Login to the electronic budget using digital signature. Login failed. Budget planning - electronic budget (login with certificate). This page cannot be displayed. Enable TLS protocols. Requirements for the software of the “Electronic Budget” system

Connecting users to the budget planning subsystem of the state integrated information system for public finance management " Electronic budget» carried out using a qualified verification key certificate electronic signature.

Technical requirements

equipment requirements

The following minimum technical requirements are established for automated workstations of System users:

  1. Processor with a clock frequency of at least 600 MHz;
  2. Volume random access memory not less than 128 MB;
  3. Hard disk capacity of at least 10 GB;
  4. Keyboard;
  5. SVGA monitor (graphics mode must have a resolution of at least 1024x768);
  6. USB port;
  7. Qualified electronic signature verification key certificate;
  8. Mouse type manipulator.
  9. The workplace must have access to the Internet with a speed of at least 256 Kbps.

Requirements for the software of the “Electronic Budget” system

Software required to provide the ability to sign documents with an electronic signature:

  1. Internet browser “Internet Explorer” version 10.0 and higher;
  2. operating room Windows system Vista/7/8/8.1;
  3. Certified version of "CryptoPro CSP"

Certificate requirements

Any certificate issued by an accredited CA is suitable for approval (signing) of documents. legal entity indicating individual(certificate holder) acting on behalf of a legal entity on the basis of constituent documents or powers of attorney.
In accordance with Order of the FSB of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2011 No. 795 “On approval of the Requirements for the form of a qualified electronic signature verification key certificate,” a legal entity certificate must contain:

  • unique number of the qualified certificate;
  • start and end dates of the qualified certificate;
  • name and place of the legal entity, as well as in cases provided for Federal law, last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of an individual acting on behalf of the owner of a qualified certificate - a legal entity on the basis of the constituent documents of the legal entity or a power of attorney;
  • the main state registration number (hereinafter referred to as OGRN) of the legal entity - the owner of the qualified certificate;
  • taxpayer identification number (hereinafter - TIN) of the legal entity - the owner of the qualified certificate;
  • ES verification key;
  • name of the ES tool used and (or) standards, the requirements of which the ES key and the ES verification key meet;
  • names of electronic signature tools and funds of an accredited CA, which are used to create an electronic signature key, digital signature verification key, qualified certificate, as well as details of a document confirming the compliance of these funds with the requirements established in accordance with the Federal Law;
  • name and location of the accredited CA that issued the qualified certificate;
  • number of the qualified certificate of the accredited CA;
  • restrictions on the use of a qualified certificate (if such restrictions are established).

In addition, for working in the budget planning subsystem, a certificate
must have an additional SNILS field (snils), indicating the SNILS number
authorized person - certificate holder.

Setting up the software for the Electronic Budget system

Installation of the cryptoprovider "CryptoPro CSP"

1. Download and run the certified version installation file
"CryptoPro CSP", available for download at https://www.cryptopro.ru/products/csp/downloads. Installer Welcome Window
“CryptoPro CSP” is presented in the figure (Figure 1).

Picture 1.

2. Click the "Install" button. After completing the installation and configuration process of CryptoPRO CSP, a message indicating successful installation will appear (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

When installing the CryptoPro CSP program, you may be asked for a license key that comes with the CryptoPro CSP installation package.

3. Launch “CryptoPro CSP” (Start/All Programs/CryptoPro/CryptoPro CSP). Open the “TLS Settings” tab and adjust the program settings in accordance with Figure 3 (reconfiguration may require administrator rights on the local computer and a computer restart).

Figure 3.

4. If a flash drive or floppy disk is used as a carrier of key information for the user certificate, run “CryptoPro CSP” (Start/All Programs/CryptoPro/CryptoPro CSP). Open the “Equipment” tab, click the “Configure readers” button. In the window that appears, select “All removable drives” (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

5. Click the "Add" button. If the add button is inactive, go to the “General” tab and click the “Run with administrator rights” button.
6. In the “Reader Installation Wizard” window, click the “Next” button.
7. In the window that appears, select the reader corresponding to the USB port, key media on a flash drive or floppy disk drive.
8. In the “Reader Installation Wizard” window, click “Next” and

Installing the driver for the user certificate key information carrier used
If eToken or Rutoken type media is used as a carrier of key information for a user certificate, you must install the driver for the corresponding drive in the OS (if it has not been installed previously). If the required driver is not installed, you must:
a) Media driver type Rutoken
1. Download and run the installation file, available on the page http://www.rutoken.ru/support/download/drivers-for-windows/. The welcome window for the Rutoken driver installer is shown in the figure (Figure 5)

Figure 5.

Figure 6.

3. Click the "Install" button. The installation of Rutoken drivers on the user's workstation will begin. The installation may take several minutes; information about the installation progress is displayed in the window shown in the figure (Figure 7).

Figure 7

After the installation is complete, the user will receive a message indicating the successful installation of drivers, shown in the figure (Figure 8)

Figure 8

4. Click the "Done" button. The Rutoken driver installer window will be closed.
5. If a dialogue appears about the need to reboot the User’s automated workstation, answer in the negative.

b) eToken media driver
1. Download and run the installation file, available on the page http://www.aladdin-rd.ru/support/downloads/etoken/. The eToken driver installer welcome window is shown in the figure (Figure 9).

Figure 9.

2. Click the “Next” button. A dialog for selecting the language that will be used in the installed software will appear on the screen (Figure 10).

Figure 10.

3. In the field, select the language “Russian” and click “Next”. The license agreement dialog will appear on the screen (Figure 11).

Figure 11.

4. Select the “I accept the license agreement” item and click the “Next” button. A dialog box will appear on the screen to select the installation path for the components of the installed software (Figure 12).

Figure 12.

5. Leave the default installation path or change it to the required one. Click the "Next" button. The installation of the program and drivers will begin. The installation process dialog is shown in the figure (Figure 13).

Figure 13.

After the installation is complete, the user will be shown a message about the successful installation of drivers, shown in the figure (Figure 14).

Figure 14.

7. If a dialogue appears about the need to reboot the user’s automated workstation, answer negatively or reboot.

Installing a Personal Certificate and a Trusted Root Certification Authority Certificate
Installation of the user certificate and trusted root certification authority is performed under account user that will be used during the login process Personal Area“Electronic budget” system. To add certificates: 1. Launch “CryptoPro CSP” (Start/All Programs/CryptoPro/CryptoPro CSP). In the window that opens, on the “Service” tab, click on the “View certificates in container” button (Figure 15).

Figure 15.

2. In the “Certificates in the private key container” dialog box that opens, click on the “Browse” button and select the used key 15 (a key pre-installed in the USB port or drive, provided on the ruToken/eToken media”) (Figure 16). After that, click on the “OK” button.

Figure 16.

3. To complete the selection of the private key container, click the “Next” button (Figure 17).

Figure 17.

4. In the dialog box that opens, click on the “Install” button (Figure 18).

Figure 18

5. After installation, a notification will appear indicating that the certificate was installed successfully. To confirm, click the “OK” button (Figure 19).

Figure 19.

If during the execution of the actions the message “A new certificate was added to the certificate store” (Figure 20) appears, you must click the “Cancel” button.

Figure 20

6. To install a trusted root certification authority certificate, click the “Properties” button in the certificate selection window (Figure 18).
7. In the window that opens, go to the “Certification Path” tab (Figure 21).

Figure 21.

8. Check if the top-level certificate (Trusted Root Certification Authority certificate) is installed.
Sign (1) indicates that the certificate is not installed.
Sign (2) indicates that the certificate is installed.

If the first certificate in the list has a 1 sign, then click the left mouse button to select this certificate. If the first certificate in the list has a 2, go to step 22 of section 1.3.2 of these instructions.

9. After selecting a certificate, click on the “View Certificate” button. In the window that opens, go to the “Composition” tab and click on the “Copy to file...” button (Figure 22).

Figure 22.

10. In the Certificate Export Wizard that opens, click the “Next” button.
11. Make sure that in the window that opens for selecting the format of the exported certificate, only the option “X.509 files (.CER) in DER encoding” is selected, then click the “Next” button.
12. In the Export File Name window, click Browse.
13. In the “Save As” dialog box, go to the “Desktop” folder, in the “File name” field, specify “Certificate for EB”, click the “Save” button.
14. Make sure that in the “Exported file name” window, in the “File name” field, the path to save the certificate is correctly displayed (for example, C:\Users\0990\Desktop\Certificate for EB.cer). Click "Next".
15. Confirm the successful export of the certificate by clicking the “OK” button.
16. In the “Completing the Certificate Export Wizard” window, click the “Finish” button
17. Go to the “Desktop” folder, find and open the “Certificate for EB.cer” file.
18. In the window that appears, click on the “Install certificate” button (Figure 23). The certificate import wizard will be displayed on the screen, where you need to click the “Next” button.

Figure 23.

19. In the “Certificate Storage” window (Figure 24), select manual placement of the certificate by specifying the “Place certificates in the following storage” field. Click the “Browse...” button.

Figure 24.

20. In the certificate store selection window, select the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” container. Click the “Ok” button (Figure 25).

Figure 25.

21. In the “Certificate Import Wizard” window, click the “Next” button and then the “Finish” button. If the certificate import is successful, the “Import completed successfully” dialog will be displayed, where you need to click the “OK” button. If a Security Warning window appears, click Yes.
22. Make sure that a personal certificate with a name similar to what was specified in the “Certificate” field in Figure 18 is successfully installed in the “Certificates - Current User - Personal - Registry - Certificates” directory. To do this, run the “Certificates” utility located in “Start/All Programs/CryptoPro/Certificates” and find this certificate in the directory “Certificates – current user – Personal – Registry – Certificates” (Figure 26)

Figure 26

23. If the certificate is missing, return to step 4, click the “Properties” button and install the certificate by following steps 18-21 of section 1.3.2 of these instructions, selecting the “Personal” container in step 20.
24. If the certificate is present, open it. Go to the "Certification Path" tab and check if the Trusted Root Certification Authority certificate is installed in accordance with step 8 of section 1.3.2 of this manual. If the certificate is installed, then automated workplace user has been successfully configured to work with the System.

Setting up Internet Explorer
1. Open the properties of the Internet Explorer web browser.
2. Go to the “Security” tab.
3. Select the zone for the “Trusted Sites” setting.

Figure 27

4. Click the “Sites” button.
5. In the “Add the following node to the zone” field, set the value “https://ssl.budgetplan.minfin.ru/” and click the “Add” button.

Figure 28

6. In the “Trusted Sites” window, click the “Close” button.
7. In the “Browser Properties” window, click the “OK” button.

Installation root certificate certification center of the Ministry of Finance of Russia
1. Download the file of the root certificate of the certification center of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from the link http://ssl.budgetplan.minfin.ru/caMinfin.cer.
2. Open the downloaded caMinfin.cer file. 3. Follow the steps in the “Installing a personal certificate and a trusted root certification authority certificate” section of this manual.


When trying to log into the personal account of the GIIS “Electronic Budget”, an error message appears:

This page cannot be displayed

Enable TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols in the “Advanced settings” section and try connecting to the web page https://ssl.budgetplan.minfin.ru again. If you cannot resolve the error, contact your website administrator.


It is necessary to check the workplace settings according to the document.

The instructions do not mention several nuances:

  1. You need to install CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in and check its operation on the demo page.
  2. It is necessary to disable filtering of the SSL/TLS protocol in the antivirus settings; in other words, for the site you are looking for, you should make an exception for checking a secure connection. It may be called differently in different antiviruses. For example, you need to go to Kaspersky Free “Settings>Advanced>Network>Do not check secure connections” .

The Electronic Budget system is designed to ensure transparency, openness and accountability of activities government agencies and management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, bodies local government, government and municipal institutions, as well as to improve the quality of their financial management through the formation of a single information space and the use of information and telecommunication technologies in the field of state and municipal (public) finance management. Information from the official website of the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation: http://minfin.ru/ru/perfomance/ebudget/#ixzz4IoLbvTIZ

The information system accepts electronic signature certificates from the SKB Kontur CA without a cooperation agreement. CA SKB Kontur cannot guarantee that the certificate will be accepted by the information system throughout its entire validity period

Electronic signature for working with the Unified portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation “Electronic budget”

  • Qualified Classic Electronic signature for basic business tasks: interaction with government information systems, submission of reports, registration of online cash registers, participation in auctions, receipt of financial services.
  • Qualified for marking An electronic signature for marking is suitable for registration in the National Digital Economy System Chestny ZNAK, registering an online cash register with the Federal Tax Service and working on other government portals. 3000 price for 1 year and additional. services
  • Electronic signature 3.0 for 1 year 5900 price for 1 year and additional. services
  • Electronic signature 3.0 for 6 months. Universal signature for advanced trading. Suitable for work by suppliers under 44-FZ, customers and suppliers - in auctions under 223-FZ, commercial auctions and auctions of bankrupt property. 3700 price for 6 months and additional services
  • TriO: bankruptcy auctions Signature for those who buy debtors' property at electronic auctions. The basic configuration is suitable for participation in bankruptcy auctions at ETP Fabrikant, uTender and the Sales Center.
  • TriO: commercial trading One electronic signature for government and commercial bidding. Includes OIDs for working on the three largest platforms Gazprombank, B2B-center and Fabrikant. 11300 price for 1 year and additional. services
  • Electronic signature 3.0 for 3 months. Universal signature for advanced trading. Suitable for work by suppliers under 44-FZ, customers and suppliers - in auctions under 223-FZ, commercial auctions and auctions of bankrupt property. 2500 price for 3 months and additional. services
  • Qualified Rosreestr A certificate for the electronic portal of Rosreestr will allow you to quickly send requests and receive the necessary data in electronic form.
  • Qualified FCS The electronic signature certificate is suitable for working with the portal of the Federal Customs Service and the main state information systems, as well as for organizing procurement under 223-FZ. 3400 price for 1 year and additional. services
  • Qualified by Rosakkreditatsiya A comprehensive solution for interaction with FSIS Rosakkreditatsiya, which meets all technical requirements information system. 20900 price for 1 year and additional. services
  • Qualified SMEV Electronic signature for working in the Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction System and on state electronic portals. 2000 price for 1 year and additional. services
  • Qualified GIS GMP Electronic signature for work in the State information system on state and municipal payments. 3000 price for 1 year and additional. services
  • Qualified KS2 The electronic signature certificate is suitable for work in the state information system for housing and communal services (GIS Housing and Communal Services) and the automated system for analysis and control in the field of labor protection (AS AKOT) 3400 price for 1 year and additional. services
  • Qualified for Disclosure Electronic signature certificate for use on information disclosure portals by securities issuers 3400 price for 1 year and additional. services
  • 3400 price for 1 year and additional. services
  • Qualified for medical organizations Republic of Bashkortostan Electronic signature certificate for medical organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan for issuing electronic certificates of temporary disability 800 price for 1 year and additional. services

Not long ago, budgetary organizations, namely the administrations of village councils, began to contact me with a request to help them set up the Electronic Budget system. This is another project of our government, give_them_health, as part of the services of the Electronic Government of the Russian Federation project. Grandmothers and aunties in villages and village councils have old computers, and very slow internet. Join our group on VK! Under repair! Smart workshop!

They are obliged, just like everyone else, to be able to install this according to the instructions and use it. Otherwise, the deadlines. Someone is waiting for fulfillment, so workers of rural administrations are reaching out to those who can help them with this. Full-time programmer, of course they don’t. Well, okay, these are all lyrics. Let's get down to business. People have a disk in their hands, apparently with distribution kits, and a desire for this kind of Electronic Budget to work for them.

On the disk, in principle, everything is neatly laid out and it was not a problem to install the whole thing according to the instructions. By the way, the instructions are also on the Roskazna website itself. There were no special problems following the instructions to install a set of programs, certificates, etc. As a result, after the last reboot and setting up a proxy in the browser (Mozilla was selected). Trying to access the site http://lk.budget.gov.ru/ was not successful. After selecting a user certificate, the site began to complain: The root certificate was not found. Although I personally installed it, adding it to the trusted root certificates according to the instructions. After sitting for a while and looking through the instructions again, I found this interesting point, which I think other people may also encounter.

But for me it stubbornly displays as:

As we can see, there is no Local Computer storage here. This is where the dog rummaged. Well, okay, apparently they know better there, and we’ll go around, adding where necessary. To do this, click Start and in the line Find programs and services we type: certmgr.msc.

The System Certificates management console opens. Let's go to Trusted Root Certification Authorities -> Local computer-> Right click on Certificates -> All tasks -> Import.

The Certificate Import Wizard will open. Click Next -> Browse -> and specify the path to the root certificate file. By the way, if you haven’t downloaded it according to the instructions, you can download it from the Roskazna website by choosing a qualified one.

If you opened certmgr.mscand you don’t even have branches there Local computer. Don’t get upset, there is still a way, click Start and in the line Find programs and services we type: mmc. If you are a Win 7 or higher user, I advise you to run mmc as an administrator. I wrote how to do this. In the console that opens, go to the menu File -> Add remove snap-in. We look for available equipment in the list Certificates. We sequentially add the equipment for the current user and the local computer.

And voila, going to http://lk.budget.gov.ru/ making sure everything works. The root certificate error should at least go away. But I can’t promise that everything will work. In general, I advise you to log in every time through http://budget.gov.ru/ After Entrance in the upper right corner, and on the large button Login to the personal account of the “Electronic Budget” system. Well, don’t be afraid of mistakes, etc. system in this moment It works in test mode, and does not log into it the first time. We poke and we suffer :)

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