We insulate the apartment outside and inside: the most effective methods. What to do if it’s cold in the apartment How to insulate a street wall in an apartment from the inside

The construction market does not stand still. Today in specialized stores you can find a wide range of materials intended for internal wall insulation. How to choose from the whole variety of heat insulators what is best suited for a residential premises, warehouse, office building or premises for other purposes?

Choice optimal option, first of all, should be focused on achieving the primary goal - increasing the indoor air temperature during the cold season. But, besides this, it is important to take into account the environmental friendliness of the material, its ability to create optimal microclimate. After all, if you treat internal insulation without proper preparation, then all the work will only lead to aggravation of the situation: the appearance of excessive dampness, the formation of fungi and a layer of mold on the walls and ceiling.

Each of the proposed insulation options has its own installation features, disadvantages and advantages in application. It is worth dwelling on the issue of choosing a heat insulator in more detail.

Each of the proposed insulation options has its own installation features

Parameters that the material used to insulate the apartment from the inside must meet:

  • Thermal conductivity. If the thermal conductivity of the material is high, the insulation layer must be larger, which leads to a decrease in room area and an increase in cost. The ability to retain heat is one of the key parameters that you need to focus on when deciding what is the best way to insulate an apartment.
  • Strength, resistance to mechanical damage. The use of brittle material reduces the service life of the insulation, and also increases the cost and time required to complete the work.
  • Environmental friendliness. When insulating a residential apartment, it is advisable to choose a harmless material. After all, wall insulation for an apartment or residential building must be safe and not emit harmful substances.
  • Vapor permeability. Taking this indicator into account, you can avoid many problems associated with increased humidity in the apartment.
  • Biostability. This indicator assesses the ability of a material to resist the spread and attack of biological organisms such as fungi. Besides external manifestation microorganisms contribute to the destruction of the material and the loss of its original properties.
  • Economical. Naturally, you don’t want to spend extra money on insulating the walls in your apartment, but you shouldn’t save too much in this matter either.

Different materials have their own operational features and differ in one way or another. Therefore, before you go to the store, you should familiarize yourself with these characteristics. After all, the answer to the question of which insulation to choose for the walls depends not only on the warmth and comfort in the apartment, but also on its suitability for comfortable living.


Today this warmth insulating material is most popular due to several of its advantages:

  • proven effectiveness. Polystyrene foam has low thermal conductivity, which allows it to retain heat well, and low vapor and water permeability, which does not allow liquid to accumulate inside the insulation;
  • low cost compared to other materials;
  • ease of installation. Polystyrene foam does not require the installation of additional frames; it is attached by gluing to a pre-plastered surface;
  • versatility. This material is suitable for both interior and exterior work; it creates a reliable thermal insulation barrier for ceilings, walls, roofs, floors, and ceilings between floors.

Penoplex plates

This material has several names: expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene, and is considered a higher quality “relative” of its fellow polystyrene foam.

What distinguishes penoplex from polystyrene foam:

  • the fine-cell structure allows for better heat retention and protection from cold penetration;
  • increased strength. Under heavy loads, the slabs do not deform, but are easily cut with a knife. Due to its strength, this material is good for use both for insulation from the inside in a private home and for exterior work;
  • long service life. The guaranteed period of time during which penoplex will retain its properties is 50 years;
  • penoplex is resistant to mold formation, rodents do not like it. In addition, this material does not emit toxic substances when burned, like foam plastic, which gives it an additional advantage for insulating walls indoors;
  • To decide how to insulate the wall of your apartment from the inside, it’s worth paying attention to the cost of penoplex. It is higher than the price of polystyrene foam, but quite justified.


This type of insulation belongs to the category of mineral materials and has been used in construction for quite a long time. Compared to its newer analogues, it has a number of disadvantages, but due to its effectiveness and low cost still remains a fairly popular material.

Features of mineral wool:

  • Susceptibility to mechanical damage is a significant drawback. By doing interior work It is important to take into account that glass wool fibers fly apart easily. The master should take this into account and equip himself properly. If you decide to work with the material yourself, do not neglect protective equipment: goggles, a respirator, gloves, as well as clothing that protects the body well. In addition, the owners need to completely empty the insulated room of furniture or objects that can retain glass wool fibers.
  • The cost of this material is quite low, which explains the feasibility of its use.
  • Compared to polystyrene foam, the thermal conductivity of mineral wool is higher, so it retains heat less well.
  • Mounting feature. To install glass wool, it is not necessary to plaster the surface of the insulated wall, but you need to install a frame to fix the material. You also need to provide a layer of vapor barrier. Usually this is a thick film that completely covers the insulation layer. It is tightly attached to the floor, frame and ceiling.
  • When insulating with glass wool, more usable area of ​​the room is consumed. That is why mineral wool is the answer to the question: how to insulate the walls inside the apartment.

Thanks to continuous developments, today it is possible to insulate a wall even with plaster. The technology of plastering for the purpose of insulating internal walls is thought out to the smallest detail. Nuances that are important to consider when choosing this method insulation:

  • It is necessary to apply 3 layers. The first of which is spray. The liquid solution is applied to the wall in a layer of 5-10mm. This is done to ensure that the material fills all the cracks. The second layer is 50-60 mm and is applied in three stages. This is the longest process, since each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried. Finishing layer Most often it is laid with a thickness of 3-5 mm. Its purpose is to completely level the wall and create a flat surface. The solution for this layer is sand diluted in water, which is rubbed into the base layer.
  • The advantage of this type of insulation is durability and resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Disadvantage - more high price compared to foam plastic and greater complexity and duration of work.
  • Plastering retains heat weaker compared to foam-type materials.

Polyurethane foam

This type of insulation is a dense foam that is applied directly to the wall by spraying. To work with this material, you do not need to carry out additional preparation of the wall; it is enough to mount the frame and fill it with material. Polyurethane foam is one of the latest developments in the construction industry, which boasts many advantages:

  • ease of use. Polyurethane foam is quite easy to work with, even for novice craftsmen. The time required to complete the work is less than when plastering.
  • does not require waterproofing, as it does not allow water to pass through and does not get wet like mineral wool.
  • low thermal conductivity, as a result, the material retains heat well inside the apartment.
  • has good adhesion to any surface, so that it forms one whole with the wall. Can even be applied to the ceiling.
  • allows you to insulate walls of any configuration, since the application method does not provide for the formation of seams and cracks.

Cork wallpaper is also a novelty in the field of insulation. Let's look at some aspects:

  • environmental friendliness. If you are deciding what is the best way to insulate a room from an environmentally friendly point of view, then this material will completely satisfy you;
  • saving usable space. Using wallpaper will not take away many centimeters from total area rooms or balconies, as they are relatively thin;
  • low ability to retain heat. A plus for saving space is a minus when it comes to thermal insulation characteristics. Due to the fact that the layer is quite thin, it is not enough to fully insulate the building;
  • attractive decorative finish;
  • ease of use will allow you to insulate the apartment yourself, which in turn will save considerable money.

How to insulate the walls in each specific case depends on the location of the building being insulated, the initial budget, the area of ​​the apartment, minimum temperatures in the cold season and other characteristics. Having familiarized yourself with the characteristics of insulating materials, you can make your home or apartment warm and cozy without the involvement of qualified workers.

Each owner has his own individual requirements for what his house or apartment should be like. The exception to the rule is heat. Especially in the cold season, when the air temperature outside goes below zero.

With the fact that housing should not only be beautiful, but also capable of holding comfortable temperature even with a big minus, everyone without exception agrees.

The reason for this unanimity lies not only in the desire to avoid the need to be at home in warm clothes that hinder movement.

The main troubles that follow freezing of walls are condensation, mold and fungi, which affect the health of residents.

In addition, the walls themselves suffer. If mold and mildew can be eliminated, then restored quality of the damaged wall It doesn't always work out.

Way out - internal insulation walls, protects against cold during frosts, and from condensation during thaw periods.

Advantages and disadvantages of thermal insulation

As a rule, the culprits reducing the comfortable temperature level indoors are heating systems, poorly insulated windows, or the roof of the house. If the heating, windows and roofing are normal, then the problem is really in the freezing walls, which require additional thermal insulation.

To the undeniable advantages internal protection walls from freezing includes:

  • the ability to insulate any room;
  • performing work at any time of the year;
  • the ability to carry out all the work yourself (significant savings);
  • increasing the sound insulation of the home.

The disadvantages include:

  • mandatory requirements for providing vapor barrier;
  • the need to use insulation with excess thickness;
  • consequences in the form of internal drafts;
  • the need to create additional ventilation due to increased humidity;

Is it possible to insulate the walls inside an apartment?

Despite the fact that the option of internal insulation seems, at first glance, to be the most effective and profitable, experts recommend resorting to it only in the most extreme cases, if there is no other way out.

If the operating organization has been promising to carry out external insulation for years, but the residents do not have their own funds, then everything that is not recommended can be carried out, since is not strictly prohibited.

If you have even the slightest opportunity to insulate the walls from the outside, do it. This is the most the best option, because insulating walls from the inside is headache. There are only two correct and more or less acceptable options, and one takes up a lot of space, and the second requires significant costs during the winter. There is also a method suitable for insulating balconies and loggias. And that's all for now. All other options with polyurethane foam, liquid-ceramic thermal insulation, penofol and other materials only bring dampness and mold.

Insulating walls from the inside: what is the problem

Anyone who insulated the external walls of a house or apartment with inside- from the premises - they are faced with the problem of the appearance of fungi, mold and high humidity. These consequences are natural and appear regardless of the type of insulation that was used. You can get rid of moisture and fungi only by removing the internal insulation, making major renovation walls, treating them with antifungal compounds and plastering.

Let's look at the reasons. The so-called dew point is to blame. This is the line where warm and cold air meet and where condensation results.

The figure on the left shows the situation with the dew point if the wall is not insulated. It is located somewhere in the thickness of the wall, depending on the temperature and humidity, it shifts first to one side, then to the other, but is always located quite far from the inner surface. In this case, moisture accumulates in the wall and freezes. In the spring, as it thaws, it evaporates, and evaporates into the atmosphere. If dampness is observed in the room, it is for a short time and at the level of sensations.

The photo in the center shows a situation where the wall is insulated from the inside. In this case, condensation falls in the insulation, or, if this is not possible (expanded polystyrene is used, for example), at the boundary of the insulation and the wall. Even if the wall freezes and the condensation turns into ice, in the spring it will begin to melt, the insulation, wall material and finishing will become wet. Since there is a large distance to the outer surface facing the street, moisture dries very poorly in this case, which “comes out” in the form of dampness, mold and all the accompanying delights.

And the third option is to insulate the wall from the outside. In this case, the dew point is in the insulation. How to get it out of there is another story (make a ventilated facade or choose the right vapor permeability of materials), but for our topic it is important to understand that in this case the wall inside the room will definitely be dry and warm.

To summarize, we can say, if possible, insulate from the outside. Insulation of walls from inside premises has to be done only in a few cases:

  • if they are not allowed to be insulated from the outside (the building is a historical monument or prohibited by local authorities);
  • if the wall goes into the joint between two buildings;
  • the wall opens into the elevator shaft.

But before you take on this work, thoroughly inspect the floor, ceiling, and windows. Sometimes most of the heat escapes not through the walls, but through these surfaces, and it is easier to insulate them (in the sense of less hassle with the dew point).

Correct internal insulation of walls in a house or apartment

There are only two ways to insulate indoor walls from the inside and avoid problems with dampness:

  • recreating a multi-layer wall (place a half-brick wall with insulation at some distance);
  • Heat the wall and then insulate it.

These options work, but, as you can see, they “eat up” a significant amount of space and cost a lot of money. In each specific case, it is necessary to consider what kind of insulation and how much is needed, but the wall pie remains the same.

Second wall

At some distance from the main wall, a second wall 10-12 cm thick is installed. Between the two walls, a layer of insulation, which is required for these conditions, is attached to the inner one. At the same time, up to outer wall There should be a ventilation gap of at least 3 cm. In total, this entire structure will be 20-25 cm away from the main wall. It will “eat up” a considerable area.

As you can see, in this case the dew point can be located inside the insulation or on the inner surface of the wall facing the street. To be able to remove the formed moisture, you can do forced ventilation by installing one or two exhaust fans.

Since in this case the insulation will get wet, it is necessary to choose one that is not afraid of moisture. These are polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, foam glass. You can also use some types of stone wool, but only those that are not afraid of moisture (there are some).

fasten thermal insulation material it is necessary simultaneously with the construction of walls. They laid it out to a certain height and secured the thermal insulation. It’s inconvenient to work, but there is no other choice.

Electrical heating

The idea of ​​this method is to move the dew point inside the wall when insulating a concrete or brick wall internally. To do this, it must be heated. The easiest way is to attach an electric heated floor mat. At some distance from it, insulation is installed, on top of which there is a finishing layer.

In this case, there are no problems with moisture removal, and much less space is required to install the system: from 8 cm (with a ventilation gap of 3 cm and an insulation thickness of 5 cm).

With this method, the thermal insulation material can be of any kind. To install it, first a sheathing is made, then a counter-lattice, and then a suitable insulation is attached to it.

Option for insulating a balcony from the inside

In the case of a loggia and a balcony, the situation is often completely different. If the authorities do not allow the installation of a wall, they demand that the existing reinforced concrete screen be left, it is cut off from warm air thorough thermal insulation made of extruded polystyrene foam (EPS).

In this case, it is better to make the insulation excessive than at least slightly insufficient. The total thickness is divided into two layers. They are laid without a gap (preferably with locks), and so that the seams of the first layer overlap the sheet of the second. There should be no through access of warm air to the screen.

It is necessary to approach the issue of insulating the floor and ceiling of the loggia/balcony very carefully and ensure tightness at the junction of them with the walls. Also pay attention to how the glazing will be installed: there may also be problem areas: joint with the screen, walls, insulation of the part above the frames. All of them must be well finished, excluding the possibility of contact of warm/cold air. In this case there will be no problems. Even .

High heating costs and the reluctance of the home owner to insulate the structure of the building from the outside are forcing residents to look for other solutions. One of them is to insulate the apartment from the inside, thereby reducing usable space. We offer a method of insulating an apartment from the inside using insulating boards with glass wool and Multipor mineral boards.

Insulating an apartment from the inside - what you should know

You will learn:

  • what factors should be taken into account when designing and implementing thermal insulation inside a home;
  • how to properly install thermal insulation from the inside;
  • properties and application of insulating boards.

For apartment users, the most important thing is comfort and low heating bills, and therefore, if there is no solution for thermal insulation of the building from the outside, the only solution is to insulate external walls apartments from the inside. However, you should know that, in accordance with the laws of building physics, insulation from the inside is not entirely optimal solution. When installing insulation on interior wall There are several important factors to consider:

  1. In the case of insulating walls from the inside, it will not help to avoid temperature bridges.
  2. The outer wall (solid brick walls) on the cold side of the barrier is exposed to moisture, which can cause water to freeze in cracks in the wall.
  3. Internal insulation must be carefully thought out and executed, and installed only in freezing parts of the wall.

How to insulate an apartment from the inside - step-by-step instructions

Before you begin to insulate the walls, you must remove all elements, such as wall radiators, that should not be under the insulation layer. For good thermal insulation and simple and quick installation, for wall insulation, it is better to use sheet glass wool or mineral wool, laid in a frame made of profiles and covered with sheets of plasterboard.

At internal thermal insulation You should also replace the windows (if they require replacement), choosing a model with the best insulating parameters.

The first step is to install the wall profiles. The photo shows a finished wall for laying wall insulation boards.

Use vapor barrier layers on top of the profiles. To avoid problems with fixing drywall in the corner, first the main wall is sheathed, after which the corner frame profile is mounted.

To avoid cooling corners, install the insulation perpendicular to the insulated wall.

Leave a reserve of vapor barrier in the corner to connect it to the corner frame insulation.

The corner part of the wall should be insulated from 60 to 100 cm in length. In addition, the floor and ceiling must be insulated with a vapor barrier.

Cover the profile frame and mineral wool tightly with a vapor barrier, making overlaps on the ceiling, floor and walls. To seal the vapor barrier with the wall and floor, use double-sided tape.

To insulate the building from the inside, energy-saving mineral wool insulation with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.030 W/(mx°C) is recommended, which has more than 20% greater insulating capacity compared to other materials used in construction and intended for use in areas requiring a thin layer isolation.

Insulation of walls with Multipor mineral slabs

Multipor is a cellular insulating material made from sand, lime and water. This is an environmentally friendly material, prevents the formation of mold, its thermal conductivity is 0.045 W/(mx°C).

Preparation and insulation of wall surfaces

Before starting work, thoroughly clean the surface of the walls from residues. old plaster and paints. The floor should be covered with film and secured to the wall with electrical tape. A damper tape is placed on the film around the perimeter of the corner between the wall and the floor.

Preparation of the solution for application to the surface of the block

Prepare the solution by adding the appropriate amount of water according to the instructions, and then mix with a mixer until the consistency of thick sour cream.

The finished solution is distributed over the entire surface of the block using a notched trowel.

Attaching the block to the wall

At correct use, the solution should have a thickness of approximately 8-10 mm over the entire surface of the block.

Carefully press the block against the wall, moving it close to the previous block. Check with a level that the blocks are secured level.

Avoid vertical and horizontal seams flush with the corner edge.

To avoid thermal bridges, insulate part of the ceiling

If you have the top floor, then the ceiling should also be insulated. If you have a cold corner, then we insulate it 60-100 cm from the corner.

Leveling and finishing walls

These slabs are easy to grind, you can easily remove any unevenness.

Install perforated corners on all slopes using mesh to protect against cracks. Also apply a grid over the entire block area.

If your house or apartment is cold and uncomfortable in the cold, and you continue to pay huge sums for heating, then it’s worth considering whether there is a reason why the heat is not retained indoors. The simplest assumption is that heat escapes through the walls.

But internal insulation is usually carried out only in extreme cases, for example, when authorities impose a ban on changing the facade. If there is a seam between buildings behind the wall, then external thermal insulation will also be impossible. Sometimes this approach cannot be implemented when there is an elevator shaft behind the wall or unheated room, to which there is no access.

Features of insulation from the inside

If you are faced with the question of how to insulate walls brick house from the inside, then you must remember that the main problem when carrying out such work is the fact that the wall may begin to freeze even more. This causes the dew point to shift as moisture begins to condense, moving onto the wall surface. Condensation causes dampness, which destroys materials and the finishing layer. All this contributes to the deterioration thermal insulation properties insulation, and heat loss turns out to be even higher; high humidity is added to this problem.

Brick walls are subject to greater destruction. In order to avoid this, you should choose insulation materials that have minimal vapor permeability and no moisture absorption. During installation, there should be no joints or seams between the panels through which condensed moisture could penetrate into the premises. These criteria are not suitable:

  • liquid ceramics;
  • mineral wool;
  • drywall;
  • cork covering;
  • warm plaster.

The last option can only be used on final stage. Moisture-absorbing fibrous and vapor-permeable materials are not suitable for thermal insulation of walls from the inside. It is better to avoid expanded polystyrene, because with it it is quite difficult to achieve proper joining of the material to the walls without using a solution. The joints between the canvases will play an important role in reducing the tightness.

What to consider before starting insulation

Before you insulate a wall from the inside with your own hands, you must make sure that it is as dry as possible. The insulation must have minimal vapor permeability and high moisture resistance. The wall must be protected with hydro- and vapor barrier. The insulation layer should not have cracks, joints or gaps.

If you want to insulate the walls of your apartment from the inside in panel house, then as one of good decisions the construction of another wall indoors is in progress. It should fit tightly with the outer one or be separated from it by an air gap. Sometimes a layer of thermal insulation is placed between these surfaces, which acts as a buffer. But such events reduce usable area rooms up to 7 m3.

Material selection

Before starting work, you should ask yourself the question of how to insulate the walls of the house from the inside. For example, polyurethane foam allows you to create a moisture-resistant barrier with high thermal insulation properties. The problem can only be expressed in the method of application. Initially, the material is a foamed liquid that quickly hardens. To form level base and of sufficient thickness, formwork should be installed, filling the internal space in parts. Using wireframes will not produce results. Elements of such a system made of metal or wood can also become sources of dampness.

After forming the surface of the insulating layer, it is necessary to install hydro and vapor protection. For this, polyethylene film is used, which is fixed to adjacent walls, floor and ceiling using slats. Gluing is carried out with mastic or sealant.

Polyurethane foam has low strength and density. This indicates that subsequent finishing and plastering will not be possible. To do this, it is necessary to build plasterboard walls, which are erected on a frame and fixed to the adjacent wall, floor and ceiling. in this case it will be located at the junction of polyurethane foam and the wall or in the thickness of the thermal insulation.

Insulation using a double wall

If you want to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside, then you can use the technology “ Double wall" The warm floor will act as a thermal barrier. Installed on the wall surface heating elements. Heating can only be turned on when very coldy to warm up the inner surface of the wall and shift the dew point.

For normal finishing of the room, a second wall made of plasterboard or brick is installed. The insulation is mounted on the false wall from the side of the opening. This option will save you in severe frosts and prevent destruction, as well as the formation of dampness. But you will spend a lot of money on electricity. This is due to the fact that you will heat not only the volume of air in the room, but also the street.

Using penoplex

If you still haven’t decided how to insulate the walls of your house from the inside, you can use expanded polystyrene or penoplex. Due to the fact that it does not meet the characteristics for carrying out such work, it is necessary to pay special attention installation work. The material is smooth sheets of dense material. Joints will certainly form between them during the installation process. It will not be possible to get rid of them completely, so you will have to apply a layer of sealant to the ends.

The technology of applying the solution in separate cakes should be abandoned. This is due to the fact that as a result, air chambers where condensation accumulates. In this case, water finds cracks to escape into the room. The only option would be to apply glue to the entire sheet and tightly adhere the material to the wall over the entire area. Before applying the solution, it is necessary to use a needle roller to treat the surface of the material. This will ensure the best penetration of the solution. This is especially true for the option with penoplex.

This method of fastening will require leveling the wall. Use regular cement-sand mortar it is forbidden. It is better to use a mixture that forms a moisture-proof layer. From use anchors should also be abandoned. This is explained by the fact that leaky transitions will form in the places where they are installed.

If you plan to use the mesh reinforcement method and will apply plaster over foam plastic, then the structure should be reinforced with profiles that are located between the insulation sheets and fixed at the top and bottom to the floor and ceiling.

Work order

If you decide to insulate a wall in an apartment from the inside, then after choosing a specific method of carrying out the work, you must bring the surface to ideal condition. To do this, the old coating in the form of cladding, decorative elements, paint and wallpaper is removed from the base. The plaster is also removed. You must see concrete slab or brickwork.

The surface should be cleaned of dust and dirt using a broom and vacuum cleaner. Special attention should be given to places where the walls were especially damp. Before insulating the wall from the inside, it should be treated with an antiseptic and coated with a primer. After each operation, the base is left until it dries.

It should be primed with a deep-penetrating compound. If you plan to use foam plastic or heating elements, then the wall is plastered and leveled. In this process, you can use water repellents, ready-made mixtures for finishing swimming pools and bathrooms. In this case, the plastering method using beacons is suitable. The technology is relevant if the magnitude of the differences is more than 10 mm.

The layer of plaster should dry within several days. This is the only way the material will gain normal strength. This process should not be accelerated by heaters. The surface of the plaster is primed again. This step should be omitted if we're talking about O concrete walls, which are smooth. In the case of them, you can seal the joints with a moisture-resistant solution, mastic or sealant.

Insulation process

Quite often, home craftsmen are faced with the question of how to insulate a wall from the inside. In each case the technology will be different. Some nuances have been described above. After installing the thermal insulation layer, a drying period follows. Only then can you begin installing the second wall, where a finishing layer such as tiles, wallpaper, paint or cork will be applied.

For installation plasterboard boards you must form a frame. The slabs will be attached to the ceiling, floor and walls. A gap of 5 cm should be left between the thermal insulation and the wall. If you want to use high-density polystyrene foam, you can limit yourself to applying reinforcing mesh and plastering. But durability and results will depend on the quality of foam installation. The joints between the sheets must be coated with sealant, and the sheets are fixed to an evenly thin layer of mortar.

Insulation of a corner apartment with mineral wool

If you were among those who wondered how to insulate corner wall from the inside, then you can use mineral wool as a material for the work. It consists of natural fibers, is environmentally friendly and is made from rocks by melting them. The fabrics of this thermal insulation have low weight, excellent sound insulation and low thermal conductivity. Mineral wool is ready to last for quite a long time, and is installed on the wall between guides made of a metal profile or wood blocks.

How to insulate a wall from the inside? This question is quite relevant for residents of corner apartments. When installing mineral wool on walls, you must take care of waterproofing. This is important, because a moistened heat insulator loses its properties. Before installation, the walls are covered with a moisture-proof film. You can make the frame from wooden slats, the distance between which will be equal to the width of the insulation board. You need to subtract about 2 cm from this value.

After laying the mineral wool, it is followed by a layer of vapor barrier or superdiffusion membrane. Slats are placed on the guides, which will allow you to create air gap, which is necessary for moisture to evaporate from the superdiffusion membrane. Drywall or plywood is placed on the slats. It is better to work with mineral wool wearing glasses and gloves, as well as a respirator.

Insulation of a corner apartment using polystyrene foam

If you are concerned about the question of how to insulate a wall in corner apartment from the inside, then for this you can also use polystyrene foam. It is more common because it is easy to install and its cost is affordable. For your apartment, you can purchase expanded polystyrene, which contains substances that prevent ignition. Before laying the slabs on the leveled wall, apply liquid waterproofing. Tile adhesive should be applied to the insulation sheets. The tool used for this is a comb spatula.

After filling the entire area of ​​the wall, a mounting mesh is glued on top, which is covered with putty. Once it has dried, the surface can be wallpapered or painted. Before you insulate a wall from the inside, you should think about what material to use. If you use foam plastic or penoplex, then fungus and mold can form between the moisture-proof layer and the wall. This also applies to foil penofol. This is due to the fact that the wall is panel or brick house stops breathing, and in conditions of a cold circuit and access to moisture, it begins to become covered with condensation.

Insulation using drywall

If you want to solve the problem of how to insulate brick wall from the inside, you can use technology that involves the use of drywall. This method is fast and simple. A distance of 3 cm should be maintained from the rough surface to the front base. As this space increases, more insulation will fit into the voids of the structure. This method is great for large rooms, because the wall thickens during the installation of thermal insulation.

The process begins with the installation of a frame made of metal profiles. They are removed 2 cm from the wall. The frame must be made of galvanized profile. A tape is glued to the base of the elements to isolate the surface from the plaster. This will protect the drywall from the cold that is transmitted through metallic profile. Mineral wool is placed into the cavity of the frame, and the layer between the wall and the drywall will also become insulation.

The next step is to install the drywall. When insulating rooms with high humidity You should not save money - it is better to purchase moisture-resistant material. At the final stage, the slabs are finished with wallpaper.

Thermal insulation in a panel house

How to insulate panel wall from the inside - this is a pressing question that interests many apartment owners. To carry out the work, you can use plaster. If we are talking about brickwork, then you will be able to complete the work in a short time. The material is laid in three layers, each of which is well dried.

At the first stage, the composition is applied by spraying. This will fill in all the bumps and crevices. The thickness does not exceed 10 mm. The main stage is the application of a 5 cm thick primer layer. The effectiveness of thermal insulation will depend on the quality of this stage.

If you want to know how to insulate a wall in a panel house from the inside, you can use polystyrene foam. Even a beginner can handle its installation. But although mineral wool is excellent option, but takes up more space. She has one important advantage, which is expressed in the fact that during the fixation process the material does not need a prepared layer of plaster.