Connections of wooden roof structures. Construction of the roof truss system. Types of rafter systems - how they differ from each other

All kinds of wooden buildings, both residential and utility, remain in demand, even despite the wide range of modern building materials. During their construction, competent roof construction plays an important role, since only in this case the buildings will be truly warm and durable.

Wood has always been used as a building material. Wherever forests predominated, it was the most reliable and accessible material for local residents. They not only built houses from wood, but also covered them with roofing. Wooden roofing copes well with the functions of moisture and heat protection, not to mention exclusive appearance. Wood roofing still occupies a leading place among roofing materials today.

Types of wooden roofing

To construct such a roof, various wood materials are used:

  • Shingles look like thin planks made from alder, spruce and aspen. It is laid in layers, maintaining a checkerboard pattern. There can be four or six layers. Shingles are an excellent heat insulator and do not allow noise to pass through. Condensation does not accumulate under such a roof, so additional ventilation is unnecessary.
  • Shindel are split planks of irregular shape. As it is also called, wooden shingles are laid with an overlap in a checkerboard pattern. To make the material, hard wood is used, for example, larch or Canadian red cedar.
  • The ploughshare, spade-shaped planks, is well known to us from images of royal chambers or boyars' mansions. Even today, domed and hipped roofs are usually covered with this material.
  • Shingles are planks that are cut with a saw. This is a fairly versatile material and is suitable for roofs of various configurations and areas.
  • Tes, as the name suggests, are boards that are hewn directly from a tree trunk. Therefore, the structure of the wood is clearly visible on them. The main raw materials for them are conifers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of this coating, first of all, we note the environmental friendliness of a wooden roof.

  • its device does not require the use of high-tech equipment and complex tools;
  • the coating is completely sealed;
  • there is no need to lay a vapor barrier layer;
  • under such a roof it is warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather;
  • light weight;
  • excellent sound absorption:
  • exclusively long term service - about a hundred years.

Of course, this type of coating has its disadvantages, for example,

  • high price level;
  • complexity of installation;
  • low fire safety.

However, they do not in any way affect the desire of homeowners to have a really beautiful and environmentally friendly home.

Installation Features

Wooden roofing is the result of several production operations. To perform them, you need tools for woodworking, as well as special devices. Its durability and stability are largely due to the competent organization of installation work: be it convenient equipment or the quality of the connections of components wooden structures roofs.

During the installation process, various methods of connecting parts are used, for example, simple nails, spikes, or others.

Let's consider the structure of the main components of a wooden roof : locks, notches, tenons.

Carpenter's Castle. The joints of wooden parts acquire strength, thereby increasing the rigidity of the structure. There are two types of locks

  • onlay. They are the simplest to implement. In everyday life, you can more often hear another name - half-tree, since the sampling on a workpiece in the form of a rectangle is carried out to half its thickness. Overlay parts can be connected at an angle of 90˚, T-shaped or crosswise. After joining the workpieces, they are fastened either with nails or dowels, or with glue. The fastening option depends on the expected loads at the junction;
  • into the frying pan. This is a more difficult option to execute, but, on the other hand, these locks are resistant to high operating loads. To connect parts of the same thickness, use a simple frying pan. On one of the blanks a trapezoid is cut out from the end, on the other - a nest, similar in both shape and size. If a simple frying pan is supplemented with cutting, then it will also be possible to connect parts with different thicknesses. In this case, the depth of the nest should correspond to the thickness of the first workpiece.

Tenon connection- the most aesthetically pleasing, but their execution requires high qualifications. It consists of two elements - a spike and a socket or eye, located on two parts. The tenon is a protrusion that is located at the end of the first and fits into the eye on the second. The tenons and sockets must be adjusted so that the wood fibers do not collapse when they fit tightly into each other. If the fit is too tight, the wood in the spaces between the joining elements may peel off, but if it is loose, the result will be a weak joint.

Rafter notches used in the construction of rafter legs. The method of making cuts of this type has some peculiarities, since the rafter and floor beams are located at an angle. When constructing roofs, stops and so-called frontal notches are more often used, since they are very reliable and at the same time they are not difficult to perform.

This is a type of connection where forces from one part are transferred to another part without intermediary working connections. If we're talking about about installation loads, then to transfer them it is necessary to install auxiliary metal fasteners: bolts, brackets, pins or others.

On a note

When constructing a wooden roof for log houses, the roof covering units are made using the same fasteners.

Installation technology

  • Board roofing. It is laid in two ways:
  1. transverse, which involves laying boards parallel to the ridge;

2. longitudinal, the boards in this option are laid parallel to the gable eaves of the slope.

Laying is done:

  • in one row. Each subsequent board overlaps the previous one by 50 mm;
  • two rows. The middles of the boards of the next row should be aligned in this case with the joints of the boards in the previous one. For residential buildings, it is recommended to use double-row installation.

In the upper part of the plank covering it is necessary to provide a special groove designed to drain water.

  • Shingle roof. Installation of shingle coverings (shingles, shingles, ploughshares) is more complicated and more labor-intensive. Typically, roofing elements are fastened using nails, preferably copper.

On a note

For some types of wooden coverings, the tenon and groove fastening principle is used.

A shingle roof is assembled onto a solid or sparse sheathing made of timber with a cross-section of at least 50 mm. The pitch of the sheathing should be equal to one third of the length of the shingles. For outbuildings, two-layer masonry is used; for residential buildings, three-layer masonry is more suitable.

Important points about the device

  • Wood coverings, as a rule, are laid on pitched roofs with an angle of inclination of at least 25˚.
  • On outbuildings it can be flat. Such a roof requires the presence of a waterproofing layer, say, made of roofing felt. Waterproofing material is laid on level base, made from sheet material. In extreme cases, it can be laid out from boards, maintaining a gap between them of no more than 10 mm.
  • By traditional technology Wood covering devices, waterproofing is optional. Nevertheless, today many craftsmen still recommend laying membrane films under the coating.
  • The membrane is spread over the rafters, then a counter-lattice made of timber is placed on top of the waterproofing layer on the rafters. Then the sheathing under the main flooring is assembled along it.
  • On steep slopes, it is enough to apply waterproofing only in problematic areas of wooden roofs, for example, on valleys, along eaves, in places where pipes pass, etc.
  • Installation of shingles begins from the middle of the eaves. The elements of the initial row are laid as tightly as possible, and they should protrude beyond the cornice.
  • Each subsequent row is laid with such an overlap as to cover the joints of the previous two.
  • Roof ridges are decorated with special ridge elements. They are laid overlapping and fixed along the lower edge with nails.

The positive effects of wood have always been appreciated by people, which is why we still see the use of this material both for wall installation and for the construction of roofing structures. Wooden houses are beautiful, practical and comfortable. The final stage of any building is the roof, so keep in mind how a timber roof is created by hand and how long it will take to complete.

Wood, the first material used in the construction of residential buildings, is becoming popular among modern craftsmen. Several decades ago, the cost of such a roof was the lowest, and installation was the easiest. Now things are different: the material is very expensive and placement requires a lot of technical training and experience.

As before, a wooden roof with all the rules will allow you to get an exclusive design that will last for many years.

Wood roof installation description

Depending on the selected materials, the installation technique and roof mast are determined.

The hardest part may be working with the cup. If the builder is not experienced with these types of parts, in this case, a wooden roof by hand may cause some problems or may not work at all.

Outside the material there are small plates (width - 10-15 cm, length - 40-70 cm), which are chopped by hand or by hand. Due to the roughness formed on the cut, moisture is absorbed, so the material is of great importance with the presence of natural fibers.

On one longitudinal side, the slab is cut until the thickness reaches 3-5 mm, and on the other side a wedge groove with a depth of 10-12 mm is cut, as shown in the figure. The gon consists of coniferous, brick and oak. A box (rod or rod with a part of 40x40 mm or 50x50 mm) is used as a basis for laying the lid. Calculation wooden roof is carried out by fixing a shaft or rods with a shaft length of 1/3 inch, and the panels can be formed into a continuous foil.

Horizontal types of materials are arranged according to one direction of the gutters and fix the narrow ends of the shingles into them. Once the slabs are aligned on the roof, they are pressed with the top edge towards the wood. Nails must be inserted into the box at least 20 mm. The choice of nail depends on the type of wood, so cedar and larch are secured with brass, while other types of wood can be secured with galvanized nails.

How reliable a wooden roofing device is depends on the layer of pebbles:

  1. For pavilions and commercial buildings, layers are sufficient where the new line is located, covering half of the previous panel (see "How to make wooden tiles, the roof of the device").
  2. The construction of residential buildings is carried out on the basis of three layers, and the new line is on top of the previous one.
  3. Buildings requiring high quality and reliability may contain a structure of four layers, with new rows located on top of the previous ¾.

When laying, the top slabs are located in the lower part to the middle of the previous row.

The definition of patchwork (roofing joints with a concave end) acts like a fan, which, the narrow sides of the panel are trimmed downwards so that the tiles become trapezoidal.

Before creating a wooden roof, all parts are pre-treated antiseptics, and fire extinguishing use fire-resistant compound. Also read: “Device on the roof of a house.”

The installation of proportions and filmmaking is done in the same way as a cup. Since the boards are short (about 20-40 cm), the distance between the glow rays is reduced. The elements do not have common grooves, so they fit into the joint at the joint, taking into account that the wood can rotate over time (with a distance of 3-5 mm between the plates).

In wet weather, the joints of wooden roof structures will exactly match each other, and in warm weather they will create optimal conditions for ventilation of wood.

The construction of a wooden roof is in most cases larch, which differs:

  • high density and resin content, protection against corrosion and insects;
  • duration of the operation;
  • attractive wood structure;
  • low price.

Characteristics of roofing materials made from wood chips and tiles

This material is built into three or four layers that overlap both vertically and horizontally.

A length of shingle is attached to a wooden roof - its patterns are not much different from other types of construction, like shingles. Neighbors should be closed to 25-30 mm.

The new horizontal layer must be installed so that the joints of the two lower straps are covered by the top one. Each shield for wearing a nail shield is struck with 70×1.5mm, followed by sewing the comb with a wooden corner.

The design of slate roofing follows the same technology as shortened slats.

They are usually offered in lengths from 40 cm to 10 m, width 9-13 cm, thickness 3-5 mm. The dimensions of the chips are slightly smaller: length - 40-50 cm, width - 7-12 cm, thickness - 3 mm. Of these features, the chips are attached to the box in increments of about 15 cm, the holder - from 30 cm. Both materials are very light, so they should be at least 40 x 40 mm.

Roof covering - various options, see video:

Roof features

If a wooden roof is built with with my own hands, this will be the simplest and affordable option For many, it's a little over the roof.

However, this coating will serve less well, as a result of the disruption of the natural structure of the wood during sawing. If you want to maintain the properties of the field, you must prepare slabs separating the logs lengthwise, that is, in the same direction as the grain of the material. Such coating will be carried out with due care for at least one hundred years.

During roof construction wooden house There are two ways to lay the thesis: transverse and longitudinal. The cross-sectional method is the most simple device wooden roof, but it is only suitable for temporary construction.

Nail plates, like any other coating, are applied from bottom to top, covering the bottom row of the top by 5 cm.

The difference in the longitudinal method has several installation options:

  • in the form of a two-layer coating - the plates are fixed with top layer, which moves to the lower part to the middle of the plate, and for swelling it remains 0.5 cm;
  • in the first row the plates are spaced at 50 mm intervals, the elements on the next line must be covered up to 50 mm from each previous plate;
  • using the latch - the bottom line is solid, it is necessary to use narrow strips to cover the joints, which should be 50mm.

Regardless of the method that restores wooden roofs, ensure that the top nail is securely attached to each row on the slab in 600-800mm increments with a thickness of 19 to 25mm, the cross-section of the beam is 60x60mm.

Before choosing a material, read: “How to choose a roof for your home.”

1. Description of roofing materials used

2. What elements does the roof consist of?

3. Features of load-bearing structures

During construction wooden houses The task is to rationally combine the aesthetics and practicality of the roofing structure.

Among the large selection of materials, not all are suitable here, which significantly complicates the construction technology.

Following the main requirement, it is necessary to pay attention to ensuring that the roof structure of a wooden house looks harmonious against the background of the entire building. Wooden houses have always been in special demand among connoisseurs of environmentally friendly and natural materials, and proper processing of the log allows you to achieve good thermal insulation, ease of installation and reliable fastening of suspended structures.

A significant disadvantage of wood is its deformation during temperature fluctuations, especially changes in humidity levels, which must be taken into account when choosing a particular lumber.

Particular attention is paid to the order of assembly of window and door openings, and the period of time for shrinkage of the log house. Problem areas include a wooden roof - its structure is built according to certain rules(read: “Installation of a wooden roof - features of the covering”). As already mentioned, special material is selected for it, it is installed under certain conditions, and during operation it requires increased control than, for example, when building a roof on a stone building.

The shrinkage coefficient of raw logs and timber is 10%, raw profiled timber reaches about 5%, dried and laminated timber – up to 3%. Based on these values, in the project for the construction of wooden houses, two values ​​are noted - before the material has settled, and after that.

As a rule, the roofs of such houses are built pitched, which is even indicated in the snip - wooden roof structures that are flat and pitched are considered impractical and outwardly unattractive.

A large selection of pitched configurations allows you to choose what suits the taste of the future home owner, for example:

Pitched roof has a number of advantages over other types of roofs:

  • has better thermal insulation of wooden floor trusses;
  • you can build an attic underneath it;
  • Cheaper roofing coverings are suitable for it;
  • snow masses descend from the roof as they accumulate;
  • rainwater rolls off faster;
  • You can make long roof overhangs, so that precipitation will be removed far from the walls.

Description of roofing materials used

The construction or reconstruction of the roof of a wooden house is carried out using any of these coatings:

  • deposited materials on bitumen mastic, for example, Euro roof tiles;
  • roll deposited materials;
  • ceramic and metal tiles;
  • slate;
  • ondulina.

The use of euro slate and corrugated sheeting for wooden houses will lead to noise from rain, and due to reduced waterproofing properties, constant repair of the roofing pie will be required.

Knots of the rafter system - how to make a reliable roof?

An exotic option includes arranging a roof in the form of a longitudinal overlap of edged boards, or “historical” materials (thatched roofs, made of reeds). However, the so-called wooden roof, the design of which is practically no different from traditional options, will be relevant in places where eco- or ethnic settlements are located, close to nature. Read also: “Roof made of reeds.”

What elements does the roof consist of?

The roof assembly is made of several interconnected components, shown in the photo :

  1. Slopes are inclined roof surfaces that can be flat or curved.
  2. Ridge - the upper longitudinal rib at the junction of the slopes.
  3. The edges of the slope, represented as a protruding corner at the intersection of the slopes.
  4. The valley, also called the valley, is a concave intersection of slopes.
  5. Eaves overhang - a slight protrusion of the roof beyond the frame (at the final stage we hem the roof eaves with finishing material).
  6. Gable overhang is the part of the roof that hangs over the wall.
  7. Gutter.
  8. Drainpipe.
  9. Chimney.

Regardless of the choice of roof covering, the structure of the roofing pie must be completely preserved.

For the sheathing they are taken: for metal materials and slate - bars or boards, for tiles only boards.

If materials based on bitumen mastic are used, then the sheathing is laid as a continuous sheet. In the case of using an attic or attic for living, it is also carried out interior decoration. But in any case, the order of laying the layers of the pie must be observed.

So, if the owner of the house independently erects wooden roof structures, then he must adhere to the basic requirements:

Rafter system wooden house, details in the video:

Features of load-bearing structures

Before the construction or reconstruction of wooden roofs begins, the design of its structure is carefully selected. Fastening pitched roof performed along certain rafters. The most common are layered and hanging structures, differing only in that in the first option there is an intermediate support, or a support for an internal load-bearing wall or partition.

The support should not be located from outer wall further than 6.5 m, and the second support helps to increase each run - the distance from the middle support beam and the outer wall to 15 m. Mauerlat (rafter beam) in wooden house constructed from the upper wall row of logs.

Support for hanging rafters is provided only by walls subject to bursting forces.

For beginners who have no idea about such installation, it is better to order a ready-made house project from a special company. There will be offered standard and universal designs wooden roofs can be designed this way individual option(read: “Roof installation of a wooden house: which roof to choose”).

If raw lumber is used in construction, then it is important to allow the building to settle, and the arrangement of the unit should be with special “sliding” elements.

As soon as the rafters begin to shrink across the beam, using such a wooden roof device it will be possible to maintain their longitudinal alignment.

By analogy with this, the rafters are fastened next to the ridge.

The result of such actions will be that even with significant shrinkage, the wooden roof structures will remain in their original place and will not deform.

To summarize, you should pay attention to the rather complex structure of wooden houses, the design and installation of which requires high professionalism. Beginners who do not have certain skills cannot cope with the work themselves. As for the choice of materials and types of roofs, everything is limited only by the budget of the home owner.

Read also the article: “ Board roofs- device".

DIY hip roof: construction process

The frame for the roof is ready.

Wooden roofing - ecology, economy and reliability

It's time to make the roof truss system. Let's consider the process of its installation step by step.

Let's consider the construction process and device hip roof (hipped roof), which consists of corner, intermediate and auxiliary rafters. The work is not very difficult, it can be handled by a person without experience. The main thing is to make the correct calculations.

The construction of a hip roof begins with laying the mauerlat, but since we have a log frame for the roof, the top log will serve as the mauerlat.

Laying floor beams

This means that it’s time to install intermediate floor beams, with a cross-section of 10 by 20 centimeters and an intermediate step of 0.5-0.6 meters (there may be other values).

Attaching them to the timber will not be difficult.

It is enough to lay the beams on top of the logs and fix them with metal corners.

You can make cuts in the logs. To do this, you first need to accurately mark the future holes, then take a chainsaw with a sharp chain and make cuts with a depth equal to half the cross-section of the log.

The height of the grooves should be 3 centimeters greater than the height of the beams in order to align them if necessary.

When the cuts are made, armed with a chisel and a hammer, you need to finish the job, giving the holes the desired shape.

Be sure to check the level of the beams.

Before laying the beams, their ends must be wrapped with pieces of Europen (insulation) soaked in an antiseptic solution, then the beams must be additionally secured with metal squares.

Ridge installation

First you need to make markings.

To do this, divide the gable walls in half (take the dimensions as accurately as possible).

Place the resulting size (from the center to the outer wall) on the wall perpendicular to the pediment on both sides.

Repeat the same procedure on the opposite side of the hip roof.

The distance between the lines will be equal to the length of the skate, the posts of which are installed at the intersection of the “squares”.

Installation of racks

For vertical posts we will use boards with a section of 5 by 15 centimeters, for the ridge - 5 by 20 cm.

The racks are set strictly vertically and supported by temporary braces on both sides.

Fastened with self-tapping screws.

There should be two boards in one rack.

Between vertical posts(between two boards of one vertical post) is installed ridge beam and is secured with bolts. Additionally, a spacer can be mounted between the vertical posts.

Installation of rafters

The rafters must be mounted on the installed ridge girder. For this purpose, boards with a section of 5 by 15 centimeters are used (you may have others, depending on the calculations).

They are laid in half-meter increments on the ridge run on both sides, overlapping. Then the boards are carefully cut at the top with a saw so that they can be joined end to end. Docked rafter legs metal profiles and screws.

In the lower part of the hip roof of the log house, the rafters are installed on the mauerlat by cutting down, which is done at an angle of 90 degrees.

It rests on the top log and is attached to it with metal corners using self-tapping screws or nails.

You can also make small grooves on the log, insert rafter legs into them and fix them in the same way.

The length of the boards should be such that the overhang over the cornice is at least 30 centimeters.

This is how all ridge rafter legs are installed.

After the installation is completed, the installation of corner rafters begins.

Installation of corner rafters

The first to be installed are the corner rafters, which run along the center of the pediment. The section can be left the same.

Their length can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem.

But you can simply place a temporary board between the ridge and the center of the gable wall beam and measure it.

Then add from 30 to 50 centimeters to the resulting value, which will be “takeaway”.

You need to prepare another one along the board, on the opposite side, and then fasten both to the ridge and the Mauerlat below. The boards are attached to the Mauerlat using the cutting method.

In the same way, rafters are prepared and installed on the four corners of the hip roof of a log house with your own hands.

Under all the rafter legs, you need to install racks near the Mauerlat.

Installation of intermediate rafters

All that remains is to install the intermediate rafters.

To do this, the walls are marked with a selected step so that there is always a right angle between the marks on adjacent walls. At the intersection of the two lines, a mark is made on the corner rafter.

Next, all distances are measured and the rafter legs are prepared. required length taking into account the eaves overhang and their installation is carried out.

To attach the intermediate rafters of a floating roof for a log house to the corner rafters, their ends must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees and bolted.

To simplify the calculations, you can nail a board between the corner rafter legs and “dance” from it.

If the boards are not long enough, they can be joined in various ways.

When all the rafters are installed, it is necessary to install eaves boards along the perimeter of the hip roof, and then begin laying the sheathing and roofing material.

The type of sheathing for the hip roof of a log house depends on what roofing material you plan to use.

If soft roofing materials are used, for example, bitumen shingles, then the base must be solid.

A sparse lathing is made for hard materials.

The sheathing pitch also varies depending on the roofing material.

The required pitch value is usually indicated by the manufacturer of the roofing material.

When installing a roofing pie, it is necessary to use insulation, vapor and waterproofing. You can read about how to install a certain type of roofing on our website in the relevant articles. The sequence of work is described in detail there. To simplify the calculation of hip roof elements, you can use programs.

Hip roof, rafter system

Terms used in the construction of wood veneers

  • Rafters are the load-bearing part of the roof, which includes multi-layer supports, supports and vertical columns supported by Mauerlat.
  • Skobel is part of the gorge.
  • Mauerlat, presented in the form of supporting several rafters, or in other words, on a bar placed at the top of the wall, distributes them evenly to the load of the roof, it is important to understand why you need a mauerlat.
  • Tie - A guide that is horizontally positioned to connect roofing tiles and reduce horizontal collision on them to ensure stability on the roof, also used as a holder.
  • Headstock - strengthens scissors, sets: Bottom part- drags on; upward - as support for the rafters.
  • The spacer is attached as a connecting element between the logs.
  • The hanger is in the form of an inclined beam that is used to support the beams of wood that are adjacent to the horizontal parts (columns and pillars).
  • The horse is mounted horizontally on the roof of the roadstead.

When constructing hinges, wooden roofs can be divided into several groups:

  1. connecting legs with Mauerlat;
  2. connecting legs and wooden base elements for the roof, which makes the structure more solid and durable;
  3. The knot with the flat parts is tied by extending out from it.

Depending on the desired result, the rafters are connected to the Mauerlat with a rigid or sliding knot.

It should be noted that in some cases a hard installation may even destroy the structure, as in the picture, since weather are favorable for pressing and opening wood, but due to the rigid connection of the pumping system, it can deform the wall bearings, which are under heavy load.

Features of rigid nodes

A solid timber roof assembly has the following shape:

  1. The cutting is done at a depth of one third of the panel at the shoulder of the shoulder.

    The machines should then be attached to the Mauerlat with nails, so that two of them hit the side of the rafter at a slight angle, and one in a vertical direction.

  2. For a 1m rafter, the lifting timber is set in place to support the mauerlat, the side mounting screws in this position are screwed in with metal corners.

Characteristics of sliding knots

The elements of the nasal system are connected using sliding knots.

The use of suspended rafters is useful in roof construction from round wood, where the spine pole is used as a support for the rafters, and there is no spacing between load-bearing walls.

Newly built wooden farmland will be salvaged for several years, so using rigid fixtures to constantly move the truss will cause the walls to warp.

To avoid such problems, timber roofs are scissor system units that must be determined with a free movement permit, constructed as follows.

The curved leg is supported on the Mauerlat using a pre-made saw and tied (two on each side, the third vertical).

  1. Metal tiles lowered from the wall are attached to metal corners that connect them to the mauerlat.
  2. Metal structures are determined by the “trace” method (see “Metal truss, disadvantages and advantages”).
  3. Leg support in the Mauerlat should be carried out taking into account the movement of these systems in relation to each other.
  4. In case of storm winds, the roofs are not damaged, the tying of the spacers, shepherds and spacers to the hanging rafters is carried out using clamps and clamps; There are also twisted wire rolls around the leg.

How to connect round legs

If the roof stretch is large enough, special attention should be paid to the wooden roof hinges, as well as the columns, which will need to be expanded to the desired dimensions using one of the suggested methods.

How to connect pile rafters in construction

Developers pay special attention to the mode of connecting the ridge from above.

The main conclusions of the scissor system, detailed in the video:

Difference between teeth and "tip"

  1. Due to its high strength, the tenon joint is excellent for wooden structures.

    The tip is the part that attaches to the journal that connects to the socket, tongue, or ear of the second journal. The size and shape of these two elements must match each other.

  2. The tooth is connected to the step cut in one day and to the inscriptions on the other. As with the previous method, for a tight fit of wooden roof structures, it is necessary to take into account the relationship between their size and shape.

If the designer is constructing a timber roof, when connecting to the roof members, the tie legs should be secured with screws, screws, clamps and screws.

The diameter of the hole should be between 1 and 2 mm of the fasteners, and the brackets are fixed on both sides.

The scissor screw connection uses a screw located at the top of the structure and cuts the groove at half the thickness of the log.

Only if these requirements are met will the journals be closely coordinated with each other. At the next stage, the assembly is attached to screws and special brackets.

A flat roof can be avoided evenly - the nodes can have any shape, with the same scissors. Experienced builders recommend a template design so that all frames and cuts are the same size (see: "Building a Wood Roof - Roof Specifications").

The description of the entire roof structure system is provided by the most complete presentation, but the wooden cart, which is quite complex for beginners, requires a professional approach. Also read: “Building the roof of a wooden house: which roof should you choose.”

The roofing system is a part of the roof structure with outside, which is supported load-bearing structure. It includes sheathing and rafter system. The triangle underlying this system must be rigid and the most economical structural element, which contains fastening points for roof rafters.

The main characteristics of the rafter system components

The main fastening points of the roof truss system are shown in Fig. 1. They imply the presence of a rafter leg (mauerlat - 1), a rafter leg (ridge girder - 2), a stand (tightening - 3). The design of the rafter system is the main load-bearing element of the roof.

All roof fastening units must have sufficient strength, this should eliminate a significant degree of risk associated with roof collapse. The consequences of a mistake made when connecting elements can be the most unpredictable.

Figure 1. Main fastening units of the roof truss system: 1 – Mauerlat, 2 – ridge girder, 3 – tie-downs.

First, the rafters are installed on the Mauerlat if the building has brick walls. Similar units are provided for concrete blocks; then it is necessary to create a reinforced concrete stiffening belt, and studs must be inserted into its structure. Their location should be at a distance of 1 to 1.5 m from each other, and their diameter should be more than 14 mm. The top of the studs must be equipped with a special thread.

The Mauerlat is drilled, making holes that are necessary for fastening the elements on it. Each hole must have a size that matches the diameter of the stud, and its pitch must correspond to the distance between the studs. A nut is put on each protruding end of the stud and tightened, which ensures the strength of the connection between the Mauerlat and the wall. The rafters should be connected to the Mauerlat in such a way that their load-bearing capacity does not weaken.

Description of the main fasteners for installing the rafter system

If during the construction of a house a rounded log or beam was used, then it is not necessary to create an armored belt. produced on the top beam or on the wall log. For this purpose, connecting the Mauerlat to the rafters, different cutting methods are used.

What fasteners are used to secure metal rafters:

  1. Plates.
  2. LK fasteners.
  3. Corners.
  4. Brackets WB.
  5. Self-tapping screws.
  6. Varieties of the corner of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  7. Wire ties.
  8. Perforated mounting tape TM.
  9. Bolts and nuts.
  10. Brackets WB.

If brackets are used to connect the rafters to the mauerlat, then they are not inserted into the rafters, which helps strengthen the load-bearing capacity. Usually metal brackets are produced, and the metal is galvanized and has a thickness of 0.2 cm. The brackets are reinforced with nails, anchor bolts or screws.

You can use the LK fastening element to create fastening points not only for rafters with a Mauerlat, but also for various other elements that make up the roof structure. The LK fastener is fixed to wood, like brackets, with the exception of the use of anchor types of bolts.

Mounting perforated tape allows you to strengthen the connecting nodes during the construction of roofing systems. It is used not only to create stronger units, but also to strengthen elements for additional use in order to impart rigidity or strength to the system as a whole. The perforated mounting tape is secured with screws or nails, so it is used to strengthen the structure of the rafter system of any roof, the integrity of which will not be compromised.

Using KR corners and their various modifications, the fastening points are strengthened so that they can effectively participate in connecting the mauerlat and rafters. Providing adequate strength to roofing units is permissible when using corners, which allows increasing the load-bearing characteristics of the roofing structure.

The use of metal connecting elements does not involve inserting corners into the roofing system. This will not cause a decrease in the load-bearing capacity of the roofing system. You can use corners for connections using screws or nails, the protrusions of which resemble a ruff.

How are the nodes connected in the ridge part?

There are three main types of fastening in the ridge parts of a roofing system:

  1. Butt connection.
  2. Fastening based on a ridge girder.
  3. Overlapping ridge joint.

For the purpose of fastening, the first method is to cut off the ridge part from the upper edge at an angle that is the same as the angle of the roof slope. Then it is rested against the required rafter, which should also be cut at an angle, but on the opposite side of the roof. A special template is sometimes used to trim corners.

The nails for connecting the rafters under the ridge must be 150 mm or larger in size; you will need two of them. Each nail is driven into the rafters at the top at the appropriate angle. The sharp end of a nailed nail usually enters the cut of the rafter with opposite sides. Strengthening the ridge joint can be achieved by placing a metal plate on the side or a wooden overlay on it so that it is enough to tighten it with bolts or nails.

The connection in the second way, that is, through a ridge girder, involves strengthening the rafters on the ridge beam. The purlin is one of the additional support beams or beams, which supports the rafters. It is located parallel to the ridge or mauerlat. The method differs from the previous one in that a ridge beam is laid between the rafters, which are cut at an angle, which is a labor-intensive process, so this method is used less frequently.

The more common method is similar to the first, but it differs in that the fastening is done overlapping, and the joint method is not used. The rafters should be in contact with their ends, and not with their side surfaces. The rafters should be tightened with a bolt or pin or nails. This connection is used by many masters in practice.

In general, it is possible to install rafters on a Mauerlat by creating structures for roofing rafter systems that are either spacer or non-spacer. This determines the choice of the appropriate method of connecting the Mauerlat and rafters, which can be similarly strengthened to the ridge.

The main disadvantages when installing rafter system fastening units

The problem of choosing a method for attaching the rafter system to the structure of the building is very important when creating attachment points. Often, when creating nodes, the Mauerlat serves as a support for the rafters. The Mauerlat beam is fastened “tightly” using anchor bolts to the reinforced stiffening belt.

A possible drawback is the unanchored stiffening belt, which can lead to the overturning of the mauerlat beam and disruption of the stability of the roof rafter system. The roof becomes loose and the roof slides down. Due to incorrect placement of anchor bolts or incorrectly made holes, the fastening is no longer effective.

If the nuts are screwed with overtightening onto the bolts, then the fastening unit becomes fragile and is subject to rapid destruction. To create a fastening point, twisted wire is sometimes used.

When constructing a rafter system, the safety of connections must be observed.

For example, if the truss structure is combined with the floor without taking into account the load-bearing capacity of the attic floor, then this is the most dangerous moment that can lead to the destruction of the building.

If the tie is replaced with a prefabricated reinforced concrete floor beam intended for bending, then the use of precast concrete beams should be effective due to their rigid fastening in the reinforced floor stiffening belt, which is arranged using a reinforcement cage. Its axis must go in the same direction as the acting forces.

At the same time, the presence of shortcomings in the process of creating a rafter system, which is the load-bearing wooden structure of the floor, often arises due to a misunderstanding of the functions performed by the tie and crossbar in the entire roofing system. The tie differs from the crossbar in that it is a longitudinal beam, and the crossbar is a transverse beam.

The construction of a rafter system involves the creation of a spacer system that works on the principle of divergence at the bottom of the planes, which occurs under the influence not only of their own weight, but also of the load that falls on the line of intersection of the planes, which should be prevented by a transverse beam, that is, a tightening.

When starting to install a roof, you should clarify all the points associated with making certain mistakes that arise when performing work on installing a rafter system. The installation of a house roof is associated with possible difficulties and shortcomings that do not allow achieving the set goal.

In order for a constructed building to last for many years, it needs both a reliable foundation and a strong roofing system that can withstand the vicissitudes of the weather. The roof must withstand heavy loads with dignity: heavy snowfalls, sharp gusts of wind, heavy downpours. The roof truss system is best suited for this.

Roof trusses and its types

The rafter system is the basis of the roof, which focuses on the load-bearing elements of the structure and also serves as a frame for various types of roofing materials: insulation, waterproofing, various coatings.

The dimensions and design of the rafters depend on:

  • purchased material;
  • size of the building;
  • house dimensions;
  • building materials for rafters;
  • individual customer preferences;
  • roof loads relevant for a particular region.

The rafter system has:

  • sheathing - beams laid perpendicularly on the rafter legs;
  • ties that absorb tensile forces;
  • wooden racks located in a vertical position;
  • mauerlat - a beam, the installation of which is carried out along the wall, the rafters rest on it;
  • rafter legs are a kind of wooden beams that bear the main load of the roof.

Each of the above factors is very important, since it is necessary to understand what type of rafter system will be optimally suited for a particular situation.

When it comes to low-rise buildings, wood structures are the most common. In many cases, three types of rafter trusses are used: hanging rafters, layered rafters and a mixed rafter system.

Characteristics of hanging rafters

Hanging rafters are the most elementary type of rafter systems, their characteristics:

If the roof of the house has a complex structure, the types of rafters can be alternated. For example, if there are supports or a middle main wall, layered rafters are installed, and if there are no such elements, hanging rafters are installed.

Features of layered rafters

For a layered rafter system, the house must be additionally equipped with a load-bearing wall located in the middle. Layered rafters are distinguished according to the following characteristics:

The design of the combined system is the most complex, since it includes parts of two other types of rafters - hanging and layered. It is used for mansard roof. The walls of the rooms located on the second floor are formed by vertical supports; these supports also serve as intermediate supports for the rafter beams.

The part of the rafters that connect one end of the racks functions as a crossbar for the slopes located on the side, and for the upper part of the structure they are a tie.

At the same time, the horizontal beams perform the following functions: for the upper slopes - the Mauerlat, for the side slopes - the ridge beam. To increase the strength of the roof, struts are installed that connect the side slopes and vertical posts.

The combined sling system is the most complex and time-consuming to manufacture, but these shortcomings are fully compensated by the increase in the load-bearing qualities of the roof in the absence of unnecessary supports, especially when there is a need to cover significant spans in the building.

You can increase the load-bearing qualities of the roof using a mixed rafter system

Roof trusses for various roof types

When constructing a certain building, rafter systems of one type or another are necessarily used, and the type of roof will completely depend on the design of the future structure.

Rafter truss for gable roof

A gable roof is normal construction roofs for residential buildings that have no more than three floors. Preference is given to this particular design due to the technical characteristics of the inclined shape of the rafter system, as well as due to the fact that installation work is carried out easily and simply.

The rafter system of a gable roof includes two rectangular inclined planes. Top part The front side of the building resembles a triangle. Main components gable roof- this is the mauerlat and rafter legs. In order to properly distribute the load across the rafters and walls, struts, crossbars and racks are installed, thanks to which you can create a durable, rigid, elementary and lightweight structure for installing a structure for a gable roof.

A gable roof is considered the simplest roofing system; it is used for residential buildings of no more than three floors

You can install sparse or solid sheathing on top of the rafters, and then attach bitumen coating, tiles or some other type of material to it. The rafters and the sheathing itself are usually made of beams or boards, which are fastened with nails, bolts or metal fasteners. Metal profiles can be used as rafters, thereby covering significant spans. There is no need to use extra racks and struts.

The installation of a rafter system for a gable roof allows you to evenly distribute the entire existing load along the perimeter of the building. The lower ends of the system focus on the Mauerlat. They are fixed with fasteners or metal brackets. By the angle of inclination of the rafter bars, you can determine at what angle the roof slopes will be inclined.

The rafter system for a gable roof allows you to evenly distribute the load from the roof along the perimeter of the building

Rafter system for hip roof

When arranging a system for a hip roof, you will need to install different types of rafters:

  • narozhniki (short);
  • lateral;
  • hip main;
  • obliques (diagonal elements that form a slope in the shape of a triangle).

The rafter legs, located on the side, are made of boards, and they are mounted identically to the parts of a traditional pitched roof with a pitched or hanging structure. Hip main rafters are layered parts. For splices, boards or bars are used, attached not only to the Mauerlat, but also to the diagonal beams.

To install this type of structure, the angle of inclination, as well as the cross-section of the slanting beams, are accurately calculated. The dimensions of the parts also depend on the span length.

To prevent the hip roof from deforming from heavy loads, you should accurately calculate the angle of inclination of the diagonal beams for the rafters

Maintain symmetry when installing diagonal beams for rafters, otherwise the roof will deform under significant load.

Rafter system for a sloping roof

A broken roof is a structure with rafters that consist of several individual elements. Moreover, they should be located at different angles relative to the horizon. And since the lower rafter part is almost vertical, attic room The building receives additional space, thanks to which it can be used as a residential building. The installation of this type of roof is carried out during the construction of four- or gable construction rafters

Professionals need to calculate a hipped rafter system, but you can make a gable sloping roof yourself, since its installation is very simple. To do this, it is necessary to install a support frame, which should consist of purlins and racks. Horizontal parts are fixed with hanging rafters. But the supports are attached to the Mauerlat sloping roof shortened rafter legs.

The assembly of rafters for a sloping gable roof can also be carried out by non-professionals, since the installation of such a roof is very simple

"Cuckoo" in a roof truss

The so-called cuckoo on the roof is a small ledge that is located on the attic floor. There is a window here for better illumination of the attic room. The installation of the “cuckoo” is carried out carefully, while monitoring the parameters of the entire structure: depth of cut, angle of inclination and other factors. However, before this, the necessary measurements are made.

The first stage of work begins with the installation of the Mauerlat (beam with a cross-section of 10x10 cm, which is needed to support the slings). The rafter system acts as a skeleton for the roofing material. To impart rigidity to the structure, spacers are used, which are mounted between the two legs of the rafters.

After the installation of the roof truss is completed, sheathing is laid, the type of which depends on the roof covering purchased. Installation of the sheathing is done continuously or with a certain step. Boards, OSB and plywood sheets are usually used for it. In addition, the installation of roofing material must be identical throughout the entire roof.

The main difficulty during installation similar system rafters are the location of the internal corners. Snow can accumulate in these places, which means the load will increase, which is why a continuous sheathing is made.

A “cuckoo” on the roof is a small protrusion on the attic floor, under which there is an additional window.

Chalet roof rafter truss

The peculiarity of this design is that the canopies and overhangs are moved outside the house. In addition, there must be rafters and roof beams extending up to three meters on the sides of the building. Each of these elements is secured with a bracket to the wall of the building in the lower part. Next, tie the edges of the beams. They serve as a support for covering the roof of the building.

But when creating large overhangs, it is necessary to install the reinforced belt in parallel with the installation of studs for the Mauerlat. It is necessary to make anchors that help secure the consoles. In this case, the rafters will be perfectly fixed with anchors and, in addition, with mortises.

To carry out the side cornices, a ridge beam is made, after which beams are placed at the level of the mauerlat, which must be identical to the length of the ridge. The truss, and subsequently the building materials for the roof, rest on these structural details.

When designing a building, the angle of the chalet roof is calculated based on the characteristics of the local climate and other factors. With a slope angle of about 45°, the load from snow is not taken into account, since with this option it will not linger on the roof. At the same time, the flat roof will withstand the load from snow, but it is necessary to install a reinforced roof truss. Before installing the chalet roof, a building design is prepared, because the originality of the roof itself, as well as the long eaves and overhangs, oblige this.

A chalet-style roof is characterized by canopies placed several meters outside the house

Rafter truss designed for soft roofing

Soft roofing is made in various ways, but there are technological methods for its construction General characteristics. Initially, you need to prepare. When arranging a roof for a house made of foam concrete or other material, first install a mauerlat, then in the upper crowns of the building they make cuts for the ceiling beams in increments of up to one meter. The distance between the boards is calculated based on the type of rafter structure.

  1. Install individual parts of the rafter system. To completely eliminate the risk, the rafter boards are attached to the ground with screws. After the roof truss is created, it is raised to the top of the building.
  2. All elements of the rafters are secured to the ceiling, internal boards, jibs, and crossbars. Further, this base for the roof will become a single whole structure.
  3. The next stage is the sheathing, which is under soft roof installed with small or no gaps. Gaps of no more than 1 cm are allowed. Quite often, leveling plywood is installed on top of the boards. Its sheets are laid according to the method brickwork. The resulting joints are not aligned with the gaps between the plywood and the board.

If the length of the sheathing boards is not enough, then the joints of the parts must be located in different places. In this way, you can correctly distribute areas that have been weakened.

Self-production of the rafter system

Before installation of the rafter system begins, longitudinal walls You need to secure the Mauerlat with anchors. Next you need to decide on the required leg section for the rafters, depending on the distance and their length. If there is a need to increase the length of the rafters, then connect them with various fasteners.

When using different insulation, you need to choose the ideal distance between rafter elements in order to reduce the number of thermal insulation scraps.

Installation of the rafter system must be done in the following order:

  1. A template is made according to which the truss is assembled. Take 2 boards corresponding to the length of the rafters and connect them together at just one edge with a nail.

    A template for rafters called “scissors” will help you quickly assemble the entire roof rafter system

  2. The result is a design called “scissors”. Its free edges are placed on supports at the points of contact between the rafter legs. The result should be the final angle, that is, the angle at which the roof slope will be inclined. It is fixed with several long nails and transverse boards.
  3. A second template is made, thanks to which the cuts are installed on the rafters. It is made from plywood.
  4. Special mounting cuts are cut on the rafters (a prepared template is used for these purposes) and connected at an angle of inclination of the slope. You should end up with a triangle going up the stairs to the roof. Next, it must be attached to the Mauerlat.
  5. Initially, two side gable rafters are installed. Their correct installation in the vertical and horizontal planes occurs due to temporary struts attached to the rafters.

    For proper installation of the entire rafter system, the first pair of rafters is installed on the roof

  6. A cord is stretched between these tops of the rafters. It will indicate the future ridge and the level of other rafters located in the gap.
  7. Raise and install the remaining rafters at the initially calculated distance, which should be at least 60 cm from each other.
  8. If a bulky rafter structure is envisaged, then it is additionally strengthened with struts, supports, and so on.

    The bulky structure of the rafters is additionally strengthened with struts and supports

  9. A ridge beam is installed on special supports, to which not only short, but also diagonal and intermediate elements of the rafters are attached.

    Proper fastening of the ridge beam ensures the reliability of the entire rafter system

Typical components of a standard rafter system

The strength of the rafter structure depends on the ideally selected section of the boards, as well as on the high quality of the rafter assemblies. The connection of parts for the roof structure is done according to established rules.

The main typical units in the rafter system:

  • rafter support assembly on the mauerlat;
  • ridge;
  • unit for combining the top ties and the entire rafter system;
  • securing the strut, rack, as well as rafters and beams.

After the design of the rafter system has been chosen, it is necessary to draw up a plan in which to highlight all the nodes. In each design they are made differently, since it depends on various nuances: the type of roof, its size, angle of inclination.

Rafters from profile pipe is a metal structure that is assembled using lattice rods. The production of such farms itself is a very labor-intensive process, but also more economical. To make rafters, paired material is used, and gussets are connecting elements. The structure of the rafters from profile pipes is assembled on the ground, using riveting or welding.

Thanks to such systems, any spans are blocked, but the correct calculation must be made. Provided that all welding work is done efficiently, in the future all that remains is to transfer the structural elements to the top of the building and assemble them. Load-bearing rafters made from profile pipes have many advantages, such as:

Crossbar in the rafter system

Crossbar is a fairly broad concept, but in the case of roofs it has a certain meaning. The crossbar is a horizontal beam that connects the rafters. This element prevents the roof from “expanding.” It is made of wood, reinforced concrete, and also metal - it all depends on the type of structure. And the crossbar serves to distribute the load exerted by the rafter system.

It can be fixed in various places between the legs of the slings. There is a direct pattern here - if the crossbar is fixed higher, then the timber for its installation must be selected with a large cross-section.

There are many ways to fix the crossbar to the rafter system:

  • bolts;
  • nuts;
  • studs with washers;
  • special fasteners;
  • nails;
  • mixed fastenings, when different types of fastenings are used in parallel.

The fastening is available with a mortise or overhead. In general, the crossbar is a design unit, as is the entire system of roof slings.

The crossbar in the rafter system is designed to strengthen the roof structure

Fastening the rafter system

To ensure the reliability of the rafter system, you must first find out how they are attached to the supporting roof and ridge. If a fastening is made to prevent deformation of the roof when the house shrinks, then the rafters are secured on top with a hinge plate or a nut and bolt, and below with a sliding support.

Hanging rafters need a tighter and more reliable fastening in the ridge, so in this case you can use:

  • overhead metal or wooden plates;
  • cutting method;
  • connection using long nails.

In the layered system, the rafter legs are not connected to each other, since they are attached to the ridge girder.

The rafters are attached to the mauerlat using the cutting method, which is made in the rafter leg. Thanks to this fastening method, the roof support will not weaken. Cutting is also done when installing rafters on floor beams. In this case, a cut is also made in the support beam.

Video: how to make rafters with your own hands

Thus, an ideally selected rafter system and their design characteristics will help create the basis for a reliable roof for your home.

The pitched roof of the house consists of large quantity parts, each of which is connected to others in a special way. This connection is called a roof joint. In this article we will talk specifically about connection nodes, how they are carried out, what technologies are used, what fasteners are used.

Main parts of the roof structure

Before moving directly to the analysis of the topic of the article, it is necessary to indicate what elements (details) it consists of roof structure. Let's list all the main parts and indicate their purpose.

    Mauerlat. This is a beam that is laid on the walls of the house located along the perimeter of the building. The purpose of the Mauerlat is to evenly distribute the loads coming from the rafter system. After all, if there is no Mauerlat, then each rafter will put pressure on the wall pointwise. And it is in this place that the destruction of the wall structure will occur.

    Rafter legs. They are made either from boards with a thickness of at least 50 mm, or from timber. Rafters are the basis of the roof; they form the slopes and bear all the loads acting on the roof structure.

    Ridge run. This is the topmost beam, installed horizontally. Its purpose is to support the upper ends of the rafter legs. It is this that forms the ridge of the roof.

These are the three main elements of the roof, which will be discussed further. Of course, these are not all the details of the roof, and we cannot say that others are less important. It’s just that these three elements form the structure itself. The only thing that needs to be added is that some roof designs do not have a ridge girder. The rafters simply rest against each other with their upper ends. This type of rafters is called hanging, and with a ridge girder, layered.

So that the roof structure is as reliable as possible, it is necessary that the roof components are correctly connected. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the strength effective loads and their direction.

How to connect elements of a roof structure

More recently connection of wooden roof nodes carried out using cuts. That is, they cut the elements of the roofing structure in order to connect them along one fairly wide plane. Therefore, so that the roof parts do not reduce their strength characteristics, as well as load-bearing capacity, they were selected with a sufficiently large cross-section. And this is not economical. That is, the larger the cross-section of lumber, the more expensive it is.

Today, technologies for fastening components and parts of roofing structures have changed dramatically. To do this, use bolts, dowels or perforated metal profiles. The latter are made of galvanized steel, which makes it possible to use fasteners for a long time without losing their quality. At the same time, manufacturers offer a fairly wide range of them for each type of unit. The photo below shows some of these fasteners.

It should be noted that perforated profiles gradually replaced all other types of fasteners due to their strength, reliability and ease of fastening operations. After all, to do this you just need to install the profile in the required place and attach it to various details wood screws or ruff nails.

Let's now look at how to fasten parts roof structure to each other. In principle, there are two types of connections: Mauerlat-rafters, rafters-ridge girder. The remaining parts are connected parallel to these joints. He will also talk about them.

Connection of Mauerlat and rafters

Mounting options actually great amount, starting with ordinary nails, ending with perforated profiles. For example, the photo below shows an option where ordinary wire is used as fasteners. That is, a through hole is made in the rafter itself, into which a wire with a diameter of 6 mm is inserted. A hole is also made in the Mauerlat or in the floor beam.

Then the ends of the wire are pushed into this hole and twisted, pressing the rafter leg to the Mauerlat. The connection is actually strong and reliable, but the process is labor intensive.

Instead of wire you can use metal tape 3 mm thick. It is simply wrapped around the two elements being connected and secured to them through the strip with self-tapping screws, often with nails. In the latter case, there is no need to drill through holes in the metal. note that in the lower photo the fastening is carried out to the reinforced belt with an anchor, which increases the strength and reliability of the connection.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of calculation and turnkey roofing work of any complexity. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

The next type of fastening is a perforated corner made of galvanized steel. The most convenient option, but the most reliable. To do this, the corner is simply installed so that with its mounting shelves it is pressed tightly against the plane of the Mauerlat and the rafter leg. Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws or nails.

Attach corners It is possible not only with self-tapping screws or ruff nails. There is another more reliable option that uses bolts. True, holes will have to be made for them, which increases the time required for this type of work. But in this case, quality comes first. The photo below shows just such a mounting option. Please note that the corner is attached to the mauerlat with self-tapping screws, and to the rafter leg with a bolt. In this case, one bolt is used to connect two corners located at opposite ends of the rafters.

And another mounting option - on the slider. This is a special type of fastening element consisting of two parts. One is attached to the mauerlat, the second to the rafter leg. In this case, both parts are not tightly connected to each other. This was done specifically so that the rafters could move relative to the Mauerlat during thermal expansion of the lumber. This means that there will be no loads that act on the junction of two roof parts. The photo below shows this connection option.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses of a combined type from construction companies presented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

Connection of rafters with ridge girder

The second main unit of a wooden roof is joint between rafter leg and ridge beam. In fact, the ridge assembly of a rafter roof is very complex, because two rafter legs and a beam are connected to it. In this case, all elements are located in different planes, meaning rafters and beams. This means that to connect them you will have to use more than one fastening element.

    To connect rafters to each other they use perforated plate. There are two of them, installed on different sides of the rafter legs to increase strength and reliability.

    Perforated corners connecting the rafters to the Mauerlat. There are four of them, two for each rafter leg, installed on different sides.

It should be noted that fastenings can be carried out not only with self-tapping screws or nails. Often masters use bolts for connection paired fasteners.

Pay attention to the different type of fastening. Only corners are used here. This option is used if a 50 mm thick board is installed as a ridge beam.

Another interesting option for attaching rafter legs to the ridge span, for which special perforated profiles complex shape . Essentially, these are brackets into which the rafter leg is inserted. The bracket not only holds the parts together, it supports the rafter, reducing the load on its end.

Construction companies represented at the exhibition regularly hold promotions for their clients that help them save significantly. On our website you can find. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Pay attention to all of the above options for connecting the rafters to each other. They clearly show that the ends of the rafter legs are joined tightly to each other, for which they have to be filed at a certain angle. You can do without filing if you use a complex fastening lock consisting of several plates that are connected with bolts. In the photo below this connection option is clearly visible.

Connection of hanging rafters

The rafter system of this type differs from the layered one in that it does not have ridge girder. That is, the rafter legs in the upper part (ridge) rest against each other. To prevent them from moving apart in different directions, the rafters are connected to each other by a horizontal tie. The latter is a board located at any distance in height: above, below or in the middle.

It should be noted that hanging rafters They are not assembled separately on the roof. Of these, farms are assembled on the ground, which in finished form installed on the roof of the house. In this case, all elements of the truss are connected to each other by perforated plates.

Video description

In the video, the master explains how to assemble a roof truss using perforated plates and nails:

Other types of knots

As mentioned above, there are many details in a roof structure. Therefore, we will tell and show a few more important connection points.

If the span of the house is more than 6 m, then a rack is installed under each rafter, which itself must rest either on the concrete base or on the floor beam. In this case, the connection of the rack with the rafter leg is carried out using ordinary boards, as shown in the photo below. Although you can use perforated metal plates.

They are also installed under the ridge beam vertical support posts, which are fastened together with perforated plates. But some roofing structures use a completely different approach to solving the installation of a ridge girder. Under the beam, jibs made of bars are mounted, which are secured to the ridge with special fasteners made of metal. The photo below shows one of the options for this type of fastener.

Very often, when constructing a rafter system, it becomes necessary to lengthen the rafters themselves. This is not difficult to do, and craftsmen use several technologies where they use various additional fasteners.

Video description

The video shows one of the options for lengthening the rafters:

Roofing structures come in several varieties of their forms. Almost all models contain a large number of identical elements. But among them there is one design that differs significantly from the others. This hip roof. Its distinctive feature is that the rafters are connected by their upper edges to one point, which is called a ridge knot.

So, in order to connect the rafter legs to each other, you need a support to which they are attached. There are several ways to ensure high node reliability. The photo below shows one of them, which uses U-shaped perforated metal mounting profiles.

Conclusion on the topic

In fact, we have considered only a small part of the connecting nodes for fastening the roof truss system. But even with their example, the variety of parts and components becomes clear. That is, the roof structure is a complex system, consisting of a large number of different elements and parts that are connected to each other in different ways.