Venetian masks in the interior. A travel souvenir mask can be dangerous. Egyptian masks: worship of beauty

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It is unlikely that I will tell you anything new by calling Venice an unusual city. Its difference from other cities is a well-known fact, and it manifests itself in almost everything: from its unique location to souvenirs that are so different from the standard tourist set. You can bring absolutely amazing things as a souvenir of Venice - sparkling Murano glass, delicate lace from Burano, antique stationery and, of course, masks - the symbol of the carnival that made Venice famous throughout the world.

For many centuries, carnival and masks were an integral part of Venetian life, although (strangely enough!) they were not always connected. Both of them date back to pre-Christian times - even the ancient Romans, celebrating the fertility holiday - Saturnalia, used masks. Masks not only hid the faces of those celebrating, but also erased social boundaries, making free and slaves equal during the fun. It is generally accepted that the first Venetian carnival took place in 1094, although other dates are also given. After a couple of centuries, the carnival becomes an annual event taking place before the long period of Lent. By the way, in the first centuries of the carnival, the Venetians did not wear masks or special costumes during the holiday, but simply had fun. But in subsequent centuries, masks became so popular that they were worn even without carnival.

Lovers who did not want to advertise their relationship, and noble townspeople who visited gambling houses and other dubious places hid their faces under masks. Sometimes the real criminals were hidden under the guise. The masks were in great demand, and the artisans who made them were no less famous than the Murano glassblowers or the Burana lacemakers.

Several times the city authorities tried to ban the wearing of masks outside the carnival, but the Venetians persistently violated the law. Masks disappeared from the everyday life of the Venetians around the end of the 18th century, when, having experienced rapid prosperity, the Venetian carnival ceased to exist. And the famous carnival was revived not so long ago - a little over thirty years ago. And it immediately became an event that attracted thousands of tourists to the city on the water. Yes, it became part of tourism business but Venice's carnival festive decoration so good, alive and spontaneous that you can ignore everything else.

While not all city guests can come to the carnival, you can admire the variety of masks at any time of the year. Carnival masks for every taste and budget are sold literally at every turn, but it is better to look for a truly Venetian product in special workshops, where beautiful papier-mâché or leather masks are made in the same way as centuries ago.

There are many types of Venetian masks, and it is absolutely impossible to show them all. But I will still allow myself a short excursion. For a long time Masks of commedia dell'arte, a special street theater that arose in Italy during the Renaissance, were extremely popular. This is Pantalone, and Brighella, and Harlequin, and the Captain, and the Doctor, and Pulcinella in various variations and, of course, the female character - Columbine.

Nowadays, these characteristic masks, simple in design, are not particularly popular with buyers; only collectors are interested in them. The exception is Columbine's half mask. However, look at how bright multi-colored products decorated with beads, rhinestones and lush feathers differ from a simple black half mask.

Another group of Venetian masks are those that arose over the many centuries of the existence of the carnival. The simplest of them is Bauta, which repeats the shape human face. Combined with a black hat and a long black cloak, it made the perfect costume for a man who wanted to remain unrecognized (Venice is not very Big city!) In such a mask, the voice changed, which added anonymity to its owner. The mask with a black cocked hat is called Bauta Casanova - in honor of the same Casanova who, when going in search of adventure, preferred to wear just such an outfit.

The Venetian Lady is a beautiful mask depicting a beauty from the heyday of Venetian power. Feathers, jewelry, gilding, various hairstyles and exquisite headdresses are its distinctive features. The more magnificent and luxurious - the better! It is not surprising that this mask is also loved by modern carnival participants.

Such a black mask these days is only made on special orders. But Moretta (or the Dumb Maid) was once one of the most popular! The mask is designed in such a way that the woman wearing it cannot speak - the fastening of the mask must be clamped with the teeth. They say that Moretta was especially appreciated by Venetian husbands, tired of women's chatter.

The terrible mask of the Plague Doctor has an equally terrible origin. In the Middle Ages, the plague was one of the most devastating disasters - it sometimes wiped out entire cities and emptied countries. This type of mask was actually worn by doctors during epidemics, wrapped in a long cloak and carrying a long stick so as not to touch the sick with their hands. Fragrant oils were placed in the long hooked nose of the mask and medicinal herbs– to protect against infection and not to feel the stench. Nowadays, this mask is simply extremely popular - for some reason people are attracted to everything terrible!

Volto's mask, also known as Citizen, is also very famous. This type of mask could be worn by representatives of all classes (hence the “democratic” name). Simple in form, it represents an ideal field for the creativity of modern masters. After all, you can paint and decorate such a mask in a variety of ways!

One of my favorite masks (I'm sure you already guessed it) is Cat. There is an unlikely legend about a cat, brought from China, who caught all the mice in the palace of the Venetian Doge and became a local celebrity. True, then the cat returned to his homeland anyway - they paid for expensive Chinese silks as the greatest value. I don’t know what about the Chinese cat specifically, but in Venice there were actually few cats of their own (and there were more than enough mice). And the mask is very cute, isn't it?

No medieval holiday, be it in a royal palace, a noble house or in a city square, was complete without a jester. Therefore, the Jester mask (there are many variations of names) is one of the most famous at the Venetian carnival. Her main attribute is a long cap, to the ends of which are attached bells that ring with every step. This mask was accompanied by a matching costume made from bright multi-colored scraps.

The variety of Venetian masks is truly endless. In addition, modern artists (there is no other way to call it), while preserving ancient traditions in technology, keep up with the times in subject matter. These days you can find masks in the form of aliens, goblins, elves, sea monsters and modern movie heroes! There are also products based on famous works paintings or evoking historical and literary characters. There are also unique masks born from the unbridled imagination of artists.

In addition to laconic leather and richly decorated papier-mâché masks (which, by the way, are often artificially “aged”), in Venice you can find products made of ceramics, porcelain and even metal. These are so-called interior masks designed to bring a little Italian flavor into our home. Indeed, having bought a mask in Venice, you can use it not only for its intended purpose, wearing it at a carnival, or as a souvenir reminiscent of the beautiful city, but also “make it work” to decorate your home. By the way, such masks do not have to be brought specifically from Venice; they can be bought in other countries. And many artists (including in Russia) create, although not real “Venetian”, beautiful artistic masks “in the style” that can add a special touch to the design of any interior.

When choosing a mask to decorate your home, you can focus on an existing design, or, on the contrary, you can play up the purchase by making changes to the design. Any mask will do - the main thing is that you like it! Or it suited your character and your outlook on life (a mask can tell a lot about its owner!).

Venetian masks look very good in combination with antique mirrors, exquisite curtains and porcelain, glass or small plastic that matches the style. But also in modern interior, devoid of all sorts of “dust collectors” and “trinkets”, they can become an interesting contrasting note.

In my opinion, wall-mounted Venetian masks are good both on their own and in frames that suit the style.

Paired masks, matched by theme or color, can become bright accent living room, dining room and even kitchen. What do you think of these options?

Or you can create a whole composition from similar masks. True, it seems to me that in this case it is better to use miniature products so as not to overload the interior.

I really liked this original solution for the bedroom. Very Venetian...

And in this interior, where the main role is played by a chest of drawers painted with Italian motifs, a small mask along with candles and a figurine of an angel makes the composition complete.

Funny miniature masks on stands can serve as a cute decoration for a dressing table or chest of drawers. As they say, options are possible!

If you are confused by the idea of ​​hanging masks on the walls (I have often come across the opinion that this is a bad omen), and you like the carnival mood, you can use accessories in the style of “Venetian masks” in the interior. I especially liked the table - I wish I could find one like that!

And for needlewomen (of whom I know there are many here!) I can offer a sketch of an embroidery depicting the Venetian carnival.

In our house, Venetian masks are used to decorate the so-called “art corner” (my husband’s term). I admit, I bought all this without any ideas - simply because I liked it. But now it seems to me that my most favorite albums (and many of them are devoted to Italian painting and architecture) fit well in such an environment.

What do you think of Venetian masks? Would you “let” them into your home?

Svetlana Vetka , especially for

Photo: author,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The Venice Carnival of Masks is the most famous and oldest, the most original and unexpected: here the kingdom of masks and life itself resembles a theatrical stage among the canals. Dancing in the squares, luxuriously embroidered with gold and decorated precious stones carnival costumes.

If you are invited to an event in Venetian style, but you haven’t chosen a specific image yet, refer to one of the images, each of which is distinguished by a certain character, style of behavior and manner of dressing!

Many carnival masks are variants of the Italian commedia dell'arte masks, special type street theater performance. These include Harlequin, Columbine, Pedrolino, Pulcinella and other characters, each of whom was distinguished by a certain character, style of behavior and manner of dressing.

In the past, Venetians wore masks not only during carnival, but also on weekdays. Venice was and remains a small city and partially isolated from the mainland, so the local residents knew each other well by sight. The possibility of meeting an acquaintance on the street at the most inopportune moment probably greatly hampered the Venetians in their personal and social lives. Therefore, they came up with the custom of wearing masks, thanks to which it was possible to hide not only personality and social status, but even gender. Masks were especially useful for lovers, who in this situation found it much easier to hide their adventures from their legal spouses.
Every year, on the eve of spring, a noisy, heady wave of carnivals sweeps across the world. Almost on the same days on the eve of Lent, carnivals take place in France and Switzerland, in Austria and Germany, in the Canary Islands and Italy. Everywhere they have their own unique appearance and color.

In modern Italy, Carnival is celebrated for two weeks. A few days before the official opening of the carnival, romantics from all over Europe come to the city, and crowded processions from orchestras and street theaters begin to walk through the streets: the marchers are fooling around, blowing trumpets and beating drums, shouting songs, setting off firecrackers - in a word, they depict this in every possible way. the very carnival.

In the 18th century the main actors The Venetian carnival becomes the heroes of the Italian commedia dell'arte: hundreds and thousands of Harlequins, Pierrots, Pantalones appear on the streets, and the lovely Columbina becomes the emblem of the carnival. At the same time, a tradition that has survived to this day arose to open the carnival by launching from the bell tower of San Marco a paper dove tied to a thin thread - Columbina, which explodes in flight, showering everyone gathered in the square with a rain of confetti.

Venetian style in the interior is an atmosphere of romance and luxury, refined aristocracy and the special spirit of the Renaissance era, valued by many. The design, typical of Venice interiors, can easily be recreated in any of the rooms own apartment, and the advice of recognized designers will help you with this.

Reflection of art and luxury in style

The Venetian style in the interior appeared in the 14th century; it was at that time that the development of art received a powerful impetus. Perhaps the halls of the Doge's Palace can serve as examples of Venetian interior design.

Recognized masters widely experimented with the shades, lines, and the most bizarre shapes used. The interior of the house was equipped in accordance with the latest trends and technologies of that period.

The design of a house in the Venetian style can be described as unique and sophisticated. He has whole line distinctive features, allowing you to immediately guess it by the smallest details of the interior.

  • First characteristic feature Venetian style is color. The interior in the spirit of Venice is designed based on a complex color palette. Purple, emerald, deep blue and beige shades are especially popular in interior design.
  • The decor is distinguished by volume and complex texture.
  • The interior design must be selected taking into account the use of silver and gold decorative elements, they will always emphasize the luxury of the apartment.
  • Venetian style also means creating certain accents that can emphasize the luxury of the entire environment.
  • A house in this style is unthinkable without laying stylized or marble tiles on the floor.
  • In the photo in the Venetian interior, you will definitely see massive mirrors framed in heavy frames made of natural and noble wood.
  • Venetian plaster is widely used in wall decoration, and silk-screened wallpaper can also be used.
  • For an apartment in the Venetian style, select exclusive decor– carved, openwork headboards for the bed, twisted columns supporting the ceiling vault, objects made of gold leaf. It is customary to lay expensive carpets on the floor self made.

Selection of furniture

The design of a house in the Venetian style must be selected taking into account the use of certain furniture models. The style requires the use of massive interior items, but at the same time, both in the living room and in the bedroom or hallway, the furniture should be predominantly wooden and sophisticated.

Upholstery materials such as velvet, tapestry, and silk are welcome. Furniture for the kitchen and living room should also contain stained (or Murano) glass. Bookcases that are large in size and contain valuable collectible publications are a must in a Venetian interior.

A house decorated in the Venetian style also requires antique (or pseudo-antique) geographical maps and globes. They are especially relevant in the library or living room.

Venetian style in the interior includes figurines and lamps placed on the chest of drawers certain forms, carnival masks and souvenir plates. Such gizmos, which create the necessary ambiance, can also be placed on the mantelpiece. In addition to the fireplace, if space allows, you can install a table with a massive marble top in the living room or kitchen to highlight the style.

Almost all the furniture used to create interiors in the Venetian style is of impressive size. And therefore, the dream of such luxury can only be realized in large rooms.

It should be taken into account that a classic Venice house is, first of all, beauty and chic, and only then – comfort and coziness. This feature is not convenient for everyone, so when considering the future design of your apartment, consider your needs.

Luxurious bedroom

A bedroom decorated in Venetian style will allow you to imagine a trip along the Italian canals before going to bed. It must be taken into account that the traditional Venetian bedroom has several characteristic features.

  • The room should have a wide bed made of noble wood.
  • Heavy curtains are attached to the windows.
  • Interior decor must also include items such as candelabra and figurines.
  • Fixed in the middle of the ceiling Crystal Chandelier, covered with gold.

Bathroom and kitchen decor

Bathrooms and kitchens in the Venetian style require columns and arches. Small niches are also specially created where it is customary to display elegant and expensive accessories.

The shades of the walls in the kitchen and bathroom should be predominantly pastel; for this purpose, light plaster or wallpaper is selected. An interior in this style is unthinkable without large mirrors and good lighting, since Venice is always a celebration and luxury.

Spacious living room

The Venetian living room is a large room with a high ceiling. The choice of style colors is quite wide. It is necessary to use wallpaper with deep and noble shades.

Venetian plaster will help give the room a respectable appearance. One of the walls can be covered with photo wallpapers with Italian themes and panoramic photographs. Paintings by Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Titian are welcome on the walls.

A mandatory decor that creates the right accent for the style of the entire room is heavy curtains made of expensive and high-quality material. For the living room, you should choose handmade furniture, which will make the design unique. The decor of the Venetian living room includes floor vases, antique clocks and bronze figurines, and crystal products.

Venetian plaster

You can create a unique look for your home if you use this finishing material like Venetian plaster. This high-quality modern plaster is transparent in appearance and allows you to achieve a matte effect on the walls.

Plaster can easily replace wallpaper, especially since it is sold in the form of a material that can be painted in any shade.

The depth and transparency of Venetian plaster is achieved by following the technique of its application. Craftsmen use a triangular spatula for this, and then apply a special beeswax, which protects walls from scratches and damage.

Venetian plaster provides many advantages, the most important ones include:

  • waterproofness of the walls (due to this they can be washed as much as you like);
  • durability (only the warranty reaches 10 years);
  • fire safety (in addition, the plaster does not emit toxic substances or foreign odors);
  • versatility (plaster can be used to decorate the walls of the hallway, living room, kitchen and even bathroom: the high wear resistance of the material has been confirmed by numerous tests).

Apply Venetian plaster You can do it on the walls yourself, the main thing is to carefully study the installation technology.

Despite the many demands of this luxury style and significant costs for its implementation in the interior, fans of Venice create an atmosphere in their homes that is reminiscent of gondolas, stilts, the Adriatic and pigeons in Piazza San Marco.

Mask, Do I know you! It's fun to guess who is hiding under the carnival mask. The same cannot be said about the masks that tourists love to bring from travel as souvenirs. Interiors are decorated with masks; they serve as an especially good addition to ethnic styles. These masks most of all contain mysticism and mystery, which is not entirely good if you do not know the true purpose of this mask.

Therefore, before you bring a luxurious overseas souvenir into your home, ask about the history of the origin and use of this mask, and about the culture of the country.

Ritual masks

Such masks are especially common in African countries. Ritual masks carry sacred meaning and are intended to convey certain information coming from the invisible ordinary people peace. Such masks are decorated with characteristic patterns, mystical signs and encrypted messages that protect those present at the funeral ceremony from invasion evil forces other world.

Such masks are usually worn by men when performing a ritual dance, and women are not even allowed to touch these masks.

The mystical power embedded in cult objects does not always have protective power. Some masks are created to curse or bring misfortunes and illnesses to the future owner of this souvenir. Accordingly, by decorating your home with such an exotic exhibit, you will damage the energy of the house.

  • One of these ominous souvenirs is considered to be Marus mask. In African villages, it was thrown to the house of people who were considered traitors, and the mask itself signifies a wish for a curse.
  • In Nigeria, terracotta sculptures with a face profile are created for funerary purposes.
  • And the Cameroonians, in their masks, more reflect the past.

The variety of patterns on masks is a symbolic description of the stages of human transformation. Such masks are used for split personality, so that one can communicate with the souls of the dead, during special sessions and during the burial of the deceased.

  • Some masks are used when sacrificing an animal, protecting oneself from the spirit of death. These are common in Zaire, and are especially popular Bwanga figure, which depicts the ruler various forces nature.
  • There are masks decorated with fangs, tails, skulls, and horns of various animals. One of the most common such ritual masks from the Ivory Coast, denoting world chaos.

Is it worth purchasing such exotic items, which sometimes carry sinister or mystical powers, in memory of a trip to Africa?

Carnival masks

The history of carnivals goes back to Roman times, when a festival was held in honor of Saturn and the end of agricultural work. People were happy the harvest, organized magnificent feasts and celebrations. On these days, slaves were freed from work, they were allowed to sit at the same table with the nobles, who, by the way, also served their servants, i.e. it was the other way around.

With the advent of the Venetian festival during the Renaissance, the mask appeared as the main attribute carnival costume. The mask allowed you to take on any appearance, conventions went away and new acquaintances and relationships with any person could be allowed, because everyone was equal.

One of the most common Venetian masks is Bauta. With its elongated appearance, it resembles a ritual African one; however, the Venetian mask was used only for appearing incognito, when high-ranking officials did not want to be recognized in society. Any citizen could afford such a mask.

A mask that transformed any young lady into a noble person "Venetian Lady". Such a mask was decorated with feathers and precious stones, with an unusual hairstyle. Several options for the Venetian lady are being considered: Liberty, Salome, Fantasia.

Cat mask. The origin of this mask is associated with a story about a poor Chinese man who arrived in Venice with one cat. After some time, the Chinese returned to his homeland as a rich man. He became this way thanks to a cat who killed all the mice in the palace of the noble Doge.

The cat was left in service in Venice for a huge reward. Having told his amazing success story, the Chinese inspired his neighbors to go to Venice with a more expensive product, which was expected to fetch a larger sum than for some cat.

The goods were appreciated, especially Chinese silks, for which it was not a pity to give the most expensive and valuable thing that the noble Doge had - a cat.

Citizen Mask, or Volto. Such masks were allowed to be worn not only at the carnival, but also on certain weekdays, permitted by local authorities. It could be worn by a citizen of any class. Volto's mask almost completely followed the contours and shape of the face.

Death Mask

Mystery plays and carnivals always demonstrated not only the celebration of life, but also its other side - death. Death was portrayed by specially dressed people wearing masks and robes reminiscent of death.

In France, such a mummer was called the Fierce Reaper or the Lord of Death.

The most familiar and popular image of death is the skull mask, which was worn as a hat and hoodie costume with a skeleton image. This outfit came from Tibet.

Another one mask reminiscent of death - Venetian Doctor Plague. She is creepy looking, with a long beak-like nose. Such masks were used by healers during the plague, from which Venice suffered several times. It was assumed that various oils and medicinal drugs that were placed in a long nose, will be able to protect the doctor from infection.
Later, “Doctor Plague” became one of the popular characters at the carnival.

When buying a mask, you need to think not only about what place it will take in the interior, how it will decorate the wall, but also about its true historical and ethnic significance.

Not all masks are mystical or cult objects. Many of them reflect the culture of a particular country.

If you are not sure which secret meaning hides the mask, do not rush to decorate your room with it: they can tell a lot about the secret passions and hobbies of the owners of the house. An unusual mask can give your guests the wrong impression about you.

The mood of the room is set by accessories, which is why designers devote so much time and effort to their harmonious selection. Manufacturers do not limit the flight of imagination: small souvenir shops and famous interior salons offer an abundance of paintings, tapestries, figurines and decorative tableware for every taste. Some of these lots are familiar and do not raise any questions, but some are puzzling: the frightening grins of ethnic souvenirs and the risk of not comprehending the sacred meaning inherent in the printed symbols are serious arguments to refuse the purchase exotic decoration. WESTWING shopping club consultants will tell you how to correctly place ethnic masks in interior decor and which images should be avoided.

The meaning of masks in the culture of different nations

Modern man has quickly freed himself from the superstitions of his ancestors: placing ethnic masks in interior decor, many do not even try to comprehend their meaning in pursuit of an attempt to create a fashionable ethnic look for the room. For ancient man, and for many indigenous peoples who have not yet been absorbed by civilization and have preserved the centuries-old traditions of their unique culture, the mask is a cult object that requires special veneration. The mask is an element of the most complex and significant rituals in a person’s life: welcoming a baby into the world, seeing off the deceased to the kingdom of shadows, gathering a hunter-breadwinner for prey and handing over a girl to her husband’s family. In grief and joy, the mask accompanies the inhabitants of the African continent, Indian tribes and northerners, that is, mainly residents of regions that are heavily dependent on Mother Nature and her whims.

Skeptics may argue that a resident of a metropolis, more dependent on traffic jams and cellular reception, does not necessarily understand the meaning of a particular symbol inscribed on an African or Egyptian wooden plate. In some ways, this opinion is correct. But for those who periodically look into the horoscope or know exactly how mirrors should be hung in the house in accordance with the flow of Feng Shui, knowledge of how to correctly place ethnic masks in interior decor so as not to anger the spirits supposedly living in these ethnic -souvenirs.

African masks: how to bring the favor of spirits into the interior, not a curse

African masks are a large and diverse group, unlike any other or even geographically related accessories of religious objects. In an ethno-interior of the appropriate style, they look somewhat mystical and even frightening. Dark wooden sculptures, shiny with oil, fascinate with their empty eye sockets, not allowing you to look away. The most common groups of African masks brought by tourists from the hot continent:

  • artisanal, agricultural, called fertility masks;
  • military;
  • animalistic, designed to pacify the beast;
  • ritual.

Ritual masks are not recommended for use as decoration living rooms. Its characteristic features are the red eyes of the images and emphatically evil grins with bestial features. Beliefs warn of the opening of a portal to the land of spirits for those who wear such an image, so people who do not have shamanic skills are not recommended to touch such objects.

Absolutely safe and even useful, if you believe the legends of African peoples, are fertility masks, which in some sources are also interpreted as masks of male and female fusion. Their characteristic difference is the use of nature colors in decoration: white, blue or blue and green. Drops, as a symbol of life-giving rain, are also a sure sign of a mask invoking the favor of the spirits.

Military and animal masks African style allows without restrictions: they are considered neutral and do not carry a mystical load. This is a kind of masquerade that allows a warrior and a fellow tribesman pretending to be an animal to tell their neighbors about their exploits and boast to their future bride of their merits in the hunting field. Masks with the image of a tiger or lion, as well as images of faces with open eyes framed by small designs, are an excellent wall accessory for both the living room and the office, the owner of which wants to emphasize the originality of his hobbies.

Egyptian masks: worship of beauty

These images are completely different from African masks: there are no frightening grins, the materials are filigree processed and richly decorated. In the Egyptian style, masks, although also accompanying the deceased, recall their earthly life and physical beauty. Popular images, recognizable at first sight, are the faces of pharaohs and legendary beauties, optimally fitting into richly decorated interiors of the corresponding style. Nefertiti and Ramses are unique symbols of beauty and wealth, respectively; placed on the wall, this is exactly the message they convey. Egyptian masks go perfectly in the interior with glossy mosaics, unlike African, the best background for which are matte textures decorative plaster. But the wooden sculptures of the dark continent, often decorated with twine or cords, contrast well with the fur, which looks out of place in the style of pyramids and sands.

Venetian masks: behind-the-scenes secrets of Italy

We can talk about the Venetian carnival for hours, as well as about the masks that are displayed there. Surprisingly, Italy was able to preserve the spirit of the era of the famous conquerors of ladies' hearts and their lovers: traditional masks confidently fight with the new model, no matter how spectacular it may be.

When going to a souvenir shop to buy a wall or tabletop artifact from Italy, you should give preference to the classic images associated with the amazing city of canals and gondolas. In order to buy ethnic masks in accordance with traditions, you need to study at least a little the classics of Italian culture. Masks of pigs, tigers and owls, decorated with rhinestones and textiles, although they look decorative, have minimal relevance to the history of Italian art. Traditional figures of the Renaissance: Harlequin, Columbine, Doctor, Captain and others will more accurately complement the interior in Italian style. These spectacularly decorated masks go well with high-quality textiles, wall paintings, curvaceous furniture and paintings in bulky inlaid frames. The optimal complement to the collection of masks from Venice placed on the walls will be mirrors.

Placing masks in the interior

There are not many options for the arrangement of the ethnic collection:

  • on the walls;
  • on shelves;
  • on chests of drawers or wall tables.

In the latter case, you will have to worry about purchasing decent stands in order to firmly secure the artifacts in the viewing area. Placement on the wall will only require good fastenings so that massive accessories do not fall. The background can be any wallpaper of a suitable texture, but its design should not distract from the main emphasis. For African motifs, a sand theme is perfect, and for Venice, a stripe with a gilded border. In the latter case, the masks can even be centered relative to the stripes, once again emphasizing the diversity of Italian roles.

Large masks are placed separately, ensuring sufficient visibility for each element. Small ones can be placed in a group, for example, in a checkerboard pattern above a sofa or in diameter above a desk. There is no point in trying to place an extensive collection on one wall: a clutter of elements will not allow you to sufficiently appreciate each of the objects. If the collection includes many copies, you can take care of a special rack, the cells of which will be equipped with informative signs for less erudite acquaintances.

A mask cannot exist in the interior by itself: it is an important and spectacular accent, but in the absence of support in the form of other accessories, it will look out of place and even stupid. A huge selection of worthy partners from the ethno-collections of leading designers can be found and purchased in the catalogs of partners of the WESTWING shopping club. And on the pages of this interior guide you can find thousands of tips on organizing a stylish interior in any style from classic to avant-garde.