When is the best time to water an orchid? Orchid care: how to water the plant. Seven fatal mistakes in care

Watering orchids at home - important condition successful cultivation orchids. Those who have just become interested in orchids face many questions: what water to use for watering orchids; how often to water orchids, how to properly water terrestrial or epiphytic orchids? Let's try to answer these questions.

Water for watering orchids

In areas where natural water very soft, such a question is not worth it at all. This water can be used straight from the tap. And where the water is very hard (there is a lot of lime, a lot of scale is formed when boiling), then such water cannot be used for watering orchids from the tap. Water can be filtered using drinking filters Barrier type.

Most best option- water orchids in summer - with rainwater, in winter - with melted snow.

This option is also not acceptable to everyone, so you can use boiled water to water the orchids. Boil water to reduce hardness. Then this boiled water is poured into an enamel or glass container, where it settles for another day. After this, only 2/3 of the volume of settled boiled water is used to water the orchids, the rest of the water is drained. The water temperature for watering orchids should be room temperature or slightly warmer, 2-5 0 C above room temperature. Just before watering, to saturate the water with air (oxygen), pour it in a thin stream from one container to another.

If you have an aquarium at home, use aquarium water to water your orchids. This water has already been settled, saturated with nitrogen and air. It is very suitable for orchids. The same soft water is suitable for other indoor plants, for example selaginella.

Another one important detail: Each orchid requires its own specific water pH. Based on the name of the orchid, ask which one it is (acidic, neutral, alkaline). If within 5 pH (slightly acidified), then you can use lemon juice, a drop of vinegar, flower shops There is oxalic acid specifically for these purposes. So, we sorted out the water.

How to water orchids correctly

Now you need to know that watering ground orchids planted in pots in the ground differs from watering epiphytic orchids planted on blocks or in baskets.

If an orchid is planted in the ground, then you must always remember that in the center of the pot the substrate dries out much more slowly than at the edges of the pot. Therefore, the entire pot with such an orchid should be spilled no more than once a week. The rest of the time it is enough to water only along the edge of the pot.

Orchids planted in baskets or on blocks are watered abundantly, as the water drains very quickly, or the blocks and baskets with orchids are immersed in a container of water for several minutes, after which the excess moisture is allowed to drain. With this type of watering, there are no dry areas inside the block or basket.

Orchids grown without substrate in glass vases Water it like this: pour water into the vase for a few minutes up to the base of the orchid, so that only the roots are completely submerged. After this, the water is completely drained. It is recommended to do such watering in summer, during warm times, once every three days; in winter, when the room is cooler, it is enough to water once every 5-7 days. Under no circumstances should water after watering remain at the bottom of the vase, otherwise this will lead to the appearance of rot and the gradual death of the orchid roots.

Some gardeners practice watering orchids using warm shower. Modern shower cabins have a “tropical rain” function, probably specifically for watering orchids.

Orchids are placed under a warm shower just long enough for the substrate to be completely moistened, after which the water is allowed to drain. It is believed that such watering is as close as possible to natural conditions orchids, cleans leaves well of dust, which in turn is a preventive measure against pests. After watering with a shower, orchids grow leaves faster.

But do not forget that indoor orchids are still much weaker than their wild-growing sisters, so after watering with a shower, do not forget to dry all the axils of the leaves, the core of the orchid rosette, otherwise this will lead to rotting. After such watering, white stains from hard water may remain. Wipe all orchid leaves with a tissue. It is still better not to expose blooming orchids to the shower; the flowers may lose their decorative effect (from stains). Such watering is contraindicated for phalaenopsis.

1. For epiphytic orchids, excess moisture is more dangerous than its lack. Remember that in such orchids the roots need an influx fresh air. Epiphytic orchids can easily tolerate short delays in watering. Don’t look at the roots looking dry from above; there is a lot of moisture inside them. But too long intervals between waterings entail a slowdown in the growth of the orchid, premature flowering (short-term), or vice versa, there will be no flowering.

2.If you have just started growing orchids, then use a less moisture-intensive substrate. When you become more experienced and understand your orchids at a glance, then you can use more moisture-intensive substrates, which will undoubtedly make caring for orchids easier.

How often to water orchids

Advice from experienced amateur gardeners: Do you doubt the need for watering? Then wait one day, then water.

Frequency of watering orchids depends on the type of orchid, on the air temperature, on the substrate, on the illumination, on the physiological state of the orchid (growth period, dormant period). The frequency of watering directly depends on room conditions. For some people the room is cool, for others the air temperature is higher, and this makes the humidity less. Therefore, everyone will have to choose their own timing for watering orchids, acceptable only to you. We can only give some recommendations. Watering each orchid in specific place is selected individually.

Epiphytic orchids planted on blocks require periodic humidification of both the block and the air around the orchid. Remember the tropics, where orchids grow naturally on trees. No soil at all. In the tropics there are short-term tropical showers. This moisture is enough for epiphytic orchids to fully grow and bloom. They collect water with aerial roots from humid air. Orchids that require a constantly waterlogged substrate include Phragmipedium. Orchids that require a constantly moist substrate include Vanda, Paphiopedilum, Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Miltoniopsis, Vuylstekeara.

Watering such orchids only in winter time decreases slightly if the room temperature is lowered.

When the ambient temperature drops, the absorption capacity of orchid roots sharply decreases and excess water, especially cold water, can lead to the death of the roots. The same can be said when the illumination of the room decreases.

Orchids that require abundant watering from spring to autumn and moderate watering in winter include Epidendrum and Ludisia.

If there is a significant decrease in temperature or light, it is recommended that all orchids reduce watering rates. And vice versa, the higher the ambient temperature and room illumination, the shorter the intervals between waterings.

Orchids that are in the resting phase need to be watered carefully, since their roots are not able to absorb a large number of moisture. In addition to epiphytes, their roots need to be moistened even during the dormant period. And they are watered exactly as much as necessary so that the pseudobulbs do not wrinkle. Epiphytic orchids include Encyclia, Cattleya, Coelogyne, and Brassia.

Orchids at the very beginning of shoot growth require less watering than during the period of their active growth. Orchids that grow intensively need to be watered abundantly; when the next growth matures, watering is gradually reduced, transferring the orchid to a dormant period.

Another way to control the humidity of the substrate: compare the weight of pots with dry and wet substrate (if there is something to compare with).

If the orchid is terrestrial, growing in a substrate, among other things, consider the composition of the substrate: light or more moisture-intensive. The bark-based substrate gradually accumulates moisture, so excess water can also lead to rotting of the roots. And don’t look at the fact that the substrate is dry on top, it can even be very wet inside.

In between watering orchids, you can use spraying. Spraying the space around orchids increases air humidity. However, at low temperatures and high humidity air there is a high risk of rotting roots or pseudobulbs. To avoid this trouble, it is better to spray orchids in the first half of the day, so that the delicate orchids can dry out until the evening.

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So that the phalaenopsis orchid grows healthy and pleases the eye with its beautiful flowers, you need to know how to water the plant correctly. Delicate orchids especially sensitive to watering.

If not proper watering phalaenopsis, the plant will quickly wither. Therefore, every novice and experienced gardener must know the technology of watering and caring for phalaenopsis.

Time to water an orchid

A mandatory rule that must be followed strictly. Phalaenopsis can only be watered with dry roots and dried substrate. You must always remember, first dry it well, then water it. Drying may take several days. This will not harm the plant.

For a flower, drying time is of no small importance. The best option Drying the substrate and orchid roots within 24 hours is considered. This period applies to all types of epiphytic orchids.

Of course, drying time largely depends on climatic conditions. When it is cloudy and rainy outside, the drying time of the substrate increases compared to warm weather. on sunny days. Every gardener must take this factor into account.

Phalaenopsis should not be in a wet substrate for a long time. If he for a long time does not remain wet, it is necessary to replace it and pour a larger substrate, it will begin to dry much faster, due to free space, formed inside.

You need to water orchids:

  • In summer – 3 times a week;
  • In autumn - once a week;
  • In winter - once every 7 days.

The given watering schedule can be changed, it all depends on the individual conditions in which the orchid is grown.

How to know that the substrate and roots have dried well

Unfortunately, the substrate dries out in different places pot in different ways, especially if it contains small fractions. The layer lying on the surface dries faster, since it is more exposed to hot sun rays. The middle one takes much longer to dry; it practically does not see the sun. This also applies to the lower layer, when the orchid stands on the windowsill and is heated by a heating radiator.

To determine whether it is possible to start watering phalaenopsis, you can use several methods:

  • Determining the mass of the pot. After watering, you need to lift the pot and feel its weight. After a couple of days, you need to pick up the orchid pot again. If it becomes much lighter, it means it’s time to water.
  • Pry up the top crust of the soil, lower your finger to determine what the moisture content is inside the soil.
  • You can also use a small wooden stick. To determine whether it is time to water the phalaenopsis, you need to take it out and see how dry it is. If the stick is wet, it means it has not dried completely. It is better to refrain from watering the orchid.
  • You can also plant phalaenopsis in a transparent pot. The wet substrate will be much darker than the already dried substrate. Wet orchid roots have green color, completely dry, acquire a silvery tint.

How to properly water orchids

The best way to water is to immerse the orchid pot in a container filled with water. She's needed there hold for about 15 minutes. In winter, five minutes will be enough. During this time, the roots together with the substrate will become well wet. Then the pot is pulled out and the water is allowed to drain completely.

Very often, the question is asked: how to water a phalaenopsis orchid so as not to harm it. It is better to water the plant in the morning so that it can dry well before the evening. This is also due to the properties of the orchid. She “drinks” water very actively during the daytime. If you water an orchid in evening time, its substrate will dry out much longer.

Which shower to choose for an orchid?

Flower growers claim that a hot shower has a strong effect on the orchid. She blooms for a very long time and often. Flowers become more beautiful, she stops reacting to all kinds of diseases.

Of course, this procedure is very useful, but still the shower should not be very hot. It is intended only for washing off dust from plants.

Among the many types of orchids, not all can handle showers well. These include:

  • Cumbria;
  • Miltonia;
  • “Shoes;

Water temperature plays a huge role. It should not exceed 40°C. Otherwise, the phalaenopsis will simply boil.

After a shower, be sure to blot with a napkin all hard-to-reach places where water may have gotten in. It's about about the growing point and leaf axils.

There are several contraindications for showering orchids. It is forbidden to give a hot shower to phalaenopsis that is at rest. Usually this applies to the autumn and winter periods.

What kind of water is suitable for irrigation?

For an orchid, this issue is also considered very important. Our tap sometimes leaks very bad water, with impurities and rust. The question is quite natural: how to water phalaenopsis if there is no good, clean water.

For proper watering, the water must first be filtered and then boiled. As a result, it will become softer and all impurities will be removed from it. You can also use distilled water.

In principle, distilled water is already the ideal of purity. But it lacks useful microelements and salts. In this regard, in order to water home plants with distilled water, it is necessary to add the missing microelements to such water, along with fertilizers.

If you water phalaenopsis with hard water, which contains a lot of salts, the roots begin to become covered with a white coating. It needs to be washed off. Any acidic environment is suitable for this, for example, kefir or lemon juice with water.


In order for flowers to grow well, they need to create appropriate conditions. Very important correct lighting. IN summer time, the flower should bathe in sunlight, and in winter period You can create additional lighting by connecting a fluorescent lamp.

If you water your orchid correctly and adhere to the technology described above, you can grow a beautiful homemade phalaenopsis.

Orchids are epiphytic plants. In nature, they have “patrons” in the form of trees, on whose trunks orchids grow. They receive all nutrients and moisture from the “sponsor” tree. In apartment conditions, it is especially important to maintain the correct watering regime for these royal tropical pets.

Not only the quantity of water, but also its quality is vital for orchids. Water for these unique plants– a power source and, no less important, a temperature regulator near the roots. To water orchids, you need to use only softened water. The least you can do for your flowers is to let the tap water sit for a day or two to allow the calcium salts to precipitate. Then the water is carefully drained, without sediment, heated to 5-10 degrees (warmer than room temperature) and used for irrigation.

There are several ways to water plants.

Watering methodDescription
Watering canNo one canceled the usual watering from a watering can. It is carried out in a slow, thin stream, while the entire substrate is moistened evenly and completely. Water is supplied to the plant until it begins to flow out of the drainage holes. Excess water that has flowed out of the pot is collected in a tray. After 10 minutes, the entire watering procedure is repeated. If necessary (the substrate is not completely wetted, dry fractions are visible), watering is carried out three times
Immersion wateringIn addition to watering, you can saturate the substrate in the pot with moisture from the reverse side, that is, through the drainage holes in the pot. This method is called submersion watering. It is good because the substrate takes exactly as much moisture as it needs, all fractions of the substrate components are saturated completely and evenly. Immersion watering is done like this. Warm (up to +45° C) water is poured into a wide and deep container (for example, a basin). An orchid in a pot without a tray is lowered into the water so that the pot stands at the bottom of the basin and is submerged to 2/3 of the height. In this position, the pot with the orchid is left for half an hour to completely saturate the substrate. After this, the flower is placed on a tray to drain excess water.
Full showerOrchids react very well to such water treatments like a bath and a warm shower. Bathing under a forty-degree shower or in a bath with the same water temperature two to three times a month not only maintains cleanliness, but also significantly accelerates root formation, allowing the aerial roots to absorb moisture and transport it to the leaf mass and stem. Bathing in warm water stimulates orchid blooms

Advice! If you are bathing flowering plants, make sure that the temperature in the bathroom does not fall below +22 ° C, and that water does not get on the flowers.

After bathing, orchids must sit in the bath to allow the excess moisture, and then sent to dry in a warm room. If there is water left at the growing point, you need to remove it with a cloth or paper napkin.

When to water an orchid

If there is no drop in temperature in the room at night, you can water the orchid at any time when it is convenient for you to do so. It is better and more convenient to do this in the first half of the day. In the time remaining until evening, the plant will have time to dry out.

The watering regime for orchids depends on a number of conditions. Each group of flowers, each variety, at different stages of development, needs different watering conditions. It is best to carefully monitor the plant for two to three weeks and develop your own watering regimen.

The need for watering depends on:

  • indoor humidity;
  • air temperature in the room;
  • plant size;
  • the quality of the substrate and the size of the fractions in it;
  • pot material;
  • period of plant life (flowering, budding, dormancy).

Important! For any type of orchid, prolonged overwatering is much worse than drying out the substrate. When overwatered, the aerial roots begin to rot, and the plant may become sick and die.

Rule #1

If it is not possible to accurately determine the dryness of the substrate, but the roots at the bottom of the pot are bright green, it is better to postpone watering.

Rule #2

During the period of active growth, the orchid is watered more often than during the dormant state.

Rule #3

In winter and in bad weather (cloudy, damp, rain), watering is reduced. In the summer heat, watering is increased.

Rule #4

The higher the air temperature in the room where the orchid is located, the more abundant and frequent watering should be.

Features of watering during the flowering period

An orchid blossom is the most beautiful sight on earth. It can last more than two months. And all this time the plant needs special water regime. If you water the plant correctly, you can extend flowering for a month, or even two.

With the help of watering, you can also ensure that the orchid blooms not once, but twice a year. The “secret” is the correct alternation of watering and drying. A plant that is ready to flower during the budding period must be watered only when the root substrate is completely dry. Then it is necessary to “push” the orchid to actively form and release flower stalks. To achieve this, the watering regime is made protracted - periods of dry conditions increase. For example, if you have been watering your flower weekly, start watering twice a month.

During periods of artificial “drought”, there is no need to spray the plants and arrange a shower. After a month of this regime, the orchid will begin to produce flower stalks.

After this, you need to return to normal mode, feed the plant and let it bloom. 3-4 months after flowering, you can begin to stimulate the re-formation of peduncles.

Advice! If you stimulate re-blooming in winter, it is necessary to provide the orchids with additional lighting for 10-12 hours during the daytime.

Video - Basic rules for watering an orchid


The question of how often to water an orchid is perhaps the most worrying for all owners of this plant, because this stage of caring for it is very different from caring for conventional plants. What's so special about it?

How to water an orchid?

An orchid is an extremely delicate and sensitive flower. To care for this plant, proper watering is very important, in the absence of which it will first cease to please you with its lush flowering, and then it will completely wither. This process consists of many specific subtleties, because moisturizing methods are quite suitable for other species indoor plants, orchids are simply contraindicated. There are several basic methods for properly watering this flower. Let's look at them in more detail.

Immersion method. To water in this way, take a bucket or deep basin and fill it with warm water. Now lower the pot with the indoor plant into the container so that it is completely immersed in the liquid. This bath procedure for an orchid can last about half an hour. After this time, remove the plant and let the water drain from the leaves. This watering method is extremely convenient and saves both time and water. However, it can only be used if the flower does not have any damage or disease.

The watering can method is the simplest and most common method of watering orchids. It is recommended to do it in the afternoon. Use thin streams of water to moisten the entire area on which the plant is located. It is important that the liquid does not end up on its leaves. Water the soil until the excess begins to come out of the special holes at the bottom of the pot.

Root spraying is suitable for orchids growing on blocks. Fill the spray bottle with water room temperature and thoroughly spray the roots of the plants. This procedure is recommended to be carried out before lunch.

The warm shower technique was invented in order to maximize the effect of tropical downpours, which are common for orchid growth. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the plant, promotes its growth and frequent flowering. And it is done extremely simply. Place the pot in the bottom of your bathtub and direct a gentle shower stream of warm water at the plant. It is recommended to carry out procedures several times during the month, and their duration can be up to fifteen minutes. At the end of the process, to remove excess liquid, the leaves of the plant must be wiped with a piece of dry soft fabric.

What kind of water and how often should you water your home orchid?

If you water an orchid with ordinary tap water, this tropical and rather pampered plant will quickly fade away and, of course, will not please you with colorful blooms. Therefore, caring owners need to take care of the quality of water to moisturize the orchid. In doing so, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • temperature for watering should be about thirty-five degrees, it can be higher, but not lower, since the plant is extremely heat-loving;
  • acidity level (pH) – should not exceed 5, it can be reduced by adding lemon juice to the water;
  • softness – tap water It is characterized by quite high hardness, which is detrimental to orchids; it can be softened with oxalic acid (0.5 tsp per 5 liters of water) or using a cleaning filter.

It is almost impossible to give a definite answer how many times a week or month you need to water an orchid. The mode and frequency are selected individually. This is primarily due to the rate of drying of the soil, substrate, and the root system of the flower. And this depends on a number of other related factors. These include:

  • degree of illumination;
  • pot sizes;
  • air temperature;
  • substrate size – it is believed that a large substrate dries faster, and a small one retains moisture longer;
  • degree of exposure to sunlight;
  • general humidity level;
  • Atmosphere pressure;
  • the composition of the substrate - for example, sphagnum moss or coconut chips retain moisture much better than, say, pine bark.

You can create an individual watering schedule by carefully observing the orchid. Make sure that the soil base does not dry out and that the soil always remains slightly moist. However experienced flower growers They say that overwatering is more dangerous for an orchid than underwatering. With excessive moisture, the roots of the plant begin to rot, which leads to its rapid death. You can determine that a flower needs watering thanks to simple test. Touch the soil in which your indoor orchid grows with your finger. If the soil remains dry at a depth of three centimeters, this means that it is dried out and the plant needs to be moistened.

General rules and features of watering

Experienced plant growers have identified a number of general rules For . For example, in a warm room with dry air, the plant should be watered more often than in low temperatures and high humidity. And on particularly hot days, it is also recommended to spray the orchid leaves with a spray bottle and humidify the air in the room. In general, moisturizing in the summer months should be more intense and frequent than in winter.

I would like to determine after how many days it is better to water the orchid, but even experts give a very vague answer. On average, it should be watered once every 5–13 days, focusing primarily on the degree of soil moisture. Irrigation should be quite rare, but plentiful. It is recommended to water orchids that grow in a large pot less often than others. This is due to the fact that moisture stays longer in a large container. And since excess moisture is detrimental to the root system of plants, you should definitely make small holes in the bottom of the pot through which excess liquid will come out.

To regulate humidity, you can put a couple of centimeters of expanded clay on the bottom of the container - a special substance that has the ability to absorb large amounts of water and then release it.

Orchid in clay pot should be watered less frequently than the plant in plastic container. This is due to the fact that in a plastic pot the soil dries out unevenly, as if from top to bottom. Wherein upper layer The substrate may seem dry, but there is still enough moisture underneath. When watering, water should never fall on the flowers. And during intensive stem growth, the plant requires more frequent and abundant moisture.

The vagaries of different varieties of orchids and at the flowering stage

Watering frequency indoor orchid largely related to the variety and variety of this plant. Large orchids in large tubs are recommended to be watered approximately once every 10 days. Miniature plant varieties should be moistened after 2-3 days. Epiphytes grow on blocks, practically without soil - they should be moistened by daily spraying of the roots. In addition, once a week you should moisten the block itself with water and spray water from a spray bottle into the air.

The Phragmipedium variety requires permanently waterlogged soil. Therefore, it is recommended to water this type of orchid every day. Varieties such as miltoniopsis, paphiopedilum, vanda, and wulstekear thrive well with a sufficiently moist substrate. Watering these types of orchids should be done every 5–7 days. Caring for epidendrum and ludizia depends on the time of year. The presented varieties need intensive moisture during the spring and summer, but in autumn and winter months you should switch to a moderate watering regime.

Orchids of such varieties as encyclia, coelogina, brassia, catleya need abundant weekly irrigation, regardless of external circumstances. However, such plants need to dry thoroughly between waterings. Phalaenopsis is an ideal variety for beginner orchid lovers. You can determine its need for moisture by the color of the roots. As long as they are green, the flower does not need irrigation. Dendrobium orchids are watered only when the soil is extremely dry.

Watering this type of plant, such as calantha, has a pronounced seasonal character. Thus, in the spring and summer months there is a period vigorous flowering orchids. At this time, the flower needs daily irrigation. In autumn, when the plant sheds its leaves, its watering stops for about a month and a half and resumes with the appearance of the first green shoots.

During the flowering period, orchids in most cases require more frequent and intense moisture. The frequency of watering increases almost 2 times, and on average they are desirable after 3–4 days. It is very important for the well-being of the orchid that water does not get on its leaves and flowers. To prevent this from happening, pour water from a watering can, directing the stream directly to the roots of the plant. The best time to water a blooming orchid is in the morning.

One of the most important factors influencing the development of a plant is proper watering. All flower growers should know about this. This is especially true for orchids, since each variety has its own characteristics in terms of watering. Remembering the features of watering all types of orchids is not so difficult, because their differences are insignificant. For example, Dendrobium and Oncidium do not like wet soil, while Cymbidium, Odontoglossum, Paphiopedilum and Phalaenopsis, on the contrary, prefer to bloom in a wet substrate. For full development plants need to have information about proper watering. This will be discussed in more detail in this article.

The plant can bloom several times a year. The process begins with the “sleeping” buds gradually awakening, and then a peduncle is formed. Soon the buds that have formed on the peduncle open, and the young flower begins to reach for the sunlight. As a rule, the latter blooms within 24 hours, after which it can develop for several days. First, those buds that are located near the very edge of the peduncle bloom. The peculiarity of orchids is that they bloom in inflorescences consisting of a large number of flowers, which can be up to 80 pieces (depending on the type of plant).

There are varieties of orchids various colors, starting from bright white and ending with dark purple tint, decorated with various veins and specks. The flowers have a very pleasant and delicate aroma. The orchid will decorate the house, but at the same time it will not annoy its inhabitants with a pungent odor.

Important! Orchids can bloom for 3 months, although sometimes the flowering period lasts up to 5. In rare cases, the flowering period can be as long as 8 months.

Prices for orchid seeds

orchid seeds

What determines the duration of flowering

Proper maintenance and care of your orchid can affect how long you can enjoy the sight of lush inflorescences.

Table. Factors on which the duration of flowering will depend.


Orchids, like most indoor plants, love light. With its deficiency, the “sleeping” buds will not be able to wake up, although the growth of leaves will not stop. The orchids will not bloom.Place the plant no further than one meter from the window. In this case, you need to protect the orchid from direct sunlight.

Despite the fact that orchids are considered tropical inhabitants, extreme heat can have a negative effect on them. The plant will still bloom, but will soon go into dormant mode again.It is advisable to withstand temperature regime in the apartment ranging from 1 to 22 degrees. This optimal temperature for plant development.

Low air humidity has a bad effect on orchids. This is due to their homeland – the humid tropics.Monitor the level of humidity in the room.

To fertilize orchids, you need to use only those substances that contain phosphorus and potassium. Give this issue enough time when choosing.It is not recommended to fertilize the plant very often, especially during the flowering period. Several times a week will be enough.

If you frequently water your orchid, you can destroy the plant due to the death and decay of the root system. Also, improper watering can lead to buds falling off. As a result, the plant will stop blooming.Try not to water the plant too often and follow the recommendations regarding this issue.

There is one rule that every orchid owner must adhere to - it is better to underwater the plant than to overwater it. Most of them can withstand minor droughts quite well. When flowering, the frequency of watering is slightly different from the usual regime. During this period, you need to water every 3 days. IN usual time The plant is watered 4 times a month, taking into account soil moisture. This is done like this: a pot with a plant is immersed in a small container filled with water for 6-8 minutes.

You need to use soft water, so it is advisable to take care of this in advance. For example, rain or melt water may be useful. If you couldn’t get one, then you can take boiled one. At the same time, it must be cooled down: water with a temperature of no higher than 37 degrees is used for irrigation. You can also use a spray bottle to additionally spray the plant.

Watering patterns can be affected by air humidity or the season of the year, so perform this procedure more often if the air is too dry. Therefore, there is no need to focus on the exact amount of time between watering procedures, since all recommendations are approximate.

Important! The whitened roots of a plant are a kind of signal for watering. This can only be determined when it “grows” in a transparent container. In other cases, you need to stick a thin wooden stick into the soil to determine the soil moisture. If the stick is dry, then the plant needs to be watered.

Regular chlorinated tap water is not suitable. You need clean and soft water without salts, chlorine and impurities. Rain water is perfect, but it needs to be further processed before use. Otherwise, you risk introducing various infections into the soil in addition to the water itself.

About improper watering

First of all, when improper watering will suffer root system, as a result of which the leaves will fall and wither. Let's look at the main reasons.

Watering too infrequently

The main factor that you should consider in your watering regime is the dryness of the soil. This is what you need to build on, because there is no strict time interval between waterings. The size of the pot can also affect the frequency. The substrate will dry out more slowly in a large pot, so when growing orchids it is advisable to use only small and narrow containers to prevent root rotting. Rare watering can cause the root system to dry out.

Watering too often

For optimal growth orchids need to take care of creating the necessary conditions for this. They should be similar to a tropical climate, since the homeland of orchid plants is located there. Water the orchid so often that the earthen ball has time to dry thoroughly before each procedure. Otherwise, if you water uncontrolledly, the root of the plant may simply rot.

If there is no flowering

An orchid is a very whimsical plant, so sometimes it may not bloom. What should be done in such cases to awaken the “basic instincts” of the orchid?

  1. Check the room temperature. If it is too dry and hot, the plant will not bloom, as it has gone into a “dormant” state. Adjust the temperature in the house, as mentioned earlier.

  • Check the frequency and process of watering the plant. An orchid can dry out from a lack of water or, conversely, “drown” in its excess. Before each watering, it is necessary to check the soil for moisture.
  • Pay attention to the quality of fertilizers and frequency. It is worth noting that for the first time after purchasing an orchid, you do not need to fertilize it with anything. Otherwise, a large amount of salts will accumulate in the soil, which the orchid will certainly not be happy with.
  • There is a possibility that The plant you stole has already bloomed in the store itself, and after the purchase, the period of dropping flowers began. Here you just need to wait.
  • Place the orchid under a warm (not hot) shower to create the illusion of rainfall in the tropics. In its homeland, flowering begins from the end of the rainy season in the tropics. After a shower, be sure to wipe the stems and leaves of the plant with a napkin.
  • An equally important stage in the life of a plant is proper care after the end of the flowering period. The orchid peduncle will turn black and dry out a little after flowering, so it should be carefully trimmed and removed. It is pruned to the very base of the plant. The frequency of fertilizing gradually decreases, as does watering. For example, in winter, you need to water an orchid no more than once a month, but you also need to regularly spray it with a spray bottle.

    Important! The flower may stop blooming when it needs replanting. In order for the plant to bloom again, it needs to be moved to another windowsill. The same must be done if the leaves have wrinkled and turned yellow, or if the peduncle does not emerge.

    Now you know how to water an orchid during and after flowering. If you follow our recommendations, you will soon be able to enjoy the beautiful view of blooming orchids.