What is the dose of Augmentin? Augmentin, suspension for children. The correct dosage for children is the basis for successful treatment with Augmentin

When sick Small child, parents want to find a miracle cure that will heal the baby as quickly as possible and put him back on his feet. And although magic drugs that work always and everywhere have not yet been invented, in some cases the attending physician can prescribe the Augmentin suspension to small children, the instructions for which will be discussed in detail in this article. It is relatively young and effective remedy, invented in the early 1980s in Great Britain. Inventors active substance The medicine - clavulanic acid - was awarded the prize for an innovative medicine by the Queen of England herself.

What kind of drug is this? What is the dosage of Augmentin suspension, according to the instructions? For what diseases is this medicine prescribed to children? Are there contraindications and side effects? All this and much more can be learned by carefully studying the instructions for use. For children, Augmentin suspension is prescribed for colds and infectious diseases.

Purpose and forms of release of the drug

To put it simply, Augmentin is a semi-synthetic antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. It is suitable for treating both adults and children. In this case, only the dosage will differ. The drug is available in the form of tablets, syrups, powders for injections and suspensions. Children from birth to twelve years of age are most often prescribed syrups and suspensions.

Composition of the drug

Augmentin contains two active substances:

  • Amoxicillin. This antibiotic is capable of destroying bacteria with gram-positive and gram-negative indicators.
  • Clavulanic acid (or, in other words, potassium salt). This substance protects the antibiotic from negative influence beta-lactamases, thereby expanding its bactericidal spectrum of action.

The amount of main active ingredients is reflected in the name of the drug. Thus, “Augmentin 200” contains 200 milligrams of amoxicillin and 28.5 milligrams of clavulanic acid. While the amount of these active substances in Augmentin 400 has been increased to 400 and 57 milligrams, respectively. The indicated concentration of active ingredients is contained in 5 ml of the drug.

The excipients of the drug are aspartame, xanthan gum, silicon dioxide, succinic acid, hypromellose and various flavors.

Operating principle

The antibiotic "Augmentin" has a destructive effect on many pathogenic microorganisms, such as:

  • aureus, saprophytic and other types of staphylococci;
  • pyogenic, hemolytic and other forms of streptococci;
  • whooping cough sticks;
  • Haemophilus influenzae;
  • enterococci;
  • Helicobacter pylori;
  • bacteroides;
  • clostridia;
  • fusobacteria;
  • peptococci (including peptostreptococci);
  • Treponema pallidum;
  • Moraxella;
  • borrelia;
  • nocardia;
  • Leptospira and many others.

Still, the drug may be meaningless in the presence of a number of bacteria, such as:

  • coli;
  • salmonella;
  • Klebsiella;
  • pneumococci;
  • Citrobacter;
  • hafnia;
  • pseudomonas;
  • enterobacters and others.

It should also be remembered that the antibiotic will be powerless for diseases such as influenza, ARVI, herpetic sore throat, chickenpox, mononucleosis and so on, that is, for illnesses caused by a viral infection.

In what cases is Augmentin suspension prescribed to children? The instructions for the drug contain clear recommendations on this matter.

When to use the product

According to the instructions, the Augmentin 200 suspension is prescribed to children for ailments caused by any bacterial infections. First of all, this applies to infectious and colds of the ENT organs (sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia).

The drug can also help in the fight against diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, gonorrhea and others).

During infectious skin diseases, namely purulent inflammation of soft tissues and mucous membranes, this antibiotic also has a positive effect on the patient’s recovery.

Less commonly, it can be prescribed for lesions of bone tissue and joints. This category of ailments includes arthritis and osteomyelitis.

Suspensions with a low concentration of the active substance, for example “Augmentin 200” and “Augmentin 125”, also have a similar spectrum of action.

How to take these drugs to achieve maximum quick effect? You can read about this below.

Schedule for taking Augmentin suspension

For children, the dosage of the medicine is prescribed depending primarily on the amount of the active substance in the drug, as well as on the age of the little patient. Let's take a closer look at these two indicators. But first it should be clarified that the dosage schedule and amount used medicine should only be prescribed by the attending physician, based on the clinical picture of the disease.

When treating children, the dosage of the Augmentin 200 suspension is calculated as follows:

  • Newborns and children up to twelve months are prescribed the drug from 1.5 to 2.5 milliliters twice a day.
  • Children from one to five years old are also given the drug twice a day, but five milliliters at a time.
  • Children from six to nine years old are also prescribed an antibiotic twice a day, fifteen milliliters.

The maximum amount of active ingredients is contained in the Augmentin 400 suspension. Dosage for children school age when taken twice a day:

  • Children from six to nine years old: 7.5 milliliters.
  • Children from ten to twelve years old, ten milliliters.

The duration of the course most often does not exceed two weeks. The minimum duration of treatment is five days.

How to use this remedy?

Cooking method

The antibiotic is a dry powder that must be diluted with water, preferably boiled, in the required ratio. How to prepare the suspension? It is necessary to add cooled liquid to the antibiotic bottle up to the mark indicated by the manufacturer. However, there are some nuances here.

First, you should boil a small amount of water and cool it until room temperature. Then pour approximately 65% ​​of the required liquid into the bottle and screw the cap tightly on it. After this, the bottle should be shaken thoroughly to completely dissolve the dry antibiotic in it. As soon as this happens, the medicine must be left for five minutes, after which we add water to the end (to a certain mark on the bottle) and use it in accordance with the doctor’s prescription.

To prepare the antibiotic “Augmentin 125” you will need 92 milliliters of liquid. If a child is prescribed Augmentin 200/400, then the amount of water should be reduced to 64 milliliters.

Storage method

This is very important question, since its effectiveness will depend on whether the antibiotic is stored correctly or not.

So, according to the instructions, the diluted Augmentin suspension must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7-10 days after preparation. This rule applies to a drug with any concentration of the active substance.

Under no circumstances should the prepared suspension be frozen. This will cause it to lose all its pharmacological properties.

Other nuances of use

How to collect medicinal liquid? Many caring parents ask this question, because you won’t constantly open the bottle to take required amount suspensions.

How should the drug be given to children depending on food intake? According to the instructions, the Augmentin 400 (200, 125) suspension should be taken a few minutes before meals. This way you will reduce the negative impact of the antibiotic on the baby’s stomach mucous membranes. This is what pediatricians explain.

And one more thing: before each use, do not forget to thoroughly shake the bottle of medicine and then put it in the refrigerator. If you use a syringe or measuring spoon as a drug dispenser, they must be washed well under running water, preferably with soap.

How to take with other medicines

Many parents ask this question, since the suspension can be prescribed for childhood diseases in combination with other drugs.

So, if you use an antibiotic together with laxatives, as well as antacids and glucosamine, this can impair its absorption by the body.

The effect of Augmentin is also reduced by pharmacological drugs such as macrolides (for example, Sumamed or Azitrox suspensions), tetracyclines, lancosamides, chloramphenicols and sulfonamides.

Doctors do not recommend taking Augmentin suspension for both children and adults together with drugs whose active ingredient is allopurinol. The combination of these components can cause serious skin rashes in a child.

You should also know that the simultaneous use of indirect anticoagulants increases the effectiveness of both drugs.

On the other hand, the suspension is strictly not prescribed with methotrexate-based drugs, as it increases its toxicity.

The antibiotic Augmentin is well compatible with substances such as nitrofurans, which are the active components of Enterofuril and other similar drugs.

Negative Impacts

Despite the fact that when treating children, the Augmentin 400 (200, 125) suspension is considered an effective and frequently used remedy in the fight against infectious diseases, this drug has its contraindications and side effects. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with them before using the antibiotic, so as not to harm the baby’s body even more.

Contraindications to taking the drug

The drug is not recommended for use in cases where the child has recently recovered from jaundice, or if the little patient has a history of diseases associated with impaired functioning of the liver and kidneys. Also, the reason for discontinuation of the drug may be individual intolerance to Augmentin, potassium salt or other substances included in the antibacterial agent.

In some cases, the doctor may consider it appropriate to prescribe the drug even if the child is in the so-called risk zone. In such a situation, the question of using Augmentin suspension should only be decided upon consultation with a specialist.

A few words about the side

The negative impact of the drug on the child’s health can be manifested in the following:

  • From the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and sometimes even vomiting may be observed.
  • The immune system may exhibit various allergic reactions on the main components of the drug.
  • The child’s central nervous system can manifest itself in the form of headaches, dizziness and even seizures.
  • Skin disorders such as rash or itching may occur.
  • In rare cases, the use of the drug can lead to the formation of blood clots and deterioration of liver function (provoking the development of hepatitis).

If the child’s side effects mentioned above have a pronounced basis, then Augmentin should be discontinued as quickly as possible and replaced with a more suitable analogue. Which one? This will be discussed below.

Most often, the following drugs are prescribed for the treatment of children:

  • “Amoxiclav Quiktab”. The active ingredients of this product are also amoxicillin trihydrate and potassium clavulanate (875 and 125 milligrams, respectively). The antibiotic is available in the form of light yellow oblong octagonal tablets with a fruity aroma, or in the form of a powder for suspension. Most often, the drug is prescribed for bronchitis, sinusitis, infectious pneumonia, as well as other infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, skin, animal bites, and so on.
  • “Flemoxin Solutab”. A tablet product whose active ingredient is amoxicillin trihydrate. Light yellow tablets are prescribed for infections affecting the ENT organs, respiratory tract, genitourinary system, skin, and so on.
  • “Ecoclave”. The transparent suspension has a fruity taste and smell. Prescribed for the diseases described above. The main active ingredients are amoxicillin trihydrate and potassium clavulanate (250 and 62.5 milligrams each, respectively).

Cost of the drug

How much does Augmentin suspension cost? Depending on the concentration of the active substance, the price of the drug can vary between 120 and 250 rubles.

Many antibiotics are used to treat viral and infectious diseases. One of this set is Augmentin. How to take Augmentin and for what diseases?


Augmentin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic containing amoxicillin, clavunic acid and belongs to the penicillin group. Before starting to use this medication, it is necessary to obtain a detailed history of hypersensitivity to penicillins or other allergens. Augmentin is produced in tablets, suspensions, and solutions for injection.

Indications for use

Augmentin is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • infections of the upper respiratory tract, ear, nose and throat (sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis),
  • lower respiratory tract infections (bronchitis, pneumonia),
  • infections in the kidneys, urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis),
  • genital infections, incl. after childbirth, abortion,
  • infections of bones, joints, soft tissues, skin,
  • abdominal infections (peritonitis),
  • dental abscesses

Augmentin is not recommended for use during pregnancy, but there may be exceptions, but only under medical supervision. While breastfeeding, Augmentin may be used.

Taking Augmentin tablets

In most cases, Augmentin tablets are taken. You can find out how to take tablets and in what quantity from the instructions for the drug, but it is better to do this on the recommendation of a doctor. Augmentin is used to prevent infections in patients who have undergone surgery. Augmentin is usually taken every 8 hours three times a day. Augmentin is best absorbed into the blood when taking the tablets before meals. With this intake, the likelihood of developing side effects of bowel function can be minimized. Tablets of this antibiotic must be taken with water.

How much Augmentin to take depends on body weight, age, severity of the disease, infection, and the ability of the kidneys to function. Children under 12 years of age should not be given tablets; they need other dosage forms of Augmentin. The question of how many days Augmentin should be taken is very important. Long-term use may lead to the growth of non-susceptible microorganisms.

The minimum course of therapy is 5 days. After 2 days from the start of treatment, the clinical situation is assessed and a decision is made to continue therapy. The duration of treatment is usually 5-7 days. Treatment of a patient with Augmentin should not last more than 14 days. If necessary, step-by-step therapy is carried out: at first it can be inhalations or injections, and then tablets are taken.

Taking Augmentin in suspension

In addition to tablets and injections, Augmentin suspension is also taken. How to take the suspension, how to prepare it? Augmentin suspension is prepared before the first use. The powder must be dissolved cooled to room temperature. boiled water. Then, shaking, add water to the mark in the bottle, leave the suspension for 5 minutes so that it is completely diluted. The bottle must be shaken before each use. The diluted suspension can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days, but do not freeze. For accurate dosage of the suspension, use a measuring cap-lid.

Taking Augmentin intravenously

Augmentin by injection must be administered slowly over 3-4 minutes. Inject through a catheter or directly into a vein with a dropper over 30-40 minutes. Augmentin is not administered intramuscularly into the patient’s body due to instability in concentration. For serious infections, or in cases where taking oral tablets is impossible for some reason, then injections are given.

How to take Augmentin for children

Augmentin is given to children only in the form of a suspension. For children under one year of age, the suspension should be given 2-3 times a day from 2.5 ml to 5 ml. For children weighing 10-18 kg, give the suspension 3 times a day, 10 ml. For children weighing 19-28 kg, give the suspension 3 times a day, 15 ml. For children weighing 29-39 kg, give the suspension 3 times a day, 20 ml.

Side effects

The use of Augmentin is contraindicated in case of liver diseases or hypersensitivity to antibiotics. When using Augmentin in any form of this medicine: tablets, suspensions, injections, the following side problems may occur:

  • anaphylaxis,
  • allergies, urticaria, skin rash,
  • headache, dizziness,
  • edema,
  • convulsions,
  • nausea, vomiting,

Side effects when taking Augmentin occur quite rarely and mild form. However, the use of any medicine, including Augmentin, must be under the supervision of doctors.

There are many medications to combat bacterial infections, and Augmentin is one of the most common drugs of this kind. It is widely used for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, and is suitable for both adults and children.


The main active components of Augmentin are two substances. First of all, it is a semisynthetic antibiotic amoxicillin, which belongs to the penicillin group, and clavulanic acid, which has a beta-lactam structure. Each component plays important role in the mechanism of pharmacological action of the drug.

Antibiotics from the penicillin group have been known for a very long time. In fact, these were the first potent, broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs invented by medicine. The principle of action of penicillins is based on the fact that they act on certain enzymes contained in the cell wall of bacteria and destroy it, due to which the bacteria die.

However, after some time, penicillins lost much of their effectiveness. This happened because many bacteria learned to produce special substances - beta-lactamases. They reacted with penicillins and prevented them from performing their function. As a result, the range of microorganisms against which penicillins were active was significantly reduced. Therefore, for many diseases, amoxicillin, like other penicillins, has become useless.

This situation did not suit anyone, because penicillins were known as inexpensive and relatively safe antibiotics. And then British researchers found a solution - to combine amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, which has the ability to inhibit the effect of beta-lactamases on the antibiotic. In addition, clavulanic acid has its own antimicrobial activity, although it is inferior in this parameter to penicillins.

This is how the drug Augmentin appeared. At first it was produced by the British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline under this brand name, and then, based on this drug, a similar product, including a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, began to be produced by pharmaceutical companies in other countries. However, the original drug, Augmentin, still enjoys well-deserved respect and is one of the most frequently prescribed antibiotics in the world.

And this is not surprising, because few bacillus can resist the combination of clavulanic acid. Augmentin affects various types of bacteria:

  • gram negative,
  • gram-positive,
  • anaerobes,
  • aerobes.

Thus, Augmentin is one of the antibiotics with a broad spectrum of action.

What types of bacteria does Augmentin destroy:

  • streptococci,
  • staphylococci,
  • shigella,
  • klebsiella,
  • enterococci,
  • clostridia,
  • gardnerella,
  • brucella,
  • hemophilus influenzae,
  • Helicobacter pylori,
  • Proteus,
  • cholera vibrios,
  • salmonella,
  • moraxella,
  • Leptospira,
  • Treponema.

In particular, types of bacteria such as streptococci, moraxella and Haemophilus influenzae are most often responsible for infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract (ARI, bronchitis and pneumonia).

However, there are a number of microorganisms on which Augmentin does not act. Bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics:

  • mycoplasma,
  • chlamydia,
  • enterobacter,
  • citrobacter,
  • pseudomonas,
  • yersinia,
  • legionella.

Release form

The manufacturer of the drug is the British company Smith Kline Beecham PLC. Augmentin is available in various forms, which are suitable for both adults and children. This:

  • pills,
  • extended-release tablets,
  • powder for preparing suspension,
  • powder for preparing a solution for parenteral (intravenous or infusion) administration of the drug.

Most often, Augmentin is used for treatment in adults in the form of tablets. They may have the following dosage options (mg amoxicillin + mg clavulanic acid):

  • 250+125,
  • 500+125,
  • 875+125.

Augmentin tablets also contain a number of excipients:

  • magnesium stearate,
  • sodium carboxymethyl starch,
  • silica,
  • microcrystalline cellulose.

Suspensions are also available in various dosages (400, 200 and 125 mg of amoxicillin per 5 ml).

Powder for preparing a solution for intravenous administration is available in dosages of 1000 and 500 mg of amoxicillin.

Augmentin is available in pharmacies with a prescription.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

When taken orally, the tablets are quickly absorbed into the blood from the intestines. A few hours after taking Augmentin, the concentration of its components in the blood reaches a maximum. They are evenly distributed in all tissues and fluids of the body (lungs, abdominal cavity, fat, muscle and bone tissue, pleural and synovial fluids, bile, etc.). Such a uniform concentration of amoxicillin provides a universal and lasting therapeutic effect. Amoxicillin is excreted from the body through the patient's kidneys, clavulanic acid is excreted by the kidneys and through extrarenal mechanisms.


Augmentin is prescribed if you have been exposed to a bacterial infection. various departments body:

  • lower respiratory tract and lungs,
  • upper respiratory tract,
  • skin and soft tissues (Staphylococcus aureus and some other types of bacteria),
  • urinary and genital organs,
  • bones and joints,
  • teeth and oral cavity.
  • tracheitis,
  • bronchitis,
  • laryngitis,
  • sinusitis,
  • otitis,
  • tonsillitis,
  • sinusitis,
  • rhinitis.

Diseases of the urinary and genital organs, for which doctors often prescribe Augmentin:

  • urethritis,
  • cystitis,
  • pyelonephritis,
  • gonorrhea.
  • periodontitis,
  • dental abscess,
  • sepsis (postpartum, intra-abdominal),
  • septic abortion.


For certain diseases and conditions, it is undesirable to take Augmentin. Similar situations include:

  • intolerance to individual components of the drug,
  • history of a negative reaction to other drugs of the penicillin group,
  • phenylketonuria (for suspension),
  • renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 30 ml/min, for tablets 875 mg, suspensions 200 and 400 mg),
  • age up to 12 years or weight up to 40 kg (for tablets).

Can Augmentin be used to treat young children? According to the instructions for use, there are no such restrictions; it is only important to choose the desired form (suspension or solution for parenteral administration). Moreover, in practice, Augmentin is often used by therapists to treat infants. In such cases, however, it is important to choose the correct dosage of the drug. For newborns and children up to 2 months, the drug is prescribed only for health reasons. Augmentin in tablet form is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. It is better for them to take it in suspension form.

Use the drug with caution in case of impaired renal function (reduced creatinine clearance). In case of liver dysfunction, treatment should also be carried out with caution, as with suspected infectious mononucleosis.

Use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Many women who are pregnant or have infants are interested in the question: can the drug be used in such situations? There is no clear answer to this question, including in the instructions. A doctor treating an infection in a pregnant woman must weigh the pros and cons, and only then prescribe Augmentin. The components of the drug are able to penetrate into breast milk and through the placental barrier. However, there is no evidence that it can harm a child. In addition, the infection that is in the mother’s body can cause much more trouble to the child than Augmentin.

Side effects

Augmentin is well tolerated by patients. Negative side effects when taking it are much less common than with other antibiotics. However, they are not excluded.

Perhaps the most common occurrence when taking the drug is dysbacteriosis. This is due to the fact that almost any antibiotic (and Augmentin is no exception to the rule) destroys not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also those that make up its normal microflora, living primarily in the intestines, as well as on the skin and mucous membranes . As a result, patients undergoing antibiotic therapy may experience such phenomena as candidiasis of the mucous membranes, candidal colpitis (in women), skin rashes, diarrhea and stomach pain.

Side effects associated with nervous system(dizziness, headaches, anxiety, insomnia), allergic reactions (angioedema, itching, urticaria), nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, discoloration of tooth enamel (when taking the suspension), kidney and liver damage (hepatitis). Liver dysfunction occurs most often in older men, as well as in those who already have problems with this organ. Patients who have kidney problems or are receiving the drug in high doses may experience seizures.

If allergic skin reactions occur, antibiotic treatment should be discontinued. Rarely, changes in blood composition may occur - agranulocytosis, neutropenia, leukopenia, thrombocytosis, eosinophilia, and anemia. All changes of this type are reversible.

Augmentin does not cause drug dependence and does not affect the reaction rate.


In case of an overdose of the drug, negative symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract primarily occur. Possible disturbances in water-electrolytic balance and crystalluria. Treatment of overdose is symptomatic; first of all, measures should be taken to restore water and electrolyte balance. It is possible to remove the components of the drug using hemodialysis.

Augmentin, instructions for use

Augmentin should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor; self-medication with antibiotics is unacceptable, especially if the patient is a child. The standard dosage of Augmentin in tablet form in case of mild infection in adults is 250+125 g three times a day. In more severe cases, tablets of 500+125 g are prescribed three times a day. Or you can take 2 tablets of Augmentin 875+125 g per day.

It should be borne in mind that Augmentin must be taken at strictly defined and equal time intervals. So, for example, if the drug is prescribed to be taken 3 times a day, then it must be taken every 8 hours. If you need to take tablets 2 times a day, then this should be done every 12 hours. This technique allows you to maintain a constant concentration of the drug in the tissues of the body.

Instructions for use of the suspension for children and adults

Augmentin should be given to children in a smaller dose. And for small children, a suspension of the drug is more suitable. It should be borne in mind that adults can also take the suspension, but only a dosage of 400 mg per 5 ml is suitable for them, since only it has the optimal ratio of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid for them. At the same time, children under 2 years of age can only be given a suspension with a dosage of 125 mg. Children over 2 years old can be given any type of suspension. The dosage of the suspension in pediatric practice must be calculated based on the child’s body weight and age.

Children under 3 months. it is necessary to give a daily dosage of 30 mg of amoxicillin per kg of weight. Children over 3 months (up to 12 years) - at the rate of 20-40 ml per kg of weight (suspension with a dosage of 125 mg of amoxicillin) and 25-45 ml per kg of weight (suspensions of 200 and 400 mg). The milder the disease, the lower the dosage. A rough indication of whether the infection is severe or not can be determined by body temperature. If it is below + 38.5 ºС, then the infection is considered mild, if higher, then it is severe.

For chronic tonsillitis, infections, skin and soft tissues, it is better to take a dose of amoxicillin close to the lower limit, for other infectious diseases - a dosage closer to the upper limit.

The daily dose of Augmentin suspension must be divided into several doses throughout the day. Children under 12 years of age take a suspension of 125 mg 3 times a day, other types of suspensions - twice a day.

Adults can take 20 ml of a 125 mg suspension 2-3 times a day, or 11 ml of a 400 mg suspension 2 times a day. 1 tablet of Augmentin 875 mg is equivalent to 11 ml of suspension 400 mg. There are no other equivalent replacement options. Augmentin EC suspension and Augmentin SR tablets can only be taken by adults and children weighing over 40 kg and over 12 years of age. To take the suspension, you must use the measuring cap supplied with the drug. It is also possible to dilute the suspension with clean water in a 1:1 ratio.

Augmentin, instructions for use of solution for injections and infusions

Injection solution 1000 mg is administered to adults for mild infections every 8 hours, for severe infections - every 4-6 hours.

To prevent postoperative infection during operations lasting less than an hour, a solution of 1000 mg is administered once before surgery; for operations lasting more than an hour, injections are given every 6 hours.

Only intravenous type of parenteral administration is allowed (using jet injections or infusions). Intramuscular injections do not apply.

Injections of the drug can be performed when treating patients of all age groups, including children. However, children under 3 months can only receive infusions.

As with tablets, parenteral therapy should maintain constant intervals between drug administrations.

Instructions for preparing the suspension

Some parents find it difficult to prepare a suspension for the first time from the existing powder, accurately taking into account the required dose. In fact, it's not that difficult to do. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that to prepare the suspension you should use all the powder from the bottle at once; it is not recommended to leave it for later.

To prepare the suspension, add 60 ml of boiled water at room temperature to the bottle with the powder, then close the bottle with a lid and shake it vigorously until the powder is completely dissolved. Then you need to let the bottle sit for 5 minutes. If there is no sediment left at the bottom, then add water to the bottle up to the mark. The finished suspension can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than a week.

Instructions for preparing a solution for parenteral therapy

It is necessary to dilute the contents of the bottle with powder in water. The amount of water required for this operation depends on the dosage. If the dosage is 500/100, then you should take 10 ml of water, if 1000/200, then 20 ml. Half of this volume is added to the bottle with the powder, then it is shaken until the powder dissolves. Then the bottle sits for 5 minutes. If there is no sediment at the bottom, then the remaining water is added to the bottle. The solution can be considered ready for use only when there is no sediment left at the bottom of the bottle. The solution must be prepared immediately before use; the prepared solution can be stored for no more than 20 minutes.

For infusion administration, the prepared solution is added to the infusion fluid (for example, saline) intended for use in the IV. For an antibiotic solution of 500/100, 50 ml of saline is required, for an antibiotic solution of 1000/200 - 100 ml of saline. The resulting infusion solution can be stored for 3-4 hours.

The jet injection time of the resulting amount of solution is 3-4 minutes, the infusion time is 30-40 minutes.

Other information

For people with kidney problems, the dose should be adjusted downward. When creatinine clearance is more than 30 ml/min, no dose adjustment is required. With a clearance of 10-30 ml/min, 1 dose of 1000 mg/200 mg is first prescribed, then 500 mg/100 mg 2 times a day. For clearance less than 10 ml/min, 1 dose of 1000 mg/200 mg is first prescribed, then 500 mg/100 mg every 24 hours. Elderly patients do not need to reduce the dose.

The duration of antibiotic treatment is determined based on the severity of the disease. Most often, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment of 7 days. The duration of a course of antibacterial therapy less than 5 days does not make sense. On the other hand, it is also not recommended to use the drug for a long time, more than 14 days. After this time, the doctor should evaluate the clinical situation. If the symptoms of the disease do not go away after a week and a half, then it is necessary to change the treatment strategy or replace the drug with a more effective one. However, in some cases, treatment with Augmentin for 3-4 weeks is possible. It is also possible to alternate courses of injections of the drug and taking it in tablet form.

Is it possible to divide the tablets of the drug into parts? This is not recommended. According to the instructions for use, the drug in tablets should be swallowed whole, without chewing and with a sufficient amount of water.

It is best to take Augmentin at the beginning of a meal. However, this is not a strict recommendation, since the absorption of the drug does not depend on food intake. However, studies have shown that when taking the drug with food, the likelihood of side effects is minimal.

Interaction with other drugs and substances

Augmentin weakens the effect of estrogen-containing oral contraceptives. Therefore, women taking contraceptives and simultaneously receiving antibiotic therapy should be warned about the need for additional protection during this period of time.

Combined use with allopurinol increases the risk of allergic skin reactions. Simultaneous administration of probenecid slows down the elimination of amoxicillin. Concomitant use of the drug with methotrexate is not recommended.

In patients receiving Augmentin, changes in prothrombin time are possible. Therefore, when taking oral anticoagulants with the drug, it may be necessary to adjust the dose of anticoagulants.

It is believed that Augmentin does not interact with alcohol at the biochemical level. However, alcohol can make it difficult for the liver to process the drug, which can lead to various unwanted effects. side effects. Therefore, you should not abuse alcohol while taking the drug.

Analogues of the drug

Augmentin is far from the only drug on the market that contains clavulanic acid and amoxicillin. Among generic drugs we can note such names as:

  • Amoxiclav,
  • flemoklav,
  • Panklav,
  • Ranklav,
  • Honeyclave,
  • Ecoclave.

Many of them have more affordable price compared to Augmentin. However, for those patients who do not want to take risks and want to deal with a drug with guaranteed quality, it is best to use Augmentin.

Catad_pgroup Antibiotics penicillins

Augmentin - official* instructions for use

*registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (according to grls.rosminzdrav.ru)

Currently, the drug is not listed in the State Register of Medicines or the specified registration number has been excluded from the register.

Registration number: P N015030/03

Trade name of the drug: Augmentin ® (AUGMENTIN ®)

International Nonproprietary Name (INN): amoxicillin + clavulanic acid / amoxicillin + clavulanic acid

Dosage form: powder for the preparation of solution for intravenous administration.

Compound: 1 bottle contains:

Description: White to almost white powder.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antibiotic, semi-synthetic penicillin + beta-lactamase inhibitor.
ATX Code J01CR02

Pharmacological properties
Mechanism of action
Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic with activity against many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. At the same time, amoxicillin is susceptible to destruction by beta-lactamases, and therefore the spectrum of activity of amoxicillin does not extend to microorganisms that produce these enzymes.
Clavulanic acid is a beta-lactamase inhibitor, structurally related to penicillins, and has the ability to inactivate a wide range of beta-lactamases found in microorganisms resistant to penicillins and cephalosporins. Clavulanic acid is quite effective against plasmid beta-lactamases, which most often cause bacterial resistance, and is less effective against type 1 chromosomal beta-lactamases.
The presence of clavulanic acid in Augmentin ® protects amoxicillin from destruction by enzymes - beta-lactamases, which allows expanding the antibacterial spectrum of amoxicillin.
Below is the activity of the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in vitro.
Bacteria usually susceptible to the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid
Gram-positive aerobes
Bacillus anthracis
Enterococcus faecalis
Gardnerella vaginalis
Listeria monocytogenes
Nocardia asteroides Streptococcus pneumoniae 1,2
Streptococcus pyogenes 1,2
Streptococcus agalactiae 1,2
Streptococcus group Viridans 2
Streptococcus spp.(other beta-hemolytic streptococci) 1,2
Staphylococcus aureus(methicillin sensitive) 1
Staphylococcus saprophytics(methicillin sensitive)
Coagulase-negative staphylococci (methicillin sensitive)
Gram-positive anaerobes
Clostridium spp.
Peptococcus niger
Peptostreptococcus magrtus
Peptostreptococcus micros
Peptostreptococcus spp.
Gram-negative aerobes
Bordetella pertussis
Haemophilus influenzae 1
Helicobacter pylori
Moraxella catarrhal
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Pasteurella multocida
Vibrio cholerae
Gram-negative anaerobes
Bacteroides fragilis
Bacteroides spp.
Capnocytophaga spp.
Eikenella corrodens
Fusobacterium nucleatum
Fusobacterium spp.
Porphyromonas spp..
Prevotella spp..
Borrelia burgdorferi
Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae
Treponema pallidum
Bacteria for which acquired resistance to the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid is likely
Gram-negative aerobes
Escherichia coli 1
Klebsiella oxytoca
Klebsiella pneumoniae 1
Klebsiella spp.
Proteus mirabilis
Proteus vulgaris
Proteus spp.
Salmonella spp.
Shigella spp.
Gram-positive aerobes
Corynebacterium spp..
Enterococcus faecium
Bacteria that are naturally resistant to the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid
Gram-negative aerobes
Acinetobacter spp.
Citrobacter freundii
Enterobacter spp.
Hafnia alvei
Legionella pneumophila
Morganella morganii
Providencia spp.
Pseudomonas spp.
Serratia spp.
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Yersinia enterocolitica
Chlamydia pneumoniae
Chlamydia psittaci
Chlamydia spp.
Coxiella burnetii
Mycoplasma spp.
1 - for these bacteria, the clinical effectiveness of the combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid has been demonstrated in clinical studies.
2 - strains of these types of bacteria do not produce beta-lactamases. Sensitivity during amoxicillin monotherapy suggests similar sensitivity to the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

Below are the results of pharmacokinetic studies with intravenous bolus administration of Augmentin ® to healthy volunteers at a dosage of 500 mg + 100 mg (0.6 g) or 1000 mg + 200 mg (1D g).

Bolus intravenous injection

Cmax - maximum concentration in blood plasma.
T½ - half-life.
AUC is the area under the pharmacokinetic concentration-time curve.

When a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid is administered intravenously, therapeutic concentrations of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid are found in various fabrics and interstitial fluid (in the gall bladder, abdominal tissues, skin, adipose and muscle tissues, synovial and peritoneal fluids, bile, purulent discharge).
Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid have a weak degree of binding to plasma proteins. Studies have shown that about 13-20% of each component of the Augmentin ® drug binds to blood plasma proteins. In animal studies, no accumulation of the components of the drug Augmentin ® was detected in any organ. Amoxicillin, like most penicillins, passes into breast milk. IN
Trace amounts of clavulanic acid may also be found in breast milk. With the exception of the possibility of diarrhea or oral candidiasis, there are no other known negative effects of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid on the health of breastfed infants. Research reproductive function in animals it has been shown that amoxicillin and clavulanic acid cross the placental barrier. However, no negative effects on the fetus were detected.
10-25% of the initial dose of amoxicillin is excreted by the kidneys in the form of an inactive metabolite (penicillic acid). Clavulanic acid is extensively metabolized to 2,5-dihydro-4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-5-oxo-1H-pyrrole-3-carboxylic acid and 1-amino-4-hydroxy-butan-2-one and is excreted by the kidneys. through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), as well as with exhaled air in the form of carbon dioxide.
Like other penicillins, amoxicillin is eliminated primarily by the kidneys, while clavulanic acid is eliminated through both renal and extrarenal mechanisms. Approximately 60-70% of amoxicillin and 40-65% of clavulanic acid are excreted unchanged by the kidneys in the first 6 hours after a single bolus injection of Augmentin ® at a dosage of 500 mg + 100 mg or 1000 mg + 200 mg.
Concomitant administration of probenecid slows the excretion of amoxicillin, but does not slow down the renal excretion of clavulanic acid (see section "Interaction with other medicines»).

Indications for use
The combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid is indicated for the treatment of bacterial infections of the following localizations caused by microorganisms sensitive to the combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid:

  • Upper respiratory tract infections (including upper respiratory infections), such as recurrent tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, usually caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis and Streptococcus pyogenes.
  • Lower respiratory tract infections, such as exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, lobar pneumonia and bronchopneumonia, usually caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae # and Moraxella catarrhalis #.
  • Infections of the genitourinary tract, for example, cystitis; urethritis, pyelonephritis, infections of the female genital organs, usually caused by species of the family Enterobacteriaceae # (mainly Escherichia coli #), Staphylococcus saprophytics and species of the genus Enterococcus, and gonorrhea caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae #.
  • Infections of the skin and soft tissues, usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus*. Streptococcus pyogenes and species of the genus Bacteroides #.
  • Bone and joint infections, such as osteomyelitis, usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus #, may require long-term therapy if necessary.
  • Other mixed infections (eg, septic abortion, puerperal sepsis, intra-abdominal sepsis, sepsis, peritonitis, postoperative infections) as part of stepwise therapy.
  • The drug Augmentin ® in a dosage of 1000 mg + 200 mg is also indicated for the prevention of postoperative infections during surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract, pelvic organs, head and neck, heart, kidneys, biliary tract, as well as during implantation of artificial joints.
# Some representatives of this genus of microorganisms produce beta-lactamase, which makes them insensitive to amoxicillin (see also section “Pharmacological properties”).
Infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to amoxicillin can be treated with Augmentin ®, since amoxicillin is one of its active ingredients. Augmentin ® is also indicated for the treatment of mixed infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to amoxicillin, as well as beta-lactamase-producing microorganisms sensitive to the combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid.
The sensitivity of bacteria to the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid varies regionally and over time. Where possible, local sensitivity data should be taken into account. If necessary, microbiological samples should be collected and bacteriological susceptibility testing should be carried out.

Contraindications for use

  • Hypersensitivity to amoxicillin, clavulanic acid, and other components of the drug; history of beta-lactam antibiotics (eg, penicillins, cephalosporins);
  • history of previous episodes of jaundice or impaired liver function when using a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

The drug Augmentin ® should be used with caution in patients with impaired liver function and impaired renal function (creatinine clearance less than 30 ml/min).

Use during pregnancy and lactation
In studies of reproductive function in animals, oral and parenteral administration of Augmentin ® did not cause teratogenic effects.
In a single study in women with premature rupture of membranes, it was found that prophylactic therapy with the drug may be associated with an increased risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns. Like all medications, Augmentin ® is not recommended for use during pregnancy, unless the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
The drug Augmentin ® can be used during breastfeeding. With the exception of the possibility of diarrhea or oral candidiasis associated with the passage of trace amounts of the active ingredients of this drug into breast milk, no other adverse effects have been observed in breastfed infants. If adverse effects occur in breastfed infants, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Directions for use and doses
The dosage regimen is set individually depending on the age, body weight, kidney function of the patient, as well as the severity of the infection. Treatment should not continue for more than 14 days without reviewing the clinical situation.
The drug Augmentin ® is not intended for intramuscular administration (due to instability at the concentration that could be administered intramuscularly). Doses are given based on the content of active ingredients: amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.
Adults and children over 12 years of age or weighing 40 kg or more
Mild to moderate infections: dose 1000 mg + 200 mg every 8 hours.
Severe infections: dose 1000 mg + 200 mg every 4-6 hours.
Prevention in surgery
Interventions lasting less than 1 hour: dose 1000 mg + 200 mg during induction of anesthesia.
Interventions lasting more than 1 hour: 1 dose 1000 mg + 200 mg during induction of anesthesia and then up to 4 doses 1000 mg + 200 mg within 24 hours.

Special patient groups
For children weighing less than 40 kg, the dose is calculated depending on body weight. In children under 3 months of age, Augmentin ® should be administered only by slow infusion over 30-40 minutes.
Younger than 3 months and weighing less than 4 kg
25 mg amoxicillin and 5 mg clavulanic acid per 1 kg of body weight every 12 hours.
Under 3 months and weighing more than 4 kg
25 mg amoxicillin and 5 mg clavulanic acid per 1 kg of body weight every 8 hours.
From 3 months to 12 years with body weight less than 40 kg
25 mg amoxicillin and 5 mg clavulanic acid per 1 kg of body weight every 6-8 hours depending on the severity of the infection.
Elderly patients
No adjustment of the dosage regimen is required, dosing is the same as in adult patients.
Patients with impaired renal function


Patients on hemodialysis
Dosage adjustments are based on the maximum recommended dose of amoxicillin.
First, 1 dose of 1000 mg + 200 mg is administered, then 500 mg + 100 mg every 24 hours and an additional 500 mg + 100 mg at the end of the hemodialysis session (to compensate for the decrease in the levels of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in the blood plasma).
25 mg of amoxicillin and 5 mg of clavulanic acid per 1 kg of body weight every 24 hours and an additional 12.5 mg of amoxicillin and 2.5 mg of clavulanic acid per 1 kg of body weight at the end of the hemodialysis session (to compensate for the decrease in plasma levels of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid blood) and then 25 mg of amoxicillin and 5 mg of clavulanic acid per 1 kg of body weight per day.
Patients with liver dysfunction
Treatment is carried out with caution; regularly monitor liver function.
There is insufficient data to change dosage recommendations in these patients.

Mode of application
Bolus administration
The drug Augmentin ® can be administered as a slow intravenous injection lasting 3-4 minutes directly into a vein or through a catheter.
The contents of 1 bottle are diluted in 20 ml of water for injection, the total volume of the solution is 20.9 ml. During preparation, the solution may acquire a pink color, which disappears later. The finished solution can have a color from colorless to light straw.
The resulting solution must be administered within 20 minutes after dilution.
Infusion administration
The drug Augmentin ® is administered intravenously over 30-40 minutes.
The solution prepared as described above for bolus administration is immediately added to 100 ml of one of the infusion solutions given in the table below.

The solution prepared at room temperature can be stored under the same conditions, and the infusion must be completed before the expiration date indicated in the table above. The solution can be stored at a temperature of 5°C for 8 hours. To do this, the solution, prepared as above for bolus administration, is added to a pre-cooled bottle with 100 ml of water for infusion or 100 ml of sodium chloride solution 0.9%.
Solutions that were stored at 5°C must be administered immediately after they reach room temperature.
The stability of a solution of a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid depends on the concentration. If it is necessary to use more concentrated solutions, the solution stability time will change accordingly.
Any remaining quantities of solution must be destroyed.
Augmentin ® vials are not intended for repeated use.

Gastrointestinal symptoms and water and electrolyte imbalance may occur.
Amoxicillin crystalluria has been described, in some cases leading to the development of renal failure (see section " special instructions and precautions for use").
Seizures may occur in patients with impaired renal function or in patients receiving high doses of the drug
After intravenous administration of large doses of amoxicillin, it may precipitate in urinary catheters. Therefore, patency of urinary catheters should be checked regularly.
Symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract - symptomatic therapy, paying attention to Special attention normalization of water and electrolyte balance. Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid can be removed from the bloodstream by hemodialysis.

Interaction with other drugs
The simultaneous use of Augmentin ® and probenecid is not recommended. Probenecid reduces the tubular secretion of amoxicillin, and therefore the simultaneous use of Augmentin ® and probenecid may lead to an increase and persistence in the blood concentration of amoxicillin, but not clavulanic acid.
Concomitant use of allopurinol and amoxicillin may increase the risk of allergic skin reactions. Currently, there is no data in the literature on the simultaneous use of a combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid and allopurinol.
Penicillins can slow down the elimination of methotrexate from the body by inhibiting its tubular secretion, so the simultaneous use of Augmentin ® and methotrexate may increase the toxicity of methotrexate. Like other antibacterial drugs, Augmentin ® can affect the intestinal microflora, leading to a decrease in the absorption of estrogens from the gastrointestinal tract and a decrease in the effectiveness of combined oral contraceptives. The presence of clavulanic acid in Augmentin ® can lead to nonspecific binding of immunoglobulin G and albumin to the cell membrane of red blood cells, which can lead to a false positive reaction with the Coombs test. The literature describes rare cases of an increase in the international normalized ratio (INR) in patients with the combined use of acenocoumarol or warfarin and amoxicillin. If it is necessary to simultaneously prescribe Augmentin ® with anticoagulants, prothrombin time or MHO should be carefully monitored when prescribing or discontinuing Augmentin ® , and dose adjustment of oral anticoagulants may be required.
In patients receiving mycophenolate mofetil, when starting to use amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, there was a decrease in the concentration of the active metabolite, mycophenolic acid, before taking the next dose of the drug by approximately 50%. Changes in concentration observed before drug administration may not accurately reflect general changes mycophenolic acid concentrations.
Pharmaceutical incompatibility
Augmentin ® should not be mixed with blood products, other protein-containing fluids such as protein hydrolysates, or intravenous lipid emulsions. When used concomitantly with aminoglycosides, antibiotics should not be mixed in the same syringe or in the same vial for intravenous fluids, since under such conditions the aminoglycosides lose activity.
Augmentin ® solution should not be mixed with solutions containing dextrose, dextran or sodium bicarbonate.

Special instructions and precautions for use
Before starting treatment with Augmentin ®, it is necessary to collect a detailed history regarding previous hypersensitivity reactions to penicillins, cephalosporins or other substances that cause an allergic reaction in the patient.
Serious and sometimes fatal hypersensitivity reactions (anaphylactic reactions) to penicillins have been described. The risk of such reactions is highest in patients with a history of hypersensitivity reactions to penicillins. If an allergic reaction occurs, treatment with Augmentin ® should be discontinued and appropriate alternative therapy should be initiated.
In case of serious anaphylactic reactions, the patient should be given epinephrine immediately. Oxygen therapy, intravenous corticosteroids, and airway management, including intubation, may also be required.
If infectious mononucleosis is suspected, Augmentin ® should not be used, since amoxicillin can cause a measles-like skin rash in patients with this disease, which makes diagnosing the disease difficult. Long-term treatment with Augmentin ® may lead to excessive proliferation of insensitive microorganisms.
Cases of pseudomembranous colitis have been described when taking antibiotics, the severity of which can vary from mild to life-threatening. Thus, it is important to diagnose it in patients who develop diarrhea during or after antibiotic use. If diarrhea is prolonged or the patient experiences abdominal cramps, treatment should be stopped immediately and the patient should be examined.
In general, Augmentin ® is well tolerated and has the low toxicity characteristic of all penicillins. During long-term therapy with Augmentin ® it is recommended to periodically evaluate renal, liver and hematopoietic function.
In patients receiving a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid together with indirect (oral) anticoagulants, an increase in prothrombin time (increase in MHO) has been reported in rare cases. When co-prescribing indirect (oral) anticoagulants with a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, monitoring of relevant indicators is necessary. Dosage adjustments may be required to maintain the desired effect of oral anticoagulants.
In patients with impaired renal function, the dose of Augmentin ® should be reduced depending on creatinine clearance (see section "Method of administration and dosage").
The presence of clavulanic acid in Augmentin ® can lead to nonspecific binding of immunoglobulin G and albumin to the cell membrane of red blood cells, which can lead to a false positive reaction with the Coombs test. If it is necessary to administer high doses of Augmentin ® parenterally to patients on a low-salt diet, the presence of sodium ion in the drug should be taken into account.
In patients with reduced diuresis, crystalluria very rarely occurs, mainly during parenteral therapy with Augmentin ®. During administration of large doses of amoxicillin, it is recommended to take sufficient fluids and maintain adequate diuresis to reduce the likelihood of amoxicillin crystal formation (see section "Overdose").
Taking Augmentin ® orally leads to a high level of amoxicillin in the urine, which may cause false-positive results when determining glucose in urine (for example, Benedict's test, Fehling's test). In this case, it is recommended to use the glucose oxidant method for determining the concentration of glucose in urine.

Drug abuse and dependence
There was no drug dependence, addiction, or euphoric reactions associated with the use of Augmentin ® .

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery
Because the drug may cause dizziness, patients should be warned to take precautions when administering vehicle or working with moving machinery.

Release form
Powder for solution for intravenous administration, 1000 mg + 200 mg. 1000 mg + 200 mg in a transparent 25 ml glass bottle of type I or III (Eur.F.), sealed with a chlorobutyl rubber stopper and an aluminum cap or an aluminum cap and a snap cap.
10 bottles each along with instructions for medical use placed in a cardboard box.

Best before date
2 years.
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Storage conditions
Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Vacation conditions
On prescription.

SmithKline Beecham PLC
BN14 8QH, West Sussex, Worthing, Clarendon Road, United Kingdom / Clarendon Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 8QH, United Kingdom

Name and address legal entity, in whose name the registration certificate was issued
119180, Moscow, Yakimanskaya embankment, 2

For more information contact
CJSC GlaxoSmithKline Trading
121614, Moscow, st. Krylatskaya, 17, bldg. 3, fl. 5
Business Park "Krylatsky Hills"

Average price online*, 216 rub. (d/susp 400mg+57mg/5ml)

Where can I buy:

Instructions for use

The antibiotic Augmentin is a semi-synthetic drug with a beta-lactamase inhibitor.

The drug contains amoxicillin sodium and potassium clavulanate.

Available in bottles, in the form of a pure white powder, sometimes with a tint, 125, 200, 400 mg.

Augmentin EC powder is also available, with a different ratio of active ingredients.

A suspension is prescribed for the treatment of children under 12 years of age.


Penicillin Augmentin is used in infectious diseases of the following organs:

  • respiratory tract, hearing organs;
  • kidney and urinary system;
  • skin and subcutaneous tissues;
  • bone organs.

Preparation of the suspension

Regardless of the prescribed dose, the suspension must be prepared in the full volume of the vial. Do not divide the powder or pour it from the bottle into other containers. This will lead to incorrect distribution of the constituent active substances, and, accordingly, to an ineffective treatment result.

To obtain a solution, you need to add 60 ml of boiled, pre-cooled water to the container with the antibiotic and, closing the lid, shake well. After this, leave the container for five minutes until the substances are completely dissolved.

If after time the substance does not completely dissolve, repeat last procedure. After complete dissolution, the same water must be added to the bottle up to the mark indicated on the container. The prepared solution must be stored unopened, at a temperature not exceeding 12 C, for no more than 7 days.

Dosage of the drug

The required amount of the finished suspension (solution) is measured using a measuring cup or syringe. To take the medicine to children, you can mix the suspension with water in a one to one ratio, but only after the required dosage has been determined.

The drug is taken orally, immediately before meals, to reduce gastrointestinal irritation. After each dose of the drug, it is recommended to wash the measuring cup or syringe with warm water.

Suspension 200 mg.

  • Up to one year, weight from 2 to 5 kg. – 1.5 – 2.5 ml 2 times a day;
  • From 1 to 5 years, weight from 6 to 9 kg – 5 ml 2 times a day.

Suspension 125 mg.

  • Up to one year, weight from 2 to 5 kg – 1.5 – 2.5 ml 3 times a day;
  • Children from one year to 5 years, weight from 6 to 9 kg - 5 ml three times a day;
  • From one year to 5 years, weight from 10 to 18 kg – 10 ml 3 times a day;
  • From 6 to 9 years, weight from 19 to 28 kg – 15 ml 3 times a day;
  • From 10 to 12 years, weight from 29 to 39 kg - 20 ml 3 times a day.

Suspension 400 mg.

  • Children from one year to 5 years, weight from 10 to 18 kg – 5 ml 2 times a day;
  • From 6 to 9 years old, weighing from 19 to 28 kg -7.5 ml 2 times a day;
  • Children 10 to 12 years old, weight 29 to 39 kg – 10 ml twice a day.

The dosage of the drug is calculated depending on the type of infection, stage of progression, weight and age of the patient. It must be remembered that only a doctor can prescribe the required dosage to the patient. When calculating the dosage, it is recommended to take into account only the content of amoxicillin sodium.

Contraindications for use

If serious dysfunction of the kidneys and liver is detected, the dosage of this drug must be adjusted, and medical supervision is required throughout the entire treatment.

Augmentin should not be used in patients with hypersensitivity to the components. Also, the medicine should not be used in patients with a history of jaundice or hepatitis.

Check out other suspensions:

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

The antibiotic is contraindicated in pregnant women, unless the expected benefit from treating the patient significantly outweighs the risk to the unborn child.

When studying the effect of the drug on pregnant women with ruptured fetal membranes, it was found that Augmentin prophylaxis increases the risk of developing necrosis in the newborn.

During breastfeeding, the antibiotic Augmentin can be used in recommended doses. There may be reversible risks of diarrhea and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth in a child. In this case, the antibiotic should be discontinued.

Side effects:

  • Deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, cramps and abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea;
  • Suppression of the immune system: allergic vasculitis, anaphylactic reactions;
  • Infections: candidiasis of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • Disturbances in the blood and lymph: blood clots, leukopenia;
  • Deterioration of liver function: hepatitis;
  • Kidneys and urinary system: nephritis;
  • Skin and soft tissue disorders: erythema, itching, toxic epidermal necrosis (Labell syndrome);
  • Depression of the central nervous system: vertigo (dizziness) and pain in the head, convulsions;
  • Lethal outcome: possible only when treating patients with multiple contraindications with this drug.

Augmentin overdose. Symptoms

Mostly, symptoms of overdose occur in the gastrointestinal tract and disorders of the central nervous system. If nausea, convulsions or other symptoms are detected, you must consult a doctor and apply symptomatic treatment.

Impact of other drugs when used with Augmentin:

Probenecid inhibits the channel secretion of the active substance Augmentin.

Allopurinol increases the risk of an allergic reaction on the patient's skin. When used with the antibiotic metrotrexate, it can slow down the elimination of the latter. This increases its toxicity, which negatively affects the patient's health. The concentration of microphenolic acid changes to a lesser extent in patients who are prescribed amoxicillin together with immunosuppressants. When prescribing warfarin, it may be necessary to adjust the dosage of the latter.

Other Precautions

If you need to take Augmentin, you must consult a doctor so that he can study your medical history, collect a complete medical history and prevent possible adverse reactions.

Medicines of this type, which contain penicillin, are in the group of drugs that cause allergic reactions, so independent use can lead to serious problems and even death.

When using Augmentin, a skin rash similar to a scab may occur. Such a nonspecific reaction is observed when the patient has mononucleosis in the body.

If diarrhea and severe abdominal cramps and pain are detected before and during antibiotic treatment, it is necessary to discontinue the medication or treatment, respectively.

When prescribing long-term antibiotic treatment, it is necessary to monitor kidney function. Although penicillins have low toxic properties, long-term treatment can cause impaired renal function.

Since the drug Augmentin can lead to the risk of dizziness and convulsions, the patient is not recommended to drive a car or operate machinery. These recommendations should be obtained from your doctor.

No euphoric reaction or drug dependence was observed with Augmentin.

Shelf life of the drug:

Two years. After the expiration date, do not use.

Storage conditions:

In a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25C.

Keep out of the reach of children.