Humidifying the air in the room: why and how? Indoor plants that purify the air of toxins A plant for purifying the air in an apartment

In conditions of insufficient air humidity, drowsiness and fatigue occur, performance decreases, and dry eye syndrome develops. To create a comfortable microclimate in the room, you can use different ways air humidification

In conditions of insufficient air humidity drowsiness and fatigue occur, performance decreases, and dry eye syndrome develops. To create a comfortable microclimate in the room, you can use different methods of air humidification.

Let us remind you that optimal humidity indoors:

for living spaces, furniture, paintings, musical instruments, books — 40–60%;

for computers and other office equipment – ​​45–60%;

for indoor plants, winter gardens – 55–75%.


Open windows at least three times a day for at least 10-15 minutes. The wider the windows are open, the faster the room will be ventilated.
This is the simplest and affordable way air humidification. But not the most effective. For example, hot summer air is quite dry, so in dry weather ventilation alone will not provide adequate air humidification. But in winter time And heating season, when batteries dry out the air very much, this method of air humidification works very well.


Place containers of water on windowsills. Evaporating water guarantees good air humidification in the room. Do not forget to add water to the vessels in time.

Important: This is quite effective method increasing indoor air humidity, but not very hygienic. Since microorganisms and bacteria soon begin to multiply in water containers, do not forget to rinse them often.


All indoor plants have a beneficial effect on the indoor microclimate. Air humidification in the apartment occurs due to the evaporation of water through the leaves of plants. This not only increases air humidity, but also ionizes it. And some plants are capable of releasing, in addition to moisture, special organic substances that effectively clean and disinfect the air.

Advice: The following plants can give off especially a lot of moisture: nephrolepis (house fern), fatsia, cyperus, parmannia (indoor linden), ficus, dracaena, hibiscus. Nephrolepis additionally destroys harmful substances contained in the air (formaldehyde, xylene, toluene).


The above methods of air humidification are quite effective. However, they are not as effective as special devices, which allow you to maintain a given level of humidity in the room.
There are the following types of humidifiers: steam (equipped with an ionizing silver rod), traditional humidifiers (drive dry air through a damp sponge), ultrasonic humidifiers(they purify the water and spray it with a vibrating membrane).

If you decide to buy a humidifier for your home, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the available types of devices. We will analyze the pros and cons of each type and show you how to choose the right humidifier. To do right choice, you should be guided by some criteria for choosing a humidifier.

Type of humidifiers

The simplest type of such devices is a traditional humidifier (or cold steam humidifier). Such a device humidifies the air in the apartment, evaporating particles cold water. Using such a humidifier is quite simple: you need to pour water into a special tank, after which a fan drives this water through special filters.
+ The main advantage of such models is that they independently adapt to the conditions around them and can regulate the rate of water evaporation depending on the level of humidity in a particular room.
- In such devices you need to use only distilled water, otherwise the filter quickly becomes clogged and fails.

In steam models, the air is saturated with moisture due to evaporation hot water, steam has a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Here, the evaporating element is no longer a filter, but a pair of electrodes that are immersed in water, thereby heating and evaporating it.
+ Such a device absolutely meets all safety requirements: when the water from the tank completely boils away, the humidifier automatically turns off.
- The temperature of the steam also entails restrictions: such humidifiers are not recommended for those who have small children.

Today, the most popular and modern modification of the humidifier among consumers is the ultrasonic model. If you choose such a model, you yourself will be able to control the level of humidity in the room as much as possible. In such devices, a plate vibrates at an ultrasonic frequency and when water hits this plate, it is broken into small particles and sprayed evenly in the room.
+ It is very efficient, quite compact, and also consumes very little electricity.
- Demineralization of water is required, otherwise the furniture becomes covered with a white coating after the settled small droplets of water with salts dissolved in it dry. It is necessary either to use distilled water or to use decarbonizing filter cartridges with ion-exchange resin (and, accordingly, replacing the filter cartridge or its filler once every 2-3 months).

In conclusion, it is worth saying that in order to choose the right way to humidify the air, you need to clearly set goals and determine which room needs humidification in the first place. For a children's room, for example, a safe cold humidifier is recommended, but ventilation should only be carried out when the child is not in the room. In other rooms, an ultrasonic device will work well provided that demineralized water (distillate) is used, and several flowerpots will not hurt.

Indoor plants work in a similar way. In the rooms where we spend most of our time, substances harmful to health are often present, which are especially concentrated in the air after renovation. Various chemical compounds emitted from paint, plastics, carpets, cleaning products, and numerous building materials.

There are usually three substances that are harmful to health in the home:

  1. Formaldehyde, which stands out from carpets, curtains, adhesives, paints and much more.
  2. Benzene, which is released from plastics, synthetic fibers, lubricants, rubber, pesticides, etc.
  3. Trichlorethylene, which is found in paint removers, carpet cleaners, adhesives and more.

Fortunately, nature has self-cleaning mechanisms. There are many plants that are very good at purifying the air by naturally removing pollutants. In addition, there are technologies that can improve the efficiency of air purification by plants. I wrote about one of these technologies, among others, earlier in the article.

Tip: For every 10 m2 of space you should have at least 1 indoor plant in a pot with a diameter of 15 cm or more. Instead of placing single plants around a room, grouping plants is both beautiful and better for air quality. If you have children and/or pets in the house, before purchasing each plant, you should first find out whether it will be dangerous for them.

Two years of NASA research dating back to the late 1980s identified indoor plants that purify the air from the above-mentioned benzene, formaldehyde and/or trichlorethylene. Here I will take a closer look at 10 of them.

1. Spathiphyllum wallisii

Wikimedia Commons/Jerzy Opioła/CC BY-SA 3.0

For maximum efficiency Plants need to remove dust from their foliage. Flowers are also a wonderful addition to the wonderful qualities of this plant.

Care: Spathiphyllum loves shade, does not tolerate bright light, requires high humidity air. The soil should be slightly moist and can be fed with liquid all-purpose fertilizer in spring and summer.

Eliminates: formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene, xylene, ammonia, and much more.

2. Dracaena

Wikimedia Commons/BotBln/CC BY-SA 3.0


  • Dracaena marginata,
  • Fragrant dracaena (Dracaena fragrans "Massangeana"),
  • Dracaena deremensis "Janet Craig"
  • Dracaena deremensis "Warneckii"

These are plants different forms and sizes. Dracaena fragrant "Massangeana" reaches a height of 1.5 m and has a beautiful yellow stripe on the leaves. Dracaena marginata is one of the most common varieties of dracaena, can reach 3 m in height, it resembles a miniature palm tree.

Care: different types Dracaenas have different attitudes to light. Before purchasing, find out the plant's preferences. The soil should be moist, but not soggy. Water in a tray is fatal to dracaena. In summer and spring you can fertilize with universal liquid fertilizer.

Eliminates: formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, benzene, trichlorethylene.

3. Garden chrysanthemum (Chrysantheium morifolium)

Wikimedia Commons/Prenn/CC BY-SA 3.0

As the name suggests, this is not a houseplant, but is a popular fall flowering plant. decorative culture. At proper care it blooms for six weeks. After the plant has finished flowering, it can be disposed of compost heap. I wrote earlier about how to make compost.

Care: Chrysanthemums love bright, but indirect light. The soil should be moist and it is better to check it every other day. There is no need to fertilize the plant, since it will not bloom again.

Eliminates: formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, ammonia.

4. Bamboo palm or Chamaedorea sefritzii

Wikimedia Commons/ KENPEI – KENPEI/ CC-BY-SA-2.1-jp

Light and elegant are the definitions that best suit this palm. It can be 1-2 m in height and releases moisture into the air, which makes it especially useful during the heating season, when the air in the room is especially dry.

Care: although this palm tree loves bright light, it should not be placed in direct sunlight. The soil should be moist. During the summer, it is best to feed monthly with liquid all-purpose fertilizer.

Removes: formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide, xylene, chloroform, and other pollutants.

5. Epipremnum aureum

An unpretentious vine that reaches a length in a room of 1.8-2.4 m (no longer recommended). Epipremnum aureus is one of the most effective indoor plants that purify the air.

Care: Epipremnum aureus grows in any light, but does not like direct light sun rays. It is necessary to water when the soil becomes dry to the touch. It's best to fertilize monthly with an all-purpose liquid fertilizer and remove the tendrils when the plant gets too long.

Removes: formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, benzene, carbon monoxide, and other pollutants.

6. Common ivy, climbing ivy or Hedera (Hedera helix)

Wikimedia Commons/Queerbubbles/CC BY-SA 3.0

Common ivy is a climbing shrub well adapted to indoor conditions. It is easy to grow in hanging pots, and are excellent choice for rooms with low light. This plant is recommended for removing allergens such as mold and animal excrement.

Care: Green-leaved varieties grow well in bright indirect light and low light conditions. Varieties with pale, variegated leaves require bright, diffused light. The plant must be well watered and the soil kept moist; in winter, watering is reduced. During the growth period, it is better to water with liquid fertilizer.

Removes: benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, and other pollutants.

7. Moderate Aglaonema or Aglaonema modestum (Aglaonema modestum)

Wikimedia Commons/Mangostar/CC BY-SA 3.0

Evergreen perennial from tropical forests in Asia. It produces fruits - red berries, which increase decorative qualities plants.

Care: grows in well-drained soil, loves diffused light and high humidity. The plant can be placed in a tray of water, placing the pot so that it does not touch the water. Watering moderately, before watering upper layer must dry out. During the growing season, it is better to feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer.

Removes: benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, and other pollutants.

8. Ficus rubber or Ficus elastica (Ficus elastica)

Wikimedia Commons/ Fanghong/ CC BY 2.5

IN wildlife this tree reaches a height of 30-40 m. The leaves of the plant are usually wide, dark green and shiny, and can be variegated. Aerial roots often wrap around the trunk, forming interesting intricate shapes. Tests have shown that rubber ficus Particularly effective in removing formaldehyde from the air.

Care: grows in bright, diffused light. Water sparingly after the soil dries out a little. Apply nitrogen fertilizers monthly during growth. Pruning may be necessary to reduce the size of the tree. The leaves should be wiped periodically with a damp cloth.

Removes: carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and other pollutants.

9. Chlorophytum comosum

Wikimedia Commons/Eurico Zimbres/CC BY-SA 2.5

This is the most unpretentious indoor plant - you have to try very hard to make it die. It has green or white-green narrow leaves and hanging airy tendrils with small shoots.

Care: grows in light and shade. You can water it rarely, then it takes moisture from the roots. If you water well, it will grow.

Removes: benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, xylene and other pollutants.

10. Three-Stripe Sansevieria or “Pike Tail” (Sansevieria trifasciata “Laurentii”)

Wikimedia Commons/Peter A. Mansfeld/CC BY 3.0

Long-lasting and hardy indoor plant. It has fleshy, hard, long leaves of a dark green color with horizontal, lighter stripes.

Care: prefers bright light. Requires moderate watering during growth, the top layer of soil should dry out. In winter, watering is limited, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out completely. During the growth period, you can feed them monthly with a general-purpose liquid fertilizer.

Removes: formaldehyde and other pollutants.

Also among the plants that purify the air well, researchers from NASA indicate:

  • Ficus benjamina;
  • Philodendron scandens;
  • Philodendron domesticum;
  • Philodendron bipinnate (Philodendron bipinnatifidum);
  • Gerbera Jamesonii (Gerbera jamesonii).

Houseplants can significantly improve air quality and can make your home truly cozy and comfortable. Of course, caring for plants requires time and effort, but you can choose the least demanding plants from those listed above. In addition, to protect yourself and your loved ones, you can make a little effort.

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Harm of palm oil and 4 other products to the environment

Indoor plants bring a little summer spirit into the home, which is especially true now. Plants not only add comfort and beauty, but also purify the air in the apartment. As it turns out, some species do this better than others. A NASA study found that individual plants can absorb harmful chemicals and bacteria from the air.

Plants that purify the air in the apartment

We'll tell you about 11 plants that purify the air in your apartment.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe is a succulent medicinal properties which has been known since ancient times: aloe juice is used to improve immunity and combat viral diseases, for burns and ulcers, to improve appetite, as a general tonic. But it turns out that just having aloe in the room is beneficial. Aloe has the ability to remove formaldehyde from the air, a harmful compound that is released from furniture made from chipboard and MDF.

2. Areca Palm

Areca Catechu or Betel Palm - a large plant that loves sunny spacious premises; it will successfully decorate any living room. Areca highlights a large number of oxygen and can humidify the air. In addition, this plant takes from the air carbon dioxide and toxins.

3. Peperomia obtufolia

There are many types of peperomia, and even peperomia obtufolia has subspecies. This small plant, which grows well at home. Peperomia does not like bright light or too much darkness and does not tolerate heavy watering. But it’s worth paying attention to it, providing proper care: peperomia can cleanse the air of harmful chemical substances, including formaldehyde.

4. Bamboo palm, or Hamedorea

Slow growing indoor palm tree loves moderate watering and dim lighting. A bamboo palm will not only become a decorative item in your apartment, but also an excellent air filter. It purifies the air from benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

5. Nephrolepis

Also known as fern, nephrolepis grows well at home. He loves the shade and good watering. Nefprolepis is very beautiful and looks great in hanging flowerpots. It is included in our list of air-purifying plants because it is able to filter toluene and formaldehyde from the air, as well as kill pathogens.

6. Aglaonema

The name of this plant is literally translated from English as “Chinese evergreen.” Aglaonema has variegated leaves and blooms and bears fruit at home. Loves good watering wet air and good lighting, but will also grow when shaded. Aglaonema removes benzene from the air and can kill streptococcal infections.

7. Dracaena fragrant (Massengeana)

One of the most major representatives dracaena, an evergreen tree with a massive trunk and large leaves. The leaf has a bright yellow stripe. Dracaena Massengeana loves bright lighting without direct sunlight, abundant watering and humidified air. This plant removes xylene, toluene, benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde from the air.

8. Date palm

Another palm tree on our list. It has become very popular due to the fact that it can be grown from a seed if desired. Date palm looks exotic and decorative. Loves light and good watering. It successfully filters xylene in the air.

9. Ficus Ali

Ficus Ali - very beautiful plant with long narrow leaves. It thrives in bright light without direct sunlight, regular moderate watering and high humidity. This ficus is capable of purifying the air from benzene, trichlorethylene and phenol.

10. Gerbera Jameson

Decorative flowering plant on our list. She loves well-lit rooms and abundant watering. Gerbera can capture trichlorethylene and benzene from the air.

11. Chlorophytum

Let’s complete the list of “green filters” with a cleaning champion - this is chlorophytum, a familiar and hardy plant that everyone has seen in offices and school classrooms. Chlorophytum is absolutely unpretentious and grows with the most novice plant growers. At the same time, it purifies the air better than special devices.

We hope our list will help you create a favorable atmosphere in your home, free from fumes harmful substances. We wish you to breathe only clean air!

Photo:,,,,,,,,,, buildsolarpanelathome. com

The microclimate in an apartment depends on many components: temperature, humidity, lighting, sound insulation, dynamics and air composition.

To a large extent, human health depends on air humidity. Comfortable humidity is considered to be 45-60%; deviations from the norm cause discomfort and are harmful to health.

In winter time heating systems significantly reduce air humidity. How does dry air affect a person?

The effect of low air humidity on health

Low indoor humidity leads to dry skin and mucous membranes. The thickness of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx decreases in a dry climate, and the barrier functions of this protective filter of the human body are reduced. As a result, they spread infectious diseases respiratory system, eyes suffer, worsens general state person. The spread of influenza infections in winter is, in particular, due to very dry indoor air.

Which plants effectively humidify the air?

Indoor plants help create a microclimate that is comfortable for humans. They absorb water from the soil and release up to 90% of the moisture into environment, spending on their own internal processes only 10% of absorbed moisture. Evaporation of water leads to an increase in humidity in the room by 10-20%.

The following plants release water especially abundantly into the environment and increase the humidity in the apartment:

  • dwarf ficus;
  • Sparmannia;
  • nephrolepis;
  • fatsia;
  • hibiscus;
  • dracaena.

This fast-growing small-leaved climbing ficus bears little resemblance to appearance other types of ficus. The plant comes from Japan and China, is very decorative, looks beautiful when grown in a hanging form. Dwarf ficus requires diffused lighting, abundant watering in summer, and a temperature of +20°C...+25°C. In winter, watering is reduced, the temperature is reduced to +12°C, and when it drops to +8°C, watering is stopped. If the temperature does not decrease in winter, then watering and spraying do not stop. In the spring, the ficus is transplanted into universal soil for indoor plants. They are easily propagated by cuttings, growing to the soil with adventitious roots.


Indoor linden, as Sparmannia is otherwise called, evaporates a lot of moisture and needs watering, especially in summer. This perennial plant, native to Africa, reaches a height of 1.5 m, grows quickly, blooms in winter. Sparmannia takes root easily by cuttings, tolerates bright diffused light well, and can grow on northern windows. In winter, Sparmannia is kept at a temperature of +10°C...+12°C and watering is reduced.

Under natural conditions, nephrolepis - plants of the genus of ferns, are found in the tropical forests of the western and eastern hemispheres. IN room conditions prefer north windows. Nephrolepis requires abundant watering and diffused light. Winter temperature +14°С…+15°С. In summer, it is advisable not to allow the temperature to rise above +24°C, and in hot weather, water and spray more often.

The homeland of Fatsia is the subtropics of Japan. Evergreen fast growing shrub in two years it grows up to 1.5 m. It reaches its maximum decorative effect in cool rooms. At air temperatures above +20°C, it sheds its leaves. Requires bright diffused lighting, tolerates partial shade. The plant is replanted annually in the spring. Fatsia loves frequent spraying and propagates by layering and cuttings.

The hibiscus plant (Chinese rose) is found naturally in the subtropics and tropics of Southeast Asia. At home it reaches 3 m, blooms for a long time in bright diffused light. Hibiscus is able to grow in partial shade, but does not bloom in low light conditions and responds well to abundant watering. Useful for Chinese rose feeding with sugar solution. Easily propagated by cuttings.

All types of dracaenas grow well on eastern and western windows. Plants are provided with diffused sunlight and shaded from direct rays. Maximum growth is observed in summer at temperatures up to +25°C, winter temperatures are not lower than +15°C. In winter, watering is reduced, and in summer time Water and spray abundantly, preventing the soil from drying out.

Home ecosystem

Since moisture-loving plants love a humid climate, many housewives purchase them specifically for their green pets. Such a small ecosystem can completely solve the problems of a dry climate in your home. This is especially true in winter period, when heating reduces the humidity in the air to a critical level. It is during this period that many gardeners note yellowing and falling leaves of their home plants.

With the help of plants, it is possible to maintain comfortable humidity in the apartment, but this labor-intensive task requires certain skills, patience and free time. Work associated with business trips, long absences, illness do not allow us to pay due attention to flowers. In such cases, care about maintaining comfortable humidity it is better to shift the air in the apartment to climate control equipment. Air humidifiers are best suited for this task.

Indoor plants help purify indoor air. It is usually much more polluted than the air outside. In this article, you will learn which plants and which common toxins can rid the air you breathe in your home.

In the late 1980s, NASA, together with the Association of Professional landscape designers studied the properties of indoor plants that could be used to purify the air inside space objects. As a result, they did find several plants that absorb common volatiles. organic compounds(VOC).

Luckily for us, these plants can also help purify the air in any room on Earth. After all, it is usually much more polluted than the air we breathe outside. Other studies subsequently published in the Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science also confirmed this. scientific discovery, and therefore there is no doubt about its veracity. Below is a list of plants that do the best job of filtering air during interior spaces:

Aloe (Aloe Vera)

This easy-to-grow, sun-loving succulent helps clear the air of formaldehyde and benzene—byproducts of chemical cleaners, paints, and more. Aloe is excellent for a sunny kitchen window. But in addition to its ability to purify the air, it is known for the fact that the gel-like liquid inside aloe leaves can heal cuts and burns.

Spiderling (Chlorophytum crested)

Even if you forget to care for your indoor plants, you are unlikely to kill this tenacious flower. Easily recognized by its abundance of dense foliage and small white flowers, spiderweed purifies the air of benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene, a common solvent used in the leather, rubber and printing industries.

Gerbera (Gerbera Jameson)

This colorful, flowering plant is very effective at eliminating trichlorethylene that you might bring home from the dry cleaner. It also does a good job of filtering out the benzene released by the ink. Therefore, it is recommended to place such a flowerpot in the laundry room or bedroom. However, it must be taken into account that it needs a large amount of light.

Mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria three-lane)

This plant is one of the best for purifying the air from formaldehyde, a substance found in cleaning products. toilet paper, fabrics and personal care products. Therefore, it would be nice to have a similar flowerpot in the bathroom. It will grow successfully even in low light and saturated water vapor. humid environment, while helping to filter the aforementioned pollutants from the air.

Epipremnum aureus (Scindapsus aureus)

Another powerful plant that absorbs formaldehyde. It represents a fast growing climbing plant, forming an attractive cascade of green leaves peeking out from hanging planter. Consider placing it in your garage, as car exhaust fumes are laden with formaldehyde.

Fun fact: Epipremnum aureus, also known as Devil's Ivy, remains green even when stored in the dark.

Garden chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum mulcifolia)

Colorful chrysanthemum flowers can do more than just decorate your home office or living room. They also remove benzene from the surrounding air, which is commonly found in glues, paints, plastics and detergents. This plant loves bright light, which is necessary for it to develop buds, so if you want to grow it at home, you need to find a place near open window with direct sunlight.

Dracaena marginata (Dracaena marginata)

One of the most recognizable features of the low-maintenance dracaena is its red edges, which give the flower a pretty hue. It is also known for the fact that it can grow up to the ceiling. In addition, this plant is the best in purifying the air from xylene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde, which can enter the indoor air along with varnishes, drying oils and gasoline.

Weeping fig tree (Ficus benjamina)

A weeping fig tree or Ficus benjamina in your living room will help rid the air of pollutants that tend to emanate from the surface of carpeting and furniture. These include: formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. Caring for a ficus can be difficult, but as soon as you learn how to water it correctly and provide it with normal lighting, it will delight you for a long time with its appearance and unusually useful properties.

Azalea (Rhododendron Sims)

Bring this beautiful flowering bush into your home to combat formaldehyde released from sources such as plywood or foam insulation. Since azalea performs best in cool places with temperatures around 15-18 degrees, it is a very good planter for improving indoor air quality in a basement or basement, if you can find a place for it there.

Common ivy (Climbing ivy)

The study showed that this houseplant reduces the amount of fecal particles in the air, and is also able to cleanse it of formaldehyde present in household chemicals.

Dracaena dereme (Dracaena Warneki)

Dracaena fights pollutants released into the air by varnishes and oils. Dracaena Warnecki easily grows indoors, even without direct sunlight. Thanks to the presence of striped leaves that form lush tufts on a thin stalk, this plant can look very impressive, especially if it reaches its potential height of 3.65 meters.

Aglaonema (Aglaonema curly Deborah)

This easy-to-care plant rids the air of various pollutants and will remove more and more toxins over time if they continue to be present. It blooms and produces red berries even in low light conditions.

Bamboo Palm (Hamedorea Seyfritz)

Also known as the cane palm, this small palm grows lushly in shady indoor areas and often produces flowers and small berries. It tops the list of the best air purifying plants for benzene and trichlorethylene. This flowerpot is also well suited for placement next to furniture that can release toxic formaldehyde gases into the environment.

Philodendron ivy (Philodendron aquifolia)

This climbing plant is not very suitable option for the home if you have children or pets: Philodendron is toxic and therefore should not be eaten. But it is very effective at cleaning the air of all types of VOCs. Philodendrons are especially good at combating formaldehyde released from chipboard and other sources.

Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily)

Shade and weekly watering is all the peace lily needs to thrive and produce beautiful white flowers. It was ranked high on NASA's list as a plant that simultaneously removes three of the most common VOCs - formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. In addition, it also counteracts the spread of toluene and xylene.