DIY metal workbench: drawings. A durable and reliable workbench for the garage with your own hands Make a workbench in the garage yourself from wood

Everyone knows that a garage is necessary in order to park a car in it. However, many car owners use this room as a warehouse for unnecessary things, and if space allows, they convert it into a small workshop. Consequently, appropriate equipment is installed in it - racks, shelves and a workbench. The latter is a multifunctional desktop used for processing various materials, carrying out plumbing, installation and electromechanical work. You can make workbenches for the garage yourself.

Garages are predominantly rectangular in shape, so when choosing a place for a workbench you should consider certain features use of the future workplace:

  • If the garage width is sufficient, then optimal place for the workbench there will be one of the long walls of the building, as this will allow you to make a table required length and will provide access to the workbench from three sides, which is very convenient, especially in the case of two people working simultaneously;
  • If the workbench is installed at the end of the garage, you can move all the fasteners for the vice and other devices to the front of the table top, distributing the holes for clamps and other tools along the front longitudinal side of the table;
  • Another option for placing a workbench is along a long wall with an emphasis on end wall, which makes it possible to approach the table from two sides.

Advice! If on the side of the workbench adjacent to the wall you strengthen vertical racks with cross bars, you can conveniently place various tools on hooks or other types of holders, which will always be in sight.

Your first experience in building garage equipment may be a simple wooden workbench or wooden workbench. The design of a table made of timber is more affordable to manufacture; working with a saw, jigsaw and drill is much easier than cutting and welding a steel angle, from which professional-quality plumbing tools are usually made.

Building a wooden workbench for assembly work

To build a workbench, we will need:

  1. Wooden beam, preferably oak or pine, approximately 12-15 m, the cross-section of the material is selected individually, based on the expected load on the workbench;
  2. Planed edged board, 20-30 mm thick, smooth, without knots or surface defects;
  3. Sheet plywood, 6-8 mm thick, three sheets 200x60 cm;
  4. A set of wood screws and steel angles, shelf size 50 mm and length from 50 to 70 mm, at least 40 pieces.

Advice! All cutting work must be performed using manual or stationary circular saw, trim the edges of timber or boards only with a jigsaw or similar power tool.

In this case, even in the absence of carpentry skills, the cut turns out smooth, and accordingly, the entire structure of the workbench will look like a factory one.

At the first stage, we make the frame of the workbench, while taking into account the dimensions of the space in the garage. To do this, you will need to cut four vertical posts, four horizontal beams and five horizontal short cross braces from the timber. If the dimensions of a wooden workbench for a garage do not exceed two meters, you can use a beam with a section of 70x70 mm.

We cut off four vertical posts - two 90 cm high, two 150 cm high. The latter are made 60 cm higher; after the assembly of the workbench is completed, a plywood screen will be installed on them for the tools stored in the garage.

Horizontal beams too different sizes. To bandage the support posts of the frame in the lower part of the workbench, we cut two sections of timber 150 cm long; to attach the table top, 200 cm long sections are needed. The last of the remaining material is cut into transverse struts 60 cm long.

We assemble the entire structure using steel angles and self-tapping screws, as shown in the diagram.

We assemble the tabletop by gluing together sheets of plywood and boards. After leveling and adjusting the dimensions, the boards and plywood, coated with PVA-M or wood glue, are assembled in clamps until they dry completely and gain strength. We sew the tabletop along the contour with self-tapping screws.

We lay the tabletop on the finished frame and fasten it with self-tapping screws, after which the surface is carefully sanded with an emery attachment for an electric drill. Lastly, we install the screen and cover the entire structure with varnish so that in damp weather in the garage the wood of the workbench does not “sink.”

In appearance, the workbench for the garage turned out to be quite delicate, but in reality its strength is enough to withstand a load of more than one hundred kilograms. To increase rigidity, the rear pillars can be fixed anchorage to the walls of the garage.

Required tool:

  • Grinder with a circle for cutting metal and a grinding disc.
  • Welding machine and electrodes.
  • Overalls and protective equipment for welding work.
  • Level.
  • Roulette.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Jigsaw for cutting plywood.
  • Drill.

Necessary materials:

  • Angle 50 mm by 50 mm, thickness 4 mm, length 6.4 m.
  • Square pipe 60 mm by 40 mm, thickness 2 mm, length 24 m.
  • Angle 40 mm by 40 mm, thickness 4 mm, length 6.75 m.
  • Steel strip 40 mm wide, 4 mm thick, 8 m long.
  • Steel sheet for tabletop 2200 mm by 750 mm. Thickness 2 mm.
  • Steel sheet for making drawer holders. Thickness 2 mm.
  • Wooden boards for the table top. Thickness 50 mm.
  • Plywood for making drawers and for the side and back walls of the table. Thickness 15 mm
  • Guides for desk drawers.
  • Screws for assembling plywood boxes.
  • Self-tapping screws for metal.
  • Anchor bolts.
  • Paint for wood and metal.

The workbench, which will be made from these materials, has quite impressive dimensions: table length 220 cm, width 75 cm. The overall design and large table top allow you to place a vice and, for example, emery or other tools at different ends of the table.

First step Making a workbench involves cutting the available material into elements. The profile pipe is intended for the manufacture of the frame. The steel angle is designed to create stiffeners. It is cut into pieces and a power frame is formed from it. Also, a steel corner is needed for edging the tabletop on which the boards will be laid. The steel strip is intended for the manufacture of guides on which the side panels will be attached. This material will also be used for brackets for fastening boxes and plywood. Table drawers are made of plywood.

Second step- welding of the load-bearing frame of the workbench. The tabletop elements are welded first - 2 pipes 2200 mm long and 2 pipes 750 mm each. The frame must be welded so that another frame of corners can be welded on top of it, into which the tabletop boards will be laid. To reinforce the tabletop, it is necessary to weld a few more after 40 cm steel pipes, which will serve as stiffeners.

Then 4 side legs are welded along the edges of the workbench. Their length is 900 mm. Power bridges are welded between the legs to strengthen the structure.

Once the basic frame is ready, you can begin welding the structure for the boxes. To do this, square frames are formed from steel pipes, which are welded to the tabletop on both sides of the table. The frames are reinforced with longitudinal stiffeners.

Third step- making a frame for the table top. Two steel angles, 2200 mm long, and two more angles, 750 mm long, are needed to make the frame. The structure is welded so that wooden boards fit inside it.

The angle frame is laid on a pipe frame and welded. The result is a reinforced tabletop, 8 cm high with internal stiffeners.

The metal frame of the workbench is almost ready, all that remains is to weld the panel sheathing for attaching the tool. This requires one metal corner with a length of 2200 mm and 4 corners with a length of 950 mm. Two elements are attached to the sides of the structure and two in the middle for reinforcement. The tool panel is welded to the tabletop.

The frame of corners and pipes is ready. You can begin to strengthen the structure. Brackets are welded to the sides of the table, which are cut from a steel strip. A total of 24 parts are needed. A hole is drilled in the middle of each bracket. Using these holes, the side and back walls plywood tables will be attached to metal frame workbench.

Fourth step- making desk drawers. Plywood is cut into blanks, which are screwed together with screws. The number of drawers depends on what will be stored in the table. If the parts are small, then you can build 3 drawers, if large, then 2. It all depends on personal preference.

Drawers can be placed on both sides of the table, or mounted on one half retractable structures, and on the second there are ordinary open shelves.

After the drawers are assembled, you need to weld metal strips with holes between the sides of the drawer compartments. To these holes with inside the slides for the drawer guides will be attached.

Fifth step- laying boards into the tabletop frame. Boards 50 mm thick are cut into pieces of a certain length. If you have a long board available, then you need three blanks with a width of 245 mm and a length of 2190 mm. If there are no long boards available, then you can lay the blanks across the table. For this purpose, wood 205 mm wide is cut into 10 pieces 740 mm long.

Before laying the wood into the table frame, it must be treated with an antiseptic solution. This will protect the material from rotting and damage by beetles.

Then it is imperative to paint the entire metal structure of the workbench. This will protect the metal from corrosion. It is best to use a weather-resistant and anti-corrosion coating option. Welding seams need to be painted especially carefully. Drops of metal and uneven surfaces are recommended to be thoroughly cleaned before painting. This can be done using an angle grinder with a metal grinding disc.

After the structure has dried, you can begin laying the boards on the countertop. They should not be driven too tightly into the frame. This is due to the fact that wood tends to expand and dry out when temperature and humidity change. It is better to leave a small gap of a few millimeters between the boards. The surface of the wood needs to be sanded, this will simplify installation metal sheet on top of the tree. The boards around the entire perimeter of the table are screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws.

Sixth step- fastening the upper steel sheet. It can be welded to the countertop, but there is wood inside the structure, which can ignite during the welding process. Therefore, it is best to attach the steel sheet with hidden screws to wooden boards. The metal must first be painted on both sides with a rust converter. This covering material looks like transparent paintwork, is easily restored and reliably protects the metal from rust. You can also paint the metal tabletop with the same paint that was used to cover the frame. It will be beautiful, but over time the paint may scratch and the table will not look very new.

Final step- installation of drawers on guides and fastening of plywood to the side walls, shelves and power panel in front of the table. This work can be called finishing workbench. After work with plywood is completed, it must be coated with a composition that will protect the material from exposure environment. Also, do not forget about the design of a power shield for tools. You can attach special hooks or screws to it, from which the necessary things will be hung.

To make it convenient to work at a workbench, you can attach a special lamp with a bendable stand to the power panel. In this case, you can optionally direct the flow of light into Right place.

A vice is an indispensable attribute of a mechanic's workbench. It is not recommended to attach a clamping tool that weighs several tens of kilograms to the tabletop itself. It is best to place a metal gasket 1 cm thick between the metal of the table and the tool. You need to drill holes in the gasket for anchor bolts. Then, in the same places, drill holes of the same size in the tabletop. The entire structure is fastened with anchor bolts.

In many cases, the garage becomes the only place where you can repair or overhaul any part of the car, make the necessary equipment, or simply relax your soul by working with your hands at a mechanic or carpentry workbench. In some cases, you can even organize a small metalwork or carpentry workshop in the garage, if you have the desire and time. In any case, a workbench is needed in the garage like air. Serious craftsmen always have two of them - for working with metal and a wooden workbench, not counting the work table and the machine.

How to organize a workbench in the garage

There are few options for getting a workbench in the garage; most often, the desired equipment can be purchased in one of the following ways:

  • Buy Chinese or domestic products;
  • Draw up drawings taking into account the required dimensions and order the manufacture of a workbench from familiar carpenters or mechanics;
  • Make a workbench for the garage with your own hands.

It cannot be said that with the current abundance different instruments and equipment for the garage today it is impossible to buy a high-quality workbench. Moreover, even among domestic producers There are many decent-looking models that would be quite suitable for work in the garage, but there is one condition.

Important! The standard size and design of a workbench does not always suit your individual height and arm span. In addition, not in all cases it is possible to squeeze a workbench designed for the scale of a locksmith workshop into the space of your garage.

It makes sense to order the production of a workbench according to your drawings if it is not physically possible to make it for the garage with your own hands, for example, the room is not ready, or you do not have the necessary skills to work with welding or carpentry tools.

It is very important from the very beginning to correctly formulate the design requirements and decide where and how the workbench should be located in the garage:

  • The height of the table and the dimensions of the top cover or table top should be as convenient as possible for your individual data. At the same time, around the tool in the garage there should be free space no less than an arm's length from the working position at the table;
  • Despite the fact that 99% of the work is done in a standing position, there should be a chair and a wooden grate near the workbench if the garage floor is concrete. In this case, the entire set of accessories must not interfere with or in any way affect the car or other vehicle, stored indoors.

Advice! If you plan to drill, cut or plan wood a lot, get a vacuum cleaner, a good exhaust ventilation and a car cover.

How to make a workbench in the garage

Your first experience in building garage equipment may be a simple wooden workbench or wooden workbench. The design of a table made of timber is more affordable to manufacture; working with a saw, jigsaw and drill is much easier than cutting and welding a steel angle, from which professional-quality plumbing tools are usually made.

Building a wooden workbench for assembly work

To build a workbench, we will need:

  1. Wooden beam, preferably oak or pine, approximately 12-15 m, the cross-section of the material is selected individually, based on the expected load on the workbench;
  2. Planed edged board, 20-30 mm thick, smooth, without knots or surface defects;
  3. Sheet plywood, 6-8 mm thick, three sheets 200x60 cm;
  4. A set of wood screws and steel angles, shelf size 50 mm and length from 50 to 70 mm, at least 40 pieces.

Advice! All cutting work must be performed using a hand or stationary circular saw; trim the edges of timber or boards only with a jigsaw or similar power tool.

In this case, even in the absence of carpentry skills, the cut turns out smooth, and accordingly, the entire structure of the workbench will look like a factory one.

At the first stage, we make the frame of the workbench, while taking into account the dimensions of the space in the garage. To do this, you will need to cut four vertical posts, four horizontal beams and five horizontal short cross braces from the timber. If the dimensions of a wooden workbench for a garage do not exceed two meters, you can use a beam with a section of 70x70 mm.

We cut off four vertical posts - two 90 cm high, two 150 cm high. The latter are made 60 cm higher; after the workbench is assembled, a plywood screen will be installed on them for the tools stored in the garage.

The horizontal beams are also different sizes. To bandage the support posts of the frame in the lower part of the workbench, we cut two sections of timber 150 cm long; to attach the table top, 200 cm long sections are needed. The last of the remaining material is cut into transverse struts 60 cm long.

We assemble the entire structure using steel angles and self-tapping screws, as shown in the diagram.

We assemble the tabletop by gluing together sheets of plywood and boards. After leveling and adjusting the dimensions, the boards and plywood, coated with PVA-M or wood glue, are assembled in clamps until they dry completely and gain strength. We sew the tabletop along the contour with self-tapping screws.

We lay the tabletop on the finished frame and fasten it with self-tapping screws, after which the surface is carefully sanded with an emery attachment for an electric drill. Lastly, we install the screen and cover the entire structure with varnish so that in damp weather in the garage the wood of the workbench does not “sink.”

In appearance, the workbench for the garage turned out to be quite delicate, but in reality its strength is enough to withstand a load of more than one hundred kilograms. To increase rigidity, the rear pillars can be anchored to the garage walls.

Option for a metal workbench made from a steel angle

To make the structure we use a steel angle with a shelf width of 50 mm. Below is the sequence of operations for making a workbench in the garage with your own hands. Most of the work is done in the garage with a grinder and a welding machine, so before starting work you should practice and choose the best welding mode for metal 3 mm thick.

First, we cut a blank for making a frame for the top plate of the workbench. The working surface for metalwork-type workbenches is best made in the form of a solid or welded structure made of steel sheet, plates or plates. The recommended sheet thickness for a garage workbench is at least five millimeters.

After adjusting the dimensions of the slab, we place the corner blanks on its surface, from which we will weld the base of the tabletop. We carefully adjust the cut pieces to corner connections, install it on a flat surface, secure it with a clamp, weld it and thoroughly clean the seams.

This is the most difficult part of welding work. If you have it in your garage semi-automatic welding, the blanks for the base frame are first welded together using conventional welding, and then point-fixed to the steel sheet. Performing such an operation with conventional welding is quite difficult; you can burn or overheat the sheet, resulting in a “flapping” wave instead of a flat surface.

We cut off the “legs” for the workbench from the same corner and weld them to the base. If the workbench will stand on the ground or gravel surface of the garage, you will need to add special spots to the supporting part of the legs. If the structure needs to be fixed to concrete floor garage, drill holes in the spots for anchor bolts.

Next, we cut out horizontal cross ties, which we weld at the bottom of the workbench legs. This makes the structure rigid and stable on any garage floor. If necessary, an additional diagonal brace can be welded to the rear of the frame.

To install boxes for spare parts and parts stored in the garage, we additionally weld horizontal guides under the tabletop. So that the drawers can slide out freely, we weld a pair of short longitudinal corners onto the transverse sections. The boxes can be made separately or adapted from existing ones in the garage. In this case, the location of the guide angles must be selected individually.

In addition, the corner guides will need to be carefully sanded, or plastic strips sewn on, so that the bottom of the drawers does not “plane” and is not damaged when moving. Otherwise, within a couple of weeks after installing the workbench in the garage, the required force to pull out the drawers will increase several times.

After execution assembly work All welds will need to be thoroughly cleaned and treated with a phosphate primer, after which the surface of the metal is primed and painted in the color favored by machine builders - blue or green. Which color is suitable for your garage is up to you. The working surface of the steel sheet of the tabletop is not painted; at best, it is polished or treated with an acid stain.


Making a workbench for your garage is a relatively simple and inexpensive process. The steel frame can withstand a load of several hundred kilograms, for example, from a car suspension or engine. Even if you purchase all the components and materials, the manufacturing cost will be an order of magnitude less than the purchased option. Moreover, in most cases, real car enthusiasts and repair and DIY experts do just that.

Bench vices are necessary equipment in the workshop of any man, without whom it is difficult to do in one form or another of work.

It is not at all necessary to place them in the garage; you can set up a corner for a vice at home, for example, using a table or an ordinary stool.

Why do you need a bench vise?

When processing or sharpening any part, it is necessary to fix it firmly and reliably, that is, to hold it in a certain position. The photo of the vice shows the operating principle of this equipment.

The parameters and dimensions of the vice are determined depending on what type of tool needs to be firmly held.

The design of a carpenter's vice includes:

  • chassis screw;
  • handle;
  • movable and fixed sponge;
  • base plate.

Main types of bench vices

Before making a vice with your own hands, you need to decide on the choice of work associated with it.

All types of vices are divided into two types:

  • non-rotary have more simple design and they are easiest to make yourself. The part is fixed strictly in one position.
  • Rotary vices are most often adapted for drilling on a machine. During operation, it is possible to rotate the workpiece without unclenching it.

The material of the vice body is most often made of durable cast iron. It is important to know that cast iron is not intended to be exposed to high temperatures, steel metal is suitable for these purposes.

If the work will be carried out with small-sized parts, you should not increase financial expenses and make compact small vies.

A small vice with a ball joint base is useful on the farm for processing very small parts that can be secured individually. These are mini-vises with suction cups, mounted on a glass or well-polished surface. But they are suitable for rare non-serious work.

Please note that it is wise to install soft attachments on the fastening part for working with soft parts, so as not to cause damage to them. A vice with the least amount of play when the jaws are fully extended is the ideal option.

A vice without a rotating mechanism will save a lot of money, unless, of course, it is needed in the work.

Work on making a bench vice at home

Carpenter's vices, made independently at home, will save significantly family budget than their store-bought ready-made “brothers”. And a huge plus is that the product can be made according to personal preferences and for certain individual species works

It is absolutely not difficult to find material for the structure; it could be: a piece of technical pipe, a used jack, old lathes, presses, etc.

And if you go to a metal collection point, there will undoubtedly be a suitable part for a vice that will cost you a penny.

Classic homemade vice

There are many types of vices, but the most popular and traditional is the type with steel material. Such a vice will be much more reliable than a factory-made one.

The structure consists of:


  • a steel plate of at least 3 mm, but it can be much thicker;
  • external and internal channel (120 and 100 mm);
  • steel lugs;
  • turning cutters 2 pieces;
  • a small piece of reinforcement (rod for a gate);
  • a nut (2 pieces), a pin or a screw of a certain diameter that corresponds to the rod;
  • washer (2 pieces) of the same diameter with the lead screw;
  • screw pair 335 mm;
  • To secure the propeller chassis, a thick plate is needed.

It is necessary to separate the lead screw with washers on both sides of the plate. One of the two washers must be secured with a cotter pin or a locking ring, so that the part is completely removable; you must first weld the screw thread to it.

The handle should also be collapsible on one side, and welded on the other side using a nut. It is necessary to weld a nut with a channel from the screws flush to the plate. To make the channel inside with the screw move easier while moving, it is recommended to lightly process it with a file.

Sponges are welded to the so-called ears, made from turning cutters. They are placed in the right place when the lead screw is screwed in, so the ears stand at the ideal distance from each other.

But you can also connect them with wire for greater convenience, so in the future it will be more convenient to fix uneven parts, the shape of which is expanded towards the bottom.

Such homemade vice Allows you to process larger parts.


To perform work in a home workshop, it is recommended to choose the simplest fixed vice for the machine.

It’s not at all difficult to make them yourself, you just have to watch the video and recommendations, which without special labor can be found on the Internet and drawn up correctly in advance.

DIY vise photo


If you like to work with your hands, then a workbench will be very useful. You can make such a structure yourself from metal. It will consist of a table top, which is mounted on a metal frame.

Design features of the product

A metal workbench can be carpentry or metalworking. The first type is quite simple to manufacture, but on the surface of the tabletop you can only work with wooden parts. This version of the product requires a cover made of wood or treated with linoleum. When trying to work with a metal workpiece on carpentry workbench the coating will absorb oils and metal shavings will damage the surface. Carpentry workbenches are made of wood, so they are not as stable as metal ones.

In the garage, metalwork structures are most often used. Using such equipment you can also work with metal workpieces. This piece of furniture in the workshop is universal. It is important to determine before starting work whether the tabletop will be single or multi-seat.

A metal workbench will have a bench, a lid, and a table. The penultimate element must be equipped with three-layer sides. Metal constructions are made using MDF or a thick sheet of plywood, which is additionally coated metal sheet. It is important to eliminate the presence of sharp corners that the tabletop may have, which will prevent injury. It is important to provide the table with drawers that will be needed to store equipment. It is necessary to equip these components with guides that will prevent accidental falls. If there is a need to protect the wall where the table will be installed, you can install a special screen on it.

Legs must have large area surfaces and also have excellent strength. They are additionally strengthened together at the bottom. It is recommended to place a shelf for varnishes, large tools, and components at the junction points. Most often, steel workbenches are equipped with two disks, which have devices for emphasis. The presence of a clamping screw is important.

Preparation before starting work

A metal workbench can have completely different dimensions, but the most optimal width can be 60 cm, while the length can be equivalent to 1.5 meters. It is recommended to make the frame from profile pipe or There should be sockets and light sources near the table. For cutting metal, it is best to use a grinder. Prepare metal corners, the thickness of which is 3 cm. Their size should be 40 x 40 mm. Will also fit steel profiles, the cross-section of which is 30 x 50 millimeters. A metal strip will be needed to secure the desktop to the frame.

When a metal workbench is made, the tabletop is usually made of dry boards, the thickness of which is 50 millimeters, while the width of this element can vary from 100 to 150 millimeters. During the work you will need galvanized metal 2 millimeters thick. Strips of the same material will be needed to form sides that will protect against the effects of sparks. The length of one such strip should be equivalent to the length of the working surface.

Work on making a workbench

If you decide to make metal drawings, it is recommended to prepare them in advance. The parts are cut to size, and they need to be connected to each other by welding. If there is no need to install additional shelves, then the structure should be strengthened by means of stiffening ribs, which must be made from the same corner. They should be installed at a distance of 10 cm from the floor surface. The same distance is stepped down from the edge of the tabletop. The same manipulations are carried out with the central part of the table. In order to provide a higher height, square steel plates are welded onto the legs.

Features of the assembly

The drawing of a metal workbench, which is presented in the article (see photo above), will allow you to carry out the work correctly. After the main structure is assembled, you can begin to work on the frame. Using square steel corners with a side of 50 millimeters, you need to form a frame. Its length should be 20 cm longer compared to the dimensions of the structure. This is required to secure the vice. Then, in the place where the desktop will be attached to the main structure, steel strips should be welded, while a structure of corners is installed on them. Among other things, protective screens will need to be strengthened.

If you decide to make a metal workbench with your own hands, you should drill holes in the corner that is used for rigidity, as well as in the table top, to which the boards will be fixed. Most often, self-tapping screws with countersunk washers are used for this. At the next stage, the tabletop can be covered sheet metal, which is strengthened with self-tapping screws in advance drilled holes. The shelves can be painted or treated using a fire-retardant composition. To ensure more comfortable work, the part can be rigidly fixed. For this purpose, a vice is used, which contains parallel jaws. All processed elements can be fixed.


As you know, a metal workbench is very susceptible to moisture and corrosion. In order to extend the life of the product, you can treat it with a special paint designed for working on metal. This will make the design even more attractive in appearance.

Everyone needs a garage first and foremost to store their car. However, experienced, competent drivers use the technical inspection room, repair work, machine maintenance. And they know how to not only fill in oil, but even do some rather complex work from a technical point of view, repairing their favorite car. As a result, the garage turns into simple storage to a real workshop. And here you should already have all the equipment necessary for the work. In this case, a workbench in the garage is simply necessary.

Why is a workbench so useful, what is it? The fact is that a workbench is a special desktop with many functions. It allows you to effectively carry out electromechanical, installation and plumbing work in convenient conditions. This table is perfect for processing all kinds of materials. At the same time, everyone, if they approach the task responsibly, will be able to make a reliable workbench for the garage with their own hands.

Let's take a closer look at the workbench. It is often compared with desk. It maximizes human capabilities because it provides an excellent opportunity to effectively use a durable surface for work. At the same time, there are also a sufficient number of sections for storage. necessary items, tools and parts. It is this kind of real workbench, complemented by numerous shelves and drawers, that is most effective and convenient for working in the garage.

Let's list the main structural elements workbench.

  • The frame with legs is a load-bearing base. It is this that becomes the base on which all the steel parts are already fixed.
  • The countertop should be powerful, thick and durable. She will have to withstand severe mechanical loads, such as hammer blows. It is customary to make a tabletop from a thick wooden board or metal.
  • Nightstands are usually located at the edges. It’s great when there are a lot of drawers and shelves. In such sections it is convenient to store the necessary parts, compact spare parts, and small tools.
  • An additional shelf usually takes up space directly under the countertop. It is most logical to place there those objects, tools, parts that are most often used directly while working on the workbench. It will be very convenient to take them: everything you need will be in the free access area.

pay attention to important point. When you put a table in the garage, you need to take care of the light level. Consider alternative lighting in advance working area. For example, you can use different types lighting fixtures. Install an additional light source on the ceiling, and attach a rotating lamp with a directed beam of light to the wall or table. For more efficient work, as well as compliance with safety regulations, good lighting is necessary.

Types of workbenches

Before installing a specific workbench in the garage, it is worth understanding what types of such workbenches there are. It is customary to divide workbenches into metalworking and working ones.

The carpenter's workbench has wooden table top. The frame can be made of wood or metal. Of course, a wooden tabletop, no matter how thick it is, is still very vulnerable. It is inconvenient to work on such a workbench with metal parts. The surface of a wooden tabletop is damaged by metal shavings, and it is difficult to remove numerous traces of machine oil from it. Unfortunately, the service life of such workbenches is short.

More suitable metal workbench in the garage. It attracts with its reliability, durability, increased wear resistance and versatility. Main secret– durable metal tabletop. You can comfortably work on it with parts made of any materials, in particular metal. They grind and cut, sharpen and saw on metalwork benches. The advantage of a workbench is also its stability, because when working with metal parts, a lot of pressure is sometimes placed on the tabletop. It is better to store tools on shelves, drawers workbench.

Materials: wood and metal competition

Do you want to make a workbench for your garage yourself? Then you will need to choose the main material: such tables are made of metal and wood. As a result, finished structures are distinguished by their level of reliability and stability. Of course, a metal workbench is more functional, stable, and durable.

Let's pay attention to the main features of workbenches made of different materials.

  • In the process of making a workbench, it is easier to work, of course, with wood. It is enough to stock up on a hammer, jigsaws, screwdrivers and a grinder or hacksaw to quickly make a wooden workbench.
  • It is much more difficult to make a metal work table, since you need to be able to process metal, as well as carry out welding work. Working with iron blanks is quite difficult. It is advisable to have at least minimal skills. In addition, special equipment will be required.
  • When experts compare metal and wooden workbenches, they note: wooden table less durable, but metal is too heavy and not so convenient to use.
  • The optimal solution is combined workbenches. You can make a wooden tabletop, and then additionally cover it with a metal layer. And then you can safely work with metal and use a vice.

Do you want to have your own workbench in the garage, want to make it yourself, but don't intend to use it very often? Then it will be for you the best option traditional wooden desk. Just make the tabletop thicker and more reliable. It is very important to ensure resistance to mechanical stress.

Preparatory process

Let's learn how to make a workbench in the garage with your own hands. First you need to prepare for work. First of all, determine optimal design, size and shape of your future workbench. Let's say that sometimes the best option is to place a workbench in the corner of the garage. This will allow you to rationally use the space and create a comfortable work area.

  • Choosing a place to install a workbench is one of the most important tasks. Great importance has the level of illumination here. Think about what it will be like daylight. The best option– when the light falls directly or from the left side. When we're talking about about artificial lighting, everything needs to be organized correctly. It is advisable to make an overhead light, as well as install an additional source of directional lighting for the work area.
  • The productivity of work on a workbench and the level of comfort largely depend on the height of the tabletop. It is necessary to calculate the optimal height in advance. Just stand straight and bend your elbows. Imagine that you are leaning on a workbench. This is exactly the distance between your hands and the floor optimal height workbench.
  • There is no need to make the width too large. It’s great if a person can freely reach the opposite edge of the tabletop. Good size– 50 cm wide. The length can be made much longer. The longer the table, the more details and large tools can be laid out on it.

A good solution is to equip a workbench the right tools. For example, they attach a jigsaw or a circular saw to the tabletop.

We select tools and materials

Let’s immediately clarify the list of materials and tools. To work you need a drill and welding machine, tape measure and level, grinder with electric jigsaw. Be sure to stock up on the following materials.

  • Steel strip and angle. The thickness should be 4 mm.
  • Anchor bolts, screws and self-tapping screws.
  • Square pipe with a thickness of 2 mm.
  • Steel sheet to make drawer holders and a tabletop. Optimal thickness– 2 mm.
  • Need drawer guides.
  • For the tabletop you need to take a massive one wooden board with a thickness of 50 mm.
  • The walls of the drawers and tables are made of plywood with a thickness of 15 mm.
  • For registration and promotion operational properties You also need paint for wood and metal.

If you make a workbench from these materials, it will be very strong, durable and stable, easy to use.

We assemble a workbench for the garage with our own hands

Let's look at the algorithm for making a workbench for a garage.

  1. First take four supports. They are made from angle steel. The legs are fastened at the top by welding.
  2. Stiffening ribs are needed. At a distance of 12-15 cm from the floor level, small fragments of the corner should be welded.
  3. To secure drawers and shelves, additional racks are welded.
  4. Then it’s time to make the countertop. You can take Oak planks. They must be tightly secured to the frame. The best option is to make holes for bolts around the perimeter of the frame in advance.
  5. The boards also need to be drilled. The bolts should fit well into the holes.
  6. Already secured the lid? Now it's time to sheathe it with metal. It is advisable to use galvanized iron. It is fixed with self-tapping screws.
  7. File the edges of the metal.
  8. Make shelves and table tops separately.
  9. Assemble the entire workbench completely.
  10. On final stage needs to be processed wooden elements special compounds to prevent the formation of fungus and mold, as well as fire retardants. You can further decorate your desktop using .

When you want the workbench to stand as securely as possible, you can attach it to the floor by welding metal corners to the legs.

If you approach the task as responsibly as possible, follow the technology and use useful tips, your workbench will be in no way inferior to ready-made workbenches from the store.

Video: learning the process of making a workbench for the garage

Do you want to see everything clearly? key points, algorithm of work in the manufacture of workbenches for the garage? Now you have a great opportunity see all useful information on video.

Here you will simply feel like a direct participant in the events! It will be possible to evaluate the complexity and order of work. The videos focus on all the most significant nuances. After watching, if you take the matter responsibly, you will be able to install such a functional desktop in the garage with your own hands.

Good luck to you! Have a reliable, efficient workbench in your garage. With him, work will turn into pleasure.