Types of finishing arches with artificial stone. Stone arch: finishing options, types, design, color, interior photos. Choosing the right glue

There are many options on how to make the interior original and attractive. One solution is to create a beautiful arch from the doorway. But such a design by itself may not be enough. In some cases it is impossible to do without spectacular finishing. And for this, artificial stone is very often used.

Beautiful arch decoration

About arches

An arch is an architectural element that plays the role of an opening in the interior. It is known that there are references to the first arches from the times of the Ancient East.

Arch in the apartment

Given such a long history, it is not possible to know the reasons for the creation of arched structures. For a very long time the structure was erected from stone and brick. Nowadays, plasterboard, wood, plywood, and also have been added to this list. OSB boards, chipboard or fibreboard.

About decorative stone

This material is not just an excellent way to decorate the interior, it performs an excellent protective function. That's why designers loved him so much. Of course, if artificial stone is used indoors, then it protective functions are reduced to resisting only accidental mechanical damage. And this material is used in the interior in a targeted manner; the maximum that can be finished in one room is a wall. But most often the material is used as an addition to existing elements.

Advantages of a stone arch

This design option has almost no disadvantages. After all, the material does not rot, is not subject to corrosion and fungus. Decorative artificial stone consists of environmentally friendly components and is therefore safe for health.

Why can't you use natural material? The fact is that, firstly, it is very expensive, and secondly, not all structures can withstand the weight natural stone. The same granite is three times heavier than its artificial counterpart.

There are a number of other advantages of this approach:

  • no special care required - any detergent, does not contain abrasives;
  • you can use an artificial analogue of any natural stone– manufacturers began to make very high-quality imitation;
  • Decorating arches with stone with your own hands does not require any special skills, so the procedure is easy.

Materials for creating the structure

Creating a stone arch in an apartment requires the use of a certain list of materials that need to be prepared in advance:

  • the decorative stone itself;
  • pencil;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • mortar or glue;
  • grout for seams.


Finishing an arch with decorative stone starts with the traditional stage of surface preparation. You need to smooth out any unevenness using sandpaper, and then putty them using a pre-primer.

Preparation of adhesive solution

Decorative stone can be laid using special glue, cement-sand mortar or for liquid nails.

The quality of adhesion of the finishing material to the base depends on the roughness of the back side of the tile and the quality of the adhesive mixture. If you need to prepare the solution yourself, you need to do this in small portions, since it sets quickly enough, losing its properties. You need to mix the powder and water in a convenient, capacious container using a mixer (this can be a drill with special nozzle). You need to mix until you get the consistency of thick sour cream.


Laying is done from bottom to top. You need to start from the corner of the opening-wall. The seam should be left approximately 4-5 mm. If corner stones are used, they must be glued from below. If flat ones are used, the installation should be done with an overlap.

During the procedure, you should not forget to check the horizontal positioning. Elements on the arc can be trimmed to maintain required radius. This can be done with wire cutters or a grinder with a special attachment.

The edges must be sanded using a file. When the finishing is completed, you need to wait for the solution or glue to dry. After this, you need to start refining the seams. For these purposes, we use grout of the appropriate color. To perform the procedure, it is better to use a construction syringe. Otherwise, you can use a rubber spatula. You can make the tool yourself. To do this, cut a square piece of polyethylene, roll it into a cone, and secure it with tape. The tip of this element must be cut so that the resulting size corresponds to the size of the seams between the stones.

Next, use one of these tools to press the grout into the seams to completely fill them. In this case, you need to do everything carefully so that the material does not get on the front part of the products. All you have to do is wait until the grout dries - the decorative stone arch is ready.

Seamless installation

In this case, the tiles are laid tightly together, so the finishing of the arch artificial stone requires painstaking work. The glue or solution is applied to the stone. If the installation is done from top to bottom, you can get a smooth border with clear lines.

Since the edges of the finishing material are well prepared, no time is required for selection during installation, so the procedure is carried out quickly. At the end, the surface can be opened with impregnation, which will repel water and protect it from the effects of chemicals.

A stone arch is inexpensive, but looks great

Decorating an arch with stone allows you to give this element of the interior more expressiveness and style. The room takes on a more sophisticated and attractive look. This option looks especially good in hallways and living rooms. In a word, the effect of this finish is amazing, as you can see by looking at the photos of the options.

Decorative stone is one of the most suitable materials for finishing surfaces both indoors and outdoors. Due to its functional and aesthetic advantages, it is increasingly used to design a variety of arches.


An arch is an architectural element with which small area you can visually make it larger, and the spacious one can be effectively zoned. A well-decorated passage saves and visually expands the room, functionally separates adjacent rooms and at the same time forms a single interior, creating the desired atmosphere in an apartment or house. Most often, arches are made from plasterboard and then lined with the selected material.

There are many options for processing openings in an apartment: using plaster, wood, forged elements and, of course, stones: sandstone, shell rock, granite or marble. However, durable natural stone has high cost, therefore, today its artificial substitutes are increasingly being chosen.

This happens for many reasons:

  • Finishing an arch with decorative stone will cost you much less.
  • Using this material, you can imitate the pattern of any stone.
  • The weight of such decor will be much less, which can also be a plus - not every wall can withstand the weight of real stone.

The decorated entrance to the hallway has both an aesthetic and practical function. This is where the owners, guests, and their pets most often move, which means the passage becomes very dirty. Decorative finishing It gets dirty less and is easy to clean; dirt is also not noticeable on its surface. Of course, she also immediately attracts the eye.

Since finishing with decorative stone can repeat the pattern of any natural rock, you can decorate in a similar way interior doors– it’s easy to choose a variation that suits a specific interior. In most cases, the choice is made in favor of imitation brick, small pebbles, marble or granite.

Design options

The process of laying decorative stone is quite simple, so you can decorate any arch with your own hands.

Traditionally, laid stones form a side strip around the arch, but in some cases it is decided to decorate the entire wall. Such decoration with decorative species is used not only for doorways, but also for cladding windows, niches and built-in furniture. If you have a free niche in a city apartment, then turn it into an arched false fireplace and place several burning candles there.

A composition of several arches located in one space will look very stylish.

Arched openings decorated with artificial stone can, on the one hand, harmonize with the color of the walls, not draw attention to themselves and act as a backdrop for bright furniture, and, on the other hand, become a center of attraction and bright design solution. In the case where an arch connects two rooms in dissimilar styles, decorate it only on one side.

Artificial stone arches come in different geometric configurations:

  • classic - straight sides and arched top. Usually, they are used for completely different styles, since the design fits organically into any interior;
  • ellipsoidal - with an arc in the shape of a regular or irregular oval;

  • rectangular or portal - the side and top parts form a right angle;
  • round - they look interesting in combination with bright, colorful walls. They are usually preferred by owners of futuristic interiors;
  • curly - the sides form smooth lines and thereby break the perpendicularity with respect to the floor.

The shape of the arch depends on the size of the opening and the height of the ceiling, the function of the room and its design.

The cladding pattern can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Finished using the “torn stone” technology, the arched openings do not have symmetry, but they look non-standard and complement rooms with an original layout. A symmetrically lined arch with stones to match the wall looks better in classic, calm interiors. Combine a variety of shades of the same color and alternate vertical and horizontal tiles.

Openings are divided into passive and active. The first ones serve as a simple border, and the second ones, which differ unusual shape, and themselves are decoration of the interior. Simple passive ones include such types as classic, modern (with a pronounced rise), romantic (the arc is rounded on the sides, but cut off at the top) and others. Complex active ones are oriental, horseshoe-shaped, trapezoidal, lancet and others. They have uneven edges and are sometimes located on several levels.

There are also two methods of laying artificial stone: seamless and with preservation of seams. In residential areas, the seams are usually preserved, as this gives the arch a special flair. They are made wide enough and then filled with grout of the required shade.

Often the design of an arched opening is complemented by the creation proper lighting and decoration with plant elements. The choice of lamps depends on the style of the arch: there are built-in and inconspicuous models, elaborate sconces, or bright LED lights.

With the help of light, the expected mood is given: mystical, solemn and upbeat, calm and relaxed, or neutral.

Selection of materials

Decorative stone is created from natural components: expanded clay, cement and pumice with the addition of a special mineral pigment to give color. This material is considered environmentally friendly and safe - it is not afraid of corrosion, rotting and fungal diseases. Upon completion of the drying and firing processes, it gains durability in no way inferior to the original.

Decorative stone is resistant to very high and low temperatures, therefore it is often used for cladding fireplaces and external walls of the house. It is also used in rooms with high humidity: swimming pools, baths and others. It is worth adding that an arch made of such material is easy to wash and dry using conventional means.

Currently, it is possible to choose a decorative stone that imitates any natural stone not only in color, but also in texture. Therefore, the choice of materials should depend solely on the design of the room.

Tiles are sold in flat sheets different thicknesses and size. Still exists corner option, which helps you register without any problems top part arches But it should be selected very carefully, after completing all the calculations.

The most popular are imitations of shell rock, granite, slate, marble and travertine. The surface can be smooth or resemble rough and untreated stone. The base of the decor is made of acrylic, quartzite, or with a base of gypsum, alabaster or a mixture of cement and sand.

If the arch itself is made of plasterboard, then choose flexible, lightweight acrylic material, or gypsum tiles. A brick arch can be decorated with stones in sand-cement mortar. In addition, try to choose narrow tiles - they are easier to install on the semicircular part of the opening. The cost of such material depends on the country of origin, company, quality, weight and even patterns on the stone.

The installation process is carried out quickly and without unnecessary difficulties. You don't have to purchase additional fasteners or involve specialists. But, in any case, before we begin finishing works All stones must be checked.

First you need to prepare the material:

  • Open the packages and mix the parts.
  • See how they will look most advantageous. Combine them according to the shades, and long with short - the arch should look natural.
  • Turn the pieces over to check for a foamy layer that will make the tiles less durable. If there is one, clean it using a wire brush.

What else will you need?

To finish the arch you will need at least the following tools: what you will use to cut the stone (hand saw or grinder), construction knife, level, hammer, sandpaper, chisel, glue.

The step-by-step cladding process looks like this:

  • Cut the decorative stone into several pieces or thin tiles. Prepare the surface of the arch in advance by cleaning it from dust and dirt, old wallpaper, paint and whitewash. Make several notches, which will allow the glue to stick better. You can also apply a primer, after which it is important to dry the structure.
  • Having prepared “liquid nails”, cement mortar or some other adhesive, start gluing the tiles from the bottom of the arch, from its junction with the floor. Pay attention to the weight of the stone - some brands are not able to bear heavy samples. Apply glue to the wall using a spatula and press the stones firmly, but do not overdo it, otherwise cracks will occur. Leave a gap of 5 millimeters between them. Keep in mind that adhesion will be higher if the tile contains the same ingredient as the surface on which it is glued.

  • Work a row on both sides of the arch, and then move on to the next one. Line each one up using a level and use plastic crosses. If there are corner stones, then use them to decorate the corners. If there are none, then overlap flat ones - this way you will give the structure stability.
  • After this, proceed to rounding. At this stage, you need to cut the stone yourself to give it the desired shape, using grinding machine, construction knife or wire cutters. To smooth out uneven surfaces, use sandpaper and a file. Partially lay the stone on the nearby wall surface.
  • After a couple of days, when everything has dried and set, start filling the tile joints with cement mortar or grout. You can choose grout of any color, depending on the design of the room. Avoid contact of liquid with the surface of the stone; remove any excess immediately with a soft cloth. After the arch is completely dry, cover it with acrylic varnish or even paint it. Small errors are hidden using an airbrush.

More more information You will learn how to make a stone arch in the interior from the following video.

Currently, an industry such as private construction is developing very actively. Over the past decade, new Decoration Materials. One of them is decorative artificial stone. It is used for finishing various rooms and designs. It is widely used for finishing arches. Today, arches are often used in the construction of houses instead of simple doors. They are oval or semicircular openings that can be curtained or open.

An arch is a complex structure that requires adherence to strict technology when carrying out decoration and repair work. Decorative stone is excellent for cladding an arch, as it has good performance characteristics and has a sufficient range depending on the design. Most often, stone made to resemble marble or granite is used to decorate an arch. It is important to know that when finishing arches you should take into account architectural features the structure itself and the interior of the room. Let's take a closer look at how to lay an arch with decorative stone and the main advantages of the stone.

Preparatory work

Before you start decorating the arch with decorative stone, you need to carefully prepare the surface. First you need to clean it of paint and varnish using sandblasting and grinding. Great importance has it visual inspection. This is important if there are cracks or other defects. After this, you need to level it with putty and apply a primer. If you glue a stone onto a dusty and dirty surface, this may lead to the fact that it will soon fall off, since the adhesion to the surface will not be of good quality. The next stage of work is the selection of the required material. If, for example, the arch is made of plasterboard, then it is advisable to use narrow plates for cladding; they are better suited for the curved surface of the arch. It is not recommended to use heavy, large stones, as they can damage and deform the structure.

It is necessary to take into account the color and configuration of the stone. It is optimal to use more bright colors so that they stand out against the background of the arch itself. Currently, decorative stone can be selected in almost any shape and color, it all depends on the taste of the builder. Size stone tiles must be equal to the radius of the arch. Otherwise, you may need a grinder to cut it into several pieces.

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Preparation of cement mortar

To make an arch from decorative stone, you will need a solution to fix the material. It can be prepared using sand, cement, lime and glue. It is advisable to use liquid nails. The composition of such a cement mortar is determined by the type of stone. Classic version The solution includes components such as Portland cement, sand, lime and glue. The exact ratio of components depends on the decorative stone itself, so it is advisable to consult with experts in this matter. You can use ready-made adhesives. Glue based on a mixture of PVA and gypsum, mounting, acrylic, is suitable.

The fact that the stone will be laid with jointing or not is also important. If the surface of the arch is fairly flat and jointing is not provided, then mounting adhesive will do. If there are joints and unevenness, a cement-adhesive mortar is best suited.

It is applied using a notched trowel in an even layer on the surface of the arch with a thickness of several millimeters.

The most widely used are the following adhesive compositions: Ceresit SM 11, Ceresit SM 17, Ceresit SM 115, Litokol K 80, Kreps-super and others. Adhesive base should be thick and plastic, not dry.

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Decorative stone laying technology

After all the preparatory work, you can begin to lay the stone on the arch. The most optimal method is without jointing, that is, the slabs are attached close to each other. The first row starts first. The very first stone is attached in the place where the arch meets the adjacent wall. In this case, the artificial finishing material must be applied very tightly, especially if cement mortar is used. This is done in such a way that the excess solution is squeezed out along the entire perimeter of the stone. The material is fixed with the flat side inward and the convex side outward. This technology ensures good sealing of the seams. If necessary (if the stone is large), it is sawed and processed with a grinder. In this case, it is recommended to place the cut tiles so that the cut is not visible.

The work of laying the first stones on the arch is carried out from below. You need to ensure that the masonry is level. To do this, you need to have a building level available. The second row is also laid at the junction with the wall. But in this case, the first stone protrudes beyond the wall joint by the width of the facing tile. Thus, the stones are attached with an overlap on external corners in a checkerboard pattern. In the place where the arch begins to round, you need to attach finishing stones to the wall and cut them along the contour of the arc. After this, use a pencil to mark the stone protruding along the edge of the arch from its inside and cut it off too. If there are any irregularities during cutting, they must be removed using sandpaper.

Very important point is interior decoration arches It is carried out using the same technology. If the length of the stone slab is greater than the opening of the arch, then it is cut off. If the stone is made of gypsum, then it is suitable for these purposes hand saw, if made of cement - circular. After completing all the work, you need to wait about 2 days for the material to finally fix and the structure to become strong. The seams are cleaned and filled with a special solution, then smoothed with a spatula or brush. There should be no mortar residue left on the facing side. If necessary, the stone can be painted in any color.

Decorative finishing stone, of course, has its fans. After all, this is a practical, beautiful material that even a non-professional can install.

The variety of textures and wide range of colors of stone will help you decorate your interior different styles, create coziness and comfort in your apartment or private house. Most widely facing material used for finishing walls, columns, kitchen aprons, niches and doorways, including arches.

For interior work Most often, artificial stone based on gypsum is used. It is lightweight (much lighter than its concrete counterparts), breathable, environmentally friendly material with high performance characteristics.

Today we’ll take a closer look at finishing arches and doorways with decorative stone.

Types of decorative stone

  • decorative brick

Brick in a natural shade is a popular material in loft-style interiors. Brick-like tiles imitate brickwork. A brick arch looks good in combination with dark-colored ceiling beams in a country-style interior.

White brick will make the room more romantic and light. Suitable for interiors in Scandinavian, Mediterranean and vintage style and of course in the Provence style.

  • shell rock, sandstone

Cladding tiles made of shell rock will fill the interior with light and warmth. The warm colors and porous surface go well with columns in antique-style interiors.

  • limestone

Limestone tiles or its imitation are distinguished by texture and a variety of shades: from white to brown.

  • river stone

This cladding looks very brutal, reminiscent medieval castle or the entrance to a cave. A large stone is suitable for interiors in the chalet style and in the Gothic style.

Looking for suitable options, it is useful to study catalogs of finishing materials. Finished goods made of natural stone there are dozens of different names, skillfully combining which you will get a harmonious interior consistent in your own style.

Decorating an opening with stone has a number of advantages. Firstly, it protects the side surfaces and outer corners from abrasion and contamination. Secondly, this finish is more durable.

Thirdly, the opening or arch acquires interesting view, can become an accent in the interior or emphasize its overall style.

Decorating the doorway with artificial stone will help visually unite the hallway with the living space; it looks great in combination with decorative plaster or smoothly painted walls.

Decorating openings, arches and walls with natural or artificial stone gives ample opportunities for the flight of design ideas in interior design. Light pastel shades stones are in harmony with various frescoes.

A long corridor can be visually “broken” into sectors using arches lined with stone, and “expanded” by decorating the walls with mirrors.

Carrying out decorative stone finishing work

Artificial analogues of decorative stone attract buyers with their affordable price, and appearance almost no different from natural material. You can also save money if you carry out cladding work without involving specialists.

For it is necessary to select lightweight material, and narrow tiles are easier to lay on the arched (vaulted) surface of the opening.

The composition of the adhesive solution directly depends on the material chosen for finishing. The glue must be mixed according to the instructions on the package. Use a special mixer to knead so that the structure of the solution is homogeneous and plastic.

The surface of the walls must be clean and treated with a primer. For better adhesion to the glue, some experts recommend making notches on the wall.

The glue is evenly applied with a spatula both on the wall at the place of gluing and on the back side of the tile. The layer thickness should not exceed 5-10 mm.

Having placed the tile against the wall, press it and seal it using rubber mallet, tapping on the surface. Carefully remove excess glue around the edges with a spatula. The drying time for the glue is about a day or two.

Decorative facing stone can be laid in two ways: with jointing and without it. When laying tiles with jointing, use plastic crosses or wooden wedges of the required thickness.

Grouting of joints is usually done with a solution using a special syringe. After some time (20-30 minutes), after the mortar has set, the seams are smoothed with a jointing spatula.

Upon completion of masonry, after drying grout, artificial stone is recommended to be cleaned of dust and covered with transparent acrylic varnish water based, for less surface abrasion during operation.

If the sequence of work is followed, finishing arches and openings, as well as decorating walls, can be done by any person who has the desire and at least some skills in repairs. Without hiring builders, you can transform your home in a short time by decorating it with stone.

Finishing the arch with stone makes it possible to make the interior unusual and memorable. Such unusual design openings will definitely attract the attention of guests at home and will help you be proud of the decoration of your apartment in front of your friends.

Original decorative arches, decorated with artificial stone, turn the interior into a mysterious cave. By choosing unusual arched designs to decorate doors, you will get a visual expansion of the space.

As the main materials for finishing the arch, you can choose wood, stucco, and metal. Despite such diversity, ideal option To create an arch, professionals consider decorative stone.

Currently you can choose different kinds this material. An arch decorated with artificial stone will be an excellent addition to the interior and will add a certain zest to it.

Advice! If your plans include creating a durable and reliable design, in this case, choose the stone.


Decorative stone is practically free of any disadvantages. It is made from a material that is not subject to chemical and atmospheric corrosion.

In addition, it is called an environmentally friendly finishing material.

It contains cement, pumice, expanded clay. Pumice is a glassy substance that has a specific origin, similar to volcanic lava, since it is formed when the mass instantly solidifies. Pumice has an airy structure, so it does not let out of the room warm air. Expanded clay is baked clay balls.

Thanks to the large assortment artificial material, you can choose an imitation of natural stone, similar to natural material.

Arches in the interior

How to decorate an arch with decorative stone in an apartment, photos, some nuances of finishing work, all this can be seen in the video

Advice! In order to create an unusual entrance to an underwater cave in your home, you can arm yourself with blue-green and light beige stones.

Finishing arches with decorative stone currently allows urban property owners to realize the most daring creative ideas and projects.

Attention! Finishing an arch with decorative stone in an apartment requires additional decoration so that it becomes a harmonious part of the overall design of the room.

For example, if an arch is selected for the entrance to undersea world, it is necessary to use plants as additional decorative elements.

To add some mystery and solemnity to the atmosphere of the room, you can arm yourself with additional lighting. An arch decorated with green plants and additionally illuminated will become a complete illusion of an aquarium.

Selection of materials for creating an arch

Before you start finishing the arch with decorative stone, it is important to choose the right finishing material. Professionals prefer to choose narrow tiles for finishing. In this case, you can simplify the process of decorating the curves of the structure.

Attention! Upon registration plasterboard construction, it is important to consider the weight of the stone selected for the job.

If the material is too heavy, the drywall will not support it and the structure will not have a beautiful appearance.

To perform such work, there is no need to use the help of professional builders. If you use some algorithm of actions, in this case it is quite possible to build a beautiful arch, and even decorate it at your own discretion.

Before starting finishing work, you first need to remove all dirt from the surface of the arch, and also provide it with a high-quality primer. These actions are important, since the final result of the finishing depends on how well the surface is prepared, because the decorative stone will not adhere to uncleaned surfaces.

Advice! If you plan to create a smooth surface, it is initially advisable to make additional notches.

Next, you can proceed to preparing the cement mortar, choosing the proportion taking into account the type of stone, its size, and shape. It is at this moment that it is important to fulfill all the requirements set by the manufacturer of this finishing material.

Only after everything preparatory work will be completely completed, you can begin the actual laying. The stone is placed on the sections of the arch that are in contact with the wall.

Advice! In order for the decorated arch to be beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, you will need a building level, as well as plastic crosses.

First, lay the stone in the lower part, then smoothly move up.

To finish the arc-shaped part of the structure, it is first important to mark the material itself. It is applied to the wall, then cut off.

Attention! It is important to maintain the radius of the arch so that the finished arch is smooth and beautiful.

The cut areas are sanded using a special grinding machine.

To accurately cut the product, you need to go through the previously prepared markings with a knife several times. All excess can be removed using ordinary pliers. For the same purposes, you can use a grinder or pliers, as well as sandpaper. The adjustment of the remaining elements is carried out using the same method.

After completing the finishing work, you need to wait some time for the cement mortar to completely harden. Professionals advise waiting a couple of days, and only after that proceed to processing the seams, armed with a special putty.

After primary processing Once the design has been completed, you can begin painting the stone.

Tools for work

Among the tools needed for work, we will highlight a cutting device, a level or plumb line, a tape measure, a spray bottle, wedges, a brush for cleaning metal, and a spatula.

As consumables to decorate the arched structure you will also need special glue.

Advice! Try to select glue taking into account the weight of the stone so that it does not fall off immediately after you complete the finishing work.

Work must be carried out at an air temperature of more than five degrees. Before fixing the stone, it is advisable to check it for the presence of cement laitance (foamy layer). If it is detected, it is important to clean the back side using a wire brush.

The fact is that such a film significantly reduces adhesion, which can lead to the tiles peeling off.

To ensure that the adhesive mass is homogeneous, you can use a construction mixer.

Advice! You should not apply too thick a layer of adhesive, as the tiles will slide off the wall and you will not get the desired result.


Arched structures are suitable for those owners of urban and suburban premises who do not want to put up with ordinary interior. Depending on what individual characteristics premises, you can use a variety of finishing materials to create arches. Among the most common materials for work is construction plasterboard. It is this material that is often the basis for the manufacture of such unusual structures.

Keeping the tiles to to the right place, pressing it lightly, you need to arm yourself with a building level so that the stone is laid beautifully. Only if you follow all the recommendations given by decorative stone manufacturers can you count on getting the desired result.

Of course, with unusual design doorway, for example, using the original decorative arch, you can make positive changes to the design of your apartment or house.