Branch of Soviet technology wot. Soviet development branch in World of tanks. Light tanks of the USSR

This branch includes a wide variety of vehicles - 70 tanks, which are a lot of fun to play

If we compare this branch with all other representatives of World of Tanks, we can definitely note that this technique is the most balanced, it is easy to control, and among the variety you can find a unit that suits your needs and preferences.

Each of the representatives of the Soviet branch has approximately average performance. This technique is quite smooth in all respects and in all respects. Therefore, the Soviet branch of tanks in World of Tanks has not accumulated any distinct disadvantages; each of its representatives is unique and is completely devoted to the tasks assigned to it, so tanking with such equipment is a pleasure. But where to start?

To study the technology of the Soviet era, it is best for a beginner to start with medium tanks

But, if you are not afraid of making a mistake, then it is better to try each of the directions and choose the most comfortable one for yourself. For players who are just getting acquainted with the world of tanks, they need something dynamic and maneuverable, this has it all middle branch tanks.

This will help you get the first positive emotions from the game, feel the excitement, and get involved in the battle. Having reached Object 430, you can safely move on to heavy tanks, and then to light tanks and artillery.

Sniper equipment is the most difficult to play with; it takes a long time to level up and requires certain skills that a beginner does not yet have. As you play, you will be able to understand what you like best and which branch you would like to stay on.

In terms of leveling up, this is the longest branch, which sometimes frightens you with its variety of choices.

However, during the game it becomes clear that the equipment is easy to swing, the game is fun and each of the units is unique and interesting in its own way. When taking your first steps in World of Tanks, you should not doubt your choice, but immediately start with Soviet technology.

With its help, you can quickly understand the essence of the game, gain experience, earn good statistics, and reveal the subtleties and features of the gameplay. In this harsh world, USSR technology makes it possible to lay quality basis for further play and victory in difficult battles.

The development branch of the USSR in world of tanks is the most universal, since in the presence of Soviet units there are vehicles that can appeal to almost anyone, even the most experienced tanker.

There are also Light Tanks, which really rush across the battlefield; and Medium - a little slower, but more damaging; and Heavy - slow vehicles, capable of taking out more than small options equipment, or vice versa become a wall of protection for allies. Also, tank destroyers and tank destroyers will not leave anyone indifferent.

Today, the development branch of the USSR in world of tanks has 70 tanks, and more than a dozen premium vehicles are included in this list

Almost any vehicle can adapt to dramatically changed battle conditions. Second interesting point this branch is consistency. Soviet tanks undergo virtually no changes and remain with their original characteristics, undergoing very few adjustments.

Plus, playing on this branch from time to time, the equipment will be firmly etched in the memory, and since the tanks in the game are very believable in historical terms, which will have a good effect on knowledge Soviet history. Let it be only military. Well, perhaps the most main reason– patriotism.

Due to the fact that during the creation of the game, the Russian branch was developed first, colossal work was done on it.

It was here that the first and truly unique tanks went, for example, the T-34, in addition to the fact that the tank itself appeared in history

In the game he has quite high performance, which makes it indispensable in the game for any tactics. What also especially attracts attention is the self-propelled gun, which is called Object 261. What makes it unique is that in addition to artillery fire, which is not particularly useful in urban conditions, Object 261 is capable of very effective direct fire.

Where to start for a new player who has decided to fully upgrade the USSR branch? First of all, it is best to complete the medium tanks branch, because... they are somewhat of a middle ground. Further study will be carried out on heavy, light and tank destroyers.

Artillery or self-propelled guns should be studied last, since they are the most difficult in terms of the game and the study itself will take a lot of time.

Having studied all Soviet tanks, the player will be able to understand which ones he plays best and which ones he is less useful for the team. Although the USSR branch is the most universal, in the branches of other nations there are also decent units that you need to ride at least once.

Last year, WG announced that two development branches are expected to appear in the game: Poland and Italy. Appearance on test servers“Progetto” M35 mod 46 showed that the first will be “Italians”, with whom we propose to get acquainted in more detail.

When will the Italian branch be added?

However, the main feature awaits players at level 8. Starting from this vehicle and up to the TOP of the branch, tanks are equipped with fundamentally new weapons that were not in the game. Drum guns with an automatic projectile rammer will be installed here: after the shot, the barrel begins to load the missing projectile, which generally ensures continuous firing.

History of Italian tanks

In general, Italian tanks clearly demonstrate the real evolution of this industry, where three key stages can be distinguished:

  1. Not having their own machines and developments, Italian engineers engaged in plagiarism, copying the main components of tanks from France, the leader in tank construction during the First World War. Unlike the prototypes, Italian armored vehicles were distinguished by different-caliber weapons and lightweight armor.
  2. During World War II, Germany set the tone for the tank industry in Europe, literally crushing its opponents with heavy tanks. Italy flexibly adjusted to the new concept, but was unable to produce heavy equipment, stopping at medium tanks.
  3. In the post-war years, another reform took place: Europe placed emphasis on mobile equipment with a high firepower potential, putting the mobility of vehicles above armor. Once again, the Italians had to adapt to the new direction.

Overview of tanks 1-7 levels

An interesting point here is the presence of two level 2 tanks at once:

  • M14/41.
  • L6/40.

This was not done by chance. Both vehicles are interesting in their own way and left an indelible mark on the development of Italian tank building. Therefore, the developers give players a chance to try the combat potential of each vehicle. The M14/41 is a classic slow-moving vehicle, but it more than makes up for its slowness with high firepower. A 47 mm gun is installed here, which will quickly clarify to opponents who is in charge on the battlefield.

The L6/40 is equipped with a 20-mm tank machine gun and, due to its lightweight design, has excellent speed characteristics, which suggests diametrically opposed combat tactics.
R.43 bis – ST level 6

  • Р26/40 – medium tank 4th level.
  • R.43 – occupies an honorable fifth position.
  • R.43 bis – ST level 6.
  • R.43 ter is a transitional “seven” that separates low-level vehicles from the top vehicles of the branch.

Each of these tanks is individual and is part of military history. Therefore, even if they do not fit tactical and technical characteristics, the machines are a must try. Moreover, the final representatives of this branch are a real highlight that has long been awaited in the game.

What is a reloading system?

Guns with this mechanism are installed on Italian tanks in World of Tanks starting from level 8, and imply not only a new principle of firing, but also change the gameplay as a whole. Essentially, players are offered a combination of conventional and cluster weapons, providing maximum variability in the randomness.

Having fired the first shot, the system automatically makes up for the lack of ammunition by loading a new projectile. It is noteworthy that the loading time is decreasing: the first projectile takes the longest to load, for subsequent ones the speed increases. If the player interrupts this process with a shot, the countdown begins again.

The appeal of this loading method is its unpredictability. An Italian tank can fire single shells, and the enemy will not be able to guess at what stage the cartridge is loaded. At the same time, having correctly calculated his capabilities, the “Italian” will be able to discharge the entire drum, taking away the remaining margin of safety from the enemy and going to full CD. Definitely, new way firing will require some getting used to, but WG experts are confident that such guns will quickly find their audience.

Let's get acquainted in detail with the crown of evolution of Italian tanks in the game.

R.44 Pantera – 8th position

This is the first representative of Italian tanks in World of Tanks, equipped with an innovative drum loading system. In terms of their tactical and technical characteristics, the Panthers are considered excellent vehicles. This Italian project was developed during World War II, where Germany and Italy were allies.

The game model copies the Leopard in its external contours and silhouette, and is also equipped with a drum gun with a mechanism for reloading a projectile. A 105 mm caliber gun is installed here, which allows you to prepare for the transition to the TOP branch. “Nine” will be able to demonstrate itself in close combat and at medium distances, but weak armor requires careful tactics of play.

Progetto M40 mod. 65 – TOP

The tank has a rather interesting backstory, and the development of the project began in 1969, after the Italian delegation visited the exhibition military equipment in Germany. The purpose of the visit was to purchase Leopard tanks, but some embassy representatives spoke negatively about the purchase of export models.

As a result, Italian engineers found themselves in their usual role: development began own project using the experience of tank building of the USSR and Great Britain. The work was stopped at the drawing stage.

Taking this as a basis, the developers implemented the Progetto M40 mod in the game. 65 tank with excellent dynamics and poor protection. The vehicle is capable of occupying key positions on the map and dealing damage, but in direct confrontation it is clearly inferior to its classmates in terms of armor thickness.

28.3.2017 5121 Views

Special attention players are devoted specifically to the Soviet branch tanks World of Tanks of all kinds, because many choose this technique not only for its unique and enjoyable gameplay, but also for its historical attachment to this technique.

Almost all tanks Soviet Union have a low chance of engine fire, which greatly increases the survivability of these vehicles, and the variety of gameplay will allow you to choose the type of equipment that will bring maximum pleasure to the player.

The main task of a light tank is to detect the enemy and assist the team by transmitting intelligence about the movement of enemy forces.

This type of tank has a rather complex gameplay, because all tanks that belong to this type have a relatively small margin of safety, lack strong armor, and in most cases have a weapon with low damage per shot.

But at the same time, players who chose to play easy Soviet tanks, get excellent mobility, camouflage (which remains consistently high when moving and in a stationary vehicle), as well as excellent visibility.

Light tanks of the Soviet research branch have excellent speed and power-to-weight ratios compared to similar machines other nations. Most light tanks of the USSR have excellent camouflage, which allows, if played correctly, to remain unnoticed and confidently transmit intelligence data to the allies throughout the entire battle.

With relatively low damage per shot, the guns of these tanks have high damage per minute, which is often decisive in a duel with enemy light tanks or when breaking through to artillery.

The Soviet medium tank research branch features a wide variety of vehicles that are quite different from the medium tanks of other nations.

The main tasks of the vehicles are flank breakthroughs into the rear of enemy forces and causing large quantity damage to enemy vehicles.

But the uniqueness of Soviet medium vehicles lies in the fact that all tanks high levels have excellent turret armor, which makes it possible to fight almost equally with heavy enemy tanks, while hiding the vehicle’s body in the terrain.

Another important advantage is the excellent guns, which have excellent damage per minute. This fully compensates for the relatively low armor penetration parameter of the basic projectile and allows you to confidently fight even against several vehicles at the same time.

The disadvantages of medium-sized USSR vehicles include mediocre gun depression angles and mediocre maximum speed.

The most popular tanks of the Soviet Union are heavy tanks. These machines have so many advantages that they are ideal for those new to the game. At the same time, experienced players can show simply mind-blowing results using this type of technique.

A feature of heavy tanks of the USSR is strong armor, relatively excellent mobility and good performance one-time weapon damage. Almost all heavy tanks in the Soviet branch of World of Tanks are famous for their impenetrability and are capable of holding off entire directions on their own.

High-level Soviet heavy tanks have simply impenetrable turret armor and, if played correctly, are capable of record levels of blocked damage. Also, some vehicles have hull armor of the “Pike Nose” type, which allows, if the hull is positioned correctly, to repel enemy shells of even colossal calibers.

The disadvantage of this armor arrangement is the inability to tighten the vehicle hull due to a sharp drop in the value of the reduced armor. The guns of these vehicles are rather inaccurate, but this is more than compensated by the huge one-time damage, heavy tanks of the 7th level can take away a third of the strength of an enemy of their level in one shot, and such legendary vehicles as the KV-2 are capable of sending most targets into the hangar with one shot, especially lightly armored ones.

The role of tank destroyers on the battlefield is to destroy all enemy tanks in the player’s field of view. The tank destroyers of the Soviet Union are best suited for this task. Vehicles of this type have guns with huge one-time damage and armor penetration.

The excellent camouflage of Soviet vehicles allows them to destroy enemy vehicles without the risk of being detected. Often, players on Soviet tank destroyers remain undetected throughout the entire battle.

The disadvantages of this type of equipment include very poor visibility, but correct selection additional equipment and a properly trained crew can compensate for this deficiency.

Weak armor and, in some cases, insufficient mobility also introduce some inconvenience when playing with this vehicle, but all this is compensated by the pleasure of the gun. It’s so nice to fire at an enemy who has no idea where he’s coming from.

Thanks to such features of Soviet technology, players often inflict mind-boggling amounts of damage.

Soviet self-propelled guns have gameplay that is strikingly different from other types of equipment. They have the ability to fire at almost any point on the map, while remaining safe in the vicinity of their base.

The main shells of such equipment are high-explosive fragmentation shells, which have a high chance of disabling the internal modules and crew members of the enemy vehicle. Large caliber guns make it possible not only to disable several modules of an enemy vehicle, but also to hit several vehicles at once.

As the player explores the branch of Soviet self-propelled guns, the player has the opportunity to play on vehicles with relatively good mobility, guns with high one-time damage, or guns with high damage per minute. The disadvantage of this technique is the almost complete lack of armor, which makes it vulnerable in close combat, poor accuracy of the gun and poor projectile speed.

Also significant drawback is the absence good review.

Premium technology in game World of Tanks includes a collection of vehicles different types, which have increased profitability compared to similar tanks of the same levels.

Owners of such equipment almost never have problems with the in-game currency – silver. Also, such vehicles have an accelerated time for pumping up crew perks and do not require retraining of the crew when transferring them from a non-premium vehicle.

Soviet premium tanks are presented in almost all classes except artillery. This variety of machines will significantly simplify the speed of development in the game. In addition, most of the Soviet premium tanks have a preferential level of battles, which will allow you to best reveal your vehicle in tank battles and earn a lot of silver from each battle.

Today we are talking about the rebalance of USSR equipment.

In update 9.22 we will bring back to life the most unpopular tanks of the nation by adding new technology and changing the USSR research tree. Why is this necessary? “Object 263” and its “younger comrades” rarely participated in battles, like the Soviet Tier X ST “Object 430”, which is not surprising. They were not easy to play. Moreover, the cars different levels differed too much in gameplay.

We plan to rework the mentioned vehicle branches in order to breathe life into the listed vehicles and make playing them consistent and understandable. In addition, in version 9.22 you will find new gameplay on Tier VIII–X heavy tanks with a rear turret.

Now let’s take a closer look at the changes and the reasons that led to them.

Medium tanks

The A-43 branch does not give any idea what kind of car you will be able to play on at level X. After getting acquainted with all the advantages and disadvantages of ST with a rear turret at levels VII–IX, it was logical to expect similar gameplay at the top of the branch. However, instead you received a classic melee medium tank and were disappointed. Naturally, the popularity of the branch fell.

What would make you give this thread a second chance? Perhaps what it lacked was gameplay consistency. This is what we focused on in update 9.22, moving it to level IX. There he will form a mini-branch of well-armored assault CTs with high one-time damage, pumped from . And at level X a completely new car will appear: “Object 430U”.

The newcomer can boast of compact dimensions, decent mobility and good armor. He will easily enter the enemy’s flank, disable his equipment thanks to the high one-time damage, and get out from under fire unharmed.

The rear-mounted turret trio will eventually receive a top that will inherit the turret's strong armor and offer logical post-turret gameplay.

New thread heavy tanks

Until recently, Great Britain and Germany were the only nations where Tier X tanks had a rear turret. Some of you liked these cars, while others preferred a more traditional option. However, few would argue that , and (which was passed off as a game on Global map) were uninteresting. In update 9.22, Soviet equipment will join this group: a new gaming experience awaits you from classic Soviet “heavy” vehicles at levels VIII–X (a branch studied from). Classic, but with a rear turret.

The highly armored IS-M, Object 705 and Object 705A will receive higher one-time damage than usual for Soviet heavy tanks. This value is compensated by the aiming parameters: these vehicles are not suitable for long-range firefights. Their element is battles at medium and close distances. However, this is not the main thing - the rear location of the tower is important. In combination with durable armor, good mobility (for this type of equipment) and a powerful weapon, it will allow you to easily “out-tank” the enemy.

Use the advantages of your vehicle and you will be able to effectively support the attack or send breaking enemy tanks into the Hangar. The gameplay of these TTs is a cross between playing Pz.Kpfw. VII and , but at the same time it remains unchanged as the branch is studied. What can't be said firepower: from a 122 mm gun at Tier VIII to a powerful 152 mm gun on the Object 705A.

Players love a mobile assault rifle that quickly shifts the focus of the attack, demolishing everything in its path. However, as good as it was, it did not fit into the group and the IS-7, so we replaced it with the . Don't worry, T-10 won't leave the game. Over the years, it has repeatedly proven its effectiveness, so it will receive a mini-branch, where at level X there will be a car with similar gameplay. We continue to work on this newcomer, so we'll tell you about it later.

Alternative branch of tank destroyers
We have long planned to put this branch of tank destroyers in order. Simply changing vehicle parameters in update 9.20 did not give the expected result. We are well aware of the problem, and we have found a new solution for it: rebalancing the branch for medium-close combat assault tank destroyers.

High forward/backward speed combined with average maneuverability will allow these vehicles to quickly reach and occupy key positions, as well as escape from fire.
Good frontal armor is ideal for blocking enemy projectiles, but the armor on the sides and lower frontal part is quite thin.
Average one-time damage and a long reload will compensate for mobility and security.
Accuracy and aiming time are designed for effective close-to-medium range combat and are not suitable for long-range fire.
Not the most comfortable gun declination angles are caused by design features.
Rebalancing the branch in accordance with the given concept required some structural changes. We started by moving the Object 263 down a level, where it can shine with its DPM and armor (which remains the same as at Tier X!). The next step is to select the appropriate vehicle for Tier X, and “Object 268 Option 4” was suitable for this role. It received good speed, armor and an extremely effective gun with a caliber of 152 mm and an average one-time damage of 650 units.

"" and "Object 268 Option 4" showed excellent results in internal tests. The vehicles “tanked” damage well and showed themselves worthy in the role of assault tank destroyers - fast, armored, with moderate one-time damage and not too high damage per minute for a tank destroyer.

You were against moving “Object 263” to level IX, and we could not ignore it. Therefore, we left both cars for another iteration of closed internal testing. Object 263 has not changed, but we have reduced the damage per shot of Object 268 Option 4 from 750 to 650, maintaining the previous damage per minute to smooth out the sharp change in damage per minute and reload speed between Tier VIII and X vehicles.

The last (and probably the most difficult) task was to configure vehicles at the middle levels to serve as close- and medium-range assault tank destroyers. did not fit into this concept due to the traditional location of the cabin. Here we are faced with difficult choice: the car was clearly not suitable for the branch in terms of gameplay, but it was important from a historical point of view. We moved it down one level to see how it would perform there. Unfortunately, the car demonstrated low efficiency in blocking damage even at level VIII and still did not fit into the gameplay concept of the branch. Therefore, we decided to remove the SU-122-54 from the game and create a branch entirely of vehicles with a rear turret.

The second iteration of the super test strengthened our belief that the concept we chose for the branch would give these tank destroyers what they were missing. These should be armored, fast vehicles with good burst damage, the purpose of which is to lead the charge and provide interesting gameplay. The last assumption is based on supertest data. We want you to test this hypothesis yourself, determine if any other changes are needed, and together we will make The best decision. Let's wait for the start general test updates 9.22 and find out how ready the vehicles of this branch are for battle!

During the general test of version 9.22, which is coming soon, we will be monitoring your feedback and statistics. We want to make sure that the modified machines perform the way we expect them to.