Supreme Council of the USSR. Bodies of state power and administration in the USSR

IN OUR COUNTRY, the election campaign for the election of a new supreme body is increasingly unfolding state power. Due to this important event The editors receive letters asking them to talk about the work of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Our correspondent asked the Chairman of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, V. P. RUBEN, to answer readers’ questions.

CORR: Vitaly Petrovich! In the bourgeois press, attacks by our ideological opponents on the Soviet authorities have become more frequent. They write, for example, that the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, with the exception of a few days a year, has continuous “parliamentary holidays”, indicating that its deputies do not have enough “ professional qualifications", since they work in the Council sporadically.

RUBEN: About what kind of work and what kind of professionalism we're talking about? Yes, according to their permanent specialty, deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR are workers and collective farmers (over 50 percent of them). These are engineers, doctors, teachers, cultural figures, economic and political leaders - in a word, representatives of all specialties in all spheres of life. What's wrong with that? After all, this is precisely why any issue in the Supreme Council is considered in the presence and with the live participation of people whose knowledge, authority, experience in a particular area enjoy national recognition. Our deputies - representatives of the working people - value everything that the country lives with. They are vitally interested in every Soviet person living better. From these positions they approach the solution of their deputy duties. For comparison, let us remember that there is not a single worker or ordinary farmer in the US Congress. And the Americans themselves call the highest house of parliament - the Senate - the "millionaires' club." Such representatives, naturally, do not care about the concerns of the common man.

As for the “episodic” nature, here, too, the “critics” are at odds with reality.

Yes, sessions of our highest authority meet twice a year. They review and approve state plans for economic and social development, State Budget of the USSR, laws are adopted. However, even between sessions the Kremlin halls are not empty. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR works here, which is its permanent body. The Presidium meets regularly (usually 6 - 7 times a year).

Continuity in the work of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR is also ensured by the standing commissions of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities elected from among the deputies. In accordance with the Constitution of the USSR, they are created for preliminary consideration and preparation of issues falling within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, as well as to facilitate the implementation of laws of the USSR and other decisions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and its Presidium, and control over the activities of state bodies and organizations. Unlike similar commissions in bourgeois parliaments, which meet occasionally, commissions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR work regularly. The number of commissions and the number of deputies in them is growing. So, if in all the commissions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the first convocation there were 89 deputies, now 34 have been created in the chambers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR permanent commissions, in which 1210 deputies work.

Much work on the preliminary consideration of state plans for the development of the national economy of the country and the budget, on the preparation of conclusions on them, is carried out on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for example, by the planning and budgetary and other standing commissions of the chambers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Thus, to consider the State Plan for Economic and Social Development of the USSR for 1981 - 1985, the State Plan for Economic and Social Development of the USSR for 1982, 17 preparatory commissions were formed, in which over 230 deputies and 200 specialists from ministries and departments worked. The results of the work of the preparatory commissions were reviewed at plenary sessions of planning, budget and other commissions, in which 1,000 deputies participated.

This is just one of many examples, so there is no reason to blame the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for inactivity.

CORR: Please tell us more about the work of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the tenth convocation.

RUBEN: The past period after the election of the current composition of the highest body of power (March 4, 1979), as noted by the XXVI Congress of the CPSU, is characterized by an increasing role of the Councils of People's Deputies in the implementation of state, economic and socio-cultural construction, strengthening their control over the implementation of the life of laws, the work of accountable bodies.

IN modern conditions, as Comrade Yu. V. Andropov pointed out, the role of representative bodies in the implementation of the most important economic and organizational function of the socialist state is increasing. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the tenth convocation considered and approved state plans for economic and social development for the eleventh five-year plan and annual plans, the state budget of the USSR, heard reports from the Government of the USSR, reports on the implementation of state plans and budget execution. A number of important, key problems of the national economy were discussed in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, its Presidium, and the standing commissions of the chambers, including the issues of concentrating capital investments on start-up and most important construction projects, the implementation of state plans, tasks for introducing scientific and technological achievements into production, and the implementation of state planning targets for training qualified workers for agricultural production and their consolidation in rural areas, as well as a number of other problems.

Tasks of enormous historical importance were set before the Councils of People's Deputies by the decisions of the May (1982) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, which approved the Food Program for the period until 1990. In this regard, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR studied the experience of creating regional agro-industrial associations in the Georgian SSR and the Latvian SSR, and considered the issue of the work of the Soviets Byelorussian SSR for the implementation of the Food Program.

Today, in the practical activities of the Soviets, well-organized work planning, skillful organization of work and management, and clearly organized control over the state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations subordinate to them are of paramount importance. It was in this aspect that the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR analyzed the work of the Councils of People's Deputies of the Ukrainian SSR in monitoring the activities of accountable bodies, and the Councils of the Azerbaijan SSR in fulfilling the requirements of legislation on strengthening labor discipline and ensuring rational use labor resources.

The focus of attention of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR is constantly on issues of improving the well-being of Soviet people, improving working conditions, living conditions, recreation, medical care and protection of workers' health.

The scale of construction of children's preschools is expanding therapeutic and preventive and health facilities. The service sector, trade and consumer services are being improved. Further development was achieved public education, training of qualified personnel.

The Supreme Soviet of the USSR focuses on improving the living conditions of Soviet people, fair distribution of housing under public control, ensuring the safety housing stock, makes decisions on other important issues for the country.

Carrying out control over the use of laws, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR discussed at its meetings the activities of the Councils of People's Deputies of the Moldavian SSR, Turkmen SSR, Novosibirsk Region in compliance with the requirements of housing legislation and the implementation of housing construction plans.

A special place in the activities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was occupied by problems related to improving the working and living conditions of women, caring for children and youth. On these issues, a resolution was adopted on the work of the Councils of People's Deputies of the Lithuanian SSR, Uzbek SSR, Bashkir ASSR and Omsk Region.

Of great importance are the Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, adopted at the initiative of the CPSU Central Committee, in accordance with which pension provision and social insurance for workers have noticeably improved. A pension supplement for work after reaching retirement age has been introduced. From 10 to 20 percent. The amount of the old-age pension supplement for continuous work experience in one enterprise, institution, or organization has been increased.

Pension provision for disabled people of the Great Patriotic War and the families of military personnel who died at the front has been improved; pensions for war disabled people of groups I, II and III have been increased.

State assistance to families with children has been significantly expanded. The amount and duration of benefits for single mothers have been increased.

CORR: In recent years, many legislative acts have been adopted. Please tell us about the most important of them.

RUBEN: As you know, by resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated December 12, 1977, the “Plan for organizing work to bring legislation into force” was approved USSR in accordance with the Constitution of the USSR", designed for 1978 - 1982.

Most of the tasks outlined in the plan for developing new legislative acts and introducing amendments and additions to existing legislation have been completed. In pursuance of the plan, 20 new legislative acts were adopted, including 10 laws directly named in the Constitution of the USSR (Law on Elections to the Supreme Soviet, Rules of Procedure of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Law on the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Law on the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR, Law on State Arbitration, etc. .).

More than 30 existing legislative acts have been brought into conformity with the Constitution of the USSR. The Code of Laws of the USSR is published.

The legislative process in the USSR guarantees that the true will of the Soviet people is embodied in laws. During the tenth convocation, a number of bills were submitted for public discussion.

An example of this is the Fundamentals of Housing Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics. The draft Fundamentals was published in the central, republican press for public discussion. More than 20 thousand proposals and comments were received on the project. All proposals were summarized and carefully considered in the standing committees of the chambers, and many of them were taken into account and included in the adopted law.

During the activity of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the tenth convocation, other bills were also submitted for public discussion, for example, the Law on labor collectives and increasing their role in the management of enterprises, institutions, and organizations. In total, almost 130 thousand proposals and comments were received on the project.

CORR: What is the activity of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in matters of foreign policy?

RUBEN: The highest government body pays great and constant attention to international problems.

In the Address of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to the parliaments and peoples of the world, adopted at the fifth session, in the Address to parliaments, governments, political parties and the peoples of the world, adopted at the joint ceremonial meeting of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the formation of the USSR, the voice of our party and state sounded firmly, clearly and consistently to the whole world, confirming with renewed vigor that our ideal , Our constant goal and constant concern is universal peace, friendship and cooperation among peoples.

The resolution “On the international situation and foreign policy of the Soviet Union”, adopted on the report of a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, Comrade A. A. Gromyko, at the eighth session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR contains new constructive proposals of the USSR, aimed at reducing the arms race and ensuring peace on our planet.

The text of the resolution was officially sent to the heads of parliaments of countries with which the USSR has diplomatic relations, to the chairmen of the Commissions on foreign affairs parliaments.

At the ninth session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the tenth convocation in December 1983, in the adopted resolution “On the international situation and foreign policy of the Soviet state,” the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided: to fully and completely approve the Statements of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Comrade Yu.V. Andropov dated September 28 and November 24, 1983, which gave a deep and comprehensive assessment of the reasons that caused the current complication of the international situation, confirmed the constant line of the Soviet Union to preserve and strengthen peace, curb the arms race, expand and deepen cooperation between states.

Despite the ongoing attempts of opponents of détente to prevent the development of parliamentary ties with the Soviet Union, the geography of parliamentary contacts has expanded.

Total in 1979 - 1983 delegations from the highest government body of the USSR visited 49 foreign countries. The stay of Soviet parliamentarians abroad was actively used to disseminate truthful information about the Soviet Union, explain its peace-loving foreign policy, new practical steps and initiatives aimed at preserving world peace and preventing nuclear disaster.

During the same period, 54 delegations of foreign parliaments visited the USSR on official visits.

This is just a short list of matters that the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, its Presidium, and various commissions are constantly busy with. But what has been said is enough to convince us of the bias and deceit of bourgeois propagandists who are trying to judge by their own standards the activities of the highest body of state power of the USSR.

The Constitution was the main legislative body of the country. He was called upon to represent the interests of the people in the person of the deputies. But to what extent was it possible to do this in the realities of Soviet times? Let's look at the history of the formation and further development of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and also analyze in detail its main tasks and functions.

Before the formation of the Supreme Council, the highest legislative body in the state was considered the Congress of Soviets of the USSR, consisting of deputies who were elected at local congresses. This body was elected by the Central Election Commission, which, in turn, was responsible for the formation of the executive branches of government. The Congress of Soviets was established immediately after the formation of the USSR in 1922 and abolished in 1936, when it was replaced by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Before the proclamation of the Soviet Union, similar functions were performed by the Congresses of Soviets of specific republics: All-Russian, All-Ukrainian, All-Belarusian, All-Caucasian. In total, from 1922 to 1936, eight All-Union Congresses of Soviets were held.

In 1936, the Soviet Union adopted another Constitution, according to which the powers of the Supreme Council and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR were transferred to a new institution - the Supreme Council. Unlike its predecessor, this collegial body assumed direct election by the entire population of the country with the right to vote. It was believed that in this way the people would have more leverage to form power structures than with indirect elections. This was presented as the next step towards the democratization of society, with which the formation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was connected. This is how the authorities tried to pretend to be close to the people.

Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR were held in December 1937, and he began his immediate duties at the beginning of the next year.

The Supreme Soviet of the USSR was formed from two chambers with equal rights: the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities. The first of them was elected in proportion to the population in each area. The second represented each republic or autonomous unit, and for each administrative-territorial form a certain number of deputies was provided, regardless of the number of inhabitants in a given territory. Thus, each republic in the Council of Nationalities was represented by 32 deputies, an autonomous republic - 11, an autonomous region - 5, autonomous region - 1.


The body that managed the work of this parliamentary structure was the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He was elected immediately after the start of the activities of the Council of a particular convocation. Initially it consisted of thirty-eight deputies, although the number was subsequently adjusted. Its work was supervised by the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Members of the Presidium, unlike other deputies, worked on a permanent basis and did not meet from session to session.

Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin became the first Chairman of the Supreme Council. He held this position almost until his death in 1946, and before that he was the head of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union from the RSFSR. Heading the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, M.I. Kalinin acquired the nickname “All-Union Elder.”

Under him, in 1940, due to the fact that the territory of the USSR expanded significantly, including by including new republics and autonomous entities as a result of the implementation of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, it was decided to increase the number of members of the presidium by 5 people. However, on the day of Kalinin’s resignation, this number was reduced by one. The most famous Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR at that time was issued in July 1941 and was called “On Martial Law.” It meant the fact that Soviet Union accepted the challenge thrown at him by Nazi Germany.

After the war, Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin did not remain in his high position for long. Because of poor condition health, he had to resign as head of the Supreme Council in March 1946, although he remained a member of the Presidium until his death from cancer in June of the same year.

After Kalinin's resignation, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was headed by Nikolai Mikhailovich Shvernik. Of course, he did not have as much authority as his predecessor to make at least some adjustments to Stalin’s policies. Actually, after the death of Stalin in 1953, Shvernik was replaced by the famous Civil War military leader, popular among the people, Marshal Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov. However, he was more of a military man than a politician, so he also failed to develop his own independent line, despite the beginning of the “thaw” under Khrushchev.

In 1960, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev became the head of the Supreme Council. After Khrushchev's removal in 1964, he left this position, becoming the General Secretary of the only party in the state. Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan was appointed head of the Supreme Council, but a year later he was replaced by Nikolai Viktorovich Podgorny, since the previous Chairman tried to pursue an independent policy in some matters.

However, in 1977, Brezhnev again took the post of head of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, which he held until his death in the fall of 1982. Thus, for the first time in history, the position of party head (the de facto leader of the Soviet Union) and formally the most high post in the country were concentrated in the hands of one person. The congresses of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in those years were of a purely technical nature, and all major decisions were made exclusively by the Politburo. It was an era of "stagnation".

New Constitution

In 1978, a new Constitution came into force, according to which deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR were re-elected every 5 years, instead of four, as was the case before. The number of the Presidium together with the head reached 39 people.

This Constitution confirmed that the Supreme Soviet of the USSR is the collegial head of the Soviet Union. In addition, the Presidium was assigned the exclusive right to ratify and denounce international agreements, introduce martial law and declare war. Among other powers of this body, it should be noted the prerogative of conferring citizenship, establishing and awarding orders and medals, and holding referendums. However, this is far from a complete list.

From Brezhnev to Gorbachev

After Brezhnev's death in 1982, the tradition of combining senior party and government positions, begun by him, was continued. Vasily Vasilyevich Kuznetsov was appointed acting chairman of the Supreme Council until the election of a new General Secretary. After Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov was appointed General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, he was also elected to the post of Chairman of the Presidium. However, he did not hold these posts for long, since he died in February 1984.

Again Kuznetsov was appointed and. O. the head of the Soviet parliament, and again he was replaced after his election to the post by a new General Secretary - Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko. However, he did not live long, since a year later his life’s path was cut short. Again, the permanent acting head of the Presidium, V. V. Kuznetsov, assumed temporary powers. But this trend was interrupted. The time has come for global change.

Chairmanship of A. A. Gromyko

After Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev came to power in 1985 as General Secretary, the tradition dating back to the time of Brezhnev, when the highest party leader simultaneously headed the Supreme Council, was broken. This time Andrei Andreevich Gromyko was appointed Chairman of the Presidium, before former Minister foreign affairs He remained in this position until 1988, when he asked to resign for health reasons. Less than a year later, Andrei Andreevich died. This was, perhaps, the first head of the Supreme Council after the “All-Union Elder” Kalinin, who was able to pursue a policy that did not completely coincide with the line of the General Secretary.

At this time, the country, under the leadership of General Secretary M.S. Gorbachev, was pursuing a course towards democratization of society, which was given the name “perestroika”. It was he who took the chair of the Chairman of the Supreme Council after Gromyko’s resignation.

Just in 1988, the active phase of perestroika began. She could not help but touch upon the activities of the Supreme Council itself. The composition of the Presidium was significantly expanded. Now the heads of committees and chambers of the Supreme Council automatically became its members. But more importantly, since 1989, the Supreme Council has ceased to be the collective head of state, since it is headed solely by the Chairman.

Since this year, the format of the meetings itself has changed significantly. If previously deputies gathered exclusively at sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, then from that moment their work began to be carried out on an ongoing basis, as the Presidium had functioned before.

In the first half of March 1990, a new position was established - President of the USSR. It was he who now began to be considered the official head of the Soviet Union. In this regard, Mikhail Gorbachev, who assumed this position, renounced the powers of the Chairman of the Supreme Council, transferring them to Anatoly Ivanovich Lukyanov.


It was under Lukyanov that the Supreme Soviet of the USSR completed its functioning. 1991 became the point after which the Soviet state could no longer exist in its previous form.

The turning point was the August putsch, which was defeated and thereby stated the impossibility of preserving the old order. By the way, one of the active members of the coup was the head of parliament Anatoly Lukyanov, who, however, was not directly a member of the State Emergency Committee. After the failure of the putsch, with the permission of the Supreme Council, he was in a pre-trial detention center, from where he was released only in 1992, that is, after the final collapse of the Soviet Union.

In September 1991, a law was issued to significantly change the functioning of the Supreme Council. According to it, the independence of the Council of the Union and the Council of Republics was consolidated. The first chamber included deputies whose candidacies were agreed upon with the leadership of a particular republic. Twenty deputies from each republic of the Soviet Union were elected to the second chamber. It was last change which the USSR Parliament underwent.

Meanwhile, after the failed coup attempt, more and more former Soviet republics announced state sovereignty and secession from the USSR. At the beginning of the last month of 1991, the existence of the Soviet Union was effectively put to rest Belovezhskaya Pushcha, at the congress of leaders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. On December 25, President Gorbachev resigned. And the next day, at a session of the Supreme Council, a decision was made on its self-dissolution and the liquidation of the USSR as a state.

The Supreme Soviet of the USSR was formally considered for most of the time of its existence to be a collective head of state, endowed with very broad functions, but in fact the real state of affairs was far from being like that. All major decisions concerning state development were made at meetings of the Central Committee of the Party or the Politburo, and at a certain period of time, individually by the General Secretary. So the activities of the Supreme Council were a screen covering the people who really led the country. Although the Bolsheviks came to power using the slogan: “All power to the Soviets!”, in reality it was never put into practice. Only in recent years have the declared functions of this parliamentary structure begun to at least partially correspond to the real ones.

At the same time, it should be noted that it was the laws and decrees of the Supreme Council that were a kind of notification to the people and the world community about the decisions that were made by the ruling elite. Thus, this institution still had certain functions, although they differed significantly from its declarative rights and prerogatives enshrined in the Soviet Constitution.

from 1936 to December 1991 - the highest body of state power in the USSR. Consisted of two equal chambers - the Council of the Union (elected in districts with equal population) and the Council of Nationalities (elected according to the norm: 32 deputies from each union republic, 11 deputies from each autonomous republic, 5 deputies from each autonomous region and 1 deputy from each Autonomous Okrug). Sessions of the Supreme Council were convened twice a year. From among its members, at a joint meeting of the chambers, they elected the Presidium - a legislative and executive-administrative body between sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, formed the government - the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (since 1946 - the Council of Ministers of the USSR), which was the highest executive and administrative body of state power in the USSR . The Supreme Council also elected the Supreme Court of the USSR (the highest judicial body), appointed Prosecutor General(oversaw the precise implementation of laws by ministries, departments, officials and citizens of the USSR). On December 1, 1988, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted amendments to the Constitution of the USSR and a new law on the elections of people's deputies, according to which the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR was established. The Congress formed the Supreme Council and elected the Chairman of the Supreme Council, endowed with presidential functions. The new Supreme Council was formed in May 1989. It ceased to exist in December 1991 with the collapse of the USSR.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

highest government body authorities of the USSR, created in accordance with the Constitution of the USSR 1936; consists of two chambers: the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities. The Supreme Council of the USSR is the highest representative body of the Soviet Union. state Its deputies are elected directly by citizens of the USSR who have reached the age of 18, through universal, equal and direct elections by secret ballot. The Council of the Union is elected by electorate. districts according to the norm: one deputy per 300 thousand population; The Council of Nationalities is elected by allied and auto. republics, ed. regions and national districts according to the norm: 25 deputies from each union republic, 11 deputies from each auto. republics, 5 deputies from each auto. region and 1 deputy from each national district. Every citizen of the USSR who has reached the age of 23 can be elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, regardless of race or nationality. affiliation, gender, religion, education. qualifications, residence, social origin, property. position and past activities. Women enjoy the right to vote and be elected on an equal basis with men. Elections to the Supreme Council of the USSR are held in accordance with the Regulations on Elections, approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR on January 9. 1950. The Supreme Council of the USSR is elected for 4 years; The term of office of the Supreme Council of the USSR of the 1st convocation was extended due to military circumstances. time. -***-***-***- Table 1. Elections in the Supreme Council of the USSR [s]ELECTIONS_IN_USSR.JPG In the elections of the Supreme Council of the USSR of the 6th convocation, 139,957,809 voters took part, i.e. the entire adult population of the country. Of the 1,443 deputies, 791 were elected to the Council of the Union and 652 deputies to the Council of Nationalities. In the Council of the Union, 436 deputies, or 55.1%, are currently. time or started their labor activity workers and peasants. 359 deputies, or 45.4% of the total number of deputies of the Council of the Union, work directly in production: in industry - 199 workers, in collective farms - 160 collective farmers. 168 deputies are workers of party, trade union and Komsomol bodies, 107 deputies are workers of Sov. and household bodies, 79 - figures of culture, literature, art and science. In the Council of Nationalities, out of 652 deputies, 345, or 52.9%, are currently. time or began their careers as workers and peasants. 287 deputies, or 44%, work directly in production: in industry - 140 workers, in collective farms - 147 collective farmers. In accordance with the requirements of the CPSU Program on the advisability of renewing at least 1/3 of the composition of deputies of the Soviets at each election, in the elections of March 18, 1962, the composition of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was renewed by approximately 70%. At the same time, 1,007 deputies were elected for the first time. Among them are the first cosmonauts Yu. A. Gagarin and Mr. S. Titov. 209 deputies are under 30 years of age. Among the deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR are 45 Heroes of the Soviet Union. Union, 161 Hero of the Socialist. Labor, 88 laureates of Lenin and State. awards, 1,095 awarded orders and medals of the USSR. Among the deputies - 761 people. with higher and 530 with secondary education. Representatives of 37 and 55 nationalities and nationalities were elected to the Council of the Union and 55 nationalities to the Council of Nationalities. A deputy of the V.S. of the USSR enjoys the right of legislative initiative, participates in the discussion of issues considered by the V.S. of the USSR, has the right of inquiry, which can appeal directly to the Government of the USSR or an individual minister. Personality of deputy V.S. The USSR is inviolable, he cannot be brought to justice or arrested without the consent of the Supreme Council of the USSR, and in the period between sessions of the Supreme Council of the USSR - without the consent of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Each deputy is obliged to report to voters in his work and in the work of the Supreme Council of the USSR, according to the Constitution of the USSR (Article 142), and can be recalled at any time by decision of the majority of voters in accordance with the law. V.I. Lenin attached great importance to the right of voters to recall their deputies. He called the right of recall the right of “real control” and saw in it “the true national meaning of the Soviets” (Works, vol. 26, pp. 303, 304). In the draft decree on the right of recall, written by Lenin back in November. 1917, it was said: “Any elective institution or assembly of representatives can be considered truly democratic and truly representative of the will of the people only if the right of recall by the voters is recognized and exercised. This is the basic, fundamental position of true democracy...” (ibid., p. 301). During the years of Stalin’s personality cult, an incorrect practice developed in the localities when deputies of the Soviets and executive committees reported to the population only from time to time, the main In connection with the next election campaign, N. S. Khrushchev, in the report of the CPSU Central Committee to the XX Congress of the CPSU, noted that the right of recall provided for by the Soviet Constitution was not always applied to those deputies who did not justify the trust of voters. Further democratization of the Soviets as bodies of state power was adopted on October 30, 1959 by the 3rd session of the Supreme Council of the USSR of the 5th convocation of the law on the procedure for recalling a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. "One of the main provisions of socialist democracy, established in the Soviet state as a result of the Great October Socialist Revolution, is an expression of the full power of the working people and guarantees the real responsibility of the deputy to the voters." The Council of the Union of the V.S. USSR represents common interests all citizens of the USSR, regardless of their nationality. accessories. The Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR is a national body. representation and reflects special, specific. interests of the peoples of the USSR related to their national. features. Giving great value representation of the union republics in the highest government bodies. authorities, Lenin in November 1922 sent a note to the Politburo of the RCP(b), in which he wrote: “We must absolutely insist that the Union Central Executive Committee be chaired in turn by a Russian, a Ukrainian, a Georgian, etc. Absolutely!” (Oc., vol. 33, p. 335). In the resolution of the XII Congress of the RCP (b) (April 1923) on national. On the issue, it was stated that “in the system of the highest bodies of the Union, a special body for the representation of all national republics and national regions without exception should be established on the basis of equality, with possible consideration of the representation of all nationalities that are part of these republics” (“CPSU in resolutions...” , 7th ed., part 1, 1954, p. 716). Both chambers of the Supreme Council of the USSR - the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities - are completely equal in rights. According to Art. 47 of the Constitution, in the event of a disagreement between the chambers, the issue is referred to the resolution of a conciliation commission formed by the chambers on a parity basis. If conciliation commission does not come to an agreement or if its decision does not satisfy one of the chambers, the issue is considered a second time in the chambers. In the absence of a unanimous decision of both chambers, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR dissolves the Supreme Council of the USSR and calls new elections. This procedure for resolving disagreements between chambers is one of the serious guarantees of equality of chambers. Full equality of both chambers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR is also guaranteed in the Constitution of the USSR by a number of other important provisions. So, for example, mutual consent of the chambers is necessary when exercising the function of legislators. authorities. V.S. USSR is endowed with all the fullness of the state. authorities in the country. He embodies the will and sovereignty of all owls. people, personifies their sovereignty. According to Art. 31 of the Constitution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR exercises all the rights assigned to the USSR, since these rights are not, by virtue of the Constitution, within the competence of the bodies of the USSR accountable to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR: the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the ministries of the USSR. V.S. USSR allows critical issues, defining state, economic. and cultural development of the Soviet Union. countries. V.S. USSR approves plans for the development of the people. farms and state USSR budget; forms new autos. republics and auto. regions within the union republics; approves changes in borders between union republics; exercises control over compliance with the Constitution of the USSR, etc. All activities of the V.S. USSR are aimed at successfully solving the problems facing the Soviet Union. state tasks of extensive communist construction. about-va. V.S. USSR defines the foundations of external USSR politics; consistently fights to strengthen peace and develop cooperation between peoples. V.S. USSR belongs exclusively. the right to implement legislation. USSR authorities. Only the Supreme Soviet of the USSR has the right to change the Constitution of the USSR (by decision adopted by a majority of at least 2/3 votes in each chamber) and pass laws on issues within the jurisdiction of the USSR. The Supreme Council of the USSR establishes the foundations of the most important branches of legislation of the USSR and union republics - legislation on the judicial system and legal proceedings, civil, criminal, labor, marriage and family, etc. The law adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR is the highest legal act. force, no other body has the right to cancel or change it, any other normative act must comply with the law; In the event of a discrepancy between the law of a Union republic and the all-Union law, the all-Union law shall apply. It is in the laws of the USSR that many of the most important events carried out by the Communist Party find their expression. party and Sov. state A law is considered approved if it is adopted by both chambers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR by a simple majority of votes in each chamber. Comprehensive preview. discussion of bills by wide circles of Sov. public is one of the striking features of the legislation. activities of V.S. USSR. This feature fully meets the objectives set by the CPSU Program for further democratization of the state. management and the increasing involvement of the population in the management of the state. One of the forms of direct expression of the will of owls. people became a nationwide discussion of the most important state. issues to be resolved by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. At the national level such major events as the restructuring of industry and construction management, the reorganization of MTS and the further development of the collective farm system, improvement pension provision, strengthening the connection between school and life and restructuring the system of people. education in the country, etc. During 1956-61, a number of the largest bills were published in the press for public discussion, and the results of the discussion were taken into account in further work over bills. For example, a draft law on state law was published. pensions, draft Fundamentals of Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics - criminal, criminal procedural, civil, etc. Thus, on the issue of restructuring the management of industry and construction, St. 576 thousand general meetings , on which up to 50 million workers were present; more than 3 million people made its comments and suggestions; for 25 days of March 1958, the editors of newspapers and magazines, radio and television received up to 126 thousand articles, letters and proposals, of which approx. 103 thousand. As the highest government body. The authorities of the V.S. USSR of each convocation forms the highest bodies of the USSR accountable to it: elects the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and forms the Government of the USSR - the Council of Ministers of the USSR, elects the Supreme Court of the USSR for 5 years and appoints the General for 7 years. Prosecutor of the USSR. The Supreme Court of the USSR is entrusted with oversight of the activities of the court. bodies of the USSR, as well as the court. bodies of the Union republics within the limits established by law. Gene. the prosecutor is responsible to the Supreme Council of the USSR, accountable to him, and in the period between sessions of the Supreme Council of the USSR - to the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR. Mandatory presence of representatives of all Union republics in the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (chairmen of the Presidiums of the Supreme Soviet of the Union republics are elected as Deputy Chairmen of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR), in the Council of Ministers of the USSR (it includes the chairmen of the Councils of Ministers of the Union republics by position ) and to Top. court of the USSR (it includes the chairmen of the supreme courts of the union republics by position) emphasizes the equality of the sovereign union republics, their equal opportunities to influence the resolution of cases in the state. bodies of the USSR, as well as to protect the interests of the republic throughout the Union. The Supreme Councils of the Union and Autonomous Republics are organized and function on the same democratic principles as the Supreme Council of the USSR. They exercise all the rights assigned to the republics according to their constitutions, since these rights do not fall within the competence of the bodies reporting to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. According to the Constitution of the USSR (Article 46), sessions of the Supreme Council of the USSR are convened by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR 2 times a year. Extraordinary sessions are convened by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR at its discretion or at the request of one of the union republics. Sessions of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities begin and end simultaneously. According to established practice, the 1st session of each chamber of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of a new convocation is opened, as a rule, by one of the oldest deputies and its work begins with the election of the leadership of the chamber - the chairman of the chamber and his four deputies. The chairman of the chamber approves the speakers and co-rapporteurs on agenda items, directs the meetings of the chamber and is in charge of its internal regulations. During the period between sessions, the chairmen of the chambers maintain contact with deputies, direct the work of the standing committees of the chambers, and ensure the representation of V. S. USSR in relations with the state. and societies. organizations, in its international connections. The work of sessions of the Supreme Council of the USSR takes place both at separate and joint sessions of the chambers. Joint meetings are chaired alternately by the chairmen of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities. At the 1st session of the new convocation, each chamber elects a credentials committee, which verifies the powers of the deputies of the chamber. On the recommendation of the credentials commissions of the chamber, they either recognize the powers of deputies or cassate (declare invalid) the elections of individual of them. The chambers elect a number of permanent commissions for the term of office of the Supreme Council of the USSR. So, for example, the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 6th convocation established permanent commissions: legislative proposals, budgetary, foreign affairs. affairs, and the Council of Nationalities, in addition, Economic. commission. The main task of standing committees is to pre-emptively preparation of bills and other materials on issues that are being considered by the Supreme Council of the USSR. The standing commissions of the chambers also participate in the preparation of projects and decrees on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which directs the work of the commissions in the period between sessions. Characteristic in the work of standing committees - widespread involvement in preliminary work. work on bills of the public - representatives of the relevant state. bodies, scientific and other institutions and organizations. Auxiliary The role in the work of the Supreme Council of the USSR belongs to the Councils of Elders of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities. The Council of Elders of each chamber consists of Representatives, who are delegated by groups of deputies elected in certain republics, territories and regions. Councils of elders usually meet on the eve of the opening of the session of the Supreme Council of the USSR. They preliminary review the agenda of the session and the order of its work and instruct individual deputies to submit relevant proposals for consideration by the chambers; recommend to their chambers candidates for the posts of chairman and deputy. chairman of the chambers, etc. The CPSU Program adopted by the XXII Congress of the CPSU emphasizes the need to increase the role of the standing committees of the Soviets and sets the task of expanding participation in legislation. activities will present. organs of the Sov. state societies. organizations and workers' associations. Trade unions, Komsomol and other mass public organizations represented by their all-union and republican bodies should be given the right to legislate. initiatives. The discussion of draft laws by workers, as stated in the Program, should become a system. The most important bills must be submitted to a popular vote (referendum). In the development of international connections V.S. USSR means. The role was played by the Declaration of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1955), which called on parliaments to establish directly. contacts to develop friendships. relations and cooperation between peoples. At the invitation of V.S. USSR to the Soviet Union. The Union was visited by delegations from the parliaments of many states. In turn, the delegation of V.S. USSR, at the invitation of foreigners. parliaments visited a number of countries. National The parliamentary group of the USSR, which unites the overwhelming majority of deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in 1955 joined the Inter-Parliamentary Union (a non-governmental organization, which includes members of parliaments of various states as part of national parliamentary groups), which aims to stimulate cooperation between state -in the strengthening and development of democracy. institutions, as well as in strengthening peace and international cooperation. Taking an active part in the work of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the USSR Parliamentary Group is constantly fighting for the effectiveness and efficiency of measures to strengthen peace and develop cooperation between peoples. The Supreme Council of the USSR of the 1st convocation (elected on December 12, 1937) At the 1st session (January 12-19, 1938) the Supreme Council of the USSR was elected separately by chamber: Chairman of the Council of the Union - A. A. Andreev, Chairman of the Council of Nationalities - H. M. Shvernik and their deputies; the regulations for joint and separate meetings of the chambers were approved; elected credentials committees, standing committees of the chambers: legislator. assumptions, budget commissions and foreign commissions. affairs; At a joint meeting of the chambers, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was elected, consisting of: Chairman, 11 deputies, secretary and 24 members. M. I. Kalinin was elected Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR; The government of the USSR - SNK was formed; a prosecutor of the USSR was appointed; the following issues were considered: on reimbursement to deputies of expenses related to the performance of deputy duties; on introducing amendments and additions to certain articles of the USSR Constitution. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted laws and regulations on the issues considered. At the 2nd session (August 10-21, 1938) of the V.S. USSR the following issues were considered: about state. USSR budget for 1938; on the judicial system of the USSR, allied and author. republics; on citizenship of the USSR; on the procedure for ratification and denunciation of international. contracts; about the state horse tax sole proprietors; about the All-Union agricultural exhibition. The Supreme Court of the USSR elected the Supreme Court of the USSR and adopted laws and regulations on the issues considered. At the 3rd session (May 25-31, 1939), issues were considered and laws and regulations were adopted: on state. USSR budget for 1939; on the formation of the all-Union People's Commissariat for Construction; on the formation of people's commissariats in the union republics road transport ; on amendments and additions to certain articles of the USSR Constitution; heard a report from the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars on the international position and external USSR politics; V.S. USSR approved the foreign policy of the Soviet government. At the extraordinary 4th session (Aug. 28 - Sept. 1, 1939), the following issues were considered and laws were adopted: on agricultural tax, on universal military service. The non-aggression treaty between the USSR and Germany, concluded in Moscow on August 23, was ratified. 1939. At the extraordinary 5th session (October 31 - November 2, 1939) the following issues were considered: report on foreign affairs. government policy; Statement of the Plenipotentiary Commission Nar. meetings of Western Ukraine; Statement of the Plenipotentiary Commission Nar. meetings of Western Belarus. V.S. USSR approved external. the government's policy and adopted laws: on the inclusion of Western. Ukraine into the USSR in connection with its reunification with Ukraine. SSR and the inclusion of Western Belarus became part of the USSR in connection with its reunification with Belarus. SSR. At the 6th session (March 29 - April 4, 1940), the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities approved the reports of the credentials commissions of the chambers and recognized the powers of 43 deputies of the Soviets. Union and 12 deputies of the Council of Nationalities elected from the West. Ukraine and Western Belarus; The following issues were considered: about external government policy; on the transformation of the Karelian ASSR into the Karelo-Finnish SSR; about the state the USSR budget for 1940 and on the execution of the state. budget of the USSR for 1938. V.S. USSR approved external. Soviet policy pr-va and adopted laws: on the transformation of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic into the Karelo-Finnish SSR; about the state USSR budget for 1940; on personal income tax: on collection for the needs of housing and cultural construction from the population subject to income tax; on compulsory salary insurance; on additions and changes to certain articles of the USSR Constitution. At the 7th session (August 1-7, 1940) the following issues were considered: report on foreign affairs. government policy; on the formation of the Moldavian SSR and the inclusion of the northern. parts of Bukovina, Khotyn, Akkerman and Izmail districts of Bessarabia into the Ukrainian SSR; statements of the Plenipotentiary Commissions: Seimas of Lithuania. republics; Seimas of Latvia. republics and state Estonian Duma. republics on the admission of the Baltic republics to the USSR; on amendments and additions to certain articles of the USSR Constitution. V.S. USSR approved external. the policy of the government and adopted laws and regulations on the issues considered. At the 8th session (February 25 - March 1, 1941) the following issues were considered: reports of the mandate commissions of the chambers on the recognition of the powers of 117 deputies of the Council of the Union and 124 deputies of the Council of Nationalities elected from the Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Moldavian union republics and from the Chernivtsi and Izmail regions of Ukraine SSR; on the state budget of the USSR for 1941 and a report on the execution of the state. USSR budget for 1939; approval of decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR, adopted between sessions and subject to approval by the Supreme Council of the USSR. The Supreme Council of the USSR adopted laws and resolutions on the issues considered, as well as a law amending and supplementing certain articles of the Constitution of the USSR. At the 9th session (June 18, 1942), the VS USSR considered one issue: ratification of the treaty between the USSR and Great Britain on an alliance in the war against the Nazis. Germany and its accomplices in Europe and about cooperation and mutual assistance after the war. V.S. USSR approved external. government policy and ratified the treaty between the USSR and Great Britain. At the 10th session (Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, 1944), issues were considered and laws and regulations were adopted: on state. USSR budget for 1944 and approval of the report on the execution of the state. USSR budget for 1940, 1941, 1942; about the transformation of Nar. Commissariat of Defense and Nar. Foreign Commissariat affairs from all-Union to Union-Republican people. commissariats, on the election of the 1st deputy. Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR - N. M. Shvernik. At the 11th session (April 24-27, 1945), the issue was considered and the law was adopted: on state. USSR budget for 1945 and approval of the report on the execution of the state. budget of the USSR for 1943. At the 12th session (June 22-23, 1945), the issue was considered and the law was adopted: on the demobilization of older people personnel active army. V.S. USSR of the 2nd convocation (elected on February 10, 1946) At the 1st session (March 12-19, 1946) V.S. USSR were elected separately in chambers: Chairman of the Council of the Union - A. A. Zhdanov, Chairman Council of Nationalities - V.V. Kuznetsov and deputy chairmen of the chambers; the regulations for joint and separate meetings of the chambers were approved; elected credentials commissions and permanent commissions of the chambers: legislator. assumptions, budget commissions and foreign commissions. affairs. At a joint meeting of the chambers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the law on quantities was adopted. composition of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. It consists of the Chairman of the Presidium, 16 Vice-Chairmen, the Secretary of the Presidium and 15 members of the Presidium. The V.S. USSR granted the request of M.I. Kalinin to relieve him from the post of Chairman of the Presidium of the V.S. USSR due to illness. The V.S. USSR elected the Presidium of the V.S. USSR. N. M. Shvernik was elected Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. V.S. USSR adopted a law on the transformation of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR into the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Council of People's Commissars of the Union and Autonomous Republics into the Councils of Ministers of the Union and Autonomous Republics. republics; formed the Government of the USSR - the Council of Ministers of the USSR; elected the Supreme Court of the USSR; appointed by Gen. USSR Prosecutor; adopted laws: on amendments and additions to the Constitution of the USSR; on the five-year plan for the restoration and development of the people. of the USSR for 1946-1950, formed an editorial commission to introduce changes and additions to the text of the Constitution of the USSR. At the 2nd session (October 15-18, 1946), issues were considered and laws and regulations were adopted: on state. USSR budget for 1946 and reports on state execution. USSR budget for 1944 and 1945; approval of decrees of the Presidium adopted between sessions and subject to approval by the Supreme Council of the USSR. At the 3rd session (February 20-25, 1947) the following issues were considered: about state. USSR budget for 1947; on introducing amendments and additions to the Constitution of the USSR; approval of the regulations of legislative commissions. assumptions of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities; approval of decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. V.S. USSR adopted laws: on state. budget of the USSR for 1947 and on changes and additions to the text of the Constitution of the USSR. The Chambers of the Supreme Council of the USSR approved the provisions of the legislative commissions. assumptions. At the 4th session (Jan. 30 - Feb. 4, 1948), the law on state law was considered and adopted. USSR budget for 1948; Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR were approved. At the 5th session (March 10-14, 1949), the issue was considered and a law was adopted: on state. budget of the USSR for 1949, a report on the execution of the state was approved. budget for 1947; law on amendments and additions to certain articles. Constitution of the USSR. V.S. USSR 3rd convocation (elected March 12, 1950) At the 1st session (June 12-19, 1950) V. The members of the USSR at separate sessions of the chambers were elected: Chairman of the Council of the Union - M. A. Yasnov, Chairman of the Council of Nationalities - Zh. Shayakhmetov. At the proposal of the Councils of Elders of the chambers, the number of deputy chairmen of the chambers was increased from two to four. Credentials commissions and standing commissions were elected: legislator. assumptions, budgetary and foreign commissions. affairs. At a joint meeting of the chambers of the Supreme Council of the USSR, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was elected (N. M. Shvernik was elected Chairman of the Presidium); formed the Administration of the USSR; adopted the law on state budget of the USSR for 1950 and approved reports on the execution of the state. USSR budget for 1948 and 1949; V.S. USSR approved the activities of the USSR Government. In response to the appeal of the Standing Committee World Congress supporters of peace on the prohibition of atomic weapons, the establishment of strict international. monitoring compliance with this prohibition and declaring war. criminal of that government, which will be the first to use atomic weapons against any country, V.S. USSR declared its solidarity with K. and expressed its readiness to cooperate with the legislator. authorities of other states in developing and implementing the necessary measures to implement the proposals of the World Peace Council. At the 2nd session (March 6-12, 1951), the V.S. USSR considered the issue of protecting peace and adopted a law, which states: to consider that propaganda of war, in whatever form it is carried out, undermines the cause of peace, poses a threat new war and is therefore a grave crime against humanity. Persons guilty of war propaganda shall be tried and tried as serious criminals. V.S. USSR adopted a law on state. USSR budget for 1951; elected the Supreme Court of the USSR; made changes and additions to certain articles of the USSR Constitution. At the 3rd session (March 5-8, 1952), issues were considered and laws were adopted: on state. budget for 1952, approval of the report on the execution of the state. budget of the USSR for 1950 and on changes and additions to certain articles of the Constitution of the USSR. At the 4th session (March 15, 1953), at a joint meeting of the chambers, K. E. Voroshilov was elected Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR; the following issues were considered: on the appointment of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR; on the composition of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and on the transformation of ministries of the USSR; on the election of the Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR; on introducing amendments and additions to certain articles of the USSR Constitution. At the 5th session (August 5-8, 1953), issues were considered and laws were adopted: on state. USSR budget for 1953 and a report on the execution of the state. USSR budget for 1951 and 1952; about agricultural tax; on amendments to Art. 126 of the Constitution of the USSR in connection with the change in the name of Communist. party adopted at the 19th Congress of the CPSU. V.S. USSR 4th convocation (elected March 14, 1954) At the 1st session (April 20-27, 1954) elected separately by chamber: Chairman of the Council of the Union - A.P. Volkov, Chairman of the Council of Nationalities - V.T Latsis and their deputies; credentials commissions and standing commissions: legislator. assumptions, budgetary and foreign commissions. affairs; the rules of procedure for the meetings of the chambers were approved." At the joint meetings of the chambers, the following issues were considered: the election of the Presidium of the V.S. USSR (K.E. Voroshilov was elected Chairman of the Presidium of the V.S. USSR); the formation of the Council of Ministers of the USSR; a report was heard on the state budget of the USSR for 1954 Laws were adopted: on the transfer of the Crimean region from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR; on the introduction of amendments and additions to certain articles of the Constitution of the USSR. At the 2nd session (February 3-9, 1955) issues were considered and laws and regulations were adopted: on the state budget of the USSR for 1955 and on the execution of the state budget of the USSR for 1953; on ending the state of war between the USSR and Germany; on introducing amendments and additions to certain articles of the Constitution of the USSR. V.S. USSR approved the foreign policy of the Soviet Union. -va and adopted a Declaration containing an appeal to all peoples and states on the need to strengthen international cooperation, prohibition of atomic and other weapons of mass destruction, decisive reduction of armaments, establishment of direct ties between parliaments, exchange of parliamentary delegations in the interests of developing friendly relations between all countries. At the 3rd session (August 4-5, 1955), the Supreme Council of the USSR, at joint sessions of the chambers, considered the issue of the results of the Geneva meeting of the heads of government of the four powers and adopted a resolution: to fully approve the activities of the governments. USSR delegation. At the 4th session (December 26-29, 1955), issues were considered and laws and regulations were adopted: on state. USSR budget for 1956 and on the execution of state. USSR budget for 1954; on the exchange of delegations between the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and foreign parliaments. state-in; about the results of the owls' trip. governments. delegations to India, Burma and Afghanistan. V.S. USSR approved the activities of the government delegation as fully consistent with peace-loving foreign policy. policy of the USSR and helping to strengthen the cause of peace, friendship and cooperation of peoples. The Supreme Council of the USSR adopted a law introducing amendments and additions to certain articles of the USSR Constitution. At the 5th session (July 11-16, 1956) the following issues were considered: about state. pensions; request from V.S. of the Karelo-Finnish SSR for the transformation of the Karelo-Finnish SSR into the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and for its inclusion in the RSFSR; V.S. USSR's appeal to the parliaments of other countries on the issue of disarmament; Statement by V.S. USSR in connection with the appeal of the Japanese. parliament on the issue of banning atomic and hydrogen weapons and stopping their testing; on introducing amendments and additions to certain articles of the USSR Constitution. B.C. USSR approved the policy and practice. measures of the Sov. government on the issue of disarmament and the immediate cessation of testing of atomic and hydrogen weapons and the prohibition of their use. At the 6th session (February 5-12, 1957) the following issues were considered: about the development plan for the people. farms and state USSR budget for 1957; on the assignment to the jurisdiction of the Union republics of legislation on the structure of the courts of the Union republics, the adoption of civil, criminal and procedural codes, regional issues and regional adm.-territorial devices; approval of the regulations on the Supreme Court of the USSR; election of the Supreme Court of the USSR; education Economic commissions of the Council of Nationalities; approval of decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR; about international position and external USSR politics. V.S. USSR approved external. Soviet policy pr-va, adopted laws and resolutions on the agenda of the session. At the 7th session (May 7-10, 1957) the following issues were considered: on further improvement of the organization of industry and construction management. V.S. USSR passed a law on this issue. At the request of a group of deputies to the USSR Government on measures to stop testing of atomic and hydrogen weapons, a statement was heard from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. affairs of the USSR. V.S. USSR approved the policy and practice. measures of the Sov. pr-va on the issue of an immediate and widespread cessation of testing of atomic and hydrogen weapons. V.S. The USSR adopted an appeal to the US Congress and the British Parliament calling for assistance in reaching an agreement between the governments of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain on the immediate cessation of testing. atomic explosions and hydrogen bombs. At the 8th (anniversary) session (November 6, 1957) with a report on the fortieth anniversary of Vel. Oct. socialist revolution was made by the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR N. S. Khrushchev. The session was attended by: party and government officials. delegations of all socialists. countries, representatives of fraternal communist. and capitalist workers' parties. countries, leading democratic figures. parties included in the National and Nar. socialist fronts countries, representatives and members of delegations of other political. parties, delegations of workers and trade unions, cultural and scientific figures, representatives of societies for friendship and cultural relations with the USSR, the World Federation of Trade Unions, the World Federation of Democratic. youth, Int. democratic women's federations who arrived to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the October Revolution. V.S. USSR adopted an appeal to the peoples of the Soviet Union. Union, appeal to all workers, political. And public figures, representatives of science and culture, parliaments and governments of all countries with a call to unite their efforts in the struggle for world peace. At the 9th session (December 19-21, 1957), the following issues were considered: about state. plan for the development of people. of the USSR in 1958; about the state USSR budget for 1958 and on the execution of state. USSR budget for 1956; on approval of decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Laws and regulations have been adopted on the issues discussed. V.S. USSR approved foreign policy. activities of the Sov. pr-va. V.S. USSR of the 5th convocation (elected on March 16, 1958) At the 1st session (March 27-31, 1958) V.S. USSR at separate meetings of the chambers were elected: Chairman of the Council of the Union - P. P. Lobanov, Chairman of the Council Nationalities - J. V. Peive and their deputies; mandate and permanent commissions of the chambers: legislator. assumptions, budgetary and foreign commissions. affairs. In addition, the Council of Nationalities elected Economic. commission. At a joint meeting of the chambers of the Supreme Council of the USSR, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR was elected. K. E. Voroshilov was elected Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. V.S. USSR formed the Council of Ministers of the USSR. N. S. Khrushchev was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR considered other issues on the agenda and adopted a law on the further development of the collective farm system and the reorganization of the MTS; resolution on the issue of unilateral termination of the Sov. Union for Testing of Atomic and Hydrogen Weapons; appeals to the US Congress, the UK Parliament and the parliaments of all countries to stop testing nuclear weapons; appeal to the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany on the issue of measures taken by the Federal Republic of Germany to arm the country with atomic weapons. V.S. USSR instructed the chairmen of the chambers to appeal on behalf of V.S. USSR to the parliaments of the states - members of the anti-fascists. coalition and countries affected by the Nazis. aggression during the Second World War, with a call to join forces in order to prevent the atomic and missile weapons of the Federal Republic of Germany. At the 2nd session (December 22-25, 1958) the following issues were considered: about state. the USSR budget for 1959 and the execution of the budget for 1957; on strengthening the connection between school and life and on the further development of the people's system. education in the country; draft laws: Fundamentals of criminal legislation of the USSR and union republics, On criminal liability for state. crimes, On criminal liability for military crimes, Fundamentals of legislation on the judicial system of the USSR, union and autonomous republics; Regulations on military tribunals, Fundamentals of criminal proceedings of the USSR and union republics; on introducing amendments and additions to the Constitution of the USSR. Laws and resolutions on the issues on the agenda have been adopted; on changing the order of people's elections. ships; on the renaming of the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic into the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; about the transformation of the Kalmyk highway. region in the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a resolution on the issue of stopping testing of atomic and hydrogen weapons and on the Berlin issue. At the 3rd session (October 27-31, 1959) the following issues were considered: about the development plan for the people. of the USSR in 1960; about the state USSR budget for 1960 and a report on the execution of the state. budget for 1958; draft laws: on the budgetary rights of the USSR and union republics, on the procedure for recalling deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR; about international position and external USSR politics. B.C. The USSR adopted the relevant laws and regulations, approved external. Soviet policy pr-va and adopted an appeal to the parliaments of all countries of the world to stop the arms race and achieve general and complete disarmament. At the 4th session (January 14-15, 1960), the VS USSR considered one issue: disarmament - the path to ordering the world and ensuring friendship between peoples. V.S. USSR adopted a law on a new meaning. abbreviation Arm. Forces of the USSR - by 1 million 200 thousand people. V.S. USSR accepted an appeal to the parliaments and governments of all states in the world and called on them to accept for their part practical. measures aimed

Supreme Council of the Union of Soviets Socialist Republics, or the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, was the highest representative and legislative body of state power of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, operating from 1938 to 1991. From 1938 to 1989 it met in sessions, and from 1989 to 1991 it was the permanent parliament of the Soviet Union.

Since the Soviet politic system rejected the doctrine of separation and independence of powers, the Supreme Council had not only legislative, but also partially executive and supervisory powers. The laws issued by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR were the source of law.

The Supreme Council was formally considered the collective head of state (in the intervals between sessions, legislative, representative and other functions of the Supreme Council were carried out by its Presidium).

The nature of the activities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR has changed since the election and start of work in May 1989 of the first Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. The Constitution of 1936, compared to the Constitution of 1924, significantly expanded the powers of all-Union bodies, including through monitoring the implementation of the Constitution and ensuring compliance of the constitutions of the Union republics with the Constitution of the USSR. The right to publish republican codes of laws, issues labor legislation, legislation on the court and the administrative-territorial structure were withdrawn from the union republics in favor of all-union bodies, which meant increased centralization of government. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR also received the right to appoint any investigative and audit commissions, which made it possible to control the activities of any government body.

Emergency measures characteristic of the legislative activities of the USSR Central Executive Committee found their development in the lawmaking of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1930–1940, new emergency laws were periodically issued, the scope of which was either expanded to the limit or narrowed. These include the 1938 law on labor discipline, the 1939 laws on equating the release of incomplete or substandard products with sabotage, on the establishment of a mandatory minimum of workdays for collective farmers, failure to comply with which threatened the peasant with exclusion from the collective farm, that is, the loss of all means of subsistence. In 1947, a decree on forced labor on collective farms was issued, on the basis of which, for evasion of labor or failure to meet the norm (176 workdays per year), by resolution of the village council, the violator could be deported with his family for 5 years.

The term of office of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the first convocation ended in the fall of 1941, but the outbreak of war forced the elections to be postponed. During the Great Patriotic War, only three sessions of the Supreme Council took place (in June 1942, February 1944, April 1945). At the first of them, deputies ratified the Anglo-Soviet treaty on an alliance in war, at the second, decisions were made to expand the rights of the union republics in the field of foreign relations and defense of the country and the union budget for 1944, the April session approved the budget law of 1945.

The downgrading of the role of the Supreme Council was also facilitated by the new definition under the 1936 USSR Constitution of the Council of People's Commissars (from 1946 - the Council of Ministers of the USSR) as “the highest executive and administrative body of state power.”

The 1977 USSR Constitution did not change the fundamental principles of state life. During the discussion, newspapers and the Constitutional Commission received just under 500 thousand proposals. The workers' letters contained criticism of the political and electoral system society, place and role of the Soviets as authorities. But the people's opinion was never heard. Moreover, after its adoption, the centralization of state administrative functions in the hands of party bodies increased. The role of state governing bodies has hypertrophied, and the role of the Soviets has been reduced to almost nothing.

The work of the Supreme Council was led by the Presidium, which was re-elected at the beginning of the work of the Council of each convocation at a joint meeting of both chambers from among the deputies. The composition of the Presidium was not permanent and was determined by the Constitution of the USSR. In the 1977 USSR Constitution, the Presidium was defined as a permanent body of the Supreme Council, reporting to it and performing its functions in the period between sessions.

The Presidium was authorized to ratify and denounce international treaties, introduce martial law in certain areas or throughout the USSR, give orders for general or partial mobilization, declare war, and appoint USSR ambassadors. In addition, the functions of the Presidium included: issuing decrees; interpretation of existing laws; exercise of the right of pardon; admission to Soviet citizenship, deprivation of it and approval of voluntary withdrawal from Soviet citizenship; establishment of orders, medals, honorary titles of the USSR and awarding them; establishment military ranks, diplomatic ranks.

The change in the political leadership of the party and the country served as the beginning of an era of attempts to update state and socio-political structures in the country. During the process called the “restructuring of Soviet society,” a period of renewal of all spheres of life began, new political public organizations. On December 1, 1988, two laws were adopted - “On amendments and additions to the Constitution (Basic Law) of the USSR” and “On the elections of people’s deputies of the USSR”, which significantly changed the system of the highest representative bodies of the USSR. Since 1989, the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR has become the sole head of state, and since 1990 - the President of the USSR.

In June 1988, general secretary The Central Committee of the CPSU M. S. Gorbachev at the XIX Conference announced a course for political reform. On December 1, 1988, a new USSR law “On the elections of people's deputies of the USSR” was adopted and the necessary changes were made to the 1977 Constitution of the USSR. On September 5, 1991, the Congress adopted the anti-constitutional Law of the USSR “On Bodies of State Power and Administration of the USSR in the Transitional Period,” which radically changed the structure of government bodies.

According to the law, during the transition period, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was the highest representative body of power of the USSR, consisting of two independent chambers: the Council of Republics and the Council of the Union. The Council of Republics included 20 deputies from each union republic from among the people's deputies of the USSR and union republics, delegated by the highest authorities of these republics. The Council of the Union was formed by deputations of the union republics from among the people's deputies of the USSR in agreement with the highest authorities of the union republics.

For the period before the start of work of the unconstitutionally formed Supreme Council, the powers of the legally elected Supreme Council and its bodies were retained. On December 26, 1991, a session of the unconstitutional Council of Republics adopted a declaration on the termination of the existence of the USSR in connection with the formation of the CIS. On the same day, a decree was issued that stated the release of people's deputies of the USSR from performing official duties on a permanent basis in the Council of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the bodies of the chamber from January 2, 1992.

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- (USSR Supreme Council), since 1936 the highest body of state power and the only legislative body of the USSR, competent to resolve all issues referred to the jurisdiction of the USSR by the Constitution of the USSR. Consisted of two equal chambers of the Council of the Union and the Council... ... Wikipedia

The Supreme Soviet of the USSR (SC USSR), since 1936, the highest body of state power and the only legislative body of the USSR, competent to resolve all issues referred to the jurisdiction of the USSR by the Constitution of the USSR. Consisted of two equal chambers of the Council ... Wikipedia

The highest government body. authorities of the USSR, created in accordance with the Constitution of the USSR 1936; consists of two chambers: the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities. V.S. USSR is the highest representative body of the Soviet Union. state va. Its deputies are directly elected... Soviet historical encyclopedia

SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE USSR- - the highest body of state power of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, a representative body of the Soviet people, elected by citizens of the USSR for a period of 4 years on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage with secret... ... Soviet legal dictionary

The highest body of state power of the USSR and the only legislative body of the USSR. Exercises all rights belonging to the USSR, since they are not, by virtue of the Constitution of the USSR, within the competence of the bodies of the Presidium of the Armed Forces accountable to the USSR Armed Forces... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE USSR- the highest representative body of state power of the USSR, established by the Constitution of the USSR of 1936. Replaced the Congress of Soviets of the USSR and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (the latter consisted of the Union Council and the Council of Nationalities, which was ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

Supreme Soviet of the USSR- THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE USSR, according to the USSR Constitution of 1936, is the highest state body. authorities of the USSR (elected in 1937, 1st convocation). Until the beginning During the war, 8 sessions of the USSR Supreme Council of the 1st convocation took place. On June 18, 1942, the 9th session of the Supreme Council of the USSR took place in Moscow. Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: encyclopedia

Supreme Soviet of the USSR - … Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

- ← 1979 1989 (SND) → Elections of deputies to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR ... Wikipedia

The Supreme Court of the USSR is the highest judicial body of the USSR, which existed from 1923 to January 30, 1992. Contents 1 Creation 2 Competence 3 ... Wikipedia


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