Types of social services for the population in the Russian Federation. Characteristics of social services provided to the population

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Branch of the St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economic University in Cherepovets.


by discipline " social protection of the population»

Subject: " Social service population in the Russian Federation»

Option 3.

3rd year students

Groups 2-EUP-06

Lukina P.A.

Cherepovets 2009


Free service




Development of state social policy in modern conditions requires new mechanisms, forms and methods of its implementation, based on providing the population with the necessary range of direct social services. In accordance with the concept of development of social services for the population of the Russian Federation (1993), one of the most important links in this mechanism is the creation of a system of social services that provides a variety of forms social work with different categories of the population at the territorial level. The creation of a social service system is intended to help alleviate many problems in the field of education, care for disabled family members, rehabilitation, organization of leisure, problems associated with conflict in relationships, reducing the ability to self-sufficiency, contributing to other social phenomena.

Concept and principles of social service

Social services are a relatively independent element of the state social security system. In a generalized form, it represents a complex of various services and benefits provided to the elderly, disabled, incapacitated, and families with children in “kind”.

Legal regulation relations for social services for the specified category of citizens in accordance with the federal laws “On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people” dated August 2, 1995, “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995, “On the fundamentals of social services for the population” in the Russian Federation" dated December 10, 1995.

To implement these laws, the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government adopted many by-laws.

Social services are inextricably linked with common system material support for elderly and disabled citizens, which is carried out in cash. Therefore, it is seen as a complement to cash payments and as an auxiliary link in the social security system.

Social services are a set of social services (care, catering, assistance in obtaining medical, legal, socio-psychological and natural types of assistance, assistance in vocational training, employment, leisure activities, assistance in organizing funeral services) provided to elderly citizens and disabled people at home or in social service institutions, regardless of their form of ownership.

Social services and services can be provided free of charge or for a fee. A social service can only be recognized as a service that is provided free of charge or for incomplete service. market value, i.e. fully or at least partially at the expense of society. That is why it is called a “social” service. Consequently, rich and wealthy citizens who have the opportunity to purchase such services, in our opinion, should not be considered as persons in need of free or partially paid social services.

The grounds for the provision of free or partially paid social services are established in the Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population”.

Social services are carried out on the basis of principles enshrined in legislation. These include:

targeting - involves providing social services only to those individuals who find themselves in difficult life situations and therefore need to receive a certain type of social services;

accessibility - means a real opportunity to freely use social services for people who need them;

voluntariness means that social services are provided to citizens only with their consent. Of course, in some cases it is permissible to forcefully impose social services on certain categories of citizens, for example, incapacitated persons;

humanity - indicates the need to show respect for citizens in need of social services on the part of employees of social service institutions;

priority - manifested in the provision of social services first of all to citizens who especially need them, for example, primarily to minors who are in a difficult life situation;

confidentiality - indicates the need to maintain confidentiality of information about persons who are provided with certain services by social workers of social service institutions;

The preventive focus of social services is to prevent possible negative consequences of the work life situation that citizens face in real life.

All of the listed principles of social services are also directly embodied in by-laws, including those issued by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Forms and types of social services

Social services are provided in specialized institutions created specifically for these purposes. Regardless of the form of ownership, social services are carried out in organizations of different types.

The Law “On Social Services for the Elderly and Disabled” enshrines following forms social services:

a) inpatient social services;

b) semi-stationary social services;

c) social and medical care at home;

d) urgent social services;

e) social advisory assistance.

These forms of service are provided to citizens in the following types of institutions:

Stationary social service institutions;

Integrated social service centers for the population;

Territorial centers for social assistance to families and children;

Social service centers;

Social shelters for children and adolescents;

Centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population;

Social assistance centers at home;

Special homes for single elderly people;

Night stay homes.

Inpatient social services are provided in institutions social protection population. They contain elderly people, disabled people who have partially or completely, temporarily or permanently lost the ability to self-care and, for health reasons, require constant care and supervision.

Special boarding houses accept for care citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant outside care, from among especially dangerous repeat offenders released from prison. Other persons who, in accordance with current legislation, are placed under administrative supervision, as well as elderly and disabled people who have previously been convicted or have been repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for violations, are also placed in such houses. public order engaged in vagrancy and begging.

Citizens living in stationary social service institutions have all the rights that are granted to all citizens. Thus, they have the right to leave the inpatient facility at any time and refuse its services if their health condition allows it; can dispose of their property and make relevant transactions. This is how the principle of voluntariness is implemented in practice.

As a rule, placement in a stationary social service institution and stay in it is voluntary. In some cases, elderly citizens and disabled people who do not have care and support from relatives and are not able to independently meet their living needs are placed in a stationary social service institution without their consent. If a person is declared incompetent, he may be placed in such institutions without the consent of his legal representative.

Inpatient social protection institutions provide a full range of social services and services necessary for these categories of persons.

Current legislation provides for a fairly wide range of social services provided to citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations. The specific type of services provided depends on the type of institution that provides them. The range of services provided to citizens in need is defined by law. Thus, the Federal List of State Guaranteed Social Services Provided to Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons by State and municipal institutions social services, approved on November 25, 1995 by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of the same name.

Elderly citizens and disabled people living in inpatient social service institutions can be provided with various services if necessary. Material and household services include the provision of living space, premises for organizing rehabilitation activities, medical and labor activities, cultural and welfare services in a stationary social service institution; provision of use of furniture; assistance in organizing the provision of services by trade and communication enterprises.

Catering, everyday life and leisure services include: preparation and serving of food, including dietary meals; provision of soft equipment; provision of leisure; providing assistance in writing letters; provision of clothing, shoes and cash benefits upon discharge from the institution; ensuring the safety of personal belongings and valuables; creating conditions for the performance of religious rites.

While living in residential institutions, individuals are also provided with legal services. They include: assistance in paperwork; providing assistance with questions pension provision and provision of other social benefits; assistance in obtaining benefits and benefits; assistance in obtaining advisory assistance; ensuring representation in court to protect rights and interests; assistance in obtaining free assistance from a lawyer in the manner prescribed by law.

Such services are provided at home and in semi-stationary social services.

Semi-stationary services are provided to elderly citizens and disabled people who have retained the ability for self-care and active mobility. This service is carried out, as a rule, by inpatient social protection institutions, which organize day or night stay departments.

Social services provided as semi-stationary social services include: catering, everyday life and leisure services; social and medical services; assistance in obtaining education; legal services.

Social services at home are provided to elderly and disabled people who need permanent or temporary assistance due to a partial loss of the ability to independently satisfy basic life needs due to limited ability to self-care and movement.

Most often, social and medical services are provided at home. It is carried out for persons in need of home-based social services and suffering from mental disorders and serious illnesses in late stages.

Social and medical services at home are provided by specialized departments of social service organizations, in which they involve medical workers the corresponding profile.

For each type of social service institution, its own procedure and conditions are established, subject to which citizens are provided with services and appropriate social services are provided.

A characteristic feature of the relations that arise between citizens and the relevant social service institutions is their formalization in the form of a written agreement.

Thus, enrollment in social services at home of citizens is carried out on the basis of their written application addressed to the head of the social protection authority of the district or the Social Service Center. The head of the specified body or social service institution, within a week from the receipt of the application, organizes an examination of the applicant’s living conditions, based on the results of which an act is drawn up; requests other necessary documents.

Based on these documents, within a week, a decision is made on enrolling the applicant for permanent or temporary social services at home, the types and frequency of services required, the need to pay for them, or a reasoned decision is made to refuse service at home, which is reported to the applicant.

Persons accepted for home-based social services must be familiar with the list and content of social services provided to them, the conditions and rules for their provision, as well as the rules of conduct for citizens when providing social services to them at home.

A person accepted for home-based services on the basis of partial or full payment enters into a written agreement with the specified organizations. It defines the types and frequency of services provided, the procedure and amount of payment for them, the rights and obligations of the parties.

Citizens entering a social service institution must have a concluded agreement that meets the requirements of the Regulations on the procedure for concluding, amending and terminating contracts for inpatient services for elderly citizens and the disabled and the form of such an agreement, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2002.

The agreement sets out the grounds for accepting citizens for inpatient services, information about the cost of the institution for the purchase of food and soft equipment, as well as about the maintenance of the residential premises provided. The fee for this service is separately stipulated, which is charged only on the basis of an agreement on inpatient care between these citizens and the social service institution in accordance with the requirements Civil Code RF.

Such agreements on social services are concluded by relevant categories of persons and social service institutions for all existing forms of such services.

Social services included in the federal list of state-guaranteed social services are provided to elderly citizens and disabled people at home, in semi-stationary and stationary conditions by state and municipal social service institutions free of charge, as well as on the basis of partial or full payment.

Urgent social services: carried out in order to provide emergency one-time assistance to elderly citizens and disabled people who are in dire need of social support.

Urgent social services include the following social services from those provided for in the federal list of state-guaranteed social services:

1. one-time provision of free hot meals or food packages to those in dire need;

2. provision of clothing, shoes and other basic necessities;

3. one-time provision medical care;

4. other urgent social services.

Urgent social services are provided by municipal social service centers or departments created for these purposes under the social protection authorities.

Social advisory assistance to elderly citizens and people with disabilities is aimed at their adaptation in society, easing social tension, creating favorable relationships in the family, as well as ensuring interaction between the individual, family and society.

Social advisory assistance to elderly citizens and people with disabilities is focused on their psychological support; intensifying efforts in solving their own problems includes:

1. identification of persons in need of social advisory assistance;

2. prevention of various kinds of socio-psychological deviations;

3. work with families in which elderly and disabled citizens live, organizing their leisure time;

4. legal assistance within the competence of social service authorities;

5. advisory assistance in communication, vocational guidance and employment of people with disabilities.

The organization and coordination of social advisory assistance is carried out by municipal social service centers, as well as social protection authorities, which create appropriate units for these purposes.

Free social services

social service service policy

Free social services are provided:

a) single elderly citizens and disabled people receiving a pension of less than living wage, set for this region;

b) elderly citizens and disabled people who have relatives who, due to remoteness of residence, low income, illness and other objective reasons, cannot provide them with assistance and care, provided that the amount of pension received by these citizens is lower than the subsistence level established for the given region ;

c) citizens and disabled people living in a family whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level established for a given region.

The monthly amount of partial payment for social services provided at home should not exceed:

a) for single elderly citizens and disabled people - 25% of the difference between the pension received and the cost of living established for the given region;

b) for elderly citizens and disabled people who have relatives who cannot objective reasons provide them with assistance and care - 25% of the difference between the pension these citizens receive and the subsistence level;

c) for elderly citizens and disabled people living in a family - 25% of the difference between the average per capita family income and the regional subsistence level.

The monthly amount of partial payment for social services provided in semi-stationary conditions should not exceed:

a) for single elderly citizens and disabled people - 50% of the difference between the pension received and the regional subsistence level;

b) for elderly and disabled people who have relatives who, for objective reasons, cannot provide them with help and care - 50% of the difference between the pension these citizens receive and the regional minimum;

c) for elderly citizens and disabled people living in families - 50% of the difference between the average per capita family income and the regional minimum.

Monthly payment for social services provided in inpatient settings is made in an amount not exceeding 50% of the difference between the received pension or average per capita income and the regional subsistence level.

Social services are provided at home, in semi-stationary and stationary conditions by social service institutions on a full payment basis:

a) single elderly and disabled citizens whose pension exceeds the minimum subsistence level of the given region by 150%;

b) elderly citizens and disabled people who have relatives who, for objective reasons, cannot provide them with help and care, provided that the amount of the pension received exceeds the subsistence level by 150%;

c) elderly citizens and disabled people living in families whose average per capita income exceeds the regional subsistence level by 150%.

At the same time, the cost of provided social services is determined based on the tariffs for paid social services established for a given region.

The payment for social services provided to these persons does not include expenses for medical care in the scope of the basic program of compulsory medical insurance for citizens of the Russian Federation, education within the state educational standards and enforcement sanitary rules in social service institutions. Financing of these services is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Additional services not included in the federal and territorial lists of state-guaranteed social services are provided to elderly citizens and disabled people on full payment terms in accordance with the tariffs for paid social services established for a given region.

The decision on the conditions for the provision of social services is made by the administration of the social service institution on the basis of the relevant documents submitted by elderly citizens and disabled people or their legal representatives, taking into account the cost of living established for the corresponding region, as well as the fees charged for inpatient services.

The maximum amount of fees collected from parents whose child is in kindergarten is 20%, and from parents with three or more minor children - no more than 10% of the cost of maintaining a child in this institution. Parents of children who have been identified as having physical or mental development, as well as children in tuberculosis preschool institutions, are completely exempt from paying for child support.


Thus, the most important task of the state in modern stage is the creation effective system social services as a set of services to various categories of the population who were in the social risk zone.

Social services are designed to help clients solve their social problems to restore and strengthen their ability to self-sufficiency and self-service, to create the necessary conditions for the viability of persons with disabilities.


1. Zakharov M. L. Tuchkov e. “Social Security Law” textbook 2001.

2. Zainyshev I. G. “Technology of social work” Vlados 2001.

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activities for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, carrying out social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations. S.o. is based on the following principles: a) targeting;

b) accessibility; c) voluntariness: d) humanity; e) priority of providing social services to minors. for those in difficult life situations: e) confidentiality;

g) preventive orientation. S.o. includes a set of social services (care, catering, assistance in obtaining medical, legal, socio-psychological and natural types of assistance, assistance in vocational training, employment, leisure activities, assistance in organizing funeral services, etc.) that are provided to citizens at home or in institutions S.o. regardless of the form of ownership.

The federal list of state-guaranteed social services is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and is revised annually; however, reduction of their volume is not allowed. On its basis, a territorial list is established, approved by the authority

executive power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

One of the main directions of S.o. in the Russian Federation - S.o. elderly citizens and disabled people. The main act regulating S.o. these categories of the population is the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 2, 1995 No. 122-FZ “On social services for elderly citizens and the disabled”.

S.o. elderly citizens and disabled people is carried out in the form of:

a) S.o. at home, including social and medical services; b) semi-stationary S.o. in day (night) departments of S.O. institutions;

c) stationary S.O. in inpatient institutions S.O.; d) urgent S.O.; e) social advisory assistance.

The right to S.O., exercised in the state, municipal and non-state sectors of the S.O. system, is enjoyed by elderly citizens (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old) and disabled people (including disabled children) who are in need in permanent or temporary outside assistance due to partial or complete loss of the ability to independently satisfy one’s basic life needs due to limited ability for self-care and (or) movement.

Shcherbakov I.I.

Encyclopedia of Lawyer. 2005 .

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October 25, 2010, speaking at a meeting of the presidium State Council on social policy regarding older citizens, Dmitry Medvedev, who held the post of president at that time, took the initiative to prepare a new law on social services. “One of the tasks of today’s Presidium of the State Council is to summarize and disseminate what is called the best regional practices. Moreover, it [ new law. – Red.] may concern not only older people, but also the entire population of our country,” the politician said then.

And such a law was adopted, and on January 1, 2015 it came into force (Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ "" (hereinafter referred to as the new law). Moreover, most of the acts previously regulating social services for citizens , has lost force. In particular, the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 195-FZ " " (hereinafter referred to as the old law) and the Federal Law of August 2, 1995 No. 122-FZ " ".

Let's consider what changes citizens need to keep in mind in connection with the entry into force of the new law.

The concept of “recipient of social services” was introduced

On January 1, the term “social service client” () disappeared from the legislation, and the concept “recipient of social services” () was introduced instead. A citizen can be recognized as a recipient of social services if he is in need of social services and is provided with social services.

A citizen is recognized as in need of social services if at least one of the following circumstances exists:

  • complete or partial loss of the ability for self-care, independent movement, or provision of basic life needs due to illness, injury, age or disability;
  • the presence in the family of a disabled person or disabled people who need constant outside care;
  • the presence of a child or children experiencing difficulties in social adaptation;
  • impossibility of providing care for a disabled person, child, children, as well as lack of care for them;
  • domestic violence or intra-family conflict, including with persons with drug or alcohol addiction, gambling problems, or those suffering from mental disorders;
  • lack of a specific place of residence;
  • lack of work and livelihood;
  • the presence of other circumstances that are recognized at the regional level as worsening or capable of worsening the living conditions of citizens ().

Now information about recipients of social services is entered into a special register. Its formation is carried out by the subjects of the federation on the basis of data provided by social service providers ().

Until January 1, 2015, social services were provided to citizens in difficult life situations - the new law does not contain such a term, which makes the list of grounds for receiving assistance more unambiguous. The old law understood a difficult life situation as a situation that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen, which he cannot overcome on his own. Usually this meant disability, inability to self-care due to old age, illness, orphanhood, neglect, poverty, unemployment, lack of a specific place of residence, conflicts and abuse in the family, loneliness, etc. ().


"In order for the new law to work, each region must adopt 27 regulatory documents. We monitored the readiness of the regions to adopt the new law. By mid-December 2014, only 20 regions had adopted the entire necessary regulatory framework, 20 regions had adopted less than half, the rest - about half. Every day we try to do everything possible to speed up the adoption of the necessary documents by the regions."

Social service provider identified

The list of types of social services has been expanded

The new law has changed the approach to the content of the list of social services provided. Until December 31, 2014, citizens could receive material and advisory assistance, temporary shelter, social services at home and in inpatient institutions, and also had the right to daytime stay in social service institutions and rehabilitation services ().

After the new law comes into force, citizens can count on the provision of the following types of social services:

  • social and domestic;
  • socio-medical;
  • socio-psychological;
  • socio-pedagogical;
  • social and labor;
  • social and legal;
  • services to increase the communicative potential of recipients of social services with disabilities;
  • urgent social services ().

Urgent social services include the provision of free hot meals or food packages, clothing, shoes and other essential items, assistance in obtaining temporary housing, provision of legal and emergency psychological assistance, as well as other urgent social services (). A citizen can count on receiving such services within the time frame determined by his need. Moreover, from January 1 current year citizens lost the opportunity to receive financial assistance in the form of Money, fuel, special vehicles, as well as rehabilitation services that they could have received previously ().

The procedure for calculating fees for receiving social services has been established

As before, social services can be provided free of charge or for a fee ().

  • minors;
  • persons affected by emergency situations, armed international (interethnic) conflicts;
  • persons with an income equal to or lower than the average per capita income established by the region for the provision of social services free of charge (when receiving social services at home and in a semi-stationary form). Moreover, the amount of such income cannot be lower than one and a half times the regional subsistence minimum.

In addition, in the subjects of the federation there may be other categories of citizens to whom social services are provided free of charge ().

As we can see, unemployed citizens are excluded from the number of persons entitled to free social services (if such a category of citizens is not provided for by the law of the subject of the federation).

Previously, in order to receive free social services for single citizens, the sick, pensioners and disabled people, they needed to have an average per capita income below the regional subsistence level ().

Let's look at an example. The cost of living in the Moscow region for the third quarter of 2014 for pensioners was 6,804 rubles. (Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated December 10, 2014 No. 1060/48 ""). This means that before January 1, for example, a single pensioner from the Moscow region with an income of less than 6,804 rubles could apply for a free social service. per month. After the new law comes into force, the amount of income that allows you to qualify for free social services cannot be lower than one and a half times the regional subsistence level. Now, to receive a free social service, all other things being equal, the monthly income of a single pensioner must be 10,206 rubles. or less (1.5 x 6804 rubles) (Law of the Moscow Region dated December 4, 2014 No. 162/2014-OZ "").

For those who are not eligible to receive free social services, there is a fee for their provision. Its amount for services at home and in semi-stationary form is now calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services, but cannot exceed 50% of the difference between the average per capita income of the recipient of social services and the maximum per capita income established by the region. The monthly fee for the provision of social services in a stationary form is calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services, but cannot exceed 75% of the average per capita income of the recipient of social services ().


According to the new law, we will calculate the maximum tariff for social services in a semi-stationary form for a single pensioner from the Moscow region with a monthly income of 12 thousand rubles. Payment for social services at home and in semi-stationary form is calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services, but cannot exceed 50% of the difference between the average per capita income of the recipient of social services and the maximum per capita income. The average per capita income of a pensioner is 12 thousand rubles. (only the size of his pension is taken into account, since there are no other family members with income), the maximum per capita income for a single pensioner from the Moscow region is 10,206 rubles.

Therefore, the maximum tariff for social services should be calculated using the following formula:

(RUB 12,000 - RUB 10,206) x 50% = RUB 897

Thus, from January 1, 2015, the tariff for social services provided to a pensioner at home and in a semi-stationary form cannot exceed 897 rubles. This value will change if the pensioner requires hospital treatment. The monthly fee for the provision of social services in a stationary form is calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services, but cannot exceed 75% of the average per capita income of the recipient of social services.

The formula for calculating the tariff will be as follows:

12,000 rub. x 75% = 9000 rub.

Thus, the tariff for treatment in a hospital cannot be more than 9,000 rubles. per month.

Previously, the amount of fees for social services and the procedure for their provision were regulated by government bodies of the constituent entities of the federation and directly by social services ().

The procedure for receiving social services has been changed

From the beginning of this year, in order to receive social services, a citizen must submit an application. Previously, social services were provided on the basis of an appeal - including an oral one - from a citizen, his guardian, trustee, other legal representative, state authority, local government, public association(). An application for social services can be written by the citizen himself, his representative or another person (body) in his interests (). You can also submit an application by sending electronic document, which was not provided for in the previous law.

An individual program for the provision of social services is drawn up with each recipient of social services. It specifies the form of social services, types, volume, frequency, conditions, terms of provision of social services, a list of recommended providers of social services, as well as social support activities. This program is mandatory for the social service provider and recommended for the citizen himself. In other words, the recipient of assistance can refuse some service, but the provider is obliged to provide it at the request of the recipient.

The program is drawn up within no more than 10 working days from the date of submission of the application for social services, and is revised at least once every three years (). Urgent social services are provided without drawing up an individual program (). Previously, the preparation of such programs was not provided for.

After drawing up an individual program and selecting a social services provider, the citizen must enter into an agreement with the provider on the provision of social services (). The contract must stipulate the provisions determined by the individual program, as well as the cost of social services if they are provided for a fee.


Galina Karelova, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council:

“The new law will increase the number of citizens who can qualify for free social services. In addition, the quality, volume and efficiency of their provision will change. Previously, social services were provided based on a group approach. However, all citizens have different needs, income, and living conditions. Since January 1, 2015, social programs have been concluded with consumers of social services, which take into account all individual characteristics every consumer."

Social service organization identified

It is interesting that the new law spells out things that are obvious to everyone at first glance: providers of social services do not have the right to limit the rights of recipients of social services; use insults, rude treatment; place disabled children who do not suffer from mental disorders in inpatient organizations intended for disabled children who suffer from mental disorders, and vice versa ().

However, it was still worth emphasizing such prohibitions. For example, numerous cases in Russia of healthy children being placed in organizations for disabled children suffering from mental disorders were noted in a report by the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch in 2014.

The approach to financing social services is fundamentally new. According to the old law, social services were provided to citizens at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the federation (). In this regard, depending on the region, the volumes of social assistance provided varied greatly. Since January 1, 2015, social services are financed from the federal budget, charitable contributions and donations, own funds citizens (when providing social services for a fee), income from business and other income-generating activities carried out by social service organizations, as well as other sources not prohibited by law (). It is expected that this innovation will help equalize the volume of social services provided in different regions.

But there is also a fly in the ointment in the new rules. Thus, the new law does not establish any requirements for staffing social services. Let us remind you that previously only specialists with professional qualifications could be social service workers. professional education, meeting the requirements and nature of the work performed, experience in the field of social services, and inclined by their personal qualities to provide social services ().

A country's society is not considered prosperous if its citizens, who find themselves in difficult life situations, are unable to receive social protection and assistance. The development and financing of various types of social services is no less important in achieving the well-being of the country than the growth of the economic, scientific, health, educational and cultural areas.

In Russia, a list of social services for people with disabilities and the elderly is guaranteed Federal law 1995 and edited in 2004. But one should not assume that social support extends to serving only disabled citizens, namely needy disabled people and pensioners. Modern legislation has significantly expanded the categories of people entitled to social services. This means that the nature and form, the list of types of social services aimed at supporting the population in need, has changed.

Main types

Social services, as one of the most important factors in the social protection of the population of the Russian Federation, currently have nine main types that should contribute to practical solution complex life situations of society as a whole, individual families and individuals. Here is the list of types of services:

  1. Stationary.
  2. Semi-stationary (day and night departments).
  3. Home service.
  4. Providing temporary shelter.
  5. Social rehabilitation.
  6. Urgent service.
  7. Material aid.
  8. Social consultation.
  9. Social patronage.

It is necessary to consider in more detail what kind of assistance each of these types of services provides to clients of social centers, as well as which of the needy citizens has the right to use them.

Inpatient service

Stationary social types of social services mean round-the-clock stay of needy citizens in institutions specially equipped for this purpose. Such institutions are intended for people who are completely or partially incapable of self-care and (or) movement, who need outside care, household services, constant supervision, medical care, namely:

  • pensioners;
  • veterans;
  • disabled people (both adults and children);
  • citizens with physical or mental disabilities;
  • orphans and minors who find themselves in difficult life situations or deprived of care.

Institutions of stationary types of social services differ in purpose; stay in them can be temporary or permanent. There are general-type boarding homes that accept citizens of retirement age and disabled adults (groups 1 and 2) who are completely or partially incapable of self-care.

For minors, general institutions are provided where orphans, children without permanent or temporary parental care, or who find themselves in a difficult life situation for the child are sent.

Children's inpatient institutions can be specialized, intended for minors with physical disabilities, mental disorders, and people with disabilities. Psychoneurological boarding schools for adults also belong to similar types of social service institutions.

Home service

One of the forms of social support is implemented in relation to disabled people and pensioners who are able to carry out at least the necessary self-care activities. When these people do not have an urgent need to move to stationary institutions, social service workers provide assistance to clients in their usual everyday environment, that is, at home.

Types of social services of this kind include medical first aid, various household and hygienic services, and food delivery.

Home care is also provided to people who, according to the list of contraindications, cannot be placed in inpatient institutions, but are dependent on outside care.

Specialized regional centers are obliged to their clients:

  • provide timely medical care;
  • organize food delivery;
  • assist in purchasing medications;
  • organize escort to medical institutions;
  • help maintain hygienic conditions;
  • assist in obtaining legal and legal services;
  • provide assistance in the implementation of funeral services.

Semi-permanent service establishments

Semi-stationary social services refer to forms and types of services that are also provided in special institutions, but not constantly, but at certain times of the day. This service extends to disabled people and pensioners who are able to actively move and care for themselves, and to children who are in difficult psychological, physical and material circumstances.

In these institutions, social service workers provide services to citizens in the following form:

  • provide hot meals, sleeping area with a clean bed and other living conditions, as well as basic conditions for leisure;
  • help obtain vouchers for sanatorium treatment, health-improving and rehabilitation activities, and obtain prosthetics;
  • organize conditions for sanitary and hygienic actions;
  • provide psychological assistance;
  • assist in obtaining professional training, education, employment;
  • help obtain legal services;
  • provide funeral services.

There are also semi-permanent night-stay institutions in the Russian Federation. They provide overnight accommodation, necessary pre-medical care, free one-time meals, hygiene products and other social species services to citizens who do not have any specific employment and housing, as well as those recently released from prison. Social center workers also help the latter to restore documents, social ties with relatives and housing rights.

Temporary shelter establishments

Unlike semi-permanent institutions that operate only at certain times of the day, social hotels, shelters and specialized adaptation centers provide clients of social services with temporary round-the-clock shelter and some other types of services.

Temporary shelter is, first of all, necessary for children who find themselves without housing: orphans; children deprived of parental care; victims of domestic violence; found themselves in situations that are vitally difficult for a child. A special program of social service principles has been organized for such children.

The types of social services for minors in temporary shelters have a much wider range of services and activities than for adults. In addition to comfortable housing, food, medical care, hygienic conditions and organized leisure, children receive assistance from educators, teachers, psychologists, legal and legal representatives. Such shelters act as social rehabilitation centers for children. They help arrange the future fate of minors, thereby preventing child homelessness.

Also temporary shelter with food, good housing and living conditions provided to disabled people and pensioners who are able to move and at least partially take care of themselves.

These types of social services are used by people who need supervision, but are temporarily deprived of the care of their relatives due to the illness of their guardians, their departure on vacation, business trips and other reasons for absence.

Temporary shelters can be used by people who have become victims of violence, natural Disasters, military conflicts, homeless people and other citizens.

Material aid

Speaking about the types of social services, the population receives them mainly in the form of long-term services. Material assistance is short-term or one-time in nature and is provided to low-income and needy citizens who find themselves in a difficult situation, such as, for example, the consequences of a natural or social disaster.

Material support can be expressed in the form of money, as well as items of clothing, shoes, warm and children's clothes, hygiene, transport and technical equipment, fuel and others.

Urgent social services

This is one-time assistance that citizens receive in specialized social service departments. The forms and types of urgent support are primarily used by the disabled and the elderly. A much smaller percentage consists of single citizens, large and single-parent families, the unemployed, the homeless, fire victims, refugees and other people.

Anyone in need who finds themselves in a difficult life situation can count on urgent one-time assistance. To do this, you need to submit an application to the CSO department and attach a document that confirms the minimum income or gives the right to receive social assistance.

Emergency departments can, on a one-time basis, provide clothing, warm clothes, items needed in the first place, food rations or hot food, provide basic or organize emergency medical care, assist in employment, legal and other consultations.

Cash assistance in emergency social support departments is provided when small amounts are needed by citizens, for example, to obtain or restore documents and other similar actions.

Social consultation

No less important than material assistance in the work of social centers is advisory support for clients, which consists of the following types of assistance:

  • informational;
  • psychological;
  • pedagogical;
  • legal.

Contact information (in direct communication with a specialist), as well as written and remote (by telephone) counseling assistance is provided in almost every social service institution.

In addition, information and psychological support can be obtained through one of the 300 hotlines operating in the country. And this practice continues to spread.

Who resorts to advisory activities in social services and why? Disabled people and pensioners who find it difficult to adapt to certain changes and conditions in their lives. The work of social advisory centers is to identify among this category of people those who need psychological support, legal advice, and work in the family in order to ease social tension, ensure correct contact and favorable relationships between the individual and his family and society.

Disabled people can receive the most complete information regarding education, vocational training and employment. Pensioners more often seek help with paperwork and consultations regarding pensions and benefits, judicial protection their rights on other issues.

Social advisory support also covers other categories of citizens in need: large families, single-parent and dysfunctional families, women, children, the unemployed and the homeless.

Rehabilitation services

Social rehabilitation is a complex process of medical, psychological, labor and professional measures that are aimed at:

  • restoration and preservation of health;
  • support for social adaptation, the most fulfilling human life in society and family;
  • assistance in creating the most favorable living conditions.

Clients of social rehabilitation services are people with disabilities, disabled people, pensioners who have suffered serious illnesses, juvenile offenders, women and children who have been subjected to violence, and citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Regarding disabled people, such rehabilitation helps restore such people to their social status, achieve financial independence, adapt to family and society.

To achieve this goal, rehabilitation departments have a special focus on types of social services. Disabled people are helped to find employment, receive vocational training if required, and are assisted in providing mobile and vehicles, provide assistance in prosthetics.

Social patronage

Of all types of services to the population, social patronage is aimed at monitoring special families and minors who require constant and long-term monitoring by social services, assistance in the necessary material, economic, household, medical and preventive care, as well as the participation of teachers, psychologists and representatives of the law. Such work is carried out by city or district Child and Family Support Centers, and it is considered not a social service, but support.

Which families and children are subject to foster care? Those who are socially disadvantaged and dangerous situation with a tendency to reduce the ability to independently provide basic needs and living conditions. Close attention is paid to families where parents or guardians ignore their responsibilities in relation to the maintenance, upbringing, education of minors, show cruelty towards them or through their behavior have a negative impact on the behavior of children.

Also in need of social support are families who find themselves in difficult living conditions and are unable to cope with the situation on their own. These are single-parent families with many children, parents raising disabled children, or those who are disabled themselves. In each individual case, the methods and methods of patronage work are selected individually.

In the Russian Federation, a new system of social services and welfare is gradually being built, which will meet current social needs. Such a system should be based on the real incomes of citizens and their pressing problems. After all, developed social support for the most unprotected and vulnerable segments of the population reflects the economic stability of the state.

Social services is a subject-object social action aimed at satisfying an existing human need. In progress social action the interaction of the subject and object of services in relation to each other in the current situation is carried out. A sign of the specificity of this social action is the fact that in the process of production (or consumption) of services, the object has a pronounced subjectivity, is an active link in interaction and influences both the course and the result of the provision of services. Actions organized around the relationships of individuals create social system actions - system of social services.

The organization of services in the social protection system consists of two components:

  • 1) public services in the form of providing social support measures;
  • 2) social services.

In the conditions of Russian reality (a feature of Russian legislation), there is a need to clarify concepts related to public services. On the one hand, these are services that are provided to citizens by various (not only those related to the social block) government bodies in the process of performing their functions. These services are related to updating social guarantees, for which the relevant authorities are responsible, they include the provision of information, the issuance of a certain benefit or the issuance of a standardized document (certificate, certificate, passport, etc.). On the other hand, these are the services provided government agencies at the federal or regional level, providing for the implementation of any work for the benefit of citizens. These services are called public in order to distinguish them, for example, from municipal services or, more importantly, from the services of non-state, private social services.

At the same time, it should be noted that the social protection system provides special kind public services, which are also defined as social support measures. This is an activity government agencies to provide (ensure the implementation) of benefits, payments, subsidies, additional payments, etc., carried out on the basis of legislative acts to representatives of certain vulnerable categories of the population. The peculiarity of such services is that they may not provide for direct influence between the performer and the consumer of the service; also, the service can be provided once, and the social support measures resulting from it will be provided continuously (or until a certain stipulated period). Thus, child benefits in many regional systems are issued after the birth of a child, assigned and paid until the child reaches the age of 16 or until graduation. A pension, as a rule, is issued once and is paid until the end of life.

Social services in the social service system determine the satisfaction of human needs in the process of life or contribute to it.

Social services provided by social service institutions include:

  • – carrying out rehabilitation measures of a socio-medical nature;
  • – provision of social and domestic services;
  • – organization of services to improve the material and living conditions of people;
  • – provision of legal services, psychological consultations, assistance in sanitary and resort rehabilitation, etc.

The classification of social services should be based on the main component of this process: interaction according to the principle “client – ​​specialist – social environment”.

A social service is an attribute of human and social life and has the following characteristics: features:

  • – it arises where human needs need to be met;
  • – the main object of influence is a person who is distinguished not only by his needs, but also by his subjectivity, value orientations, showing the ability to choose and implement consumer preferences;
  • – the service is the result of the process of social interaction between the consumer and the producer, which is expressed in the subjective feeling of their satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) and reflects a high degree of subjectivity.

These services can also be classified depending on:

  • from objects, which they find themselves ( different categories population, including disabled people, elderly people, people without a fixed place of residence, in difficult life situations, etc.);
  • subjects, who provide certain services (employees of social institutions, volunteers, official assistants - professional social workers, unofficial assistants - family members, etc.).

In addition, it is possible to distinguish services based on the principle of security:

  • – which may pose a danger to the health and life of clients;
  • – eliminating or preventing such hazards.

In the first case, we mean possible Negative consequences for the health and life of clients. In the literature there are separate works devoted to the problems of exacerbation of contradictions between the ever-increasing need of society for social services (therefore, the growing risk of adverse consequences of social intervention) and the real possibilities of protecting the violated rights of the client traditional ways. Any professional activity entails the risk of error. This danger is especially acute in the field of medical and social services, since it, as a rule, causes harm to those non-property benefits that are either difficult to restore (health) or cannot be restored at all (life) due to the fragility of the physiological and mental basis, in the complex component health, as well as due to the imperfections of social and medical science and practice.

In the second case, we mean services that prevent negative consequences in the process of their provision. For example, special equipment of residential premises for disabled people, health improvement ecological environment in places where children live and rest, etc.

One more aspect of the criterion of danger (safety) of a social service should be noted. Specialists from social institutions provide assistance to recipients of services, supporting their livelihoods and getting them out of difficult life situations. At the same time, there is a danger that individuals who receive services will become accustomed to such support and reduce their efforts to overcome difficulties. They may develop a stable dependent position. Employees of foreign social services and agencies indicate the presence of hereditary recipients of services and social assistance measures who fully meet their needs (for housing, material resources, advisory and other services) through measures of community, regional and state support. And the extensive social assistance programs that characterize many welfare states provide them with resources that make the daily struggle for survival unnecessary.

This complex contradiction cannot be easily resolved. Social protection authorities and specialists working in them have to determine in each specific case a delicate balance of real support and measures to encourage the recipient of services to self-help and self-sufficiency.

Services provided in the social service system can also be classified according to the time factor:

  • 1) provided at a given specific moment in order to resolve the client’s existing social problems;
  • 2) provided in advance in order to prevent a difficult life situation (for example, preventing the spread different forms deviant behavior).

A social service is an attribute of human life and society and has distinctive features. The structural components of social services are:

  • – objects of social services – people, groups of people who have needs and interests in solving their life problems. This component includes clients of social services, each of whom has their own individual characteristics, needs, and interests. When considering this component, it is necessary to focus on an individual, targeted approach, taking into account an assessment of the client’s needs in the context of his marital status;
  • – subjects of social services – specialists, social organizations those pursuing professional interests, working in the field of social services, as well as consumers of services (clients) who have achieved social subjectivity. Thus, this component includes specialists, volunteers working in the social service system, having professional knowledge, skills and abilities in this area. The system of training specialists, their personal qualities, level of spiritual culture, etc. are important. The motivation of specialists providing social services also plays an important role;
  • – standards and norms of social services, assessment of their need, technologies and forms of service provision. The types of social services include: social assistance, social diagnostics, therapy, correction, prevention, supervision, social audit, monitoring, etc.;
  • – social connections and relationships formed in the process of “object-subject” interaction in social services;
  • – environmental component, which is a society in which the process of development and provision of social services takes place, the level of adaptation to the services provided, their demand, attitude towards social services in society, the formation of freedom of choice of social services, the impact of their development on the social state of society;
  • – property and financial resources that support or hinder the implementation of social services;
  • – human and management resources of structures providing social services;
  • – material and spiritual culture of objects and subjects of social services;
  • – the result of the efficiency and quality of services provided.

From the point of view of this approach, the structure of the social services sector is interpreted as a set of connections and relationships into which consumers of services and specialists (organizations) providing them enter.

The content of the service may be based on various grounds: the nature of the clients' problems (for example, divorce, job loss, death of a loved one, disability); characteristics of the client (individual, group); a field of activity in which problems arise in interaction with other services and institutions (health care, education, transport, etc.); status of organizations providing social services (public, private, charitable).

Having chosen the characteristics of the type of client with its specific social problems as the logical basis for classifying social services, it is possible to justify the feasibility of organizing the work of the following services.

  • 1. Social assistance service for the population. Goals: identifying families, social risk groups (large families, single-parent families, students, those with a disability, living in unfavorable housing conditions, antisocial behavior of parents and children, single people, the elderly) and providing them with assistance in obtaining material, medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical, social, domestic and other necessary assistance; identifying social, personal and situational difficulties in adults and children; assistance in overcoming them through support, protection, correction and rehabilitation; involving, where necessary, specialists for this purpose - lawyers, psychologists, teachers, etc.
  • 2. Social rehabilitation service. Goal: social assistance to persons who find themselves in difficult life situations, returning from places of imprisonment, closed educational and medical institutions.
  • 3. Services to provide various types of family assistance: family consultations, dating services, various types of family education and self-education, sexology rooms, pediatric rooms, pedagogical consultations, etc.

The basis for classification may also be the field of activity:

  • social and domestic assistance service, the purpose of which is primarily to expand the range of services provided to the elderly, lonely, and disabled; promoting the construction of special residential buildings for this category of people; development and improvement of the system for providing disabled people with prosthetic and orthopedic care and special products to compensate for the defect and make life easier;
  • a social prevention service for deviant behavior, the purpose of which is to work to prevent crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, vagrancy, delinquency and other antisocial phenomena among minors; assistance in the creation and operation of educational institutions systems for the prevention of social maladjustment.

All of the above allows us to propose a functional structure of the social services sector to ensure effective use society's resources, planning services taking into account the assessment of the needs and demands of the population, ensuring social integration of all participants in interaction.

Based on the developed methodological approach, the following components in the system of social services should be identified.

  • 1. Object, including clients of social services, each of whom has their own individual characteristics, needs, interests. In considering this component, attention is focused on the principles of providing social services, as well as on an individual, targeted approach, taking into account the assessment of the client’s need in the context of his marital status.
  • 2. Subjective, including specialists working in the system of providing social services who have professional knowledge, skills and abilities. At the same time, the need to take into account the preparedness of specialists, their personal qualities, level of spiritual culture, etc. is emphasized. Important role belongs to the motivation of specialists providing social services.
  • 3. Sredovoy, characterizing the society in which the process of development of social services takes place, dependence on the level of adaptation to the services provided, their demand, attitude and trust in social services in society, the creation of freedom of choice of social services, the influence of their development on the social state of society.
  • 4. Institutional, including patterns, principles and standards for the provision of services. Within this component, according to the author, the provision of services is carried out using technologies such as social assistance, social diagnostics, therapy, correction, prevention, supervision, social audit, monitoring, etc.
  • 5. Active, achieving results, including goals, means, resources, forms and methods of providing services to various categories of the population.

The presented model for classifying services in the social service system allows us to consider them from the point of view of complexity, consistency and a unified focus on the functioning of a given social institution.

Social services are of a subject-object nature, have a target orientation, are carried out by a certain system using various means, forms, methods and technologies, their result affects the quality of life of the individual, group and the nature of social relations in the “person-person”, “person-person” systems. society"