Your favorite time of year

Rural life has strengthened me

I have long been planning to write about an extraordinary person in our city - Margarita Petrovna Lisina. We met in her office. She enthusiastically began to talk about her impressions after visiting Gatchina teacher training college them. K. D. Ushinsky.
- I was invited by the Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, candidate pedagogical sciences, honorary citizen of Gatchina, director Viktor Mikhailovich Parshikov at prom. What pleasure I got from looking at the happy faces of the children. The guys are smart, in suits. Girls in amazing dresses. Everyone behaves beautifully. This is where our joy lies now. This means that our village work was not in vain. Our parents themselves worked from dawn to dusk, and forced us to work almost equally with them.
I was born into a peasant family, where my grandparents also worked on the land. As far as I remember, I went to primary school village of Medvedkovo, Kuvshinovsky district, Kalinin region, and began field work at the age of eight. Our family had a special responsibility, and we, the children, understood this. My father was seriously wounded in 1943 and was demobilized. Soon he was appointed chairman of the collective farm. Therefore, his entire family had to become an example in everything. Starting with work and discipline and ending with moral qualities. My father had the opportunity to enjoy certain privileges, but he worked as an ordinary collective farmer. Therefore, my sisters and brother and I went with all the guys to the field in the spring and collected frozen potatoes, and when the quinoa grew, we fried cakes from it. Summer was ending, and with it the field season, school was beginning. We went to school eight kilometers from home. I remember such an incident. In early autumn, four boys decided to take a shortcut and walked along the fragile ice. Surprisingly, a smaller classmate was walking behind, and it was he who fell through the ice. He did not scream and tried to hold on to the edge of the ice so that the current would not carry him away. The boys ran in fright to the other side, the girls began screaming for help. I knew that I could take a few steps along the bottom, and, breaking through the thin ice, I entered the water. She carried her thin coat over her head, clutching the sleeve in advance. When the water was almost up to her neck, she threw her coat to the drowning man. Misha immediately grabbed his coat with frozen fingers, and I took small steps towards the shore. " If only he didn't unclench his fingers“, - drilled in my head. The girls with difficulty pulled the boy ashore, then helped me get out. They reached the bridge, then Mishka began to fall off his feet. The girls crossed their arms and, like a wounded soldier, carried them to the first hut, from which smoke streamed from the chimney. There we were changed, fed and, most importantly, given hot tea. We had so much fun while visiting that we felt like heroes. Father never scolded us children, even if we were mischievous. He probably saw a lot of human misfortunes during the war, so he was very kind and sympathetic person. People felt this and treated their work conscientiously. Therefore, there were no disciplinary violations on the collective farm. They lived with their worries and worked as one big collective farm family. And in my life I have only met good people who helped in difficult times, and I worked not for myself, but according to the conviction that my parents instilled in me. “As long as you have strength, you need to work,” said my father Pyotr Efimovich Efimov.

Mom, Alexandra Nikitichna, was very caring, loved cleanliness and order, both in the house and in everything. I never judged people, trying to pay attention to positive features person. She was always ready to help her neighbors. Our family was treated with respect not only in the village, but also in the surrounding area.
Everywhere I worked, everything seemed to work out for me, and my bosses noticed me and appointed me to new positions. Working as a foreman at a cardboard factory named after. M.I. Kalinin, where more than a thousand people worked, I was appointed head of production. I had just turned twenty-seven, I was scared, but there was nowhere to go. My knowledge of economics allowed me to reasonably switch to a new style work. Revise not only the standards, but also include indicators of product quality, thereby achieving stable results in fulfilling the plan.
I understood what it meant to be an educated person, therefore, thinking about the future of my children, I went closer to my Leningrad relatives, that is, to Gatchina, where I got a job at the Gatchina agricultural construction plant of Glavzapstroi.
- I was very pleased to hear this, since during these same years I worked as the head of a department at Glavzapstroy. For many years, Glavzapstry was headed by Korneliy Arkadyevich Glukhovskoy. Therefore, our conversation immediately turned to construction topics. What were they building? What was the responsibility for this before the city party committee, before Smolny, and even before the leadership of the Main Directorate.
“I remember, being the secretary of the party organization,” Margarita Petrovna continues the topic, “I was instructed to prepare the reception of the delegation led by G.V. Romanov and M.S. Solomentsev. The sidewalk was washed to a shine, and the driver decided to approach the workshop from the other side. We run in horror of what will happen, because the mud there is impassable. The guests come out and walk across the puddle to the board, holding their trousers at their knees with their fingers. And I, with the bouquets, pale as death, think to myself: “ That's it, the management let me down" Romanov saw that I was neither alive nor dead, and said to the head of the plant, Mikhail Yakovlevich Kochanov: “ With people like this, I hope everything will be ok with you soon" Grigory Vasilyevich, it seems, was not mistaken, at least in me. No matter what high positions she later worked in, she never let down people or her superiors in anything. This is how the village, its way of life, and my parents raised me.
Now to my hometown of Gatchina, its people, I am very grateful for everything. I express special warm gratitude to Alexander Petrovich Khudilainen, who did a lot of good deeds for people, and recommended me as an assistant to to the deputy Legislative Assembly Leningrad region to Evgeny Vladilenovich Petelin.
I've been working with him for almost six years now. Evgeniy Vladilenovich is a man of great kindness. He helped many people with his work and his money. Many problems of the region are solved thanks to his assistance.
- Margarita Petrovna, his colleague, the head of the Gatchina region and the city of Gatchina, Andrei Ivanovich Ilyin, speaks very well of the work of Evgeny Vladilenovich. He says that Evgeniy Petelin, being the chairman of the budget commission of the Legislative Assembly, devotes a lot of time to financing issues for many programs for the region, including Gatchina. Not without his participation, the renovation of the House of Culture is included in the program, and construction is also underway preschool institutions. But you must admit that a considerable part of the worries deputy lies on his assistant. And sometimes an opinion about a deputy is formed on the basis of how his assistant knows how to work with people. It is these qualities of a link between the deputy and the residents of the Gatchina region that he highly values ​​in you Evgeniy Vladilenovich and trusts you to solve many issues independently.
- I think this is correct, it is very difficult for one to cope with such a huge amount of work and worries, but I have great experience leadership work, I was the secretary of the Gatchina city party committee for ideology for 10 years. And since 1988, for almost the same number of years, he has been deputy chairman of the Gatchina district executive committee. There were so many kindergartens built back then!
- Margarita Petrovna, I was invited by the rector of the State Institute of Economics, Finance, Law and Technology Naum Romanovich Averbukh to the “Student of the Year” competition in the Leningrad Region and I know that your grandson participated in it.
- I was pleased with my two daughters who graduated from Leningrad State University. Today my grandchildren already make me happy. Andrey Savateev became student of the year not only at this institute, but also in the region. In the same year he became the winner of the regional competition “ Young Politician of 2012" The youngest grandson, Vladislav Pavlotsky, scored well on the Unified State Exam.
I am a rich grandmother, I have three grandchildren and a granddaughter, two great-grandchildren. After all, in children and grandchildren, in the attitude of people towards you, there is a person’s wealth.
When I asked Andrei Ivanovich Ilyin to characterize Margarita Petrovna, he said very simply: “ She always was and is the sweetest person in the world.».

Alexander Baskakov, member of the Russian Union of Journalists.

Head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Volkhov district Artyom Sukach Photo: The Volkhov police were headed by a lieutenant colonel from St. Petersburg, who, however, already knows every unlucky person in Volkhov.
04.09.2019 47 news The sphere of education is one of the most important in our society, and special attention is paid to it in the Leningrad region.
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"Connections / Partners"



New height of Evgeny Petelin. There is no danger of dizziness

Last Thursday, ex-deputy of the Legislative Assembly and now elected from our region to the Federation Council E.V. Petelin gave an interview to the local press in which he tried to explain why his fate has turned out this way now and what he intends to do in the Federation Council. Evgeniy Vladilenovich’s manner of communication is democratic; he is not offended by non-standard questions, but answers them, quickly reacting even to the vocal nuances of his interlocutors. Does not skimp on examples from both personal life, and from their workdays.
link: 4376.html petelin

Evgeny Petelin through the eyes of his assistant

— Margarita Petrovna, his colleague, the head of the Gatchina region and the city of Gatchina, Andrei Ivanovich Ilyin, speaks very highly of Evgeniy Vladilenovich’s work. He says that Evgeny Petelin, as chairman of the budget commission of the Legislative Assembly, devotes a lot of time to financing issues for many programs for the region, including Gatchina. Not without his participation, the renovation of the House of Culture is included in the program, and the construction of preschool institutions is also underway. But you must admit that a considerable part of the deputy’s worries lies with his assistant. And sometimes an opinion about a deputy is formed on the basis of how his assistant knows how to work with people. It is precisely these qualities of a link between the deputy and the residents of the Gatchina region that Evgeniy Vladilenovich highly values ​​in you and trusts you to independently resolve many issues.
link; http://lenoblast.


kavin Today, Evgeniy Vladilenovich Petelin, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region, chairman of the standing commission on budget and taxes, answers the questions of Gatchina Pravda. - Providing assistance in the form of allocation Money– a necessary thing, but not the main thing in the work of a regional deputy. It would be possible to simply direct the funds to, say, a committee social protection to help pensioners, various social projects and thereby create a certain authority for themselves.

Senator Petelin answered journalists' questions

The day before, a press conference with Evgeny Petelin was held at the editorial office of the Oreol television company. Let us remember that since 2007 he has been a regional parliamentarian, and for the last year and a half - for the 17th electoral district, which includes Kommunar, Pudomyagi, Verevo, Taitsy and the entrance to Gatchina. At the end of April this year, Evgeny Petelin left his previous post in connection with a new appointment: the regional parliament approved him as its representative in the Federation Council. However, the newly elected senator said that he was by no means going to say goodbye to the Gatchina region and its residents.

Who will head the regional PCB?

Governor Valery Serdyukov also considered it necessary to intervene in the course of events. At a recent meeting of the Council of the Legislative Assembly (this body includes the governor, the speaker of the Legislative Assembly and the chairmen standing commissions) Valery Pavlovich recommended that Evgeniy Petelin be elected head of the PCB.
Evgeniy Petelin is 48 years old.
link: KSP.html

Evgeniy Petelin was elected senator from the Leningrad region parliament

Ex-chairman of the commission on budget and taxes of the legislative assembly, deputy of the faction " United Russia“Evgeny Petelin was elected on Wednesday to the post of senator from the legislative body of the Leningrad region, this decision was made at a meeting of the regional parliament.”27 votes - Petelin, four votes - Kuzmin, five votes - Lebedev. Petelin has been vested with the powers of a senator from the legislative assembly of the Leningrad region,” said Oleg Petrov, chairman of the temporary counting commission.
RIA Novosti 20130424/934311074.html# ixzz2nogCqTv3

Evgeniy Petelin: VIP lounges at the airport are needed by senators due to their busy schedule

According to him, the need for senators to use VIP lounges at airports is, first of all, an organizational issue. “As for the departure, I think that this is more an organizational than a financial issue. Sometimes it happens that you have to make several flights during the week. And in order to be on time everywhere, you need to use the VIP departure lounges,” he said, clarifying that he has not been using the VIP arrival lounges since the very beginning of his work.
link: 10/9/111639/

Senator Evgeny Petelin promised regional deputies that he would defend the initiatives of his former colleagues.

As a 47News correspondent reports, senator from the Legislative Assembly Evgeniy Petelin was present at the meeting of the regional parliament. He asked his former colleagues to contact him more often, so that he would know what issues to defend in the Senate. Petelin also said that if something happened, he could turn to his colleagues in the lower house of parliament. “I don’t mind going to the State Duma, comrades,” said the senator.

11 candidates are vying to replace Evgeny Petelin in the Leningrad Region parliament

11 candidates will take part in the by-elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region in the Kommunarsky electoral district /Gatchina District/, during which the “successor” of Yevgeny Petelin, who became the region’s representative in the Federation Council in June, will be determined. The chairman of the regional election commission, Vladimir Zhuravlev, announced this today. According to him, the by-elections will be held on a single voting day - September 8. “Petelin resigned in a timely manner, and a vacancy appeared. We now have 11 applicants,” Zhuravlev said at a press conference at the ITAR-TASS press center

IN State Institute economics, finance, law and technology of Gatchina, a meeting of students took place with senator, member of the United Russia party, representative of the Leningrad region in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Evgeny Petelin. Evgeniy Vladilenovich discussed the current economic situation with the students, shared his experience and answered numerous questions.

After the meeting, he paid attention to our newspaper, becoming a guest in the “Hero Without a Tie” column. In a personal conversation, Evgeniy Vladilenovich spoke about his work in the KGB and culinary abilities, revealed Interesting Facts his biography and explained why you can’t work with friends if you’re not an officer.

Evgeniy Vladilenovich, your official biography, presented in open access, quite short. Let's introduce our readers to you better. Let's start from the beginning: where were you born, where did you grow up?

Born on May 18, 1953 in Riga. My father, Vladilen Astievich Petelin, was a military serviceman, and he was sent to Latvia to a military school. When I was three months old, our family moved. I was able to visit Riga again only 30 years later.

We recently celebrated another anniversary of a great holiday - Victory Day. Tell me how great Patriotic War affected your family?

In 1943, my father was drafted into the army, served in Far East. When he was sent to the front, he was immediately turned back at the border, since the war had already ended. Despite the fact that he was not a participant in hostilities, he devoted his entire life to the army.

My mother served at the front as an evacuation train nurse. They received wounded soldiers and transported them to a hospital in Vologda. Unfortunately, all her documents were lost, and she had no formal titles. Nevertheless, I was always proud that I made my contribution to the Victory of our country.

I am a third generation officer. Grandfather, father, brother - all were and remain military men. My grandfather maternal line fought together with Semyon Budyonny.

- I can’t help but ask about your patronymic. Your father has a very beautiful name- Vladilen.

Indeed, relatives on my father’s side are not entirely ordinary. They come from Kerzhaks. This is an ethnographic group of Russian Old Believers who lived in Nizhny Tagil on Southern Urals. My grandfather's name was Astius, my great-grandfather's name was Menaeus.

As for the father’s name, Vladilen is an abbreviation that spells out Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. At that time such names were common. My other relatives were called Vil, Vilen.

On my mother's side I have Vologda roots. Among my ancestors there are many blacksmiths, farmers, and workers. There were no counts. We are simple.

You started your labor activity in 1970 as a laborer in the Babochinsky garrison House of Officers. You were 17 years old. It's time to choose your life path...

I was a capable slob. After school I decided to enter the Leningrad Institute of Civil Aviation. All entrance exams I passed with C's and failed. I wanted to enter the Kachin Higher Military Aviation School, but my father persuaded me to refuse military service in favor of the civilian one.

Returned to Babochino (a village in Vyborg district), where my father then served and our family lived, and got a job as a laborer in the House of Officers so as not to waste a year in vain. Since childhood I was interested in radio engineering, so I was appointed head of the radio center.

When the time came to apply for admission again, I was called up for military service in the army. Served in the military special purpose. Before the end of the service, my mother sent me textbooks. Thanks to this, I passed all the entrance exams to the institute with “good” and “excellent” marks.

- Have you managed to connect your life with civil aviation?

No, he graduated from the Faculty of Radio Engineering with a degree in radio engineering and was called up to serve in the authorities state security. In the period from 1979 to 1994, he served in the KGB - FSB of the Russian Federation in the Leningrad Region, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel.

- As a rule, service in such bodies is associated with something detective and exciting.

I was involved in the economic security of enterprises, protection state interests. First he served in the Leningrad administration, then he was transferred to Vyborg. By the way, I served there with Georgy Poltavchenko, who today holds the post of governor of St. Petersburg. We studied at the institute together.

It so happened that many of my friends and fellow students achieved great career heights. Among them are lieutenant general, deputy minister, army general and others. For obvious reasons, I will not list the names.

- Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are...

I think, yes.

- I know that you also worked in the tax police, and then switched to public work.

Yes, I passed all levels of government, municipal and government controlled– starting from a deputy and ending with a senator in the Federation Council.

I would like to note that such a long journey was not in vain.

Today, communicating with government officials at various levels, I can find mutual understanding with everyone. I understand what you mean we're talking about in each specific case, and how to solve this or that problem as soon as possible.

For three years you have represented the Leningrad region in the Federation Council. I apologize for the question, it may sound incorrect, but wouldn’t it be boring to return to the regional level?

I cannot continue to be a senator without again becoming a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region. To do this, he must gain the trust and support of voters. If the deputies of the regional Legislative Assembly decide to delegate me again as a senator, then, of course, I will consider this proposal. But I don’t intend to achieve this purposefully.

I am calm about the elections. It so happens that I know many voters in my constituency. In the Gatchina region there is a strong community of interests; citizens interact better with government officials than anywhere else. We are friends with creative teams, medical and educational institutions. WITH great pleasure provided assistance during the Literature and Cinema film festival, which was recently held in Gatchina. I have wonderful relationships with veterans. During the rally on May 9, we walked together in the column of the Immortal Regiment. I value my relationships with the residents of the Gatchina region and feel at home here.

- In your opinion, is there a place for friendship in politics?

It's worth sharing this topic. In the process of work there are partners with whom we solve joint problems. Such a political partnership does not require comradeship. There are other situations when you start getting involved in politics with friends. And subsequently your friendships end because someone failed the test of power.

- So, it’s better not to work with friends?

No, I worked and will continue to work with friends, but the experience of the past years has taught me to be more careful in communication and not to get into too close relationships.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to make a choice between a friend and political gain?

No. I am an officer, and the word of honor is not an empty phrase for me. If we put into the word “friendship” such fundamental concepts as honor, dignity and devotion, then for my part I can say that I have always been faithful to the promises I made, although I was repeatedly betrayed. I was especially surprised and offended when this was done by people whom I had known for more than 20 years. In such cases, I simply broke off relations with the person.

- How are you preparing for the United Russia primaries?

Calm. They simply invite voters to vote for me. As a truly ambitious person, I would like to win, but it would not be a tragedy for me if this does not happen. It needs to be simpler.

I began today’s lecture to the students with the words of my wife, who, seeing me off in the morning, quoted Mark Twain: “It is better to remain silent and be considered a complete fool than to begin to speak and dispel all doubts.”

We have moved away from the main idea of ​​the “Hero Without a Tie” column – not to talk about work. Let's get back to your personal life. Do you have free time? If yes, what do you prefer to do?

Happens. True, less than we would like. This is due to the fact that I work in Moscow and live here. If I have a free day, I like to go fishing and hunting. He equipped himself with a carpentry workshop. I make benches, chairs, cabinets, vases from different types of trees. Then I give these products to friends.

- Do you have a pet?

I had a hunting dog of the Shorthaired Pointer breed named Green. This was a real friend. He died at the age of 15, and it was a great tragedy for our entire family.

- Yours favorite time of the year?

Spring, month of May.

- What cuisine do you prefer?

After a trip to Japan, I fell in love with oriental cuisine. I love spicy Georgian and Russian cuisine. I cook lamb and bozbash quite well myself. In general, I'm an omnivore.

- How do you like to relax?

Actively. I can't lie on the beach. If we do go to the sea, I take books with me. So, I recently re-read Hemingway and Dante’s “The Divine Comedy”. Despite poetic form, I admit, I read it for a long time.

After school I became interested in psychology and sociology. I love science fiction and detective novels. When I started working in the security agencies, I collected a collection of books called “Foreign Detective.”

-Who would you invite to dinner if you had the opportunity?

The first one who came to mind is the marshal Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov. A contradictory, very purposeful person with a difficult fate.

- Is this about you?

I’m not such a tough person and I’m not a careerist, but if I get down to business, I’ll be, if not the best, then one of them.