Vectorization of a raster image in AutoCAD. Vectorization and digitization of drawings and projects. Hybrid editors of the Raster Arts series

Vectorization of drawings

Vectorization of drawings- translation of paper drawings ( technical documentation) V electronic view, for more convenient and faster further work with drawings. To work with drawings in electronic form, systems are used computer-aided design(AutoCAD, KOMPAS, SolidWorks, etc.)

Types of vectorization

The following types of vectorization are distinguished.

  • Automatic vectorization- conversion of raster images of drawings (scanned copies, photographs) into electronic form using special software. The poor quality of the resulting electronic drawings is compensated by the speed of vectorization (from several seconds to several minutes).
  • Manual vectorization- converting paper drawings into electronic form by manually redrawing each document in computer-aided design systems. Absolutely accurate drawings, which can be easily used for further work, are expensive.

Currently, an increasing number of factories are using computer-aided design systems, which means transferring all technical documentation into electronic form, and these are thousands of drawings that are stored in the archives of factories. This painstaking, hard and responsible work requires experience and high qualifications; to perform this work, they usually use the services of specialized companies.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Vexen
  • Vector quantity

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Vectorization of drawings is the process of formatting raster images and scans of drawings into vector ones. Vectorization allows you to edit, use and store drawings on portable storage devices.

When you enlarge a standard scan of drawings, the image begins to deteriorate. This is a disadvantage of raster images. Vector drawings allow you to enlarge and edit a picture without losing quality. And in order to transfer the drawing into digital format and at the same time achieve high resolution images, it is necessary to perform vectorization using special programs(AutoCAD, KOMPAS, SolidWorks, etc.).

AutoCAD software is the best and most accurate today software tool, allowing you to open and read drawings from any vector program. It is in this format that we provide the customer with a ready-made vector drawing.

The vectorization process can be divided into the following stages:

Taking photographs of the original drawings and obtaining their scans/PDF files

Digitization of the drawing (manually or using specialized software). - Formatting, error correction and result processing

Issuance of drawings to the client in electronic format

Among the advantages of vectorization are:

1. Possibility of printing drawings in large sizes without loss of quality.

2. Elimination of shortcomings and errors while adjusting the drawing.

3. Conducting presentations, creating 3D models, sending and editing drawings without prior printing.

Vectorization of photographs and scans of drawings

Our center specializes in vectorization of drawings in AutoCAD/Compass programs, etc. The company's specialists have many years of experience working with drawings and their vectorization. We will be able to scan the drawings, digitize it and eliminate any inaccuracies that may appear in the document. All work and the final cost are agreed with the customer.

We vectorize the following types of drawings:

Engineering drawings

Mechanical engineering drawings

Equipment and individual parts

Electrical circuits, plumbing, ventilation, heating, sewerage, etc.

We perform vectorization in AutoCAD and Compass with highest precision. Digitized drawings will be completely consistent with the original, because your project will be taken on by professional engineers with over 10 years of experience.

Our center guarantees efficiency in the implementation of the project and full compliance terms of reference customer.

Vectorization- is the translation of raster (graphic) drawings (paper or scanned copies) into vector format files, i.e. conversion of paper copies of drawings into electronic form. Our Company has been providing vectorization services for many years. Over the years, we have converted thousands of paper drawings into electronic form.

Initial data - copy from paper drawing

Drawing made in CAD system

Carrying out vectorization work

Vectorization (digitization) of all drawings is performed on a computer using CAD systems Catia, Creo, Siemns NX, AutoCAD, Compass, which ensures high quality of the resulting drawing; in fact, the drawing is made anew. All lines are manually redrawn, dimensions are set, inscriptions and specifications are applied, defects and scanning inaccuracies are eliminated, and checked for compliance with current GOSTs and standards.

All vectorization work is carried out by qualified engineers with qualifications of categories 1 and 2. In the case of vectorization and digitization of complex assembly drawings, we create 3D models, which allows us to eliminate design errors and easily visually represent the parts. After completing the order, you receive the result in various CAD system files of your choice, and for ease of viewing and printing, you receive documents in PDF format, JPEG or others.

Price for vectorization (digitization) of drawings

The price for vectorization (digitization) of drawings depends on the quality of the material provided, the format of the source data and the richness of information.

The higher the quality of the original drawing (hard copy), the lower the cost of vectorization work.

We are also ready to develop mathematical models, 3D graphics and animation in Catia, Creo, Siemens NX, AutoCAD, Compass systems. Prices for vectorization of an A4 drawing start at 200 rubles per sheet.

Quality of work:
All work on vectorization of drawings is performed by design engineers with many years of experience.
Depending on the specifics of the design project, we transfer the initial data to one of the departments:

  • Mechanics
  • Electrical and electronics
  • Hydraulics and pneumatics

All work is carried out by specialized specialists

Reverse engineering

Reverse (reverse) engineering reverse engineering– the process of researching and processing final data in order to recreate the original documentation.

In our case, this is the development of initial documentation in any CAD systems, based on available data (paper drawings, sketches, blueprints, as well as any copies of drawings and technical documentation)

As part of import substitution programs, there is often a need for reverse engineering services, which we develop in three areas:

— development of a set of design documentation for production based on scanned production objects (parts and machine components) based on files obtained from a 3D scanner, MM and drawings are created in CAD systems, as well as other necessary design documentation and technical documentation in accordance with the requirements of the ESKD and ESTD;

— development of a set of design documents based on scanned drawings (surviving copies - blueprints).

MM and (or) drawings, as well as other necessary design documentation and technical documentation are developed in CAD systems depending on the needs of the Customers;

— development of a set of design documentation based on scanned assembly drawings (surviving incomplete copies - blueprints). Some of the assemblies and parts for which there is no design documentation are restored in CAD systems, i.e. complete MM and drawings are developed, as well as other necessary design documentation and technical documentation in accordance with the requirements of the ESKD and ESTD;

Our company’s specialists develop sets of graphic materials for service documentation for the Electronic Technical Manual (IETR). Based on the original documentation, the original illustrations are processed, which are presented in JPEG, TIFF, PDF formats, or in the form of files with scanned pages of the original illustrations. Schemes are made in a graphic editor and converted into vector CGM format. For isometric illustrations, a 3D model is reconstructed in CAD, followed by a 2D illustration.

Technical illustration is an illustration whose purpose is to scientifically and with sufficient documentary accuracy visually depict the object that the author of the text is pointing at; technical illustrations not only facilitate the understanding and study of these objects; without them in scientific and technical literature, in the vast majority of cases, it would be impossible to study a particular document or object.

Our company has many years of experience in creating technical illustrations in mechanical engineering, service and maintenance.

Unified system of design documentation (ESKD)- complex state standards, establishing interrelated rules, requirements and standards for the development, execution and circulation of design documentation developed and applied at all stages of the product life cycle (during design, development, manufacturing, control, acceptance, operation, repair, disposal).

The main purpose of ESKD standards is to establish uniform optimal rules, requirements and standards for the implementation, execution and circulation of design documentation, which ensure:

  • application modern methods and funds at all stages of the product life cycle;
  • the possibility of interchange of design documentation without its re-registration;
  • optimal completeness of design documentation;
  • mechanization and automation of processing design documents and the information contained therein;
  • high quality products;
  • the presence in the design documentation of requirements ensuring the safety of use of products for the life and health of consumers, environment, as well as preventing damage to property;
  • the possibility of expanding unification and standardization in product design and development of design documentation;
  • possibility of product certification;
  • reduction of time and labor intensity of production preparation;
  • proper use of products;
  • prompt preparation of documentation for rapid readjustment of existing production;
  • simplification of the forms of design documents and graphic images;
  • the ability to create and maintain a unified information base;
  • the possibility of harmonizing ESKD standards with international standards(ISO, IEC) in the field of design documentation;
  • the ability to provide information support for product life cycle support.

ESKD standards apply to mechanical engineering and instrument making products. The scope of individual standards has been expanded, as stated in the introduction to them. Since the ESKD is a set of standards, currently its application on the territory of the Russian Federation is advisory in nature, that is, the ESKD is applied on a voluntary basis (unless otherwise provided by an agreement, contract, individual laws, court decision, etc.) Number “2. » at the beginning of the standard number means it belongs to the ESKD series.

Unified system of design documentation GOST ESKD download

  1. GOST 2.002-72 ESKD. Requirements for models, layouts and templates used in design.
  2. GOST 2.004-88 ESKD. General requirements for the implementation of design and technological documents on computer printing and graphic output devices.
  3. GOST 2.102-68 ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents.
  4. GOST 2.105-95 ESKD. General requirements for text documents.
  5. GOST 2.113-75 ESKD. Group and basic design documents.
  6. GOST 2.123-93 ESKD. Completeness of design documentation for printed circuit boards in computer-aided design.
  7. GOST 2.125-88 ESKD. Rules for the execution of draft design documents.
  8. GOST 2.201-80 ESKD. Designation of products and design documents.
  9. GOST 2.306-68 ESKD. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application on drawings.
  10. GOST 2.307-68 ESKD. Drawing dimensions and maximum deviations.
  11. GOST 2.308-79 ESKD. Indication on the drawings of tolerances for the shape and location of surfaces.
  12. GOST 2.309-73 ESKD. Designations for surface roughness.
  13. GOST 2.310-68 ESKD. Applying designations of coatings, thermal and other types of treatment on drawings.
  14. GOST 2.312-72 ESKD. Conventional images and designations of seams of welded joints.
  15. GOST 2.313-82 ESKD. Conventional images and designations of permanent connections.
  16. GOST 2.314-68 ESKD. Indications on the drawings about marking and branding of products.
  17. GOST 2.315-68 ESKD. Simplified and conventional images of fasteners.

On the website you can order the service vectorization of drawings or digitization of drawings. On this page you will find comprehensive information on this service. After reading the page to the end, you will find answers to your questions and can place an order. If the information below is not enough, you can always contact and clarify.

Vectorization of drawings– translation of raster copies of drawings (photographs, scans) into vector format. The site offers translation of drawings into the format of the Compass and AutoCAD programs.

How to order digitization of drawings?

To order a service digitization of drawings, you need to scan or photograph paper sources that need to be digitized. Next, send the received images via the order form or by email. After viewing and assessing the amount of work, you will receive a response indicating the price and timing. If everything suits you, confirm the order.

How is drawing vectorization done?

Vectorization of drawings is carried out in AutoCAD or Compass, at your discretion. Digitization All drawings are done manually, that is, the drawing is essentially done anew. All lines are manually redrawn, dimensions are set, inscriptions are applied, defects and scanning inaccuracies are eliminated.

To vectorize drawings, no special utilities are used to automate the digitization process. Such utilities simply do not exist in nature. Existing software for the so-called automatic vectorization of drawings cannot cope with this task. After digitizing drawings in this way, it will take even more time to correct errors than to make the drawing again.

It is possible to convert digitized blueprints into the formats of other drawing programs, if required and technically possible. After completing the order, you receive the result in Compass (.cdw) or AutoCAD (.dwg), and also, for ease of viewing and printing, you receive documents in PDF and JPG format (pictures).

How much does vectorization of drawings cost?

The price for vectorization depends on the quality of the material provided and the line density.

The influence of source quality on the final cost. The cost of completing the work directly depends on the quality of the source images provided. If a photograph or scan is made of poor quality, then the cost of digitizing such an image will be higher than vectorization a high-quality copy. Poor-quality copies of drawings are photographs or scans in which straight lines become curved, horizontal lines are not perpendicular to verticals, inscriptions, dimensions, etc. are poorly distinguishable.

Examples of digitized drawings

Examples of digitized drawings can be found on the page. Below are 2 examples of drawings after vectorization. To enlarge, click on the image.

There are a number of programs for automatically converting drawings into electronic form. It is important to remember that, like automatic scanning and text recognition, this method is very inaccurate and requires a lot of labor to manually refine the drawings.

Most of these programs are paid but provide demo versions. Also, almost all software for automatic digitization can be found and downloaded on a root tracker or other tracking resources. Below is short review with links to official sites.


Type: paid. Price on request.


Allows you to automatically vectorize drawings in AutoCAD.

The basic version of the program allows you to improve the quality of a scanned image, edit raster graphics using AutoCAD tools, and vectorize a raster image in a semi-automatic mode.

The professional version is supplemented with automatic vectorization tools, automatic vector correction and the ABBYY FineReader text recognition module.

Requirements: Autocad must first be installed on your computer


Type: paid


Hybrid graphic editor. Allows you not only to vectorize scanned images in semi-automatic and automatic modes, but also to edit raster graphics using CAD technology without its mandatory vectorization.

Unlike RasterDesk, which is an application for AutoCAD, Spotlight is independent program, is convenient when working to improve raster quality in cases where you use non-Autodesk vector editors.

Spotlight can vectorize a drawing immediately and not only with straight lines, but also with vector arcs, circles, polylines, contours, blocks of block diagrams, technological and other diagrams.

Spotlight has a command that allows you to convert any vector object into a polyline, even if it is so expensive.

Vector Magic Desktop

Type: paid-free. The offline version costs $300/ There is online conversion - free with a limited quantity and a paid subscription without restrictions.


Automatically converts JPEG, GIF and PNG raster images into scalable vector formats EPS, SVG, and PDF. Output in vector format AI, DXF, EMF(PC) is possible.


Type: paid, cost 11,000 rubles.


The nanoCAD SPDS program is designed for preparing design documentation in accordance with SPDS standards (System project documentation in construction). The output documentation is saved in *.dwg format.

Abke Vector

Type: free


Test version of the program for vectorizing raster (digital) images into vectographs (such as: Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Freehand, or CorelDraw, AutoCAD, TigerCAD, IronCAD, etc.) in style lines and saving the results to a DXF file. This program makes it impossible to import and edit your company logo, idiograph or other image (.tiff, .jpeg, .bmp, etc.) into your own vector image and allows you to change the color and edit individual elements easily. Main characteristics of ABLE VECTOR:

Vectorizes characters (letters) into raster images, in any language.

Can identify irregular objects for vectorization in random mode.

Can convert images in most formats.

For cartographers

Plan Tracer

Type: paid


A series of programs for cadastral engineers. A universal program designed for creating technical plans of buildings, premises and their parts, structures, creating and designing parametric floor plans, situational plans, including all the capabilities of a computer-aided design system.

Easy Trace

Type: paid. 960 euros for 1 license, or 80 euros per month for rent. Eat free version with restrictions.


Vector map editing program. The program supports export and import of the most common GIS formats (ArcINFO, ArcView, AutoCAD, Credo, MapInfo, MicroStation).

Designed for vectorization of CARTOGRAPHIC information only.