Insulation of a private house. We are looking for a universal insulation. Types of insulation for the walls of a house from the inside: materials for insulation and their characteristics What is the name of the insulation

When arranging residential premises and buildings for domestic purposes, it becomes necessary to insulate wall structures. Due to the wide variety of types of insulation that are offered for sale, it can sometimes be difficult to decide in favor of a specific type. But if you understand the characteristics and properties of such products, the upcoming purchase will be faster and more successful.

Before buying insulation, you should take a closer look at their specifics.

general information

Properly selected building insulation is the key to protection from the cold in winter, as well as providing coolness in summer time. This material guarantees a comfortable microclimate inside the building, regardless of its purpose and time of year. But the ability to retain heat also significantly reduces heating costs. With good insulation, you can achieve maximum savings in energy resources, as well as make the room protected from environmental influences.

In most cases, builders insulate those parts of the house that are constantly in contact with outside world. This is about:

  1. Floors.
  2. Wall structures.
  3. Roof.

In this video you will learn how to insulate a house:

Types of insulation are divided into several groups according to destination. They may also have different appearance and shape. On sale you can find both rigid piece structures, including segments, cylinders, plates, etc., and flexible models . The latter include:

  1. Wide and narrow mats.
  2. Tourniquets.
  3. Cords.

There are also loose insulation materials. These include sand, vermiculite and cotton wool. Depending on the structural features, products are divided into fibrous, granular and cellular, and taking into account the composition, materials can be classified into organic and inorganic.

Floor insulation

When choosing insulation for your home, you need to be guided by various factors. First of all, you should pay attention to the type of construction and the purpose of thermal insulation raw materials, and then evaluate your financial capabilities.

To prevent drafts in the house, it is necessary to completely insulate the floors and walls

If you want to ensure a stable temperature inside the house, you need to carefully insulate the floor. Insulation materials for floor structures differ in different properties, and when choosing a specific variety, it is customary to give preference to the one that is able to cope with impressive loads and retain heat indoors, regardless of surrounding influences.

Often, for such work, expanded clay is used, which, if possible, is poured together with concrete screed. If the building has a basement, the insulation layer must also be strengthened on the basement side. Expanded polystyrene is best suited for these purposes.

Basalt insulation. Mineral wool:

Wall structures

Thermal insulation wall structures differs significantly from floor insulation. The types of insulation and their characteristics will depend on the scope of application - for external or interior walls.

Do not forget that the house remains attractive after insulation

In the first case ideal option is basalt mineral wool, which is capable of maintaining its shape and performance benefits for a long time. Even after prolonged use, the material does not lose strength, does not compact or cake.

When arranging the internal thermal insulation layer, it is necessary to abandon bulk products so as not to disturb the aesthetic appeal of the interior. Mineral wool or polystyrene foam can be used as insulation.

One more in a modern way Insulation of walls from the inside is the use of ceramic-based paints. At minimum thickness The paint layer guarantees better sealing and durability.

Ceiling insulation

High-quality mineral wool is used as the main material for insulating ceilings. Its popularity is due to its excellent performance properties, reliability and durability, and to perform installation it is enough to lay the raw materials in the interfloor ceilings or rafter frame.

Sawdust is a good replacement for mineral wool

Even with prolonged use, the insulation continues to retain heat inside the house and does not release it outside. Resistance to any environmental influences makes it the most popular material for modern construction.

If you can’t buy mineral wool, you can make do with sawdust with clay or ordinary slag. But, unfortunately, this raw material is not cheap and requires complex installation, so it cannot be called popular.

Mineral wool

When studying information about what types of insulation there are, their types, characteristics and applications, you should pay attention Special attention mineral wool. The group contains various subtypes of thermal insulation raw materials, including:

  1. Slag.
  2. Stone.
  3. Glass.

In the process of manufacturing insulation, a method is used to process metallurgical alloys or rocks to a glassy state. Finally, a special synthetic binder is added to the fiber.

The resulting material is characterized by excellent sound and heat insulation, and in addition to this, it remains resistant to fire. The only, and perhaps the key, disadvantage of mineral wool is that when it gets wet, a significant part of its benefits are irretrievably lost.

Which insulation to choose for a country house:

Stone insulation

Among other types of insulation, stone wool is in particular demand. It is offered on the market in the form of portioned slabs and rolls with a minimum thermal conductivity. Elite insulation models are created on the basis of rocks called gabbro-basalt. Due to its high fire resistance, the material is used for the construction of industrial buildings. It is able to remain resistant to extremely high temperatures up to 1,000 degrees Celsius.

Another valuable advantage is excellent resistance to high humidity. Unlike other types of mineral wool, this insulation does not absorb water, but repels it. As a result, the insulation layer remains dry even in heavy rains, which will preserve its service life and operational properties.

Basalt wool is in demand when arranging baths and saunas, which have both an increased flammability and high level humidity. At the same time, the strength of the raw material is not determined by density.

One of the main criteria for choosing stone wool is its harmlessness.

Stone wool has a relatively soft structure, but an impressive margin of safety. This is explained by the use of a special fiber placement technology. Also, the insulation is able to withstand corrosive influences and coexist with such aggressive materials as concrete and metal, without the risk of entering into chemical reaction. Damage by rodents, insects and other pests is practically excluded, due to good biological stability.

It is basalt rock that is considered the key component of stone wool. It is pre-treated with formaldehyde resins, which guarantees better strength properties and environmental friendliness. The finished product that goes on sale is completely harmless and environmentally friendly. At the same time, its performance properties are at the highest level.

Currently, stone wool is actively used for insulating floors in residential and industrial buildings, insulating roof structures and facades, as well as for many other purposes.

Glass variety

Molten glass is used to create glass wool, and the insulation materials available on the market are divided into two groups: soft rolls and hard slabs. This insulation is characterized by excellent strength characteristics and elasticity. The role of the binding component is played by formaldehyde resins, as in the case of stone wool. And although many of the advantages of basalt insulation are absent in glass wool, it has its own unique properties. One of the most important is excellent ductility, due to which the material is easily compressed during installation and does not deform.

Foil will help your insulation last longer

Meanwhile, fiberglass insulation accumulates moisture and retains it in its structure, which is considered a serious drawback. To prevent rapid loss of performance properties, glass wool can be covered with foil or a special membrane film, which will eliminate excessive moisture absorption. The raw material is characterized by good resistance to biological and chemical influences, so it is actively used in conditions with significant loads. We are talking about roofing structures, facades of buildings, basements, etc. Glass wool is often combined with roofing felt or fiberglass fabric.

Properties of foam plastic

Another good thermal insulation material is polystyrene foam. Its ability to retain its shape for a long time and protect the room from the cold is highly appreciated by a wide audience of consumers, which is why it is currently used for insulation roofing structures, walls, floors and ceilings both inside and outside buildings. Polystyrene foam granules are used as the main component.

Ready-made foam boards with dimensions of 1x2 meters are available on the market. Their thickness varies from 2 to 50 cm. The material is also characterized by different performance properties for specific applications. Using different manufacturing methods, manufacturers create the following insulation materials:

  1. Poroplast is a high-quality thermal insulation raw material with a porous structure. This type can have a lot of subtypes, including mipore, polyvinyl chloride foam, polyurethane foam and others.
  2. Traditional polystyrene foam - created in such a way that its internal components do not interact with environment and other designs.

Don’t forget about several types of insulation

Expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam

As for expanded polystyrene, it is characterized by a cellular structure and excellent thermal insulation properties. The advantages of such raw materials are obvious:

  1. Minimum weight.
  2. Increased rigidity.
  3. Resistant to wet environments.
  4. Excellent biological and chemical resistance.

The only downside is the inability to withstand the impact high temperatures. The maximum temperature limit is 150 degrees.

To improve the fire resistance of insulation, it is often treated with fire retardants. This is done at the production stage, and the prefix “C” appears in the product name, which means “self-extinguishing.”

Due to significant advantages and comparatively low cost expanded polystyrene is in great demand. Today it is being implemented when performing a wide variety of thermal insulation works.

Polyurethane foam has wide application in various fields

Spray polyurethane foam is another popular type of foam, which is created on the basis of polyisocyanate, polyester and additional components. The raw material is applied to wall, floor or roof structures using a special sprayer. Even when covering vertical products, the material does not fall off, which is due to its adhesive properties. It can also be freely applied to concrete structures, plaster, metal and gas silicate blocks.

The areas of application of sprayed polyurethane foam are very extensive. . With its help you can insulate:

  1. Internal and external wall structures.
  2. Roof (pitched and flat).
  3. Floors.
  4. Ground floors.
  5. Foundations.
  6. Cellars.

Modern insulation:

The use of a special application method guarantees better thermal insulation, which is ensured by filling any holes and eliminating gaps. Among the disadvantages of polyurethane foam is its inability to interact with wood. The fact is that when wooden structures are processed with this material, they lose their initial qualities and are subject to the development of putrefactive processes. This is due to the violation natural air exchange in the structure of the tree, which causes irreversible consequences.

Otherwise, polyurethane foam is a good alternative to other thermal insulation materials, so when insulating a room, special attention should be paid to it.

Modern insulation materials developed using latest technologies, are used in construction to insulate the interior of a house. The material “saves” from winter cold, keeping the room warm, and from the summer heat, retaining coolness.

Each type of new material has its own application technology. You need to familiarize yourself with it when purchasing. Depending on the composition, there are three groups of surface insulation materials.

Organic. They are used to insulate houses with moderate humidity and, most often, only with inside premises.

This group is represented by the following types:

  • Woody;
  • Linen;
  • Cork;
  • Sea grass.

Inorganic. Suitable for insulating the walls of a house from the outside and inside:

  • Mineral insulation (the most popular are mineral wool and slabs);
  • Basalt fiber;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Cellular concrete;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Polyethylene foam.

Mixed. These insulation materials are composed of organic and inorganic elements. Representatives of the group - materials from rocks:

  • Perlite;
  • Asbestos;
  • Vermiculite, etc.

Perlite insulation

Note! Thanks to the use of new technologies, the developed insulation materials are ergonomic and environmentally friendly.

A wide variety of new insulation materials are used in construction. What parameters you need to pay attention to when choosing are discussed below.

Modern thermal insulation materials characterized by the following properties:

  1. Thermal conductivity;
  2. Degree of porosity;
  3. Strength level;
  4. Vapor permeability indicator;
  5. Degree of water absorption;
  6. Resistance to biological processes;
  7. Fire resistance;
  8. Resistance to temperature changes;
  9. Heat capacity indicator.

The thermal conductivity parameter of an insulating material depends on other properties - the amount of moisture, the degree of strength and porosity, temperature and structure. It indicates how much total heat will pass through the surface. The heat conductivity indicator is calculated taking into account a certain footage and time (heating through 1 m2 of material per hour).

In construction, the porosity parameter of the insulation is important, since the further functionality of the material depends on its degree.

The following types of pores are distinguished:

  • Open;
  • Closed;
  • Large;
  • Small ones.

When choosing insulation, you need to pay attention to the strength parameter. Its minimum and maximum limits are 0.2 and 2.5 MPa. This is especially necessary when transporting material. A high strength index will protect the surface from various types of damage.

Measuring the degree of vapor permeability will indicate the amount of its penetration - through 1 m2 of insulation per hour. Correct calculation assumes the same temperature indicator from the internal and outside walls (despite the fact that they differ).

In rainy areas, a high moisture absorption rate of the insulation is required. In this case, preference should be given to new materials with moisture-repellent elements in their composition, for example, mineral wool. The following parameter depends on the degree of moisture absorption.

The higher the degree of protection against moisture a material has, the stronger its resistance to biological processes. Mold, microorganisms, insects, etc. destroy the structure of the coating. Therefore, the insulation must have the property of protection against these processes.

Fire resistance - important parameter insulation safety, developed according to modern technology. You need to choose a material with a high degree of fire protection.

In this case, you need to pay attention to generally accepted fire safety indicators:

  • Flammability of the material;
  • Flammability;
  • Smoke generation;
  • Toxicity level.

Resistance to temperature changes is important in all climatic conditions. This parameter is represented by a limit value. Under its influence, the structure of the thermal coating will begin to collapse.

The heat capacity parameter indicates the ability of the insulation to withstand the influence low temperatures. This is especially important for cold areas. Good new insulation freezes and thaws without damaging the structure.

9 popular materials: advantages and disadvantages of the best insulation materials

The market for insulation materials is represented by a huge variety of assortments. The most commonly used types are discussed below.

It is a fibrous material. Of all types of insulation, it is the most popular, since the technology of its application is simple and the price is low.


  • Fire resistance;
  • Good noise insulation;
  • Frost resistance;
  • High porosity.


  • When in contact with moisture, heat retention properties are reduced;
  • Low strength;
  • Application requires availability additional material- films.

The manufacturing technology implies a similar composition to glass. Hence the name of the material. Advantages:

  • Great sound insulation;
  • High strength;
  • Moisture protection;
  • High temperature resistance.


  • Short service life;
  • Less thermal insulation;
  • Formaldehyde in the composition (not for all).

To produce this material, glass powder and gas-forming elements are used in production. Pros:

  • Waterproof;
  • Frost resistance;
  • High fire resistance.
  • High price;
  • Air impermeability.

Cellulose wool

This material is also called ecowool, it has a granular structure, and the cost is low. Advantages:

  • Good heat insulation;
  • Spread of material in cracks;
  • Exchange of moisture without disruption of structure and properties.


  • Combustible;
  • Low level of strength;
  • Labor-intensive application.


Its high prevalence is due to its environmentally friendly composition. The material has significant drawback- high cost. Advantages:

  • Light weight;
  • Resistance to biological processes;
  • The level of strength is high;
  • Incombustibility.

The material is produced in two ways - with or without a press. The structure is medium-grained. Pros:

  • Great thermal insulation;
  • Waterproof;
  • Low price.
  • Flammable;
  • Air impermeability;
  • Structure damage during freezing.

The structure of this material is small capsules, inside them there is air. Advantages:

  • Elastic;
  • Gets into bumps well;
  • Resistant to biological processes;
  • Large temperature range.


  • Air does not pass through;
  • It burns, releasing hazardous elements;
  • Application requires special equipment.

When producing the material, the pressing method is used. The structure is homogeneous, consisting of small cells with gas inside. Advantages:

  • Highest strength;
  • Long service life;
  • Repels moisture.


  • Combustible;
  • Air tightness.

Considered the best modern liquid insulation material. It consists of empty small ceramic balls. Special substances serve as adhesion for them. Pros:

  • Ease of application (sprayed or applied with a brush);
  • Thinness of the applied layer;
  • Fire resistance;
  • Withstand temperature fluctuations;
  • Economical (500 g per 1 m2).

Note! There is no material available for use in all cases. To choose good insulation, many individual room factors need to be taken into account.

When purchasing a thermal insulation material, you should take into account the basic parameters of the surface on which it will be applied, the conditions of use and the climatic conditions.

Nowadays, the issue of insulation of residential buildings is becoming increasingly relevant. Demands are increasing building codes on this matter, and the developers themselves want to reduce heat loss and heating costs. To create effective insulation that is safe for the health of residents, you should study different kinds insulation materials for the home and then use them for their intended purpose.

  • reduce the cooling of buildings in winter and their heating in summer;
  • protect bearing structures from aggressive atmospheric influences;
  • minimize thermal deformation of power elements and extend their service life.

Properties of different types of insulation

High-quality material is selected after a comprehensive assessment of various parameters:

1. Low coefficient of thermal conductivity - the lower it is, the thinner the insulation layer will be. For example, the following types provide the same level of insulation:

  • mineral wool – 14;
  • basalt wool, ecowool – 8.7;
  • foamed polystyrene foam (foam) – 8.3;
  • extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex) – 6.5 cm.

2. Moisture resistant. If the insulation does not absorb water, it is not prone to shrinkage and retains its insulating properties longer. The most moisture-resistant is Penoplex, and the most hygroscopic is mineral wool. To make mineral wool insulation more water-resistant, manufacturers impregnate them with special compounds.

3. Fire resistance. Inorganic fiber insulation materials are completely non-flammable. Polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam are easily flammable, releasing toxic substances. Low-flammable penoizol (urea foam) only chars at a temperature of 200 ° C, but it is non-toxic. To prevent polystyrene foam and ecowool from supporting fire, fire retardants are added to them, changing the flammability group from G4 to G1 (from high to low).

4. Vapor permeability. At internal insulation roof material must be removed wet vapor from the premises and building structures. Mineral, basalt and ecowool, penoizol allow steam to pass through well (they have a capillary structure). They are suitable for installation on all types of surfaces and do not allow them to rot. Expanded polystyrene boards do not differ in such qualities and are recommended for outdoor work.

Thermal insulation overview

Based on the type of raw material, there are three types of insulation materials:

1. Inorganic (natural). This includes materials made from glass melts or quartz sand(glass wool); rocks (basalt). The first variety is light yellow, weighs slightly less and is elastic. Stone wool– more fire resistant. The best brands insulation have a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.032 W/m°C (maximum – 0.045 W/m°C). The price of mineral wool, depending on thickness and density, ranges from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles/m3.

2. Organic (synthetic).

  • Foam plastic and Penoplex. They are made of polystyrene and have low thermal conductivity (0.035-0.045 W/m°C). The average price of foamed polystyrene foam is from 1,000, extruded - from 3,500 rubles/m3.
  • Polyurethane foam has better properties than expanded polystyrene and mineral wool. Spraying 1 m2 of a five-centimeter layer of foam costs 500 rubles.
  • Penoizol is a liquid foam produced directly on construction site and pumped into the space between structural elements buildings. This type of thermal insulation is superior to traditional insulation in many respects: it is resistant to moisture and at the same time “breathes”, it is low-flammable and does not emit toxic smoke. Its thermal conductivity is 1.5 times lower than that of expanded polystyrene. The average cost of a cubic meter of insulation is 1,500 rubles/m3.

3. Mixed.

  • Ecowool. It consists of 80% waste paper, the remaining 20% ​​is fire retardants. The material is presented in the form of loose fiber blown into insulated cavities. Thermal conductivity indicators are the same as those of expanded polystyrene. The price of insulation together with work is from 1,500 (dry method) to 4,500 rubles/m3 (wet blowing).
  • Foam glass is highly hard and non-flammable. It sticks well and cuts well. Its disadvantages are poor vapor permeability and cost - from 14,000 rubles/m3.

Sometimes exotic “ecological insulation materials” based on clay, straw, and reeds are offered for insulation. They, like inorganic backfills (expanded perlite, vermiculite and expanded clay), are characterized by high thermal conductivity and are ineffective.

Types of insulation depending on purpose

To properly select insulation, you need a comprehensive assessment of it. Applicability depends not only on the properties of insulating materials, but also on structural elements and the expected location of cold bridges (this is determined, among other things, by architectural features).

Different units of the same building are insulated in different ways.

  • Cellars, ground floors, balconies and loggias. Penoplex is used for external insulation. It is stronger than foam plastic, can withstand loads of up to 0.5 MPa, and is not afraid of water. When in the ground, the likelihood of it catching fire is low.
  • External wall insulation. For wooden house blowing with penoizol is acceptable. The properties and characteristics of the insulation make it possible to fill all the cavities between the beams, and also allow the wood to “breathe”. For insulation of brick, foam and gas block houses, glass wool and Penoplex are used.
  • Roof. If there are enough funds, polyurethane foam is sprayed onto it. Traditional roof insulation is mineral wool, protected by a layer of waterproofing. Manufacturers produce it, varying not only the size, but also the density. Rolled options are good - they do not weigh down the structure.
  • Walls, ceiling and floor. When choosing insulation for walls, people often give preference to more environmentally friendly and low-flammability inorganic materials. Mineral wool insulation is placed in a frame onto which drywall is attached. The ceiling is treated in the same way: the slabs are covered with a vapor barrier - this protects them from moisture, and the residents of the house from the penetration of fibers into the respiratory system. If there are logs, you can cover the ceiling with ecowool. The floor in the house is insulated by filling with expanded clay (at least 100 mm) or by laying Penoplex sheets on the base. It is then filled with a finishing screed, laying a reinforcing mesh. Concrete prevents the synthetic material from burning.

Knowledge of the features of various thermal insulators and use practical experience professional builders allow you to create in the house optimal conditions for accommodation.

From year to year, energy prices are rising inexorably, while the level of income of the population remains almost unchanged. Looking at the unaffordable bills for heating a house or apartment, you come to the understanding that the problem needs to be solved on your own - by insulating residential premises.

For this purpose, various types of insulation can be used for the walls of the house from the inside and outside.

Let's take a closer look possible options materials for insulation, their advantages and disadvantages.

Insulation works It is best to carry out in the summer, when air humidity is minimal.

The walls for insulation in the room must be perfectly dry. Dry them after additional plastering, finishing works for leveling surfaces using construction hair dryers and heat guns.

Stages of surface insulation:

  1. Cleaning the surface from decorative elements- wallpaper, paint.
  2. Treating walls with antiseptic solutions, priming the surface with deep penetration into the layers of plaster.
  3. In some cases, when installing polystyrene foam and electric heating elements, the walls are pre-leveled using waterproof plaster for bathrooms.
  4. must be carried out in accordance with the instructions prescribed by the manufacturer for this type of material.
  5. Mounting a protective barrier for final finishing or surface coating construction mesh, her plastering.
  6. Creating a single composition with the overall design of the room.

Insulation of walls inside the house is one of the most effective ways protect your home from the penetration of cold and the negative effects of condensation, the main thing is to follow the technological sequence of stages. You can read more about the technology of insulating a home from the inside in

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Modern types of wall insulation, properties and characteristics:

Tips for insulating walls in an apartment - analysis of common mistakes:

Insulating a house, done using even not the most expensive materials, is not a cheap pleasure. There are now many types of insulation available for interior work, which are presented in a wide price range. Therefore, choose an inexpensive and quality material won't be difficult.

Warm home in winter period and comfortable coolness during the hot season, as well as a reduction in bills for public utilities will show that the thermal insulation of the room is done well and of high quality.

What material did you use to insulate the walls of your house? What guided your choice and are you satisfied with the result? Please tell us about it in the comments section. There you can ask a question about the topic of the article, and we will try to answer it promptly.

On the market building materials There is a wide variety of products intended for thermal insulation. Choosing the right insulation can be difficult. To purchase the best products, you need to take into account its main characteristics and application features.

What you need to know about insulation?

The main task of thermal insulation is to reduce heat loss in winter and reduce heating of the structure in summer. Also, thanks to the insulation, the load-bearing structures will be protected from negative external factors. This will help avoid deformation of building elements, which will have a beneficial effect on the service life.

It is important to remember that all types of insulation must have certain characteristics.

  • Thermal conductivity. If this coefficient is small, then the room will be quite warm. Thanks to appropriate materials, heat loss can be almost completely eliminated. It must be remembered that different types of insulation have different coefficients. If it is minimal, a small layer of thermal insulation will be required.
  • Moisture resistance. Due to its thermal insulation characteristics, the material will not absorb moisture.
  • Non-flammability. This property ensures that the product will not burn.
  • Vapor permeability. Using a layer of insulation helps remove water vapor.
  • Dimensional retention and strength. Due to the lack of shrinkage, the performance properties of the selected insulation will remain for quite a long time. Moreover, there will be no cold bridges at the joints.
  • Environmental friendliness. All thermal insulation materials must be environmentally friendly, due to which, during the execution of work and operation of the structure, the release of harmful substances will not be observed.

Modern thermal insulation materials are conditionally are divided into several groups:

  • cotton wool - mineral and glass wool, as well as mineral wool blocks and slabs;
  • sheet - extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene;
  • foam - all materials that are usually sprayed onto the surface using appropriate equipment;
  • others – we're talking about about such rare exotic insulation materials as cellulose, flax, etc.

Mineral wool insulation

Such soft insulation materials usually include mineral and glass wool. Such materials are very popular due to affordable price and good quality. Products are produced in slabs or rolls. In this case, the products can be cut using a regular knife.

The main disadvantage is considered to be insufficient moisture resistance, due to which the heat-protective characteristics deteriorate. Accordingly, such insulation materials are used for thermal insulation of structures where a waterproofing layer is provided.

Glass wool is most often used for insulation pitched roofs. A material with a density of 35 kg/m³ is suitable for this. Modern manufacturers This parameter is not always indicated on the packaging. They usually write that the material is intended for pitched roofs. When using such products for roof insulation, it is important to remember that if there is a leak, moisture will even get onto the wooden rafters. For this reason it is necessary take care of reliable waterproofing. Mineral wool is not suitable for a flat roof, because it can be difficult to waterproof such a surface.

Other applications:

  • using glass wool you can insulate walls under cladding or plastering;
  • For floors, thermal insulation with a minimum density is suitable.

Foam glass

This type of insulation is produced based broken glass and quartz sand, as well as a foaming agent. Thanks to the use of an appropriate installation, a durable porous material with increased thermal protection is obtained. The product is not afraid of fire and moisture. It can be cut with a simple hacksaw. TO important characteristics refers to frost resistance and the ability to withstand high pressure. The material is produced in blocks and granules.

Most often, such products are used as fill insulation during well masonry walls. But if you comply frame technology foam glass is not suitable due to its heavy weight.

This material is used to insulate the facades of brick houses. The material is fixed with tile adhesive, and the process itself resembles bricklaying. After this, the coating is plastered or tiled.

Other applications:

  • since the material is moisture resistant and can withstand increased loads, it can be used to insulate flat roofs, but it is not suitable for pitched roofs;
  • Insulation is performed using foam glass interfloor ceilings, as well as the floors of the first floor;
  • foam glass is a good option for thermal insulation of blind areas, foundations and basements, since the material has a higher density.

Foamed perlite

This building material has recently appeared on the market. For its formation, frozen volcanic lava is used. First, perlite is crushed and then impregnated with special protective compounds. Products Available in slab form. For this purpose, the finished granules are mixed with cellulose and pressed. Properties finished material similar to the characteristics of foam glass. In general, foamed perlite is easy to process and is resistant to mold, moisture, and high pressure.

Application area:

  • the material is intended for insulation flat roofs, and in the case of thermal insulation pitched structures a significant load will be placed on the rafters;
  • when finishing walls, foamed perlite acts as a backfill insulation;
  • perlite in the form of granules is suitable for floors, as well as foundations and blind areas.

Expanded polystyrene

There is a lot of controversy surrounding this type of thermal insulation. Some believe that the material is harmful because it emits toxic substances, while others admit modern views polystyrene foam is more environmentally friendly.

Naturally, technology is constantly evolving, and manufacturers want to improve product quality. Exactly because of this reason modern varieties materials are often used for external insulation of housing.

Application area:

  • Most often, walls are finished with polystyrene foam;
  • the thermal insulation material is suitable for installing floors on concrete or soil, but it is necessary to choose the right density;
  • A good option for using polystyrene foam is to insulate the foundation, but you should first ensure that there is reliable waterproofing.

On the building materials market you can find many heat-insulating materials that lose their relevance or appeared not so long ago.

On sale today big choice insulation materials. They all have advantages and disadvantages. To decide on the right option, you need to take into account the specifics of the application. Thus, lightweight insulation materials, including ecowool or extruded polystyrene foam, are optimal for roofs. Last option It is also suitable for thermal insulation of the foundation, but when finishing walls you can use almost any materials.