On what days of fasting can you eat fish? Text of the Orthodox prayer to Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk. What not to eat during Lent

After the end of Maslenitsa, a majestic and important period begins - Great Lent. One of the harshest and longest of all Lents - its duration lasts seven weeks and ends with a major church holiday - Easter.

The main purpose of this Lent is to prepare for the great Christian holiday. The priests remind us that Lenten food comes from ease of preparation.

Great Lent 2018 when you can eat fish: self-restraint to cleanse the soul and body

Great Lent is intended to purify your soul and body through self-restraint, prayers, and visiting churches.. Some, strong-willed, people limit themselves in food and drink only water throughout the entire period.

During this period, the following foods are excluded from the diet: fish, eggs, meat, milk.

Everything in our life comes when we put in the effort. It is necessary to prepare for the holiday.

With unusual severity they demand to follow the Fast during the first Holy Week. On Clean Monday they completely refuse to eat.

On other days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry eating (water, compotes, bread, vegetables, fruits);

Tuesday, Thursday – no butter, hot food;

Saturday, Sunday – added vegetable oil.

Great Lent 2018 when you can eat fish: days allowing to reduce strict restrictions

Sometimes the church gives permission, reducing the strict restrictions by allowing fish and church wine. These days are strictly fixed for believers.

Fish or seafood can be eaten in Palm Sunday(April 1, 2018). The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, this day, depends on Easter itself, and is celebrated a week before it.

Unlike Russian, Greek Orthodox Church, seafood is equated to plants, and therefore sea reptiles, along with butter, are eaten on weekends.

When preparing fish, you should comply with the requirements for other Lenten dishes: ban on condiments and sauces. It is not recommended to fry it (just salt, stew or boil).

The fish must be extremely natural, so as not to “irritate” the taste buds. The main fish dishes in Lent are fish soup, steamed cutlets, or stewed with vegetables.

Great post 2018 when you can eat fish: Lenten diet for believers

It is necessary to take into account that people have different lifestyles, the presence of diseases and also different spiritual experience. Students who are new to or doing heavy physical work should not go to “Lenten labors.” First of all, you need to take care of your health.

Everyone includes fish in their Lenten diet, depending on the situation and the priest’s recommendations. We must remember that although food should be simple, it should be sufficient to maintain strength.

During this period, it is prohibited to abuse spices, salt, sugar and fried foods. Choose from steamed or grilled dishes.

Fruits and vegetables: stewed, baked, boiled - must become the basis of your table. Carrots, beets, potatoes, sauerkraut, peas, corn, pomegranates, apples, bananas and citrus fruits become the main food during this period.

Porridge is another important component of your diet, but you just need to remember that it should be cooked in water, without adding oil.

Legumes and nuts are added to the diet to acquire all the necessary nutrients. You can only have black bread or cereal bread.

Everyone knows when you can eat fish in Lent 2018 Orthodox Christian. There are strict food rules that not everyone can stand. For ordinary people, the Fast is weakened if a person has illnesses, is already of advanced age, or vice versa Small child. Such a strict prohibition allows everyone to cleanse their body, primarily spiritually, of sins, in order to realize and rethink themselves and the mistakes they have made.

In 2018, you can eat fish twice during Lent. These days are Palm Sunday and the Annunciation.

When can you eat fish during Lent: what foods are allowed

This ban on all animal food allows the soul to purify itself. The body spends less energy on digesting food, thus the soul is cleansed and thoughts become clear.

The huge ban on everyday food is baffling. What can you eat to stay full and not hungry? First of all, the need for nutrition with plant foods, salads, fruits, and vegetables increases. You can simply boil the beets and make a salad with honey and nuts. Great option is a boiled carrot that is delicious in any combination.

Mushrooms will be a substitute for meat. They don't taste very similar, but they are filling and will complement any meal. They can be stewed or baked. These two methods will become more gentle on heat treatment and preserving vitamins in them. An excellent option for consuming mushrooms in the form of preserves. It’s very good when housewives stock up for the winter various types pickles. Any porridge can be supplemented with vegetables and mushrooms. This lunch option will be complete and healthy.

It must be remembered that during Lent there is a limitation on the amount of vitamins the body receives, therefore, you should take a course of synthetic vitamins so as not to develop vitamin deficiency. After winter, when spring arrives, the body undergoes a restructuring, it weakens and becomes sensitive to microbes. To maintain, you can buy calcium and a complex of microelements that will strengthen protective functions body.

When can you eat fish during Lent: two days of exclusion when you can dilute your diet

IN given year Lent will last seven weeks from February 19 to April 7. It is on April 1, on which the great holiday will take place - Palm Sunday, and on April 7, the day of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God You are allowed to eat fish. It can be baked, boiled, made into cutlets, or fried a little in a frying pan.

A very strict ban occurs during the first week of Lent and the last Holy Week. On these days you are required to abstain certain rules, which people most often loosen. But all servants of God eat one meal a day, and on Saturday and Sunday two meals are allowed.

It is important to know that the body weakens from a small amount of food received, so you should reduce physical exercise, maintain kindness and love in your soul, do not lose your temper with people over trifles. The soul passes all these tests in seven weeks and is purified. The main duties are prayer every day, visiting church once a week, repentance, and confession.

In 2018, Lent began on February 19 and ends on April 7. This is the most important Christian fast, which is also called “Quentary” and was established in honor of the fast that Jesus Christ observed in the desert for 40 days, and its purpose is to prepare for Easter.

Lent is the central fast in all historical churches, the purpose of which is to prepare the Christian for the celebration of Easter.

How to start and end a post correctly?

In one word, then – in the Church. And in more detail, we begin to prepare in advance for Great Lent, both in the sense of a gradual restriction in food (the last week before Lent, for example, although without fasting days, but also without meat), and, most importantly, in the sense of our gradual entry into that inner life that Lent implies. Therefore, hymns and services that “set the mood” for Lent appear several weeks before it begins.

If we talk about Lent, then it is very important to spend the days of Holy Week in church. The service of these days is designed in such a way that we can experience these His last days on earth, His suffering and death, and then His resurrection, the joy of which the Church extends for us for another whole Bright Week.

What you can and cannot eat

Previously, in ancient monasteries, during the first week of the Holy Pentecost, monks ate nothing at all for five days, and even tried to limit themselves to water. But for a modern person such restrictions can be harmful. It is advisable to coordinate the measure of fasting with your confessor - a priest who knows the spiritual and physical state of a person.

During fasting, animal products - meat, fish, milk, eggs - are excluded from the diet. You should also not drink alcohol. The consumption of sugar, salt, and spices is limited.

Meals should mainly consist of vegetables, mushrooms, fruits and cereals. Vegetables can be consumed raw, boiled, baked, and porridges - buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, corn, rice and others - are prepared without adding oil and only with water.

Only black bread is allowed, as well as cereal bread. You can diversify your diet with salted and pickled vegetables - cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, you can also eat pickled apples, fruit and berry jam.

It is also necessary to include legumes and nuts in your diet to get all the necessary nutrients.

At the same time, you shouldn’t overeat even permitted foods - the church recommends maintaining moderation in everything.

Let us add that the first week of Lent is particularly strict not only regarding the content of food, but also regarding the daily routine of the believer.

During the first four days, Orthodox Christians gather in the church for prayer. During evening services on these days, believers receive a repentant mood, which should accompany them throughout Lent.

When can you drink wine during Lent?

Some priests believe that drinking wine is allowed on weekends - Saturday and Sunday - one glass of dry or semi-sweet wine to maintain the strength of those fasting during Lent.

Other priests generally do not advise believers to drink wine, since in Russia they do not know how to drink wine and get drunk beyond measure, which is unacceptable according to the Church Charter, and therefore Lent and wine are incompatible concepts.

What not to do during Lent 2018

Not food alone. Fasting is a time of spiritual cleansing. Therefore, during fasting, it is necessary to adhere to certain behavior: cannot be consumed alcoholic drinks, limit entertainment and entertainment activities, as well as going out, as much as possible. You cannot get married during Lent; marital restraint is recommended during Lent; try to avoid irritability, resentment, anger and condemnation during this time.

Third week of Lent March 5-11

Fourth week of Lent March 12 - 18

Fifth week of Lent March 19 - 25

Sixth week of Lent March 26 - April 1

March 31, 2018, Saturday - Lazarus Saturday. Hot food with vegetable oil, fish caviar, and wine are allowed.

April 1, 2018, Sunday - Palm Sunday. Hot food with vegetable oil, fish and seafood, and wine are allowed.

During Lent, if you look at the nutrition calendar for this time, you cannot eat fish. Unlike others multi-day fasts here the ban will be quite serious. There are only three days, on which three holidays fall, when relaxations are allowed.

Of the special days when you can eat fish during Lent 2017, you should note April 7, as well as April 8 and 9. These dates are not always allocated for the period of fasting. If April 7, the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, has a constant date and will always be an exception, then Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday depend on the current date of Easter.

If you go to church for a festive service on any of these days, and this is a must, then it’s worth listening to the sermons of the priests. Quite often they come down to the fact that modern man great importance gives rituals to church holidays, but loses sight of the meaning and religious significance. Therefore, on the day of the Annunciation, Lazarus Saturday or Palm Sunday, it is not so important to set a luxurious fish table and eat, as it is important to go to church, pray, confess and receive communion. A festive meal is already an addition that takes place only after the main and more significant, spiritually valuable rituals.

Annunciation: baked carp

Every year this day falls during Lent, but for different periods. Although the holiday of the good news, the holy conception of Jesus Christ in the womb of the Virgin Mary is the holiday of Christmas, for this reason its date is constant. You can safely put all kinds of fish dishes on the table on this day. In Rus', every housewife prepared especially carefully for the feast of the Annunciation, because it was considered women's day. The Mother of God is the intercessor of women before God, asking for a good and happy family life, for the kids. In general, for everything that, according to the old tradition, is considered an important component of women's happiness.

For example, you can apply for festive table on this day of baked carp. Carp is an inexpensive but tasty fish. You can buy it today in the live fish section of any department store, and cooking live fish is a real pleasure; it definitely turns out juicy and tasty. It is recommended to bake cleaned and gutted carp whole, stuffed with onions and herbs, and sprinkle generously with spices on top. The secret to a crispy crust is to place the fish on the baking sheet when the vegetable oil on it is already hot enough. Of course, this is only one of the options for a fish dish for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and each housewife may have her own options.

Lazarev Saturday: sandwiches with caviar

Not quite a fish day, but still a fast day of exception is this Saturday, which depends directly on the date of Easter and in 2017 falls on April 8. According to church canons, you can eat fish caviar on Lazarus Saturday. It can be red or black caviar, expensive delicacies or cheaper capelin and pollock caviar. Some people also extend this relaxation of fasting to seafood. This is a controversial issue on which the clergy have not yet come to a consensus.

Some priests believe that there is nothing wrong with serving not only caviar, but also other seafood on Lazarus Saturday. It’s just that when the tradition of fasting was formed in Rus' there were no seafood, but there was always caviar. Other priests emphasize that caviar on the Saturday of Lazarus is not just a product, but a symbol of the cycle of life. It is clear that a shrimp or mussel is definitely not such a symbol.

Interesting! It is no coincidence that caviar is a symbol of the cycle of life on this day. The fact is that more than two thousand years ago, it was on this Saturday, on the eve of Easter, that Jesus Christ resurrected in front of the disciples and ordinary people Lazarus, who had already been dead for four days.

Palm Sunday: fish pies

As for the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, it is large and definitely an exception to the Lenten menu. You can eat fish and seafood in completely different variations, as the hostess wants. In honor of this day, ceremonial services are held in churches, after which willow branches are blessed. We must remember that Palm Sunday is celebrated in the family circle, without noise and unnecessary entertainment. Because you still need to keep Lent.

Among the particularly common fish dishes that were prepared in honor of this Sunday in Rus' are fish pies or pies. They need to be prepared only on the basis lean dough(no eggs, milk or other dairy products). But when the right approach By choosing the filling and additional ingredients for the filling, fish pies turn out to be satisfying and tasty. You should not make too many fish dishes on Palm Sunday, because the strict Holy Week begins on Monday. During this period and until Easter, if possible, you need to eat less, try to observe strict fasting, and some days stick to only water and black bread.

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The answer to the question “Is it possible to eat fish during Lent?” - "Yes". Among the food prohibitions during Lent, one of the most stringent is that of meat. It is not without reason that food of animal origin is considered the most saturated with energy. But this energy is “animal” and in large quantities can have a negative influence on a person. The violent death of an animal, which subsequently ends up on our tables and in our stomachs, also leaves its mark.

One of the explanations for the ban lies in the Bible, which says that in paradise food for people was only plant-based. Animals were also considered “carriers” of unclean spirits, which could enter the animal’s body and move with it, desecrating its flesh, which was therefore, at least, undesirable to eat.

It is also said that all the animals created by God were needed by people. The attitude had to be appropriate. Everyone was saved during the flood.

But there is a product that differs from all types of meat, since it is not mentioned in the Bible when creating “Adam’s helpers.” This is a fish. Therefore, on ordinary days of fasting, fish is among the forbidden foods. However, on holidays it cannot fit into this law, because this is not said anywhere, and during the flood there was no need to save the fish, they existed on their own all the time.

Fish is also one of the representatives of creatures that have the most different intelligence from us, and therefore it is believed that when killing a fish, it does not experience the same fear and is devoid of emotions characteristic of other animals.

When exactly can you eat fish during Lent without fear of breaking the rules?

The clergy set aside two days when you can expand your diet so much. This is the day on which the Annunciation is celebrated, and the day that precedes Holy Week - Palm Sunday.

You can also eat fish if there is another special church day.

And if you have health problems that limit the severity of fasting, then it is better to prefer fish to other types of meat. Fish is not a heavy food, and its composition is suitable for feeding organisms that especially need microelements and minerals. For example, pregnant women, teenagers or sick people.

The requirements for fish recipes are the same as for any lean ones: no seasonings, dressings or sauces. You should also not fry fish. The product should be as natural in taste as possible, so as not to “pamper” the taste buds, dampening the mood of abstinence.