Are the judgments about modern science correct? Training. Topic: Science. Main features of scientific thinking. Natural and social sciences. Education, its significance for the individual and society. basic general education

28. Are the following judgments true about modern science? A. The successful functioning of modern science depends on special equipment and support from the state. B. The successful functioning of modern science depends on the state of the education system, special scientific organizations. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are false Answer: 3.

Picture 28 from the presentation “The spiritual sphere of social life” for philosophy lessons on the topic “Spiritual Life”

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Spiritual life

“Sphere of spiritual culture” - Differences between spiritual values ​​and material ones. Personality culture. Additional education. Similarities and differences between concepts. Dam. Complex nature. Higher professional education. Judgments about elite culture. Paths to education. Answer the test question. The sphere of spiritual life. A cultured person.

“Spiritual sphere” - Spiritual culture. The spiritual sphere of society's life. The relationship between culture and personality. Individuals and groups create new material and spiritual values. Forms of culture. Features of modern spiritual culture of Russia. The term “culture” is used to describe: Culture is the result of the development of the spiritual sphere of society.

“Ecology of the soul” - Ecology. Ecology of the soul. The power of man. Self-actualization. Altruism. Generosity. Intuition. Initiology. Courage. Soul ecology. Tact. Friendship.

“The spiritual sphere of social life” - Morality. A specific aspect of culture. Process. Theoretical generalization. What is characteristic of religion in contrast to other areas of culture. Science and scientific institutions. The process of self-education. Are the following statements about education true? Are the following judgments about morality correct? Conclusions that a person makes.

“The Inner World of Man” - Proverbs and sayings about the soul. The soul of S.A. Yesenin is something animated. Soul - inner world. L.N. Tolstoy in the autobiographical trilogy. In winter, the flower loses only its appearance, but retains its soul, even though it sleeps. There is nothing more tender and vulnerable than the human soul. The soul is us. A. Akhmatova turns to the soul, as the creator, for strength and help.

“Spiritual culture of man” - Nature. The sphere of spiritual culture. Creative play"A drop". The birth of new knowledge. Scheme "Cultural Man". Game "Find a Pair". Features of spiritual culture. Working with illustrative material. Using interactive methods. Features of the language. White hat. Brainstorm. Reception “Notes in the margins”.

There are 19 presentations in total

A. Religion influences the believer’s attitude towards the world around him.

B. Religion, unlike other forms (areas) of culture, uses a system of proof of hypotheses and theories.

Read the text below, each position of which is marked with a letter.

(A) The second half of the 20th century was marked by advances in science and technology. (B) The most developed countries of the world are increasing funding for science and education, and the creation of new technologies. (B) The main thing is that the expansion of the scientific and technical capabilities of mankind is always used for the benefit of society. Determine which text provisions

1) reflect facts 2) express opinions

Are the following judgments about the role of science in modern world?

A. Science helps a person systematize knowledge about the world around him.

B. Science strives for the reliability of the results obtained.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following judgments about the role of science in human life true?

A. Science helps a person understand the phenomena and processes of the surrounding world.

B. Science helps people transform the world around them.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

16.Match the correspondence between distinctive features and forms (areas) of culture:

What distinguishes religion from other areas (spheres) of spiritual culture?

1) obtaining reliable knowledge about nature and society

2) belief in the divine origin of the world and man

3) diversity artistic styles

4) validity and evidence of conclusions

Are the following statements about science true?

A. The achievements of modern science contribute to the emergence of new industries.

B. The consequences of scientific advances cannot always be reliably predicted.

1.only A is true 2.only B is true 3.both judgments are correct 4.both judgments are incorrect

Are the following statements about religion true?

A. Religion is based on people's ideas about the influence of supernatural forces on their lives.

B. Religion establishes certain rules behavior.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following statements about modern science true?

A. Science is involved in the decision global problems modern society.

B. Modern science makes a significant contribution to the modernization of society.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

275. Are the following judgments about the role of science in the modern world true?

A. Science has the ability to predict the consequences of major advances and

directions of development of modern society.

B. Science is actively involved in solving global problems of modern society.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Answer: 3

276. Are the following judgments about the role of science in the modern world true?

A. Science helps a person to understand the world and explain the laws of its development.

B. Each science, in accordance with its subject and characteristics, develops its own conceptual apparatus.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Answer: 3

277. Read the text below, each position marked with a letter.

(A) Popular television series are a great topic for conversation with friends and acquaintances. (B) According to a sociological survey, in 74% of cases, TV viewers watch TV series at least two to three times a week. (B) It is alarming that for many working people, watching TV series has become ideal option day off after a difficult week.

1) reflect the facts

2) express opinions

Answer: 112

278. Read the text below, each position marked with a letter.

(A) Citizens participating in sociological survey, the question was asked: “What explains the increasing importance of science in the modern world?” (B) The majority of respondents associate the increasing importance of science with the fact that scientific discoveries contribute to the development of technology and technology, help defeat diseases. (B) It is interesting that the level of education of the respondents does not affect the optimistic assessment of the importance of science in modern society.

Determine which text provisions

1) reflect the facts

2) express opinions

Answer: 112

279. Read the text below, each position marked with a letter.

(A) 25-year-old and 55-year-old citizens participating in a sociological survey were asked the question: “What explains the increasing importance of science in the modern world?” (B) The majority of 25-year-old respondents associate the increasing importance of science with the fact that scientific discoveries contribute to the development of technology and technology, and the majority of 55-year-olds - with the fact that scientific discoveries help defeat diseases. (B) It is noteworthy that older people associate the increasing importance of science with its social functions.

Option No. 434158

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Reform and revolution are

1) manifestations of social dynamics

2) elements of the structure of society

3) types of social connections

4) types of social institutions


Relative truth is knowledge

2) incomplete

3) unverified

4) unreasonable


During the lecture, the professor cited features characteristic of societies various types. Which of the following features reflects a feature of industrial society?

1) development of civil society

2) rapid growth of machine production

3) autonomy of society from the state

4) the emergence and development of science


Are the following statements about modern science true?

Science in modern society

A. has reached a high level of development in such areas as cybernetics, nuclear physics, and genetic engineering.

B. made discoveries that pose a threat human life, humanistic ideals and values, human health.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Market economy, as opposed to command economy

1) excludes inflation

2) creates a commodity shortage

3) provides full employment

4) generates competition among commodity producers


Tractor purchased farming for agricultural work, refers to such a factor of production as

2) capital

4) entrepreneurship


Type of tax levied on individuals, is

1) corporate property tax

2) value added tax

3) property tax

4) income tax


The figure shows the market situation Catering: the demand line for the services of restaurants and cafes of Japanese cuisine D has moved to a new position D1 (P is the price of the product, Q is the volume of demand for the product).

This movement may be due primarily to

1) increasing customs duties on the import of seafood

2) increasing prices for sushi and rolls

3) cheaper products for sushi production

4) growth in consumer income


Are the following cost judgments correct?

A. External costs enterprises are necessarily reflected in the financial statements.

B. Internal costs affect the amount of accounting profit, but are not taken into account when calculating economic profit.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


What norms reinforce ideas about beauty and ugliness?

1) rules of etiquette

2) legal

3) customs and traditions

4) aesthetic


In the book “The Honest Mirror of Youth,” young nobles were advised to clean their nails, wash their hands, and “not blow into their ears.” These are examples

1) etiquette standards

2) moral standards

3) traditions

4) folk wisdom


Are the following statements about open and closed societies true?

A. In an open society, attained status is highly valued and there are relatively wide opportunities for movement from one social group to another.

B. A closed society gives preference to the prescribed status and in every possible way makes it difficult to move from one layer to another.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Republic is a form

1) government system, in which powers are divided between the center and regions

2) government, characterized by the election of the head of state and supreme legislative bodies

3) multi-party political system

4) government under which there is a hereditary order of transfer of supreme power


Purpose of the policy modern state in the field of development of political processes and institutions –

1) strengthening representative democracy, expanding the participation of the people in the preparation and adoption of laws.

2) protection of the poorest, most vulnerable segments of the population, targeted support for youth and the elderly.

3) implementation of protection domestic manufacturer from competition from foreign producers.

4) weakening of the tax burden on small and medium-sized businesses, preferential taxation of small enterprises.


The head of state Z is a hereditary ruler whose power has no restrictions. He makes laws, runs the government, and influences the most important judicial decisions. What form of government is established in this state?

1) parliamentary republic

2) constitutional monarchy

3) presidential republic

4) absolute monarchy


Are the following statements about the political system true?

A. In most democracies, religious organizations belong to the political system of society.

B. The political system determines the goals, objectives, and ways of development of society.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Document confirming legal status personality, the order of organization and the competence of government and management bodies in the center and locally, is

1) Civil Code RF

2) Law on Citizenship of the Russian Federation

3) Constitution of the Russian Federation

4) Law on local government RF


Which body is called upon to oversee the accurate and uniform implementation of laws on the territory of the state?

1) notary

2) prosecutor's office

4) advocacy


In the Russian Federation, an economic dispute between legal entities on the issue of recognition of property rights is within the jurisdiction of the court

1) arbitration

2) global

3) jury

4) constitutional


Are the following statements about law correct?

A. Legal norms express the state will, which in a democratic society is backed by the will of the people.

B. All legal norms are adopted by the highest judicial authority.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Write down the word missing in the diagram.


Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are characteristic of the political process. Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in your answer.


Establish a correspondence between types of legal liability and branches of law: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Find the forms of state-territorial structure in the list below. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) absolute monarchy

2) parliamentary republic

3) federation

4) unitary state

5) totalitarian state

6) confederation


Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) Scientists have counted several dozen scientific areas of human study. (B) Quite a few dissertations have been defended in these areas. (B) But knowledge about man is still fragmentary and does not allow us to understand many important aspects. (D) The essence of a person manifests itself at several levels: biological, psychological, social. (D) It is unlikely that a breakthrough will be made in the near future in the study of man at the social level.

Determine which text provisions have

1) factual nature

2) the nature of value judgments

3) the nature of theoretical statements

Write down in the table under the letter indicating the position a number expressing its character.



Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“In philosophy, the reflection of objective reality in human consciousness is understood as the process of ________(A). Scientists distinguish two stages. One of the stages - ________(B) - is characterized by obtaining information about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world with the help of the senses and manifests itself in the form of sensations, perception and ________(B). It is the starting point for the exploration of the world, as a result of which ________ (G) is created. Another stage of the cognitive process - _______(D) - ensures comprehension of the essence of objects and phenomena. This stage is distinguished by a conceptual, abstract-theoretical (associated only with mental activity) character. The main mental operations include analysis, synthesis, comparison, assimilation. As a result of these operations, concepts, _______(E), and inferences are formed.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.



Producer V. created a musical group: he invited three soloists and several musicians, recorded ten songs with them and went on a tour around the country. Select the characteristics of this group from the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) small group

2) informal group

3) large group

4) reference group

5) professional group

6) formal group


Find a concept that generalizes all other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

Parliament, government, court general jurisdiction , authority, arbitration court.


What are the two main instruments of market pricing identified in the text? How does the author determine the meaning of the information disseminated by the price system to market participants?

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The price mechanism in a market economy

The study of the interaction of supply and demand, competition as the main tools of pricing allows us to conduct an effective search for elements of an effective mechanism of market self-regulation... In a market economy, price performs a number of important functions.

Prices convey information. The price system automatically disseminates information to all market participants about a sustainable increase or decrease in demand for a particular type of product. This encourages them to increase or, conversely, reduce production until again a rise or fall in prices sends signals about a shortage or overproduction of marketable products...

At the same time, the pricing system is complicated due to distortions in price information, which is explained by a number of reasons. First of all, it is worth noting the government's intervention in economic processes. A negative role is played by the activities of monopolies seeking to extract the highest possible profits, including by inflating prices. Inflation is also a distorting factor, especially if it is high and unstable.

Prices perform an important stimulating function. Every enterprise strives to reduce production costs, rightly seeing this as one of the time-tested levers for profit growth. For these purposes, the achievements of scientific and technological progress, innovative and competitive technologies, know-how, all kinds of management, etc. are used. The cost of products and the labor intensity of their production are the basis for the formation of market prices. Each enterprise has its own capabilities and reserves along this path, using them to achieve its goal. Thus, the price stimulates the implementation of scientific and technological progress, helps reduce production costs and improve product quality.

Prices participate in regulating the production of goods and services, and also influence the distribution of income and changes in the structure of their use. This function, outside of government influence, is spontaneous in nature. Rising prices, for example, contribute to an increase in the production of goods, but up to certain limits, since high prices limit demand.

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What three functions of prices under market conditions are discussed in the text? List them and illustrate each with a specific example.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The price mechanism in a market economy

The study of the interaction of supply and demand, competition as the main tools of pricing allows us to conduct an effective search for elements of an effective mechanism of market self-regulation... In a market economy, price performs a number of important functions.

Prices convey information. The price system automatically disseminates information to all market participants about a sustainable increase or decrease in demand for a particular type of product. This encourages them to increase or, conversely, reduce production until again a rise or fall in prices sends signals about a shortage or overproduction of marketable products...

At the same time, the pricing system is complicated due to distortions in price information, which is explained by a number of reasons. First of all, it is worth noting the government's intervention in economic processes. A negative role is played by the activities of monopolies seeking to extract the highest possible profits, including by inflating prices. Inflation is also a distorting factor, especially if it is high and unstable.

Prices perform an important stimulating function. Every enterprise strives to reduce production costs, rightly seeing this as one of the time-tested levers for profit growth. For these purposes, the achievements of scientific and technological progress, innovative and competitive technologies, know-how, all kinds of management, etc. are used. The cost of products and the labor intensity of their production are the basis for the formation of market prices. Each enterprise has its own capabilities and reserves along this path, using them to achieve its goal. Thus, the price stimulates the implementation of scientific and technological progress, helps reduce production costs and improve product quality.

Prices participate in regulating the production of goods and services, and also influence the distribution of income and changes in the structure of their use. This function, outside of government influence, is spontaneous in nature. Rising prices, for example, contribute to an increase in the production of goods, but up to certain limits, since high prices limit demand.

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It is known that in market conditions prices are set under the influence of supply and demand. However, according to a number of economists, even in these conditions the state must pursue its own pricing policy and control the price level for some goods and services. Specify assumptions about pricing policy states.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The price mechanism in a market economy

The study of the interaction of supply and demand, competition as the main tools of pricing allows us to conduct an effective search for elements of an effective mechanism of market self-regulation... In a market economy, price performs a number of important functions.

Prices convey information. The price system automatically disseminates information to all market participants about a sustainable increase or decrease in demand for a particular type of product. This encourages them to increase or, conversely, reduce production until again a rise or fall in prices sends signals about a shortage or overproduction of marketable products...

At the same time, the pricing system is complicated due to distortions in price information, which is explained by a number of reasons. First of all, it is worth noting the government's intervention in economic processes. A negative role is played by the activities of monopolies seeking to extract the highest possible profits, including by inflating prices. Inflation is also a distorting factor, especially if it is high and unstable.

Prices perform an important stimulating function. Every enterprise strives to reduce production costs, rightly seeing this as one of the time-tested levers for profit growth. For these purposes, the achievements of scientific and technological progress, innovative and competitive technologies, know-how, all kinds of management, etc. are used. The cost of products and the labor intensity of their production are the basis for the formation of market prices. Each enterprise has its own capabilities and reserves along this path, using them to achieve its goal. Thus, the price stimulates the implementation of scientific and technological progress, helps reduce production costs and improve product quality.

The next page will ask you to check them yourself. The next page will ask you to check them yourself.

To reveal the main idea(s) you have formulated, provide reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions).

To illustrate the main idea(s), theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions you have formulated, please provide at least two social facts/examples from various sources(social life (including media reports), personal social experience (including books read, movies watched), from various educational subjects.

Each given fact/example must be formulated in detail and confirm/be clearly connected with the designated main idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion. The content of the examples should not be of the same type (they should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy:“Man is a living contradiction and, as such, a living mystery” (S. Bulgakov)

29.2 Economics:“Inflation is the golden time for debt repayment” (K. Melikhan)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology:“When people come into close contact with each other, their behavior is reminiscent of porcupines trying to stay warm on a cold winter night. They are cold, they press against each other, but the more they do this, the more painfully they prick each other with their long needles. Forced to separate because of the pain of the injections, they come together again due to the cold, and so on all night long” (A. Schopenhauer)

29.4 Political Science:“There will be no freedom if judicial branch not separated from the legislative and executive powers” ​​(C. Montesquieu)

29.5 Jurisprudence:“Laws owe their power to morals” (C. Helvetius)

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