Types of linoleum: photo, characteristics, choice. Types and main characteristics of linoleum Linoleum for residential premises technical characteristics

Linoleum is perhaps the most democratic type flooring. You can meet him like in fashionable country houses, and in modest city apartments. It successfully harmonizes with both the luxury of a baroque interior and the laconic, restrained high-tech. It is chosen both for residential premises and for schools, offices and other public buildings. We are so used to this type of flooring and we can’t even imagine how many different offers there are on the market! Well, have you ever heard about homogeneous linoleum or alkyd? Not many will answer in the affirmative. Let's see what types of linoleum exist?

We closely associate linoleum with modern interiors, but few people know that this flooring is over a hundred years old! In 1864, Frederick Walton received a patent for the invention of linoleum, which was named after the main raw material - linseed oil. Every year production expanded, and now it has become a popular coating that amazes with a variety of colors and patterns. With its help you can imitate a plank floor, a natural stone, carpet and even metal.

Thanks to new technologies for the production of linoleum, a large assortment of these products has appeared on the market, which greatly complicates the choice. What kind of linoleum is there: specifications, types and types - let's figure it out?

Varieties depending on the binder

When making any linoleum, a binder is used, depending on it, the following types of linoleum are distinguished:

  • Natural linoleum is a high-quality floor covering for domestic and commercial use. It is made from exclusively natural ingredients. The composition is a mixture of linseed oil, resin, wood and limestone flour, resin, crushed cork, etc. Natural pigments can be added. This coating can be used anywhere: from kindergartens to medical institutions and apartments. Its structure allows it to withstand a load of 160 kg per 1 cm square. The disadvantages include a rather meager color palette and high cost.
  • Polyvinyl chloride linoleum (PVC) - they are made polymer materials. It is made from artificial materials, but undergoes strict quality control and is tested for safety, which allows it to be laid even in bedrooms without risk to health. It can have several layers, or be single-layer, with or without a base. The base can be foam, fabric and heat-insulating. The advantage of this linoleum is affordable price, diversity color solutions, but the disadvantages include sensitivity to chemicals and temperature changes.
  • Alkyd or glyphthalic linoleum has good heat and sound insulation characteristics. It is most often produced on a fabric basis. Disadvantages include fragility, susceptibility to creases, deformation and poor response to low temperatures (loses elasticity, warps).
  • Relin(rubber linoleum) is durable, elastic and moisture resistant. It is made from synthetic rubber and bitumen. The bottom layer is a mixture of bitumen and crushed recycled rubber, the top layer is made of colored rubber. By virtue of hygiene requirements, it is not used in residential premises, but is excellent for industrial premises.
  • Colloxylin linoleum (base - nitrocellulose). This linoleum - the characteristics of which are moisture resistance and elasticity - has high decorative properties, beautiful shine, but, at the same time, fire hazard, prone to shrinkage, sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

Homogeneous and heterogeneous linoleum

Homogeneous linoleum is a fabric with a homogeneous structure, thickness from 1.5 to 3 mm. It is not distinguished by a variety of patterns, most often monochromatic or with a simple pattern. Due to the fact that it has a uniform color throughout its entire thickness, it looks like new for a long time, and traces of abrasion on it are almost invisible. Due to its excellent performance characteristics and increased wear resistance, this coating is actively used in rooms with increased floor loads: in airports, public buildings, shops, hallways and halls. From time to time, this linoleum requires special care: it needs to be covered with mastic, which fills the pores. This prevents intensive contamination of the coating and allows it to maintain a presentable appearance for a long time. Some manufacturers immediately apply a special polyurethane film to the linoleum.

Heterogeneous coatings have a complex, multi-layer structure. Thickness can vary from 2 to 6 mm. This coating is more expensive to produce and requires more complex technologies. The composition of individual layers can vary significantly, as well as the thickness of the protective layer, which determines wear resistance and preservation of the brightness of colors and patterns. In addition to the fact that this linoleum can please you with a variety of colors, it is also practical and resistant to damage.

Types of linoleum depending on application

Depending on the area in which PVC linoleum is used, commercial, semi-commercial, household and special linoleum are distinguished.

In areas where the number of visitors is large (in shops, train stations, restaurants, cinemas, etc.) commercial linoleum is used, the characteristics of which allow it to cope well with loads. Commercial(or contract) linoleum was developed with the aim of creating an inexpensive, attractive and durable floor covering that would not be inferior in wear resistance traditional materials. Its significant advantage is price, ease of installation and ample opportunities For original design floor.

Domestic linoleum is used for flooring in residential premises, so its operational properties the requirements are not that great. But close attention is paid to various design solutions. These coatings do not have a very large protective layer, but they have excellent heat and sound insulation properties.

Semi-commercial linoleum has taken a position between commercial and household. Semi-commercial linoleum has very positive characteristics and will be appropriate where the load on the floor covering is not too high, but still significant.

Special linoleum is intended for rooms that have special requirements. It is given certain specific properties: resistance to low temperatures, aggressive environment etc. These coatings are used, for example, in hospitals, laboratories, gyms and other places.

How to choose the right coating?

So, you have firmly decided that you will have linoleum on your floor. All that remains is to choose the right one. It is clear that the color and design will first attract attention. But, before making a purchase, you need to determine whether the linoleum you like meets your requirements:

  • It would be a good idea to look at the hygiene certificate, or look for signs on the label that indicate that the product has passed an examination confirming its environmental friendliness.
  • Determine what class of coverage you need. You can find out about this from a sales consultant or in a special catalogue.
  • Pay attention to the thickness of the back layer of linoleum; sound and heat insulation and resistance to deformation depend on it. The thicker the layer, the warmer the floor; you can determine the thickness by eye. The density is determined by pressing the linoleum with your fingers; the less the thickness changes under pressure, the higher the density of the base and the more resistant to point loads.
  • Find out how wide linoleum is, because this determines whether you can do without seams. Typically, the width of a linoleum roll is from 2 to 4 m (less often 5 m). Standard sizes– 2, 2.5, 3 and 4 m. When choosing the width of linoleum, focus on the size of the room. For example, for a room 3x6 m, three-meter linoleum is ideal. And for a corridor 1.5 meters wide, even a narrow roll will need to be cut.
  • For summer residents perfect choice It will become linoleum with a PVC base backed with polyester. This is explained by the fact that PVC does not tolerate frost and temperature changes well, and polyester smoothes out this disadvantage.
  • When choosing linoleum for the kitchen, you should pay attention to samples with an additional varnish coating, which greatly facilitates cleaning and prevents dirt from penetrating into the linoleum structure.
  • An antibacterial protective layer can be relevant both for the kitchen and for the nursery. Upon contact with moisture, it releases silver ions, which are known to have antibacterial properties.

Usually similar virtues Manufacturers are not hiding it, so you should read the label carefully. Having decided on these parameters, you can focus your attention on color scheme and linoleum drawing. They must correspond to the purpose of the room. For example, a living room in warm, natural shades is conducive to relaxation and calm communication, while one made in intense cold colors gives energy and creates a cheerful mood. A bright contrasting pattern will invigorate, and a monotonous, unobtrusive pattern will calm you down. Cool and light shades will visually enlarge the space, while warm ones will make the room more comfortable.

Having learned a little more about linoleum: what it is, its characteristics and properties, I think you can easily choose the right one. After all, the use of linoleum provides very wide freedom in the design of any interior. Manufacturers are bringing to the market new and current collections that allow you to make any room unique.

This finishing material enjoyed enormous popularity a couple of decades ago. At that moment, its advantageous difference from other types of floor coverings was its relatively low cost. In addition, a clear advantage of linoleum is its wear resistance. Cheap and durable - these are the words that could describe this material. But now the market situation has changed, of course, the price is still very great importance. However, many people prefer, albeit expensive, but natural materials. Linoleum has again begun to be in demand; it has practically experienced a “rebirth”. What is the reason for such popularity? And how not to get confused in the numerous types and types of linoleum?

Types of linoleum

Before purchasing material and even detailed interior planning, you need to decide on the type of linoleum you need. Materials are classified according to various criteria. The simplest division based on the presence of a substrate: basic and non-basic type of coverage. Last option It is distinguished by its low price, small thickness (up to 1.6 mm) and fragility. This is only suitable for perfectly flat floors, since it quickly takes the shape of the base, including all the bumps and holes. However, this type of coating is practically not used, as it quickly wears out and loses its appearance.

The main type includes all other linoleums that have a backing. But they also have their own characteristics and differences. There are three classes:

  • on a warm basis,
  • on a foam basis,
  • multilayer.

Warm-based linoleum consists of two layers: polymer on top and lining. The basis is synthetic or natural felt (jute is also used). The maximum thickness of such linoleum is 5 mm, and only 1.5 mm of it is occupied upper layer. Basic The disadvantage of this material is low moisture resistance, linoleum on a warm base is not suitable for kitchens. But it will look great in a bedroom, nursery or living room.

Foam base allows you to use this flooring both in the hallway and bathroom, as well as in the kitchen. This linoleum is not afraid of water and heavy dirt, grease stains can be easily removed from it. The thickness of the material ranges from 2 to 3.5 mm.

Multilayer linoleum It is particularly wear-resistant and durable. Restrictions on use are imposed by the substrate, which can be either jute, polyester or made of foamed PVC. This type of linoleum itself made from fiberglass, special impregnation is also used.

Linoleums are also divided according to materials used. In this case, we can distinguish natural linoleum, rubber, PVC, hyphthalic and nitrocellulose.

The most best properties has linoleum made from natural materials . Commonly used are tree resin, linseed oil and cork meal. This flooring will last long years, will not fade or crack. Natural option - great choice for the kitchen, since it does not absorb fat and creates an environment in which it is difficult for bacteria to multiply. In addition, natural linoleum retains its size, color and structure for many years.

Rubber linoleum has a high level of plasticity. The top layer is made of a special filler and rubber. This material is also moisture resistant.

Common PVC linoleum can be recognized by its specific smell, which takes a very long time to dissipate. The coating is available on different bases(and without a base at all). Attractive appearance, flexibility and elasticity, as well as an affordable price - all these parameters have brought PVC linoleum to the top of sales. But he also has significant drawback- at low temperatures the coating may crack and even burst.

Hypthal linoleum inferior to its PVC counterpart in terms of strength and flexibility. Cracks often appear on it. At the same time, it has excellent sound and heat insulation properties and is suitable for apartments in buildings with good audibility. It is worth considering one of its features: over time, the width of the stripes increases, but decreases in length.

Nitrocellulose provides the floor covering with elasticity and moisture resistance. This linoleum has a specific shine. But there is also an obvious drawback - a high fire hazard.

Types of linoleum

There is another classification of floor coverings of this type: depending on the place of application. This is due to special requirements for the strength and wear resistance of the material. Linoleum is distinguished:

  • for household purposes,
  • semi-commercial,
  • commercial.

The first type includes material with a thickness of no more than 4 mm, which is usually made on a foam base. Among its advantages are ease of installation, unpretentiousness and the availability of a wide range of colors and textures. But there are also disadvantages: under heavy load, it very quickly loses its attractive appearance and wears out.

The second type is also often used in houses and apartments, despite the fact that it was originally intended for finishing small offices, hotel rooms, etc. This material is characterized by increased durability, because a special protective coating is applied to it. The thickness of the additional layer is 0.7 mm, which significantly increases service life. Otherwise, the properties are close to standard household linoleum.

Commercial linoleum was designed for high traffic areas. These are not only large offices and halls of business centers, but also schools, hospitals, museums, etc. To maintain an attractive appearance with such a high load on the coating, PVC is usually used.

How to choose the right linoleum?

It is very difficult not to get lost in such a variety of options. To understand what type and type of material you need, analyze your flooring requirements.

Worth considering:

  • density,
  • moisture resistance,
  • wear resistance,
  • heat and sound insulation properties,
  • thickness,
  • flammability,
  • available colors and textures.

How to choose linoleum: video

Characteristics of linoleum, types and differences

Linoleum is probably the most common flooring. What do we know about it, how, besides price, linoleum differs from each other...

The main argument in favor of linoleum is played by factors such as ease of installation, high wear resistance, and compliance with environmental safety requirements.

On this moment There are quite a few types of this flooring, from the simplest and most inexpensive to multi-layer and luxury.

Linoleum is divided into several types that determine its origin.

PVC linoleum- the material for production is polyvinyl chloride. This type of linoleum is the most common and is produced both without a base and on a base, which can be fabric or heat and sound insulating. PVC linoleum can be single-layer (homogeneous) or multi-layer (heterogeneous).

  • Homogeneous linoleum - this is a single-layer PVC linoleum, where the pattern runs throughout the entire thickness of the linoleum; such linoleum is often used in places with high traffic, since it is not afraid of uneven wear.
  • Heterogeneous linoleum - is a multi-layer coating, where the top transparent layer is protective, under the transparent layer there is a decorative painted layer, the bottom layer is usually on a foam base.

The main disadvantage of PVC linoleum is the loss of elasticity at low temperatures.

Colloceyline linoleum- the basis of the material is nitrocellulose, produced without additional base.

This type of linoleum has good elasticity and moisture resistance. There is one minus, and not unimportant - linoleum based on nitrocellulose is fire hazardous (rarely used in residential premises).

Glypthal (alkyd) linoleum- the composition includes alkyd resin and has a fabric backing.
Compared with PVC linoleum has more high heat and soundproofing properties. It also has a minus - when negative temperature becomes fragile.

Linoleum "Relin"- such linoleum consists of rubber, the bottom layer can be made of recycled rubber bound with bitumen, the top layer is made of synthetic rubber with the addition of pigment and filler.

Thickness and dimensions of linoleum

Linoleum is available in rolls of different widths, the most common widths being 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 4.0 meters.

The thickness of linoleum and its substrate plays a big role in further performance.

So, for example, baseless linoleum can have a thickness from 1.2 to 1.6 mm, and foam-based linoleum can have a thickness from 2 to 4 mm.

Linoleum with a warm backing can be up to 1.5 cm thick.

Thin linoleum must have an ideal floor base, since a thin linoleum coating will not smooth out unevenness.

Linoleum with a thick, warm underlay is less demanding on the subfloor.

All types of linoleum can be classified into three main classes

  • Household linoleum- intended for use in residential premises. The requirements for household linoleum are high in terms of environmental safety. The wear resistance of this linoleum is not the highest.
  • Semi-commercial linoleum- used in medium-traffic areas: restaurants, offices.
  • Commercial linoleum- used outside residential premises and designed for very intensive use, can be used in schools, shopping centers and hotels. Commercial linoleum is the most durable and wear-resistant.


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Linoleum is the most optimal floor covering in terms of price to quality ratio. The average cost of material varies from 300-600 rubles per 1 m2. For this price, the consumer receives high-quality floor coverings with an average service life of 10-12 years.

When choosing linoleum, priority is given to its technical characteristics, which determine strength, resistance to abrasive loads and the scope of application of the coating.

Main characteristics of the material

The production of any type of linoleum is strictly regulated and determined by the standard, which is written down in GOST and adopted by the international association of manufacturers. These standards indicate what characteristics should be inherent in a particular type of linoleum.

Among the most important standards, GOST 7251-77 should be noted. This is an interstate standard indicating that this coating is intended for flooring in residential, public and production premises. Also, this GOST shows that this coating refers to PVC linoleum on a woven and non-woven basis.

Among international standards, the most important standards are EN 548 and EN 685. The first is a list of norms and regulations for the production of facing materials general purpose. The second determines the type and its characteristics.

List of main technical characteristics roll covering

In addition to the above standards, there is a UPEC classification that designates the most important performance characteristics coverings. Each characteristic corresponds capital letter in abbreviation:

  • U – abrasion resistance. Determined by an index from 0 to 4;
  • P – permanent deformation. Gradation from 0 to 4;
  • E – moisture resistance;
  • C – resistance to impact chemical substances. Indicated by an index from 1 to 3.

For the average consumer, these rules and regulations are not so important and do not help much in choosing the right product. Therefore, to simplify this process It is better to consider the performance characteristics, which are worth studying when purchasing the material directly.

Among the main technical characteristics of linoleum are the following:

  • coating wear resistance class;
  • product structure;
  • thickness of the protective layer;
  • degree of flammability and toxicity;
  • insulating qualities;
  • standard size

The color and texture of the coating is not so important and is chosen according to the overall design of the room. The above characteristics are quite enough to select safe material, corresponding to the expected load in a particular room.

Classification by application and class

The wear resistance class is a collective characteristic showing the ability of a coating to withstand loads of various types. In addition, wear resistance determines the scope of application of linoleum depending on the type of room.

General information about the dependence of class and scope of application

According to European standards, it is customary to distinguish the following wear resistance classes:

  • 21-23 – coating intended for installation in residential premises with low traffic intensity and average traffic. Main scope of use: standard apartments, private houses, home storage rooms;
  • 31-34 – semi-commercial coating, laid in rooms with medium and high traffic intensity. Scope of application: hallways in residential premises, school institutions, corridors in public places, shops and retail areas;
  • 41-43 – facing material, intended for use in public spaces, small production and industrial workshops. Scope of application: warehouses, repair shops, airports, train stations.

According to Russian standards, linoleum is divided into household, semi-commercial, commercial and coating special purpose. The first two types can be used for installation in an apartment or private house.

Commercial and specialty coatings are designed for installation in specific, high-load environments. There is no point in laying them at home.

When choosing linoleum for a multi-room apartment, you should take into account the number of residents living in it and the traffic in a particular room. In the kitchen and hallway it is advisable to lay moisture-resistant linoleum of class 23 or 31-32.

For bedrooms and children's rooms, it is quite enough to use coatings of class 22-23. If desired, you can lay down a more wear-resistant coating with a longer service life.

Structure and base of the coating

Structurally, linoleum is divided into two groups: homogeneous and heterogeneous. Homogeneous linoleum is a single-layer coating. Depending on the binder, it can be natural or polyvinyl chloride.

Single-layer PVC linoleum is made from polyvinyl chloride granules and dyes. For production natural linoleum or marmoleum, an analogue of linseed oil, wood flour, crushed cork, chalk, lime and vegetable dyes are used.

The components are mixed according to a special recipe, rolled and pressed. The result is a homogeneous fabric characterized by high strength and wear resistance.

The most common structure of heterogeneous linoleum

Heterogeneous linoleum is a multi-layer floor covering consisting of 2 to 7 layers. As a rule, it consists of a base, backing material, fiberglass, front, decorative, protective and polyurethane layers.

Based on the presence of a base, heterogeneous linoleum is divided into baseless and with a base. The first has higher wear resistance, is resistant to deformation and loads. Mainly used in high traffic areas.

The base of the cladding is made of jute, felt or foamed polyvinyl chloride. This gives the material increased heat and soundproofing qualities, makes it more flexible and soft. Usually installed in residential areas.

Multilayer linoleum, unlike single-layer, is more versatile and available material, since the components used for its production are completely artificial.

If we make a more detailed comparison, then homogeneous varieties are undoubtedly better than any multilayer coating, but their cost is also noticeably higher. On average, 1 m2 of marmoleum will cost 700-900 rubles, which is noticeably higher than any heterogeneous linoleum of class 21-23.

Thickness of coating and protective layer

The thickness of linoleum directly depends on the wear resistance class and structure. On average, most coatings from various manufacturers have a thickness of 2 to 3.5 mm. Thicker types are practically no longer produced, as they have very low strength and high residual deformation.

For domestic conditions, cladding with a protective layer 0.3 mm thick is sufficient.

The total thickness of the roll coating consists of the thickness of the technological layers responsible for insulation and decorative qualities material and thickness of the protective layer.

The thickness of household linoleum for an apartment varies from 1 to 2 mm with a thickness of the protective face layer of 0.15-0.2 mm. This type of linoleum is considered thin. Not recommended for use in rooms with a lot of heavy furniture. It should not be walked on in high heels or subjected to prolonged abrasive loads.

The thickness of the semi-commercial type is from 2 to 3 mm with a face layer of 0.25-0.3 mm. There are also products with a thicker protective layer, which directly affects the increase in the cost of the material. Can be laid in the hallway, corridors. You can walk on it with shoes and use furniture on small wheels.

Commercial linoleum has the strongest and thickest face layer from 0.3 to 0.7 mm with an average product thickness of 2-3.5 mm. Capable of withstanding long-term and intense loads of various kinds, the movement of light vehicles, technical equipment and large quantity of people.

For installation in living conditions A coating up to 3 mm thick with a protective front layer of 0.3 mm is quite sufficient.

Standard sizes depending on type

Rolls with a width of 2 to 4 m are the most popular size

Standard PVC sizes linoleum widths vary from 1.5 to 4 m in increments of 0.5 m. There are rolls 4.5 and 5 m wide, but this coating is specialized and is used in commercial industries to cover large areas.

The most popular dimensions are 2, 3 and 4 m. A width of 2 m allows you to lay the material with one joint seam, and a 3 and 4 meter coating is sufficient for floor covering in most typical rooms in city apartments.

It is optimal if the width of the linoleum is slightly larger than the width of the room in which it is planned to be installed. The covering, laid in one piece, will create a monolithic base, which will protect the floor space from accidental penetration of moisture and water.

Natural rolled linoleum is produced only in a width of 2 m. This is due to the fact that marmoleum tends to creep apart during use. With a larger width, the degree of deformation will only increase.

The roll length can reach 60 m, but most manufacturers produce coating in rolls from 15 to 45 m.

Linoleum is a fairly specific type of flooring. In order not to be among those who have to complain about the fragility or impracticality of linoleum, let's look at the features of its use, why there are so many types on the market, and how to choose the material you need.

What is modern linoleum

The technology for making linoleum has been known for a very long time: a coarse woven fabric made from hemp or flax fibers was impregnated with polymerized linseed oil and dissolved pine resin, which resulted in elastic and durable sheets.

Natural materials have not lost their popularity: chips of ordinary or cork wood are still used as a filler, and the fastening filler - linoleum cement - is made from rubber, specially prepared vegetable oils and wood resins.

Example of linoleum structure: 1 - non-woven base; 2 - foam layer; 3 — fiberglass; 4 — front layer with a pattern; 5 — main layer of protection; 6 - additional protective layer

The base can be synthetic fabric, fiberglass or polyester; cement is made mainly from polyvinyl chloride. Synthetic coatings can be single- or multilayer, in technical language homo- and heterogeneous. Homogeneous linoleum does not differ in the variety of patterns and colors, but is characterized by increased wear resistance. Heterogeneous coatings are quite complex in structure; in cheap samples, artistic refinements almost always work to the detriment of physical and mechanical qualities.

Types and their application

Household varieties are characterized by high environmental friendliness and a variety of designs. High-quality natural linoleum is not inferior in its characteristics to newfangled synthetic ones, while it looks natural and very warm. Linoleum for residential premises can be either single or multi-layer, the latter for the most part refers to non-natural coatings.

"Commercial" general purpose linoleum is usually synthetic. It is characterized by high wear resistance, which is useful for installation in areas with high traffic loads: office, industrial and retail premises, utility rooms or corridors. The colors of such linoleum are usually monochrome and have neutral tones. Single-color materials are of a homogeneous type; patterns and textures are characteristic of multilayer coatings.

There are also special varieties. These include heterogeneous linoleum with a polyurethane-reinforced surface, the purpose of which is sports and GYM's, storage areas, and in some cases even parking areas and open areas. Due to its high density and strength, this linoleum tolerates both static and intense dynamic loads well.

Thickness and width of linoleum

The scope of application of linoleum is determined by its wear resistance. This, in turn, depends on the thickness protective coating, the strength of the base canvas and the elasticity of the filler. Linoleum up to 1.5 mm thick usually has only a thin (up to 0.2 mm) vinyl film on the surface, or is not protected at all. The other extreme is the absence of woven canvas in thin linoleum. This is the problem with baseless products, some of which, to be fair, really don’t need it. Thin coatings are completely renewed every 3-4 years during cosmetic repairs. The advantage is that it is cheap, plus there will often be an opportunity to “play” with the design of the room. This linoleum is ideal for bedrooms, but it can also be used in other rooms if the passage area is covered with carpet.

A good thick coating is linoleum with a thickness of 2-2.5 mm. It is better to roll this out in the kitchen or in children's rooms, where there is a high risk of damaging the floor. It is not suitable for hallways and corridors; it is better to lay 3, 3.5 and 4 mm sheets in them with a layer of protective coating of 0.5-0.7 mm. The maximum thickness of linoleum is 4.5 mm, these are already commercial options. The rule “the thicker, the stronger” is almost always true, with the exception of some types of synthetic linoleum: due to more advanced production technology, they have a high density and a smaller thickness with the same strength.

Standard widths range from 1.5 to 5 meters, “adjacent” standard sizes differ by 0.5 meters. You need to choose so that the linoleum is wider short wall premises, that is, lay down like a solid canvas. If this is not possible, you will have to resort to soldering, solderless connection or zoning along the floor.

Texture, texture and color

In an abundance of artistic and design solutions Only laminate can compete with linoleum.

The simplest coatings are monochrome. Due to their single-layer nature, they represent a thick and durable film that is almost insensitive to mechanical stress. It rubs over time, especially in pass-through areas, but this can be easily eliminated by renewing sanding. It is used primarily in offices and public institutions, although when several monochrome coatings are soldered into a pattern, the floor acquires a quite prestigious look for a residential space. A subtype of monochrome coatings is grainy linoleum that imitates granite.

Almost everyone knows linoleum, its pattern imitates wood fibers. Quite often, for variety, they are decorated with floral or geometric patterns. Almost half of the “wood” varieties are made up of coatings that imitate palace or artistic parquet. In any case, the design can also be accompanied by embossing; such linoleum looks even more natural.

Actually, it makes no difference to manufacturers what design to print, so their regional representatives are happy to take on exclusive orders. Options up to photo printing or applying a company logo are possible. It costs money, but it also provides additional features For large companies and individual design projects.

The main arguments against linoleum on the floor

In conclusion, we will consider the main excuses to abandon linoleum and how justified they are.

One myth is that linoleum flooring will be very cold. There is some truth in this, but in terms of thermal conductivity, natural linoleum is comparable to wood. Synthetic linoleum prevents the outflow of heat somewhat worse, but this is eliminated by foam or jute backing.

The second argument against linoleum is also related to tactile sensations: due to the soft glossy film, the floor literally sticks to your feet. This is true, although with embossed coatings this effect is less noticeable.

Linoleum is short-lived - another subject of ongoing debate. Cheap - of course, it all depends on the wear resistance class and proper installation; for some products, manufacturers call service life more than 10 years.

Finally, linoleum is often called a material hazardous to health. Judge for yourself: natural linoleum contains only natural components, while synthetic one consists of very stable and chemically inert polymers. In the latter case, it can be given as a plus high level radiological safety: there are practically no impurities in industrial raw materials, which cannot be said with confidence about natural ones.

A completely fair drawback of linoleum is that it needs to be completely changed if damaged. For the most part, this happens when strong dyes, inks, or brilliant green are spilled on the floor. Stains and dirt really eat into linoleum, so it needs frequent wet cleaning.