Spring treatment of roses from diseases and pests (with what). Caring for roses during the flowering period - feeding and processing What to spray roses in early spring

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When you see healthy, beautiful rose bushes with a lot of flowers, it seems that fungi, viruses and harmful flower life have bypassed the bush. In fact, all this is the merit of the florist, who managed to stop the destruction of the plantings in time. And the treatment of roses in the fall, then in the spring and summer helped him in this. The conversation will begin about where to start, what and when to do in order to prevent the bushes from dying.

Preparing to spray roses

It would seem that there is nothing to prepare, dilute the necessary preparation, spray it on the plant - it’s ready. This is possible, but the processing will not be of very high quality for the flower and unsafe for humans. The right approach to work, this is when the florist first thinks about safety precautions.

This is the ideal equipment, at the same time, processing low growing bushes, you don’t have to wear a hat and cape, although it is advisable. If the chemical does get on your hands or eyes, stop working, immediately wash off the solution or wash it with plenty of water.

How to properly process roses

Correctly means using the preparations in accordance with the recommendations, choosing the time of work in favor of the bush, and not what is best for the gardener, and if necessary, do not neglect preparation. What does this look like in practice?

1. Roses are sprayed immediately after preparing the solution, and not whenever you want, maybe tomorrow.

2. Choose a sprayer with a nozzle that sprays “fog” rather than large drops of water.

3. Treatment is carried out on a cloudy, cool day without wind or rain.

4. On a good sunny day, work is carried out either early in the morning or at sunset.

5. If it so happens that the plantings urgently need to be saved, and the wind is still there, spray it from the leeward side.

6. Spring prevention is carried out after pruning or roses have been done and all debris has been removed.

7. Regardless of the time of work - spring, summer, autumn - solutions are not sprayed onto damp shoots.

9. To avoid burns of leaves and shoots, mineral oil products, for example “preparation 30”, are not used together with organic fungicides such as “Kaptan”, “Tsiram” and the like.

10. During repeated prophylaxis or at the second stage of treatment, it is undesirable to use the same means. For a more effective final result, drugs must have not only a different name, but also different components.

The rose is not sprayed superficially, just to make it shine. The solution is sprayed onto the shoots from all sides, and onto the leaves - from above and below.

This is about correct prevention or elimination possible problems. But if prevention failed, and treatment was delayed, it is better to cut out the heavily affected parts of the bush than to try to do something, at this very time endangering the plant as a whole.

Spring treatment of roses

The arrival of warmth is like a question of nature for the gardener, how to treat roses in the spring from diseases and pests. The first spring preventive remedy for healthy and therapeutic for stems affected by fungus is a solution of copper (3%) plus iron (1%) sulfate. The time is approximately the beginning of April, the bushes and the ground around are cultivated immediately after opening, but not before the shoots dry out, they talked about this. Instead of vitriol, some gardeners prefer to use a 0.4% solution of copper oxychloride. Copper and iron neutralize most fungi and stains. With regard to black spot, which in some regions has “settled” for life, there is a separate recommendation: a few days after vitriol treatment, roses are sprayed with “Sistan”.

After another 2 weeks, around the second half of April, they spray a drug that can protect the plantings from diseases and harmful living creatures at the same time. Alternatively, it could be Rose Clear.

At the moment of bud break, if anyone cares about the environment, the bushes can be treated with natural remedies.

For prevention gray rot And powdery mildew :
- 3 cups of ash are diluted in 3 liters of water;
- boil for half an hour, cool;
- the total volume is increased to 10 liters;
- add 40 grams of soap.

As prophylactic Repellent solutions of hot pepper and tobacco are suitable against most pests.

Recipe 1.
Tobacco or tobacco waste, that is, dust, is poured with boiling water and left for 2 days. 40 grams of soap are diluted in the cooled infusion. You will need 6 liters of water for the infusion, 1 liter of tobacco crumbs.

Recipe 2.
Dry pepper (5 pods) is crushed, poured with water (2 l), kept on low heat for 1 hour, cooled. For spraying, 50 ml of concentrate is diluted in 1 liter of water, add 1 tbsp. spoon liquid soap.

When the bush is already in leaves natural remedies chemical protection is added, protecting roses from diseases and pests with the preparations “Fitoverm”, “Abiga-Pik”, “Akarin”. Just before flowering, you can once again do antifungal prophylaxis with Oxychom.

Good to know!
Lavender or calendula growing near the bushes repels aphids and ants. Marigolds are afraid of nematodes and mites. Viruses don't like garlic. Euphorbia is avoided by field mice.

How to spray a rose in spring: video

Summer rose treatment

During the growing season, prevention may or may not be carried out; everyone has their own experience in this matter. But if we assume the worst, when the leaves on the rose fall off due to disease or due to pests, and the shoots do not ripen, it will not hurt to help the bush.

In the hot, dry summer, spider mites come out to “hunt”. Irrigation of crops helps get rid of insect infestations clean water. If any pests begin to seriously attack the rose, insecticides will help solve the problem.

During the period of prolonged rains, choosing bright days or at least hours, again for the prevention of fungi they use “Kuprozan”, for rust “Tilt”, for all other diseases “Polycarbocin”, mold is eliminated with “Funginex”.

Autumn rose treatment

The end of the season is a period that may be sad, but in terms of pest and disease control it is the easiest, since there is nothing left to fight. Some residual effects may still persist, but general state They no longer affect the dormant bushes. At the end of the season, the rose is prepared for winter. The first treatment of roses in the fall is carried out immediately after flowering.

To prepare the solution, take 1.5 kilograms of ash and half a bucket of water. Mix, boil for about 30 minutes, leave until cool. The “decoction” is filtered through cheesecloth, 1 tbsp is added. spoon of turpentine, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, a glass of liquid soap and water to make 15 liters. The solution is intended for spraying shoots. After such unconventional treatment, the shoots ripen faster, and the leaves on the bushes do not stay long.

But this is an amateur recipe. For the first time in the fall after cold weather and increased humidity, if the roses are disease-free, you can spray them classically with Fitosporin. The second time, after completion, the rose is treated on all sides with a 3% solution of iron sulfate, and after a couple of days with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

That's it, the season is over, the bush goes to winter. At the beginning of the next season, the question of how to treat roses in the spring will arise again, but that will come later. Next year, perhaps someone will want to change something in the spraying, if better side, why not experiment. If without incident, to organize defense rose bushes The information received from pests and diseases is sufficient.

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What does a rose need for abundant flowering? Experienced florist will answer that there are a lot of things, but first of all he will indicate feeding. Without necessary microelements and the bush is not a bush, and the flowers are so-so. But if you know what fertilizers to feed a rose in spring, summer and autumn and how to carry out the procedure correctly, the queen of the garden will always be a real queen.

Planting a climbing rose in the ground: how to plant climbing roses correctly.
Is it possible to be unkempt garden plot tidy up with flowers? You can even make it festive if you plant it near the house, around the site, in arches and passages. climbing rose. All you need is to choose a time and place, prepare the soil and planting material, plant seedlings. A lot of work? Not much, but it's worth it.

Who would have thought that roses can be propagated not only in soil, but also in potatoes. Yes, there is such a very simple one, at the same time effective method, allowing you to root rose cuttings both in open ground and at home. At the same time, the effectiveness of rooting can only be envied; the simplicity of this particular method is the envy of everyone else.

Many gardeners love the beautiful rose. Luxurious buds decorate your site from spring to autumn. However, in order for a rose to endlessly delight our eyes, it needs constant care. Especially it concerns spring treatment roses

In the spring, you need to remove the winter coverings from the rose bushes, install supports, trim the bushes and tie them up. But this is not enough. In order to help our pets return to life as soon as possible after winter cold, you should carry out spring treatment of roses. Let's find out what you need to treat roses with after winter.

How to treat roses in early spring?

The spring sun is very dangerous, as you can get severely burned under its scorching rays. The same applies not only to people, but also to roses: opening them too early can lead to burns. Many gardeners recommend opening roses completely only when the first leaves appear on trees and shrubs. Moreover, you must first open the rose bushes with north side, gradually accustoming the plants to the bright sun. After removing the cover from the roses, you need to uncrowd them.

In spring, our most important task is to do everything possible to make the roses work root system. You can water the ground under the bushes with warm water. And after that, pour 3-4 liters of urea or ammonium nitrate solution under the bush at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per 10 liters of water. You can add 2-3 g of dry fertilizer per bush into moist soil, but keep in mind that liquid fertilizers are still more effective.

If the shoots of the roses were damaged during the winter, then the flowers need your help here too. Mold-covered shoots should be washed with a cloth or brush in a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate. If you use potassium permanganate, then make its solution bright pink, and if you decide to use copper sulfate, then use a 1% solution (10 g per liter of water).

In spring, roses can be treated with complete fertilizer with microelements. Spread dry fertilizer around the rose bush onto the damp soil. After this, lightly loosen the soil with a hoe. Then it must be mulched with peat, humus or a mixture of both.

Treatment of roses in spring against pests and diseases

Beautiful roses, unfortunately, attract the gaze of not only humans, but also various pests. Fungal infection of roses occurs very often. In addition, roses can be attacked by caterpillars, mites, and aphids. Therefore, in the spring, as soon as the green shoots begin to actively grow, roses should be treated with special preparations. How to treat roses against diseases?

There are many on sale universal remedies combat rose diseases, for example, the universal RoseClear - an insecticide and fungicide combined together. The product prevents the appearance of black spots, powdery mildew, rust and aphids.

If you find rusty spots on the leaves, it means your roses have been attacked by aphids or scale insects. Spray in early spring the soil under the rose bushes with a 35% solution of iron sulfate. For preventive purposes, you can treat plants during bud break with 15th Bordeaux mixture. If necessary, re-treatment can be carried out after 10-15 days.

When powdery mildew appears on young rose leaves, spray the plants with a solution of ash or mullein, which will serve as both a top dressing and a fungicide.

For treatment of rose bushes to be effective, it must be carried out in calm and dry weather. If it's hot outside, treat roses in the evening. This way you will avoid possible sunburn in plants. In cool weather, you can do this during the day. This preventive treatment is carried out twice per season: in the spring and after the first period of rose flowering. When processing with such drugs, be sure to follow safety precautions.

CARE OF ROSES: secret recipes from Victoria Radzevskaya

The rose flower is a symbol of beauty, since the sophistication of its delicate petals is harmoniously combined with sharp thorns.

We present to your attention several unique secrets growing roses in the country. By following these tips, you will get a beautiful bush with gorgeous flowering.

How to grow a gorgeous rose. Proven method!

I bring to your attention several secrets of growing roses. Thanks to this secret, the rose grows into a strong and luxurious bush.

1. Rose seedling varieties must be resistant to disease and frost, since in almost all regions of Russia, winters that are cold enough can cause roses to die.

2. In the spring, we make sure to prune the rose so that it turns out lush bush. At the rosecut off old and dry branches. And we cut off the frozen branches to a living bud, from which new shoots will grow.

3. After pruning, it is necessary to feed the bush with fertilizer. To prepare the solution, dilute 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. l. ammonium nitrate. Then we water the rose and mulch the top with humus in a layer of 6-8 cm.Roses need to be pruned in the spring, and not in the fall, as is commonly believed. After all, over the summer, the rose stores up nutrients for wintering, and when pruning in the fall, we deprive the plant of these reserves. Therefore, always prune your roses in the spring.

4. Mulch the rose with humus or compost.

5. It is necessary to water the rose abundantly, but rarelyand only warm water. On hot days, we water roses twice a week. But not superficially, but thoroughly, so that the water penetrates to a good depth.. In spring, during the rainy season, the plant should not be watered. Excess moisture can cause plant roots to rot.

6. We begin to apply fertilizers in the spring and finish in mid-summer. When the roses fade, it is necessary to apply phosphorus fertilizer so that the rose bush receives all the necessary nutrients.

7. In order for a rose to be a lush and beautiful bush, it must be formed correctly. To do this, you need to pinch the tops of the shoots when the shoot grows 15-20 cm in length.

8. Regularly treat roses with remedies for diseases and pests. It could be like traditional methods, as well as chemical and biological agents.

What to put in the hole when planting Roses

In the spring, so that they take root well, I add organic matter and mineral fertilizers to the planting hole. With this feeding, roses will grow actively and bloom beautifully.

So, I dig up the soil well and add organic matter. I dig again and let the soil settle. After this, I dig a planting hole and add 500 g of humus to each hole. I sprinkle a thin layer of soil on top of the humus so that the roots of the roses do not get burned by the fertilizer.

After that I plant a rose. I sprinkle it with earth and pour it well with warm water. When the rose gets stronger and grows, I apply fertilizer to each bush. During this period, I feed the rose with slurry, which contains everything necessary elements for rose growth.

To prepare a solution, fill half a bucket of slurry with water to the brim of the bucket and let it sit for a week. I dilute the resulting solution in a ratio of 16:10 and pour 1 liter of fertilizer under each bush. I carry out this feeding three times every two weeks. Before applying liquid fertilizer, I water the rose with plain water.

When to open last year's roses in the spring.

Spring has come and the sun is already warming up well, so many gardeners are wondering when they can open roses planted in previous years. Let's consider how and when to open roses in middle lane Russia.

Roses must be opened gradually. First you need to open the ends. If this doesn’t work out, then you need to create an outlet so that you can do it. Fresh air, and the plants were not hot. After this, slightly open the covering material so that direct sunlight does not fall on the roses.

You need to start removing covers from rose bushes gradually. As soon as the snow melts, we open the shelter on the north side and ventilate the roses. This is necessary so that the roses, under the baking sun, do not begin to rot.

When the temperature outside is about 0 degrees, we completely remove the shelter and carefully clear the roses of any debris - leaves or sawdust. After this, we leave the rose open during the day, and at night we cover it again with special material or film.

After the roses get used to the spring temperature, you can remove the first cover. Many gardeners cover roses in 2-3 layers. Therefore, we gradually remove the layers so as not to open the roses completely at once.

We completely remove the shelter when the snow grows and the soil thaws to a depth of 15-25 cm. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the temperature. Although roses can withstand temperatures down to -10 degrees, you need to open them correctly, observing the conditions described above. After all, in the spring, if you open it incorrectly, you can ruin a plant that has overwintered well.

After the final removal of the cover, we prune the rose and fertilize it with nitrogen fertilizers. Urea or ammonium nitrate is good for feeding.

What you definitely need to pay attention to when removing covers from roses is the climate characteristics of the region: when the snow melts, when it sets optimal temperature. Therefore, the removal of cover from roses in each region takes place in different time. But always before the buds ripen and open.

I bring to your attention a proven and effective method saving roses after wintering.

My wonderful roses did not survive the winter well. When I removed the cover from them, I saw that they had propped up. At this time, I remembered the solution that my aunt told me. I decided to use her method, because the roses definitely couldn’t get any worse.

To prepare the solution, add 1 glass of vodka to a bucket of water. I immediately water the roses with the resulting solution. After the first feeding, my roses began to grow actively and bloomed with more luxurious buds.

How to prune roses in spring. The right ways!

The season is coming spring work in the garden. After the roses have been opened, pruning is necessary to rejuvenate, thin out the bush, and also stimulate the growth of new shoots.

Climbing roses , like other varieties of roses, must be pruned in the spring. The difficulty is that the branches are intertwined with each other, and it is very difficult to work with them.

There is no need to do heavy pruning of this variety; it is necessary to shape the bush so that it grows beautiful. Since excess shoots can grow greatly and take away some of the nutrients, this will ultimately affect flowering. Roses can become shredded and bloom poorly.

Climbing roses must be pruned from the outermost branches and moved deeper into the bush. We cut off the main branches to the first bud. Very long branches can be made shorter to make the bush look more luxuriant.

We cut off all the side, thin branches. We also trim off the branches that grow inside the bush. They must be removed so that the bush does not thicken and is well ventilated. Then all branches will receive enough light and oxygen.

We carry out the procedure for pruning rose branches only with disinfected pruning shears, so as not to infect healthy plants. After the bush has been pruned, all cut areas must be lubricated with brilliant green or crushed activated carbon.

Shrub roses. Shrub roses are very beautiful and in order for them to grow and bloom beautifully, they need to be pruned correctly in the spring. After all, the condition of the plant depends on how the pruning process goes.

We prune bush roses in the spring after the covering material has been removed. At the bush, we remove dry and dead branches and branches that look inside the bush. Shrub roses do not need to be heavily pruned; we carry out this procedure only to form a bush.

If a lush crown is required, then cut the stem along with the first upper bud. If you need a small bush, then cut off the side shoots to the first upper bud. A rose can be shaped into a ball, a dome, a bush with a crown, or in another way. Spring pruning also depends on this.Before pruning, we inspect the bush, cut out old and frozen branches. Then we cut in the branches that face the inside of the bush. This must be done so that the bush does not thicken and also forms beautifully.

If there are diseased branches on the shoots, they must be cut with a disinfected knife to the healthy part. When cut, a healthy branch should have a green part and a white core. This pruning allows you to leave only healthy branches so that a healthy rose grows.

We leave 2-3 buds on two-year-old shoots, and 5 buds on one-year-old shoots. If the shoots are weak, it is better not to overload them, leave 1 bud at a time. We cut the shoots 0.5 cm above the swollen bud.

After pruning, all cut areas must be treated with garden pitch or crushed activated carbon tablets. This is necessary in order to avoid infections and diseases.

How to feed roses for active growth.

Many gardeners grow roses on their plots; they decorate the garden and give wonderful aroma. So that the rose will delight you with its lush blooms all summer long. It is necessary to take care of the plant in the spring. To do this, you need to apply fertilizer so that the rose actively grows and develops, building up new white leaves and multiple green masses of leaves.

Fertilizer for roses should be applied in early May, when the weather is already warm outside. In cold times useful material are poorly absorbed, so there is no result from feeding in cold weather.

First feeding will be carried out using cow dung. To prepare the solution, dilute 1 liter of liquid mullein in water. Infuse the solution for a week in a warm, dark place. After this, the solution is diluted again with water in a 1:1 ratio. Use the resulting solution to water the roses on the damp soil so that the roots of the plant do not get burned.

Second feeding We carry out two weeks after the first. To prepare the solution, dilute 10 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate in a bucket of water. We also water the roses with the resulting solution on damp soil.

The rose will absorb substances from the applied fertilizers. After the plant receives all the necessary elements, the active growth of the rose bush will begin. After some time, you will need to add another fertilizer for gorgeous flowering. Potassium and phosphorus are good for this.

How to fertilize roses in spring for growth.

In order for a rose to bloom beautifully in summer, it is necessary to feed it in the spring, then the bush will actively grow and gain good green mass. As a result, it is a strong and healthy bush that will produce gorgeous flowering.

TIP: We start fertilizing the rose immediately after pruning.

During this period, flowers need nitrogen fertilizers. To prepare the solution, dilute 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. l. urea. We water the roses with the resulting solution, but only on damp soil so that the plant does not get burns to the roots from fertilizers. We add 5 liters of solution for each bush.

Two weeks after the first feeding, we introduce organic matter. To do this, make a circle 10-15 cm from the bush, pour humus into this groove and sprinkle it with earth, then water it with water. As a result, the rose will absorb all the necessary nutrients.

At the end of May, the rose must be fed with liquid fertilizer. For this you can use green manure or mullein. Let's consider both options for preparing fertilizer. In a bucket of water, dilute 1 liter of liquid mullein or 500 ml of chicken manure. Let the solution sit for a day, then dilute it in a 1:1 ratio and water the rose. Pour 2-3 liters of solution under each bush.

Green fertilizer is made from nettles and dandelions. We collect the grass, put it in a bucket and fill it with water. Add 1 tsp. dry yeast and keep the solution in the sun for a week. During this period, fermentation will occur, as soon as it ends, we remove the grass. Before use, dilute the solution in a 1:1 ratio and water the rose.

All of the above fertilizers are natural. They do not include chemicals. Besides this a budget option Since it is humus, mullein can be easily found. These fertilizers will stimulate the roses and saturate them with all the necessary nutrients.

How to feed roses in spring lush flowering in the country.

My grandma's best recipe!

In order for roses to grow into a gorgeous bush with good green mass and large buds, the plant must be fed on time. It is advisable to apply fertilizer in the spring during the period of active growth. My grandmother suggested these recipes to me.

Feeding a rose for the first time when the buds begin to bloom. To do this, prepare the following fertilizer: dilute 1 liter of mullein in a bucket of water. After this, water the plant in moist soil. Watering the plant before liquid fertilizer is necessary to prevent the roots of the roses from getting burned.

Second feeding We bring in the horse of May. To do this, dilute 10 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate in a bucket of water. Use the resulting solution to water the rose on the damp soil. Mineral fertilizers just like organic ones are necessary for the growth and development of rose leaves and stems.

Third feeding We contribute in July. To do this, dilute 1 glass of ash in a bucket of water. Spray the rose leaves with the resulting solution. With this feeding, the rose will absorb faster useful elements and will bloom actively.

What nutrition do roses need? Basic fertilizers

In order for roses to grow well and bloom beautifully, they need to be fed several times a season. For roses it is necessary to apply organic and mineral fertilizers.

In the spring, after pruning, the rose needs to be fed. nitrogen . It stimulates the growth of leaves and new shoots. As a result, after feeding, the rose begins to grow and bloom faster.

Organic fertilizers must be added during the formation of buds. Liquid fertilizer from mullein contains many elements that the plant requires during this active period.

Potassium and phosphorus it is necessary to feed roses after they bloom and pass autumn pruning. During this period, roses need fertilizer, which has a positive effect on the abundant formation of buds and saturates them with elements for wintering.

A unique method of rejuvenating roses with soda.

I use baking soda to rejuvenate rose bushes. To do this, I dilute 1 tbsp in 5 liters of water. l. soda and 0.5 tsp. ammonia, 1 tsp. magnesium sulfate and 1 tsp. grated laundry soap.

Spray the rose bushes with the resulting solution. We carry out the treatment in the morning or evening so that there are no direct sun rays. Thanks to this solution, the rose will begin to actively grow new shoots. As a result, the bush will rejuvenate.

Iodine and milk to kill aphids on roses

My mother-in-law's secret!

Aphids are the most dangerous pests of roses. She feeds on juice, leaves, stems and even buds tender roses. Aphids not only spoil appearance plants, but also has a detrimental effect on it. Therefore, at the first sign, you need to immediately destroy the plant.

You can kill aphids on roses without using chemicals. To do this, you need simple iodine and milk. To prepare the solution, we need 100 real cow's milk and 50 drops of iodine. Store-bought milk is not suitable for this solution; you need natural cow’s milk.

Dilute iodine in milk and add 1 liter of warm water. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and spray the rose bushes affected by aphids. We carry out the treatment in the morning or evening so that the leaves do not get burned. After 7 days we repeat the procedure.

This solution not only effectively destroys aphids, but also prevents late blight, powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.

How to treat a rose against spider mites at home.

Juicy, tender rose leaves are the main food for spider mites. When insects infest the rose, it loses its attractiveness, its leaves dry out and fall off, and the plant becomes covered with cobwebs. Therefore, at the first signs of infection, it is necessary to immediately destroy the spider mite. Let's look at how to treat a rose against a pest without using chemicals.

1. Quarantine.

If small moving light dots and spots are found on the leaves of the rose. It is necessary to immediately isolate the plant so that the pests do not spread to other plants. After this, we remove the cobwebs that appear, freeing the leaves and stems.

2. Soap solution.

After this, we wash off the pests under the running shower to wash off the main part from the leaves and stem. Then we dilute a soap solution in a basin and dip the roses in it. Then rinse again from the shower with plain water. This procedure will destroy most of the pests.

After water procedure We put the indoor rose in a warm place, away from sunlight, so that the plant does not get burned.

3. Onion peel.

Once the bulk of the spider mites have been destroyed, it is now necessary to get rid of the larvae and any remaining pests, as the insects can repopulate very quickly.

To prepare the solution, pour 1 cup of onion peel into a liter jar and pour hot water. Let it brew for a day. Then we filter and spray the roses.

4. Garlic.

To prepare the solution, place three crushed heads of garlic in a liter jar and fill with water. Let it sit for about an hour, then spray the plants.

5. Alcohol.

We spray the roses with plain water, then moisten the cotton wool in an alcohol solution and treat the leaves. As a result spider mite will disappear.

How to treat roses for gray rot.

If the rules for caring for a rose are not followed, the plant will infect gray mold. The buds, stems and leaves of the rose are affected by a fungal disease. How to treat roses against gray rot?

At the first signs of a plant being damaged by gray mold, it is necessary to treat the roses with biological pesticides and bacterial fungicides. For those who do not want to poison roses, they can be treated with folk remedies.

1. Copper sulfate.

Copper sulfate must be used to treat roses in the spring, preferably immediately after pruning. To prepare a 1% solution you will need 100 g of powder. In glass hot water dilute copper sulfate, after the mixture has dissolved, pour it into a bucket of water.

Spray the rose with the resulting solution in the morning or evening. In summer, the air temperature during processing should not exceed +30 degrees.

2. Wood ash.

To prepare a solution of 300 g wood ash dilute in 1 liter of water and leave for 24 hours. After this, filter and dilute in a bucket of water. Spray the rose with the resulting solution.

3. Milk solution.

We dilute 1 liter of milk in a bucket of water. Spray the rose with this milk solution. A film forms on the leaves, which protects the plant from gray rot. This solution is more suitable for preventing the disease.

How to treat roses against caterpillars. Proven folk remedies!

The caterpillar, settling on roses, feeds on rose buds and eats away the soft part, leaving big holes on the leaves. As a result, plants weaken and lose their decorative look. To save a rose, you need to regularly inspect the bushes and treat them using proven folk remedies.

1. Burdock.

It is necessary to treat roses with a decoction of burdock, this effective remedy will help get rid of caterpillars. To prepare the decoction, chop the stems, roots and leaves of burdock and fill half the bucket. Then add 10 liters of water and boil for 30 minutes. Then we leave it for three days. Then we filter and dilute in a ratio of 1:10. Spray the roses with the resulting solution.

2. Tomato tops.

A decoction of tomato tops is a toxic chemical. Therefore, it effectively destroys pests on roses. To prepare the decoction, you need to finely chop the leaves and stems. Pour 5 kg of the resulting green mass with water and boil over low heat for 4 hours. Then cool the broth and spray the roses with it. This decoction must be used following safety rules.

3. Wormwood.

Grind the wormwood, add 1 kg of herb to 3 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Then drain the water and bring it to 10 liters. Then we leave the broth for 7 days. Then we treat the plants with the solution.

How to spray a rose against rust in the spring. Proven remedy!

In spring, roses, like other plants, must be treated. First of all, you need to take preventive measures against rust. Rust appears in spring as orange spots on young shoots and leaves. Many gardeners wonder how to treat a rose?

It is necessary to treat roses against rust in the spring immediately after pruning. In warm spring weather, insects crawl out of hibernation. It is at this time that the plants need to be treated. For the first treatment of roses, we use a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

To prepare the solution, dilute 300 g in a glass of water. Bordeaux mixture. Then pour the mixture into 5 liters of water and stir well. In another container we dilute 400 g of lime. Add Bordeaux mixture into the dissolved lime in a thin stream. The result is a blue solution; we carefully spray the roses with it.

7-10 days after the first treatment, we carry out a second treatment, but with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. The second treatment will completely destroy pathogens and insects.

If the plants have not had time to be treated, and rust has already affected the roses, it is necessary to remove the infected leaves and stems. Then burn them to avoid the spread of fungal disease. After this, treat the roses with a fungicidal biological product.

How to treat roses in spring. Proven remedies!

Spring has arrived, and active work is now underway at the plant processing site, including roses. I bring to your attention several proven recipes for treating roses against pests and diseases. From these recipes, it is enough to treat roses with one product.

1. 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Bordeaux mixture has long been known to gardeners as a very good remedy, which protects roses from powdery mildew, black and rust spots, as well as from other diseases. We carry out the treatment after pruning the rose bushes.

To prepare a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture, we need two containers, but not iron ones. We dilute 200 g of Bordeaux mixture into one container. Because she doesn't breed well cold water, first dilute the drug in a glass with hot water, then pour it into 5 liters of water at room temperature.

In the second container we dilute 300 g of lime. Then pour Bordeaux mixture into this mixture in a thin stream. The result is a thick blue liquid. Water the roses with this solution. Add humus along with Bordeaux mixture.

2. Ammonium nitrate

We use ammonium nitrate as a nitrogen fertilizer. In spring, roses require nitrogen for good leaf growth and bud set.

To prepare the solution, dilute 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. l. preparation and water the roses. Apply 1 liter of solution to each bush.

3. Potassium permanganate.

Treating rose bushes with potassium permanganate is necessary if mold appears on the shoots. And also if the branches broke off during wintering. In this case, wipe each damaged shoot with a cloth soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

4. 3% solution of ferrous sulfate

Ferrous sulfate is as effective as Bordeaux solution.

5. Boric acid

Boric acid is not only a fertilizer, but also the best remedy from fungal diseases of plants.

Bornic acid should be applied to roses once a month. This applies to indoor roses and rose bushes in the garden. To do this, we treat the plants with a special solution.

To prepare a solution, dilute 10 g of boric acid powder in 1 liter of hot water. We spray the roses with the resulting raster.

Apply boric acid also necessary when cutting roses. To do this, prepare a solution: dilute 20 g of powder in a bucket of water. Immerse the cuttings in this solution for 2-3 minutes.

Miracle methods for propagating roses

1. Layering

Thanks to the unique method, you can get a good strong plant.

In the spring, when pruning roses, I often find dead shoots. In this case, I do not prune them, but propagate the rose in a unique way.

To do this, I secure the dead shoots with wooden or metal hooks. At the base I remove the bark to a width of 4-6 cm. Then I wrap this area in several layers of film and apply a thin layer of garden varnish.

In June, sprouts appear from this bent shoot from healthy buds. To speed up the formation of roots under the bud, I make cuts.

Then I dig a groove 8-10 cm deep along the bent shoots. At the bottom of the groove I place a mixture of peat, sand and humus in a ratio of 1:1:1. I carefully place the shoots in the grooves and sprinkle them with earth.

After a while I will add soil again as it will settle a little. I water my two planted roses. Until the cuttings take root, I constantly monitor the humidity and loosen the soil.

2. In the newspaper

Thanks to this method, it is possible to propagate even those branches that were damaged in winter.

In the spring, when we open our overwintered roses, they are often, to my disappointment, damaged by snow. But fortunately they did not freeze and it is quite possible to root them and grow a new lush bush. We cut them into 15-20 cm cuttings and prepare them for rooting. We make the lower cut of the cutting under the bud, and the upper one between the two buds. About three or four buds remain on the finished cutting.

We collect the prepared cuttings into a bundle and carefully wrap them in newspaper so that they are covered on all sides. Sprinkle the package with water and wrap it in a plastic bag. We wrap it so that the rose cuttings get access to fresh air.

Place the finished package in dark place, where the air temperature will remain around +18 degrees. Let the cuttings sit for 2-3 days and inspect them so that they do not start to rot. If the temperature and humidity are maintained, all cuttings will be healthy and produce roots. .

After all our cuttings have given good roots, you can plant them in open ground as soon as the soil is warm enough for planting. We plant the cuttings in such a way that only one bud is above the ground, and the rest are in the soil. Cover the planted cuttings with film or cut plastic bottle to create a microclimate. All we have to do is regularly monitor the development of the rose, water it, loosen it and, if necessary, shade it from the bright sun.

How to properly transplant an adult rose

Many gardeners wonder whether it is possible to replant an adult rose? From my own experience I know that it is possible. But just transplant it to a new place carefully, following all the rules. I'll tell you about my experience of replanting an adult rose.

We replant an adult rose bush in early spring or autumn. This is the best time for the plant so that after replanting it this year get abundant flowering.

First, we prepare a place for the rose; you need to select a flat, illuminated area. Then we remove the weed roots from it.

A few days before transplanting an adult rose to a new place, I dug a planting hole, add ash and sawdust to it to loosen the soil.Then I started preparing the roses themselves.We tie the rose with a rope to make working with it easier, and pour plenty of warm water over the rootsso that the soil adheres better to the roots. After all, a rose takes root well if it is transplanted together with a lump of earth from its old place. Then I dug a trench around the bush, gradually deepening to the base of the bush. The longest roots that I couldn’t dig up and just chopped off with a shovel. This had virtually no effect on the further growth of the bush.

After that, she placed the dug up rose bush on film and transferred it to the planting hole. I deepened the rose at the same level that it grew before. I covered it with earth and compacted it so that there were no voids among the roots.

First, we dig a trench around the perimeter of the rose, then gradually deepen it and dig out the roots with a lump of earth. If it is difficult to pull the bush out, the long roots can be cut off and the bush pulled out with a crowbar, using it as a lever.

Next, we inspect the dug rose and remove damaged and diseased roots. Then we place the bush in a pre-prepared planting hole. Then we pour plenty of water, wait for the water to go away, and pour water into the hole again. Then sprinkle with earth at the same level at which the rose was planted before.

The trick is that the rose is a very tenacious plant and very often does not respond to replanting, so even after replanting it can bloom and delight with its fragrant buds.

We prune roses correctly - we get many flowers

I suggest you do some unusual rose pruning in the spring. After this pruning, the roses will bloom beautifully in the flowerbed.

Pruning roses for growing in a flower bed must be done in early spring, before the buds swell. You need to trim in such a way that 3-6 buds remain on the trimmed shoots for growth.

Thanks to this pruning, the bushes will have many shoots, resulting in many flowers. But with this pruning, the flowers will be smaller than usual.

Spring treatment of roses involves not only pruning shoots, installing supports and mulching, but also mandatory spraying of plants with special preparations that protect them from insect invasion. All work must be carried out before the rose buds begin to develop. The main indicator of a favorable time for working with plants is the establishment of above-zero temperatures and the complete disappearance of snow.

Treatment of the root system and shoots

The growth of the root system is stimulated using spring pruning plants. To do this, select the main healthy branches and shorten them to one of the strong buds. They also remove those shoots that grow inside the bush and interfere with the creation of a beautiful crown with open center. To nourish the roots and stimulate their growth, healthy bushes are watered with warm water with the addition of one tablespoon of ammonium nitrate per bucket of water. The soil must be sufficiently enriched with nitrogen compounds for optimal growth leaves and bud formation.

If young shoots were damaged in winter, resulting in mold appearing on them, in addition to watering with the addition of saltpeter or urea, the branches of the plant must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, making it a deep pink color. Each damaged shoot is wiped with a cloth soaked in the solution or potassium permanganate is applied using a small brush. The potassium permanganate solution can be replaced with copper sulfate diluted in water: 100 g per bucket of water.

Protection from pests and diseases

The most common insect pests found on different varieties– these are various caterpillars, aphids, spider mites, thrips, and roseate sawfly. Preventive measures must be taken before the leaves begin to bloom, otherwise it will be much more difficult to fight the pest that has spread throughout the bush.

Treating roses against insects is done by spraying the plants with a saturated soap solution, tobacco or pepper infusion. You can get rid of roseate aphids using an infusion of nettle, tomato tops, wormwood or yarrow.

To protect roses from powdery mildew, black or rusty spots caused by various microorganisms, plants are treated with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate or a solution of Bordeaux mixture - 200 g per bucket of water. Spraying roses must be carried out in calm weather, taking measures to protect the respiratory system. In addition, to protect roses while feeding them, you can use a solution of cow manure: 1 kg per bucket of water.

The appearance of the bushes and the abundance of flowering will depend on how you care for your roses in the spring after they open. By underestimating the importance of spring treatment of roses, you risk turning a lush bush into a decrepit bush with weak, diseased and pest-infested shoots and single small flowers. Therefore, after removing the winter shelter, be sure to carry out preventive spraying of flowers against diseases and pests. And we will tell you how to do it correctly.

Removing the winter shelter from roses in time is just as important as building it in time. If you do this early, the bush will freeze, and if it is too late, it will freeze. Optimal time for this - the time when the snow has melted and the average daily temperature has settled at +5...+6 o C (for example, during the day +10 o C, and at night about -4 o C).

After removing the cover, roses are subject to thorough inspection and preventive treatment. But this does not mean that there is no longer a need to cover them. Bare pink shoots quickly dry out and die out of habit from the bright sun: the roots are still dormant and do not absorb moisture from the soil, and the heat from the sun actively evaporates moisture from the branches. Therefore, after spraying, cover the bushes again using a breathable material that blocks some of the sun's rays.

Unhilling of plants

After removing the cover, roses need to be unearthed. You cannot leave soil near the trunk for a long time, as it will high humidity soil in the spring it may become moldy. And if he gets sick, it will affect the entire bush.

In order for roses to remain healthy and unharmed, they need special care in the spring. It includes several important points:

  • Trimming. In the spring, preventative pruning is necessary to remove shoots that could not survive the winter and became a source of infection. At this time, pruning is also carried out to form a bush and stimulate flowering.
  • Treatment for diseases. Under cover were created good conditions for the propagation of pathogenic microflora. If the bush is not treated, fungi and viruses will continue to multiply, dooming the plant to death.
  • Pest treatment. In the spring, after hibernation, not only plants wake up, but also insects. They not only feed on their juice, but also lay eggs, from which very voracious caterpillars and larvae emerge. Spraying roses with poisons in the spring will help protect branches and leaves from being eaten by pests.
  • Top dressing. After the roses finally wake up, they will need a large number of nutrients for rapid growth of green mass. Therefore, they need the application of mineral and organic fertilizers.

in spring useful procedures The soil can also be loosened and mulched, as well as irrigated if there is a spring drought outside.

It is correct to prune not immediately after opening the bushes, but after 3-4 days. To do this, use sharp pruning shears and/or garden shears. Equipment should be disinfected using medical alcohol or a solution of potassium permanganate. Then put on gloves and cut the following shoots:

  • with large frost holes;
  • rotten;
  • dried up;
  • growing inward;
  • weak and thin;
  • fatliquoring.

Then carry out formative pruning of the rose, depending on its variety.

When the soil has completely thawed and the bush begins to grow, you need to start watering it. The frequency of watering depends on the weather and is usually 2-3 times a week, starting in late April. Then the rose will need to be fed. In spring, roses need increased levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil. You can compensate for the lack of nitrogen with the help of:

  • 20-30 g of urea diluted in 1 bucket of water;
  • 1 bucket of mullein (1 part of manure, infused in 10 parts of water for 5-7 days);
  • 1 bucket of chicken manure infusion (1 part of chicken manure infused in 20 parts of water for a week).

To compensate for the lack of potassium and phosphorus, you should feed the rose with a solution of superphosphate (30-40 g) and potassium sulfate (20-30 g). This amount of fertilizer is designed for an adult large bush. To feed compact bushes, the dosage should be halved.

Important! Fertilizers should be applied strictly after watering the rose with plain water. This will help prevent chemical burns of the root system.

Mulching roses

To ensure that the roots of the bush always have access to air and weeds do not grow around the bush, the hole around the trunk should be covered with a layer of mulch. You can mulch it with the following materials:

  • sawdust or shavings;
  • gravel or pieces of bark;
  • decorative mulch;
  • peat.

To ensure that the mulch not only keeps the soil loose, but also shares nutrients with the roses, you can use horse manure, humus or compost. However, weeds grow strongly on such materials and will have to be removed before their fruits begin to ripen. But on the other hand, organic matter helps rose bushes to actively grow and gain green mass.

Gardeners often plant ground cover plants under shrubs instead of mulch. They have to be trimmed over time, but the cut material can serve as green mulch. Over time, it decomposes and becomes a source of nitrogen for roses.

Spraying bushes against diseases and pests

Roses should be sprayed against diseases immediately after preventative pruning. To do this, it is better to use antifungal agents - fungicides. If there are no signs of infection on the plant, then you can get by with herbal preparations that help prevent fungal damage to roses.

2-3 days after treatment against diseases, the bushes should be sprayed to protect them from pests that could overwinter under cover. If there are traces of pests on the rose, then it is better to treat it twice: spray it a second time 7 days after the first procedure.

Spring treatment to destroy fungal infections is carried out using drugs from the group of fungicides. These include:

  • Horus;
  • Topaz;
  • Falcon;
  • Quadris;
  • Speed;
  • Maksim;
  • Thanos;
  • Fundazol.

The remedies listed above can be used both for the treatment of roses and for their preventative treatment. And drugs such as Bordeaux mixture, Trichodermin, Fitosporin are preferable to use only for prevention, since their antifungal effectiveness is lower (but they are not dangerous for humans).

To destroy pests, you should use drugs from the group of insecticides. Popular means are:

  • Aktellik;
  • Fitoverm;
  • Aktara;
  • Karbofos;
  • Inta-Vir;
  • Spark.

Advice! If roses are affected by aphids, you can do without insecticides, which are very dangerous for humans. Since these pests breathe through the surface of the body, they can be killed by eliminating contact of their body with air. To do this, it is enough to treat the affected bushes with a soap solution. The soap film will cover the aphids and cause them to die from lack of oxygen.

Preparations for treating roses in spring

In order for roses to wake up faster and start growing, they need help. This can be done using the drug Zircon. It strengthens the plant and promotes its active growth. It is enough to dissolve one ampoule of the product in 2-2.5 liters of water and spray the shoots generously. It is better to carry out not one, but 3-4 treatments with an interval of 2-3 days.

If a rose almost died after an unsuccessful winter, it can still be saved. The powerful resuscitator Epin is suitable for this. For 5 liters of water you need to take only one ampoule. The solution is first sprayed onto the surviving shoots (if any), and then poured directly into the hole. For complete resuscitation, it is advisable to carry out 7 treatments with Epin with an interval of 3 days.

Treating roses with copper sulfate helps greatly against diseases and pests. But gardeners did not agree on when it should be done. Some recommend doing this at the end of March or beginning of April, when you make the initial opening of the bushes, but then cover them again. Others recommend treating the shrub after complete cleaning shelters (in May). In any case, to treat 10 liters of water you need to take 100 g of the drug. For sick and damaged plants, it is better to increase the dose to 150 g of product per bucket of water.

Important! Preventive and formative pruning of roses should be carried out strictly before treatment with copper-containing preparations or fungicides. Then the infection will not penetrate the plant through the cut sites.

Spring treatment of rose bushes from diseases and pests is an important and responsible undertaking. After all, only healthy plant, which also receives a sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients. Therefore, do not forget to additionally fertilize and start watering on time.