Watermelon rind jam. Making candied fruits from watermelon rinds

Today's watermelon rind jam recipe I want to convince everyone that the unexpected purchase of an unripe watermelon with thick walls is not a disaster, but real happiness. Yes Yes exactly. Watermelon rinds that we usually throw away can be turned into a delicious delicacy. Who and when came up with the idea of ​​making such jam remains a mystery. It is believed that the history of its origin should be sought in the east, where watermelons are used as a raw material for the preparation of candied fruits.

Ready watermelon rind jam tastes like zucchini jam. Thick-skinned watermelons are ideal for its preparation. This jam can not only be consumed with gingerbread cookies, buns and loaves, but also used as a layer for cakes, as a filling for rolls and pies.

Ingredients for watermelon rind jam:

  • Watermelon rinds – 1 kg.,
  • Sugar – 500 gr.,
  • Lemon – 1 pc.,
  • Water – 1.5 liters.
  • Soda – 2 teaspoons

Watermelon rind jam - recipe

The first step is to prepare the starting material. In our case, these are watermelon rinds, or rather, their white pulp. Use a knife to cut off the green skin and pink flesh. Cut the crusts into small cubes, preferably not too small, as they will decrease in volume during the cooking process. In addition to cubes, you can make beautiful cuts using a curly knife for cheese and French fries; the result will be beautiful cubes with wavy edges.

The next important stage in preparing jam is soaking it in a soda solution. The soda will help crystallize the pulp and make it glassy during the cooking process. Dissolve baking soda in warm water. Place cubes of watermelon rinds in the soda solution. Leave them for 3 hours. After this time, place the peels in a colander and rinse with clean water. Cover the watermelon rinds with sugar. Stir. Leave the juice to let out for 2-3 hours.

As soon as the sugar has dissolved, you can start cooking the jam.

Place the watermelon rinds and syrup into a saucepan.

Stirring, cook after boiling for 10 minutes. After this, remove the pan from the heat. Let the jam cool completely.

The cooled jam should be boiled again for no more than 10 minutes.

During the last third boil, lemons or oranges are added. The lemon needs to be cut into cubes along with the skin.

Add to the jam and, as in previous cookings, boil for 10 minutes.

Ready-made amber-colored watermelon jam can not only be enjoyed after cooling, but also prepared for the winter.

Just like it should be poured hot into sterile jars. It is advisable to use metal lids for preservation. It is advisable to turn the jars of jam over, wrap them and let them cool. Watermelon rind jam with lemon store in a cold room along with the rest of the preserves.

Watermelon rind jam. Photo

There are a huge number of options from which you can make jam. It can be cooked from fruits and berries familiar to all of us. A dish made from vegetables will be very tasty. Melons and melons cannot be ignored. Watermelons and melons make this delicacy truly delicious.

If you bought a melon and it turned out to be unsweetened, then instead of throwing it away, make jam. It will turn out very tasty and healthy.

Watermelon jam can be prepared when you bought a watermelon and it turned out to be thick-skinned. You can separate the peels from the pulp and make delicious jam from them. A step-by-step recipe for watermelon rind jam is presented in this article.

At the height of the season, it is very common to buy thick-skinned watermelons. Many people throw them away. But why waste so much goodness? The ideal solution is to make jam from them and please yourself and your loved ones with it. This delicacy is very good to combine with pancakes or pancakes. On cold autumn and winter evenings, you can warm up with a mug of hot tea, which goes well with watermelon rind jam.

The jam is distinguished not only by its excellent taste, but also by its beautiful appearance, which will help increase appetite. A properly prepared delicacy should have a transparent and even golden consistency, in which the main ingredient – ​​watermelon rinds – will look very beautiful.

If you are interested in this recipe, then it is better not to hesitate, but to immediately buy a watermelon and try to make jam. If you are worried that you will be dissatisfied with its taste, then you should not prepare it in large quantities. First, cook a little, at least a couple of jars.

Recipe for watermelon rind jam with photo

For it you will need:

  • watermelon rinds;
  • sugar;

Sugar must be calculated depending on the number of watermelon rinds. For one kilogram of sugar you will need one kilogram of crusts.

Cooking method

The first thing you need to do is wash the watermelon thoroughly under running water. This must be done carefully, using soap. After all, the crusts must be clean. Wait a while until the water drains from the watermelon. Next it needs to be cut. Do it the way you are used to. After this, separate the peels from the pulp using a knife. The pulp can be eaten, but the green part must be removed from the rinds. You won't need it to make watermelon jam, so you can safely throw it away.

In the process of separating the pulp from the peels, try to leave a small amount of it on the peel. Thanks to this, you will get tastier jam. It will look much more beautiful too

The second step is to deal with the crusts themselves. After the pulp and green part are removed from them, they will need to be cut into cubes. They should be small in size, approximately two centimeters in length and width. Once you have done this, you will need to determine their weight. By weighing them, you can find out how much sugar you will need for cooking.

Remember: for one kilogram of peeled and chopped watermelon rinds you need to take one kilogram of sugar.

If you do not have the opportunity to determine the weight of the main component, then you can calculate the required amount of sugar to make jam “by eye.” This will not deteriorate its taste and quality. But remember, in this case it is better to overdo it with sugar than to add it in insufficient quantities.

Once you determine the required amount of sugar, you will need to pour it over the diced watermelon rinds. For convenience, it is better to put them in a large wide cup or basin. You can shake it so that the sugar can be evenly distributed. This way they will release the juice much faster. For this purpose, the future food must be put in a cool place. When the watermelon rinds begin to release juice, the sugar will begin to dissolve.

Some housewives prefer to add water to the crusts or cook a syrup consisting of sugar and water. But this step can be completely skipped. After all, we all know that 90% of all watermelon is water. Therefore, adding it in additional quantities makes no sense at all. In addition, many people prefer to eat jam that contains less liquid and more solid. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the watermelon rinds themselves will release a large amount of juice, so there will already be a lot of syrup in the jam.

If you do not add additional water to the jam, its consistency will be more viscous and thick. Otherwise it will be liquid. But if you are a fan of liquid jam, then you can safely add water to watermelon rinds or cook syrup. But remember that you will need to spend much more time cooking. Therefore, only you can decide whether you need it or not.

After this period of time, the contents of the pelvis must be moved. During this action, try not to damage the crusts. The jam will look very beautiful if they are whole.

After this, the resulting mixture must be put on low heat. Thus, the sugar slowly begins to dissolve. If the fire is strong, it will burn. Remember that from time to time you need to carefully stir our future jam.

After all the sugar has dissolved, the jam will gradually boil. From this point on, you can set the heat to medium. Next, foam will begin to form, which will need to be removed periodically.

It is very important to remove foam during cooking. If it remains, it may contribute to its fermentation during storage.

After boiling, let it boil for five minutes and only then turn off the gas. The food should cool on its own. However, it should be stored in a room at room temperature. When it cools down, it will need to be covered with a towel so that it does not become dusty and insects do not end up in the jam.

Leave to infuse for a day. To prevent the towel from falling into the basin, first cover the container with a wire rack taken from the oven, and then you can place the towel on top of it.

After a day has passed, it is necessary to repeat the procedure, that is, bring the jam to a boil again and continue cooking for five minutes. Don’t forget to stir it well and make sure the sugar doesn’t burn. Then it should be infused again for 24 hours.

On the same day, you can wash the jars for future jam and sterilize them. They need to be turned upside down and left there for a while to allow the water to drain.

Varenitsa will need to be boiled on the third day. You need to do everything exactly the same as the first time. It should turn out thick. If it remains liquid, you can boil it again, but for ten minutes. But after this you no longer need to wait a day.

Once your jam has thickened, it can be poured into sterilized glass jars. You need to apply it to the edges of the cans and then screw them on with the lids. The treat should be kept in a cool place, and it is not necessary to use a refrigerator for this purpose.

Watermelon rind jam with lemon and orange

To prepare it you will need :

  • watermelon rinds in the amount of 1 kilogram;
  • lemon in the amount of 1 piece;
  • several medium oranges;
  • sugar in the amount of 1.2 kg.

Cooking method:

Making this jam is also very simple. The method used is the same as in the first recipe. We list only the key points.

First, the peels must be peeled and cut into cubes. Afterwards, they need to be covered with sugar and put in a cool place so that they infuse there for about four hours.

The lemon peel can be peeled with a knife or grated. The same must be done with two oranges. Be sure to grate only the zest itself, without touching the white pulp. If it gets into your treat, it will taste bitter.

After the watermelon rinds release the juice, place the resulting mixture on low heat. It must be stirred periodically without disturbing the integrity of the crusts.

While it's on the stove, you can do the orange. It needs to be peeled, disassembled into slices, and then cut into cubes.

Mix orange and lemon zest together with orange slices. Send this composition to watermelon rinds. You can also add lemon juice there.

You need to prepare the jam in the same way as in the previous recipe, for three days. After it becomes thick and viscous, it can be placed in jars and screwed on with lids.

The finished jam from watermelon rinds with citrus fruits should be stored in a cool place.

Due to the zest of orange and lemon, as well as lemon juice, it acquires a pleasant, slightly sour taste.

Watermelon rind jam in a slow cooker

Ingredients :

  • water – 0.5 kilograms;
  • sugar – 0.5 kilograms;
  • watermelon rinds – 0.5 kilograms.

You need to prepare watermelon rinds in the same way as in the two previous recipes. Next, place them in the multicooker bowl.

Water must be brought to a boil, pour over the crusts and add 300 grams of sugar to them.

On the multicooker, you need to set the “Stew” mode and cook the jam for an hour and a half. But after an hour you will need to add the remaining amount of sugar to it.

If, after the specified time, it does not thicken, then you can continue cooking it in the “Steam” mode for fifteen minutes.

The hot delicacy can be placed in jars and covered with lids.

There are such very simple options for making jam from watermelon rinds. Be sure to try at least one of them.

Enjoy your meal!

Dear hostesses, warm greetings to you!

Now is the hottest watermelon season. Our family loves watermelons very much, and we eat them almost every day.

And, of course, we are left with a lot of crusts from them. Well, shouldn't we throw them away? With a good housewife, everything goes to work!

Therefore, today I offer you my treasured recipes for preparing all sorts of goodies from watermelon rinds.

First of all, this is jam, this is what is easiest to make from crusts. Well, and other equally tasty and healthy sweets, such as marmalade and candied fruits. Be sure to try it!

To make it easier for you to navigate the article and find the recipe you need quickly, use the links in the box:

Watermelon rinds for the winter - the simplest recipe

This is a five-minute recipe with proofing time, during which you can do your own thing, and a minimum of ingredients.

It is very simple and does not require long cooking, it preserves vitamins. And it is also very, very tasty!

This jam turns out thick, viscous, the slices of watermelon in it remain whole, candied and crispy.

And we will cook it without water. This is his secret.

A lot of recipes suggest adding water during the cooking process, which entails a long process of evaporating it to the desired thickness, and a correspondingly long cooking time.

But by the way, watermelon itself is very watery, and this moisture is quite enough for us. And we’ll save time and save vitamins!


  • Watermelon rinds – 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg


First you need to eat a whole watermelon! We eat the peels to the green pulp and do not throw them away, fold them.

If you don't gain the kilogram specified in the recipe, it's not a big deal.

The main thing is to maintain a 1:1 ratio with sugar.

That is, if you have 800 g of crusts, then you will need the same amount of sugar - 800 g.

Everything is quite simple, and we don’t need anything else.

The crusts need to be rid of the dark green striped skin, cut it off. And cut the green pulp into arbitrary pieces.

It’s okay if a little red pulp remains; on the contrary, it will give us more syrup. And even more beauty and taste.

Some people soak watermelon pieces in water and baking soda to help them retain their shape. But, to be honest, these are also unnecessary movements.

The watermelon pieces will still retain their structure due to the fact that the cooking time will be much shorter.

So just sprinkle them with sugar, stir until everything is well mixed and leave in a cool place for 4-6 hours.

While they lie there, our crusts will release juice. After the specified time has passed, put them on low heat.

When heated, the release of liquid will occur even more intensely.

Our task is to mix it all well with a wooden spatula so that the sugar dissolves well and does not burn.

A little more and our jam will begin to boil. Increase the heat to medium and cook for only 5 minutes.

During cooking, foam will actively form. It must be removed, so the jam will be remarkably transparent and will be stored longer.

Turn off and let cool at room temperature and leave to infuse for 24 hours.

After which we repeat the entire procedure. Bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 5 minutes and turn off. And again it rests with us for 24 hours.

Boil it a third time and put it in sterilized jars while it’s still hot.

Fill to the very brim and seal. Usually 3 boilings are enough for the desired condition; do not forget that when the jam cools, it will become even more viscous.

But if suddenly the watermelon is very juicy and gives a lot of water, the number of boils can be increased to obtain the desired viscosity.

It turns out to be such a wonderful amber color, it tastes extraordinary!

Homemade watermelon rind jam with lemon

Another simple recipe. Jam made from watermelon rinds with wonderful lemon sourness!

What’s great about this recipe is that it requires minimal proofing. This means that it cooks even faster.


  • Watermelon rind - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 900 gr
  • Lemon - 1 pc.


Chop the watermelon pulp without the peel into cubes. They should be small so that they can cook in a fairly short time.

Add sugar to them and mix gently. Let it sit for 2-3 hours and release the juice.

After this time, the sugar will dissolve and there will be enough syrup for cooking. When you put it all on the fire, more moisture will be added.

Therefore, we do not need additional water.

But look at the situation, if the watermelon you get is thin-walled and not at all juicy, you can add a little if it seems like it’s not enough.

Over low heat, stirring, bring to a boil. Let it simmer for 10 minutes. At this time we remove the foam.

The future jam boiled for 10 minutes - turn it off. Let it stand until completely cooled at room temperature.

This may take several hours, but not a whole day as in the previous recipe.

You will need to repeat the entire procedure two more times. In total, we should have three boils for 10 minutes each, and between them the procedures for complete cooling - proofing.

During the last boil, add the sliced ​​lemon.

Cook for 10 minutes and while it’s hot, immediately put it into sterile jars. Let's roll up.

This is such a fragrant, beautiful jam. To be honest, not the entire pan ends up in jars for seaming.

It happens that part of the jam is eaten right during the cooking process!

Or you can set aside some to use right away. It's very tasty! The lemon adds some zest to it.

Watermelon rind jam with orange

This is another variation of crust jam. This time with orange and a bright citrus flavor!


  • Watermelon rinds – 1 kg
  • Oranges – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • Zest of 2 lemons


As in previous recipes, we crumble the crust into cubes. And let it sit for 4 hours with sugar.

Take the zest of one lemon.

In the same way, remove the zest from two oranges. Be careful not to touch the white flesh, as... she is bitter and better without her.

Meanwhile, the crusts have already released their juice and the sugar has melted.

Place them on the stove and bring to a boil, stirring.

Peel the oranges and cut the segments into pieces. Together with the zest of lemon and oranges, place them in the jam.

Cook everything together for 10 minutes over medium heat. Turn off and let cool.

Then we repeat again - boil and cool.

We do this 3 times. You can do more if you want it thicker.

Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up.

Jam from watermelon rinds for the winter in a slow cooker

Recipe adapted for a slow cooker. Suitable for busy housewives.

While you are minding your own business, your jam will be cooked almost without your participation.

You just need to load everything you need into the bowl!


  • Watermelon rinds - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 700 gr


Cover the watermelon pieces with sugar and let them stand for a couple of hours to release the juice.

Place the mixture into the multicooker bowl. Turn on jam mode.

If you have a multicooker other than Polaris, then the “Stewing” or “Cooking” mode may be suitable.

Set the timer for 1 hour. While the jam is cooking, stir it periodically and remove the foam.

In an hour our delicacy is ready. Well, just a minimum of effort, just press one button.

Still, this multicooker is a very convenient thing!

Watermelon rind marmalade

It's so delicious! When you eat, don't swallow your fingers!

What I also like is that it is homemade, without chemicals. Healthy and natural.


  • Crusts – 1 kg
  • Sugar 1 kg
  • Water 1 l
  • 1/2 tsp citric acid


Cooking marmalade is very different from making jam.

First of all, we cut the crusts themselves coarsely. During the cooking and drying process they will decrease by three times.

Therefore, in approximately these fairly large pieces, you can safely leave some of the red pulp. The finished marmalade will have a pinkish tint, very beautiful.

So, we fill a saucepan full of watermelon with plain water. We don’t add sugar yet; we’ll just cook it in water for the first time.

Cook for 15 minutes. Then drain the water through a colander.

After cooking, the watermelon pieces should become opaque like this.

And we send our already boiled crusts into syrup.

In it, our crusts will begin to sugar up and become translucent.

Cook for 15 minutes and turn off. Let stand for 4 hours. Then bring it to a boil again and cook for another 15 minutes.

5 minutes before the end of the last cooking, add half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Place the contents of the saucepan in a colander and strain. The syrup goes away, but pieces of watermelon remain.

They are already soft, soaked in sweet syrup.

While they are wet, roll them in sugar.

Then place it on a paper towel. The marmalade needs to dry and cool.

It turns out so awesome. The kids love it too! A good replacement for unhealthy sweets.

The refreshing taste of watermelon is familiar to everyone, and everyone is looking forward to the ripening season of this berry, but not many melon lovers have tried watermelon jam. This delicacy is prepared in two ways. In the first, the pulp of the berry is used, resulting in a homogeneous and tender product. In the second, the raw material is watermelon rinds. In the finished jam, they turn into aromatic candied fruits or candied slices.

To prepare classic thick jam from watermelon pulp, which can even become a filling for pies and buns, you need to maintain the following proportions of ingredients:

  • 1000 g of ripe (but not overripe) watermelon pulp, without seeds or peel;
  • 800 g sugar;
  • 3 g citric acid or 15 ml lemon juice;
  • 3-4 g vanilla powder or equivalent vanilla sugar.

Cooking recipe step by step:

  1. Cut the washed watermelon into slices, cut off the peel and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into arbitrary medium-sized pieces. Add ½ part of sugar and leave for a couple of hours so that the watermelon releases its juice.
  2. Strain the released liquid into another vessel and put on fire. After bringing to a boil, add the remaining sugar and cook until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the hot syrup over the pulp and boil it for five minutes after boiling. Next, remove from heat and soak overnight in syrup. Although watermelon has juicy pulp, it has veins that can only be softened by keeping it in syrup for a certain number of hours.
  4. Add citric acid (juice) and vanillin to the cooled jam, then boil it to the desired consistency and roll up the lids, pouring into sterile jars.

With added spices and liqueur

From juicy watermelon you can prepare aromatic and thick jam with the addition of spices and liqueur, for which you use:

  • 1000 g watermelon pulp;
  • 1000 g crystal sugar;
  • ½ medium lemon (juice);
  • 2 clove inflorescences;
  • 10-12 g ginger;
  • 3 g vanilla;
  • 20-30 ml of light liqueur or rum.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Allow the chopped watermelon pulp to release its juice. To do this, cut it into pieces, cover it with sugar and leave for 60 minutes.
  2. After this, boil the watermelon in its own juice for 15 minutes after boiling. Remove the pulp slices and continue cooking the syrup. It needs to be boiled down to 1/3 of the original volume.
  3. After boiling the syrup for 20 minutes, squeeze lemon juice into it, and after another 10 minutes, add a gauze bag with spices.
  4. Return the watermelon to the thick boiled syrup and pour in the liqueur. Boil the preparation for 10 minutes, remove the spices and you can start canning in prepared sterile jars.

Simple recipe with lemon juice

For a refreshing watermelon jam with lemon juice you need:

  • 400 g diced watermelon pulp;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 250 ml of drinking water;
  • 1 lemon.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour 50 ml of water into a saucepan with watermelon pulp and boil the mixture for approximately thirty minutes after boiling until the pulp becomes soft.
  2. Mix lemon juice with 200 ml of remaining water, 200 g of sugar and cook a thick syrup that should stretch into threads.
  3. Add sugar to the already soft watermelon pulp and continue cooking, stirring. When all the crystals have dissolved, pour in the prepared syrup and add chopped lemon zest.
  4. Cook the jam for another 40 minutes, and then pack it hot into clean and sterile jars.

Watermelon rind marmalade

This delicacy is not suitable for long-term storage for the winter, but with this marmalade recipe you can deliciously “recycle” the watermelon rinds that remain after making jam.

For one serving of dessert you will need:

  • 500 g prepared watermelon rinds;
  • 600 g granulated sugar;
  • 300 ml of drinking water;
  • ½ medium lemon (juice and zest);
  • 5-7 g baking soda.


  1. Cut the rinds, cleared of juicy pulp and hard green shell, into small pieces. You can do this beautifully using a figured knife.
  2. Soak the raw materials for 5-6 hours in a solution of a liter of water and baking soda. After soaking, rinse thoroughly, placing the colander with the crusts under running water.
  3. Place the crusts in a thick-walled pan, add half the recipe amount of sugar and pour in water. The liquid should only slightly cover the crusts. Boil the contents of the pan for 15 minutes, then soak the crusts in the syrup for 12 hours.
  4. Repeat boiling and soaking in syrup again. Cook for the third time, adding the remaining sugar, juice and lemon zest. Let it simmer for 5-10 minutes, then remove it from the sieve, and when the syrup has completely drained and the marmalade has dried a little, roll it in sugar.

Watermelon rinds are able to absorb taste, color and aroma like a sponge, so during the last boiling you can add food coloring and flavorings (vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, orange zest and others) to the syrup.

With pectin for the winter

Pectin is a thickener of plant origin that makes berries and fruits sticky and dense, turning them into jams and marmalade. But watermelon cannot boast of a high pectin content, so you can make thick jam by adding the component during cooking.

To make thick jam from watermelon pulp for the winter with pectin, you need to prepare:

  • 500 g pulp without seeds and peel;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 3 g vanilla;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 20 g of pectin-based jam thickener.

Cooking method:

  1. After the watermelon pulp mixed with sugar releases juice (this will take one to two hours), you can begin the actual preparation.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and simmer for five to seven minutes. Then cool completely. Repeat the procedure again.
  3. Add vanilla and lemon juice as a pectin thickener to the chilled jam. Stir everything well with a wooden spatula and bring to a boil again. Cook for another five minutes and seal in sterile jars.

Watermelon jam with orange

Orange is often added to various berries, fruits and even vegetables when making jam. The orange fruit is used, usually with the peel. To make it soft in jam, you need to choose fresh fruits with a thick rind.

For watermelon-orange jam you will need:

  • 1500 g watermelon pulp without seeds and peel;
  • 1000 g sugar;
  • 3 oranges.

Cook the jam in the following sequence:

  1. Place the prepared watermelon pulp, cut into small cubes, into a saucepan. Send crushed oranges to it. They are cut into cubes along with the peel. In the finished jam it will look like candied fruit.
  2. Cover the berries and fruits with sugar and leave for a while (half an hour is enough). After this, boil the mixture, let it simmer for a quarter of an hour and cool.
  3. Repeat the boiling procedure a total of three times and roll the jam into prepared sterile jars for long-term storage.

In a slow cooker

In just a few hours it will be possible to cook watermelon jam in the modern assistant of every housewife - a multicooker. It is worth noting that this preparation is quite liquid (more like pulp in syrup) and can be stored for several months.

Product proportions:

  • 500 g watermelon pulp;
  • 500 g granulated sugar;
  • 3-4 g of citric acid.

Cooking in a slow cooker:

  1. Place pieces of watermelon pulp in a multi-pan and cover with sugar. Leave for two hours to release the juice.
  2. Next, cook using the “Stew” option for 60 minutes. 5-10 minutes before the signal about the end of the process, add citric acid.
  3. Transfer the finished hot jam into sterile jars, roll up with iron lids and cool, placing them upside down.

Watermelon rind jam

Having bought a thick-skinned watermelon at the market, most are disappointed, but this is not a reason to be upset.

The thick rind of watermelon can become a delicious jam, for which you need to take:

  • 1 kg of watermelon rinds;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 7 g citric acid;
  • 540 ml water for syrup.

Cooking technology:

  1. Prepare watermelon rinds. Since only their white part will go into jam, the pulp and green crust must be trimmed off. Cut the white part of the peel into small cubes and rinse under running water.
  2. Boil two liters of water and dissolve 4 g of citric acid in them. Blanch the peels in the resulting solution for 5-6 minutes, then immediately immerse them in ice water for 2-3 minutes and drain in a colander.
  3. Make syrup from water and sugar. While it is hot, transfer the blanched peels into it and leave for 6-8 hours. After this exposure, bring the jam to a boil, boil for 3-4 minutes and leave it alone again for 6-8 hours.
  4. Return the jam to the heat and boil for another 3-4 minutes, but with 3 g of citric acid. This should be followed by a third exposure (again 6-8 hours). After this, the crusts are cooked for 10-15 minutes and sealed in sterile jars. Watermelon rind jam is ready.

Whatever recipe for watermelon jam the housewife decides to prepare, you need to remember Its essential ingredient is citric acid or lemon juice. These products act as natural preservatives and will add a pleasant sourness to the preparation, removing excess cloying.

Watermelons are a summer delicacy that children and many adults enjoy with pleasure. Most often, the crusts are thrown away, without even suspecting that they can be used to make something that will certainly become a real decoration not only for home tea, but also for a festive feast. The composition of jam made from watermelon rinds is rich in useful substances and does not cause allergies, so it is recommended even for children to use it.

It is recommended to use watermelons with a thick rind at home for preparing preserves. You should not worry about the taste of the jam; it does not resemble the striped berry in any way. The taste is unusual, especially if you add spices or citrus fruits.

It is not easy to cook unusual jam correctly; it is recommended to use proven recipes in which the main ingredient is watermelon rinds. It is better to prepare jam in a minimum amount of time - with prolonged treatment at hot temperatures, the raw material loses not only its beneficial qualities, but also its taste.

The main rule that should be followed when preparing dessert from watermelon rinds for the winter is not to start canning too early. The most suitable season is midsummer. If you purchase unripe fruits or striped giants stuffed with harmful substances, you will hardly be able to extract any benefit from them - even heat treatment is not able to destroy nitrates or excess fertilizers.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Preparing the main component of the workpiece is not difficult, although there are several tricks that are recommended to be used in preservation. You should only use fresh watermelon rinds for jam - even if they sit for a little while, they will acquire a rather unpleasant smell.

This will also affect storage - the product will quickly deteriorate.

Before preparing the crust, rinse with plenty of water and then soak in a soda solution. This process will improve the crispiness of the raw material. The jam will resemble thick honey with hard, crispy slices floating in it. It is simple to prepare the solution - dissolve soda (20 g) in warm water (1 l) and pour the liquid over the main component of the workpiece, previously dried on a napkin.

The duration of soaking is two hours. During this time, stir the raw material several times, allowing it to soak evenly.

Watermelon rind jam for the winter, the simplest recipe

The simplest recipe includes only two ingredients - peels and sugar. If the watermelon was purchased at the market, it is recommended to wash the surface with warm water and soap and rinse thoroughly. When making jam, you should keep in mind that the most delicious delicacy will be if you leave a little red pulp.

Step-by-step recipe for preparing a fragrant delicacy:

  1. Remove the green part from each peel, cut into arbitrary slices (most often the cutting is done in small cubes).
  2. The ingredients are taken in equal parts, you can do this by eye, but it is better to weigh the crusts first - this will allow you to measure the required amount of sugar.
  3. Place the mixture in a cool place and wait until the juice begins to stand out.
  4. Cook the preserved food in one go. Cooking time is half an hour.

Send the prepared product into a container sterilized in boiling water and seal. Cool under a blanket - it will not allow it to cool quickly and will successfully cope with sterilization, maintaining a high temperature of the jam.

Watermelon rind jam in a slow cooker

If you don’t have time to prepare jam for a long time, you can use a multicooker, which will avoid lengthy stirring of the mass. The only thing you should not forget about is to periodically remove the foam, which can cause rapid spoilage of the finished product. Usually simple jam is prepared in a slow cooker, to which you add a little acid or lemon juice.


  1. Cut the watermelon rind into cubes (1.2 kg).
  2. Place the raw materials in a slow cooker and add sugar (1 kg).
  3. Squeeze the juice from 3 lemon slices directly into the mixture (replace 5 g of acid if necessary).
  4. Cook without insisting, do it in the “Baking” mode.
  5. Cooking time is an hour. If the watermelon slices are too large, increase the cooking time slightly.

Place the watermelon delicacy in containers, which are recommended to be pre-sterilized in a hot oven. Seal, cool in a warm place (under a blanket, blanket).

Watermelon peel jam with orange

A delicious delicacy that exudes an alluring citrus aroma can be easily prepared from peels with the addition of oranges. This preparation is usually used as an independent dish on the festive table - it will fully replace dessert, especially if you serve freshly baked buns. Do not soak before cooking - even without a soda solution, the watermelon rind will not lose its crunchy qualities.


  1. Cut the watermelon rind into long strips (you will need 1.3 kg).
  2. Pour in a little water, boil the mixture for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Combine sugar (1.3 kg) and water (650 ml), rub the zest from one orange into the liquid, then squeeze out the juice.
  4. Put the syrup on the fire, bring to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. Combine the peel and syrup and cook everything together for a quarter of an hour.
  6. During the boiling process, remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

Spoon the hot mass into prepared containers with a large spoon (it is recommended to first place them in the oven for sterilization). It is not necessary to cap it, it is not necessary to send it under a blanket for cooling; you can immediately send it to a cool basement.

Watermelon rind jam with lemon

Preservation, in which the main ingredient is watermelon peel, is quite sweet and sugary, so many housewives prefer to cook it with the addition of sour ingredients. Lemon is often used for this, which adds its piquant sourness and improves the aroma of the product.


  1. Cut the peels (2 kg) soaked in a solution with the addition of soda into bars or large cubes.
  2. Boil sweet molasses (combine and bring to a boil 1.5 kg of sugar and 600 ml of water).
  3. Pour the boiled sweet solution over the crust cubes and leave for half an hour.
  4. Place the container with the watermelon mixture over high heat.
  5. Grate one large lemon into the mixture, do not peel, use the citrus along with the skin.
  6. If there is no lemon, it is recommended to replace it with citric acid (10 g).
  7. Stir and cook, regularly skimming off the foam, for 35 minutes.

Place the prepared jam in a glass container. It is not recommended to cap it immediately; to extend the shelf life, sterilize the preservation. The duration of the process is a quarter of an hour.

After capping, be sure to place the containers with jam on a flat, flat surface and first turn them over. To prolong cooling, use a warm blanket. It is recommended to take it out for storage only after 24 hours. It is important that containers with jam are hermetically sealed - careless attitude to this important process can cause rapid spoilage of the preserves.

A simple secret will help you check the tightness of the closure. To do this, when turning the cans over, place a clean sheet of paper under them. If stains remain on it after cooling, this indicates that there is no tightness, you need to re-sterilize and only then roll up the containers.

Storing jam

The main rule that must be followed when storing jam made from watermelon peel is to send it immediately after cooking into jars and roll it up, making sure it is sealed. Only after complete cooling is it recommended to send for storage. Preservation should always be at the same cool temperature.

Even slight fluctuations in temperature can cause damage to the finished product. It is recommended to place it in the refrigerator immediately after preparing the treat. On the bottom shelf, the product feels great and will not lose its taste and beneficial qualities for a long time - up to a year.

If a fall is used for storage, you will have to regularly check the quality of the jam. Carefully inspect the surface of the preservation - if signs of mold appear on it, immediately open the jars and collect the spoiled mass. Place everything that has not spoiled into a saucepan, put it on low heat, wait until it boils and cook for a quarter of an hour. Be sure to stir the mixture vigorously to prevent burning.