Options for repairing the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands. Leveling the ceiling with your own hands (34 photos) High-quality ceiling repair with leveling

To eliminate uneven ceilings, you can use several different methods. The most popular options are plastering and mounting plasterboard construction. You can easily handle the implementation of planned events yourself. Familiarize yourself with the features of existing methods, select the appropriate alignment method and get to work.

Somewhat outdated, but quite relevant and extremely easy to implement method. Ease of execution combined with low cost make this method of ceiling leveling very popular.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • a layer of plaster practically does not take away the height of the room;
  • plaster allows you to get a classic white ceiling, which is especially appreciated by lovers of traditional finishing options. If desired, of course, you can color the plaster (use a decorative composition);
  • low cost of work;
  • environmental friendliness. A ceiling finished with plaster will be able to “breathe,” which will have a beneficial effect on the microclimate in the room.


  • the process is quite labor-intensive and dusty;
  • It takes quite a long time for each layer of coating to dry completely;
  • to level out large differences you have to spend a lot of material and buy additional accessories(grids);
  • it is necessary to spend time preparing the foundation;
  • errors in the arrangement of the finishing, as well as the settlement of the building, lead to the appearance of cracks in the coating.

Finishing Guide

First step. Get rid of old finishing material, if any. Any old finish will significantly impair the adhesion of the putty to the base. In the near future, the coating will simply begin to fall off from the ceiling in pieces.

You can remove the old finish manually using a spatula, or use an electric drill with a special wire attachment. The second method is simpler and faster, but very dusty.

Before starting work, put on safety glasses and a respirator for your own safety and convenience.

The surface should be cleaned down to the bare base.

Second step. Clean the surface from dust with a damp sponge and coat with a universal primer. A deep penetration product is also good.

Third step. If there are large cracks, seal them with starting putty and cover them with a special plaster mesh.

If there are no large cracks, simply apply a layer of starting putty or plaster to the surface and level the coating using the rule.

Let the starting layer dry and recheck its evenness using the rule. Remove any unevenness using sandpaper and fill the recesses with putty.

Fourth step. Lightly sand the surface and vacuum it thoroughly or wipe it with a damp sponge.

Fifth step. Apply finishing putty to the ceiling. Depending on the evenness of the surface, apply the finishing agent in a single or double layer. A new layer may be applied only after the previous one has completely dried, otherwise the coating will delaminate and fall off.

Sand the dried surface with fine sandpaper and remove dust using a vacuum cleaner or damp sponge.

Drywall sheets are fixed to a special suspension system from profiles and guides, which allows you to hide even very large surface defects without the need preliminary preparation ceiling. Additionally, under drywall you can hide electrical cables, elements ventilation system and other communications.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • plasterboard allows you to hide any differences in ceiling height;
  • the material is environmentally friendly and safe;
  • using drywall you can hide various communications;
  • the material is extremely easy to process and use, which allows you to create from it designer designs any level of difficulty.


  • a frame made of profiles reduces the height of the room;
  • Additional power tools are required for installation;
  • the frame requires additional cash investments;
  • For installation you will have to find at least one assistant.

Installation Guide

First step

Along the perimeter of the room at the selected height (selected individually in accordance with the desired type of finishing structure), attach a guide profile to the walls. Use dowels for fixation.

It is important that all profiles are fixed at the same level. To do this, find the lowest corner of the room, set the required distance down from it, then move the points along the level to all remaining corners and connect them with straight lines.

To draw a line, use a thread dipped in any coloring composition. You can use chalk cord. Stretch a thread (chalk cord) between the marked points, slightly pull it away from the wall and release. Straight marking lines will remain on the surface.

Second step

Attach straight hangers to the rough base. Fix with dowels. TO wooden ceiling screw the hangers with self-tapping screws. In case of concrete floor, the holes for the dowels will have to be pre-prepared using a hammer drill.

Third step

Insert carrier plasterboard profile into the guide profile, align the products and screw them to the hangers. Place supporting profiles in increments of 400 mm.

Fourth step

Lay communications if their installation is planned under a plasterboard structure. After fixing the sheets, you will no longer have access to the internal space.

Lay electrical cables to future lamps and make sure they are working. If you do not have the skills to perform such work, it is better to contact a professional electrician.

Fifth step

Start screwing the trim sheets to the frame. First, remove the chamfer from the transverse joints using a knife.

Fasten all planned sheets in accordance with the chosen finishing scheme.

Sixth step

Fill the joints of the sheets with putty and further strengthen them with a sickle mesh.

Seventh step

Putty the surface (a thin layer will be enough) and sand the dried putty sandpaper.

Finally, apply finishing putty, paint the ceiling, or do any other finishing of your choice.

Other ceiling leveling methods

Plastering and installing plasterboard structures are not the only methods for leveling the ceiling. Thus, modern tension and suspension systems can be used to level out unevenness.

The suspended ceiling is mounted in almost the same order as the plasterboard structure:

  • hangers are fixed to the ceiling;
  • a metal profile frame is attached to the hangers;
  • attached to the frame decorative panels.

The panels themselves can be made from a variety of different materials: Chipboard boards, mineral fiber, metal, etc. When choosing a specific material, be guided by your personal requirements regarding the following parameters:

Consider the fact that the standard suspended structure reduces the height of the room by an average of 150-200 mm.

An excellent, but rather expensive method of leveling the ceiling is installation tension system. It's modern and very effective option, requiring the performer to have at least minimal skills in handling special tools (heat gun).

The system is installed in the following sequence:

As it cools, the fabric will stretch, becoming more elastic and durable.

Stretch ceilings can have any color, which allows you to realize a wide variety of design ideas.

Thus, the ceiling can be leveled using several methods. You must decide for yourself which method is best for you. Having decided on the best option, do everything in accordance with the above recommendations, and you will level the ceiling of your home no worse than a qualified repairman would do.

Good luck!

Video - How to level a ceiling with your own hands

1. As you know, the quality of the ceilings in our apartments leaves much to be desired. Meanwhile, the ceiling is the most noticeable part of the interior, and therefore
how smooth and solid our ceiling looks depends largely on the overall impression, which can be irreparably spoiled by the difference caused by
unevenly laid floor slabs, and simply cracks at the junctions of these same slabs. What to do? You can contact a construction company
but their services can cost us a pretty penny; not everyone can afford their services. All that remains is to do the repairs yourself.
We will tell you how to level the ceiling with your own hands in our article.

Methods for leveling ceilings

2 . There are two main types of ceiling leveling work - using putty and “dry”.
The first includes a method that uses putty, usually of two types: starting and finishing. The second is used for rooms with a large difference in ceiling heights or if it is necessary to cover any communications under the ceiling.

If the difference does not exceed 2 cm, it is enough to apply two layers of putty. To level out differences from 2 to 5 cm, you can also use putty, but additional reinforcement is required.
The dry method is used for differences of more than 5 cm. This type includes plasterboard ceilings, ceilings made of plastic panels and suspended ceilings.

Putty is usually sold in the form of a dry powder, so in order to start using it, you need to prepare an aqueous solution.
Carefully pour the powder into a container with warm water (the amount of water is determined by the manufacturer and indicated on the packaging) and mix thoroughly.
construction mixer.If you don't have construction mixer, then you can use a hammer drill with special nozzle.

The mixture is thoroughly mixed until smooth. After stirring, the mixture should sit for 15-30 minutes.
You should know that the “wet” method implies mandatory preparation of the ceiling base before applying putty. The base is cleaned of dust and dirt
and primed. If there are greasy stains on the base, they should be removed with a solvent. After the base is ready, apply putty.

This work is most conveniently carried out using two spatulas - a small one (the putty is placed from the container onto a wide spatula) and a wide one.
a spatula used to apply leveling putty to the ceiling. The putty should be applied with smooth, wide movements. When applying putty,
The spatula is held at an acute angle to the ceiling. Each layer of putty is applied “at a time”. A layer of putty
applied at a time should not exceed 1.5 cm. If the height difference is greater than this value, then the putty is applied in two stages.

ceiling putty ceiling putty

First, the first layer is applied, it is allowed to dry, after which it is primed. Then the next layer is applied. In addition, as we wrote earlier, if application is required
layer more than 2 cm, reinforcement is required. Reinforcement is performed using a special mesh, which is glued to the base, or fixed using special brackets.

After the putty has dried, it must be sanded, smoothing out all the sag and differences. To perform this type of work, we recommend using
a hammer drill with a special nozzle, after which another layer of the same putty is applied - the so-called “leveling” layer.

The better you apply the first layer, the easier it will be to level it.
When the putty has dried, the finishing putty is applied. The finishing putty is applied in two layers, with a break of 3-4 hours. Now we give
Allow the putty to dry thoroughly and sand the surface until it reaches a perfectly smooth state.

Sanding the ceiling

Sanding is done with sandpaper or a sanding block using smooth circular movements.
After the surface has been sanded, it must be primed. The next day we paint the surface. As a rule, for this
used water-based paint, white or some other soft shade.
As for “dry” methods of ceiling leveling, the choice of one or another coating depends on the financial capabilities of the owner of the premises.

Prime the ceiling

The most budget-friendly option would be to use plasterboard sheets attached to metal frame. Special attention should be paid
installation of the frame, since a poorly secured frame can lead to cracks at the joints of the sheets.
Unfortunately, within the framework of this article it is not possible to dwell in more detail on the description of each type of “dry” ceilings. But on our website you can find separate articles,
in which the question of how to level a ceiling using plasterboard sheets, plastic panels, and suspended ceilings is discussed in detail.

Video: How to level a ceiling with putty

Uneven ceilings are a problem faced by apartment owners in multi-storey buildings when renovations are being done. Even minor flaws will be noticeable and spoil the impression of the rest of the finish if the base is not prepared. How to level the ceiling, what methods and materials to use for this will be discussed in the article.

Where do the irregularities come from?

Irregularities can arise due to slabs that lie one higher and the other lower, deep seams are formed at the joints, and the horizontal plane of the future ceiling is disrupted. This problem is relevant for residents of Khrushchev.

IN modern houses often used instead of floor slabs monolithic concrete. But even in this case, defects arise: seams, concrete sagging in places where the formwork sheets are joined, the formation of “sinks” on ceiling surface or horizontal slopes due to unevenly aligned boards.

If you do not level the ceiling, the defects will be noticeable, and further finishing will only worsen the flaws.

How to level a ceiling with your own hands: leveling methods

The ceiling is leveled different ways, but first determine how strong the height differences on the floor are. To do this, use a level. Smooth horizontal lines are drawn on the wall parallel to the ceiling surface. It turns out that one long horizontal line will outline the perimeter of the room. Measure the distance in several places from the line to the ceiling surface, and find the maximum height difference. Based on the obtained value, choose the finishing method that is best used to level the ceiling.

Conventionally, methods are divided into two groups: dry and wet. Which one to choose depends on your budget and the condition of the base surface.

Raw leveling is suitable to mask small unevenness. For work, special plaster mixtures are used that correct flaws from 2 to 50 mm. For minor defects it is preferable to use putty.

Wet work will take more time, and it will not always be possible to level the ceiling yourself with putty or plaster. Such methods are used if the rooms are major renovation or, when as finishing It is planned to paint or decorate the ceiling with wallpaper, as well as other materials, after installation of which the flaws will appear more pronounced.

Using dry methods it will be possible to hide even strong changes in height. For example, if one wall is higher than the other.

This technology includes several varieties:

  1. glue ceilings;
  2. installation of plasterboard construction;
  3. installation of suspended ceilings;
  4. installation of tension systems.

Before leveling begins, prepare the base. They start by cleaning the ceiling from the previous finish. The more thoroughly this stage of work is carried out, the faster and better it will be possible to complete the remaining leveling activities.

Puttying is a cheap and simple method that will eliminate small flaws and irregularities on the ceiling surface and prepare the base for painting or wallpapering. Used to remove differences no more than 1 cm deep:

  1. the first layer is made thick, trying to reduce unevenness to a minimum, but without trying to make the surface perfectly flat and smooth;
  2. leave the ceiling to dry completely for 2-3 days;
  3. the next step is to prime the overlap, and also give the surface time for 24 hours to dry;
  4. the second layer is used for finishing leveling using a finishing finely dispersed putty mixture, which is applied in a thin layer of no more than 0.5 mm;
  5. again leave the ceiling to dry;
  6. when the surface is dry, sand it with fine-grained sandpaper until the ceiling becomes smooth;
  7. All that remains is to prime the ceiling and paint it.

If the height differences are from 1 to 2 cm, before leveling the ceiling with putty, you will have to glue a special reinforcing mesh to the surface. Without it, a thick layer of putty will not stick and will fall off.

Eat Alternative option– Apply the mixture gradually in several layers. In this case, do each next one only after the previous one has dried and the surface has been primed.

This is labor intensive and long work. Therefore, it is better to use a mesh that is glued to the ceiling using a special adhesive composition. When the glue dries, putty the ceiling according to the standard scheme.

The advantages of puttying include:

  • maintaining the height of the room;
  • environmental friendliness. Only natural ingredients are used to make mixtures.

Disadvantages include labor intensity and a large number of time to carry out the work.

If the ceiling plane has gone too far to the side, or the slabs have significant unevenness, leveling the ceiling is done using plaster, which is applied with a layer thickness of 2-5 cm. A layer of putty of such a thickness will not hold, and plaster has better adhesive properties.

Before work, the ceiling surface is also primed. It is advisable to use deep penetration formulations.

For example, “Betonkontakt” or similar. After drying, the ceiling becomes rough, and the plaster mixture adheres better to the base. Alignment is carried out as follows:

  • a reinforcing mesh is attached to the ceiling surface;
  • dilute the dry mixture with water according to the instructions indicated on the package. A construction mixer is used for mixing;
  • start work from the lowest corner in the room. Apply the composition with a spatula on top of the mesh and press it in so that the plaster fills the holes. There is no need to try to immediately level the ceiling, where the height differences are 3 cm or more; apply the plaster in several layers;
  • the thickness of the first layer, which is applied to the entire surface of the ceiling and left until completely dry, does not exceed 2 cm;
  • the second layer of the mixture should completely cover the mesh and completely level the ceiling.

On a note! For each new layer you will need to thin out fresh plaster. Do not add dry mixture to diluted mixture!

  • After drying, the second layer of plaster is rubbed with fine-grained sandpaper until smooth. If you do not sand the surface, you will have to spend more time on finishing putty.

If the slab “goes” too far to the side, and it is necessary to level the entire ceiling, use beacons that are attached on top of the mesh, aligned with the level. If everything is done correctly, then at the end of the work you will get an even and smooth plane.

Chockline is a relatively new invention that allows you to apply control markings perfectly evenly. This tool is also called a painting cord or a special water level.

Leveling begins by leveling the room and applying a zero ceiling level to the wall surfaces using a chokeline.

Secrets of working with beacons:

  1. the lowest point is found on the ceiling, which will become the site for installing the first beacon;
  2. small plaster “cakes” are thrown in increments of 30 cm, on which metal beacons are “planted”;
  3. when leveling along the beacons, the layer of plaster should not exceed 5 cm. The same applies to the height of the beacons;
  4. to control the horizontal plane, use a two-meter building level;
  5. after installing the beacons, prepare a leveling gypsum or cement mortar. If gypsum is used, then each new layer is applied 20-30 minutes after the previous one, cement - after 2-3 hours;
  6. each layer is leveled according to the rule so that it does not extend beyond the lighthouse;
  7. During work, defects (pits, depressions) must be immediately eliminated. Otherwise, you will have to apply too thick a layer of plaster;
  8. beacons are removed when applied and dry last layer mixtures. The recesses are sealed with the same composition.

The quality of leveling is determined by the level. If there are differences or flaws, the unevenness is eliminated with additional layers of plaster or cut off. Immediately seal the recesses where the ceiling meets the walls and in the corners. To do this, use a grater.

The last step is to apply and carefully level the control layer of the mixture.

Leveling the ceiling using dry methods

Leveling the base with PVC tiles will allow you to avoid carrying out work such as applying a layer of finishing plaster and puttying. It is enough to fill the cracks with the composition and eliminate large differences in height. The tiles are attached with a special glue to the ceiling surface, leveled with a layer of base plaster or to a rough ceiling, having removed the previous finish.

Such panels are painted after installation. If joints between adjacent segments remain noticeable, they are sealed with silicone-based sealant. Or use white putty.

To ensure that the tiles lie flat in all directions, mark the surface before gluing.

Using gypsum plasterboard you can quickly build a flat suspended ceiling. This method is chosen for large differences in height that are not amenable to even a thick layer plaster mixture. In addition to the leveling function, drywall also plays a decorative role, allowing the construction of multi-level structures.

Other advantages of using drywall as a leveling material include:

  • corrects surfaces of any curvature;
  • hides electrical wiring, plumbing fittings, and other communication elements in the ceiling space;
  • moisture-resistant plasterboard is used in rooms with high humidity;
  • easy to install, the design is easy to assemble with your own hands.

The disadvantage of this method is a reduction in the height of the room and additional costs for the purchase of frame elements.

A plasterboard ceiling for painting is mounted as follows:

  1. To enhance heat and sound insulation, joints and cracks in the floor slabs are sealed with putty, and mold stains and deposits are simultaneously removed. The areas affected by the fungus are cleaned with a brush with metal bristles and covered with an antibacterial composition;
  2. install a frame of metal and guide ceiling profiles. The guides are mounted around the perimeter of the room; the height and evenness of the frame are adjusted using laser level;
  3. then they are inserted into the guide strips ceiling profile, which is attached to the base surface with hangers;
  4. when the frame is ready, it is sheathed plasterboard sheets. In this case, the ceiling profile should be at the junction of two adjacent sheets. The gypsum boards are attached to self-tapping screws in increments of 15-20 cm. First, the factory chamfer is removed from the side parts of the gypsum boards at an angle of 45°. This is done so that the putty adheres better to the joints and cracks do not form on the surface;
  5. the material is fastened in a checkerboard pattern. First, whole sheets are installed, then the remaining space is sealed with pieces of gypsum board;
  6. After covering, the joints are primed, glued with sickle mesh, and puttied. The same is done with the recesses from the heads of the screws;
  7. When the composition has dried, a layer of finishing putty is applied to the surface of the decorative structure. After drying, the ceiling is sanded and re-treated with a layer of primer.

— methods of fastening to the ceiling on a profile and without a frame.

Suspended ceiling

  • the frame is covered with decorative panels.
  • Panels are made from different materials: plastic, wood, MDF, aluminum, mineral fiber, etc.

    When choosing material for finishing the ceiling, focus on climatic conditions room being renovated. It is better to install plastic or aluminum slats in the bathroom and kitchen, and wooden lining in the living room and bedroom.

    Another way to level the ceiling is to mount tension structure. This is an effective but expensive finishing option. You can implement it yourself if you have experience working with special equipment (heat gun). Instead of PVC film, they use fabric ceilings, but their installation also requires skill and care. Otherwise, there is a high risk of damaging the decorative fabric.

    The advantages of tension coverings include:

    • obtaining a flat surface;
    • quick installation of the structure;
    • the ability to restore its original shape after deformation;
    • moisture resistance (only for sheets made of PVC film);
    • strength;
    • there will be no debris left after installation;
    • wide selection of colors and textures.
    • canvases are afraid of mechanical damage;
    • PVC film cracks and deforms when the temperature drops to -5°C.

    The suspended ceiling is installed in the following sequence:

    • installs a profile made of plastic or aluminum around the perimeter under a fabric or vinyl panel. The profile type depends on the complexity of the configuration decorative ceiling and the chosen method of fastening the material;
    • The canvas is attached to the profile. If it is film, then first the material is fixed in the corners, then the room and the film are heated to 60°, gradually fixing the vinyl in other places of the profile. As it cools, the panel stretches and straightens.

    For fabric tension heat gun need not. The covering is fixed from the center of the room. If after installation, folds form on the surface, they are straightened using a hair dryer.

    Thus, there are many ways to properly level the ceiling. Choose the one that is suitable for a specific surface, then the result will be smooth and solid foundation, ready for further finishing.

    Video on the topic

    Capital or simple redecorating The premises also include ceiling finishing. To top part the rooms looked aesthetically pleasing, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work before applying decorative finishing. Therefore, the question of how to level the ceiling is very relevant for those who are renovating an apartment.

    Ceiling leveling methods

    There are several known methods for leveling the ceiling surface. The choice of method depends on your skill, the type of decorative surface finishing and the height of the room:

    • leveling using drywall - dry method. Suitable for rooms with high ceilings. This will require installing a profile for drywall, so the height of the room will decrease by 10-20 cm;
    • leveling with plaster – wet method. A layer (or several layers if necessary) of plaster is applied directly to the surface and leveled. Suitable for rooms with any ceiling height.

    Both methods are quite labor intensive. The choice depends not only on the height of the ceiling, but also on its original condition.

    Preparation of concrete slabs

    Leveling the ceiling with plaster is a very common method. However, experts do not recommend using it if there is a large difference in surface height (more than 5 cm). In this case, you will have to apply a very thick layer of plaster, which may fall. This will lead to property damage or injury to household members.

    But whatever method you choose, it is necessary to prepare the surface for leveling. And if, in the case of using drywall, this step can be skipped (but not advisable), then when leveling with plaster, you will have to prepare the surface.

    Removing old coating

    Before applying a new layer of plaster, you need to remove the old one. The fact is that it is the rough ceiling that needs to be leveled - concrete plates or boards. If the room has already been renovated several times, then the slabs already have one or several layers of plaster and a decorative coating.

    You can make your work easier by following a few tips:

    • To remove old layers of leveling material, you must use a sharp spatula. During the process, the tool will need to be sharpened periodically;
    • if you like to work with both hands, then it is better to choose a tool with a long handle;
    • to make work easier, you need to soften the layer of plaster plain water. This is done using a spray bottle or wet foam rubber;
    • a ceiling with a water-based coating should be washed with an iodine solution to remove the coating;
    • water-dispersion paint is removed using special removers. If there are any in your locality no, then be patient and use a sharp spatula. The special composition is applied to the surface with a roller or sponge, and after 30 minutes it is simply erased with a spatula. It should be noted that after applying washes, the paint comes off very easily and there are no uncleaned areas left;
    • after cleaning the main surface, the plaster is removed at the joints of the parts draft ceiling. To do this, use heavier tools - a pick, a hammer and a sharp spatula. However, it is not necessary to delete the entire layer. You just need to break off those pieces that come off easily and may unexpectedly fall off after repair.

    Removing fungus and mold

    The fungus is also dangerous to human health. He can call allergic reactions or trigger an asthma attack.

    After the old coating, moldy stains and other contaminants have been removed, the ceiling surface is treated with a primer. This is done in order to improve the adhesion of the rough surface to the leveling layer.

    Ceiling leveling

    First of all, large cracks and irregularities are sealed. For those who know how to level a ceiling with putty, there is nothing difficult. This is done with a special putty intended for rough work, mixed with tow.

    The peculiarity of the putty is that it has a higher grain size compared to the building material used for finishing. The tow is impregnated with putty and placed in cracks and other openings.

    To prevent new cracks from forming, the rough ceiling should be reinforced. To do this, apply a thick layer of putty to the edges of the slabs for rough work. When the layer dries a little, the mesh is pressed into it.

    Applying the first layer of putty

    The first layer of putty is applied to the mesh with a wide spatula. Movements are carried out in the direction “toward yourself”. The thickness of the first layer should not exceed 20 mm. After the ceiling is completely covered with layers of putty, it is leveled using a rule - a special tool.

    If the differences in height on the ceiling are large enough, then a thick layer of putty must be applied. Experts recommend “combing” it with a special construction comb. The work is carried out while the first layer is still quite soft.

    It takes at least 3 days for the first, thickest layer to dry. The time required for the first coat to dry may vary. This depends on the thickness of the layer itself, the material used, the level of humidity and temperature in the room.

    After this, subsequent layers are applied. When applying them building code it is necessary to turn the straight side towards you. In this case, the alignment is better.

    If you are leveling the ceiling with your own hands before painting, then after applying the last layer of putty on the ceiling, moisten it with water and rub it with a felt float. In this case, depressions and minor irregularities are leveled out. After the last layer has dried, the plaster is rubbed down with a wire brush or sandpaper.

    Fiberglass reinforcement

    If the rough ceiling is quite problematic, i.e. there are large cracks and crevices on it, then fiberglass reinforcement is used. Reinforcement can be done for the entire ceiling or its individual parts.

    For reinforcement, the canvas is cut into strips, which are used to secure the last layer of plaster or putty. Grouting the surface with sandpaper or a metal float in this case is carried out after the reinforcing layer has dried.

    Finishing putty

    After all the rough work has been completed, the finishing putty of the ceiling begins. The surface is thoroughly cleaned of dust that remains after sanding the rough finish. This can be done using a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush, a dry brush or a damp rag. In the latter case, the ceiling needs to be given time to dry.

    The finishing putty is also applied in several layers, each of which must dry before applying the next. A wide spatula is used as a tool. After the surface is leveled, the finishing putty, if necessary, should also be cleaned with fine sandpaper.

    Leveling with drywall

    The plasterboard structure is a suspended ceiling that hides everything, even very large defects of the rough slabs. To lay sheets of building material, it is necessary to install metal profiles over the entire ceiling area. Many people wonder how to level a ceiling with plasterboard, because it is convenient and quick way get an ideal surface for painting or wallpapering.

    The advantages of the dry leveling method are that time, financial and labor costs are significantly reduced.

    The procedure for performing work when leveling the ceiling with plasterboard is as follows:

    1. Mark the position of the future ceiling.
    2. Mark the points where the hangers that hold the structure will be attached to the surface of the slabs and install them.
    3. Mount the metal profile in accordance with the markings.
    4. Install electrical wiring and other communications (if any).
    5. Cutting drywall sheets the right size and shapes.
    6. Attach drywall to the metal profile.

    If plasterboard ceiling subsequently it is intended to be painted, it is necessary to putty and clean the seams. For this, finishing putty is used. It is applied with a wide spatula in one or several layers. Each layer must be allowed to dry thoroughly before applying the next.

    Plasterboard ceilings can be installed in any room. Exists construction material with resistance to high humidity air, temperature changes and mechanical damage.

    Other ways to level the ceiling

    Modern technologies make it possible to level the ceiling in other ways. Suspended and stretch ceilings are in great demand. When wondering how to level the ceiling in an apartment, ordinary people choose one of these options.

    The technology for installing a suspended ceiling is the same as for installing plasterboard slabs:

    1. Suspensions are attached to the rough surface, which will support the frame made of metal profiles.
    2. TO metal profiles decorative panels are attached. They can be made of a variety of materials - metal, chipboard, polymer materials, mineral fibers.

    The advantage of a suspended ceiling is that there is no need to level it with putty, like plasterboard. There is also no need for follow-up decorative finishing, since it is already attached to the frame finishing material. The disadvantage of such ceilings is their high cost.

    The choice of finishing material depends on what functions you want to achieve in the end. Therefore, pay attention to the following characteristics:

    • breathability;
    • soundproofing;
    • thermal conductivity;
    • moisture resistance.

    It's worth remembering that dropped ceilings, like plasterboard, will reduce the height of the room by about 0.2 m.

    Stretch ceiling

    Such ceilings are an alternative and main competitor hanging. Great option obtaining a flat ceiling in the room. Installation stretch ceiling possible only if available special tools. If you are faced with the task of how to level the ceiling with your own hands, then this method is unlikely to work. Stretch ceiling installation technology:

    1. A baguette frame with a polyvinyl chloride sheet inserted into it is installed around the perimeter of the room.
    2. It is heated using a heat gun or hair dryer.
    3. When heated, the fabric sags. As it cools, it stretches, forming a perfectly flat surface.

    The advantages of such a ceiling are quick and easy installation, a variety of colors and textures, and versatility of use. The disadvantages include the difficulty of self-installation.

    The choice of color and texture of a stretch ceiling depends only on personal preferences and financial capabilities.


    It doesn't matter which method you choose to level the ceiling. The most important thing when carrying out work is not to rush. You should not sacrifice quality at the expense of efficiency. If you rush, you can get short-term results that will have to be corrected in a year or two.

    Almost all apartment owners are familiar with the situation with uneven ceilings. This is especially true for Khrushchev buildings. This is mainly due to differences in the height of the slabs at the joints. This article describes in detail how to level the ceiling with your own hands in a Khrushchev building or in any other apartment.

    Required Tools

    Before starting work, you need to decide on a set of tools. Their number directly depends on the method of leveling the ceiling. There are two ways: dry and wet. This article will discuss in detail wet method, so you need the following minimum set tool:

    • hydraulic level or laser level
    • roulette
    • chop cord
    • spatulas (one 100 mm wide, the other 300-500 mm)
    • rule
    • Maclava and paint roller
    • drill with mixer attachment
    • grinding float

    Step-by-step instructions for leveling the ceiling

    The first thing to do is determine how uneven your ceiling is. To do this, you need to find the lowest corner of the room. From this corner the remaining four (or more) corners of the room are measured using a hydraulic level or, if available, a laser level. An assistant is needed for this and many subsequent operations.

    Next, using a tapping cord, ceiling level lines are drawn along the walls. If the maximum discrepancy between the lowest and highest places in the ceiling does not exceed 50 mm, leveling can be done using the wet method. The term wet method refers to leveling the ceiling with plaster and putty.

    The ceiling needs to be cleaned old plaster, wallpaper or paint (depending on the previous coating). All putty, fungi, etc. should be carefully removed. Next, prime the coating with a deep penetration primer. For upper floors, it is advisable to do this procedure twice.

    Next, after the primer has dried (after 6-24 hours), the beacons are set. There are two ways to attach them: using dowels or using a putty solution. If you choose the option with a solution, then you need to apply a line of putty, and using long level set up a beacon.

    When installing ceiling beacons, it is necessary to make them parallel at a distance from each other, which is 100-150 mm less than the length of the rule. After installing several beacons, you need to check whether they are at the same level. To do this, you need to pull the cord from the marks on opposite walls. Beacons do not need to be used if the difference in ceiling height is no more than 10 mm. After installing the beacons, it is necessary to prime the ceiling again or at least walk over the beacons with a primer.

    Ceiling plaster and putty

    If the difference is more than 20 mm, you cannot do without plaster. Plasters like Rotbant perform well on ceilings. Using spatulas, the plaster is adjusted and leveled on the ceiling, and then leveled using the beacon rule. If the layer exceeds 20 mm, it is necessary to use a metal or polymer mesh, which is attached to the ceiling using dowels or an adhesive solution.

    There is no point in achieving perfect evenness of the plaster layer. This is the task of the next layer - putty. Before puttying, the ceiling must be primed and allowed to dry. If you did without plaster, then use it first starting putty. Immediately apply to the surface leveled with plaster. finishing putty. The technology for puttingtying the ceiling is no different from puttingtying the walls, so we won’t describe it.


    After the finishing layer has dried, it should be sanded with a float (the dustiest job). This will remove minor irregularities and give the ceiling an aesthetic appearance. At this point, the leveling of the ceiling in the Khrushchev building can be considered complete. Further preparation of the ceiling depends on the type of coating.

    Video instruction “How to level the ceiling with your own hands”