Options for hiding a gas pipe in the kitchen. Good ideas for those who want to hide a gas pipe when renovating a kitchen. How to disguise a gas pipe in the kitchen: photo

When renovating their kitchen, every owner strives to make the room not only stylish, practical, but also less cumbersome. Designers' fantasies kitchen furniture limitless, and modern kitchens can perform many functions, expand and, conversely, fill space. However, in the process of renovating a kitchen, everyone faces the same problem of how to hide a gas pipe. It is strictly forbidden to lay a pipe in a wall or under a plywood sheet with bricks, based on safety rules. There are several effective and completely safe methods pipe decor, and you will learn about them further.

Since gas is not something to joke about, there is no need to take risks and experiment with pipes in the kitchen. There are several ways to solve this problem.

  1. Hide the gas pipe behind the kitchen furniture. This is any cabinet that conveniently hangs on the wall. It is hollow inside, specifically to hide the pipe there. This method does not violate any safety rules, because access to the pipe will still remain. In another case, when the pipe is closer to the ceiling, you can hang Kitchen Cabinet immediately below it and thus it will camouflage the pipe.
  2. You can make a separate, so-called cover for the pipe. Externally, this case will look like a box that hides imperfections, but such a box will not play a practical role in the kitchen. As an option, you can make a box from moisture-resistant plasterboard, which can then be easily painted and wallpapered.
  3. Similar to the battery in the room, the gas pipe in the kitchen can be covered with a metal screen. They look like grids white, or just white boxes that are hung on pipes.
  4. The most budget-friendly way to hide the gas line in the kitchen from view is by painting. As a rule, pipes are painted to match the walls. By the way, gas workers approve of this method of decoration, since an integral part of the operation of gas pipes is their coloring. The paint prevents the formation of corrosion.
  5. You can hide the gas pipe in the kitchen with decorative panels made of plastic, metal, glass or wood. Using a screwdriver, you can secure the panels to the pipe, which can then be easily removed.
  6. A special rail will allow you to visually hide the pipe. When the pipe is placed horizontally on the tabletop, you can place spice racks on it, hang spoons, scoops and towels.

DIY plasterboard box

This is the most popular way gas pipe decor in the kitchen. Even a non-professional can install a plasterboard box; you just need to stock up on a set necessary tools, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

You will need:

  • moisture-resistant cardboard in sheets;
  • metallic profile;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal scissors.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. In order to reliably hide gas pipes in the kitchen, you need to correctly determine the size of the structure. The box must be made in such a way that it can be easily removed if necessary.
  2. Install the metal profiles in a vertical position and secure them to the wall with self-tapping screws.
  3. Measure the distance between the profiles, and using the measurements taken with a pencil, draw a sketch on sheets of drywall. Next, cut out the blanks.
  4. Using self-tapping screws, secure the sheets of drywall between the existing profiles.
  5. Crevices and uneven joints can be removed using polyurethane foam.

The main box is ready. All that remains is to decorate it with finishing. If desired, you can paint the box, cover it with wallpaper or tiles.

Advantages this method decor:

  • ease of installation;
  • gas meters can also be successfully hidden behind such a design, it is only important to choose the right size of the box;
  • aesthetic appearance.


  • it will not be possible to save space in the kitchen due to the bulkiness of the design;
  • gas safety rules are violated, since the pipes must be open;
  • During subsequent renovations in the kitchen, the plasterboard box will have to be removed.

Box made of chipboard or MDF

Chipboard (chipboard) is quite easy to work with and produces little waste, debris and dust during production. Metal corners or profiles are used to connect the plates. In order not to make the body initially, you can purchase a ready-made box. Creating a frame from chipboard is carried out according to the same principle as with plasterboard.

The box is removable and can be covered with wallpaper or painted. We should not forget about the installation of inspection hatches.

Decor of a gas pipe in the kitchen with roof rails

Gas pipes in the kitchen can be closed using one of the original decorative options for interfering communications in the kitchen - roof railing.

As a rule, gas pipes in the kitchen are located vertically or horizontally along the wall where the tile “apron” is located. Usually this space is not filled with cabinets; the pipes are located directly between the surface of the table and the hanging furniture. In this case, it is very appropriate to use railing technology.

Railing for the kitchen is suspension system, which is convenient to place on gas pipes. On a special profile with hooks and stands you can place various kitchen utensils.

In order to fit part of the gas pipe into the railing system, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Clean the pipe so that it has a metallic shine.
  2. Cover the surface of the pipe with chrome paint. It is advisable to apply paint in several layers.
  3. Next, your imagination should be included in the process. Hooks and stands must be placed above the surface of the pipe. It is important not to attach decorative elements to the pipe, but to do it in such a way that it visually appears that the objects are hanging on the pipe.

Ways of unusual decor

If your goal is visual extension kitchen space, then bulky cabinets are not for you. Try to use your imagination, and we will tell you a few unusual options gas pipe decor in the kitchen:

  1. Thick pipes can be hidden with mosaics. So stylish and unusual design solution will significantly decorate and “revive” your kitchen. You can paint fancy patterns on communications. For example: in the form of a tree trunk or a flower field. Use a stencil and other interesting devices.
  2. You can decorate a gas pipe in the kitchen using the decoupage technique. All you need is beautiful napkins, office glue and varnish.

Manufacturing technology:

  • with help sandpaper perform high-quality cleaning of the pipe. Then color it;
  • buy multi-layer napkins. Take one and soak it in glue. Then one layer of the napkin must be carefully smoothed over the surface of the pipe with a brush. By the way, the variety of types of napkins today allows you to choose them even according to the style of your kitchen;
  • Continue decorating in the same order. When everything is ready and the glue on the napkins has dried, cover everything with colorless varnish.

Gas pipe painting

Experts remind that the gas pipeline, both in the apartment and on the street, should always be painted. This is the first requirement in the list of conditions for correct behavior with gas equipment.

The reason for painting is to protect pipes from corrosion. Under the influence of time and moisture, condensation in the apartment and precipitation on the street, the already fragile metal is destroyed very quickly. This leads to the formation of holes in the pipes.

  1. For painting gas pipes, it is recommended to use chemically resistant primer enamel.
  2. Before painting, use a knife or sandpaper to remove rust and old paint from the pipes. For greater strength, you can apply an anti-corrosion primer to the pipes; it is sold in hardware stores.
  3. When the primer is completely dry, you can begin painting with enamel.
  4. To distribute the coating more evenly throughout the pipe, you can use a can of paint instead of a brush. In this case, it is necessary to protect the wall from paint getting on it.

If you live in a private house, then the gas pipeline on the street must be painted in bright identifying colors, in accordance with the safety rules of the gas distribution and gas consumption system. This is yellow enamel. For pipes in a room, you can choose the paint color depending on your desires and needs.

Transfer of pipes

The original layout of an apartment very often does not suit its owners. People are starting to think about how to arrange their premises with maximum comfort so that it is both comfortable and stylish. A separate conversation concerns the kitchen, where an important and integral part of the interior is the gas main, which consists of several pipes and is most often located on one of the walls with a large and bulky meter. If you can’t hide the pipes behind cabinets and roof rails, then, as an option, you can perform a redevelopment. It is not recommended to carry out such work on your own; for this you need to invite a specialist from the gas service.

If you are going to move a gas pipe in the kitchen, you need to know a few rules:

  • pipes cannot be laid in a residential area;
  • It is also unacceptable to place communications in ventilation shafts;
  • It is forbidden to tightly sheathe pipes with plywood;
  • Gas pipes should never cross a window or doorway;
  • distance between pipe and electric cable there must be at least 25 cm in the wall when they are parallel.

Stages of work execution

In order to completely hide the gas pipe in the kitchen from view, you must first inform the gas service of your intentions for approval. And only after the specialists approve your plans and a special drawing of pipe transfer with all measurements and calculations is drawn up, you can begin work in the following sequence:

  • The gas supply valve to the apartment must be turned off;
  • to remove the remaining gas from the main line, it is necessary to purge the pipes;
  • then use a metal jigsaw to carefully cut off the interfering section of the pipe, and weld the cut section;
  • use a drill to drill a hole of the required diameter in the main pipe;
  • Weld the end of the pipe into the resulting hole. At the other end set gas tap. Remember to use sealing tape when attaching the faucet to the pipe;
  • When the tap is installed, make connections to the stove and gas water heater. To do this, use a flexible gas hose;
  • To prevent the new section of pipe from wobbling, secure it to the wall with clamps or brackets;
  • if there is a gas meter, it must be done in compliance with a 3 percent system slope. The slope is made from the meter;
  • the main work has been completed. All that remains is to open the gas supply valve;
  • when everything is working, check the system and all connecting nodes for possible gas leaks. Dilute the concentrated soap solution. Apply with a brush to all joints. If bubbles appear, this means that there is a gas leak and the joints need to be tightened.

Eat important points, which you should always remember when performing any manipulations with the gas line in the kitchen.

  1. According to regulations, gas pipes and meters must be located within the line of sight of residents.
  2. At any time, access to communications must be open so that the gas supply can be shut off at any time in the event of an emergency.
  3. It is prohibited to move gas pipes without the consent of specialists.
  4. If you want to hide pipes behind cabinets, then choose furniture without back walls.
  5. Compliance with gas safety rules is much more important than following the instructions of fashion designers. Remember, covering pipes or walling them up in the wall is prohibited and dangerous.
  6. It is not allowed to attach any objects to the pipes, from spice racks and towels to heavy cabinets.
  7. Can't be hidden in closets geyser, if there is one. Otherwise, you will need to ensure good ventilation.
  8. There are many options for decorating gas pipelines; all you need is a little imagination. However, before starting such important works always consult with specialists and then you will undoubtedly be able to create an ideal, stylish and safe interior.

How to hide a gas pipe. Video

When carrying out their work on installing gas communications, specialists are guided by departmental rules and are not interested in design. Over time, owners think about improving the interior. In any situation, to hide gas communications, you can choose the most suitable method that does not violate safety rules.

Placement of gas pipes and camouflage according to SNIP requirements

So that gas communications do not interfere with the arrangement of furniture or spoil the interior, they can be moved to another place. The procedure is complex and involves not only financial costs, coordination with the gas service is required. For this reason, most people think about how to beautifully hide a gas pipe in the kitchen.

Several options for masking pipes were used: chrome plating, railing, wall cabinets

Those who want to change the location of communications should remember that unauthorized actions are unacceptable: they are fraught with catastrophic consequences not only for the initiator, but also for the neighbors. If necessary, contact the gas service, with which all work is coordinated.

SNIP rules prohibit:

  • install gas communications into ventilation ducts;
  • install a permanent box on the riser;
  • make airtight lining;
  • recess pipes in the wall;
  • finish with plaster.

Use tension or suspended ceiling to disguise gas pipes is prohibited, since the basic safety rule is not observed: fast access. Only plumbing, heating or electrical communications are allowed there.

It is possible to close the highway in the corridor in compliance with safety rules. Usually the pipes run right under the ceiling; it is forbidden to close them tightly with a box. Even if inspection hatches are installed, there may be claims from the gas service if the work is carried out without their approval. Original solution– installing a narrow shelf under the pipe so that it is not visible from below. You can decorate it or simply apply a layer of paint.

Instead of decorative shelves, it is better to arrange mezzanines in the corridor, behind which to hide the gas pipe - it is beautiful, practical and does not compromise safety

The requirements are dictated by safety standards. The rule about the near-pipe area being well ventilated or completely open is due to the fact that if gas leaks, it should not accumulate. If standards are violated, residents will not find out about the problem in time, as indicated by the smell of special additives.

How to original paint gas pipes in the kitchen

Not every owner masks pipes; most prefer simpler and cheaper methods. The most common option is painting, which can be done decoratively so that the pipe fits perfectly into the interior. It is often painted to look like a tree trunk, such as a birch tree. If you draw several leaves on the wall, they will, as it were, continue the composition and make the design original.

Painting the same tone as the walls makes communications inconspicuous

The coloring option is very simple and familiar. Its advantages:

  • ability to be performed by almost every person without special effort and knowledge;
  • minimum costs;
  • the correctly selected shade fits into the interior;
  • complete security – communications are always available.

The only drawback is that the pipes remain visible, even if the camouflage is the most thorough.

Original art painting

The gas line in the kitchen, coated to match the surface of the room, becomes unnoticeable and fits harmoniously into the interior. Contrasting paints are rarely used, only if they are present in the design style of the apartment. When the craftsman has artistic ability, a beautiful geometric or floral design on the pipe will look appropriate.

Railing - simply amazing

Horizontally located pipes are ideal for using this option. They usually run parallel kitchen apron, and there remains empty space between it and the wall cabinets. It is the highway that is used as the basis of the roof railing structure. The metal is stripped down to the base, coated with a primer and several layers of paint with a chrome or bronze effect.

Railing system: the idea of ​​hanging it on a gas pipe is wrong - everything is attached to the wall

When the pipeline is dry, we begin to implement design ideas. Hooks are attached to the wall above it for placing various kitchen utensils and towels. There is a visual effect that they are hanging directly on the gas pipeline. Shelves are also placed in this gap; you can install a drying rack for dishes. There are many options, their implementation depends on the imagination of the owners. Railing design gives kitchen interior modern look. Other positive side– constant access to pipes.

Important! The highway cannot serve as a load-bearing element on which the load is created. It performs a purely decorative function.

Disguise in decoupage style - nothing complicated

The application of this technique is very simple. A gas pipe in the kitchen or bathroom hallway can be closed using inexpensive materials: PVA glue and varnish final finishing. Appearance depends on multi-layer paper or fabric napkins, the pattern on which is chosen to the taste of the owners.

Decoupage looks original

They embody the idea in the following sequence:

  • clean the gas communication to a shine, carefully removing old paint, grease and dirt, leave to dry;
  • cover the napkin with glue, then carefully separate the layer with the pattern;
  • apply it to the pipe and smooth it out carefully;
  • glue is applied again;
  • After drying, coat it with varnish, which will add shine.

Napkins have a variety of designs, so the decor can be original. The main thing is that it is in harmony with the design of the kitchen.

Decorating in this style is especially easy to do using plasterboard boxes, under which gas communications are hidden. Use a special film for decoupage. Compared to napkins, it is easier to work with; even small irregularities do not remain on the finish, which is possible in the previous case. It is easy to care for such surfaces - just wipe with a damp cloth.

Styling under tropical plants: simple and tasteful

Interesting option imitation palm tree: execution does not require much effort. Thick twine is used; it is used to wrap the sections of the highway that are in the field of view. The decoration is complemented by temporarily suspended citrus fruits, climbing vines indoor plants, flowers.

Is it possible to cover gas pipes in an apartment with plasterboard?

All the previously discussed options do not hide communications, but only disguise them. This does not suit everyone, so they resort to building a box. The most common and approved material is used - drywall, but it is possible to use plywood, plastic, MDF. They mainly prefer gypsum plasterboards because low cost and ease of installation. In addition to this, you will need special profiles and screws. Tools include a screwdriver and metal scissors.

In addition to simple installation, other advantages attract. The pipes will be completely hidden under the box, which will become part of the interior. The decor of a similar design is made using various techniques: simple painting or finishing with decoupage film would be appropriate. The disadvantages include a reduction in usable area, which is important for small kitchen, therefore the option is used mainly in spacious rooms. For emergency access to communications, the installation of non-removable structures is prohibited.

Ventilated decorative box for masking gas communications

Manufacturing begins with the installation of the frame, of which there are quite a few options. Select depending on the expected dimensions and possible installation additional elements. The pipes are not always completely covered, sometimes only a certain section. The frame can be mounted separately or built into furniture. In some cases, they make a false wall, hiding all the unsightly places. In addition to the metal profile, it is permissible to use wooden slats.

The box is installed in several stages:

  1. Calculate the dimensions of the structure. The width should provide unobstructed access for carrying out Maintenance equipment;
  2. Install the frame. The profile or slats are fastened with self-tapping screws to the wall after checking the level of a strictly vertical and horizontal position;
  3. Measure the finished structure. Transfer the data to a sheet of drywall and cut out the blanks;
  4. Fasten to the frame using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. All irregularities and cracks are puttied or sealed. polyurethane foam, cutting off the residues after polymerization.

Installation of the box begins with the construction of the frame

If there are taps or connections on the communication section, the installation of a blind box violates safety rules: there must be constant access to the equipment. In this case, it is made removable, which complicates the design. How more affordable option choose decorative panel, which can be easily removed. There may also be a counter underneath. In addition, this option allows you to make the box an interior decoration if the facade is lattice or patterned. Workshops will undertake production.

You can buy a ready-made plastic box that is easy to install and remove if necessary. It can be given any color that will not disrupt the integrity of the interior of the room. Like plasterboard construction he has the same significant drawback: takes up free space.

You can hide the highway in the corridor in compliance with safety rules. Usually the pipes run right under the ceiling; it is forbidden to close them tightly with a box. Even when installing inspection hatches, there may be claims from the gas service if the work is carried out without their approval. An original solution is to have narrow shelves under the pipe so that it is not visible from below. You can decorate with decorative elements or simply apply a layer of paint.

How to hide a gas pipe under a furniture facade

Using furniture to hide gas communications is the most perfect, but not always the easiest way. Pipes, if they are located horizontally, are hidden in wall cabinets. When placed vertically, pencil cases are used. Self-production quality furniture available to professionals with professional skills. If you really want, you can make it yourself using a jigsaw and then decorate it.

The kitchen set completely masks gas pipes

In most cases, ready-made structures are used or ordered from workshops. In the china cabinets from the factory they remove back walls and hang them without them, making cuts in the walls. Custom-made furniture takes into account the configuration of communications; all pipes and gas appliances are hidden in it. The advantage of this option is that there is constant access to all equipment, and if the kitchen area is limited, then the cabinets are used for their intended purpose.

Pipes and appliances are hidden behind a wall cabinet with a lift-up door

Homemade design They are made from fairly strong materials, such as plywood and chipboard, which will allow you to install a door on them. It requires hanging loops and handles. In the side walls, select a fold for the protrusions of the lid. In the places where pipes and hoses pass, places for holes are marked and cut out. Assemble the structure using glue and screws, after which ready product hung on the wall.

In some apartments the pipeline is located horizontally at a low height. In this case, the problem arises of how to sew up such a highway. It is hidden under the tabletop, which you make yourself or order. To access the valve, extend the handle.

To avoid unpleasant consequences as a result of independent actions with gas communications, possible penalties, we should not forget about safety. Before work, they become familiar with the rules so that the planned actions do not contradict them.

There are not many requirements, it won’t be difficult to adhere to:

  • fastening of any products, including the railing option, is carried out on walls, and in no case on pipes;
  • all structures are removable or with a door or panel that provides quick access to devices;
  • blind boxes in which gas can accumulate during a leak are prohibited;
  • the gas water heater is hidden behind the casing, provided that powerful ventilation is provided;
  • All materials except gypsum are allowed for use.

The geyser is hidden in a cabinet with a door and has a reliable hood

According to the standards, the location of pipes and meters is carried out in the most visible and accessible places. The approach to the equipment cannot be hampered by any obstacles in order to make emergency gas shutoff or repairs if necessary. This is laid down in the rules and must be followed unquestioningly. There are many options for masking gas communications, but one should not forget about safety for the sake of decorativeness.

The frequently asked question about the possibility of sealing a chimney in the kitchen worries many people who are planning to make repairs. When asked whether it is possible to cover a gas pipe with plasterboard, gas workers most often allow this operation to be done with one condition - a window to view the pipe. Is it possible to cover a gas pipe with plasterboard and what methods exist for this? You can close the pipeline without violating safety standards by constructing a plasterboard box.

In what cases is it permissible to cover a flue with plasterboard?

The answer to the question whether it is possible to hide gas pipes under drywall is in the standards. It is necessary to follow safety precautions when erecting such structures, relying on paragraph 7 of SNiP 42-01-2002. According to the document, gas pipelines can be laid in open and closed ways.

  • An open gasket involves providing free access to the gas duct, which is not sealed or sewn up.
  • Concealed laying of the gas pipeline is permitted using removable structures. To do this, additional measures must be provided to protect it from corrosion, access to the pipeline for its maintenance, repairs and work. It is possible to hide the pipe behind plasterboard screens, covers, and casings. It can be sealed in a plasterboard case or hidden behind a partition. It is impossible to sew up the flue tightly

Advantages of drywall for constructing removable panels

This material is indispensable for repairs due to its advantages:

  • Has thermal and waterproofing properties
  • Flexible (the material can be bent, which allows the formation of rounded shapes)
  • Lightweight (suitable for erecting removable devices)
  • Fire resistant (this property is typical for fire resistant plasterboard sheets- GKLO)

A possible drawback to its use in closing kitchen flues is its inability to support heavy weight. Therefore, it is not recommended to make shelves or hang a TV on the structure.

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How to hide a gas pipeline under drywall with your own hands

The best option offered by gas workers is the construction of a box that will cover and hide the gas duct from floor to ceiling. A box that will allow you to visually remove part of the pipe or the entire pipeline must have the following characteristics:

  • Be ventilated over most of it
  • Close the entire pipe
  • Be light and easy to take off

Is it possible to hide a gas pipe behind drywall in a tunnel with permanent walls that are sewn to the wall? Alternatively, the walls of the box in the kitchen can be made of it using a metal profile, and the front part is designed in the form of a ventilated screen, mesh, or blinds. This screen will cover the handset and can be disguised decorative materials and elements. Most often, screens are made of perforated materials. The ventilation function will also be performed simultaneously. It is preferable to hide pipeline products this way. The screen must be removed in the following cases:

  • Apartment renovation
  • Replacement or repair of a gas pipeline
  • Confirmation of access to it in case of sale of an apartment or during inspection by gas service employees

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Kitchen renovations always raise many questions, the solution of which will help create a cozy and comfortable environment. It is very important to equip the kitchen with a sufficient number of sockets, replace plumbing and sewer pipes. All these elements will be hidden in furniture or walls.

In many apartments and houses where gas is the source of cooking, the big issue is the gas pipe, which can pass through almost all rooms. According to safety regulations, there are certain standards for its location, so it is not possible to simply move it to another place. Therefore, the question always arises of how to hide the gas pipe so that it does not spoil the overall interior.

Some features

Hiding it is actually not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. There are many options that will effectively close unwanted objects.

The gas pipe in the kitchen can be hidden under the furniture. If it runs at a height, it is worth ordering wall cabinets with special recesses or cutouts in which the gas pipe can be freely located. This option allows you to leave access to it, and it will not be visible from the outside.

The second option could be a false box. This design will perform exclusively aesthetic function. At the same time, all main elements of the system remain open, as required by safety regulations.

The most economical, but less effective, method is painting. To ensure that it does not stand out too much against the background of the wall, it is worth using the same paint color as the wall near which the gas system runs.

There are others, more effective options in order to hide the gas system.

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Plasterboard construction

When creating an interior in the kitchen, the gas pipeline system can become a big obstacle. It can become an obstacle to the normal arrangement of furniture or prevent normal installation household appliances. Solving this problem is real, all you need is desire.

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The most effective method is to create a plasterboard box. In order to create such a design, you need to prepare:

Scheme for decorating a gas pipe with a plasterboard box: 1 – frame made of steel profile, 2 – sheathing made of plasterboard sheets, 3 – stiffener made of steel profile, 4 – utility pipes.

  • plasterboard sheets, for the kitchen it is better to use moisture-resistant ones;
  • metal profile;
  • screwdriver for securing elements;
  • self-tapping screws, it is better to take them with a reserve;
  • scissors for cutting profiles, a knife for cutting drywall.

You can purchase all the tools and materials without any problems at any hardware store.

Before you start installing the structure, you need to take measurements and carry out calculations. The box should not be too bulky, but if necessary, there should be access to the gas pipe. We install a metal profile structure. It is very important that it is securely attached to the wall. Everything is covered with plasterboard sheets.

This structure must be prepared before facing. Putty is used for this. It is very important to tape all joints plaster mesh, it will increase the strength of the putty layer. Any material can be used as a facing material, the main thing is that it matches the entire interior.

Advantages of a plasterboard box:

  • good appearance;
  • ease of installation.

Disadvantages of a plasterboard box:

  • such a design may take usable area, this will be especially noticeable in a small kitchen;
  • safety precautions may be violated, since the gas pipe is partially closed and access to it is complicated;
  • if inspection or repairs are required gas system, such a structure will be completely dismantled.

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Kitchen furniture as a disguise

The gas pipe can be decorated with kitchen accessories.

You can hide the gas pipe in the kitchen without any problems in the kitchen furniture. Vertical pipes can be easily placed in vertical cabinets, and horizontal ones - along the cabinets. This option will be possible if the furniture is made to order. This is when all communications are taken into account.

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You can also hide the gas meter in this way; it will be located in a wall cabinet. If you plan to place a gas water heater in such a cabinet, it is important to equip a very good ventilation system. Otherwise, this method of masking the heating system cannot be used.

It is important to remember that hanging any furniture or furniture on a gas pipe is strictly prohibited. It is also very important to check the distance between it and wall cabinets, if they are located above the pipe.

Under no circumstances should any pressure from above be applied to the pipe. Therefore, when fixing the cabinets, it is very important to make sure that they are a little higher.

Quite often, a gas pipe can run along the entire wall, moreover, through the apron area, and cover it with furniture or plasterboard box impossible. In this case, you can use a technology such as railing.

Railing is a system designed for hanging various dryers, shelves and other small items. In this case, the pipe will protrude structural element the entire railing system.

In order to make a rail from a pipe, it must be sanded to a shine and coated with paint with a chrome plating effect in several layers. After this, you need to attach various towel hooks above it, kitchen equipment, interesting shelves for spices. It is very important to place such elements above the pipe; under no circumstances should they be installed on the gas pipe itself, this is unacceptable due to safety regulations.

In the midst of a kitchen renovation, you may suddenly have a question about how to hide a gas pipe so that it is not visible, both functionally and aesthetically. The task, at first glance, is not an easy one, because a gasification system on the wall can take up quite a lot of space. Despite this, there are no unsolvable situations for designers. Study their advice and follow one of the examples of masking a gas pipe in your kitchen.

IN modern interiors In kitchens, gas pipes hanging openly on the wall are completely unacceptable. Professionals recommend these possible ways solutions:

  1. Hide the pipe inside the furniture kitchen set. When ordering cabinets for the kitchen, think about which ones to make empty in order to “remove” the pipes. So the gas system will not be visible from the outside, but access to it is open at any time.
  2. The second option is to build a cabinet to hide the pipes manually. Thus, approaches for adjusting the system will also be available, which meets the basic requirements for ensuring proper safety precautions (HS).
  3. Use of mounted metal panels, similar topics, which are used to decorate heating radiators.
  4. Finally, most economical way– decorate the pipes to match the color of the walls with appropriate paint.

When resorting to one or another option for covering gas pipes, remember that under no circumstances should they be sealed tightly without holes, since if a gas leak occurs, this can lead to an explosion.

Another important advice– when using decorative and finishing materials, pay attention to their fire safety.


In order to mount a plasterboard box yourself, you will need the following materials:

  • sheets of plasterboard, it is desirable that the material is resistant to moisture;
  • vertical aluminum profile;
  • self-tapping screws;

The following tools will need to be purchased or rented:

  • electric screwdriver;
  • metal scissors.

The procedure for making a plasterboard box

The progress of work will be as follows:

Then metal carcass covered with plasterboard using the same self-tapping screws.

  1. At the first stage, it is very important to correctly assess the size of the future false cabinet and plan its location.
  2. Where necessary, install a frame of profiles, securely attaching them to the wall with self-tapping screws. Such “skeletal” structures are located along the entire pipe. For greater structural strength, the elements arranged in a U-shape are fastened to each other again with scraps metal profiles. After the metal frame is ready, we move on to working with drywall.
  3. First, you need to carefully measure and record all the distances between the profiles, then draw blanks of the appropriate size on the plasterboard sheets and cut them out.
  4. The final stage is finishing the resulting box. Gaps, unevenness, cracks and other existing defects are eliminated with polyurethane foam. The excess must be cut off.

The surface is leveled with primer and putty, Special attention is given to the joints. You can bring the box to absolute smoothness using sandpaper. Decoration of the entire structure can be done in different ways, in accordance with general concept kitchen interior:

The undeniable advantages of this method of masking gas pipes include:

  • simplicity of box design;
  • cheap materials;
  • aesthetics of the final design.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • decrease usable space in the kitchen;
  • dismantling of the structure in case of repair or change of communications;
  • a blind box would be a violation of safety regulations.

Other original ways to disguise gas pipes

Designers advise owners of kitchens in the newfangled hi-tech, techno, and minimalist styles not to hide the pipes, but, on the contrary, to emphasize them in any way - highlight them with color, shine, chrome, etc. Such a deliberate emphasis on technical elements is a key requirement when designing such functional modern styles.

For those who still can’t wait to hide the gasification system, we advise you to pay attention to such unusual ways camouflage:

The situation when the gas tap is installed at a small height from the floor (up to 1 m) is not uncommon. It is very easy to disguise such pipes - hide them under the countertop. The ability to manipulate the gas valve is ensured thanks to the remote handle.

Two holes are made in the tabletop - one for the gas pipe, the other for the outlet of the tube, which is attached to the valve. A handle is attached to this tube from the outside, which regulates the termination of gas access if necessary. This method allows for maximum use of kitchen space and meets safety requirements.

Quite aesthetic and original version decorating a gas pipe passing over the entire work area– disguise it as a roof rail. In this case, the gas pipe is used as part of a system on which various kitchen accessories are located.

The pipe is cleaned to a shine, and then covered with chrome paint, preferably in several layers. Next, all kinds of hooks for napkins, shelves, baskets, holders for dishes, pendants, etc. are placed above the pipe; fortunately, the range for railing systems today is quite large. Of course, it is impossible to hang heavy structures on a pipe, so they are often attached somewhere very close to the pipe to create the appearance of a solid system. The result is functional and tasteful.

Finally, there are simply a lot of options for decorating, painting, and gluing gas pipes. Starting from simple decoration with pebbles, shells, rhinestones, and ending with the creation of entire trees, the trunk of which is a gas pipe.

Now you know different ways, how to decorate a gas pipe in the kitchen - from a standard plasterboard box to original, original solutions. Which one is suitable for your kitchen is up to you to decide.