Quince jam proportions. Quince jam is the most delicious recipe for the winter. Original recipe for quince and orange jam

The number of lovers of fresh quince can be counted on one hand, because this fruit has a tart taste, and it itself is very hard; the fruit is also not easy to process. But quince jam, like a piece of sunshine locked in a jar, is considered a real oriental delicacy that brings enormous benefits to the body.

Useful properties of quince jam

In folk medicine, yellow fruits can save a person from a whole list of diseases and ailments, provide the body with such necessary substances as pyridoxine (B6), thiamine (B1), ascorbic acid (C), nicotinic (B3) and pantothenic (B5), as well as riboflavin (B2).

That's why lovers traditional medicine It is very often used for medicinal purposes:

  1. The high content of pectin will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthen the liver.
  2. Fiber will ensure the normalization of metabolism.
  3. In addition, quince is rich in natural sugar - fructose and glucose, vitamins B, C and P, salts, organic acids and trace elements.
  4. The tannins contained in the fruits have hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Quince jam It has diuretic properties and is recommended for use for cystitis.
  6. It will help cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon as toxicosis;
  7. Eating jam is recommended for those whose bodies are weakened by illness, thanks to useful workpiece, you will quickly get enough of minerals, vitamins and return to normal.
  8. For colds, quince jam is used as an antipyretic.

The calorie content of this product is influenced by the chosen recipe and the amount of sugar that was added, but on average it is not considered too high - 273 kcal per 100 g. However, it is not recommended to consume jam in large portions; a few spoons per day are enough.

The qualities of fruits can be used in cooking for a wide variety of purposes. For example, prepare a side dish for almost any meat dish, cook a magnificent compote with an unusually thick structure. We recommend making a few jars of delicious quince jam to please your body and soul this winter.

Quince jam - recipe with photo

How to arrange " general cleaning» of the body, improve its health and maintain youth? Such unique fruits as quince can provide the necessary set of measures. The pectins of this magical product can be compared to the work of a vacuum cleaner.

Only in this case, the “unit” created by nature is designed to rid a person of his waste products, waste and toxins, and at the same time establish intestinal motility. Yellow fruit jam can provide people with hormones of pleasure and happiness.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 12 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 2 servings


  • Quince: 4 pcs.
  • Sugar: 1 kg
  • Lemon juice: 2 desserts. l.

Cooking instructions

The most delicious quince jam

There are several techniques for preparing quince jam, most of them involve alternating processes of cooking and cooling and take quite a lot of time. Our proposed version of a tasty and aromatic delicacy is prepared relatively quickly, while still being just as fragrant and healthy.

  • quince fruits – 2 pcs. (1 kg);
  • white sugar – 1 kg.

To make jam, it is preferable to use an enamel bowl, a thick-bottomed pan or a basin (if you are using a double/triple portion). Please note that quince fruits are dense and heavy and there will be only 2 pieces per 1 kg.

Cooking steps the most delicious and aromatic quince jam:

  1. Like any other fruit, before starting cooking, carefully wash the quince fruits and wipe them.
  2. Cut the fruit into quarters, remove the core and seeds. Be prepared that this process will require some force, since quince is difficult to cut.
  3. Cut each quarter into thin strips or small size cubes.
  4. Place the quince pieces in a deep saucepan and fill with water until the fruits are covered. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, then reduce the heat intensity and continue cooking for another quarter of an hour. Until the fruits become soft.
  5. Turning off the heat, use a slotted spoon to remove the quince pieces. We do not drain the water in which they were boiled yet.
  6. Rinse the bowl in which the jam will be cooked directly. Pour sugar into it, pour in the quince decoction remaining after the previous step, at the rate of 0.2 liters per 1 kg of sugar. If desired, you can make a tasty and healthy drink from the remaining liquid by sweetening it and boiling it.
  7. Place a bowl of sugar filled with quince decoction on the fire and make syrup. After the sugar has dissolved, continue to boil for about a quarter of an hour. The finished syrup will not foam, will become transparent, and if you drop a little onto a clean plate, it will not spread.
  8. Continuing to boil the syrup, add boiled quince to it, stir thoroughly and leave until boiling. Remove the foam formed during the process (there should be a lot of it), otherwise long-term storage You can’t count on ready-made jam.
  9. By the end of cooking, the quince jam will become amber in color; its readiness is checked, just like the syrup.
  10. Turn off the stove and immediately pour into sterile, completely dry inside jars.

This recipe will become your favorite thanks to its sweetness, aroma and sourness given by lemon. Prepare a set of ingredients in advance for its preparation:

  • 1 kg of quince already peeled and cut into slices;
  • 3-3.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 1 lemon;
  • vanillin to taste;
  • any nuts or a mixture of them - about 1 cup.

Cooking delicious jam with nuts according to the following steps:

  1. Mix water with sugar and prepare syrup;
  2. After it boils, add quince slices, boil for about 5 minutes, then remove from heat and leave for 12 hours.
  3. We put the jam on the second round of cooking. The sequence is the same: 5 minutes of cooking - 12 hours of rest.
  4. Remove the zest from the lemon. We cut the citrus itself into thin slices, be sure to remove the bones.
  5. Dry the peeled nuts in a frying pan and crush them not very finely.
  6. For the third time, put the quince jam on the fire, add the zest, citrus slices and crushed nuts. Boil for a quarter of an hour and pour into sterile jars.

How to make quince jam with lemon?

Quince and lemon are a surprisingly tasty and complementary tandem. And the resulting jam will be a real salvation in winter, which is rich in colds.

For 1 kg quince you will need:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. water.

Cooking steps quince jam with lemon:

  1. Under hot water We thoroughly wash each quince fruit and wipe it dry with a clean towel.
  2. Remove the core from the quince cut in half, cut it into pieces 2 cm wide, and place in a pan of suitable volume.
  3. Mix with sugar and leave for 2-3 hours so that the fruits release juice. Sometimes it may happen that there will not be very much juice, this usually happens if the quince is not too ripe, you can add about 200 ml of water.
  4. Place the bowl with quince on the stove, after boiling, boil for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove from heat and let cool completely.
  5. We repeat the procedure described in the previous paragraph at least three times until the jam acquires a pleasant amber hue, and the pieces of the fruit themselves become transparent.
  6. Before the last boil, add lemon, chopped in a blender, into the jam.
  7. Pour the still hot quince jam into jars

Recipe for quince jam in slices

Quince slices in jam prepared according to the recipe described below will not spread, but will retain their own integrity.

They will remain a little hard in taste, but this fact will only add additional charm to your preservation, because the fruit slices will look like candied fruits.

The proportions of the dish are standard for jams: 1:1, respectively, sugar and fresh, ripe fruits without dents or signs of rot, as well as 1.5 cups of clean water.

Preparation clear quince jam in slices

  1. We cut our fruit into pieces, remove the skin, remove the core. All this can be safely thrown away. Cut the fruit into thin slices, no more than 1 cm thick.
  2. Place the chopped quince in a convenient saucepan and add water until the fruit is completely covered.
  3. Boil the quince for about half an hour, then remove it with a slotted spoon. Filter the remaining water through cheesecloth and pour it back into the pan to prepare the syrup.
  4. Mix the quince decoction with sugar, which we introduce gradually, stirring.
  5. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add quince to the syrup, mix and cook until boiling. Then reduce the heat and continue to simmer for another 45 minutes, stirring occasionally wooden spoon. Make sure that the slices do not boil over; if the boil is too strong, turn off the heat under the jam, let it cool for half an hour, and then continue.

The readiness of the syrup is checked the usual method. After the jam is ready, pour it into sterile jars.

How to make quince jam in a slow cooker?

The basic ingredients of quince jam remain the same, even if you decide to prepare it in an indispensable kitchen assistant - a multicooker. The proportions of quince and sugar are 1:1, this ratio is optimal.

Cooking steps quince jam in a slow cooker:

  1. As in previous recipes, wash and cut the quince into slices, after removing the core.
  2. Place the fruit slices in a container of a suitable size in layers, sprinkling each with sugar. Leave it to release juice for a couple of days. In the morning and evening, do not forget to shake the contents of the pan. This will allow the sugar to distribute evenly.
  3. Place the mixture that has released the juice into the multicooker bowl, prepare the jam with open lid on the “Quenching” mode for half an hour.
  4. After complete cooling, start “Stewing” again for a quarter of an hour. Repeat the procedure several times until the syrup is ready. Place the jam into sterile jars.

Simple and quick quince jam - the recipe couldn’t be simpler

We offer you a recipe for a unique jam that combines two of nature’s healthiest autumn gifts. An additional advantage is that the cooking process takes very little time, because the jam is cooked in one step.

Required ingredients:

  • 0.4 kg pumpkin;
  • 0.3 kg each of quince and sugar.

Cooking steps the fastest and simple recipe quince jam:

  1. We wash the peeled pumpkin and cut it into slices; we do the same with the quince, from which we first remove the seed pod.
  2. Mix both main ingredients and add sugar. Let it brew for a few hours and release the juice.
  3. Place the sweet quince-pumpkin mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, then reduce the flame to half and simmer for another 30 minutes.
  4. Pour the still boiling jam into sterile jars and seal. Or the already cooled jam can be covered with plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator.

To obtain the perfect transparent, amber and unusually aromatic quince jam, remember a few rules:

  1. If you sprinkle quince slices with sugar and leave it overnight, it will release more juice, and the jam itself will end up being much tastier.
  2. It is better to choose a thick-walled stainless steel or enameled bowl or basin for cooking.
  3. When cooking in a multicooker, to obtain a more liquid jam, use the “Stew” and “Cooking” modes, and if you prefer jams, cook in the “Baking” mode. True, in the latter case, so that the syrup does not burn and form a crust at the bottom, you will often have to stir.
  4. If you want quince jam to last longer, add fresh lemon or citric acid, they will act as a preservative.
  5. Ready-made quince jam serves as an excellent filling for sweet pastries, as an addition to tea or as a topping for pancakes and pancakes.

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To prepare delicious jam from ripe quince fruits for the winter, you should not forget that the ripening season for these fruits is August-October. Quince simultaneously resembles the taste of apple and pear. This is one of those fruits that requires heat treatment, fortunately, many culinary delights can be prepared from quince. It makes especially excellent jam.

The first thing that comes to mind when you have several buckets of fresh quince at home is to make delicious jam from it for the winter. The sweetest and most delicious variety of this fruit is Portuguese. This fruit, brought into the house, requires almost instantaneous heat treatment.

If you come across a quince with a thick skin and fluff, then it must be cut off before cooking. It is also worth using a sharp knife, since quince fruits are quite hard. The peel can be used to prepare syrup, which should be sent to the peeled fruits, and the skins should be thrown away.

It is worth knowing: you need to remove the seeds from quince - they contain toxic substances.

How to choose quince for jam

In addition to the sweet Portuguese variety, there are Japanese, Chinese and Bengal quinces; they are rare in the Russian Federation. At the market or on your own, you need to choose the most saturated fruits bright color. The fruit should not have dents, spots or other defects.

In terms of hardness, the fruits should not be stone-like, but moderately dense. Ripe quince exudes pleasant aroma. If you keep unripe fruits in the refrigerator for a while, they will ripen and become softer.

How to make quince jam with lemon?

If you prepare quince jam with the addition of lemon according to all the rules and recommendations, its taste will be truly tempting. For delicious jam you will need 6 kilograms of quince fruits, the same amount of granulated sugar, 4 lemons, half a liter of water. It is also worth noting that the jam will take 4 days to prepare.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peeled fruits without skins and grains first into quarters and then into pieces 1 centimeter wide.
  2. Pour water into a copper basin and put it on the fire. Gradually add sugar to boiling water until it is completely dissolved. The liquid must be stirred all the time until it turns into syrup. Now you can add quince slices into it and mix thoroughly. Cover the sugared fruit with a lid or towel. Place in a cool, dark place for a day.
  3. Remove the fruit slices from the bowl and put the syrup itself on the fire. Do the same procedure as last time and leave them for a day.
  4. The next day, you need to cut the lemons into slices, removing the seeds from them, 1 centimeter at a time.
  5. Remove the quince from the syrup again, which needs to be brought to a boil. Then add slices and citruses to it again. Mix, put in dark place for 24 hours.
  6. The next day, put the jam on low heat and boil. The boiling process should take half an hour.
  7. Pour the jam into jars and seal with iron lids. You can also turn the jars over and wrap them in a blanket.

Recipe for quince jam in slices

Simple and quick recipe for making quince jam is suitable for those who do not have free time for the 4-day option. You will need ripe aromatic quince - about one kilogram, the same amount of sugar and one glass of clean water.

  1. Quince, cut into slices, must be blanched with water for half an hour.
  2. Pour the fruit broth into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Gradually add sugar and stir until the liquid turns into syrup.
  3. Place quince slices into the syrup. It is recommended to put the jam in a dark, cool place for 24 hours, then boil for half an hour and roll into jars. You can also not wait, but boil it immediately and close it.

In a slow cooker

Quince cooked in a slow cooker will become an excellent jam for the winter if you follow this simple and uncomplicated recipe:

  1. Peel a kilogram of quince from seeds and skins, cut into slices. Place the pieces in a saucepan and add 1 kilogram of sugar. Stir and place in a cool place for 12 hours until the fruits release juice.
  2. Transfer the slices with juice to a slow cooker. To speed up the cooking process, you can set the “baking” mode for 30-40 minutes. When the jam is ready, you can boil it again for 20 minutes.
  3. The finished jam should be rolled into jars or served immediately as a dessert.

With walnuts

Unusual recipe, which will definitely be appreciated by friends and family. This jam has a pleasant nutty-quince aroma that is hard to resist. The recipe requires 1 kilogram of fruit, 800 grams of granulated sugar, 1 glass of water, 60 grams of walnuts, a bag of vanillin.


  1. When the fruit is cut into slices and the syrup is already prepared, they need to be mixed together and boiled for 20 minutes. Let the jam sit for 12 hours. Then boil again.
  2. Walnuts need to be cut into small pieces. Add it to quince jam along with a bag of vanilla sugar. Mix thoroughly and boil for 15 minutes. Distribute the jam into jars and roll up.

With orange

Quince goes well with citrus fruits. The recipe for quince jam with oranges will lift your spirits even on the gloomiest autumn or winter day. You will need 2 kilograms of quince, 1 ripe large orange, a kilogram of sugar, 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon.

  1. Combine quince cut into slices with an orange passed through a meat grinder. Add sugar to the fruits, mix and place them in a cool, dark place for 2-3 hours to release the juice.
  2. Place the fruits and juice in a saucepan and place over low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 40 minutes. Add cinnamon to the jam and cook for another 10 minutes.
  3. Distribute the jam into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

With apples

Quince and apple combine perfectly in taste. The jam made from these fruits is not only unforgettably aromatic, but also incredibly tasty. To prepare this dessert you will need: 1 kilogram of ripe quince, 500 grams of apples, 1 glass of water, kilogram of sugar.


  1. Wash all fruits, remove skins and seeds, cut into slices.
  2. Combine apples with quince and cover them with sugar. Let it brew for 4-5 hours until the juice appears.
  3. Place the jam on low heat, add water to it and cook for an hour.
  4. In the finished jam, the fruit should be soft. Roll into jars.

Storage Features

To save everything positive traits quince jam for autumn and winter, it is recommended to store jars in dark room without access sun rays. Suitable temperature: +10-15 degrees. You can store the jam in the cellar, refrigerator or in a special cabinet for twists.

Important: if the jam is candied, it is recommended to add 1-2 tablespoons of water to it.

You can also place the jar in a saucepan with cold water and heat it up slightly. Then remove the jar from the water and seal it with a clean lid.


Try making a delicacy like quince jam to surprise your family on a holiday or just for tea. No one can resist the unique taste and aroma of quince!

Nowadays, in the supermarket at any time you can buy any fruit, there was a harvest for them... Therefore, our compatriots try to take advantage of the benefits offered and diversify their diet. Jam can now be made not only from cherries, currants, apples, raspberries, gooseberries, blueberries, blueberries, cloudberries and other local fruits, but also from other gifts of nature. So today we’ll talk about how to make quince jam at home, in slices. This question probably arose among housewives who were puzzled by the large harvest of these fruits or lovers of culinary experiments. It is worth saying that quince jam is a fragrant delicacy with excellent taste, in addition, it has a beautiful amber color.

Quince in its raw form can be quite harsh, which requires heat treatment of this fruit together with granulated sugar, as a result we get fragrant jam, but before you learn in detail how to prepare it, it’s worth saying a few words about the benefits of this fruit.

Quince fruits are rich in pectin; this substance is a kind of cleanser for the body, as it binds toxic substances. In addition, this fruit helps improve the digestive process, strengthens the stomach, and also lowers cholesterol. Japanese researchers even use this fruit in the fight against peptic ulcers, and also recommend using it to normalize weight, that is, for obesity.

Quince contains quite a lot of antioxidants, which help prolong the body’s youth and also help fight stressful situations. In addition, it contains potassium and other useful components. But let's get back to making jam in slices.

Recipe for quince jam in slices

To make quince jam at home you will need the following components:

Fresh quince – 1 kilogram;
Granulated sugar – 1 kilogram
Citric acid – a pinch, optional.

It is necessary to prepare a container where the quince delicacy will be prepared; for this you can use an enamel pan or a deep bowl. A kilogram of prepared fruit for jam should be washed well and wiped dry with a towel.

Then you need to cut the quince sharp knife into four parts and remove the core with seeds; it is worth noting that cutting it will have to take some effort, since the fruits are usually quite hard. Next, cut each quarter into three or five equal slices so that they do not exceed five or seven millimeters.

Place the elongated slices of quince into a prepared container and fill it with water so that the entire quince is covered. We put the container on the stove and quickly bring it to a boil, after which we reduce the heat and continue to cook the fruit over low heat for fifteen minutes, after this heat treatment it will be quite soft.

After 15 minutes, it is recommended to use a slotted spoon to remove the quince slices into another container, and leave the broth, it will be needed later. Then pour a kilogram of granulated sugar into another container and add 200 milliliters of broth, then turn on the heat on the stove and cook the syrup, stirring it. After some time, the sugar will begin to melt and dissolve.

The readiness of the syrup is checked as follows: a drop of syrup is placed on a plate, and it should not spread, but remain in the shape of a so-called hemisphere, which will indicate its preparation.

Next, put the boiled quince into the prepared syrup, mix carefully so as not to break the slices, then bring our aromatic jam to a boil, and then reduce the heat to gas stove and cook the delicacy for forty minutes, making sure to stir with a long-handled wooden spatula to prevent the quince jam from burning.

During the forty-minute boil, a foam will certainly form on the jam, which is recommended to be carefully removed if you plan to store the delicacy for a long time. It is more convenient to remove it with a long spoon, but you should not throw it away, just place it in a container, and then you can use it.

After forty minutes the jam should acquire beautiful colour honey-amber, of course, if it is not burnt, in which case the delicacy will become brown tint, and will also lose its aromatic original qualities, accordingly, it is recommended to carefully monitor so that the quince delicacy does not burn.

About five minutes before the end of cooking the jam, you can optionally use a little citric acid, literally a pinch, which will add a pleasant sourness to this sweet delicacy.

Before turning off the stove, it is important to check the readiness of the quince jam, as described earlier in preparing the syrup. If the treat is ready, you need to place it on glass jars, which are important to sterilize; this can be done by washing the containers baking soda, then they are calcined in the oven or heated over steam.

There is no need to roll up the cans, you can use screw caps, it is important to pay attention that they are not rusty from the inside; it is better to purchase new ones. After which the jars are closed and turned upside down. After which it is recommended to cover the containers with a warm blanket and let them cool overnight.

The next day, the jars can be stored; of course, it is better to place them in cool conditions if this city ​​apartment, then you will have to use the refrigerator or take them out to the loggia while there is no frost. Alternatively, you can take them to vegetable pit or to the cellar at the dacha.


I told you how to make quince jam in slices. It is good to use it as an independent dish, in addition, it is suitable as a filling for any confectionery products that housewives often treat their households with. Delicious quince jam in slices can be easily prepared at home, and you can provide your family with a fragrant delicacy for the entire coming winter.

Have you ever tried quince jam? No? Then we recommend doing it right now. You don't need many ingredients for this. Although in terms of time, the process of preparing such a delicacy can take you from several hours to several days. But in the end, all your hard work will be fully justified. You will receive a very aromatic and tasty quince jam, which you can enjoy throughout the long and cold winter.

So how is this dessert made? There are a great many recipes for its creation. Below we will present only the simplest and most popular ones.

general information

Before I tell you how to make quince jam, I should tell you what kind of fruit it is.

Quince is a woody plant that belongs to the Rosaceae family. In cooking, it is customary to use only its tasty and healthy fruits. They are an apple (false) with five seed nests. This fruit has a hairy surface, spherical or pear-shaped, yellow or lemon color.

The pulp of the presented fruit is low-juicy, very aromatic and quite tough. Quince has a sweetish taste, but at the same time tart and astringent. It is used not only to make jam, but also to create main courses, as well as various salads.

Delicious quince jam: step-by-step recipe

As mentioned above, you can make dessert from such a fruit different ways. In this section of the article we will look at a recipe using water and vanillin.

So, quince jam requires the use of:

  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • ripe quince - 1 kg;
  • drinking filtered water - 3 full glasses;
  • aromatic vanillin - a few pinches (use at discretion).

Fruit processing

Before making quince jam, you should process all purchased fruits. They must be washed thoroughly and then dried using paper napkins. Next, you need to peel the fruits, cut them into 4 parts and remove the seed box. After this, all the fruits should be chopped into medium pieces.

Making syrup and jam

If you like liquid quince jam, we recommend using the recipe presented. After all this method involves the use of water, which means that the dessert will have a lot of syrup. To prepare it, you need to take boiling water and add granulated sugar to it. After a three-minute heat treatment, add quince pieces into the liquid and wait for the water to boil again. Next, you need to move the bowl with the ingredients, cover it with newspaper and leave it in that position for several hours. In this case, the jam should cool completely. After this, the heat treatment should be repeated.

Final stage

The quince jam, the recipe for which we are considering, turns out to be quite liquid. After it has been heat-treated 3 or 4 times, the bowl with the contents should be put back on the stove and cooked until the pieces of fruit are completely soft. In this case, 5 minutes before the fire goes out, you need to add aromatic vanillin to the dessert.

Proper seaming and storage

We told you how to make quince jam. But how can you store it for a long time? To do this, homemade treats should be placed only in sterilized jars. They must be held over steam and then waited until completely dry. After this, you need to put hot jam in the container and quickly roll it up. In this form, the dessert should be left aside until it cools completely. It is recommended to store it in a cellar or refrigerator.

Making quince jam with lemon

If you want to get a more flavorful dessert and store it all winter, we recommend preparing this jam with the addition of fresh lemon juice.

So, we need:

  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • ripe quince - 1 kg;
  • drinking filtered water - 400 ml;

Preparing Ingredients

Quince jam with lemon is made just as easily and simply as the regular dessert presented above. First you need to process all the fruits. They must be washed, dried, and then peeled, cut into 4 slices and the seed box removed. Next, the fruits need to be chopped into even smaller pieces.

As for the lemon, you just need to squeeze it, getting about half a glass of fresh juice.

Heat treatment

Many housewives make quince jam for the winter. After all, such a delicacy is not only very tasty and aromatic, but also surprisingly healthy.

After the fruits have been processed, they must be placed in a container and filled with a sufficient amount of water (about 1-1.6 liters). After it boils, the pieces of fruit should be cooked for ¼ hour. After the specified time, the quince must be caught with a slotted spoon. As for the remaining broth, you need to measure out 400 ml, strain and pour into the pan. Granulated sugar should also be added there. It is recommended to cook both ingredients over low heat until the sweet product has completely melted. In this case, the syrup must be stirred with a spoon all the time. Otherwise it will simply burn out.

Making dessert

How to make quince jam? After the syrup is completely ready, put all the pieces of fruit into it, then mix well and bring to a boil. In this form, the dessert must be cooked over very low heat for half an hour. At the same time, do not forget about stirring the ingredients.

After the delicacy has been boiled for 30 minutes, it must be removed from the stove and covered with thick gauze. In this state, the dessert must be kept for 24 hours.

The next day, the basin with the sweet product should be put back on the fire and cooked for 35-40 minutes. After this, you need to carry out the following test: using a spoon, drop the syrup from the container onto a clean and dry surface. If the delicacy does not spread and retains its shape, then the jam is completely ready. If this phenomenon is not observed, then the heat treatment must be continued for about 7-14 minutes. By the way, before turning it off (10-15 minutes before), you should add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the jam.

How to roll?

As you can see, quince jam for the winter is quite easy to make. After the dessert is completely prepared, you should take several small glass jars and sterilize them in any way known to you. Next, you need to pour all the prepared sweetness into the containers and immediately roll it up. After the jam has cooled, it must be stored in a cool pantry, cellar or refrigerator.

Preparing dessert without water and other additional ingredients

Do you know how to make quince jam without adding water? If not, we will introduce this one unusual way right now. It should be noted that this dessert is quite easy to make, although it requires large quantity time.

So, to prepare thick and tasty quince jam in slices, you need to purchase:

  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • ripe quince - 1 kg.

Fruit processing process

In order for quince jam to be tasty in slices, you should purchase only ripe and soft fruits for its preparation. They need to be washed thoroughly and then dried using paper towels. Next, the quince needs to be finely peeled, cut in half and the seed box removed. At the end, all processed fruits should be chopped into not very thick slices.

Preparing the base

How to make quince jam without using water? To obtain a tasty and aromatic dessert, you should ensure that the processed fruits release their juice as much as possible. To do this, you need to place them in a wide enamel basin, and then cover them with sugar and mix thoroughly. In this form, the ingredients must be covered with gauze or newspaper and left at room temperature just until knocked. During this time, quite a lot of syrup should form in the basin.

If you are not in a hurry, it is recommended to extend the process of soaking fruit. To do this, 1 kg of sugar must be divided into 3 equal parts, and then alternately sprinkle the chopped quince with them. Moreover, this should be done every day. Eventually this process may take you about 3-4 days. In this case, you will get more tasty and aromatic jam.

How to cook on the stove?

After a lot of syrup has formed in the basin, it should be immediately put on low heat. After boiling the ingredients, they must be cooked in the same mode for 45 minutes. In this case, it is recommended to stir the products all the time with a large spoon so that they do not burn to the bottom of the container.

Let's roll up dessert

After cooking for forty minutes, the dessert should become very thick and viscous without adding water. If you want to make more liquid jam, but without adding liquid to it, then you should simply reduce the heat treatment to half an hour.

The finished quince dessert must be poured hot into sterilized jars and immediately rolled up. Turning the containers upside down, leave them until they cool completely, and then put them in the refrigerator, pantry or underground.

Making delicious and unusual jam with walnuts

Quince jam with walnut It turns out not only very aromatic and tasty, but also quite nutritious. This dessert can be safely presented to guests along with tea and freshly prepared toast.

So, to make quince jam with nuts, you should purchase:

  • sand-sugar - 2 kg;
  • ripe quince - 2.5 kg;
  • drinking filtered water - 300 ml;
  • peeled walnuts - approximately 300 g;
  • medium-sized lemon - 1 fruit.

Preparing the Components

Before making such a delicacy, you should thoroughly wash the quince, dry it, peel it and cut it into halves. Next, you need to remove the seed pod from the fruit and chop it into slices. As for the lemon, it should be washed and crushed into a pulp directly with the peel. It is also necessary to rinse the nuts and crush them into coarse crumbs.

Making jam

After processing the quince, it must be placed in an enamel basin and filled with 1 liter of water. After boiling the fruits for 10 minutes, they should be removed, and the broth should be strained and taken in the amount of 300 ml. Add sugar (1 kg) to this liquid and dissolve it over low heat. Next, you need to add quince fruits to the resulting syrup and heat treat them (for 10 minutes). At the end of the specified time, the basin with the contents should be put aside, covered with a lid and kept at room temperature for 9-13 hours. During this time, the fruit will gradually absorb the syrup, becoming more juicy and tasty.

Final stage

After the quince has infused in the syrup, the container should be placed on the stove again. It is recommended to cook the ingredients for about ¼ hour with the addition of another 1 kg of sugar. In the future, the dishes must be moved away again and the contents must be left for 9-13 hours.

After putting the jam on the stove for the third time, you need to add chopped lemon into a pulp, as well as crushed walnuts. After mixing the products with a large spoon, they should be cooked for ¼ hour. During this time, the jam will thicken well, become more aromatic and tasty.

Seaming process

If you want to enjoy quince jam on cold winter evenings, it is recommended to pour it only into sterilized jars. In this case, this process should be carried out only in hot form. At the end, all filled containers must be rolled up. metal lids and turn it over. After all the cans have cooled, they must be removed to any slightly cool room, where they can be stored for six months.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how to make quince jam with and without water, as well as using lemon, lemon juice and walnuts. Whatever recipe you choose for yourself, in any case you will get a very tasty and healthy homemade dessert. Serve it to dining table Recommended with hot tea, bread or freshly prepared toast.

It should be especially noted that quince can be used to make not only jam, but also, for example, jam, marmalade and other sweets. Enjoy your meal!

Quince is an Asian relative of apple and pear. IN fresh not used in food due to negative influence on the gastrointestinal tract. Despite this, quince jam turns out tasty and healthy. The presence of a large amount of vitamins that are not destroyed during prolonged heat treatment helps strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of anemia.

In addition, jam reduces high temperature, thereby making the product an indispensable assistant in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

How to properly prepare quince jam? Many housewives ask this question, knowing all the benefits of fruit delicacies. Let's look into this issue.

Classic jam recipe

There are several options for traditional preparation of quince jam. In order for the dessert to turn out tasty and aromatic, you need to choose the right fruit itself. The fruits must be ripe, but not overripe. If the fruit is a little green, then the quince should be placed on the windowsill for a couple of days.

In lobules

The first method assumes that the quince will not change shape, but will still be soft and tender. Let's look at this, perhaps the most delicious recipe quince jam.


  • main fruit - 3 kg;
  • filtered liquid - 2.3 l;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • citric acid - 4 g.

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan and add granulated sugar. Place on the stove and cook after boiling until thickened. Moreover, the heating of the stove should be slow and the composition must be stirred regularly. This is how the syrup is cooked. It’s easy to check its readiness; just drop a few drops on a clean saucer. If the product does not spread over the surface, then the syrup is completely ready.
  2. Rinse the quince well, cut out the seed pod, peel and cut into slices (cubes). Place pieces of fruit into boiling syrup, cook at medium heat for 5 minutes, turn off the stove.
  3. Cover and wait for the pan and contents to cool completely. Bring to a boil again, add citric acid, cook for 2-3 minutes and package in sterile, clean containers. Close tightly, turn over and cool under a blanket (blanket). After a day, put it in the cellar or refrigerator.

For candied fruits

The quantity of ingredients is taken in the same way as in the first option. The slices in the jam will be harder and resemble candied fruits.

  1. The first thing you need to do is prepare sugar syrup, as stated above.
  2. Wash the quince thoroughly, cut into 2 parts and remove the seed box. There is no need to peel the skin. Cut into thin slices. Place them in an enamel bowl, fill with water and place on the stove. Cook until the slices become transparent.
  3. Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove the fruit from the container and place it on a food tray in a thin layer. This way they will cool faster.
  4. And then pour into boiling syrup and continue cooking for 5 minutes. Turn off the stove, cool until room temperature and add citric acid. Boil, package the quince jam into slices into sterile jars. Close, and after cooling, store in the cellar.

Quince and raspberry jam

Second title Japanese quince- chaenomeles. Fruits contain many useful substances, vitamins and minerals. But despite all the positive qualities, the product should not be used in the diet of people with gastrointestinal diseases, constipation, or pleurisy. Japanese quince jam according to the recipe below turns out very tasty and healthy. It will perfectly help remove the first signs of a cold.


  • raspberries - 1.5 kg;
  • Chaenomeles fruits - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

  1. Wash the quince, cut into 2 parts and cut out the seed box. The seeds are not suitable for food as they contain toxic compounds. Cut off the skin in a thin layer and chop into thin slices.
  2. Grind the raspberries until pureed through a sieve with medium-sized cells. Place the prepared mixture in a saucepan and cook after boiling for 10 minutes. Add granulated sugar in small portions and quince. Stir gently and continue cooking for 20 minutes.
  3. Wash the jars with soap and dry in the oven. Place in clean, sterile jars, cover with a dry towel and leave for kitchen table until completely cooled. Seal tightly and put in the refrigerator.

With lemon

Quince jam with lemon and nuts is a real dessert that you won’t be ashamed to put on your table. unexpected guests and even for a holiday. The delicacy will surprise all people, and also protect the body during epidemics and strengthen the immune system.


  • quince - 1.2 kg;
  • filtered liquid - 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 800 g;
  • lemon - 1 fruit;
  • walnuts - 200 g;
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife.

It works according to the following scheme:

  1. Wash the fruit, remove the skin in a thin layer (do not throw away) and the seed box. Cut into slices. Place in a large saucepan, add 1 glass of water and cook for a quarter of an hour. Strain.
  2. Add 200 ml of liquid to the saucepan, add granulated sugar (500 g). Cook until thickened, stirring regularly. Pour hot syrup over the boiled fruit, cover and leave for 4 hours.
  3. After the time has passed, pour in the remaining granulated sugar, place the container with the contents and warm up at average temperature 15 minutes.
  4. Place the peel in a saucepan, pour in 100 ml of filtered liquid, cook until softened, filter and add the broth to the quince, add vanilla. To stir thoroughly.
  5. Peel the nuts from the partitions, chop them with a knife or food processor. Place in a dry frying pan and heat until a pleasant smell is formed. The main thing is not to overcook. Wash the lemon, chop it into slices, remove the seeds. Place prepared ingredients into jam.
  6. Stir, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Pack into sterile jars, having previously sterilized them. Close tightly, cool and store in a cellar, cold room.

Dessert with quince and apple

The combination of apples and quince gives finished product unusual taste and aroma. Quince jam, the recipe for which is described below, turns out thick and viscous.


  • quince - 2.5 kg;
  • apples - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • citric acid - 6 g.

We do this:

  1. Wash the purchased fruits, remove peels and seeds. Chop into slices or slices. Lay out in layers, sprinkling each with granulated sugar. Cover and leave for 6-8 hours on the kitchen counter.
  2. After the time has passed, place on the stove, boil and cook for 5 minutes. Close and leave for 5 hours. Repeat the procedure twice. Add citric acid, stir, and bring to a boil again.
  3. Prepare the jars: wash with soap and dry in the oven. Pack into sterile containers. Close, cool and store in the cellar.

Ginger treat

The jam turns out aromatic, with a pleasant aftertaste. The combination of ingredients allows you to strengthen the immune system and remove infection in the body at the initial stage of development. Let's figure out how to make this quince jam.


  • quince - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • filtered water - 550 ml;
  • ginger root - 25 g;
  • lemon zest - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.

Operating procedure:

  1. Rinse the fruit well, remove a thin layer of skin and seed box. Chop into slices or cubes. Place in an enamel pan and fill with clean liquid. Place on the stove, bring to a boil, and then reduce the temperature to low and evaporate the water for a quarter of an hour.
  2. After the time has passed, add granulated sugar, chopped lemon zest, and finely chopped ginger root. Boil, cook for 40 minutes. Pour in lemon juice, continue cooking for another 5 minutes.
  3. Place in clean, sterile containers, close and invert. Wrap in a warm blanket for 8-11 hours. Place for storage in the cellar.