Is it possible to plant a vegetable garden during Palm Week? Palm Sunday, signs, traditions, beliefs. Sacred plant of our ancestors

    Landscape design. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds But, they say that not planting fir trees and pine trees on the plot is a bad omen. If you know anything about this sign, tell me, I will be grateful.

    What to plant along the ditch? Arrangement of the site. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. Ball-shaped Willows are beautiful and love moisture.

    what to plant on the site? Arrangement of the site. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and If you don’t make any drainage system, then plant all kinds of willows, spruce, birch trees - they are very good. pumps out water well.

    Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and there are large plot in the village (about a hectare), practically empty (except for the vegetable garden). We want to not shelter. 5. We don’t have any lowlands. Willow (or willow) is planted in ravines. I don’t know this about birch trees.

    Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. The site is very abandoned. Wild willow and other plants have grown there, all in ditches (for drainage groundwater) ,mountains...

    Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. Willow grafted on a trunk. Another question has arisen :) My husband bought a willow tree on the way to the dacha, grafted on a trunk.

    Ball-shaped Willows are beautiful and love moisture. Fourth week at home. The distance is about three kilometers, almost six thousand steps. Garden paths on a summer cottage: gravel, paving stones, concrete?

    Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting We have a plot with high groundwater. The late mother-in-law planted everything on earthen heaps. Plum just really doesn’t like high groundwater. Willow, there is a very beautiful “climbing” variety.

    lilac - trees only; willow - there are so many varieties: small, large, branchy, curly, round, bush, tree, etc. And they grow quickly and without problems everywhere. birch - there are also weeping, bushy, and summer cottages nothing - it's forbidden, only weed.

    willow and larch. Arrangement of the site. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchasing, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs. And I like it when she sheds her needles, it turns out to be such a soft rug, and in winter let her stand naked, we don’t go to the dacha in winter.

IN Palm Sunday not only do they illuminate willow branches, this day has a very great importance in the culture of Orthodoxy.

On this day, Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem after his resurrection. All the people greeted Jesus with palm branches in their hands. Since palm trees do not grow in our country, they are replaced with willow branches. This day is preceded by Palm Week, which has its own signs and traditions.

Every year the deadlines shift; in many areas the weather is so warm that you can begin the first work in the garden. To obtain early harvest, gardeners strive to sow as much as possible different cultures. However, in the old days no one planted anything on Palm Sunday.

If you believe the signs, then the vegetables planted on Palm Sunday will grow like a willow. It turns out that all the energy will be spent on the tops, leaves and stems, and the harvest will be very small. If you plant berries on a given day, they will be edible. That is why they tried to postpone any work in the garden on a given day until Monday.

It was allowed to carry out other work during Palm Week. It was possible to dig up the ground, remove grass, fertilize the soil, and trim trees. It was forbidden to plant anything in the garden. According to signs, if you plant perennial flowers on Sunday, they will be pale and small, and will also grow poorly.

Perhaps the strictest ban was on potatoes; they were not allowed to be planted on Wednesday and Saturday. IN Ancient Rus' potatoes were considered the second bread, which occupied most of the diet of people of that time. That is why a poor potato harvest threatened the people with a hungry winter.

People tried to follow all the rules, which is why all work with planting on Sunday was postponed. If you plant potatoes on a given day, they could get sick, and the crop will not be stored well until spring.

However, despite all the prohibitions, on Sunday it was allowed to plant crops that grow upward, namely cucumbers, cabbage, and onions. But, it is better to postpone planting until Saturday.

Many Orthodox and religious people try not to carry out any work in the garden on this day. Despite the fact that the church does not prohibit working in the garden, it is better to spend this day with your family and friends.

On the holiday itself, it is forbidden to do anything around the house, sewing, knitting, washing, etc. Repairs should also be postponed until another day. You can only do everyday work that you cannot do without. This includes: preparing lunch and washing dishes.

According to ancient traditions, on Palm Sunday it is necessary to plant illuminated willow branches in the ground, and if they sprout, it will be a good sign. This branch will grow, protect the house from bad and envious people, negative energy, and will also be able to improve the condition of everyone who lives in the house.

There are a lot of signs and traditions during Palm Week; according to one of them, peas should be sown on Thursday or Saturday. No matter how strong the desire, there is still no need to carry out any work in the garden on this day.

Palm Week is the penultimate week before Easter. During this period, people came up with signs and beliefs that help predict future weather and harvest, as well as find out how the year will go. Most of them are associated with Palm (Lazarus) Saturday and Palm Sunday.

  • Palm week is clear, with cold mornings - grains will be good.
  • If there is no frost, then late frosts will come and damage the crops.
  • The north wind is a sign of a grain-bearing year.
  • If the willow blooms well, the arable land will be successful.
  • IN Palm week You cannot replant perennial flowers - nothing good will come from such a flower.
  • During this period, you should not plant potatoes - the root crop will grow sickly, and the harvest will deteriorate in the winter.

Signs and beliefs on Lazarus (Palm) Saturday

  • If you sow peas on this day, they will grow well.
  • On Lazarus Saturday, vipers and lizards leave their burrows and nests en masse - it will soon become hot, so you can sow grain and go out to the garden.
  • If during this period many willow “earrings” appeared (buds bloomed), then the whole year will be fruitful, fertile and rich in good events.
  • If on this day you read the “Our Father”, holding a willow twig in your left hand, and cross yourself with your right hand and ask God financial well-being, then soon the family will have money and their financial situation will improve.
  • Whip each other with willow branches - the year will pass in abundance.

Signs and beliefs on Palm Sunday

  • The wind is blowing - summer will be windy.
  • It rains on Palm Sunday - a sign of a rich harvest.
  • Frosty weather - to good harvest spring
  • Clear and warm weather - a lot of fruit will be produced.
  • If you beat your household with willow branches blessed in the church, they will not get sick this year.
  • If you burn a bunch of consecrated willow and save the ashes, this will protect the house from lightning and fire.
  • Plant willow on Palm Sunday - Bad sign.

The ancient Slavs believed that the willow has magical properties. They called the willow “Perun vine”, in honor of the god Perun, their main deity. Since the willow is the first to come to life after winter and its branches are covered with soft and fluffy earrings, it was an obligatory participant in all spring rituals. Children were bathed in a decoction of willow twigs to keep them healthy. It was believed that the willow could preserve livestock, protect against lightning, and protect crops from rodents and bad weather.

Subsequently, the pagan veneration of the willow grew into the spring Christian holiday - Palm Sunday. By biblical legend, the Jewish people greeted Christ entering Jerusalem with vayas, that is, branches of the Jerusalem willow or date palm. In honor of this, the willow became the ritual tree of the Sunday of the sixth week of Great Lent, called Palm Sunday.

  • In the old days they believed in the magical power of the willow. To preserve crops, it was planted in the field. It was believed that if you throw a willow branch against the wind, you can calm the storm. To stop the hail, it was necessary to throw a willow branch into the yard. To stop the fire, you need to throw a willow branch into the fire. To pacify the thunderstorm, willow branches were burned in the oven “so that the smoke would ward off the thunderstorm and the devil would not hide in the chimney.”
  • A bunch of spring willow in the house is a very ancient amulet. It is able to prolong the life of all living things in the house.
  • Our ancestors believed that the willow could indicate witches and sorcerers. So, if on Holy Saturday you throw a willow twig into the stove and after that a woman knocks on your door asking for a loan of light, then she is a witch.
  • Infertile women were advised to eat willow buds after lighting it in church. And to protect yourself from fever, you had to eat nine pussy willow catkins.
  • At the same time, an old and hollow willow was considered a cursed tree. An old willow, unlike a young one, is like a pump, pumping out strength from all living things that are nearby. Therefore, you cannot plant it near the house. According to Belarusian legends, it was impossible to drink the water collected under the willow tree during the period from Palm Sunday to Easter. It was believed that after the consecration of the willow in the church, the devils who warmed themselves on it in the spring fell into the water under the willow.
  • There is also such a sign among the people: whoever plants a willow near his house with his own hands prepares a spade for himself. It is implied that when a shovel can be made from a planted willow, the person who planted it will die. True, this sign is quite benign, since the willow grows for quite a long time and the person who planted it will most likely die of old age.
  • A young willow is a donor tree. It is able to absorb negative energy and relieves pain. In case of mental imbalance, hysteria, neuroses, depression, you need to press your spine against a tree, or wrap your arms around it for 10-15 minutes, no more. You can also relieve pain with small pieces of willow trunk. In the old days, rheumatism, toothache and headaches were treated this way.

From ancient times to the present day, there has been a tradition: upon coming home from the church where willow branches were blessed, to whip livestock and small children with them, saying: “Willow, whip, beat them to tears!” It was believed that this would protect against diseases and increase health.

Is it possible to plant willow on the plot?

You can’t plant willows - it’s a bad omen: “He who plants a willow prepares a spade for himself”. That is, it will die when it is possible to make a handle for a shovel from a willow tree.

The ancient Slavs believed that the willow had incredible power. People were convinced that it could provide them with protection from evil forces, protect from troubles and help in overcoming obstacles. Folk signs, associated with this plant, have survived to this day.

Sacred plant of our ancestors

Many believe that superstitions associated with willow arose because it fills with life before other plants. If the weather did not allow the plant to bloom on time, then the willow branches were placed in water so that it would bloom by Palm Sunday. It used to be customary to lightly hit each other with a willow. It was believed that this gives a person strength and protects him.

Eating a willow bud was considered very good sign, since this plant has medicinal properties and helps heal many diseases. Willow branches were placed in water, and then sick children were bathed in it. The catkins of this plant were baked into bread, and in some villages cookies were baked in the shape of willow buds.

It has reached us a large number of signs associated with this plant. They help recognize signs, try to warn us about something important. Let's look at some of them.

  • On Palm Sunday it blows strong wind– most likely it will be windy all summer. On this day it is warm and clear - the whole summer will be hot, and the harvest will be rich.
  • If you touch a person with a willow twig on this bright day, it will give him strength, health and cleanse him of negative energy.
  • Blessed willow should be kept in the house all year to protect the well-being of the family.
  • There is a sign for pregnancy: to get pregnant, on Palm Sunday childless woman must eat the bud of this plant.
  • To drive failure and bad luck out of your life, you need to throw a willow against the wind.
  • Plant branches thrown into a fire can extinguish it.
  • Throwing a willow into the yard means protecting yourself from adversity.
  • If the pain is severe, you need to touch the branches of the plant.
  • To recover from the disease, you need to hug the willow, but do it no longer than 10-15 minutes a day.

In the old days they believed that if you go into the deepest part of the forest, where no one has gone before, find a willow there and bring it home, then happiness, prosperity and good luck will settle in the house.

They're talking about one more thing unusual property this plant. Believers are convinced that on the Christian holiday of the Entry of the Virgin Mary into the temple, willow buds instantly swell and bloom, emitting light clicks. It is believed that the more severe the frost, the louder these clicks. This happens on the night of December 3-4.

It also happens that on this night leaves appear on the branches of the plant, and after midnight they hide again and open only in the spring. People who managed to capture this amazing moment take the branches to the temple or place them in the water at home.

What to do with last year's plant

When you bring home a blessed willow, the question arises: what to do with last year's? Under no circumstances should you just throw it away. There are several options on how to do this:

  • Place last year's plant in a body of water (river, pond, lake).
  • Burn it and scatter the ashes over the river.
  • If the willow has sprouted, you can plant the branches in the forest or near the river.
  • You can light it like a candle and walk around the house with it, saying a prayer, thereby carrying out a ritual of cleansing the apartment.
  • In the old days, last year's twigs were burned in the oven in which Easter cakes were baked.
  • Previously, they used to sweep the corners of the house with last year's willow, and then burned it on the street, saying words of gratitude for what it had protected all year.
  • You can take the branches to the forest and leave them in the willow bushes.
  • Or take them to church, where they will be burned while saying the words of prayer.

The question is often asked: is it possible to plant willow near the house, on the plot? In fact, you should not plant this plant in your yard. There is a saying: if you plant a willow near your house, you will shorten your own life. Naturally, it is possible and even necessary to plant trees. But it is recommended to do this in the forest, because the willow should grow in freedom. And it was in the forest, and not on personal plot, cutting off the branches of a plant for consecration in the temple.

Unusual properties of the plant

If the plant has taken root, it means you will be lucky in the future, prosperity and happiness await you. It is advisable to plant a sprouted twig in a forest or near a river, make a wish, and it will definitely come true.

The twigs have dried up, which means they have taken upon themselves the misfortune of the owner of the house.

To feel self-confidence and vitality, you need to hang the branches of the plant above the door of your home. Touch them every time you enter your home.

To prevent the plant from losing its strength, when collecting, do not break off the branches, but carefully and accurately cut them off. At the same time, mentally thank the tree, and also ask for forgiveness for taking part of it.

It is considered a good sign to make an amulet from a kidney; such a talisman will protect and heal its owner.