substances in nuclear reactors or capsules with poison sewn into a spy's collar, of course, do not pose any harm if there is no leakage.

8. The use of devices that create an area in space without electromagnetic field(according to the developers, from gamma rays to radio waves).

All my attempts, made together with the distributors of these devices to detect the declared effect, were unsuccessful.

... And in the clinic they add all sorts of procedures, the most senseless of which are irradiation with a low-power laser and exposure to a magnetic field. They can also give you powerful injections that relieve inflammation - which is not so bad! – and causing accelerated growth of cartilage, although not where it is needed. This can cause much more harm than good.

In addition, several new “magic” joint treatments are advertised on the medical drug market every year. Alas, after more or less lengthy trials, a person is convinced that the last “magic” remedy does not work! Meanwhile, information is emerging about newer and more miraculous (of course, more expensive!) drugs and devices. The tests can begin again. The cycle repeats. Time is running out. The disease is developing...