What games can be played for girls. Games for couples in love: different options and detailed description of the rules

Most modern Russian children associate the concept of playing at home with computer games, Dandy or PS4 console, built-in or downloaded to an Android phone or iPhone. Therefore, in such situations, they are interested in the question of what games can be played together on one computer. However, you should not limit yourself exclusively to this type of entertainment using an iPad, gamepad, tablet, playstation or xbox.

There are many other interesting entertainments for home conditions if the street is inaccessible for some reason. A child can play them independently, and also involve his grandmother, brother, friends, mother, classmates or sister. Let's look at the options for games that you can come up with and play at your dacha, in your apartment, and even in your car.

When asked what games you can play at home together with a preschooler, experts name the following options:

  • dominoes or lotto;
  • blind man's buff or hide and seek;
  • cubes or puzzles;
  • puppet show;
  • LEGO or simple construction kits;
  • modeling from clay or plasticine;
  • simple walking games;
  • coloring or drawing;
  • drawing;
  • role-playing games with special sets (a car enthusiast with garages, a doctor and a patient in a hospital, daughters and mothers in a house with dolls, a store, etc.);
  • creating paper applications, models or crafts.

Preschoolers will not refuse to play an exciting quest to find a surprise. Partially this game can be played on fresh air. Clues-finding tasks should be used according to the child's age.

If parents are interested in what card games You can play together for schoolchildren, then you can also choose several exciting options. There are also Interesting games for the whole family or a large company:

  • darts;
  • tic-tac-toe;
  • mafia (requires at least 7 people);
  • monopoly (3 participants are enough);
  • sea ​​battle;
  • table hockey or football;
  • backgammon;
  • chess or checkers.

Stores also sell special kits that help children learn the world: “Young naturalist” or “ Young chemist" With adult guidance, children will be captivated by the opportunities they provide for a long time. You can also purchase creative kits, which, once mastered, will allow your child to learn burning, glass carving, sewing and other useful things.

There are practically no problems with what games you can play at home alone with a friend or company. There are a number universal options for two or several friends:

  • believe - don't believe;
  • the sea is agitated once;
  • words;
  • truth or deed;
  • cold - hot.

If children prefer dynamic recreation, you can choose sports and entertainment games for the home. They do not require special equipment, but the child will be able to get rid of accumulated emotional stress and strengthen physically. Options for such entertainment can be found on the Internet. To make the games more fun, adults must show sincere enthusiasm and imagination.


This game is for children at home- the opposite version of hide and seek. All players close their eyes and count to ten, and the leader runs away and hides. After some time, one of the players goes in search and, if he does not find the hidden one in one minute, is eliminated from the game. If he finds the leader, he hides with him.

A game continues until everyone hides with the leader, like sardines in a barrel. The main thing is not to laugh and not give everyone away.


It's such an old French game that grandparents and even great-grandparents can remember playing it.

For this games with children at home you need to take a thick thread or cord approximately 45 cm long. One of its ends is glued with adhesive tape to the tennis ball, and the other to the bottom plastic cup. You can also tie the end of the thread to the handle of a plastic mug.

Several people take part in the game. The player is required to throw the ball up and catch it in a glass or mug. Points are awarded for this. You need to catch the ball one at a time until you miss. The player who misses passes the billboke to the next player in line. The first one to score the agreed number of points wins.

From the book: M.A. Mikhailov.

Children holidays. Games, tricks, fun. Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, Academy Holding, 2000.

GAME FOR CHILDREN AT HOME: Who is the presenter?

The game must involve at least six players; one of the players leaves the room. At this time, the rest sit in a circle and choose a leader. The presenter does simple moves, for example, clapping his hands, shaking his head, shaking his fists in the air, etc. The remaining players must repeat the leader's movements and perform new movements after him as quickly as possible.

Now the player who went out the door returns and stands in the center of the circle. His job is to discover who is leading. This is not at all easy, because while he is looking at the leader, he will not make new movements. When a leader is found, he must leave the room and the players choose a new leader.

From the book: G. Tubelskaya. Children's holidays in the family. Moscow, Sphere shopping center, 1999.


Many children take part in this game. The leader is blindfolded and stands in the center of the circle. At the signal (clap) of the leader, the players begin to move in a circle. The repeated clap stops the movement. Now the presenter must point to one of the players and try to recognize him. He has the right to touch the player and, if he cannot guess, ask him to say something (pretend to be an animal - meow, squeak, bark, crow, etc.).

If the leader does not recognize the child, he leads a second time.

From the book: M.A. Mikhailov.

Children holidays. Games, tricks, fun. Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, Academy Holding, 2000

A game is a great way not only to keep a child occupied, but also to teach him something new in a playful, unobtrusive way, to develop his speech, and to contribute to the development of logical abilities. But what games can you play at home?

Children's home games "for every day"

"What is missing?"

Material. Crockery, cutlery, vegetables, fruits 3-4 pieces.

Rules. 1. Tell clearly what is missing. 2. Do not peek when the toy is hidden.

Progress of the game. Objects are laid out on the table, the child names them and remembers them. Now he must turn away or leave the room. An adult hides an object. The child returns, examines the objects and reports, for example: “There is not enough fruit, this fruit is an apple” or “There is not enough cutlery, it’s called a “knife.”

"What am I doing?"

Rules. Using gestures, expressively depict your plans.

Progress of the game. The mother or presenter tells the child: “Now I will show that I am doing something, and you must guess what exactly.” Next, mom takes a spoon and pretends to “eat.” The child happily guesses: “I know you’re eating!” Now the child makes a riddle; the adult’s task is to figure out what kind of activity he is representing.

Indoor outdoor games

"Cat and Mouse"

This game is suitable for a large children's company; it can be used as home game for a birthday.

Progress of the game. Children join hands and stand in a circle, and two “cat” (boy) and “mouse” (girl) stand in the middle of the circle. When children raise their hands up, the “mouse” should try to get away from the cat. While saving the mouse, the children give up when the cat runs after it.

"Blind Man's Bluff"

The leader is blindfolded and placed at the threshold, all the other children hide in different parts rooms and try to move silently so that the leader does not guess where they are. The leader begins to catch and the one he catches must become the leader himself.

Home game for girls

"Dressing a doll"

Material. Large dolls and different sets of clothes, some of which can be combined with each other, others not.

Progress of the game. The mother hangs up the dolls' clothes and addresses the child. “Look how many beautiful clothes the dolls have. Let's put them on." When the child agrees, the mother continues: “Let’s put this green skirt on your doll, see, do you think that blue blouse over there will suit her?” The mother’s task is to push the child to choose the right combination.

Home games for boys

"Bottle Skittles"

(The game is suitable for those parents who have realized how much pleasure it gives their boys to hit the target, but who have not yet purchased a suitable set of plastic or wooden pins.)

Material. Plastic bottles, filled with water, and a ball heavy enough to knock over these bottles.

Progress of the game. Place filled with water plastic containers and try to knock down as many homemade pins as possible at once.

"My Fleet"

Material: pieces of foam plastic, paper, cardboard, nut shells, as well as large container filled with water, watering can, cereals.

Progress of the game. The child is asked to transport ships from one shore to another. At the same time, both rain (use a watering can with a nozzle for dispersing water), wind, and hail (grains) can interfere with its purpose.

Home games for teenagers

For teenage children, household items are of greatest interest. Board games. This will require auxiliary material, such as cards, chess, checkers, dice. For family games, you can purchase games played on the field, such as Pandemic, Monopoly, Dixit. Games at home are a good alternative to family time in front of the TV, not only for children, but also for adults.

Childhood is a wonderful and carefree time. The basis of a child’s leisure time at this time is a fun and relaxed game; it is very loved by all children. During the game, learning occurs, skills are mastered, familiarity with social roles, and relationships are developed. The game's functions are so diverse that it is impossible to describe them all.

But when it comes to practice, many parents simply forget about the time when they were children, and impromptu does not work. You should keep several games in stock for children of different age groups.

Outdoor games for children are the basis of physical and intellectual development

What to play with your child at home? Different game options can be useful if you have several children visiting you. different years, it is important that it is interesting for them all.

Very relevant original scripts, which are not similar to common games.

Game options for children 3-5 years old

· Rainy weather

Even at the age of 3, children will understand the rules of the game. Each child sits on a chair; this is his “house”. The presenter says that today the weather is beautiful, and all the children can go for a walk; the children get up from their chairs and move around in a chaotic manner. The presenter begins to say “drip-drip”, it seems that it is raining, you need to return to your house, the children are actively seated in their chairs. Can be repeated several times varying the intervals.

The presenter plays the role of a cat, children aged 3 years - small titmouse birds. Each bird has its own nest, if you are playing outside, you can draw a nest on the asphalt, if children are playing at home, you can cut a circle out of a sheet of paper and put it on the floor. When the cat is sleeping, the tits can fly and look for crumbs, but as soon as the cat wakes up, all the birds must return to their nests.

The game "Titmouse and the Cat" is very fun

· Bear den and tourists

From among the children aged 3 years and older you need to choose a “bear”. Draw 2 circles on the ground or lay out 2 rugs if you are indoors. To the song about the bear, the “tourists” leave their circle while the “bear” is hibernating; at a signal, the bear wakes up and rushes in pursuit of the careless tourists. The child who is caught by the “bear” becomes the new clubfoot.

· A stream flows

At 3 years old you can try this game. An improvised stream 2 meters long and 0.5 meters wide is drawn on the ground. Pebbles are drawn along the banks. Children line up in a column and take turns overcoming the water obstacle, jumping over pebbles; those children who “wet” their feet go to the bench and carefully watch the children passing along the stream. There are only three children on the bench at all times, so they are very attentive, waiting to be included in the game.

At home, children love to play board and floor games

· Snowfall

Great game for children 3-5 years old. Let the children imagine themselves as little snowflakes. During a storm, they spin in different directions, collide with each other, and when the leader says “snowfall,” they crouch and do not move. As the game progresses, you need to change the rhythm several times; you can all sing a song about snowfall and blizzards together.

The game Snowfall can start from making snowflakes

· Partner

During this game, children aged 3 years consolidate their knowledge about colors and learn to work in pairs. To play the game you will need several colored squares that need to be cut diagonally. The children are given the resulting colored flags. On command, the guys line up along the wall in a chaotic manner. On command, each child must find his partner, with the same flag as his. Then the presenter says “exchange”, the whole action is repeated again.

Game options for children 5-7 years old

Children at this age also love active, outdoor games, imitate each other, but unlike previous period The result of the game becomes interesting, they actively express their thoughts and feelings. The following games were noted by the children.

· Difficult relationships

Children aged 5-7 years should be divided into two teams - bees and bears. Each bee needs to organize a house, for example, draw a “hive” on the ground. On command, the bees fly away from the house to collect nectar, while cunning bear cubs occupy the bee houses and feast on honey. At the signal, the bees return and sting the bears, each bear saves its “skin” by running away, those clubfooted ones that did not escape do not participate in the next round.

· Cunning fox

The guys line up in one line with their backs to the leader. The children close their eyes, and the leader walks behind them and touches the shoulder of one of the participants; this will be the “sly fox.” All children open their eyes and unanimously call the fox, at this moment the chosen child should not give himself away. At the command of the leader, the fox changes its appearance and tries to catch two children. The game starts again, you can choose another child or the same one.

Costume games are always interesting

In this game, in addition to motor activity work in progress with emotions.

You need to draw a circle on the ground or lay out a mat. This will be a deer drive; two hunters will be selected from among the guys. All the deer stand in a circle, the hunters take turns throwing the ball at the deer; if the ball hits the target, the child leaves the circle. The child who turns out to be the most dexterous and dodges all the blows wins.

Game Deer Hunting

· Fisherman

To play with children you will need a jump rope; it will act as a fishing rod. The fisherman stands in the center of the circle, along the periphery of which the rest of the 5-7 year old children are located. The presenter begins to spin the rope, and the “fish” jump up in the hope of dodging. The most nimble fish that survives all the fishing trips wins.

· Sokoliki

You need to draw two lines on the ground; in the middle there will be a sector of hunters. There are two hunters in the center, the rest of the children aged 5-7 years are falcons. At the leader's command, they must overcome the hunters' sector. The most nimble falcon who has survived the flight more than once wins, then the children change roles and try themselves as hunters and falcons. Children like these games very well.

· Gossamer

From among children 5-7 years old, a child is selected to play the role of a spider; he is located in one of the corners of the room or sector. The rest of the children are active flying flies. The presenter says “the spider is sleeping”, the child who plays his role freezes, and the rest of the children actively move around the room and buzz. As soon as the leader shouts “hunt” all the “flies” freeze, the spider goes hunting. The spider should not hurt anyone, but it carefully watches the movements; if it manages to see them, then it immediately grabs the fly and drags it into its nest. As soon as the spider collects 2-3 flies, gratitude is expressed to him and a new hunter is elected.

The role of outdoor games in child development

· Mousetrap

From among the children, two children are selected to represent the mousetrap. Such active games are loved by children. The rest of the children are agile mice. The mousetrap initially lets all the mice through the circle, but at the signal from the leader, you can unexpectedly get caught. While listening to a funny chant, you need to catch a few mice until you get tired of the game.

Game options for children 8-12 years old

· Tenant hare

From among children 8-12 years old you need to choose a hunter and a lodger hare. The rest of the children are hares with houses. To the cheerful counting rhyme of the leader, the bunny without a house runs away from the hunter; he can only escape in the house, but then the other “bunny” becomes a forced lodger and flees to another house.

Educational games for younger schoolchildren help them learn better

· Tierra del Fuego

All the children, together with the leader, run around the room, at the command of the “fire” leader, all the children look for shelter, climb to a hill, then those who did not manage to escape leave the game. The fittest wins.

· New couple

All children 8-12 years old are divided into pairs and stand behind each other. A pair of drivers separates, then the one who runs away may become third in front of the other pair, in this case the latter becomes redundant and is forced to run away, this is how a dynamic change of children in the pair occurs.

· Shootout

It is necessary to draw two lines on the ground, two drivers are located in the outer sectors, the rest of the children are in the middle. The game requires a ball, which the drivers throw over a group of children, trying to hit it; those children who are hit are eliminated from the competition. As a result, the most active and agile child remains.

Ball game Shootout

To ensure that your home does not turn into a battlefield and that all children are busy doing safe things, you just need to have a supply of various options games. What to play with your child at home so that all participants are happy.

  • Inclusion in the game must be voluntary; a child cannot be forced if he does not want to play. But you can create an environment in which the child simply does not want to refuse.
  • Participation should be active and active, and should not oppress creativity, limit the child to rigid boundaries.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to clearly explain the rules of the game to all participants so that there are no hesitations or breakdowns.
  • Games should develop a sense of collectivism and the ability to work in a team.
  • It is difficult for children to sit still, so moderately active games are encouraged that will not force children to sit still.

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Raising an active child is the joy and, at the same time, the grief of parents. How to channel all this energy into a peaceful direction? Especially now, when good weather is far away and you have to spend almost the whole day at home? Do not despair! Galka-Igralka offers you 20 ideas fun activities and outdoor games at home for children aged 1 year and older. They will help your baby burn off his energy and have a great time with the whole family!

1. Children's room design

Use your imagination and get the whole family involved in redecorating your children's room. Do your design project, refresh some part of the room, such as bedding, or build fun furniture. And the children will be busy, and the room will be renewed.

2. Elephant race

Take empty tin cans and make these elephant walker legs. If you have several active children at home at once, you can organize a slow elephant race around the apartment. Just don’t organize a speed competition (remember about safety!) It’s better to invite the kids to imitate how elephants walk, and use their hands to show the ears and trunk. The most similar “elephant” becomes the winner.

3. Painted Rocks Party

Many kids love to collect pebbles and carefully store their jewelry. But now your valuable collection will no longer gather dust idle! Color each pebble, make an exhibition and invite your loved ones to the opening.

4. Dolls made from paper bags

5. Mega doll

Does your little one love to play with paper dolls, endlessly dressing them in cut-out skirts and blouses? Move on to more (in every sense of the word:))! Make a child-sized paper doll! You can attach a photo of your child in place of the face. He'll definitely love dressing up his life-size replica.

6. Hide and seek

7. Foam party

Fill the sink with soap suds and watch your child's enthusiastic reaction. Or even better - give him a few plastic cups, spoons, cups so he can play with the bubbles. The baby will be delighted!

8. Masterpieces in the bathroom

Fun to make, fun to play and easy to clean up! All you need is grated soap and water or shaving cream and food coloring. This paint will allow your young Picasso to create his masterpieces right in the bathroom without endangering surrounding objects. And muffin tins will serve as just the perfect palette.

9. Disco!

Dancing is one of the favorite activities of active children. This is a great way to lift your spirits, learn to feel the rhythm, and express yourself! Put on your baby's favorite tunes - and go!

10. Hike... without leaving home

Pitch a tent in the center of the room (or even two) and play camping right at home. Don’t forget to grab canned food (if you’re camping outside of the kitchen), fishing rods and other camping paraphernalia. Just don't light a fire :)

11. Decluttering

Sort out old toys that your child no longer plays with and invite your child to give them to someone who needs them more. For example, to a charity organization or to less wealthy acquaintances. You will put things in order in the nursery, and the child will receive an excellent lesson in kindness.

12. Scotch tape roads

No purchased parking lot or track can compare with a homemade plan for an entire city! Use several types of decorative adhesive tape to recreate houses, streets, traffic circles and parking lots on the floors. This is a wonderful active game not only for children, but also for parents: while the young racer conquers city roads, you can enjoy a couple of hours of peace.

13. Dough modeling

Making your own play dough is super easy. There are plenty of recipes on the Internet. One of them can be found in Galki-Igralki group on VKontakte (by the way, there are a lot of other interesting ideas). All the main ingredients can be found in any kitchen, and you only need about 10 minutes of time. The result is a pleasant, very pliable mass. And you don’t have to be afraid that the baby will suddenly decide to try out her creation for the tooth.

14. Garden on the windowsill

Many kids love to tinker with a watering can and water something. If your child is one of them, try making a special garden for him on the windowsill. You will need one painted in different colors rice, sandbox form, artificial flowers and a set of tools for the little gardener. Several games - and to summer season you will have a professional assistant.

15. Home swim

Who said you can't swim in winter without a pool? Put on glasses and swimsuits for the children and let them splash around in the bath to their heart's content. This is not just a fun activity: it is enjoyable side effect the child will become incredibly pure.