DIY sliding doors. How to make sliding interior doors yourself: installation and installation. Sliding door systems

Classifying sliding doors into:

manufacturers thereby determine the features of each type of installation sliding doors. Let’s take a closer look at how to install a slider door with your own hands, which is most often installed in apartments.

When starting installation yourself, you need to decide which option for attaching sliding doors is best for you:

  • installation of hanging doors - attached to the ceiling or to a block installed on the wall above the door;
  • installation of a sliding door with 2 guides: at the top and bottom, with an additional pair of roller wheels or with a flag.

List of tools and materials for installation

So, when starting to install interior roller doors with your own hands, you need to have:

  • screwdriver;
  • milling machine;
  • level, square;
  • wooden beam with a section size of 50X50 mm, to which the guide will be attached (length = 2 widths door leaf+ 50 mm);
  • drill;
  • guide profiles made of plastic or metal;
  • door leaf set;
  • set sliding mechanism(rollers, clamp, roller carriages);
  • set of accessories (handles, locks);
  • set of extensions, platbands.

Sequence of work for installing hanging doors

If you decide to install mounted interior doors, then you have two mounting options at your disposal suspension system– installation of guides to the ceiling or using a beam that is attached to the wall above the doorway.

Hinged interior doors are attached to the ceiling when they are confident in the strength of the ceiling covering.

To do this, you need to drill holes in the end of the door for fastening and screw the brackets with self-tapping screws into the slot to the wall.

Do-it-yourself hinged door installation is complete.

Stages of installation of a sliding door

If you have chosen a sliding door installation method for your sliding door, then in addition to the work described above on installing the upper guide, you will need to secure the door at the bottom. This method is more reliable and practical; it is used both for installing interior doors and for sliding wardrobes.

The lower profile can be installed:

  • directly on the floor, forming a threshold (this method is practically not used);
  • more convenient and aesthetic option– deepen the rail into the floor (it is advisable to secure it to the concrete screed at the stage of working with the floor covering).

The formation of a threshold is often avoided in another way.

You can cut a groove in the door leaf from below using a milling machine, and install a flag next to the door frame, included in the kit, which fits into the groove and guides the door when moving. But making a perfectly even recess yourself will be problematic even with the use of power tools, so it’s better to install metallic profile- this way you will ensure a perfectly straight guide.

So, we attach the profile to the bottom end of the door using self-tapping screws.

Now we attach the flag to the floor covering with self-tapping screws so that the center of the flag is aligned with the edge of the casing.

After the top guide, the top fasteners on the door, and the lock are installed, you can immediately begin installing the door leaf. For this:

  • We insert the bottom groove of the door into the flag;
  • We install the door in the upper guide and fasten the fixing screws.
  • We adjust the travel of the compartment door, check the evenness of the structure using a level, and adjust the position using a locking bolt. Installation completed.

If it is better to start work on installing interior doors from the bottom rail, the length of which = 2 times the width of the door leaf, then for a wardrobe, on the contrary, they start from the top rail. The size of the guide is equal to the width of the cabinet itself.

The top rail is attached strictly level with the edge of the upper end of the wardrobe. Then insert the door into the upper profile and mark the mounting location of the lower profile using the level.

For a sliding wardrobe, the bottom rail must be installed at the bottom of the cabinet, moving it deeper so that the door does not become blocked, that is, strictly opposite the top rail. After securing the lower profile, you can install the door. For this:

  • We move the door into the upper guide.
  • We lift the lower rollers and insert them into the lower guide.
  • We adjust the position of the door using adjusting screws.

To summarize, we can conclude that you can mount interior doors on rollers, as well as cabinet doors, with your own hands; it is important to follow the recommendations and instructions included with the supplied product.

Cozy and beautiful house- who doesn’t dream of such happiness? Every person wants to have his own personal space, where he can retire, take a break from all worries, and think alone. Naturally, for this purpose there is a separate room in the house in which you can hide. Of course, such a room must have a door. What it will be is up to you to decide. It all depends on the features of the interior, the size and design of the room. However, now they are becoming very popular on rails and rollers.

Product benefits

Among the advantages of the presented design are the following:

1. Opportunity self-made and installation.

2. Savings free space.

3. Possibility to install the structure without a threshold. This makes your home safer for small children and more convenient for people with any mobility restrictions.

4. Huge selection of canvas designs, sizes and colors.

5. Excellent appearance(it is more modern and neat).

6. Convenience and ease of use. Even small children can open and close such doors. The designs are also very convenient for the disabled.

You can mount it yourself on casters. You can do this with your own hands in one day. However, there are some subtleties that may change your decision about making such a design.

Disadvantages of the product

Such designs also have certain disadvantages:

Limiting the possibility of installing furniture near the doorway.

Reduced noise absorption. Although this drawback can be easily eliminated with the help of special strips.

The need for additional free space on the wall where the door leaf will be hidden.

However, all these disadvantages can be easily corrected. They are not that significant. Therefore, many manufacturers recommend installing sliding doors on rollers. You can completely carry out the installation with your own hands and screw in all the fittings.

Types of design mechanisms

The presented doors can be installed in different ways. The point here is what design you chose. You can secure the doors in this way:

1. The door will fit tightly along the wall.

2. It will hide in a special niche that was made specifically for this purpose.

3. The canvas will go right inside the wall.

Every design has the right to life. However, when choosing, you should take into account design preferences, the amount of free space and the complexity of the mechanism.

What tools and materials are needed for the job?

If you want to install sliding doors on rollers, do it yourself only if you have all the necessary tools and materials. To work you may need:

MDF or plastic from which you will make the canvas of your future design. It should be 5 cm larger than the doorway.

Accessories parts). Please note that all the strips on which the door will slide must be metal.

Screwdriver and screws.


Pencil for marking.

Construction or laser level.


Cash strips, as well as nails for fastening them.

Glue or epoxy resin.

Sliding plastic doors They weigh a little, so you can choose less serious fasteners for them. Wooden doors much heavier, but better sound insulation. In this case, fittings for sliding doors should be more durable and reliable.

Fabric preparation

For work you can use not new material, and an old door. But it will need to be carefully processed. Keep in mind that you may have to reuse some old sheets to make sliding doors on rollers. You can construct them yourself only after careful planning. They should be lightweight, so additional insulation or upholstery interior doors do not do it.

The old canvas should be pre-treated: cleaned of old paint and sand well. If you are using new material, you need to mark it accurately. Before doing this, it is better to draw a diagram on paper. After the canvas is prepared, you should mark on it where all the fittings will be placed. Dimensions should be taken in advance.

Before installation, the canvas must be decorated. To do this, you can use a special adhesive decorative film or veneer. If the door is glass, then the material needs to be marked and the part of the required size cut out, preferably in a workshop.

How to choose accessories?

Sliding plastic doors or other structures cannot function without fittings. However, it should be chosen correctly. Rollers and guides are the main parts of the structure. They must be of high quality and strong. Here, when choosing, you should take into account the weight of the door leaf. About six rollers are most often installed on one door.

It is necessary to take into account not only the weight, but also the size of the door, as well as the mechanism for opening it. For example, you may need one roller mechanism or two. If the door is cascading, then it is important to choose the right guides. They must have two gutters. If it is very heavy, there should be guides on the top and bottom sides.

How to choose the right pen?

You already know that fittings for sliding doors must be of high quality. This also applies to the handle. This element is different for swing and sliding doors. The handle can also be a door lock. It can be classic or special (crossbar). In the first case, there must be a mechanism that will snap vertically.

It is also necessary to take into account the features of installing the handle. It must be embedded deep into the canvas. Otherwise, it will prevent the doors from closing tightly. However, keep in mind that this element can also interfere if the canvas is hidden in the wall.

What type of rollers should I choose?

Sliding doors on rollers (their price ranges from 1400-14500 rubles) fit perfectly into any interior and are very functional. However, you need to decide on their design. That is, you need to choose which videos you will edit:

Upper. They include wheels (two elements) with bearings. Thanks to their special design, they ensure silent movement of the blade along the guide elements.

Lower ones. They are mainly responsible for how long they can last installed doors. And thanks to this component you can adjust the design.

As you can see, the bottom roller for sliding doors should be as durable, high-quality and reliable as possible. Therefore, give preference to popular manufacturers with a good reputation and positive reviews users.

Features of installation of the structure

You can do the installation of the product yourself. All work consists of several stages:

1. Marking the doorway. Here you need to correctly and accurately draw where the guides will be screwed. To do this, you can measure the door or position it against the opening. When doing this, take into account the height of the wheels.

2. Fixing the guides. To secure, you can use self-tapping screws. They are screwed in with a screwdriver. In this case, you can use brackets. It should be noted that the guide can be screwed either to wooden block, or directly to the wall.

3. Installation of the roller mechanism. This should be done only after the guide is fixed. Please note that you must first insert a bolt inside the carriage with which it will be secured. Please take into account that rollers for glass sliding doors, as the heaviest ones, must be more massive and stronger. The carriages must be secured with brackets.

4. Installation of the canvas. After all the moving accessories have been installed, little remains to be done. The canvas needs to be lifted, unscrewed the brackets in its upper part and installed on the rollers.

5. and checking the mechanism. At this stage you will need to adjust the travel of the blade. This is done in the lower part. If the door moves easily and without interference, then the installation can be considered complete and correct.

Thanks to these instructions, you can make sure that self-installation does not represent special labor. However, it must be done with an assistant.

Features of sliding doors without threshold

Such designs have certain advantages. There are no partitions (thresholds) under your canvas. This provides additional security movement. In addition, during repairs you do not have to damage flooring. It will remain safe and sound. A special feature of this design is the top fastening of the canvas. Only one set of rollers for a sliding door is needed.

Installation of such a product is not difficult, but it has certain features. For example, metal strips are screwed to the canvas in a strictly vertical position. The same rail is attached to the top using anchors. If you install the door yourself, you will have difficulty keeping it suspended. Therefore, it is better to put something under the product. Before installing the canvas, the rollers must already be screwed to it.

To prevent the installation work from becoming a difficult ordeal for you, you need to take into account some of the nuances of this jewelry work. The tips below will help you do everything quickly and correctly:

During the installation process, try to use a building level at all times. You can't do everything accurately by eye.

If your floor is crooked, then during installation you need to focus on the ceiling.

Do not purchase structures that are too heavy, as they will wear out and break faster.

Do not use plastic rollers for sliding doors. They are less durable than metal ones and will not last long.

While working, try to follow safety rules. Otherwise you may be injured.

When operating sliding roller doors, you must treat the structure with care and precision. Do not overload the system, for example, do not allow children to ride on them. Also, keep the guides clean. The rollers will need to be lubricated periodically. Do not move or close the sash suddenly.

That's all the features of roller doors. Good luck!

Hello, dear readers and DIYers!
In this article, Steve, author YouTube channel"Steve Carmichael" will tell you how he made sliding doors for his workshop.

Many of us now prefer to work from home. They set up their workshop in a barn, garage or office in an apartment. Often it becomes living room, for example, part of the living room or hall, less often separate room(such luxury!). As you know, there is always little space in the house, and in most cases there is a constant war between household members for every extra square meter free space. Under such circumstances, sliding doors are just what you need! They will save space and create a quiet secluded corner, protected from the prying eyes of strangers.

- Pine boards
- Steel strip
- Self-tapping screws for wood.

Tools used by the author.
- A circular saw
- Orbital sander
- Clamps
- Belt sanding machine
- Reciprocating saw
- Drilling machine.

Manufacturing process.
And he begins by measuring the opening in which the doors should be installed. The author intends to install two doors from the outside of the wall so that they can slide freely on the top guide rail along the wall. In addition, the rail will need to be surrounded by a plinth or decorative baguette.

In order to behind closed doors If there are no gaps in the sides of the opening, the master adds a few more centimeters to the width of each of the doors so that in the end they completely cover doorway.

If you try to order sliding doors of this size, the author warns, it will be quite expensive. If you make them yourself, you can save a decent amount.

There are many tutorials and videos online that illustrate the process of making such doors. The author offers several links to help: and second.

Steve uses an 18mm wide Dado blade to cut deep grooves into the sides of the boards.
He then cuts the boards until they meet the rail and studs.

Next, Steve cuts the tenon joints at the ends of the crossbars so that they fit into the grooves. It would be a good idea to practice a little on test samples, the author notes, to make sure that all the elements fit together.

Steve cuts the tongue and groove boards with a miter saw.

And here in front of you are all the elements of the future door: two long panels for outer skin, three short crossbars and a row of cross bars.

The middle rail has a groove on both sides to connect the top and bottom panels. All door elements are glued together.

The author begins by gluing three crossbars into each of the two long supports.

When the glue has dried, the author pushes the tongue and groove boards one by one into the resulting grooves and thus “collects” the door mass.

The master uses a small hand plane, to cut off the corners at the edges - this will make it easier to glue another long longitudinal strip later.

Once the door is assembled, Steve tightens the outer strips with large clamps.

He decides to glue two more narrow diagonal strips to give the door more rigidity.

Next, the craftsman carefully sands both doors and coats each door with two layers of paint.

Steve now switches to door hardware. He cuts them from a flat steel plate 50mm wide and 4.5mm thick.

He drills holes in each of the four pieces so they can be attached to the wheels and doors.

On grinding machine it removes all the sharp corners.

All metal elements of the structure are coated with black spray paint.
Next, Steve attaches the rollers to the door and this is what the finished doors look like. All that remains is to hang them.

Now the author will install the hanging plate. Colors in White color and attaches the guide.

The technician drills mounting holes 16 inches from center. The guide rail is mounted to the wall using eight anchors.

And now the doors are ready!

The author points out the fact that not all doorways can accommodate sliding doors. Ideally on the sides doorway there must be some additional space into which the doors can “go” when they open.

All that remains is to attach door handles to make it easier to slide doors apart. You can buy ready-made, industrial pens, or you can make your own if you want to add some flair to the product.

Don't forget to take into account external finishing doors - plinths, baguettes, etc. - which will tell you at what distance from the wall the doors should be hung.

At the end points of the bottom of the doors, Steve glued felt pads so that the doors could rest gently against them when opened.
These doors weigh 30 kg each! Therefore, it is important that the guide bar is attached to hardwood. In addition, he drives several pins/rods on both sides of the support beam for reliability. You can hardly trust such doors with drywall anchors!

Stoppers should be placed at the ends of the guide rail - these could be L-shaped brackets or something made of wood. In our case, the roller rests on the bolt head.

Installing sliding doors is one of the ways to solve the issue of rational and competent use of every meter in the apartment; you can do them yourself. Information on how to implement this and what is needed to make the structure will be useful for many owners of small-sized housing.


In a specialized construction supermarket you can see a huge variety of models of sliding doors. They are divided into types and subspecies, taking into account various parameters:

  • dimensions;
  • forms;
  • material;
  • functionality: parallel-sliding and folding.

Depending on the design and material of the model, its price category, and given how rich the choice is, everyone can find a door option that suits them.

Sliding doors

This type of sliding door is the most common. It consists of one or two sections, which, when opened, move in one or different directions. In this case, the leaf panels are suspended on a rail mechanism, which sets them in motion.


The principle of operation of the cassette system is similar to that of a compartment door, with the only difference being that when moving the door is hidden in a special niche, which is camouflaged in the wall. It is sold complete with doors, but if we're talking about about self-production, it is made mainly from plasterboard.


Cascade doors are a structure of several leaves, one of which is fixed in a stationary position, and the rest move along a rail mechanism across the entire width of the opening when closing. When the structure is opened, all parts of its fabric are assembled on the side of the fixed sash.

"Book" and "accordion"

These types of doors are almost identical. Their designs consist of several sections connected by special hinges, with the help of which the sashes are compactly assembled on one side of the opening. The difference between “book” and “accordion” is only in the number of sections involved in the design.

For reference! It is not for nothing that these mechanisms are called “book” and “accordion”, as they resemble the principle of their movement. Their action can be compared to moving a screen.

Sliding door mechanism

Regardless of the type of sliding interior doors, the operating principle of their mechanisms does not differ significantly. Rollers are mounted on the canvas, which, moving along the guides, ensure the movement of the sashes.

The guides are usually attached to the wall, but in some cases they are also fixed to the floor. In case of frame options doors, a separate running element must be installed for each section.

Sliding door devices are divided into hanging and rail. In the case of a hanging mechanism chassis, one or more, are installed only on top of the structure, and an additional roller is fixed at the bottom to ensure easy movement.

The rail mechanism looks the same, but the running elements are attached both at the top and bottom door frame, that is, the lower roller does not move along the floor, but along a rail built into it. This design is more resistant to heavy loads, so it is suitable for door models with large dimensions.

In order for the device to operate smoothly, it is necessary to carefully ensure that dirt and debris do not accumulate on the bottom rail.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a sliding structure

Before you buy everything necessary components To make a good-quality sliding door yourself, you should make sure that its installation is possible in a particular room. It must meet the following conditions:

  • the wall is strong enough to support the weight of the entire structure;
  • the doorway is level;
  • The width of the wall is enough to roll back the sash.

If the room meets all of the above parameters, you can decide on the type of model and begin preparing for installation. To select the most suitable option For self-production, you can use photo or video catalogs, which can easily be found on the Internet on popular platforms.

What is required to install the compartment?

One of the most simple models For DIY production, a single-leaf sliding door is considered.

For reference! To install a sliding sliding door with one section you will need minimum set tools such as a screwdriver with self-tapping screws, a construction level and a tape measure.

The mechanism for the design can be purchased at finished form or assemble from parts:

  • running parts;
  • staples, clamps;
  • roller carriages;
  • platbands.

When choosing a canvas, you should consider that it optimal size is considered to be the one that slightly exceeds the perimeter of the opening, and the length of the guide rail is twice the width of the door.

Installation of the structure mechanism

First you need to determine the height sufficient for the door to block the entire opening when closed. To do this, apply a sheet to the wall of the proposed installation and to the side where the sash will slide off and, taking into account the height of the rollers, as well as an approximate distance of 2 cm, use a pencil to mark the place for attaching the guide. The result should be a smooth horizontal line.

Next, a guide is installed on the drawn line, which can be fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws or special brackets. At this stage, it is important to take into account that there should be a small distance between the sections and the wall.

After securing the guide, you need to assemble the roller device. To do this, mount the carriages, insert a screw into them and place them in the running element. Their number directly depends on the weight of the sash, that is, the heavier the structure, the more of them will be required.

Securing the sash

First of all, staples are placed on the door leaf at a certain distance from each other, but in such a way that they can withstand the weight of the entire section. Then the sash must be lifted, thread the screw into the brackets, and then fix it at the desired level. To make the structure even, the best solution will take advantage of someone's help.

After the canvas is hung on the chassis, clamps are installed. They should be positioned in such a way that the leaf completely covers the doorway when closing and moves to the side by convenient distance when opening.

Handle installation and finishing

To fully use sliding doors made by yourself, it is enough to install a mortise handle on them, ready-made option which is easy to find in a construction supermarket.

Attention! If it is necessary to install a locking device in the structure, then you should choose a vertical type lock.

The final stage in making doors with your own hands is their final finishing. It includes hiding the slopes behind the platbands and decorating the guide with a suitable strip. After which the installation of a single-leaf compartment door can be called complete.

If your budget does not allow it, but you still need to free up space in a small room, you can make sliding interior doors yourself, even using improvised materials. To make them, you will need any suitable fabric, for example, old door, and as a guide rail - an ordinary steel cornice with hinges. However, the service life of such a design is short, and no one guarantees its safety.


Doors on rollers are convenient, compact and significantly save apartment space. Naturally, there is a desire to make the door easily slide along the wall and open up the cozy spaces of the apartment. In this article we will give you several practical advice how to make sliding door on rollers with your own hands and without special expenses.

We study all the pros and cons of the design

Yes, the space savings are undeniable, and most importantly, such a sliding design can add a special individuality and a certain charm of oriental aesthetics to the standard apartment layout. You can use a sliding double door to successfully divide a room into separate zones, which will help you make optimal use of a small living space and visually expand it. Such a door will never slam from drafts, and you can now dispense with thresholds if they were in the previous layout. It will be convenient for both children and adults.

But we will also remember some of the disadvantages of the new product. You will have to constantly maintain the roller system and guide rail in good and clean condition, otherwise they may one day fail. You will also have to put up with a partial loss of sound insulation, since there will be small gaps between the frame and the door leaf. This circumstance can be especially noticeable in the kitchen, during cooking. Having thoroughly weighed all the pros and cons of renovation, let’s get down to business.

Choosing the right type of door

All types of sliding doors work on the same principle: they move along guides along the wall. But they are divided among themselves into traditional sliding, cascade, folding (accordion) and even radius. Moreover, any of these models can be with one leaf or multi-leaf. Let's pay attention to the most popular look doors with bottom and top guides. In this design, the doors move along upper and lower rails.

This type is most often chosen for installation in apartments, and is considered the most reliable and convenient, but the complexity self-installation lies in the need for a perfect fit of the upper and lower guides to each other.

There is a rather serious drawback in using this design: the bottom rail on the floor surface forms a threshold, and if you cut a recess for it, then dust and small debris will certainly collect in it. Sometimes such contaminants even slow down and block the movement of the door leaf. It is better to choose doors with a top hanger.

Choosing a hanging option

And indeed, suspended structures This is why they are popular because they do not require the installation of a threshold rail in the floor, but move only along the upper guide.

This rail can be attached to the wall above the doorway or even to the ceiling, depending on the height of the room and the door leaf. The mechanism remains in open form or closed with a decorative strip. The door leaf in such a design will move in a suspended state, at a distance of 10-15 mm from the wall, and any furniture can be installed in this space only taking into account the required indentation.

But the door leaf can be hidden inside the wall in a specially constructed niche, which is usually arranged in advance during the construction of the house. In a city apartment, it’s easy to make such a niche out of plasterboard construction, inside the partition, and the area of ​​the apartment will not decrease at all. This creates a tighter fit of the end part of the door when closing and does not leave an open gap between the wall and the leaf. The soundproofing of the rooms will also be better, unlike other sliding design. This option seems to us the most attractive and deserves more detailed consideration in practice.

Let's prepare the necessary tools

Minimum to list necessary tools you need to turn on a hammer drill or electric impact drill with drills for wood and concrete. For cutting sheet materials will come in handy a circular saw, electric jigsaw And hand saw. We will carry out the markings using a building level, a plumb line, a steel ruler, a tape measure, a square and a pencil. You will need a screwdriver, an electric plane, a manual milling machine with a set of necessary cutters, a hammer, a chisel and pliers. The materials we will use are drywall, galvanized profile and self-tapping screws.

Creating a false wall

If you are going to build a partition into which the door leaf will go, then the process of creating an internal cassette will be simpler, and the area of ​​​​the apartment will not decrease. But if we are talking about a main wall, then along it you will have to create a false wall at a distance of about 100 mm. It can be made from a galvanized profile followed by sheathing with plasterboard, plywood or gypsum fiber sheets. Why do we take a distance from the wall of 100 mm? Taking into account the thickness of the door leaf and the gaps on both sides, the result is 50 mm, to which the same amount must be added to install the frame.

The main load will fall on the wall, so the frame made of profiles does not need to be further reinforced, but care must be taken to secure the beam above the opening. Its length should be twice as wide as the door leaf. We will attach the guide to this beam using anchor bolts with a diameter of 10-12 mm. We definitely check the horizontal level with a level. We check and opposite sides opening, and we must eliminate all the slightest irregularities in the wall along which the door panel will move.

Installing the door mechanism

First, we drill holes for the screws and screw the aluminum guide to the bar. It is necessary to install stoppers along the edges of the beam fixed to the wall. A special recess must be made at the lower end of the door leaf so that a lock for maintaining smooth movement of the door can be secured to the floor. We install rollers on the upper end of the canvas.

It is quite difficult to bring the canvas under the guide and insert the wheels into it alone; it is better to do this with an assistant. We check the accuracy of the installation and be sure to secure the stops so that the door does not jump out beyond the established limits.

Now all you have to do is decorate door structure plasterboard, platbands, additional strips and self-tapping screws with plugs of the appropriate color. Check the movement of the door leaf - it should easily fit inside the wall and just as easily roll out from the inside, tightly closing the doorway. Now you are convinced that your dream of a convenient compact door has come true in the best possible way, and your apartment has really become more spacious.