Vit mano battle of psychics season 13. What attracts people to the spiritual guru vit mano. Addiction to bad habits

Vit Mano is an international class healer and trainer, business consultant, leader of Osho meditations and meditation therapies around the world, author of many original techniques for emotional release, removal of energy blocks, healing of mental and physical illnesses, as well as the creator of the most modern methods spine treatment.
Vit Mano conducts deep and completely original seminars on energy transformation, which bring together from 50 to 500 people in different cities and countries. Thousands of people after his energy groups come out of depression, quit smoking, drink alcohol, change their lifestyle, start eating right, meditating, loving and enjoying life.
Vit Mano has extensive experience in healing people with anorexia and bulimia, alcohol and drug addictions, helping people suffering from autoimmune diseases - asthma, diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, arthrosis and many others.
Vit Mano conducts unique trainings for businessmen, helping them to discover their abilities, build relationships in a team, achieve incredible results in their business - and at the same time remain spontaneous, loving and joyful people.
Vit Mano is the author of the book “My name is Mano” and 7 educational DVDs released in Russia, dedicated to the problems of emotions, relationships, nutrition, addictions and healing of the spine (neck, lower back, scoliosis).

Vit Mano on meditation: By practicing meditation, everyone can gain their own unique experience and become a real healer for themselves. Any technique can give you a lot if you go into it totally, selflessly and with an open heart. It makes sense to practice each method for at least three months before you can definitely say whether it suits you or not. And it is important not to forget to enjoy the meditation process, get maximum pleasure from it and a charge of positive emotions! Life is very unpredictable and sometimes very difficult. If you meet the challenges it throws at you with the utmost intelligence and understanding, then positive results will not be long in coming.”

Vit Mano about his seminars: “Many of us are in a state of spiritual sleep. Naturally, resistance, fear and mistrust arise - primarily towards on our own. Today, a very large number of people are not confident in tomorrow, setting up your professional or personal life. It can be a complete surprise, even a shock, for them to recognize the fact that they themselves have the potential to radically change their lives. This is exactly the kind of insight that happens in my seminars.”

Vit Mano about himself: “In a certain sense, I was lucky. Also in early age I started meditating without even realizing it. When I was 16 years old, I joined the school sports team and took up long-distance running. And I couldn’t think that running could bring a person into an unusually meditative state. This happened to me almost every day. Running and deep contact with my own body gave me an amazing feeling of health and overflowing with energy. I constantly felt within myself that I was ready for literally anything in the world! Running was a real spiritual practice, sometimes more enjoyable, sometimes less so. But it was through running that I came to understand the importance of internal discipline, and only then Osho discovered meditation for me and gave me many deep insights into matters of life and consciousness.”

INTERVIEW WITH VIT MANO, Ulan-Ude, October 20, 2017
— How do you usually introduce yourself? Tell us about yourself.
I simply imagine myself as Mano)) When I was young, I saw several things that I didn’t like. For example, I saw that my parents smoke, and at school I learned that it is dangerous. And when I was 21, my father died of cancer. And in my youth I had a very serious injury, which gave me pain in my back and lower back. I had to spend many years finding the right people to heal this properly. And I became interested in how to heal. The more I studied, the more skills I gained and the stronger I became. I was able to help people quit smoking, drinking, and doing other unhealthy things. And I myself have developed many different techniques. For example, gravity techniques for working with the spine. Today, I believe that this is the fastest and easiest technology in the world, and in some cases the most effective. I designed them so that family members could help each other. And these techniques can help cope with many diseases. Sometimes, of course, more advanced treatment is required. But often very simple and available methods can help solve many health problems.
— What are your priorities in life?
For me, love and happiness in life are a priority. I love people, I love life. I used to be a monster myself, I ate the most unhealthy foods. It was not easy to break these habits. But then I realized that when I change my eating habits, my feelings change a lot. I learned to feel my body as a whole, and not just focus on the taste of food. I like it when people are healthy, happy and successful. They determine success for themselves by what they consider necessary for themselves. And I help them with this. The main thing is that it is useful, non-destructive, and then I will always be happy to help. If someone wants to be a housewife, a manager or an athlete, that's all great!
— What do you like, what do you enjoy, what are you working on?
You could say that I am a person who deeply values ​​human health and human happiness. And I also work hard to be happy. From the time when I was still at university, I decided that my life should be happy. I taught at a college and tried to do it approximately the same way we do it here at the seminar. I try to see what problems people have most often. The first is the spine. Second, the health of the body as a whole. Third, this is something related to emotions. Fourth. How to make your life fulfilling and live as well and happily as possible. And I travel all over the world and try to get to know these topics better. IN South America, China, India, in different places Russia and the whole world, trying to live and learn from those people who are more connected with the earth, who take care of the earth, who have preserved natural wisdom.

— What are your impressions of the residents of Buryatia, are they somehow different from residents of other cities?
All people are different from each other, even if they live in the same region. For example, Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude. They are not so far from each other, but a completely different lifestyle. I feel Ulan-Ude as a city where there is a lot of fresh energy, such unbridled strength, wildness, it’s like a herd of horses. There is a lot of internal space, internal potential. In Irkutsk I feel the strong influence of the energy of the Angara, there are strong vibrations, dynamics, energy of movement. And the people living in these different spaces are different. And not only for this reason. Even in the same city, all people are different. I learned a lot about how to see people straight. Each person is very unique. For example, I have never seen anyone like you. I see incredible uniqueness, and it’s wonderful! When you understand the uniqueness of each person, his uniqueness, then life becomes more interesting.
— Share your impressions of Russia.
Russia is a very colorful country. If people like my approach and feel the love in my heart, then I'm happy. If I add one more color to people's lives, so that it is brighter, so that people enjoy life more, then I am happy. I am grateful to Russia for meeting so many friends here. If I help several people become even happier, then my happiness will increase.
I have been in Russia for approximately 15-16 years. I feel Russia as a country of deep soul. Very friendly people and people have very deep connections with each other, they are ready to help each other. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in winter we have to fight the forces of nature and people understand that they must help each other. Russia has a special gift. I would say that people here are more down to earth, more natural, more focused on how to achieve success at work, create good family. And as a rule, there is a very deep concern of parents for their children. House Rule such that parents take care of their child all his life. And I read that this is correct, this is how love should be. Love doesn't end when children graduate from school, join the army, or move to another city. Love must go on.
— There is an opinion that excessive parental love and care makes men infantile. How do you think?
I don't feel that Russian men are weak and childish. Remember the last winter Olympic Games? Russia became the champion. This is a big challenge for the whole world. And I don't feel like in Russia weak people, I don't see it.
— Tell us about your seminars, what do you want to convey to people?
The first thing is for people to learn to eat right to prevent problems such as arthritis, heart problems, spine problems, headaches, etc. Second, I want to show how dangerous it is to keep unexpressed emotions inside. Many people tell me that they have a lot of emotional stress and they don’t know how to cope with their emotions. I know how to balance it, it's very easy. Some people smoke and I would like to help them quit this harmful activity so that they can live longer. Listen to the theme of the seminar “The path to a happy and successful life.” I just look at what obstacles people have on this path, what situations they are in now, what questions they ask me.

— Mano, how did you find your way?
Helping people solve health problems was a difficult choice, because I always liked working with ecology, I worked in this field - fresh air, beautiful nature. And I understand that this is very important for people living around Lake Baikal. Ecology is important for the entire planet. But I felt that my skills and abilities to help people were more important today. So I went in this direction, perhaps also because I saw my father die of cancer.
My attitude to life is: where can I serve people more? Just like solving problems with the spine. I try to find methods that are accessible to everyone. If there are only a few masters working with the spine in the world, then they will be able to help very few. I want to find something that can help many people.
Of course, I have to grow a lot because people come to me with different questions. So I develop new techniques or learn about new treatment approaches and offer it to people. For example, in Germany they successfully treat stage 4 cancer using the so-called hot method, and I recommend that some of my patients be treated there. I talk at seminars about what to eat and what not to eat. I know that if problems do not exist today, then in a few years they will still arise. Just today I met with one person. I've known him for several years. He listened to what I told him about the diet, but he still didn’t listen to me and he started having problems with prostatitis. It is important to prevent health problems in people.
— Everyone understands that it is necessary to engage in health prevention, that smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. is harmful. However, many find it difficult to change their lifestyle. Among your techniques, are there any that change people's behavior?
Basically, people need to have a good understanding of how to deal with emotional stress. They don't know what to do when they don't sleep well, when they get tired easily, or when they're too shy, or unlucky in love. I know what can help them.
These are techniques for emotional release. I believe that all people need to learn to work with negative emotions and be able to cleanse themselves of them. As soon as a person clears the deposits of accumulated negativity, bad habits, depression, and illnesses go away on their own. Human behavior changes on its own. This has already been verified. The fact is that the main reason for all bad habits, all diseases are psychological traumas, most often these are traumas received in childhood. These are grievances, anger and others negative emotions, which for some reason we did not express, but hid in the depths of ourselves. When a person gets rid of them, he begins to think more positively, joy and success come into life. And I like to support people in this direction, share my thoughts, give them my understanding of how you can be happy in life and in love.
— Do you have common recipes for happiness or is it still very individual for everyone?
Both. Balanced emotions healthy eating, sufficient quantity physical exercise, enough love, the right combination of movement, expression and relaxation. This general recipe. But how to prepare spaghetti sauce is very individual. Because everyone has their own taste, their own feelings, their own characteristics. I don’t have a single recipe that I give to everyone. I look at a person, I look at what he needs, where he should start.
- What can you say about me?
You're very beautiful woman, wonderful woman. I'm happy that you are my new friend. I see a lot of wisdom and kindness. I feel like you are now at the beginning of a new journey. Something happened in your life that affected you deeply. And now you have a great desire to learn and gain new experience. A new passion has been discovered in you. You were successful at work and will continue to be successful in the future, but something personal has come up that has hurt you. By the way, you are very brave and you have great trust in life and in people. When I look at you, I feel that you probably had very kind parents.
— Mano, how did you get into the TV show “Battle of Psychics”? Has your life changed in any way after this?
On the show I was completely different from the rest of the participants. I had never watched the show before going there, so I didn’t know what was in store for me. I never watched the show I was on either. I was simply told that this was an opportunity to help people. Often I heard there a lot strange people that there is such or such a ghost, etc. This is not my topic. I have the ability to feel and I have completed many tasks and this has surprised many people. But my topic is more related to what you see here in the seminar. Find out what problems and questions people have and help them. And in this sense, the show didn’t change me, people just learned more about me.
Now, when I find myself on the street or at the airport, they recognize me and smile. People want me to help them or ask questions or ask me to take a photo together. I feel like new family appeared. And I believe that life should be like this when everyone feels that they have friends around them who will always support and help. I don't have a wall between friends and strangers. I'm still a simple guy. I just live day by day in every moment. I think that people feel that I have a big heart and deep sincerity lives in me. And this is important to me. I don't believe in magic, I work differently. I work more as a scientist. I'm looking for clues to what people really need.
— Tell us about your teachers, about your attitude towards them.
I have been to many countries of the world, I have studied with the American Indians, with the Mexicans, and with many people. I learned a lot from Osho. And now I continue to study further, drawing information from many sources. The biggest gift I received from Osho is how to balance emotions and that we should be happy. I think everyone likes this idea, but I think there weren't many people who could demonstrate it and show how this work could be done. For example in the USA. Many psychologists do not understand how to work with emotions at all. They just give medicine and that's it. In Russia, psychologists are much stronger and better. I know a lot of interesting, creative techniques that they created.
— Started in Buryatia educational project“Health marathon” aimed at disease prevention. Its peculiarity is that it involves doctors of orthodox and alternative medicine. How do you assess this symbiosis?
Cool idea. I think a lot of traditional doctors don't know about alternative medicine, proper nutrition, physical activities because they are very focused on healing people today. And when they studied at universities, there were a lot of disciplines that they had to know in order to successfully complete them and receive a diploma. I have a lot of doctor friends, I know. When they were studying, they were under a lot of stress - will I pass the exams, will I be able to learn all this. They also need to work on themselves, to free themselves from accumulated negative emotions.
And I welcome scientific approaches. The more different useful things and techniques we offer people that can be confirmed by science, when you can really see what works or doesn’t work, what is useful or useless. And that only works in some cases. Then everyone will benefit from it.

I think the best and most useful things should be scientifically proven and widely used. For example, I may have good intuition. So the first thing I did was develop gravity massage. Now he can go into science and see how well he works. People with good intuition, if they discover something, they should pass it on to science. Partnership between orthodox and alternative medicine, exchange of experience, in my opinion, will be useful and beneficial.
-Would you like to participate in this project yourself?
With pleasure! Tell me when and if possible, I will try to come.
— You have the opportunity to contact the residents of Buryatia.
I love you very much and am always very happy to see you. Health, success and happiness!
The conversation was conducted by Larisa Bochanova
Transfer from English Tatiana Babanova

Vit Mano is very different from most other psychics and clairvoyants. He sees the root of all problems, first of all, in people’s lives, and not in otherworldly influences, which still does not prevent him from giving relief from problems to those who seek help.

In the article:

Vit Mano - biography of a psychic

From the biography of Vit Mano it is known that his real name is Glen, but he does not want to disclose his last name for unknown reasons. The future guru of spiritual practices was born in 1957 in the USA, in the district of Michigan. His family was large and very poor. By American standards, the clairvoyant’s family was considered dysfunctional. He was the most youngest child and constantly suffered from parental attention deficit.

At the age of 16, Glen enrolled in school sports section in long-distance running. At this time, right during training, he unknowingly began meditate. At that time, the high school student did not yet know what exactly he was doing. However, he later realized that the feeling of contact with his body was the result not only of sports training, but also of unconscious spiritual practice. Running became the first practice for the future guru and helped him understand what internal discipline is.

Glen didn't have it with his older brothers either. good relations, they constantly mocked him. The only relative with whom he developed a friendship was his older sister Ann. However, even she turned away from her younger brother after she started using drugs. Anne's drug addiction led to her death at the age of 25. After her death, Glen realized that there was nothing keeping him in his home anymore, and the time had come to live separately from his not very prosperous family.

Leaving home caused a rather difficult period in my life. For the most part, it took place on the street, because Glen became a real homeless person. He fell in with hippies and used drugs several times. For several years of his life, the future finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Vit Mano lived with the Indians on a reservation. After that he moved to Alaska.

It was in Alaska that he met a girl who “infected” him with her passion for Indian spiritual practices. She invited Glen to travel with him to India and meet guru Osho. At the time of the trip he was 21 years old. The trip greatly influenced young man and his fate. He decided to abandon the material component of life and delve into the study of spiritual practices. It is known that he lived and worked in another community in America - Rajneeshpuram.

After some time, the future clairvoyant became a personal student of the master with whom he stayed for a long time. From him he got his name - Vit Mano. "Mano" is translated as "truth". After achieving certain successes in meditative practices, he received the title of Swami. Mano spent more than 20 years in the community where his mentor taught. Only after this time was he given the right to train other people. The psychic's mentor died on January 19, 1990, and all the time until the death of his teacher, his student was next to him.

In the 90s, the newly minted Swami began creating schools of meditation and other spiritual practices. They are found all over the world and are well known. The main school is located in India, in the city of Pune. In 1998, Mano opened his first school in Russia. All the schools opened by him still exist today and even enjoy considerable popularity.

After opening a school in Russia, Vit Mano married a Russian girl and remained to live in Russia. However, he does not speak Russian.

Vit Mano at the “Battle of Psychics”

In 2012, psychic Vit Mano became one of the finalists of a mystical project known to almost every television viewer. He participated in the 13th season of the “Battle of Psychics” and took third place. The main rivals of the master of spiritual practices were the winner of the 13th season of the project.

At the time of participation in the “Battle of Psychics,” Vit Mano did not know Russian and used the services of a translator, just like Marilyn Kerro during her first participation in the project. He does not plan to teach it now. All lectures, webinars and receptions are also conducted only in English, with the help of translators. Most TV viewers, members of the film crew and even other participants in the show remember Osho’s student as exceptionally good-natured and a positive person. Many thought that he did not look like a psychic, however, at the same time, Vit Mano’s abilities were amazing.

Mano positioned himself as a master of meditative and spiritual practices, as well as a student of the master Osho from India. His main goal The project was, according to him, about bringing good to people, and not about winning a TV show. The meditation master did not use any magic items and did not try to create an image for himself with the help of objects that create a mystical atmosphere.

However, already at the “Mr. X” test, Vit managed to amaze even the skeptics when he absolutely accurately described the person sitting in front of him. Many people remember that when he was asked to name the cause of the troubles different people, the psychic gave quite mundane reasons. Unlike other magicians, Mano is not used to attributing all troubles to various damages and crowns of celibacy.

His rational explanations reassured many people who turned to the “Battle of Psychics” for help. But there were also people who were truly indignant at this position. Among other participants in the project, Mano’s opinion was not popular; he was condemned. It also happened that the psychic’s rivals directly spoke out about his lack of any abilities. Mano, like many other psychics, did not make friends with his colleagues and even reduced any communication to nothing.

Osho's disciple did not see any ghosts, no dead people in mirrors, no signs of damage. However, he dealt with more “real” problems very well. For example, the clairvoyant coped well with the test with a gangster group. He unmistakably identified the man's killer and his role in this group.

Vit Mano - seminars

Vit Mano at seminars

As part of conducting educational seminars, Mano traveled almost all over the world. His lectures and practical classes are quite popular. They are famous among people interested in paranormal phenomena and abilities around the world.

Vit Mano seminars are held both in Russia and the CIS countries, and, for example, in India. This is where most of the psychic Vit Mano’s visiting seminars will be held in 2016. The exact schedule of all its events can be found on the official website of Vit Mano. In order to get to one of them, you need to call the organizers or the clairvoyant’s manager at the specified phone number. You can also contact via email.

Vit conducts seminars on the topic of meditation, teaches people who want to achieve great things the author’s esoteric practices. Many lectures are devoted to the topic of true love and emotional freedom. The clairvoyant is confident that the topic of emotions, as well as their management, should occupy an important part in the life of every person.

Webinars with a famous psychic, which are mainly devoted to human health, are very popular. On his official website he pays considerable attention to articles on this topic. Anyone can go to it and find useful information for themselves. Mano is happy to share the information he has.

Fans of Vit Mano encounter scammers. Typically, they spread information about psychic events that actually exist, but with their phones. You should not agree to remotely send an advance payment for admission ticket, it is necessary to purchase it more in safe ways, for example, at the event itself, having pre-booked.

In addition to seminars and trips to courses in other countries with Mano, you can sign up for individual sessions. The psychic takes on problems such as addiction (tobacco, alcohol, drugs and other types), eating disorders (anorexia, obesity), eliminating back and neck diseases, emotional troubles and disorders, as well as counseling couples and families.

The book of Vit Mano is not very well known. It contains only 22 pages. The author of this book talks about his worldview and life path, and also answers some questions that he hears especially often. It's called "My name is Mano."

In general, Vit Mano has a very mixed reputation, however, it is worth remembering that very often people simply do not want to believe that the reason for their failures lies in themselves, and not in someone else’s influence.

In contact with

Good day everyone) This is my first post, and I would like to warn you that arguing about esotericism, faith, atheism, etc. would be inappropriate and pointless. I thought that for many people involved in self-development and various practices (especially since now it has become very fashionable and popular), this would be very useful information.
I, being a very down-to-earth and logical person by nature, nevertheless discovered this topic for myself. I read a lot of different literature on philosophy and alternative medicine, psychosomatics. About various therapeutic physical activities, including yoga and breathing practices. And I came to the conclusion that a lot of this actually makes sense and practical use With real result.

And so I wanted to check and look from the inside at the world of dynamic meditations of OSHO, and at Vit Mano himself - his immediate spiritual heir. He created a rather pleasant impression of himself in various programs, and the reviews seemed to be good.
I hesitated for some time, but interest prevailed and I went.

I communicated via SMS and sometimes calls with the translator and student of Mano - Usha, she conducts meditations in Moscow time when he is not there. I was sent a place and time to come to him for an individual session.
It was a rented apartment in the center of Moscow. In the kitchen and in the living room there were CDs on Osho meditations and books, as well as some vitamins for women and some other vitamins... In general, for sale... Mano treated her back like a chiropractor for some girl, me They told me to wait. Then he said to come to him. I speak and understand English quite well, so we did without a translator. To be honest, the atmosphere there was somehow not very favorable.
After about 10 minutes of simple breathing practices, we began the conversation. I said that so and so I’m worried about this and that, what I’m doing different things healthy and eat right. like what he will tell me and advise me, feel (what if) about my health. He said - eat more healthily, do not eat gluten, fried, sweet, salty, red meat, flour.
Well, ok, I already know how to eat, another question is that I don’t follow it particularly clearly and perfectly. He says, well, there’s no point in fiddling around, but just follow it and everything will be just fine... Well, okay, thank you, I’ll be more attentive to my diet now. Questions about why others don’t follow it and everything is fine for them - the answer was “well, their bodies are stronger”... Then he said that I have suppressed anger inside (hehe, who doesn’t have it), and says take it hit the pillow and scream. Well ok) have fun to the fullest. I mean, I’m screaming and I’m thinking - screw it, the neighbors are probably shocked by this whole action. So I screamed, he then gave me a final hug and that’s ALL. EVERYTHING, gentlemen))
Honestly - I really saw the light after that) I saw the light - that I will not go to anyone or go to anyone else))) I myself know everything and everything is written in the literature. Well, I calmed down that I definitely hadn’t missed anything else in my life.

Then I went for a walk around Moscow - fortunately the weather was super, which is rare for this city)

Then I found out that after all, the neighbors called our brave policemen in order to calm down the “sectarians” disturbing people’s peace))) But the situation seemed to be resolved normally and the adventures continued.
Being slightly frightened by this situation, I came to White Clouds - this is a center where they conduct meditations and much more, I was allowed into the hall where Mano conducts seminars and webinars, and I sat there and watched from the inside. Well, everything was calm and normal.
Here are some books and CDs they distribute. there about meditation, respectively.
Then a lot of people came for meditation. Mano caught me and quickly straightened my spine - since I was complaining about him while everyone was taking their seats. People are adequate and nice different ages and floors. The atmosphere is good and positive. Everyone sat in a semicircle on cushions and listened to Mano’s wise words. He talked about quite ordinary things. That people have anger and resentment inside about the past, parents, etc., and that all the troubles in their lives are because of this. And here again, in order to get rid of all troubles, you need to engage in dynamic meditations and throw out your negativity in them and eat right. and everyone will be happy!) And from time to time he showed us and we all did meditations together. Well, if anyone is interested, look at what Osho meditation is, the internet is full of information. Essentially - scream, cower, dance, then freeze. and more hugs. In general, from the outside it looks like a typical sect)) Honestly, I perfectly understand those people who are afraid of this and consider it something sectarian, etc. But what a sect is is a flexible concept. Nothing destructive happens there. people behave adequately and without fanaticism. Psychotherapists come to such seminars... And in general, in classical psychotherapy, I have no doubt, there are similar techniques for throwing out anger, just without the admixture of spiritual and energetic elements.
Personally, I liked the feeling of unity with many people. That everyone was open and not ashamed of themselves, innocent hugs and looking into each other’s eyes, sincere smiles - it’s sweet and really energizing. And also screaming at the top of your lungs with a bunch of people is also cool, you rarely do this.
My conclusion is this:
It was not in vain that I went - I found out what I wanted, saw, understood. I realized that everything is the same everywhere, and that there is no point in going somewhere, looking for something, getting involved in something, or leaving. I realized that everything is simpler than it seems. That no one has yet come up with anything new, but all the truths have been spelled out long ago - you take it and read it. You can say that this is obvious)) Well, then there is no point in studying at school - after all, nature is obvious) nevertheless, in order to reach something with your mind and feeling you need some kind of knowledge and life lessons, this was one of them
Dynamic meditations are good and useful in their own way, for people who are really very constrained internally, who lack courage, and are subject to fears and despondency - it’s very useful to scream into a pillow, run away and rage in the air - and not at your immediate family, because otherwise this the negative will affect your nerves and health. It’s more fun to do this in a group than at home, but it’s still useful for yourself.
Eating right, not drinking and not smoking - everyone already knows what’s good.
So everything is in the hands of the people themselves and there is no need to place any responsibility on such cool and wise guys, they say everything correctly - but deep down we all already know this.
The main thing is not to be lazy, not to be afraid to give love to your family and friends. Forgive insults - and everything will be ok)

Here you can watch the 13th season of the show online The fight of extrasensories. The list of participants in season 13 and descriptions of all episodes are below the video.

Series selection:
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13- I episode 14th episode 15th episode 16th episode 17th episode 18th episode 19th episode 20th episode 21st episode 22nd episode 1st special 2nd special 3rd special 4th special issue 5th special issue 6th special issue 7th special issue 8th special issue

13 people took part in the 13th battle of psychics:

  • Rodnover worships Veles, for which he received his nickname on the project. Originally from Zhukovsky. Official website http://dmitriyvolkhov.rf/

  • Originally from Novosibirsk, date of birth 04/08/1968. According to her relatives, she is the strongest witch in Siberia. She has three sons, also endowed with strong abilities, and a husband who is a motorist. The only official website is
  • Swami Vit Mano
    The American, a student of Osho Rajneesh, has been practicing meditation and has been conducting seminars popularizing it for a long time. Last years spends most of his time in Russia. The only official website is

  • Clairvoyant from Dagestan, born in Makhachkala. She was a journalist in hot spots. Raises 2 daughters and a son. She was remembered by the audience for her ability to guess the signs of the Zodiac and dig up metal objects. Official website

  • The painter and plasterer from Ukraine was remembered by the audience for her common people's spontaneity.

  • Alexey is already participating in the second season of the battle, the first was season 10. Date of birth: 01/22/1990. Takes part in online battles as a jury member. VKontakte page

  • A sorcerer, originally from Egypt, permanently residing in Russia, in St. Petersburg. Date of birth: 11/12/1976.

  • Former secretary and student of Victoria Subota from season 11. Together with her, she led seminars and participated in the filming of television shows. Born 07/12/1990. VKontakte page

  • Born in Tajikistan, but currently lives in St. Petersburg. He searches using dowsing frames and is interested in astrology. On the project she was shown in a not very favorable light, although on the sidelines she was discussed as one of the capable participants.

  • Clairvoyant and tarot reader from Yerevan. Married, two children. Previously participated in the 8th season of the Ukrainian battle.

  • At the time of filming, Ksenia was only 13 years old, although she soon turned 14 - her date of birth was May 20, 1998. In the program, she was positioned as an indigo. Originally from Kotelniki in the Moscow region.

  • An egg warehouse worker from Taganrog. She demonstrated exceptional confidence in her abilities, for which she was included in the participants.

  • A shaman of ancient heritage, lives and practices in St. Petersburg.

Issue 1

08/03/2012: In this issue everything is standard - a screen, a trunk (Serdyuk and Volkhov successfully passed it) and “Mr. X”, played by the famous artist Kokshenov. Then - the introduction of 12 participants and the unexpected appearance of the 13th - Lesha Pedin.

Issue 2

08/10/2012: In the second issue there were two tests - searching for a mine on railway tracks(Elena Eliadze passed it best of all) and the murder of a girl (here Vit Mano was shown as the best). And at the end, Basharov gave a task out of competition - to find a glass of vodka. Here Basharov’s co-religionist Mustafa flashed.

Issue 3

08/17/2012: Search for a married woman among unmarried women, discussion of the crown of celibacy, a masterpiece from Valentina Serdyuk - “the crown of celibacy was on the Virgin Mary,” and a task about calls with unidentified numbers, which were interpreted as calls from the other world. Leaving the project of Mikhail Nevsky.

Issue 4

08/24/1012: Participants are looking for treasure at the bottom of the lake, but only Elena Golunova finds it. The only task in the issue.

Issue 5

08/31/2012: The task with the killer, where Colonel Stefanica was most shocked by Fatima, and the strange departure of the young man from home, which according to the plot was supposed to be explained by ghosts, but was explained differently. Everyone's favorite Lyudmila Davidenko is leaving the show.

Issue 6

09/07/2012: In the first task, participants were offered a stone extracted from the rubble gas chamber in Auschwitz. It was covered with a cloth, but the participants were told that it was a stone and asked to talk about it. Dima Volkhov felt a well or a mine. Fatima described it well appearance object and its owner. Elena Golunova scared Vera Sotnikova and film crew, saying that such a stone should not be touched. Mustafa saw a stone with beneficial properties. Lena Eliadze caught it ancient artifact, and Panyan, Ikaeva and Serdyuk are medieval. Lesha Pedin found it difficult to answer. Ksenia Razhikova put forward a unique version - the stone was found in the sea, but it was from the forest. Vit Mano’s hands began to shake over the fabric, and Sotnikova even saw smoke coming from them. And the second task was a mysterious fire in an apartment, from which valuable equipment disappeared. Ksenia Razhikova is leaving the project.

Issue 7

09/14/2012: The famous couple - a girl who became a mother at the age of 11, and her husband - are the heroes of the first task. The second task is to determine “alive or dead” from the photo and name a convincing reason for the death of three guys from the village of Sayanogorsk in Khakassia. Vit Mano was shown more convincingly than others here, blaming everything on alcohol. Gabriel Panyan left the battle.

Issue 8

09/21/2012: The first task is to find an empty box without snakes. Found: Volkhov, Mustafa and Tatyana Ikaeva using frames. Fatima pointed to the box with the snake and pulled it out by the tail. Swami Wit Mano scanned the boxes with the back of his body and selected maggots. Lesha Pedin, Lena Eliadze and the plasterer chose a python. Golunova chose a milk snake.
In the second task, the participants met the girl Olya Bozhenova (Bazhenova). According to her watch, it was necessary to make a diagnosis - anorexia. Fatima couldn't do it, she just determined the gender. Volkhov went through the same process, and when he saw the heroine of the task, he was shocked. Golunova determined the presence of the disease and performed the ritual. Lesha Pedin, Mustafa, Serdyuk, Ikaeva, Lena Eliadze - these participants suggested that the owner of the watch was a man. Vit Mano completed the task at about the level of Golunova, but after his performance we were shown how Olya ate.
And in 2013, in a program on the Rossiya TV channel, there was information that Olya was on the mend thanks to Fatima’s help. Whether this is so, or whether Moscow doctors actually helped Olga is unknown.

In the white envelope is Swami Vit Mano, but there was no black envelope on the tour.

Issue 9

09/28/2012: Psychics in the Yusupov Palace. Investigation into the death of a young guy in an abandoned building. Tatyana Ikaeva leaves the program.

Issue 10

10/05/2012: Search for a drinking guy (who later, a few months after the broadcast, stated that he was not a drinker at all). Volkhov's cough and, as it were, catharsis from Vit Mano. The second task is to find the place where the girl was killed.

Issue 11

10/12/2012: Dance of the little swans (best - Lesha Pedin) and mysterious place with ghosts. Leaving the show by Elena Eliadze.

Issue 12

10/19/2012: Roma Zhukov’s heartbeat and the mysterious death of a guy from Almaty - either murder or suicide.

Issue 13

10/26/2012: The first task is a conversation with the shadow of Lena Temnikova from the group “Silver”. The second is another story about a ghost in the family. The expulsion of Mustafa, who prudently did not show up for the black envelope.

Issue 14

11/02/2012: Diagnosing three guests - a deaf and mute man, a transvestite and a pregnant woman. The second test is a mysterious accident. Alexey Pedin drops out of the battle.

Issue 15

11/09/2012: Issue about the Dyatlov Pass. Despite the seriousness of the tragedy, the episode itself turned out to be very funny thanks to the humor of the invited guest. No one was eliminated in this episode.

Issue 16

11/16/2012: "Diamond Hand" with bandaged jewelry and a photo of a ghost on the TV screen.

Issue 17

11/23/2012: Irina Dubtsova behind. A strange spot under the eye of a fashion model. Leaving the project of Valentina Serdyuk.

Issue 18

11/30/2012: Looking at tattoos and the mysterious deaths of several of the girl’s suitors.

Issue 19

12/07/2012: Mayakovsky’s room. The mysterious death of Sveta Alekseeva (Polyanskaya) from Astrakhan.

Issue 20

12/14/2012: Guessing the bad habits of guests. Another haunted apartment.

Issue 21

12/21/2012: The first task of the finale is to search for a girl in an abandoned house. Volkhov and Golunova did it successfully.

The second task is to determine “alive or dead” with seven photographs, and at the same time try to guess the reasons.

I interviewed the finalist of the thirteenth season of the “Battle of Psychics”.

Vit Mano is a man with an unusual biography. Born in America. At the age of 21 he came to Osho. Received a new name from Osho: “Vit Mano”, which means “Beyond the Mind”.

And then he devoted his life to conducting spiritual seminars and healing.

Vit Mano conducts seminars all over the world - Israel, Argentina, China, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia.

At the “Battle of Psychics,” Vit Mano differed from other participants in that he did not have any mystical attributes, and also denied all paranormal phenomena. At the same time, he had no equal in his feeling for people.

Of course, it was interesting for me to talk with such an unusual person. What is especially interesting to me is that Vit Mano did not specifically develop his psychic abilities. They were the result of spiritual practices.

Moreover, even at a preliminary meeting with the editor of the “Battle of Psychics,” Vit Mano told her: “I’m not interested in looking at what’s in the envelope. Let me tell you how I feel from you.” After his story, the girl was shocked that Mano felt the tragedy of her life.

It all started with running

I grew up surrounded by nature
and I always had this feeling,
as if I am an integral part of it...

Vit Mano

Vit Mano immediately puts you at ease. He exudes such openness and goodwill that it is easy and pleasant to communicate with him. My first question was when Mano felt he was different from others.

It started in high school. Mano joined sport Club. During training they ran 15-20 kilometers. Long distance running gave Mano a very strange and pleasant feeling. It was a kind of meditation.

At the same time, he did not like competing with anyone at all. Running gave me joy in itself.

During this time, Mano noticed that his sensitivity was much higher than other people. He could feel the physical and emotional condition those around you.

And at that moment he made an important discovery for himself: all the people around were very unhappy. As Wit Mano wrote:

“People were lonely and hostile towards each other. And everyone was trying to look better than everyone else."

When Mano entered university, he was always looking for happy people. And I couldn't find it.

“At that time, while studying at university, I observed people to understand how they lived. I observed students, professors, and university staff, and each of them gave me some insight into their lives and whether they had chosen the right direction. I looked at professors not only as my teachers, but also for the kind of people they were. Have they found meaning in their lives? Was their life bright and eventful? And, in my opinion, none of them lived the life I dreamed of. None of them seemed to have found their only true path in life. No one seemed enthusiastic - I did not see a single man or woman who would glow from within, who would charge others with their energy. I didn’t see anyone who could inspire.”

Mano was always on a spiritual quest because he could not find a happy person.

Meeting with Osho

When you go inside yourself
and in life itself - this is an amazing feeling.

Vit Mano

And so, at the age of 21, Mano met a girl who had just returned from Pune (India), where he was at that time. Mano immediately felt incredibly bright energy through her. He tried to read Osho's books, but didn't really understand anything.

And Mano went to Pune to experience Osho personally. The meeting with Osho changed his worldview. Osho radiated such pure and bright energy that Mano immediately realized that he had found his teacher:

“Wherever Osho was, there was always an unusually strong energy around him. People were so happy to be around him. His energy, his transformational meditations, his techniques and lifestyle - all this has helped many people find true joy within themselves. To be in this field of energy, to be a part of it, was incredible. Support, energy, all these happy people next to Osho - everything together serves as help. This is not only the influence of Osho himself - it is the entire field of energy that he created around himself, and which gave everyone such wonderful feelings.”

Vit Mano remained in Pune.

“I spent twelve years with him while he was in the body. And I am still with Osho. Even though he is no longer in the body. It was a happy period and it still continues. I don't think about how long I was with him before: I am still with Osho. So in this sense nothing has changed. It's up to us to decide whether we want to continue meditating, whether we want to make meditation our way of life... There is always freedom in life. But as for me, I'm so happy that I know own experience: Osho's approach works. And I am grateful that it is now in my roots to live meditatively. Again, we all make mistakes, we all have moments when we wish we were more awake.”

After meeting Osho, Mano felt that his path was to transmit spiritual practices to other people.

He went to Alaska and began to practice dynamic Osho meditations. Especially:

  • Dynamic meditation Osho,
  • Osho Kundalini Meditation,
  • Meditation Osho Mandala.

Meditation is the main key in spiritual development.

In 1999, Mano came to Russia for the first time. He was surprised by the powerful collective energy. She was so attractive that Mano began to come to Russia constantly.

“I fell in love with Russia very much. "I love all the people around the world, but the first place on my list would be this country."

I asked Mano a lot of questions, but after his answers, the questions became even more. He has his own, unusual view of the world and for life. He is 61 years old, but I felt like a young energetic man was sitting next to me.

Mano writes:

"When we direct our freedom
towards creativity and meditation,
we are happy!"

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