Isover insulation is optimal for insulating the ceiling. Izover insulation: technical characteristics, types, advantages and disadvantages. Characteristics and scope

The building materials market constantly offers new types of products for home insulation. One brand that can meet the needs of any type of thermal insulation is Izover. The characteristics allow the widespread use of slabs or mats of this brand throughout our country. The company's products are widely used in private households, industry and when laying communications.

Cooperation between the Russian market and Saint-Gobail began 25 years ago

Brand history

The rights to the brand belong to the Saint-Gobain company from France. Its main office is located in Paris, and its founding date is 1665. It appeared at the direction of Louis XIV and produced glass and mirrors. The name Isover insulation is formed from the words “glass” and “insulation”. In our country, the company's products were initially known under the Uteplyaev brand.

Initial Izover products in Russia

Over more than 350 years of history, Saint-Gobain has grown into an international industrial group represented in 67 countries and employing over 170 thousand employees. Sales in 2015 amounted to 39.6 billion euros.

Soundproofing Izover “Quiet House”:

The company is included in the following ratings:

  1. Hundred largest industrial enterprises according to Forbes.
  2. Top 100 innovative organizations in the construction sector.
  3. Best Employer - 2016

Experience and Newest technologies made the company a world leader in creating comfortable space for life. The main activities of Saint-Gobain are:

  1. Innovative technologies in the field of high-tech products in the production of ordinary and special glass.
  2. Building materials represented by ISOVER, ISOTEC, ISOROC brands in insulation; GYPROC in gypsum solutions; WEBER dry mixes; ECOPHON for acoustic ceilings and panels; in siding and tiles - CERTAINTEED; RAM pipes
  3. Distribution activities in the field of building materials.

Saint Gobain Campaign:

The company's products have been known on the Russian market for more than 20 years. Ten years ago, a plant was opened in the Moscow region (Egoryevsk), and since 2011 in Chelyabinsk, the Minvata company began producing stone fiber insulation. All products have international environmental certificates and comply not only with internal corporate standards, but also with EN 13162-ISO 9001.

Scope and properties

Isover thermal insulation can be purchased in rolls and in slabs. This non-flammable material with excellent properties. The company is not a monopolist in its segment. Its competition is mineral insulation Ursa, Rockwool, Izovol, Knauf and Parok.

The company's material is perfect for insulating and soundproofing your home

Izover mineral wool is widely used for the following types of work:

    1. Sound insulation and insulation wall structures and roofs.
    2. Arrangement of ventilated facades and multilayer partitions.
    3. Installation of pipelines and other communications.
  1. The industry uses one of the varieties of the brand - Isotec.

In order to get high-quality results when using such a material, before purchasing you need to understand the technical characteristics of Izover insulation. This is fiberglass-based mineral wool, manufactured using TEL technology.

Does density matter? thermal insulation materials:

Main indicators:

  1. Thermal conductivity is 0.041 W×m−1×K−1, which allows you to retain air without changing properties in different climatic zones.
  2. Maximum sound protection is achieved due to the porous structure of the material.
  3. Average density - 13 kg/m³. Depending on the type of insulation, it may vary slightly in one direction or another.
  4. Fire safety is explained by the low previous indicator, which guarantees the absolute non-flammability of the product. Therefore, the use of Izover is permitted in commercial and residential premises, cottages and apartments in high-rise buildings. Foil plates are low flammable. The main condition will be full compliance with fire safety standards when laying the material and operating the structure.

Main indicators of Izover mineral wool:

  1. The problem modern insulation materials is the formation of condensation inside the layers. Fiberglass solutions have special water-repellent components. They help remove moisture and increase vapor permeability. For Izover it is 0.5-0.55 mg/mPa. When installing, it is recommended to leave a two-centimeter gap from the wall.
  2. Depending on the type and conditions of use, mineral wool from Saint-Gobain can last from 50 to 100 years.
  3. The absence of harmful emissions during operation guarantees the environmental purity of the insulation.
  4. Low weight, the lowest in its segment, allows this building material to be used even in weak load-bearing structures.
  5. The dimensions of the slabs and rolls allow the use of insulation with maximum rationality.

Advantages of Izover material:

Advantages and disadvantages

If we take into account all the properties of Izover thermal protection, we can derive several positive qualities when using it:

Excellent thermal insulation.

  1. Tolerance of extreme temperatures.
  2. Fire safety.
  3. Immunity to deformation.
  4. Ease of peeling.
  5. Tensile strength.
  6. Waterproof.
  7. High level of noise absorption.
  8. The material is not subject to destruction by rodents and other animals.
  9. Simple installation technique.

Pros and cons of isover insulation:

When working with Isover products, you must adhere to the following precautions:

  1. Restrict access to the construction site during work.
  2. Use film, plywood or gypsum fiber board as fencing.
  3. Apply means personal protection: overalls, glasses, respirators.

Preparation method

In order to achieve the required qualities, all required technological standards and processes must be observed during production. Make Izover this way:

  1. A mixture is prepared from quartz sand, soda ash, limestone, glass waste and other minerals.
  2. This composition melts at a temperature of about 1300 degrees. The result is a homogeneous plastic mass.
  3. Next, it is fed into a bowl rotating at high speed with small holes in the walls. Through them it is squeezed out by long thin threads under the influence of centrifugal force.
  4. Mixed with polymer yellow glue, a sticky substance is obtained, which enters the oven for rolling and drying.
  5. The set layers are cut into the required formats with a circular saw.

Production of Izover insulation:

Types of thermal insulation

All materials produced under the Izover brand differ from each other in functional purpose and physical properties. Industrial and household categories of insulation are supplied separately. There are several of the most popular varieties of products from Saint-Gobain.

Types of thermal insulation Izover:

Minvata Izover KL 34

This is a mineral plate 5 or 10 centimeters thick. It is used when frame construction and does not require additional fastening with dowels. These products are characterized by high elasticity, which maximizes the scope of application.

The insulation is packaged in a bag. After opening, it instantly takes on its original appearance and is ready for installation. Another advantage of this modification is low shrinkage. Among the technical characteristics it should be noted:

  1. Thermal conductivity – 0.034 W/μ.
  2. Vapor permeability – 0.53 mg/mchPa.
  3. Nominal compression at 2 thousand Pa – 60%.
  4. Return to normal state – 98%.

Thermal insulation of walls and floors:

This material is completely non-flammable with operating temperatures from -70 to +250 degrees. If it is completely immersed in water, it will absorb moisture no more than 5% of its mass, and when wetted - no more than 1%.

Pitched roof

This modification is intended for use as roof insulation. Available in the form of mats measuring 117x61 centimeters and 5-10 cm thick. It is almost one hundred percent hydrophobic. This is its main advantage over competitors - the ability to use in conditions high humidity without loss of properties.

This type of Izover product is characterized by the following indicators:

  1. Thermal conductivity - 0.035 W/mK.
  2. Steam conductivity - 0.55 mg/mchPa.
  3. Absorbency when partially immersed - 0.08 kg/m² for 25 hours.
  4. A density of 15 kg/m³ is combined with sufficient return and deformation properties.

The advantages of the material make it number 1 in Russian markets

Non-combustible thermal insulation for pitched roofs Izover is sold in packages with an area of ​​14.72 m² and a weight of 10.8 kg.

Product category KT37

This insulation is available in rolls 630 cm long, 60 cm wide and 50 or 100 millimeters thick. Double compression packaging allows for convenient and economical transportation of the material to the construction site. If the volume of insulation in the package is 0.16 cubic meters, then after opening it increases to 0.71 m³. The scope of its application is the insulation of concrete, brick, wooden buildings from the inside. It is not prohibited to install floors and interfloor ceilings as thermal protection.

Due to the density of 15 kg/m³, it is not recommended to use KT37 in structures with high mechanical loads. Thermal conductivity of 37 W/μ is sufficient to create an effective coating even in one layer. In this, Isover competes with Rockwool Wired Mat 80 slabs. However, the roll form of the product allows you to insulate large areas much faster with the help of a non-combustible product from Saint-Gobain.

Roof insulation:

Material indexed KT40

It is classified as wall insulation. Isover KT40 is supplied in rolls and is intended for frame, brick houses and for insulating the free cavities of the building. The roller, which is 10 cm thick, can be easily divided in half thanks to its two-layer structure. Its remaining dimensions are: 7 meters in length and 61 cm in width. Covered area - 17.8 m².

Roll insulation Izover:

Thermal insulation properties it is slightly worse than other materials Isover - 0.04 W/μ. However, high vapor permeability (0.5 Mg/mPa) makes it possible to effectively insulate buildings made from any raw material with its help. To improve moisture absorption, which amounts to 15% of the weight of the product, it is recommended to install additional waterproofing. GOST 30225 classifies KT40 as non-combustible thermal insulation.

Basalt mass

Russian factories, in addition to fiberglass boards, produce materials in the form stone wool. Similar varieties have the following differences:

  1. Higher cost.
  2. More durable, stronger and denser than traditional mineral wool.
  3. Less elasticity. Packages have larger size, increasing the price for storage and transportation.
  4. High moisture and heat resistance.

Basalt insulation is more expensive, but of the highest quality

Classification of basalt insulation:

  1. Optimal - for pitched roof in the form of sound and thermal protection.
  2. Light - for frame housing construction.
  3. Acoustic - for sound insulation.
  4. Floor - from impact noise.
  5. Ruf V, Ruf N - for flat roofing.
  6. Plaster and Facade-Master are designed for facades under plaster.
  7. Venti - with improved vapor permeability.
  8. The standard applies to multi-layer brickwork.

Testing basalt wool for combustion:

Installation of thermal protection

A wide range of uses implies several options for working with Izover materials. There are 4 technological options in total:

  1. Metal frame structure.
  2. Wooden building.
  3. Using staples.
  4. On the plinth.

When installing thermal protection, seek help from a specialist

When assembling the thermal insulation complex, one should take into account physical properties materials. It is worth providing additional protection from moisture using special films. Laying roofing or wall pie, a certain order of layers must be observed. The vapor barrier is usually stretched with inside to prevent condensation. The waterproofing is installed outside to protect against precipitation.

It is very difficult to choose the best of the many varieties of Izover products. Each type has its pros and cons. However, due to the diversity of the assortment and optimal ratio price and quality, this product is recognized as the most popular.

All about insulation and thermal insulation Izover:

The ISOVER company (Izover) occupies a leading position in the world market in the production of insulation materials for any type of structure.

Izover slabs are considered the most the best insulation materials in the construction market. Most of the production volume of ISOVER insulation occurs abroad, but in Russia, insulation is also produced in the Moscow region, in the city of Yegoryevsk. A large plant producing heat and sound insulation, in addition, the plant is the only one that produces mineral wool based on quartz and basalt.


Due to its shape retention, the material does not change
during installation

Firmly attached to the frame or wall, preventing the penetration of cold

Due to its elastic properties, no additional fasteners are required for installation


Saving utility costs up to 70%

Does not require much space for transportation as the material compresses well


Vapor permeability allows the insulation to “breathe”

There is no dust when working with insulation

When heated, it does not evaporate toxic substances

Eco-friendly, no harm environment and human health

Fire resistant material

What you need to know when choosing insulation

Thermal conductivity coefficient (λ)

When choosing thermal insulation products, firstly, you need to pay attention Special attention to such an indicator as the thermal conductivity coefficient - λ (lambda). The lower the lambda value, the better the house can be insulated, due to the fact that the thermal conductivity value reflects how much heat passes through the insulation per unit of time.

Thermal conductivity coefficient is measured as W/(m*K). (watt per meter per kelvin)

Types of thermal conductivity coefficient (λ)

Dry lambdas (installed by the manufacturer at the factory):
λ10 - thermal conductivity coefficient recorded at 10°C. An indicator declared by the manufacturer.

Wet lambdas (set by the manufacturer at different degrees of humidity):
λA and λB - thermal conductivity coefficients for different conditions operation (according to SP 50.13330.2012). Measurements are carried out by licensed laboratories at material humidity of 2% and 5%. The coefficient is used for thermal calculations in construction.

Choose insulation based on its thermal conductivity value, because the lower the coefficient, the more effectively the house will be insulated. For example, if the thermal conductivity value is 0.036, this will be enough for 50 mm of thermal protection to replace 95 cm of brick

Which insulation to choose: in slabs or rolls?

All ISOVER products have high elasticity, which means that the material holds tightly and stably without the use of additional fasteners. Both rolls and slabs are used in different designs. The shape is determined depending on the room.

  • Convenience when insulating large surface areas, ease of installation due to the fact that one roll can be insulated large area Houses.
  • When used, fewer joints appear, and therefore, air flow throughput decreases.
  • Low material consumption.
  • Suitable for non-standard rafter spacing, easy to cut to the required width.

  • Recommended for insulating small rooms.
  • Suitable for one person use.
  • They are fixed by surprise without the use of additional fasteners.

Technical characteristics of Isover insulation based on quartz

Below are the universal and popular Isover insulation materials made on the basis of quartz. Each model has its own characteristics and advantages in different areas of application. Using a visual table, you can easily determine which insulation would be better suited in your situation.

  • Ceilings above the basement
  • Thermal insulation of house floors
  • Floors by joists
  • Exterior walls for siding

Technical characteristics of “Isover Warm Home”:

  • Interior walls
  • Thermal insulation of floors on joists
  • When choosing insulation with a thickness of 100 mm, it is suitable for:
  • Frame walls outside

Technical characteristics of the “Isover warm house stove”:

Suitable for use:

  • Insulation of walls outside and inside
  • Floors by joists

Technical characteristics of “Isover warm roof”:

  • External side of the walls of the house
  • Interior parts of the house
  • Thermal protection of balconies and loggias

Suitable for use:

  • Roofs, attics, attics, pitched roofs

Technical characteristics of “Isover warm walls”:

  • Suspended ceilings
  • Internal walls and interior partitions
  • Attics and pitched roofs
  • Floors and floors with joists
  • Attics and pitched roofs
  • Insulation of floors and basements

Technical characteristics of “Isover Quiet House”:

  • Ceilings
  • Walls

Technical characteristics of “Isover sauna”:

Do-it-yourself installation of Izover mineral wool

For thermal insulation various designs The manufacturer has a wide range of products. Thermal insulation material should be selected based on its characteristics (mainly density) and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Mats with a low density are better suited for horizontal surfaces; for thermal insulation of walls it is better to buy slabs with a higher density.

Isover is a famous trademark, which specializes in the production of building materials. This is the only brand in Russia that produces thermal insulation based on basalt and fiberglass. The range of products is quite wide, which opens up great opportunities in terms of insulation of both private and industrial buildings.

Description and Application

The presented material has many advantages and disadvantages of mineral wool. And this is not surprising, since their properties are quite similar. It is produced in the form of slabs, which can be either rigid or semi-rigid. There is also the opportunity to buy Izover in the form of rolls and mats. They are used in the arrangement of the roof and facades of the house, ceilings, walls and floors.

Izover is based on glass fibers, the length of which reaches 100-150 microns and the thickness of 4-5 microns. It is these parameters that allow the Izover heat insulator to obtain high levels of elasticity and resistance to loads. Competition may come from technical ones.

In the photo Izover insulation


It has a large number of benefits. Thanks to them, today it occupies a leading position among all other heat insulators. When choosing, pay attention to the following specifications from Izovera

  1. Izover- This is a thermal insulation material, so it is characterized by low thermal conductivity - 0.038.
  2. Excellent sound insulation performance.
  3. For the manufacture of insulation, fiberglass was used, which is not susceptible to bacterial or fungal infection. It is not affected by rodents and small insects.
  4. High moisture permeability. This indicator is a disadvantage. This is explained by the fact that the material has a porous structure.
  5. Small specific gravity – 13 kg/m3. Thanks to the small one, the process of installation, transportation and loading of material is simplified. Installation of insulation can be done with your own hands.
  6. Ecological cleanliness.
  7. High degree of durability from negative influence chemical substances.
  8. High ductility. Mats can be compressed up to 60%, and rolls up to 75%.
  9. Fire resistance.

The video shows the technical characteristics of Izover insulation:

If we talk about the size of the Izover material, it depends on the form of release. The thickness of the mat rolls can be 5.10 cm - single-layer option. And for a two-layer, the thickness of one layer is 5 cm. For roll type the standard width is 120 cm, and the length is 7-14 cm. But the area covered can vary between 16-20 m2.

But what kind of insulation should be used under a ventilated facade is described in this article:


The heat insulator manufacturer Izover has a very wide range of products, each of which has its own characteristics functional purposes. All company products are divided into 2 types: for industrial and household use. So, if you are tormented by a question, then in the assortment you can choose the appropriate option.


This heat insulator is presented in the form of plates, and its thickness reaches 5 or 10 cm. It is used when frame installation, it does not require fastening with dowels.

The photo shows Izover KL34 insulation

But what materials should be used to insulate walls, information will help you understand

Isopher is famous brand for the production of high-quality thermal insulation materials. He has a variety of products in his assortment, each of which has its own technical characteristics and scope of application. But they are all united by such qualities as durability and low thermal conductivity.

“Isover” is an insulation material whose technical characteristics allow us to judge it as one of the most effective materials today. It has a very wide scope of application. It is made from fiberglass and comes in the form of easy-to-install slabs and mats. It is used both for insulating small private houses and high-rise buildings or industrial buildings. Also, this type of insulation is very well suited for protecting water pipes and other household communication systems from cold.

How it is made

So, what is Isover insulation? The characteristics of any product depend primarily on how accurately the required technologies are followed during its production process. Isover insulation is manufactured as follows:

  • Cullet, limestone, and other minerals are thoroughly mixed in advance.
  • The resulting mixture melts at a temperature of 1300 degrees. until a homogeneous fluid plastic mass is obtained.
  • In a special installation this liquid glass from a great height it is fed into a bowl rotating at great speed, the walls of which have small holes. Under the influence of centrifugal force, the hot mass is squeezed out in the form of long thin threads.
  • The fibers are mixed with polymer glue yellow color.
  • The resulting sticky mass is fed into a special oven, where it is rolled between steel shafts and blown with hot air. As a result, the glue sets and the layer itself is leveled.
  • The finished glass wool comes under circular saws for cutting into slabs of the required size.

Advantages of the material

The advantages of Izover insulation (the characteristics of which will be discussed below) include primarily:

  • ease of installation;
  • low degree of thermal conductivity;
  • high degree of fire resistance;
  • versatility;
  • light weight;
  • excellent soundproofing qualities;
  • low cost.

Disadvantages of insulation

Of course, like anyone else building material, Izover slabs also have certain disadvantages. These include:

  • questionable environmental safety;
  • the need to use special clothing during installation.

All fibrous materials, including Isover (whose characteristics are otherwise very good), absorb water well, which is why they lose a significant part of their heat-preserving qualities.

Scope of application

  • wall insulation;
  • heat and sound insulation internal partitions;
  • stone and wooden houses in a warming pie;
  • interior wall cladding;
  • insulation of floors both above and below;
  • roof insulation in houses with residential attics and attics;
  • windings of communication pipes.

Foundations are usually insulated with expanded polystyrene. When using Izover for this purpose, it is necessary to additionally provide very high-quality waterproofing.

"Izover": characteristics

Of course, before choosing this material for insulating a house, you should find out what specific properties it has. There are several types of Isover insulator. In terms of characteristics, they all differ slightly. Materials of this brand are produced with different density and thermal conductivity.

Isover Classic insulation, for example, has the following characteristics:

This type of Isover insulation is this moment the most popular. Other types of insulators of this brand also have good qualities.

“Isover” is supplied, the characteristics of which, therefore, allow us to judge it as a truly effective insulation material, in slabs and mats that are easy to install.

Installation features

The frame for “Izover” can be assembled from both wooden planks and metal profile. Distance between separate elements the sheathing should be slightly smaller than the width of the insulation boards. This allows you to install them by surprise.

Of course, “Izover”, the technical characteristics of which we have described, when used as a heat or sound insulator, must be protected from moisture. In order to prevent it from getting wet, steam and waterproofing films are used. When assembling a pie of walls or roofing, in this case a certain order of installation of materials is observed. The vapor barrier is mounted on the side interior spaces. Due to temperature differences, the humidity in rooms and attics is usually higher than outside. Therefore, condensation forms on the walls and ceiling. Using a vapor barrier prevents it from getting on the insulation. Mounted outside. It protects Izover from getting wet during rain or melting snow.

Additional fasteners when installing slabs, as already mentioned, are not used. They are only necessary when installing the material on the ceiling. In order to completely prevent their loss, in this case special dowels called “fungi” are used.

Since the material is capable, albeit in small quantities, of releasing substances harmful to human health, when installing it from inside the premises, you should carefully monitor the tightness of all finishing seams.


“Isover” - insulation, the technical characteristics of which we discussed above - is classified into several popular types. In private housing construction, as already mentioned, the “Classic” material, marked with the letter “K,” is most often used. It, in turn, is divided into:

  • "Isover KL 34" are very soft boards with high thermal insulation properties, used for insulating surfaces without loads.
  • "Isover KL 35" is a material with a slightly higher density. It is usually used for the same purposes as variety 34, that is, for walls and partitions.
  • "Isover 37" is most often used for insulating floors, roofs and ceilings.
  • "Isover KT" is usually used for insulating basements or attics.

The type “Isover Classic Plus” is also very popular. Its characteristics are exactly the same as those of the regular “Classic”. These two varieties differ only in thickness. “Classic”, as can be seen from the table, is supplied in 50 mm mats. For “Classic Plus” this figure is 100 mm. There are other varieties of Isover material designed for a variety of purposes (Isover RKL, Isover OL, etc.).


Thus, the Izover insulation, the technical characteristics of which were discussed in detail in this article, is a very warm and high-quality material. You can protect your home from the cold using it as effectively as possible. This, and also not too much high cost, and explains its extraordinary popularity among both private owners and small and large developers.