Magnificent apartment design in loft style. Elite attic: is it possible to embody the classic loft style in an ordinary apartment? Small apartment in loft style

Loft is an interesting and unusual style that combines bohemianism and underground. The design direction - loft is individual approach to each room, covering both miserable living conditions and luxurious ones. The first conditions can be easily transformed into the latter using loft.

Translated from English, loft means premises unsuitable for living, in particular attic or attic areas. And if they are larger, then these are one-story buildings of factories and enterprises, with high ceilings. Later, the latter became associated with an unusual urban movement.

The use of industrial premises for housing is specific to the loft. Lots of room for creativity, a combination of rough and refined details - all this and much more lies in a bold and extraordinary style.

If you decide to recreate the loft style in the interior own apartment, then first familiarize yourself not only with the main points, but also study the history of its occurrence in order to understand all the specifics as a whole.

A little history

The loft appeared in the 50s of the last century. Namely, it was in the USA that an economic revolution began to take place, land prices began to rise, and therefore all factories moved outside the city.

And they disposed of the remaining production premises as best they could, quickly converting them into budget housing and renting them out. Photo of a merged loft in the interior.

It became housing for the poor. There were no dividing walls, sometimes even the ceiling itself; it could have been beams. The only amenities were a kitchen and a bathroom.

These were the first designed loft territories. They might have simply been forgotten and left on the pages of US history as affordable housing for the poor, if they had not been so popular with the art creators who turned the factory spaces into their own studios.

At first, artists were lured by the rental price, and they began showing their works there. Thanks to the large windows, a huge flow of light came in, and due to the fact that there were no boundaries from the walls, there was an incredible sense of space, and factory structures served as decorative elements.

The roughness of the interior of abandoned factories, combined with artistic works and bohemia, expressed the loft that has now become so popular. The specificity of the style is the use of only necessary pieces of furniture without trifles, the principle is to get by with only the smallest part of things.

Over time, loft-style design became elite, and it was no longer housing for the poor, but on the contrary, in the 60s in the United States it became the most popular among wealthy segments of society.

Loft and modernity

What is so attractive about a loft? And the fact that it does not make living spaces identical and similar. The choice of furniture, partitions - all this is already so recognizable, even though it is taken from the most fashionable trends.

Loft has a different approach to all this; there are no limits to imagination here.


Will it be possible to recreate this trend in city apartments?

Let's try to understand the existing stylistic features:

  • Huge undemarcated spaces reaching up to 1000 sq.m;
  • High ceilings;
  • Large window frames;
  • Roughness of finish in surrounding surfaces:
  • Metal structures;
  • Few pieces of furniture.

Modern loft is a shocking and chic style. Specialists can easily bring it to life. How? They replace the necessary space of factories and rough surfaces with industrial arsenal items and unusual furnishings.

Layout and division into zones

Free zones are a loft concept. Ideal option a territory that is entirely visible is considered. Beyond these boundaries, the bathroom, storage rooms, and sometimes the bedroom are not visible.

Availability large quantity light and space is the main point, because of this, pieces of furniture should be in minimal quantities and should always be placed near the walls, but rather away from them.

Everything unnecessary is hidden in the back rooms. You need to pay attention to them too. Because it is necessary to remove unnecessary things so as not to harm the created creative atmosphere.

Here there is an option for vertical zoning, i.e. open floor. Below are photos of the loft style.


The main material is:

  • Pipes;
  • Beams;
  • Bricks.

Textured surfaces take advantage. Used to divide into zones different materials.

“Provocative” roughness, “unfinished” finishing creates the necessary atmosphere where even a grandmother’s chest of drawers will look on an equal footing with a luxurious sofa.

All kinds of heating or air conditioning pipes are “on display.” There can be everything on the walls, from various posters to paintings by famous art creators.

The floor is made of stone or wood.

Beams or other decorative elements are placed on the ceiling, or everything is painted in light colors.

They hang blinds on the windows or leave everything as is.

Furniture and decorative elements

Key points regarding loft style furniture:

  • Minimum set
  • Fashionable
  • The space between the furniture and the wall.

The most suitable vintage and most fashion furniture designers.

Loft was one of the first to use plastic, leather and aluminum materials. Such long-familiar things as folding chairs or metal shelving and much more appeared then along with the loft. Furniture in the loft style does not include furniture, wooden shelves or bulky cabinets.

Antique furniture or today? Both options are suitable, the main thing is that it is luxurious and expressive.

Decorating a kitchen or dining room

Furniture rarities from the 50s or high-tech kitchen equipment are perfect. Chromium coating of metal surfaces is also approved. It will be great if you end up with some kind of restaurant or cafe.

In the dining room, the design in the loft style is also decorated in a minimalist direction.

Living room

Interior items in the loft style such as, soft sofa, a comfortable chair and other furniture will create the right atmosphere, and the works of artists will add luxury.

Also, do not forget about modern technology, which a loft-style apartment cannot do without.


It can be separate or one of the studio areas. The partition can be a simple closet or chest of drawers.

Preference is given high bed from metal structure. And of course the bedroom should be in perfect order.

Bath and toilet

The bath can be decorated in different ways. The difference is the plumbing items. The ideal option is a gilded bathtub with legs. If there are no vintage items, then focus on modern plumbing.

Decor elements

The interior of a room in the loft style does not allow for various small details; it is better to opt for 1 – 2 large details.

An excellent option would be to have a fireplace. Curtains in the loft style are used as decoration in the interior.

If there is a 2nd floor, the staircase also acts as decoration.

Loft in an apartment

Based on the basic principles of a loft, you can recreate semi-living and spacious spaces, with luxury and style. A country house is an excellent option for your fantasies.

Currently, recognizable loft features are used in apartment design - textured walls, interweaving rarities and the latest fashion trends.

As a result, combining seemingly incompatible things leads to an unexpected result. Which is very popular now. Therefore, creating a loft-style apartment is quite easy.


The loft is suitable for absolutely everyone, both rich and poor, both owners of restaurants and nightclubs. But most often this is the choice of creative people.

Photos of interior design in loft style

To decorate the interior of an apartment, recently people are increasingly choosing not classic, but modern styles, which include loft - an unusual combination of an industrial interior with coziness and comfort.

It’s worth making a reservation right away: the peculiar style may leave some people wondering how one can live here. But young people who reject established traditions enthusiastically accept some of the shockingness of the “attic interior.”

Light design in loft style

Loft style design

Brick wall in the interior of a living room in loft style

Compound industrial design The design and functions of residential premises occurred in America around the middle of the last century, when industrialists began to rent out and sell empty premises of former factory floors to everyone. Low-income citizens, students, representatives of the “liberal” professions – artists, musicians – did not have the funds to rent expensive housing or to renovate it well. They left the brick ones open, concrete walls, water pipes.

The absence of partitions, walls, beams and pipes initially shocked them with their unique appearance, but then musicians, artists, and others after them saw something unique and original in this design. This is how the settlement of the former factory premises began.

Dark colors in the interior of a loft-style room

Kitchen design in loft style

Interest in original interior conquered not only America - then other large European cities were “overgrown” with newfangled dwellings. Gradually, the “loft” (“loft” - translated from English as “attic”) began to “descend” to the lower floors, winning more and more supporters. Single bachelors and young families began to decorate their residential apartments in an industrial style.

Living in loft style

The loft design can be distinguished immediately as soon as you enter the room. It stands out not only for the absence of walls and partitions (which, if you follow the style, are allowed only for the bathroom), but also:

  • materials for finishing walls, ceilings, floors;
  • choice of color palette;
  • selection and arrangement of furniture.

An industrial interior looks best in a spacious apartment with high ceilings - there is an opportunity to create a space that breathes newness. However, the loft style in the interior of a small apartment also looks harmonious: there will be more space and light as soon as you remove all the partitions. It is important to know that you can only disassemble internal partitionsload-bearing walls can't be touched. To transfer or redevelop, you must first obtain permission from the relevant authorities.

Bright white design loft style

Loft style design

Apartment interior design in loft style

Room decoration

Not talking about the primary industrial premises, but about creating an interior in country house or a “high-rise building”, you need, first of all, to pay attention to the surface finishing.

For styling an industrial style in a small or big apartment or studios use:

  • red or white sand-lime brick;
  • wood (for floors, for partitions), plywood (for wall decoration);
  • glass - not only on windows, but also when arranging partitions;
  • pipes - in addition to natural plumbing and heating, decorative use is also possible.

Many people choose the loft style, purchasing housing in a new building without finishing. There's plenty to roam around here - no need to imitate it brick walls– there is “live” brickwork or open concrete surface. Brick, as a rule, is coated on top only with matte varnish to protect it from destruction, scattering, and concrete plates whitewashed or sewn up completely or partially with sheets of plywood or metal.

Gray walls in the interior of a living room in loft style

Loft style in the living room interior

In secondary housing, where finishing has already been done, if the space allows, brickwork or its imitation is made. It is not necessary to lay the entire wall with brick or clinker - partial masonry, clinker elements that imitate part of the wall protruding from under the plaster, as if crumbling over time, will be enough.

In a small apartment, it is very convenient to use clinker tiles - they will not “steal” part of the room, which is already insufficient - after all, lofts love space and light - they are easy to choose by color and texture. No additional processing of natural brick is required.

The floor in an authentic room should be concrete, but the style of a residential interior allows for a wooden floor; it is less often used fake diamond. If already used ceramic tile, then plain, gray, beige, without frills and drawings, patterns.

Living room design in loft style

Bathroom in loft style

Popular are self-leveling floors, under which you can install a “warm floor” system, which is especially important for sleeping and living areas. Various finishes flooring can serve as a way to zoning a room.

If the apartment has a balcony and you want it to be in harmony with the rest of the living space, modern methods glazing will be inappropriate. Leave it open, save the wrought iron fencing and wooden railings.

Partitions for zoning the space of a small apartment can be different:

  • high or medium partitions made of glass blocks;
  • open double-sided wooden shelving;
  • wooden screens.

A bar counter on a brick base can be a kind of partition separating the kitchen from the living area. In a loft-style room, a single space was deliberately created, so only partitions for organizing the sleeping area may remain appropriate, while the rest is a matter of taste for the owners.

Bright apartment design in loft style

Loft style room design

Interior styling

If the ceilings in the room are high, then beams and pipes must pass through them. If there are none, wooden false beams are placed, various wooden structures simulating an attic ceiling. Between them you can place lamps on chains.

If the height of the ceiling does not allow placing beams, the ceiling is simply plastered and painted, whitewashed.

In the kitchen, leave communication pipes uncovered. Of course, modern polypropylene pipes plumbing and heating would be inappropriate here. Just like modern heating radiators - they will have to be masked, but in plain sight it is better to stylize stoves and fireplaces - after all, initially factory and warehouse premises were not heated, so they warmed the home with iron barrels with firewood. You shouldn’t light a fire in your apartment - make do with a false fireplace.

Window decoration is a special issue. Firstly, modern metal-plastic options. It is better to choose painted wooden frames. Secondly, the trend is huge panoramic, skylights. They do not need to be covered with curtains or curtains - all natural light should enter the apartment.

Living room in loft style

Hallway design in loft style

Loft style in the interior

Color palette

Traditional colors for the loft style are stone and brick. It is characterized by:

  • brown-beige-terracotta color scheme;
  • shades of white (not snow-white!), gray, black.

If you want to create indoors color accents, choose red and blue colors for them.

The color scheme of the “attic” style is close to others modern trends, for example, hi-tech, minimalism, so the color scheme may overlap with them:

  • like in high-tech, cool colors can be used in a loft - silver, gray-white, black;
  • a combination of contrasting colors or several shades of one with the addition of bright accents.

The color of the furniture is selected in the same way - strict, one tone or two or three harmonizing or contrasting ones.

Apartment design in loft style

Brick walls in loft style

Furniture in a loft interior

Choosing loft-style furniture for a small apartment is not difficult, but you need to take into account that it is often a means of zoning open space apartments, because there are no walls.

The kitchen area can be decorated in the same way as in high-tech style - it’s appropriate here kitchen set made of wood, all kinds Appliances:

  • fridge;
  • stove or hob;
  • hood.

It is typical for the loft style that a dining area is rarely placed in the kitchen - if the family is small, more often the bar counter is both a place for eating and serves as zoning of the room. High bar stools with forged or chrome-plated legs can be used as chairs.

Brick wall in the interior of a room in loft style

Chocolate color in the interior of a loft-style living room

Light design in loft style

For a loft-style living room, furniture in a minimalist style is suitable: an ordinary, no-frills bed with a simple headboard, tables, and chairs made of wood. If cabinets are planned, they should be open. Often on one wall from floor to ceiling they make wooden shelves. Open shelves for books can be used to fence off the sleeping space, and instead of a wardrobe, install an open hanger.

Upholstered furniture - a corner, straight or semicircular sofa in a calm tone or, conversely, a bright, contrasting color, can be a single color - made of velor, artificial leather.

For the loft style in the interior of a small apartment, like nowhere else, old, shabby wooden furniture that came from the last century would be appropriate. Let the paint or varnish peel off in places, handles are missing, a corner is knocked off, even a small one artificial aging It won't hurt her.

Bathroom furniture, despite the fact that the bathroom is a closed room, should support the overall styling - either the most modern in the spirit of high-tech, or with a touch of steampunk, coming from the industrial era. Furniture and appliances here are kept to a minimum. Leave only the essentials.

Living room design in loft style

Loft style in the kitchen interior

Lighting for interior in loft style plays important role- in case of deficiency natural light in a small apartment, lanterns, lamps, lamps will help out - from those imitating street ones to miners. It is better to highlight each zone separately, then a harmony of style will be achieved.

When choosing a loft style for a small apartment, do not overload the space with furniture and decorative details. There should be a few of them:

  • a hammock on chains in the relaxation area or a chaise longue, and a floor lamp next to it;
  • assorted chairs or wooden bench;
  • chains under the ceiling;
  • drawings on walls covered with plywood sheets;
  • fireplace.

They don’t make particularly bright accents in the loft style, just enough unusual items interior, they create an unusual style that came to us from the last century.

Loft style apartment design is an absolute hit recent years. This popular interior style is preferred by creative and creative people who love freedom and minimalistic practicality. Regardless of the budget appearance of this stylistic trend, Loft is now almost the leader among expensive interiors. Loft style apartment design has become very popular in the USA, and then throughout Europe. And for about 10 years now, the Russians have been happy too. In this article we will learn everything about the Loft style, its history and, of course, we will analyze the options for decorating an apartment in the Loft style for each room.

Loft style apartment design - history

Loft style design began its origins in the 40s of the last century, in the factory districts of Manhattan. At that time there was a sudden relocation of many industrial enterprises from the city to suburban areas. This was due to an increase in the price of renting city land. The remaining abandoned factory buildings appealed to the taste of the local bohemia. These empty objects began to be used by people of creative professions to hold art exhibitions and music concerts. The premises were decorated to please creative personality. Soon, such apartments became very popular and their prices skyrocketed due to their unusual stylistic design, elite location and huge areas. That's right, with light hand New York's bohemian elite, abandoned warehouses and factories, in the middle of the last century, became luxury homes in the Loft style, and contributed to the renewal of the list

In subsequent years, a wave of loft interiors overtook other European cities. Factories, factories and warehouses moved to the suburbs. And empty buildings, following the American example, were transformed into elite, fashionable housing.

Characteristics of design in Loft style

The Loft style is characterized by open and spacious rooms with the presence of industrial elements in their interiors. This includes a high high ceiling and an unfinished wall covered with brickwork or concrete. The ceilings can be reinforced with beams, pipes are located along the walls, the floor is made of cement, as if without finishing.
If we translate English word"loft", its literal meaning is the attic or top floor of a factory. That’s right, if you first find yourself in a Loft-style interior, the first impression is that you are in some kind of workshop. And only when you look closely, you notice a lived-in, living space, skillfully stylized.
A true loft-style apartment design usually occupies more than 100 - 200 sq. m. There are large window openings everywhere, filling the room with light and air. The main distinguishing feature of this interior is the absence of partitions and high ceilings.
The design of an apartment in the Loft style should be completely open. In such apartments, only the toilet, bedroom and utility rooms are isolated. There are Loft interiors, where even a bathtub can be located in the middle of the bedroom.
The main concept of apartment design in the Loft style is the harmonious unification of opposite architectural solutions. It is in the Loft that shabby and peeling interior items taken from, with modern ones coexist completely calmly and harmoniously chrome parts and technology.

Features in the design of an apartment in the Loft style

In addition to the above characteristics of Loft design with open and spacious premises, with a high ceiling and rough wall decoration. The design features of an apartment in the Loft style also include:

  • Absence bright colors for the sake of light colors. The light design allows for maximum exposure to the sun entering through the windows;
  • The presence of fireplaces and stoves in the interior. They came to the loft interior from the cold and large premises of the plant, which needed to be heated. And now this detail is a special highlight of the design of an apartment in the Loft style;
  • The presence of metal or wooden stairs and even, if the ceiling height allows, equipped for sleeping or workplace, second level;
  • Modern, multifunctional, discreet furniture with details from the 20th century.
Modern trends in interior design in the Loft style

Often modern designers divide the Loft style into three main areas:

  1. Bohemian Loft is the same factory interior, but with creative accessories, objects and accents. This is the presence in the interior of industrial, forgotten objects, for example, antique teapots of that era, musical instruments. All this is boldly combined with avant-garde paintings and ikebano;
  2. Glamorous Loft, combines bed shades of contrasting colors. This is a familiar combination of gray and brown or orange. Glamorous details in the form of fashionable lamps, beautiful chandeliers, Renaissance mirrors, animal skins on the walls and floors are also appropriate here;
  3. Industrial Loft is currently the most popular. In such a Loft, the main emphasis is on restoring the industrial premises in the design of the apartment. Everywhere you can find metal pipes ventilation and septic tank. Vintage wiring functional furniture, with clear forms.

Bohemian Loft
Glamorous Loft
Industrial Loft

Of course, it is not possible to create a completely open area of ​​the room in every apartment. In such a situation, it is necessary to correctly play up the attic loft style by adding stylistic elements.

General interior and design of an apartment in Loft style

In its general trend, the decoration of premises in the Loft style is not very fancy, but recreating this style in a simple apartment is not at all easy. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the redevelopment; it is necessary to demolish all non-load-bearing partitions. Due to this, several rooms will be combined into a common space. This is, for example, a living room with a kitchen common territory. If possible, widen window openings to let in even more air and light.
The finishing of the premises should be carried out simple materials, close to the natural structure of the building. Make a bed in the living room wood laminate, highlight the kitchen area with massive tiles. Leave some of the walls untreated, for example, with an even layer of concrete, just cover them with special protective materials. Some walls can be tiled with tiles that imitate brickwork. Try not to hide any communication systems: ventilation, heating, pipes and wires. With their help you will maintain the loft spirit in the interior.

Apartment design in Loft style - kitchen

Usually in a combined kitchen-living room area, a minimum of space is allocated to the kitchen area. This is literally a small corner where the kitchen unit is placed directly. The kitchen is in Loft style, equipped with chrome parts and glass surfaces.
Household appliances are the center of the interior. It includes the entire arsenal from the refrigerator to the coffee machine. It is necessary to select furniture in combination with appliances. It’s very good to keep everything in a minimalist spirit. Use as a bright accent unusual design chairs or buy a small antique buffet from the era of industrialization.

Loft style living room

The most important features of the loft living room are large window openings, wooden floors, rough wall decoration and a huge minimalist sofa. Near the sofa, poufs and coffee table interesting shape. You can install open shelving against the wall to store books and decorative items. The decor should also correspond to the stylistic direction of the industrial-factory theme.

Apartment design in Loft style - bedroom

Here is a bedroom, just in the design of an apartment in the Loft style, you can hide it behind a partition or interior wall. If you have high ceilings, then very original solution in the Loft style there will be arranging a sleeping place on the second tier.
In the bedroom, the walls can be painted in calm color, bed shades. And for example, leave the wall at the head of the bed untreated, but stylized as a concrete coating or brickwork. A large closet with mirrored doors will help expand the bedroom space. Use as decoration decorative pillows different colors.
If the bathroom is located next to the bedroom, then this partition can be removed completely, this is very much in the spirit of Loft design. You can zone the bedroom and bathroom using glass partition, thick curtains or using a podium.

The loft style in the interior of a small apartment is an excellent solution for those who want to wisely use the entire area of ​​their home. This design direction has many advantages; it allows you to decorate rooms rationally, attractively and comfortably, which is why it is ideal for arranging rooms of any size.

History and distinctive features of the style

Loft is translated from in English, like "attic". The style acquired its main features and name at the beginning of the 20th century, when in the USA during the Great Depression, numerous immigrants to major cities There was simply not enough affordable housing. Because of this, workers set up modest apartments for themselves in the workshops of abandoned and sometimes functioning factories.

It was precisely this difficult fate of ordinary workers that led to the creation of one of the currently most popular styles. Since its inception, the “attic” design has been distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • high ceilings of living spaces;
  • minimum number of interior partitions;
  • simple room furnishings;
  • lack of decorations, decorative elements and luxury goods;
  • the use of furniture and movable partitions for zoning the internal space;
  • lack of wallpaper on the walls;
  • good natural light;
  • open elements engineering communications;
  • an abundance of metal products and other industrial features in the interior.

All these characteristics sometimes upset the owners of small apartments, because it is absolutely clear that in a small “one-room apartment” it is absolutely impossible to create an interior that fully corresponds to the described style features. But don’t despair, the designers have chosen creative solutions, the implementation of which will allow you to decorate any home in an industrial style.

Decorating the hallway - choosing cladding for walls, floors and ceilings

For each room of the apartment it is necessary to select individual design solutions. Professionals recommend starting planning. This is the first room that people enter when they want to enter an apartment, so the owner should do everything possible to make this room attractive and consistent with the chosen design. The easiest way to decorate a hallway in a loft style is for apartment owners in brick houses. They should only dismantle the wall cladding (if any) and expose the brickwork. If the masonry loses its visual characteristics due to many years of wallpapering and painting, it will have to be restored.

It is somewhat more difficult to decorate the walls of the hallway for owners of apartments in panel and monolithic houses. They should select suitable ones in advance facing materials, corresponding to the style. There are two main options for wall decoration in such buildings:

  1. 1. Using wallpaper that imitates the visual characteristics of brickwork.
  2. 2. Using rough plaster, which does not need to be processed or ground after application; the cladding should not look perfectly even and smooth.

As for the design of ceilings, experts mainly recommend using light-colored paint or plaster. With their help, you can visually increase the height of rooms and make them match the style. To decorate the floor, we recommend using functional and reliable finish, able to withstand constant adverse effects of moisture and frequent pollution. Ceramic tiles and linoleum have these advantages. Color flooring should be dark, much darker than the ceiling and walls.

You can’t do without furniture in the hallway; there should be shelves for shoes and a closet for storage. outerwear, mirror, etc. However, their number should be reduced to a minimum and placed around the room in such a way that there is maximum free space in the center of the room.

Loft-style living room - minimal furniture to save space

The living room is the most important living room in any apartment, and sometimes the only one, therefore its decoration must be approached with all possible responsibility and seriousness. To decorate the living room walls, floor and ceiling, you can use the same cladding materials as for the hallway, although costs can be slightly increased. In monolithic and panel houses decorate the walls with decorative brick. This solution will maximize the visual characteristics of the room, but requires significant financial investments and reduces the internal space of the room.

The floor in the living room is covered with rough boards. The tree fits perfectly into industrial style, although it can also be replaced with ceramic tiles or even leaving the surface bare. Concrete floors in small apartments can look very organic and attractive.

If the owner is ready to provide serious financing for the renovation when finishing the living room, you should pay close attention to the windows. Windows in industrial facilities are very different from windows standard houses and apartments, they are larger, more massive and rougher. If you have the finances, you can even remodel the apartment to expand the windows, or to combine the living room with the kitchen. Loft is ideal for decorating modern studio apartments. Although the “attic” style requires minimal use of furniture, you can’t do without it in the living room. Here you need to install:

  • sofa made of natural or artificial leather;
  • shelves made of rough wood;
  • TV stand;
  • armchairs with simple upholstery.

You should not overload the room with furniture, otherwise the living room will look cluttered.

Bedroom interior – finishing color and furniture

Not all small apartments have separate bedrooms. But if there is already a bedroom, then it, like other rooms of the residential property, should be decorated in a loft style. The attic style is not the best and optimal solution for decorating a bedroom, however, as a result of renovation, this room can acquire aesthetic industrial features and also remain cozy. Best suited for bedroom decoration following colors: red, dark brown, blue, gray, white.

Experts recommend choosing neutral shades as the main color, and using rich tones only for individual elements and decor. Furniture in the bedroom should fit organically into the decoration, be multifunctional and comfortable. Do not forget that this room will be used for relaxation and privacy, so you should not overdo it with industrialism and rough design. The main elements of the situation should be:

  • a large, preferably wrought-iron bed;
  • cabinet;
  • spacious closet made of rough wood.

Choosing solutions for the kitchen and bathroom – functionality comes first

The kitchen is a functional room in the apartment, and therefore when decorating here it is necessary to create the most convenient operating conditions, which is often very difficult. The main difficulty in arranging a kitchen is the lack usable space. In the kitchen it is necessary to correctly distribute the available square meters. To do this, you can use zoning - divide the area of ​​the room into separate zones. Furniture will be installed in some areas, others will remain empty, which will provide the room with free space and high-quality natural light.

A loft-style kitchen does not have to be dark, gloomy and unattractive. You can decorate a room using warm shades, which match all the necessary facing materials, furniture, appliances and accessories, of which there should be a lot in the room. The style of the interior should in no case harm the functionality of the kitchen. With the right approach, a loft can combine beauty and ease of use.

Last of all, when planning the interior of an apartment, they take on the bathroom and toilet, which in no way diminishes the importance of these rooms for users. Functional rooms in the loft style you need to design it as simply and rationally as possible; there should be no frills, unnecessary decorations or decor.

Plain ceramic tiles or black and white mosaics without a clear pattern are best suited for these rooms. You can decorate rooms using glass and metal elements, which should have some functional purpose, for example, you can install a stainless steel sink or a chrome heated towel rail in the bathroom. The bathtub itself should be on legs, preferably dark in color, imitating antique products with their magnificent charm and aesthetics.

Advantages of the loft style - who is it suitable for?

Loft gives users the broadest opportunities in the design of their apartments. This style allows you to use a variety of materials when lining the interior surfaces of rooms:

  • skin;
  • aluminum;
  • wood;
  • vinyl;
  • brick;
  • stone;
  • plaster;
  • steel;
  • concrete;
  • glass;
  • and many others.

Thanks to the diversity possible options decorating rooms, this design is ideal for owners who want to show off their talents, sense of style, taste, and maybe even wealth in decorating rooms. If you are ready to experiment and want to live in an apartment with personality, industrial loft- your style.


Trying to improve living conditions in one-room apartment, different methods are used. One of effective ways is use of minimalist finishing directions, which includes the loft style. The modern design of a one-room apartment in this style, shown in the photo, is comfortable housing with fairly spacious rooms.

Design of a loft-style hall in a one-room apartment - Photo

Characteristics of the loft style

A characteristic architectural trend called loft arose as a result of the American crisis of the early 20th century. Bankrupt companies, trying to return at least part of the funds, began to massively sell production premises, which were bought by artists, sculptors, representatives of other professions related to art, different types creativity.


They organized studios and workshops in them and lived there. The main features of the style are:

  • spacious rooms, big windows, high ceilings;
  • the presence of utility systems, pipes, metal interior elements, stairs, rough wooden products in the premises;
  • zoning of the common space into functional areas: rest, work, cooking;
  • comfortable accommodation, expressed in the availability of convenient upholstered furniture, modern technology, expensive accessories.


The features of the chosen style, creating modern design a one-room apartment in the presented version has a floor and ceiling made of materials that imitate rough natural boards and laths.

The wall is designed as an information board for a bar or cafe. Metal lamp and a full-length hanging mirror highlight the industrial room feel.

Interior design of the hallway, wall in the form of a slate board - Photo

Loft style hallway - Photo

Corridor in a one-room apartment in modern style. Ceiling in the form of beams - Photo


In continuation of the chosen design, the kitchen has a simple white furniture strict form. Bright red spots soft pillows on inexpensive chairs they are a stylish accent and accessory that creates comfort when using them.

The window is decorated, which have been gaining popularity recently. They add laconic clarity and additionally decorate the kitchen with horizontal, even folds.

Open shelves, metal racks for dishes and utensils, lamps on cords without lampshades continue the industrial interior. For instant cooking quality dishes have everything you need - gas stove, modern household appliances - coffee machine, multicooker, microwave oven.

Urban kitchen style. High-tech elements - Photo

Design of a small kitchen in loft style. Roman blinds on the windows - Photo

Small dinner Zone in the kitchen on two chairs - Photo

Room design in a one-room apartment

The room design of a one-room apartment has an enlarged free space, formed due to the correct arrangement of furniture, bright lighting, white walls and cabinets.

The visual result is enhanced by the monochromatic coloring of objects that do not stand out, creating chaos and clutter, but form a single and stylish space.

The characteristics of the chosen direction are unplastered walls made of rough bricks, open shelves for books in the form of two rough boards, symmetrically fixed to the wall. In the living room, just like in the rest, good lighting is provided by hanging lamps in the form of open lamps without lampshades.

The coffee table and work table look like a white sheet of plastic simply laid on top of a metal frame.

The room design of a one-room apartment provides sleeping area located behind the partition. Its convenience is obvious, and its practicality leaves no doubt, since the space under the bed is used with the help of built-in and spacious drawers.
Roman blinds on the windows enhance the impression of a stylish room, in which there is nothing superfluous, but everything you need is present.

Decorating a living room in white tones - Photo

Zoning a room in a one-room apartment into a bedroom and living room - Photo

Living room area in a one-room apartment in the Loft style - Photo

Balcony, bathroom, toilet.

All the same white walls, brickwork, metal shelving, a floor made from the remains of boxes and exposed, unfinished pipes. The feeling of an abandoned warehouse is enhanced by mold on the concrete walls.

However, there is no feeling of disorder. On the contrary, a modern design of a one-room apartment is created with a balanced space, a carefully planned interior, and the absence of clutter of objects, which gives a touch of neatness and cleanliness, even sterility.

Balcony decoration in loft style - Photo

Bathroom design with shower. The walls are gray, the cabinet fronts are red - Photo

Bathroom design in a modern style 4, 5, 6 sq.m. - Photo

Design small toilet- Photo