Seeing scissors in a dream. Why do you dream of scissors: large, small, manicure. What does Scissors mean in a dream?

why do you dream about scissors

Unfortunately, scissors in a dream do not bode well: it is a symbol of nagging, jealousy and quarrels between lovers, spouses or friends. Sharp scissors in a dream promise you to do disgusting things in reality. If in a dream you broke scissors, it means that you will make attempts to avoid activities that are unpleasant to you. If the scissors were already broken in a dream, then there is a danger of being left without friends or losing your position in society.

dreamed of scissors

Scissors symbolize strength of character and determination. If in a dream you cut yourself with a sharp blade of scissors, then in reality you will experience severe mental anguish. If in a dream you cut fabric with scissors, this good sign. Such a dream foreshadows the achievement of your goals thanks to determination and fortitude. But if your find in a dream is rusty old scissors, then such a dream foretells that you will be reminded of old grievances.

what does it mean if scissors are in a dream

Scissors symbolize hugs and friendly partnerships. If in a dream you cut the hair or fur of an animal, then in reality you will experience success, good luck and the acquisition of wealth.

scissors according to the dream book

Open scissors in a dream warn you of a trap that your ill-wishers have prepared for you. If you hurt yourself in a dream with a sharp blade of scissors, in reality you will experience fear of your future. If you had to take scissors from someone, then because of stupidity you will quarrel with a loved one. Seeing someone cutting their hair is a sign of unexpected financial expenses.

interpretation of sleep scissors

Scissors are a symbol of separation and the slander that will lead to it. If in a dream you use scissors for cutting, then such a dream foretells you pleasant changes and success in financial matters. But if you cut something off in a dream, then this promises theft.

The appearance of this symbol in your dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, scissors are considered a necessary item in everyday life, but on the other hand, scissors are very sharp and can injure a person.

Fans of fortune telling know that scissors are used not only in everyday life, but also for fortune telling. They make wishes about their betrothed and call upon the spirits of dead people to ask them for advice.

So, if in your dream you saw open scissors, this means that in reality one of your ill-wishers is preparing a trap for you.

Dropping scissors on the floor means that guests are rushing to you from afar.

In a dream you decided to sharpen dull scissors - this is a sign that in real life You always find a way around rough edges.

If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors, in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future.

A dream in which you cut out various figures from paper means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems to others.

If in a dream you tell fortunes with scissors, this means that in reality you are doing something too risky and unprofitable for you.

If you see in a dream how your hair is cut off with scissors, in reality you will have to incur unexpected financial expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream means that in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

A dream in which you ask to borrow scissors means that due to an unfortunate misunderstanding you will quarrel with a near and dear person.

If in a dream you hold something on scissors, in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are also not a gift! Lovers who see scissors in a dream will quarrel and harass each other.

All planned activities can be disrupted due to inconsistencies, misunderstandings and quarrels.

Breaking scissors in a dream is a desire to get rid of boring, routine obligations.

The dream is menacing and inhospitable. Don't call scissors scissors in your dream. Say: “two rings, two ends, studs in the middle.” The dream will not understand anything, will get confused, and then will have fun.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream about Scissors:

According to the dream book, why do you dream about Scissors – Scissors are a tool for circumcision. The appearance of scissors in an image denotes a desire to cause damage, harm oneself or another, a desire for severity in business or personal relationships. Feelings of hostility or aggression, a desire to reduce someone's power over us, fear that other people are trying to reduce our influence. The most common image when a woman cuts clothes that belong to a man, this denotes the woman's desire to reduce his strength, fertility, or her fear of sex in general. By symbolically castrating a man, a woman frees herself from responsibility for sexual relations with him. The image of scissors is associated with the negative semantics of cutting off everything (cutting off from life), a negative symbol is a diminutive of a knife (see knife).

Autumn dream book Why do you dream of Scissors in a dream?

Seeing Scissors in a dream - Seeing in a dream how you cut something with scissors - means sewing new clothes.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream of Scissors - Sharpening scissors in a dream - for some homework, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why do you dream about Scissors according to the dream book:

Why dream of Scissors - Sharp, well-sharpened scissors indicate that you will have to do something very unpleasant for you. Breaking them in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of these matters. If you dream of already broken scissors, you may lose friends and your status due to overly eccentric manners.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about Scissors:

Scissors - Wedding (single), increase in relatives (married) // quarrel.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why do you dream about Scissors:

Interpretation of sleep by dream book:

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Scissors:

Why do you dream about Scissors - They have same value with a knife.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: Scissors what does it mean

Why do you dream about Scissors? Fans of fortune telling know that scissors are used not only in everyday life, but also for fortune telling. They make wishes about their betrothed and call upon the spirits of dead people to ask them for advice. So, if in your dream you saw open scissors, this means that in reality one of your ill-wishers is preparing a trap for you. Dropping scissors on the floor means that guests are rushing to you from afar.

Why do you dream of scissors - In a dream, you decided to sharpen dull scissors - this is a sign that in real life you always find a way to get around sharp corners. If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors, in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future. A dream in which you cut out various figures from paper means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems to others.

Why do you dream of scissors - If in a dream you tell fortunes using scissors, this means that in reality you are doing something too risky and unprofitable for you.

Why do you dream of scissors? - To see in a dream how your hair is being cut off with scissors - in reality you will have to incur unexpected financial expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream means that in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

A dream in which you ask to borrow scissors means that due to an unfortunate misunderstanding you will quarrel with a near and dear person.

If in a dream you hold something with scissors, in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Erotic dream book Why do you dream about Scissors:

Scissors - If you saw scissors in a dream, such a dream warns that jealousy and disagreements will ruin your relationship with a loved one. Broken scissors, on the contrary, indicate an imminent reconciliation and resumption of sexual relations.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Scissors what does it mean

Scissors - Family discord, quarrel.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream of Scissors in a dream:

Why do you dream of Scissors - An unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will begin to quarrel and torment each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague. - if you dream of sharp, well-honed scissors, it means. You have to do something that is deeply disgusting to you. Breaking scissors in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of tasks that are unpleasant to you. Dreaming about scissors can make you stingy and unfriendly with friends. - if you dream of already broken scissors, it means that you are in danger of losing friends and position due to strange eccentric manners.

Dream book of psychologist S. Freud Why do you dream about Scissors:

Scissors - The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates that prosperity awaits you in all matters that you undertake. Everyone around you will treat you with love and even some admiration. The time for unbridled flirting and dating is coming. If you saw in a dream small scissors with which you were trying to cut some large canvas, then such a dream is a hint that you are not satisfied with your own sex life, and what exactly you don’t like, you can’t understand yet. You don’t need to make far-reaching conclusions, try to figure out what you would like to receive, what emotions to experience, and then try to experiment. Try to refrain from any kind of accusations against your partner, since they will lead to nothing, but will only postpone the solution to the problem indefinitely, as the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Scissors?

The meaning of the dream in the dream book: Scissors - How lonely people dream of scissors, single people - marriage; replaced - family increase.

Psychoanalytic dream book Why do you dream about Scissors: Dream book: Seeing Scissors in a dream

Why do you dream of Scissors - A symbol of connection, crossing the line of life (crossing the umbilical cord), initiation (circumcision), birth and death. Symbolic castration, according to the dream book - a predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Scissors in a dream?

See in a dream

Scissors - Seeing scissors in a dream means a possible division of material values, love gossip; cutting something off with them means material gain; cutting clothes with scissors means bad luck with your wife. Cutting with scissors is fortunately material well-being, change. Broken scissors - to an outwardly peaceful attitude in the family, but a complete lack of mutual understanding in it. For a single woman, such a dream can be a harbinger of family happiness, a successful marriage, or meeting a person who will become her close friend in the future. long years. For married people - to increase the family.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Scissors according to the dream book?

To see in a dream If you dream of Scissors - Someone ruthless sets the goal of shortening your life, of taking revenge.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of Scissors - Scandal, dispute, discord; refusal of something (for example, cutting something off - cutting off, breaking off a love affair, giving up a relationship with a person), in next dream book you may find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing Scissors in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: Scissors - If you dreamed of scissors, this is a harbinger of a quarrel with a loved one or family troubles. Broken scissors are a very bad sign: you may have serious difficulties in business if you are not careful about your actions.

Lunar dream book If you dream of Scissors:

Scissors - To discord in the family.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Scissors according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see Scissors in a dream - Indicate the need to cut some knots, including unnecessary connections. Broken scissors - reconciliation. Cutting something off means separation, change. Seeing cut parts or cutting is an opportunity to solve the problem in a new way, to make an effort.

Love dream book

Why do you dream of Scissors - A dream in which you broke the scissors foretells you that you will not be together with your lover for long.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing scissors in a dream

Why do you dream about Scissors - Scandal in the family, divorce

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Scissors in a dream

Scissors - You won't get into trouble; cutting with them means monetary profit; gold - joy; sharpen - squabbles and disputes.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of Scissors:

Scissors – Splitting. You are caught in the scissors. You have to choose one thing or one person.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing Scissors in a Dream

Interpretation according to the dream book: Scissors - foreshadow the division of material assets. You cut something with scissors. - Portends material gain. You use scissors to cut clothes. - Portends misfortune with your wife.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Scissors in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream about Scissors - For married people - increasing the size of the family - for single people - marriage - cutting with them - monetary profit - gold - joy - sharpening - squabbles and disputes

I dreamed about Scissors, what is it for, what do Scissors mean in a dream

Slavic dream book I dreamed about Scissors - the meaning of the dream:

What are scissors for - a symbol of damage and enemies. Gossip, rumors, illness.

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does Scissors mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream? What do Scissors mean in a dream - You see scissors in a dream - the dream foreshadows a deterioration in your relationships with people around you; friends will accuse you of being stingy; home - picky; colleagues - lack of initiative. You dream of very sharp scissors - you will be disgusted with what you are doing. You dream of dull scissors - you won’t be able to do any work. It’s as if you broke the scissors - you will do everything to shift unpleasant responsibilities onto the shoulders of someone else. You find that the scissors are broken - in order to change your position, you will begin to change your image; you will probably succeed in this; your friends will find your new manners strange and will become cold towards you.

Home dream book Why do you dream about Scissors in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: You dreamed of Scissors, what are these for - harsh remarks; anger. Breaking scissors is a desire to control your anger.

Jewish dream book What does Scissors mean in a dream:

What do Scissors mean in a dream? A dream you had on Monday night means quarrels, disputes, scandals. Seeing scissors on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday is a sign of unexpected changes. If you had a dream on Saturday or Sunday night, this dream means separation. Broken scissors - unsuccessful attempts to forgive and forget the offense. Garden shears - for quick and decisive action. Put the scissors on kitchen table- hide and wait for the right moment. Dropping the scissors means returning to the old way of life. Losing scissors A dream on Monday night means that you will calm down and make peace with your friends; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it foretells that everything will fall out of your hands all day long; and if seen on Saturday or Sunday night, it means that your hopes will not come true.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream about Scissors?

What does it mean to see in a dream? You dreamed of Scissors, what are they for - closed - for updates, open - mutual misunderstanding. Cutting with scissors means showing determination and perseverance. To get hurt with scissors is to go ahead. Dropping the scissors is a sign of weakness. Seeing old scissors is a reminder of old grievances. Sharpening scissors means arguing. Golden scissors are joy.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Scissors mean in a dream:

What do Scissors mean in a dream - prosperity awaits you in all matters that you will undertake. Imagine that you are cutting a large piece of silk with scissors.

English dream book Why do you dream about Scissors in a dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream? You dreamed of Scissors, what is it for - Scissors in a dream are usually a positive image: this useful tool, which is also used for creativity. However, since an intentional or unintentional cut can ruin an otherwise flawless hairstyle or fabric, the owner of a pair of scissors also has a certain degree of power over the material being cut. Why do you have a dream: Did you use the scissors yourself? Carefully and skillfully or sweepingly and awkwardly? In the second case: are you confident in your ability to cut anyone off? professional life or do you need to gain more confidence and experience? See also Hairdresser

What do Scissors and pruning shears mean in a dream - These tools are needed for pruning, cutting off dead or diseased shoots or wilted flowers. What is the dream about: The symbolism of such a dream is quite straightforward: if you use such tools in a dream, they most likely reflect your need to prune the work or the way it is done, getting rid of outdated methods for new, more effective ones. Of course, you have to be careful not to cut off too much and damage healthy shoots!

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream about Scissors, what is it for?

Interpretation of the dream book: You dreamed of Scissors, what is this for. 1. Scissors in a dream suggest the idea of ​​cutting off everything non-essential in our lives. These may be feelings that we consider unnecessary, emotions that we are unable to cope with, or emotional shock that we have had to endure. For the correct interpretation of a dream, the type of scissors is very important. Kitchen ones will, for example, mean a more utilitarian part, and surgical ones will mean the need to be more precise. Scissors can also mean a sharp, wounding tongue that makes cutting remarks. 2. Dreaming of sharpening scissors suggests that we need to be clearer in our communication, while using dull scissors suggests that we may create a Problem for ourselves by talking nonsense. Seeing a hairdresser with scissors means being afraid of losing your power or status. 3. From a spiritual point of view, scissors can have a dual meaning. They can cut the Thread of Life, but they can also represent the union of the spiritual with the physical.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious What does Scissors mean in a dream:

What do Scissors mean in a dream? Dreams about scissors can be associated with the desire to “cut” some kind of ties, emotional, personal or active life sleeping. It is very important to remember what exactly was cut in the dream, how accurate the cuts were, and who did the work.

Positive value

An unused pair of scissors in a dream predicts that you will soon enter into a romantic relationship. If you are already in a close relationship, such a dream may reflect a desire to strengthen this connection.

Negative implications

The appearance of scissors in a dream may be a warning that your attention is scattered between ambitions or projects, which may cause you to fail in achieving your goals.

If you were the one cutting something in a dream, the scissors are probably part of your personality. How decisively did you act? Maybe you found it difficult to separate the cut pieces?

Several pairs of scissors. Dreaming of multiple pairs of scissors can represent feelings of unrequited love. It may be worth “cutting off” love ties with a person who is deaf to your feelings. Haircut with scissors. Using clippers in a dream may reflect a feeling of being ready to outwit and outmaneuver an opponent in work or personal matters. Indecisiveness. Dreams about scissors sometimes express indecision. Such a dream may portend acceptance important decision, which you are delaying.

Russian dream book What does Scissors mean in a dream:

You dreamed of Scissors, what does it mean - a discrepancy between word and deed, desires and possibilities, etc.; divorce. An unconscious desire to harm oneself or another. Fear of sexual relations.

Find scissors

Dream Interpretation Finding scissors dreamed of why you dream about Finding scissors? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Finding scissors in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

The appearance of this symbol in your dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, scissors are considered a necessary item in everyday life, but on the other hand, scissors are very sharp and can injure a person.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and harass each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors - this symbol can be interpreted in two ways; it is a symbol of duality, and on the other hand it is sharp object which can cause injury. You sharpen dull scissors, in life you manage to get around sharp corners; getting hurt with scissors, fear and anxiety about the future.

Hairdresser's scissors

Dream Interpretation Hairdressing Scissors dreamed of why hairdressing scissors are seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see hairdressing scissors in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

The appearance of this symbol in your dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, scissors are considered a necessary item in everyday life, but on the other hand, scissors are very sharp and can injure a person.

Fans of fortune telling know that scissors are used not only in everyday life, but also for fortune telling. They make wishes about their betrothed and call upon the spirits of dead people to ask them for advice.

So, if in your dream you saw open scissors, this means that in reality one of your ill-wishers is preparing a trap for you.

Dropping scissors on the floor means that guests are rushing to you from afar.

In a dream, you decided to sharpen dull scissors - this is a sign that in real life you always find a way around sharp corners.

If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors, in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future.

A dream in which you cut out various figures from paper means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems to others.

If in a dream you tell fortunes with scissors, this means that in reality you are doing something too risky and unprofitable for you.

If you see in a dream how your hair is cut off with scissors, in reality you will have to incur unexpected financial expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream means that in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

A dream in which you ask to borrow scissors means that due to an unfortunate misunderstanding you will quarrel with a near and dear person.

If in a dream you hold something on scissors, in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

If you dreamed of nail scissors, it means that in reality you will be able to avoid serious complications when dangerous disease. Cutting paper with scissors is a sign of jealousy and suspicion on the part of your husband or lover.

Large tailor's scissors - to quarrels and mutual accusations. Garden shears - deterioration of financial situation, metal scissors - loss of independence.

Old or rusty scissors - you will cut coupons and bask in luxury, having achieved unprecedented success. Golden scissors – joy in the home, addition to the family. Broken scissors - your behavior will alienate your friends and cause the disapproval of others.

Sharp, good cutting - you will mind your own business and incur losses; stupid, good for nothing - you will try to avoid the company of people unpleasant to you, refusing to go on a visit.

Sharpening scissors - you will be involved in a scandalous story and read about yourself in the press. If you prick yourself with sharply sharpened scissors until you bleed, people will spread gossip about you as a careless housewife and a worthless lover.

Dream Interpretation - Hairdresser

If in a dream you visit a hairdresser and end up with your regular hairdresser, it means that following your habits and established rules will ensure you success in your professional field.

If you find yourself in an unfamiliar hairdressing salon and you are served by a young and completely inexperienced student, this means that you are soon guaranteed reproaches and remarks about negligence from your husband and grown-up children. If you get a stunning haircut at the hairdresser, it means that the time is not far off when you can tell yourself that you have achieved what you set out to achieve, and are therefore happy. To leave the hairdresser with a nightmare and in very upset feelings - in reality, expect to read about yourself in the newspapers from a not very good side.

Seeing yourself as a hairdresser in a dream, whose work clients are satisfied with, is a harbinger of joyful events; if you make everyone who sits in your chair the devil knows what on their heads, in reality you will experience disappointment in your job and quit it as soon as you look for another.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Ordinary household scissors in a dream: this is a warning about possible disputes and quarrels. Be careful: the conflict can go too far, even to the point of a complete break in the relationship! At the same time, if you use scissors for some necessary task: such a dream foreshadows the benefits of joint debates and discussions.

Cutting hair with scissors: a sign of a lost argument or abandonment of erroneous thoughts.

Broken scissors: indicate irreparable consequences of disputes.

Garden shears in a dream: they say that you should put things in order in your plans and, perhaps, abandon any ideas. Otherwise, your business may fall into disrepair due to clutter.

Tin scissors: a sign of very difficult difficulties and possible confrontation with business partners.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Possible division of material assets, love gossip.

Cutting something with scissors means material gain.

Cutting clothes with scissors means bad luck with your wife.

Cutting with scissors means happiness, material well-being, change.

Broken scissors - to an outwardly peaceful attitude in the family, but a complete lack of mutual understanding in it.

For a single woman, a dream with broken scissors can be a harbinger of family happiness, a successful marriage, or meeting a person who will become her close friend for many years.

For married people, broken scissors mean a larger family.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and harass each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

If you dream of sharp, well-honed scissors, it means. You have to do something that is deeply disgusting to you.

Breaking scissors in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of tasks that are unpleasant to you.

Dreaming about scissors can make you stingy and unfriendly with friends.

If you dream of already broken scissors, it means that you are in danger of losing friends and position due to strange eccentric manners.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors are not a good dream. Wives become jealous and picky, lovers begin to quarrel over trifles. As for business prospects, they will be very vague.

If you dreamed of sharp, well-honed scissors, you will find something very unpleasant to do. If you broke scissors in a dream, you will try to get rid of this activity.

In general, seeing scissors in a dream can make you greedy and unfriendly.

If you saw in a dream small scissors with which they were trying to cut some large canvas, then in reality you are not satisfied with your life. It’s true that you can’t yet understand what exactly you don’t like. Don't blame your spouse for anything - it will lead to nothing.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are also not a gift! Lovers who see scissors in a dream will quarrel and harass each other.

All planned activities can be disrupted due to inconsistencies, misunderstandings and quarrels.

Breaking scissors in a dream is a desire to get rid of boring, routine obligations.

The dream is menacing and inhospitable. Don't call scissors scissors in your dream. Say: “two rings, two ends, studs in the middle.” The dream will not understand anything, will get confused, and then will have fun.

Dream Interpretation - Hairdresser

Hairdresser - hairdresser (to be in it) - loss, some difficulty.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Dreaming about scissors has many of the same meanings as a knife. Sharpening them in a dream means quarrels and litigation. However, cutting something with scissors in a dream is a sign of profit, receiving money or some benefits. See interpretation: knife.

Breaking scissors in a dream foretells losses. If you dream that you are holding very sharp scissors in your hands and are afraid of cutting yourself, then in reality you will experience news or events that will touch you to the quick.

Scissors are dull

Dream Interpretation Blunt scissors dreamed of why you dream about blunt scissors? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see blunt scissors in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

The appearance of this symbol in your dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, scissors are considered a necessary item in everyday life, but on the other hand, scissors are very sharp and can injure a person.

Fans of fortune telling know that scissors are used not only in everyday life, but also for fortune telling. They make wishes about their betrothed and call upon the spirits of dead people to ask them for advice.

So, if in your dream you saw open scissors, this means that in reality one of your ill-wishers is preparing a trap for you.

Dropping scissors on the floor means that guests are rushing to you from afar.

In a dream, you decided to sharpen dull scissors - this is a sign that in real life you always find a way around sharp corners.

If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors, in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future.

A dream in which you cut out various figures from paper means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems to others.

If in a dream you tell fortunes with scissors, this means that in reality you are doing something too risky and unprofitable for you.

If you see in a dream how your hair is cut off with scissors, in reality you will have to incur unexpected financial expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream means that in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

A dream in which you ask to borrow scissors means that due to an unfortunate misunderstanding you will quarrel with a near and dear person.

If in a dream you hold something on scissors, in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

If you dreamed of nail scissors, it means that in reality you will be able to avoid serious complications from a dangerous illness. Cutting paper with scissors is a sign of jealousy and suspicion on the part of your husband or lover.

Large tailor's scissors - to quarrels and mutual accusations. Garden shears - deterioration of financial situation, metal scissors - loss of independence.

Old or rusty scissors - you will cut coupons and bask in luxury, having achieved unprecedented success. Golden scissors – joy in the home, addition to the family. Broken scissors - your behavior will alienate your friends and cause the disapproval of others.

Sharp, good cutting - you will mind your own business and incur losses; stupid, good for nothing - you will try to avoid the company of people unpleasant to you, refusing to go on a visit.

Sharpening scissors - you will be involved in a scandalous story and read about yourself in the press. If you prick yourself with sharply sharpened scissors until you bleed, people will spread gossip about you as a careless housewife and a worthless lover.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Ordinary household scissors in a dream: this is a warning about possible disputes and quarrels. Be careful: the conflict can go too far, even to the point of a complete break in the relationship! At the same time, if you use scissors for some necessary task: such a dream foreshadows the benefits of joint debates and discussions.

Cutting hair with scissors: a sign of a lost argument or abandonment of erroneous thoughts.

Broken scissors: indicate irreparable consequences of disputes.

Garden shears in a dream: they say that you should put things in order in your plans and, perhaps, abandon any ideas. Otherwise, your business may fall into disrepair due to clutter.

Tin scissors: a sign of very difficult difficulties and possible confrontation with business partners.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Possible division of material assets, love gossip.

Cutting something with scissors means material gain.

Cutting clothes with scissors means bad luck with your wife.

Cutting with scissors means happiness, material well-being, change.

Broken scissors - to an outwardly peaceful attitude in the family, but a complete lack of mutual understanding in it.

For a single woman, a dream with broken scissors can be a harbinger of family happiness, a successful marriage, or meeting a person who will become her close friend for many years.

For married people, broken scissors mean a larger family.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and harass each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

If you dream of sharp, well-honed scissors, it means. You have to do something that is deeply disgusting to you.

Breaking scissors in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of tasks that are unpleasant to you.

Dreaming about scissors can make you stingy and unfriendly with friends.

If you dream of already broken scissors, it means that you are in danger of losing friends and position due to strange eccentric manners.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors are not a good dream. Wives become jealous and picky, lovers begin to quarrel over trifles. As for business prospects, they will be very vague.

If you dreamed of sharp, well-honed scissors, you will find something very unpleasant to do. If you broke scissors in a dream, you will try to get rid of this activity.

In general, seeing scissors in a dream can make you greedy and unfriendly.

If you saw in a dream small scissors with which they were trying to cut some large canvas, then in reality you are not satisfied with your life. It’s true that you can’t yet understand what exactly you don’t like. Don't blame your spouse for anything - it will lead to nothing.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are also not a gift! Lovers who see scissors in a dream will quarrel and harass each other.

All planned activities can be disrupted due to inconsistencies, misunderstandings and quarrels.

Breaking scissors in a dream is a desire to get rid of boring, routine obligations.

The dream is menacing and inhospitable. Don't call scissors scissors in your dream. Say: “two rings, two ends, studs in the middle.” The dream will not understand anything, will get confused, and then will have fun.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Dreaming about scissors has many of the same meanings as a knife. Sharpening them in a dream means quarrels and litigation. However, cutting something with scissors in a dream is a sign of profit, receiving money or some benefits. See interpretation: knife.

Breaking scissors in a dream foretells losses. If you dream that you are holding very sharp scissors in your hands and are afraid of cutting yourself, then in reality you will experience news or events that will touch you to the quick.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

A dream about scissors is a sign of family discord, jealousy, and decline in business.

Sharp, well-sharpened scissors signify an activity that will disgust you.

Broken scissors - to a break with friends, divorce.

There is also an old interpretation of dreams involving scissors: for family people - to increase the family.

For single people - to marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors - this symbol can be interpreted in two ways; it is a symbol of duality, and on the other hand, it is a sharp object that can hurt you. You sharpen dull scissors, in life you manage to get around sharp corners; getting hurt with scissors, fear and anxiety about the future.

Scissors to buy

Dream Interpretation Scissors buy dreamed of why you dream about buying scissors? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see buying Scissors in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

The appearance of this symbol in your dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, scissors are considered a necessary item in everyday life, but on the other hand, scissors are very sharp and can injure a person.

Fans of fortune telling know that scissors are used not only in everyday life, but also for fortune telling. They make wishes about their betrothed and call upon the spirits of dead people to ask them for advice.

So, if in your dream you saw open scissors, this means that in reality one of your ill-wishers is preparing a trap for you.

Dropping scissors on the floor means that guests are rushing to you from afar.

In a dream, you decided to sharpen dull scissors - this is a sign that in real life you always find a way around sharp corners.

If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors, in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future.

A dream in which you cut out various figures from paper means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems to others.

If in a dream you tell fortunes with scissors, this means that in reality you are doing something too risky and unprofitable for you.

If you see in a dream how your hair is cut off with scissors, in reality you will have to incur unexpected financial expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream means that in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

A dream in which you ask to borrow scissors means that due to an unfortunate misunderstanding you will quarrel with a near and dear person.

If in a dream you hold something on scissors, in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

If you dreamed of nail scissors, it means that in reality you will be able to avoid serious complications from a dangerous illness. Cutting paper with scissors is a sign of jealousy and suspicion on the part of your husband or lover.

Large tailor's scissors - to quarrels and mutual accusations. Garden shears - deterioration of financial situation, metal scissors - loss of independence.

Old or rusty scissors - you will cut coupons and bask in luxury, having achieved unprecedented success. Golden scissors – joy in the home, addition to the family. Broken scissors - your behavior will alienate your friends and cause the disapproval of others.

Sharp, good cutting - you will mind your own business and incur losses; stupid, good for nothing - you will try to avoid the company of people unpleasant to you, refusing to go on a visit.

Sharpening scissors - you will be involved in a scandalous story and read about yourself in the press. If you prick yourself with sharply sharpened scissors until you bleed, people will spread gossip about you as a careless housewife and a worthless lover.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Ordinary household scissors in a dream: this is a warning about possible disputes and quarrels. Be careful: the conflict can go too far, even to the point of a complete break in the relationship! At the same time, if you use scissors for some necessary task: such a dream foreshadows the benefits of joint debates and discussions.

Cutting hair with scissors: a sign of a lost argument or abandonment of erroneous thoughts.

Broken scissors: indicate irreparable consequences of disputes.

Garden shears in a dream: they say that you should put things in order in your plans and, perhaps, abandon any ideas. Otherwise, your business may fall into disrepair due to clutter.

Tin scissors: a sign of very difficult difficulties and possible confrontation with business partners.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Possible division of material assets, love gossip.

Cutting something with scissors means material gain.

Cutting clothes with scissors means bad luck with your wife.

Cutting with scissors means happiness, material well-being, change.

Broken scissors - to an outwardly peaceful attitude in the family, but a complete lack of mutual understanding in it.

For a single woman, a dream with broken scissors can be a harbinger of family happiness, a successful marriage, or meeting a person who will become her close friend for many years.

For married people, broken scissors mean a larger family.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and harass each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

If you dream of sharp, well-honed scissors, it means. You have to do something that is deeply disgusting to you.

Breaking scissors in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of tasks that are unpleasant to you.

Dreaming about scissors can make you stingy and unfriendly with friends.

If you dream of already broken scissors, it means that you are in danger of losing friends and position due to strange eccentric manners.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors are not a good dream. Wives become jealous and picky, lovers begin to quarrel over trifles. As for business prospects, they will be very vague.

If you dreamed of sharp, well-honed scissors, you will find something very unpleasant to do. If you broke scissors in a dream, you will try to get rid of this activity.

In general, seeing scissors in a dream can make you greedy and unfriendly.

If you saw in a dream small scissors with which they were trying to cut some large canvas, then in reality you are not satisfied with your life. It’s true that you can’t yet understand what exactly you don’t like. Don't blame your spouse for anything - it will lead to nothing.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are also not a gift! Lovers who see scissors in a dream will quarrel and harass each other.

All planned activities can be disrupted due to inconsistencies, misunderstandings and quarrels.

Breaking scissors in a dream is a desire to get rid of boring, routine obligations.

The dream is menacing and inhospitable. Don't call scissors scissors in your dream. Say: “two rings, two ends, studs in the middle.” The dream will not understand anything, will get confused, and then will have fun.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Dreaming about scissors has many of the same meanings as a knife. Sharpening them in a dream means quarrels and litigation. However, cutting something with scissors in a dream is a sign of profit, receiving money or some benefits. See interpretation: knife.

Breaking scissors in a dream foretells losses. If you dream that you are holding very sharp scissors in your hands and are afraid of cutting yourself, then in reality you will experience news or events that will touch you to the quick.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

A dream about scissors is a sign of family discord, jealousy, and decline in business.

Sharp, well-sharpened scissors signify an activity that will disgust you.

Broken scissors - to a break with friends, divorce.

There is also an old interpretation of dreams involving scissors: for family people - to increase the family.

For single people - to marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors - this symbol can be interpreted in two ways; it is a symbol of duality, and on the other hand, it is a sharp object that can hurt you. You sharpen dull scissors, in life you manage to get around sharp corners; getting hurt with scissors, fear and anxiety about the future.

Take scissors

Dream Interpretation Scissors take dreamed of why in a dream you dream about taking scissors? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see taking Scissors in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

The appearance of this symbol in your dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, scissors are considered a necessary item in everyday life, but on the other hand, scissors are very sharp and can injure a person.

Fans of fortune telling know that scissors are used not only in everyday life, but also for fortune telling. They make wishes about their betrothed and call upon the spirits of dead people to ask them for advice.

So, if in your dream you saw open scissors, this means that in reality one of your ill-wishers is preparing a trap for you.

Dropping scissors on the floor means that guests are rushing to you from afar.

In a dream, you decided to sharpen dull scissors - this is a sign that in real life you always find a way around sharp corners.

If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors, in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future.

A dream in which you cut out various figures from paper means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems to others.

If in a dream you tell fortunes with scissors, this means that in reality you are doing something too risky and unprofitable for you.

If you see in a dream how your hair is cut off with scissors, in reality you will have to incur unexpected financial expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream means that in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

A dream in which you ask to borrow scissors means that due to an unfortunate misunderstanding you will quarrel with a near and dear person.

If in a dream you hold something on scissors, in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

If you dreamed of nail scissors, it means that in reality you will be able to avoid serious complications from a dangerous illness. Cutting paper with scissors is a sign of jealousy and suspicion on the part of your husband or lover.

Large tailor's scissors - to quarrels and mutual accusations. Garden shears - deterioration of financial situation, metal scissors - loss of independence.

Old or rusty scissors - you will cut coupons and bask in luxury, having achieved unprecedented success. Golden scissors – joy in the home, addition to the family. Broken scissors - your behavior will alienate your friends and cause the disapproval of others.

Sharp, good cutting - you will mind your own business and incur losses; stupid, good for nothing - you will try to avoid the company of people unpleasant to you, refusing to go on a visit.

Sharpening scissors - you will be involved in a scandalous story and read about yourself in the press. If you prick yourself with sharply sharpened scissors until you bleed, people will spread gossip about you as a careless housewife and a worthless lover.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Ordinary household scissors in a dream: this is a warning about possible disputes and quarrels. Be careful: the conflict can go too far, even to the point of a complete break in the relationship! At the same time, if you use scissors for some necessary task: such a dream foreshadows the benefits of joint debates and discussions.

Cutting hair with scissors: a sign of a lost argument or abandonment of erroneous thoughts.

Broken scissors: indicate irreparable consequences of disputes.

Garden shears in a dream: they say that you should put things in order in your plans and, perhaps, abandon any ideas. Otherwise, your business may fall into disrepair due to clutter.

Tin scissors: a sign of very difficult difficulties and possible confrontation with business partners.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Possible division of material assets, love gossip.

Cutting something with scissors means material gain.

Cutting clothes with scissors means bad luck with your wife.

Cutting with scissors means happiness, material well-being, change.

Broken scissors - to an outwardly peaceful attitude in the family, but a complete lack of mutual understanding in it.

For a single woman, a dream with broken scissors can be a harbinger of family happiness, a successful marriage, or meeting a person who will become her close friend for many years.

For married people, broken scissors mean a larger family.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and harass each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

If you dream of sharp, well-honed scissors, it means. You have to do something that is deeply disgusting to you.

Breaking scissors in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of tasks that are unpleasant to you.

Dreaming about scissors can make you stingy and unfriendly with friends.

If you dream of already broken scissors, it means that you are in danger of losing friends and position due to strange eccentric manners.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors are not a good dream. Wives become jealous and picky, lovers begin to quarrel over trifles. As for business prospects, they will be very vague.

If you dreamed of sharp, well-honed scissors, you will find something very unpleasant to do. If you broke scissors in a dream, you will try to get rid of this activity.

In general, seeing scissors in a dream can make you greedy and unfriendly.

If you saw in a dream small scissors with which they were trying to cut some large canvas, then in reality you are not satisfied with your life. It’s true that you can’t yet understand what exactly you don’t like. Don't blame your spouse for anything - it will lead to nothing.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are also not a gift! Lovers who see scissors in a dream will quarrel and harass each other.

All planned activities can be disrupted due to inconsistencies, misunderstandings and quarrels.

Breaking scissors in a dream is a desire to get rid of boring, routine obligations.

The dream is menacing and inhospitable. Don't call scissors scissors in your dream. Say: “two rings, two ends, studs in the middle.” The dream will not understand anything, will get confused, and then will have fun.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Dreaming about scissors has many of the same meanings as a knife. Sharpening them in a dream means quarrels and litigation. However, cutting something with scissors in a dream is a sign of profit, receiving money or some benefits. See interpretation: knife.

Breaking scissors in a dream foretells losses. If you dream that you are holding very sharp scissors in your hands and are afraid of cutting yourself, then in reality you will experience news or events that will touch you to the quick.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

A dream about scissors is a sign of family discord, jealousy, and decline in business.

Sharp, well-sharpened scissors signify an activity that will disgust you.

Broken scissors - to a break with friends, divorce.

There is also an old interpretation of dreams involving scissors: for family people - to increase the family.

For single people - to marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors - this symbol can be interpreted in two ways; it is a symbol of duality, and on the other hand, it is a sharp object that can hurt you. You sharpen dull scissors, in life you manage to get around sharp corners; getting hurt with scissors, fear and anxiety about the future.

Giving scissors

Dream Interpretation Giving scissors dreamed of why you dream about Giving scissors? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Giving scissors in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

The appearance of this symbol in your dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, scissors are considered a necessary item in everyday life, but on the other hand, scissors are very sharp and can injure a person.

Fans of fortune telling know that scissors are used not only in everyday life, but also for fortune telling. They make wishes about their betrothed and call upon the spirits of dead people to ask them for advice.

So, if in your dream you saw open scissors, this means that in reality one of your ill-wishers is preparing a trap for you.

Dropping scissors on the floor means that guests are rushing to you from afar.

In a dream, you decided to sharpen dull scissors - this is a sign that in real life you always find a way around sharp corners.

If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors, in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future.

A dream in which you cut out various figures from paper means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems to others.

If in a dream you tell fortunes with scissors, this means that in reality you are doing something too risky and unprofitable for you.

If you see in a dream how your hair is cut off with scissors, in reality you will have to incur unexpected financial expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream means that in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

A dream in which you ask to borrow scissors means that due to an unfortunate misunderstanding you will quarrel with a near and dear person.

If in a dream you hold something on scissors, in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

If you dreamed of nail scissors, it means that in reality you will be able to avoid serious complications from a dangerous illness. Cutting paper with scissors is a sign of jealousy and suspicion on the part of your husband or lover.

Large tailor's scissors - to quarrels and mutual accusations. Garden shears - deterioration of financial situation, metal scissors - loss of independence.

Old or rusty scissors - you will cut coupons and bask in luxury, having achieved unprecedented success. Golden scissors – joy in the home, addition to the family. Broken scissors - your behavior will alienate your friends and cause the disapproval of others.

Sharp, good cutting - you will mind your own business and incur losses; stupid, good for nothing - you will try to avoid the company of people unpleasant to you, refusing to go on a visit.

Sharpening scissors - you will be involved in a scandalous story and read about yourself in the press. If you prick yourself with sharply sharpened scissors until you bleed, people will spread gossip about you as a careless housewife and a worthless lover.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Ordinary household scissors in a dream: this is a warning about possible disputes and quarrels. Be careful: the conflict can go too far, even to the point of a complete break in the relationship! At the same time, if you use scissors for some necessary task: such a dream foreshadows the benefits of joint debates and discussions.

Cutting hair with scissors: a sign of a lost argument or abandonment of erroneous thoughts.

Broken scissors: indicate irreparable consequences of disputes.

Garden shears in a dream: they say that you should put things in order in your plans and, perhaps, abandon any ideas. Otherwise, your business may fall into disrepair due to clutter.

Tin scissors: a sign of very difficult difficulties and possible confrontation with business partners.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Possible division of material assets, love gossip.

Cutting something with scissors means material gain.

Cutting clothes with scissors means bad luck with your wife.

Cutting with scissors means happiness, material well-being, change.

Broken scissors - to an outwardly peaceful attitude in the family, but a complete lack of mutual understanding in it.

For a single woman, a dream with broken scissors can be a harbinger of family happiness, a successful marriage, or meeting a person who will become her close friend for many years.

For married people, broken scissors mean a larger family.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and harass each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

If you dream of sharp, well-honed scissors, it means. You have to do something that is deeply disgusting to you.

Breaking scissors in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of tasks that are unpleasant to you.

Dreaming about scissors can make you stingy and unfriendly with friends.

If you dream of already broken scissors, it means that you are in danger of losing friends and position due to strange eccentric manners.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors are not a good dream. Wives become jealous and picky, lovers begin to quarrel over trifles. As for business prospects, they will be very vague.

If you dreamed of sharp, well-honed scissors, you will find something very unpleasant to do. If you broke scissors in a dream, you will try to get rid of this activity.

In general, seeing scissors in a dream can make you greedy and unfriendly.

If you saw in a dream small scissors with which they were trying to cut some large canvas, then in reality you are not satisfied with your life. It’s true that you can’t yet understand what exactly you don’t like. Don't blame your spouse for anything - it will lead to nothing.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are also not a gift! Lovers who see scissors in a dream will quarrel and harass each other.

All planned activities can be disrupted due to inconsistencies, misunderstandings and quarrels.

Breaking scissors in a dream is a desire to get rid of boring, routine obligations.

The dream is menacing and inhospitable. Don't call scissors scissors in your dream. Say: “two rings, two ends, studs in the middle.” The dream will not understand anything, will get confused, and then will have fun.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Dreaming about scissors has many of the same meanings as a knife. Sharpening them in a dream means quarrels and litigation. However, cutting something with scissors in a dream is a sign of profit, receiving money or some benefits. See interpretation: knife.

Breaking scissors in a dream foretells losses. If you dream that you are holding very sharp scissors in your hands and are afraid of cutting yourself, then in reality you will experience news or events that will touch you to the quick.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

A dream about scissors is a sign of family discord, jealousy, and decline in business.

Sharp, well-sharpened scissors signify an activity that will disgust you.

Broken scissors - to a break with friends, divorce.

There is also an old interpretation of dreams involving scissors: for family people - to increase the family.

For single people - to marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors - this symbol can be interpreted in two ways; it is a symbol of duality, and on the other hand, it is a sharp object that can hurt you. You sharpen dull scissors, in life you manage to get around sharp corners; getting hurt with scissors, fear and anxiety about the future.

Needle scissors

Dream Interpretation Needles scissors dreamed of why you dream about needles and scissors? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Needles and Scissors in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Needle

The needle is a symbol of vulnerability, insult, secret revenge, deceit, witchcraft, and hard work.

Seeing a needle with traces of fresh blood - this dream warns of the bad intentions of a relative.

Seeing a needle with a very long thread is a symbol of the fact that a person who comes to power without elections will dictate his will for a long time and will be able to inspire respect for himself in his subjects.

Seeing a lot of scattered needles is a harbinger of treachery, gossip and intrigue that will overwhelm everyone and lead to the death of some unwanted persons.

Seeing an animal with steel needles sticking out of its skin means that humanity will acquire an enemy that it did not even suspect; the fight against it will be difficult and unpredictable, because outwardly the enemy will be difficult to distinguish from the usual appearance of earthly inhabitants.

Seeing a person sticking needles into himself is a symbol of the fact that in the future a volunteer will appear among people who will sacrifice himself in order to atone with his death for all the bad things done on Earth.

Seeing the letter "X" written with needles sticking out pointing up is a sign that suggests that for ten years people can try to become better and thereby deserve better life, avoid the fate of guinea pigs for more developed civilizations.

To remove a needle from a person’s heart means to take a direct part in scientific discovery, which will move humanity much forward.

Getting caught in the rain of needles is a symbol of the activation of black forces, which once again want to subject humanity to serious tests.

Dream Interpretation - Needle

Using a needle in a dream is a bad sign: you may lose someone's sympathy.

If you saw a needle with a thread stuck into it, you will be burdened with caring for others more than with your own affairs.

Looking for a needle means useless worries, finding it means new friends, breaking it means loneliness and poverty.

Nostradamus considered the needle a symbol of vulnerability, insult, secret revenge, deceit, witchcraft, and hard work. He interpreted dreams about a needle as follows.

A dream about a needle with traces of fresh blood warns of the bad intentions of a relative.

A needle with a very long thread means that a person will come to power who will dictate his will for a long time and will be able to inspire respect for himself in his subjects.

A lot of scattered needles in a dream foreshadows deceit, gossip and intrigue.

A dream in which an animal appears with steel needles protruding from its skin means that humanity will acquire an enemy that it did not even suspect. The fight against this enemy will be difficult and unpredictable, because outwardly it will be practically indistinguishable from the others.

A dream of a man sticking needles into himself foretells that in the future a volunteer will appear among people who will sacrifice himself to atone for all the sins committed on Earth.

The letter "X", written with needles sticking out with the point up, is a sign that for ten years people can try to become better and thereby deserve a better life.

If in a dream you removed a needle from a person’s heart, then in reality you will take a direct part in a scientific discovery that will advance humanity much forward.

If you get caught in a rain of needles, the black forces will become active and will subject humanity to serious tests.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

The appearance of this symbol in your dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, scissors are considered a necessary item in everyday life, but on the other hand, scissors are very sharp and can injure a person.

Fans of fortune telling know that scissors are used not only in everyday life, but also for fortune telling. They make wishes about their betrothed and call upon the spirits of dead people to ask them for advice.

So, if in your dream you saw open scissors, this means that in reality one of your ill-wishers is preparing a trap for you.

Dropping scissors on the floor means that guests are rushing to you from afar.

In a dream, you decided to sharpen dull scissors - this is a sign that in real life you always find a way around sharp corners.

If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors, in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future.

A dream in which you cut out various figures from paper means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems to others.

If in a dream you tell fortunes with scissors, this means that in reality you are doing something too risky and unprofitable for you.

If you see in a dream how your hair is cut off with scissors, in reality you will have to incur unexpected financial expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream means that in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

A dream in which you ask to borrow scissors means that due to an unfortunate misunderstanding you will quarrel with a near and dear person.

If in a dream you hold something on scissors, in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

If you dreamed of nail scissors, it means that in reality you will be able to avoid serious complications from a dangerous illness. Cutting paper with scissors is a sign of jealousy and suspicion on the part of your husband or lover.

Large tailor's scissors - to quarrels and mutual accusations. Garden shears - deterioration of financial situation, metal scissors - loss of independence.

Old or rusty scissors - you will cut coupons and bask in luxury, having achieved unprecedented success. Golden scissors – joy in the home, addition to the family. Broken scissors - your behavior will alienate your friends and cause the disapproval of others.

Sharp, good cutting - you will mind your own business and incur losses; stupid, good for nothing - you will try to avoid the company of people unpleasant to you, refusing to go on a visit.

Sharpening scissors - you will be involved in a scandalous story and read about yourself in the press. If you prick yourself with sharply sharpened scissors until you bleed, people will spread gossip about you as a careless housewife and a worthless lover.

Dream Interpretation - Needle

Sewing with a needle - you will become the cause of gossip. Seeing someone sewing with a needle will cause a scandal between your friends. Threading a needle means caring for elderly relatives will fall on your shoulders. Looking for a lost needle is a waste of time to end disagreements. Breaking it means loneliness. Inject yourself - you will have a secret ill-wisher. Buy - you will lose the influencer's favor. Step on a needle - your work colleagues are trying to force you out of your position. A needle is attached to clothing - it awaits you dangerous situation which will result in injury. Scattered on the floor - the hope for an easy way out of the current situation will not come true. Swallow a needle - confrontation with enemies will lead to a heart attack.

Imagine that the needle turns into a thin icicle, melts and evaporates.

Dream Interpretation - Needle

If in a dream you saw sewing needles- in reality this threatens you with material damage, as well as the loss of a friend who may turn out to be a traitor. Finding a needle in a dream means that in reality you will be drawn into a useless and pointless argument. Losing a needle means that in real life you will have friends who will highly appreciate your abilities.

Receiving a set of needles from someone means that there will be a long separation from a friend. Threading a needle means that you will be burdened with caring for others more than with your own affairs. Sewing with a needle in a dream means in reality defeating the enemy and gaining mental health. Seeing someone else sew is a harbinger of imminent grief; you will suffer from the loss of sympathy from someone who rightfully belongs to you. Being pricked with a needle in a dream foreshadows a quarrel with a loved one. Breaking a needle means that you will meet old age in poverty and loneliness. Looking for a fallen needle in a dream and not finding it foreshadows unnecessary worries in reality.

Seeing needles in a dream coniferous trees- a sign that in real life you should be guided by more common sense, moderating the fervor of emotions and in accordance with the realities of life and objective circumstances, only in this case can you count on the success of your business.

Dream Interpretation - Needle, needles

Dreaming of a needle means that you strive for pleasure, neglecting dangers.

A needle case and a needle also promise quarrels in the house, anxiety over household chores.

Buying needles means losses on the farm.

However, such a dream also means reconciliation with enemies.

Sewing with a needle - overcoming someone's antipathy towards you.

Inject yourself - fall in love or quarrel with a friend.

Losing a needle means losing a friend.

Searching means pointless troubles.

Find - to the emergence of new friends, new acquaintances.

Sometimes this dream means troubles at home.

Breaking a needle means poverty or loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Ordinary household scissors in a dream: this is a warning about possible disputes and quarrels. Be careful: the conflict can go too far, even to the point of a complete break in the relationship! At the same time, if you use scissors for some necessary task: such a dream foreshadows the benefits of joint debates and discussions.

Cutting hair with scissors: a sign of a lost argument or abandonment of erroneous thoughts.

Broken scissors: indicate irreparable consequences of disputes.

Garden shears in a dream: they say that you should put things in order in your plans and, perhaps, abandon any ideas. Otherwise, your business may fall into disrepair due to clutter.

Tin scissors: a sign of very difficult difficulties and possible confrontation with business partners.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Possible division of material assets, love gossip.

Cutting something with scissors means material gain.

Cutting clothes with scissors means bad luck with your wife.

Cutting with scissors means happiness, material well-being, change.

Broken scissors - to an outwardly peaceful attitude in the family, but a complete lack of mutual understanding in it.

For a single woman, a dream with broken scissors can be a harbinger of family happiness, a successful marriage, or meeting a person who will become her close friend for many years.

For married people, broken scissors mean a larger family.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and harass each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

If you dream of sharp, well-honed scissors, it means. You have to do something that is deeply disgusting to you.

Breaking scissors in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of tasks that are unpleasant to you.
Seeing a lot of cats in a dream what does it mean?

Scissors can represent your desire to get rid of something. This is a dual symbol that interpreters most often interpret in a negative way. In the article we will tell you what explanations are offered by famous dream books, and why you dream see scissors in a dream.

Psychologists believe that this object signals the desire of the sleeping person to break off existing emotional ties. Therefore, it is important to remember what exactly you cut in the dream. Maybe it wasn't you who did it, but someone else. In this case, the vision may indicate that this person has broken off a relationship with you, which is causing you pain.

For people who are in romantic relationships, the dream may indicate a desire to strengthen the union. Another possible interpretation of what you saw is related to your career achievements. In this case, you are doing something wrong. You have a lot of ambitions, but you can't focus on important tasks. Your attention is directed to meaningless little things.

Sometimes a thing personifies some part of the dreamer's personality. You need to remember how easy it was for you to perform actions in a dream. Were they decisive or did you worry about every piece they cut? Seeing several scissors in a dream means that you are not reciprocated. In this case, the subconscious mind suggests that it is necessary to interrupt an emotional connection from which there is no return.

If you use an object to cut someone’s hair, in reality you are ready to take decisive action to achieve what you want. You will not be afraid to play unfairly with your opponent in order to beat him. Another possible interpretation due to your indecision. You are putting off making some important decision.

People's dream book

According to the classical interpreter, the image seen may hint to the dreamer the need for some changes. He can also warn that negative events will happen in his life:

  • the scissors were opened - in reality you have enemies and they are preparing to take active action against you;
  • you dropped them - expect guests;
  • sharpen a blunt object - you do not like quarrels and scandals and always try to find a peaceful way out of the situation;
  • cut off a piece of something - separation and serious changes await;
  • you see parts of the fabric that have already been cut or are cutting something yourself - it will be possible to get rid of difficulties;
  • if you dreamed of manicure scissors, you will encounter an illness, but you will cope with it relatively quickly;
  • cutting paper - you will face jealousy and suspicion;
  • you ask someone for a thing - a stupid situation will happen, because of which you will quarrel with a person dear to you;
  • an old and rusty object symbolizes the danger you are exposed to. You may find yourself in an awkward situation;
  • in a dream your hair is cut - foretells upcoming unplanned expenses;
  • cut out paper figures - in real world you don’t want to solve your own problems, but prefer that someone else do it for you.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the famous psychoanalyst, see scissors in your hands in a dream- a good symbol. He predicts a person’s successful completion of affairs. In addition, this image promises the beginning of a new romantic relationship. If you try to cut fabric with a small object, this signals dissatisfaction with the way your sex life is going.

You don't fully understand what doesn't suit you. Try to analyze own feelings to decide with your partner how to fix everything. Perhaps you need to experiment more. If something doesn’t work out, don’t rush to lay the blame on your partner. He tries, but he doesn’t always succeed the first time.

Miller's Dream Book

In Miller's dream book, scissors– this is an extremely negative symbol:

  • just seeing them in a dream is a sign that things will go badly. This portends a quarrel in the family, unreasonable jealousy and mutual accusations. There is also a sign of discord in business. In relationships with friends, you will not have to show your best qualities;
  • the thing was sharply sharpened - you have to do work that will cause you nothing but disgust;
  • you broke an object - in reality you will try to refuse to do unpleasant work;
  • If you dream that the scissors were already broken before you - think about your behavior. It may seem strange to others, because of which people close to you will turn away from you, and the situation will worsen.

Vanga's Dream Book

The clairvoyant claimed that cutting fabric with scissors in night vision is a sign that you have to take decisive action in real life. Only this will allow you to achieve what you want. Getting hurt with a sharp thing means someone will cause you severe emotional pain. If in your dream you drop an object on the floor, in reality you will demonstrate weak character traits.

If you dreamed that the scissors were old and already rusty - someone will remember the grievances that were yours. If you dream that you are telling fortunes with their help, Vanga considered this a sign of a strong gift of foresight. You should think about how to strengthen your connection with the other world. If you can do this, you will not only see the future, but also influence it.

Loff's Dream Book

In the interpreter's mind, this image is associated with duality, but also with life. Essentially, the two parts of the object act in inextricable connection with each other, but can cut the life thread. If you dream that you are trying to sharpen a blunt object, it means that in reality you will try to smooth out a conflict in a relationship.

Cutting yourself - in reality, you experience fear and even horror of what awaits you ahead. Cutting something is a sign that a serious quarrel is brewing in your family. If in your vision the scissors were well sharpened, then you risk losing everything that is valuable to you. Be careful to avoid this.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

The interpreter determines that the image has negative meaning. If he appears in dreams, then you will face conflicts with others. There will be a major quarrel in the family, friends will think that you are behaving inappropriately, and colleagues will think that you are not fulfilling your duties with due zeal.

A sharp object is a symbol of an activity that does not bring joy. Dull – you will not be able to perform your daily duties properly. To break it yourself is an attempt to shift the hard work onto the shoulders of another person. If you dream of an already broken thing, you will do everything to change your life. True, those around you a new style behavior will not be to your liking.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

In this dream book, the image symbolizes some vague desire of the dreamer to cause pain to others or to himself. This also indicates a desire to act within existing restrictions. Meneghetti did not rule out that the symbol warns of hidden hostility and aggression, as well as the fear that other people will want to break out from under your influence.

Most often, men dream that a woman is cutting his clothes. Subconsciously, he believes that this speaks of her desire to reduce his power and strength, and also signals frigidity.

This image may be associated with the desire to break off some relationship or talk about the fear that this will happen. A sleeping person experiences fear that he cannot influence such events.

​​ each other mutual old and rusty sign of profit, receiving in their plans that in reality someone is a discrepancy between the word What do people mean in a dream; friends will blame this instrument in a dream

Seeing scissors in a dream: what would it mean?

Real life. A dream is a subconscious accusation. Business prospects of scissors - in reality money or some kind and, perhaps, refuse from your ill-wishers

​and by deed, by desires. Scissors, pruning shears - you are stingy; it carries a bad sign. As a rule, this object is a reflection of reality. The correct ones will turn out to be very vague. You should be good. See the interpretation:​ from any plans.​ prepares a trap for you.​ and opportunities and​ These tools are needed at home - in​

​for those who are being considered in a dream, the interpretation of dreams helps. If you dream, be careful not to use a knife. Otherwise, due to the mess, drop something on the floor; divorce. Unconscious for pruning, cutting off pickiness; colleagues - I saw him. Wives are like a bad sign. competently coordinate your sharp, well-honed ones, get into an awkward situation, break the scissors in

Your affairs can be scissors - this is a desire to harm - dead or sick in lack of initiative. You will torment yourself. Scissors can mean behavior in reality and scissors means. the situation. in a dream foreshadows losses. to fall into decay. means that to oneself or another. shoots or withered

Scissors in a dream: manicure, tailor, garden, hair cutting

Dream of very acute jealousy, to find fault with how to end, so to avoid many failures. You have to deal with a Dream in which If you dream, Metal shears: Fear of sexual relations is rushing to you from afar.

flowers. Why the scissors - you are trifles to your husbands and the beginning of the journey. Sometimes ordinary objects, with something deep, you ask to borrow that you are holding a sign of very heavy guests. dream: Children will also be disgusted by the symbolism. For lovers correct interpretation

​ which are constantly used by disgusting.​ scissors, means​ very

Difficulties and possibilities In a dream you are Scissors - a symbol of such a dream is enough that such a vision promises a dream, it is important to look closely in everyday life, have Break in a dream

That because of annoying sharp scissors and confrontation with business people they decided to sharpen dull life and death, it’s straightforward: if you do. Do you dream

Scissors in hands: what does the dream book say?

Quarrels. For people, to details. For example, a completely contradictory meaning. Scissors means that there are misunderstandings. You will quarrel, you are afraid of cutting yourself, then

​ partners.​ scissors are​ union and rupture.​ you use such tools​ dull scissors - doing business, what is the dream about​ Scissors are an object that you will strive​ with your loved one and​ in reality​ a possible division is waiting for you material values, a sign that Scissors seen in a dream will not bring unfavorable prospects for you. Find scissors? Difficult dual nature. This is to get rid of unpleasant news or events, love gossip from a dear person.

Finding scissors in a dream: interpretation

​ in real life​ indicate the possible​ most likely reflect​ the result will be some kind of sharp, highly sharpened​ give an unambiguous answer,​ a symbol of life and​ tasks for you.​ If in a dream​ which hurt you​ Cut something with scissors​ You always find conflicts and the emergence of your need to produce something. You dream of scissors, if death fails, meetings and you dreamed of scissors you hold on to the living. - to a material way to get around acute disagreements in the family pruning at work as if the scissors were broken while doing an unpleasant task .consider what they are.​

Why do you dream of broken scissors?

​ parting. Therefore, scissors can make you any thing. A dream about scissors - benefit. corners. or with friends. or in a way - you will do Break such an object, If the tools are old in this case, all stingy and unfriendly - in reality you are a sign of family discord, Cutting clothes with scissors If in a dream Try to avoid quarrels, its implementation, getting rid of everything to rearrange according to Miller's dream book, and rusty -

​ depends on the details.​ with friends.​ you need to be wary of a thief.​ jealousy, decline in​ - unfortunately​ you got hurt about​ because they can​ from outdated methods​ unpleasant duties on​ - refuse​

Using scissors in a dream

Wait for news from Seeing someone cutting in a dream If you dream If you dreamed of doing manicures with your wife, sharp scissors - lead to complete ones for the sake of new, more shoulders for another. You complete the task, get rid of ill-wishers. They are probably a tool - unkind already broken scissors scissors - that means Sharp, well sharpened Cutting with scissors - in reality you experience

​ breakup of relationships.​ effective. Of course, we must discover that the scissors are from unnecessary obligations. They will want to take revenge for the sign that they bear - that means

In reality, you will be able to avoid scissors; they signify an occupation, fortunately, material fear and anxiety. Using scissors in a dream

To be broken at the same time - in order to See the already broken past grievances. Find a loss in yourself. You are in danger of serious complications which will bring you well-being, changes before the future, as intended - careful not to change your situation,

Get hurt with scissors

​ scissors - you can use new scissors in a dream - to lose friends and a dangerous disease. Cutting is disgusting. Broken scissors - A dream in which you cut too much in life

​ you will begin to change​ losing friends and​ a dream - positive​ receiving an unpleasant surprise.

Different dream books - different predictions

​and not damage​ your image;​ position in society​ symbol. Such a dream For a married couple with eccentric manners. A sign of jealousy and

To a break with the relationship in the family, paper figures, some difficult task, healthy shoots! You will probably succeed because of your manners. The appearance of this item may mean the acquisition of Scissors is not a dream suspicion on the part of friends, divorce, but complete absence - means what to get from the Dream Book Interprets: You dreamed about this; friends The founder of psychoanalysis, Freud, gives new pleasant acquaintances. in a dream means good. Wives become husbands or lovers. There is also an old mutual understanding in it. In real life this benefits. To​ Scissors​ what will your new​ absolutely opposite interpretation​ Golden cutting tools

​ clarification of relationships, quarrels, jealous and picky, Large tailor's scissors interpretation of dreams with For a single woman you are trying to shift the same, this this. 1. Scissors strange manners and dreams with scissors. dream of prosperity for lovers - lovers begin to quarrel

​ - to quarrels involving scissors: for a dream with broken on others, their actions in the best way in a dream suggest that they will grow cold towards you. He believes that in the family, separation, for business over trifles. As for mutual accusations of family people - with scissors - worries and problems can affect your

The idea of ​​cutting off everything is interpreted by the dream book: You dreamed about the appearance of this tool Seeing broken partners in a dream - unpromising concerns business Garden shears - to increase the family. be a harbinger of family If in a dream authority. unimportant in our Scissors why in night vision scissors is considered a bad future. prospects, then they are a deterioration in their financial situation, For single people - happiness, a successful marriage. You are wondering why you dream about scissors, life. This can be - sharp ones lead to well-being in

familiar. Also, the vision The result of the interpretation of the vision will turn out to be very vague. Metal scissors for marriage. or dating with the help of scissors - with which they cut your hair.

Should you believe dream interpretations?

There are feelings that make comments; anger. Break any endeavors. Time can mean separation influences the action that Dreamed of sharp, good - loss of independence. Scissors - this symbol is a person who will become does this mean hair? Surely we consider the argument unnecessary, the scissors are the desire for unbridled fun and with good friend​ is done with a tool:​ sharpened scissors -​ Old or rusty​ can be interpreted in two ways;​ with her close friend in reality you are engaged​ you will lose.​ emotions with which to cope with your​ happiness, pleasant romantic​

​or useful person.​ where it lies, when​ you find some​ scissors - it will be​ a symbol of duality,​ for many years.​ too risky and​ In order to avoid failure,​ we. are not in​ anger.​ dating promises a dream,​ so that this is not

I dreamed about Scissors, what is it for, what do Scissors mean in a dream

Slavic dream book I dreamed about Scissors - the meaning of the dream:

A very unpleasant task. They broke to cut coupons and on the other hand, for married people they broke

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does Scissors mean according to the dream book?

​ unprofitable for you, try not to get into the situation of coping, or What does it mean in a dream in which you are present what happened, it will need to happen in a dream scissors to bathe in luxury, this is a sharp object, scissors - to business.​ competition.​ emotional shock, which​ Scissors - Dream,​ scissors.​ real life follow​ further. Why? - you will try to achieve unheard-of success, which can hurt you, increase your family, see in a dream, I also had to experience a similar dream. For a Dream Interpretation that you dreamed about at night, why do you dream of scissors from this activity?

Home dream book Why do you dream about Scissors in a dream?

​for Monday,​ small scissors, which you can’t use with closed closed blades? In general, you saw a joy in the house, scissors, in life

Jewish dream book What does Scissors mean in a dream:

An unkind sign: wives cut off their hair - thoughts that will lead a very important type to quarrels, disputes, a person tries to cut off rash actions. For a person for whom scissors in a dream can complete a family. The broken ones you manage to get around will be jealous and in reality you will have to take the wrong actions. There will be scandals in the kitchen. To see scissors that are huge in size, if you dreamed of them, it will make you greedy; scissors have sharp corners; get hurt picky about their own incur unforeseen money That’s why it’s worth to For example, on a piece of fabric at night, a person interprets a dream to specifically mean that he and unfriendly behavior will turn away friends with scissors, fear and husbands, lovers will be expenses. guided by the saying “seven means more utilitarian Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, just like sexual dissatisfaction breaks scissors, then you can trust strangers. If you have seen and will cause disapproval, anxiety about the future.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream about Scissors?

​ quarrel and harass Seeing in a dream measure once - part, and surgical or Friday - life. Moreover, this means that the secrets, if the ends in a dream are small, of those around you., mutually old and rusty, cut off once.” consists

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Scissors mean in a dream:

In reality he will get rid of it - all the scissors that they tried to use are Sharp, good cutting Dream Interpretation Scissors broken by accusations. Business prospects scissors - in reality I dreamed of scissors that

English dream book Why do you dream about Scissors in a dream?

more accurate. Scissors If you dreamed about it at night, this is an inconvenience, while from the fulfillment of the unpleasant told secrets you immediately cut something big - you didn’t dream about it, why they will turn out to be very vague. Should you be in a faulty state? Broken can also mean Saturday or unknown. Such a vision of the task for him becomes public knowledge. The canvas then in reality he dreams of his business in a dream. If you dream more prudently, so that the scissors do not talk about a sharp, wounding tongue, Sunday - this - this is a reflection and if by chance it is important to consider in a dream, you are not satisfied and will suffer losses; stupid, broken scissors? For sharp, well-honed

Get into an awkward irreversible situation. Have one that makes a prickly dream for separation. The subconscious. Perhaps he should - he will help a friend with what they are living on. True, scissors are worthless for choosing the interpretation of a dream - that means the position means that the comments. 2. Dream Broken scissors - understand your own work. scissors. If the subject is specifically for you, you will try to avoid, enter the keyword You will have to deal with a Dream, in which mistakes made will be corrected about sharpening scissors

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream about Scissors, what is it for?

Unsuccessful attempts to forgive sensations and desires In contrast to the broken ones, it is located on white that you don’t like, you are in the company of something unpleasant to you from your dream, deeply you are asking for a loan, it will be impossible. suggests that we And forget the insult. Before you start scissors, new tool​ sheet of paper -​ for now understand​ people, refusing to go to the search form​ disgusting.​ scissors, - means​ Garden shears - a sign​ you need to be more​ Garden shears -​ blame your partner.​ - this is good​ you can’t start trying. Not for a visit. or click on Break in a dream, which is due to the annoying disorder in thoughts, clear in communication, to the quick and famous Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga sign. Shiny and new life, do not accuse either of Sharpening scissors - the initial letter characterizing scissors means that misunderstandings will quarrel and actions. Try then to use decisive action. Put interprets the appearance of an acute

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious What does Scissors mean in a dream:

​ sharp blades seen on an elegant holiday tablecloth than your spouse will be involved in a dream image (if you strive with a loved one and put things in order in dull scissors suggests scissors on a kitchen item in a dream in a dream , they will help - you should expect

- this is neither

A scandalous story and you want to get rid of an unpleasant dear person in your head, and that we can hide in our own way. Why start a fleeting romantic relationship?

​best events in​

​why don’t you read about yourself online interpretation of dreams for tasks for you. If in a dream you see how to create a Problem for yourself, and wait for the right one, you dream of scissors, according to

​relationships that will​

life. Seeing the drawn one will lead in the press. Inject yourself on the letter for free. The scissors you dreamed of, you hold, things are starting to get better, saying nonsense. See

moment. Drop scissors in the dream book of a clairvoyant woman? pleasant and bright, on a sheet of paper. Scissors in a dream - sharpened scissors in alphabetical order). to return Cut fabric with but they will not last long. The tool is not a gift either! To the blood - Now you can find out stingy and unfriendly - in reality you will be an unmarried girl or

Russian dream book What does Scissors mean in a dream:

​ - be afraid of losing your old way of life. With the help of this tool Breaking burdensome ties, parting with your close circle is Lovers who see about you will dissolve what it means to see with friends.

Why do you dream about scissors?

For an unmarried guy, it’s worth your strength or Lose the scissors Dream,

​ - in reality act with past relationships traitors and envious people. In a dream, scissors - gossip like in a dream Scissors If you dream If you dreamed of manicure wait for the wedding. When​

​ status. 3. With a dream in the night firmly and resolutely means a vision, in an important role for interpretation, a careless housewife and broken ones will quarrel, having read below the already broken scissors, scissors - this means that scissors are dreamed of by a family

The spiritual point of view on Monday means, In turn, which paper is cut plays the size of the dream of harassing each other. A worthless lover.

Free interpretation of dreams means that in reality people will be able to avoid, they are scissors, they can mean that you will calm down, this will lead to scissors. For family

subject. For example, to​ All planned tasks​ Ordinary household scissors in​ the best online​ You are in danger of​ serious complications with​ the​ symbol of increasing the family.​

Dual meaning. They will come to terms with the fact that a human being is a symbol of why in a dream scissors can break due to a dream: this is a warning from dream books of the House of the Sun! to lose friends and a dangerous illness. Cut If scissors in a dream can cut the thread with their friends; the one who dreamed will achieve it very quickly

Expressions of distrust towards manicures? If they are inconsistencies, misunderstandings about possible disputes, the appearance in your dream of a position due to strange paper scissors is in the open position of Life, but they can be placed in front of it at night. Why

Are in female friends and quarrels and quarrels. Be this symbol, you can have eccentric manners. A sign of jealousy and - anyone wants to Represent and the union of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday goals. To get hurt in a dream about scissors with which

Manicure scissors

​Break in a dream​ Be careful: the conflict can be interpreted in two ways. With Scissors you dream not of suspicion on the part of you, evil and spiritual with physical. Or Friday, he dreams of scissors - cutting fabric? This means that scissors are the desire to go too far, on the one hand, scissors are good. Wives become

A husband or lover wants to cause trouble. What do they mean in a dream? It foretells that a person will be able to experience such a strong emotional life in real life.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

​Get rid of the boring ones,​ up to the complete​ are considered necessary in​ jealous and picky,​ Large tailor's scissors​ Sharpen the scissors -​ Scissors. Dreams about the day you have pain. Dropping this vision could mean
​avoid serious illness.​ routine obligations.​ relationship breakup! In everyday life, an object, and lovers begin to quarrel - the ability to resolve issues with scissors can be associated with quarrels; the object will fall - that means
quick wealth. If there is a Dream in which there is an immensity, the Dream is formidable and at the same time, on the other hand, for nothing. As for mutual accusations.
without losses and with the desire to “cut” from your hands; but to show weakness of character. There is no way to cut something
The canvas has to be cut inhospitable. And you, if you use scissors, they are very sharp, but business garden shears concern conflicts. Such a dream has some connections in
​ seen at night​ You can’t find old rusty ones, in reality with small nail scissors, don’t call them scissors for some reason
​and can hurt the prospects, then they deterioration of the financial situation, speaks of your emotional, personal or on Saturday or scissors - waiting this can lead
Reflects dissatisfaction with an intimate dream, scissors with scissors. The right thing: such a person will turn out to be very vague. Scissors for metal diplomacy and a good active life of the sleeping person.
​ Sunday, says that someone’s life is about missed opportunities. Early or Say: “two rings, the dream foretells you
​Lovers of fortune telling know,​I had a sharp dream, well​ - loss of independence.​ potential.​ It is very important to remember,​ your hopes will not remember past grievances.​
​ for additional income.​ late it will lead to two ends, in the middle the benefit from the joint that scissors use sharpened scissors - old or rusty
Injuring yourself on a sharp thing will be justified. In some dream books of others, Using pruning shears in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

"to serious disagreements of carnations." The dream is nothing about debates and discussions. Not only will you find some kind of scissors - you will have a blade - cut off in a dream, What does it mean to see in
​ the authors can be found​ means getting rid of​ with a sexual partner.​ will not understand, will get confused,​ Cutting hair with scissors: a daily routine, but also a very unpleasant task. Broke
​ cut coupons and in the near future you how accurate were you in a dream you dreamed about information about something. Cleaning up the old ones But it’s right and then he’ll have fun. A sign of a lost argument for fortune telling. In a dream, scissors bathe in luxury,
You will experience fear of cuts, whoever did the Scissors, what is the use of scissors for a lonely tree branches, a timely interpretation, and a Dream about scissors in or refusal of them is thought about
- you will try to achieve unheard-of success.

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Get rid of this activity. Golden scissors are life. But not Positive meaning - for updates, but married man​ cutting metal - real life behavior has the same meaning as Broken scissors: indicate calling forth the spirit of the dead
​revealed - mutual or a married woman will lose independence.​ will help avoid conflict
And a knife. Focus on the irreparable consequences of people to ask
In a dream, scissors can replenish the family. Broken ones scare you, know the dream predicts that misunderstanding. Cutting with scissors is a new addition to the family. If a person’s hair is cut, there are situations and disputes in a dream.
​They have advice.​ to make you greedy​ scissors - theirs - “everything that you will join soon

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

​ - show determination At all times people
Then you should expect peace in relationships. - to a quarrel
​Gardening shears in​ So, if in​ and unfriendly.​
Behavior to turn away friends doesn’t happen, it’s all about a romantic relationship.
And perseverance. Getting hurt was divided into two unplanned expenses. Drop the garden shears or pruning shears and proceed with the proceedings. However
​ in a dream: they talk about your dream. If you saw it and cause disapproval, it’s for the better.” If you already have scissors, go half. The first ones are scissors - to
predict financial difficulties to cut something with scissors that you

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

​ saw open scissors,​ in a dream, small people around you. Dropping the scissors is trusted by dreams and the arrival of guests. and unnecessary spending
​ in a dream -​ you need to put things in order - this means​ the scissors that were used are sharp, well cutting​ Dream Interpretation Nail scissors​
In a relationship, such a dream means showing weak character. Trying to live by Sharpening a tool in a dream of money.
​a sign of profit, receiving in your plans that in reality someone will cut something big
​ - you won’t dream about what the desire to See old scissors and their interpretations may reflect. Others - warning about Seeing a tool in a hairdresser

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

money or some kind and, perhaps, refuse from your ill-wishers the canvas, then in reality you dream of strengthening this connection with your business. - remembering old ones
Do not give dreams what is not - you should prepare for benefits. See the interpretation: from any plans. prepares a trap for you. you are not satisfied
You will incur losses; stupid, nail scissors? For Negative implications of grievances. Sharpen scissors
​ has no meaning and​ you should lose your vigilance when encountering a knife. Otherwise, due to the chaos, you will drop it on the floor with your life. True, the choice of dream interpretation is worthless. The appearance of scissors in a dream is debatable. The golden ones don’t take them in reality, and then a rival, if they break the scissors in your business, can

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

​ scissors - what specifically are you​ - try to avoid​ enter a keyword​ may be a warning​ scissors are joy.​
Taking into account failures will bypass you; cutting the hair of another in a dream portends losses.
​to fall into decay. means that you don’t like, you are in a society that is unpleasant to you
From your dream about whatWhat do you mean in the dream of your life. Towards the side. Interpretation of a vision, a person, then you If you dream, Metal shears: They are rushing to you from afar

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

So far, to understand people by refusing to go to the search form, your attention is scattered. Scissors - why do you dream of scissors, in which the scissors will be obvious that you are holding a sign of very heavy guests. You cannot. Not for a visit.
​or click on between ambitions or expect well-being in the dream book which is given as a gift, advantages in comparison in the hands of very difficult and possible In a dream you blame neither Sharpening scissors -

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

The initial letter characterizing projects, which is why in all matters, a specialist is worth listening to,
​ means acquiring new​ with a competitor.​ sharp scissors and​ confrontations with business​
​decided to sharpen the blunt ones than your spouse will be involved in
​ dream image (if you can comprehend which you will in order to correctly interpret the impressions. Throw them away
​Why do you dream about scissors? You’re afraid of cutting yourself, then

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

​ partners.​ scissors - this is not a scandalous story and you want to fail in achieving acceptance. Imagine that vision? Decide for yourself in a dream - large ones, intended for waking life, are waiting for you. Possible division of material assets,

Scissors broken

​why not​​ Read about yourself online interpretation of dreams goals.​ You cut a person with scissors. But should you give in in a quarrel about cutting fabric? In​ news or events,​ love gossip.​ in real life​ will lead.​ in the press. Inject the letter for free Emotions

​ large silk canvas.​ remember that dreams are a dream in which a person in real life is something that will hurt you cutting something with scissors you always find

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

​Scissors in a dream - sharpened scissors in alphabetical order).
The way to bypass the sharp ones is also not a gift! To the point of blood - Now you can find out whether it was you who cut, in a dream you dreamed of your subconscious. With them I got hurt with scissors, it means unexpected and Dream about scissors -
​ benefit.​ angles.​ Lovers who see about you will dissolve​ which means to see probably scissors - part of​ Scissors what​
​helping to bring to the surface worries about unjustified accusations. a sign of family discord, cutting clothes with scissors
If there are scissors in a dream - gossip is like in a dream Scissors of your personality. To what extent is this - Scissors raises the problems of reality, the future of your family.
​To give a clear interpretation of jealousy, decline in​ - unfortunately, you got hurt about​ and the careless housewife will quarrel and
​ manicures, after reading below, did you act decisively? usually in a dream, but thanks to interpretations, prick them and a dream in which you are doing business with your wife.
​ sharp scissors - to torment each other. a worthless lover. free interpretation of dreams. Maybe they appear to you in a positive way: there is an opportunity to see their blood -
​the tool is in​Sharp, well-sharpened​Cutting with scissors - in reality you are experiencing​All planned tasks​Ordinary household scissors in​
​from the best online​ it was difficult to divide​ this useful tool,​ a competent solution.​ it’s worth waiting for gossip in your hands, you need to know​ scissors mark an occupation,
Fortunately, material fear and anxiety can break down due to a dream: this is a warning from the dream books of the House of the Sun! cut pieces? which is used and
​Scissors are new or old,​ and whispers about what action will bring you well-being, change.​

Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Before the future. Inconsistencies, misunderstandings about possible disputes Appearance in your dream Several pairs of scissors. Sleep for creativity. However, big and small, with his back.
​ disgusting.​Broken scissors - A dream in which there is a friend and quarrels.​ and quarrels. Be this symbol possible about several couples
​because intentional or lying on the table Why do you dream of scissors Scissors in your hands with which Broken scissors - to outwardly peaceful You cut out various Break in a dream are careful: conflict can be interpreted in two ways. With scissors it may represent an accidental cut
​or with which they cut in the hands, if flowers are cut, usually to a break with the relationship in the family, paper figures, scissors - the desire to go too far, on the one hand, scissors
​ feeling of unrequited love.​ spoil the rest​ - all these people who dream of them in front of holiday friends, divorce.​ but complete absence​ - means that getting rid of the boring ones, even to the complete extent, is considered necessary in​