Bunkers have been built. Construction and equipment of a bunker with your own hands. Strategic reserve

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Recent events in different countries indicate that the peaceful situation in the country can change in a matter of hours. Many of us do not think about what weapons the enemy army might use. Accidents at nuclear power plants and other man-made disasters are a direct threat to the lives and future health of people.

To give yourself and your loved ones the opportunity to survive unsafe events, you can build a bomb shelter or bunker with your own hands. This is especially true for land owners.

Preliminary activities

It is not advisable to hire specialists for the construction of this facility - it is expensive, and it is very difficult to find such specialists. It is worth considering that the construction of this structure will require significant material costs for full operation. Before starting construction, you need to determine the type of structure, its purpose, area and necessary equipment.

Then make an estimate. It is advisable to establish whether centralized utilities are located underground at the site of the proposed bunker construction. Permits are not required to build a bomb shelter or bunker on your own site.

Before starting excavation work, it is advisable to determine at what depth the groundwater flows. You can do this yourself. Pay attention to nearby bodies of water and the water level in your neighbors' wells. Your bunker should be at least half a meter above the groundwater level. The optimal depth for building a bunker is at least four meters. If the waters in your area lie closer to the surface, then the construction of an underground shelter in this area is not advisable.

Basic requirements for bunkers and underground shelters

A bunker is necessary to protect people from the destructive effects of the elements, nuclear explosions, and artillery shelling. What are the requirements for a bunker:

  • the shelter must provide reliable protection from adverse effects;
  • the facility must be equipped with several exits;
  • be resistant to increasing amounts of moisture in the soil;
  • provide conditions for the full functioning of people during the period of placement in the shelter;
  • comply with the necessary sanitary and hygienic standards.

The characteristics of a shelter depend on many factors:

  • level of protection from external influences;
  • location relative to a residential building;
  • spaciousness;
  • duration of stay in shelter;
  • speed of construction of the structure;
  • the presence of a ventilation system and its power.

In the case of a structure for short-term use, it reduces costs and facilitates the construction process.

Let's start construction work

Foundation and floor

After completing the preparatory work, you can begin marking the area for the future underground shelter. A pit of the required size is dug along the marked boundaries. It is advisable to make it larger than the planned dimensions of the bunker for the convenience of working with the walls by treating them with waterproofing materials. Afterwards we prepare the basis of the future structure:

  • it is necessary to level the bottom;
  • backfill with clay, fine gravel, and sand on top;
  • if desired, lay a vapor barrier film;
  • Fill the floor with cement mortar using reinforcing metal mesh.

When pouring, it is necessary to leave cavities for future utilities and highways. The reinforcement frame used to fill the floor must be tied to the overall structure. After pouring, the screed should dry for two weeks.


For the construction of walls, it is optimal to use concrete or expanded clay blocks, but the best option would be monolithic concrete walls. To increase the strength of the structure, it is recommended to fill the walls and internal partitions of the shelter with concrete mortar. When building an underground shelter, concrete must be of the highest quality with the addition of moisture-repellent additives. The height of the walls must be at least 2.2 m. The outer side of the walls must be treated with moisture-resistant impregnations, resins or slabs.


After erecting walls and partitions, take care of the installation of utility lines. Route electrical cables to the structure. After that, proceed to the roof. For a bunker, the strength characteristics of the roof are checked by hitting a projectile. It is optimal to start work by laying the metal I-beam on which the roof frame is built. Next, lay a sheet of metal 40mm thick. Next, you need to lay a vapor barrier.

The next layer can be made of concrete screeds followed by pouring concrete mortar. For entry, leave a hole necessary for unimpeded entry into the bunker if necessary. A hatch or door is selected to ensure maximum tightness. To descend, build a reliable ladder.

Before starting interior decoration, it is necessary to carry out moisture-proofing treatment indoors. To do this, use waterproofing or liquid glass. Afterwards, if necessary, partitions are erected to zone the space.

Engineering Communication

To extend the period of stay in a shelter, it is necessary to take care of an uninterruptible power supply and ensure high-quality ventilation of the room using air filtration systems. To save space, sleeping places are arranged in the form of beds in two tiers. If it is possible to install a sewer system, this will solve many sanitary and hygienic problems. If water supply and sewer pipes are located nearby, it is worthwhile to provide for the supply of mains to the shelter.

Strategic reserve

To ensure life in extreme conditions, it is necessary to leave a reserve in the shelter:

  • drinking water, at least 300 liters, technical water, at least 100;
  • shelf-stable canned foods, cereals and spices in sealed packaging;
  • The first aid kit should contain dressings, antiseptics, antibacterial agents, a thermometer, water disinfectants, adhesive plaster, scissors, a tourniquet, gauze bandages, and a set of medications as needed;
  • protective clothing, shoes;
  • lanterns;
  • gas mask, respirator;
  • means of communication with the outside world.

The bunker is covered with soil from above, masked around the entire perimeter of the roof, leaving a hatch on the surface for entry.

A well-made, durable and well-insulated shelter from the outside environment can be useful not only in the event of a nuclear war. A bunker in a suburban area will also protect against natural disasters: unexpected hurricanes, flooding, and a fire that spreads over many kilometers. It is especially important to have such a shelter in cases where evacuation is impossible.

There are two main types of shelter: short-term and long-term. The first can be replaced by a regular cellar or serve as its functions: an earthen floor and plank or log walls with the same roof are allowed. The second is a concrete bunker with the obligatory drilling of a well and the burying of a septic tank on the foundation pit before pouring the foundation.

The depth of both types depends on the groundwater level, to which there should be at least 0.5 meters, but it is advisable to have a thicker lintel underfoot to avoid dampness. You can find out how many meters to the aquifer using a well, in which the water is always kept at the level of inflow from the ground. It is also quite easy to navigate if your neighbors have wells drilled into the sand.

One of the main conditions for the arrangement is the correct choice of place for shelter, which is extremely undesirable to do under the house or in the immediate vicinity of any buildings, structures and tall plantings. The fact is that a cataclysm can cause a building, fence or tree to collapse, causing the exit to be blocked and the bunker to become a trap. It is for this reason that, even with the correct location of the shelter, it is advisable to make another exit, a spare one.

What follows are simple calculations of how much excavation work needs to be done. In order to shelter from the elements for a short period of time without cramped conditions, 3 square meters for each family member is enough. The depth of the pit is 2 meters, which gives 12 cubic meters for a bunker for 2 people. One person can dig such a hole with an ordinary shovel in 3-4 weeks. It is best to locate the shelter on the slope of a hill, so that the entrance is covered on all sides by residential and outbuildings standing at a distance, as well as garden plantings.

The floor of the pit is covered with a thick layer of sand, with crushed stone on top, on which a shield made of timber or thick deck boards is laid. Such drainage is quite sufficient to remove moisture if it suddenly appears. The earthen walls are covered with boards or thin logs, and the ceiling is laid from them. Everything must be well secured with crossbars so that it does not collapse when the ground shakes. An earthen embankment exactly 20 centimeters thick is made on top of the ramp. The entrance is made from the side, in the form of a tunnel from an earthen well with a lid. To make the task easier, you can simply bury a thick plastic septic tank, metal tank or container in the hole.

Be sure to take care of ventilation, which can be easily done from two pipes. The longer one goes down almost to floor level, and the second one is 15-20 centimeters below the ceiling. Exits covered with deflectors should rise no more than 40-50 centimeters above the ground. Dust filters made of gauze or flax fiber are inserted inside. For a toilet in a shelter, it is advisable to fence off a corner near the hood, where to place a mobile bio-toilet with chemical waste processing.

Such a structure must have a high degree of strength, therefore, in a pit that is dug to a depth of 4 meters, a powerful monolithic foundation with a thickness of 23 centimeters is poured. Those who are familiar with building private houses and cottages with their own hands can easily perform high-quality reinforcement by knitting metal or basalt fiber rods. It is better not to undertake such a task without experienced assistants, since when the soil settles, a poor-quality base slab may crack. The area of ​​the long-term bunker should be at least 12 square meters in total for residential premises; a small technical room should also be allocated for a generator and a toilet with a shower. Another room can become a warehouse for food and necessary items. The height of the walls is up to 2.2 meters, with a thickness of at least 25 centimeters; it is better to cast them from concrete, in a strong connection with the base.

The ceiling is also made of a slab, on top of which an additional cap is poured and an earthen embankment is made. For strength, it is better to strengthen the ceiling with channels. The main exit is made in the form of a vertical well with a side outlet, the spare one is a pipe laid horizontally in a trench, which should be in the middle of the slope of the hill, which will serve as additional protection for the bunker. Ventilation can be an additional solution if you lay a corrugated hose about half a meter wide to a specially equipped booth on the surface.

Video: DIY underground shelter

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Today, building a bunker is not as relevant as it was 30 years ago, but, nevertheless, if you have the desire and need to hide in the event of some kind of natural disaster, then this is a very good idea. Construction of a bunker is very important if you live in an area where, for example, there is a chemical plant or other facility that contains potential danger. This way, in the event of an accident, you can hide in a bunker and wait until the situation returns to normal.

When building a bunker, you need to consider 2 factors: for what purpose it is needed and how long you plan to stay in it. The more serious the potential danger and the longer you stay in it, the deeper and more thoroughly you need to make the bunker so that you can be reliably protected and comfortable in it. Let's look at how to build an underground bunker with your own hands.

When you have determined for what purposes you need a bunker, you can approximately estimate its dimensions, the depth at which it will be located and the height of the ceiling. A fairly simple bunker can be built from metal. As for a reliable and strong bunker, it is best to build it from concrete.

How to build a simple bunker

A simple bunker is mounted from thick sheets of metal, it is best to use sheets 5mm thick. In order to build a simple bunker you need to dig a pit for it. This pit should be 50 centimeters larger than the bunker itself. Also dig a hole for the entrance to the bunker. We recommend making it separate from the main structure. The choice of bunker depth again depends on the hazard present. It is best to make a bunker at a depth of 5 meters from ground level.

The entrance to the bunker can be made in the form of a hatch, with a hermetically sealed lid. Separately, it is worth mentioning the tightness of the entire structure. As you understand, the bunker must be completely sealed, so all seams must be thoroughly welded and additionally treated with a layer of insulation. But more on that later. To build the bunker itself, you need to weld the bottom, then the walls, and then the roof. We recommend welding the corners of the structure on both sides with metal corners for strength. If the bunker is large enough, then make supports at a certain distance so that the roof does not sag under the weight of the earth. When the frame is welded, it is necessary to autogenously cut out the hatch for the entrance, as well as holes for supplying various communications: electricity, water, antenna, etc. We'll talk about communications a little later. Also make hooks with which you can lower the hopper with a crane. Then treat the surface of the bunker with mastic in order to create reliable waterproofing and prevent metal destruction; in addition, you can cover the bottom of the bunker with a layer of mastic.

Next you need to prepare the base for the bunker. It can be made from either sand or concrete. If the area is swampy, then, of course, you need to make a concrete base; in general, it is more reliable. If you have a dry area, you can limit yourself to a sand cushion. We will talk about how to make a concrete base below, and now let’s say a few words about the sand base. Sand is poured onto a previously leveled surface. The sand layer should be about 20 centimeters. The sand also needs to be compacted well. After this, we lower the bunker to the bottom of the pit. Then we weld the entrance hatch and connect the communications.

It is best to cover the edges of the bunker with clay, as it will provide good protection for the structure. We fill the rest of the hole with earth and compact it. Next, we set up the communications and check the ventilation.

How to build a reliable bunker

To build a reliable bunker, we need concrete, and a lot of concrete. We are digging a pit for our future construction. Then we level its bottom, lay a waterproofing film and fill it with 20 centimeters of sand, which we compact well. Then we construct the formwork and lay a two-level mesh of reinforcement. After this, we fill the structure with concrete. In general, we do everything as described in the article about.

While the concrete has not hardened, we insert reinforcing rods into it; they will be the basis of the walls. We insert rods both around the perimeter and in the center, where partitions will be built. When the foundation has hardened, we proceed to the walls. To fill them, also use formwork. Don't forget to leave openings for passage through the bunker and an opening for entry. As for the roof, we construct it from floor slabs, laying it on concrete mortar.

After constructing the bunker, we build an entrance to it from concrete rings or from a metal tunnel. Then we cover it on the outside with mastic for waterproofing.

As for communications, water, electricity, Internet and television can be installed in the bunker. Also install a radio antenna to receive radio signals on long and short waves. Install a dry closet and also install an electric generator. At this point, the construction of the bunker is completed, and now it can be equipped.

If a sudden or expected threat to the health and life of a person and his loved ones arises, you can rely on the help of the state, but it is possible to ensure safety on your own.

Bunker is a guarantee of safety

A bunker is an underground protective structure that has the life support systems necessary for the comfortable existence of several people. A well-designed and high-quality structure creates conditions for shelter from danger for several months, and sometimes many years.

Companies specializing in the construction of protective facilities organize a bunker that meets all necessary norms and standards.

When constructing a structure, natural conditions and terrain features must be taken into account:

Specialized organizations that value their reputation and are focused on potential clients approach each customer individually and, when developing a project, take into account his requirements and wishes.

Several years ago, comfortable and reliable shelters were the privilege of only top officials of states; today, every owner of a plot of land, a country house or a cottage can take care of their safety. A bunker is a serious investment in personal safety and protection of family and loved ones.

The structures do not take up much space and in peacetime can be actively used as a meeting room, a storage room for valuable items, a wine cellar or a warehouse. The unique building makes it possible to equip it for different needs and requirements of the owner.

A protective bunker with the necessary communications,
will reliably protect people in situations:

Terrorist acts;

Major fires;

Military actions;

Coups and revolutions;

Biological weapons;

Nuclear power plant accidents and radiation releases;


Man-made disasters;


Natural disasters and disasters.

Owning a bunker increases your chances of survival several times and helps you calmly assess the situation that has arisen as a result of an extreme event: from a flood to a nuclear threat.

Main types of protective structures

Protective structures can be of several types:

The last type of shelter is the most reliable, as it can effectively protect against various types of threats to life.

Before building and equipping a bunker, four basic questions must be answered:

The construction process occurs in several stages. First, the facility is carefully designed by qualified specialists in accordance with the requirements and established fire safety standards, SanPiN and SNiP.

All structures are subject to extremely stringent planning requirements:

As a result of the actions of specialists, technical specifications are drawn up. The design and estimate package of documents is the basis for starting construction. At the request of the client, the construction site can be adapted for use in peacetime: as a closed club, personal office or meeting room.

Features of the design, frame and life support systems

Shelters are built from high-strength materials that can withstand maximum physical and other loads.

Depending on the budget and customer requirements, the facility may have one or several levels on which functional premises are located:

Hopper frame

Strong and reliable buildings have a reinforced reinforced structure and are located at a certain depth. External walls need high-quality and practical insulation. Materials used for interior decoration should not have a negative impact on the health of a person of any age. At the same time, they must have specific characteristics and be moisture resistant and fireproof.

The simplest option for a protective structure is considered to be a vertical shaft with a spiral staircase. For such a structure, a pit is dug with a diameter of two meters and a depth of five. A tunnel about two meters long is made from the shaft with branches in which there are residential, utility and functional premises.

The frame of the bunker is made of durable and practical reinforced concrete using a monolithic method, intermediate insulation and external waterproofing are carried out in several layers. Cinder block concrete is a rational and optimal option for the material used. It contains lead, which effectively protects against the effects of radiation.

Forced ventilation, a special water and air purification system, and climate control equipment make it possible to create optimal living conditions.

Entrance doors

A prerequisite for a reliable bunker is the presence of completely sealed doors, which guarantee:

The risk of unauthorized persons entering the shelter area is eliminated; the doors are equipped with a special locking system;

The doors do not allow air to pass through and guarantee complete isolation from the external environment;

The products are made from armored sheets, therefore they are reliably protected from explosions;

The doors can withstand prolonged contact with an open flame;

The products do not deform under sufficiently severe mechanical loads;

The hermetically sealed design eliminates the risk of flooding in the event of a flood;

Functional doors protect against radiation.

Bunkers have several exits:

Autonomous systems

Facilities must be equipped with autonomous systems that provide the necessary living conditions. In most cases, a separate artesian well is made for the bunker, which allows you to save a person from the hassle associated with the supply and storage of water.

The facility is equipped with sewerage and pumping units for autonomous water supply.

Autonomous power supply system. Bunkers must be equipped with the necessary source of electricity, which can be a battery cluster or a gasoline or diesel generator.

Air filtration

If the autonomy of underground premises is more than 36 hours, the structures are classified as effective structures. Facilities use monitoring of air entering through a filter system. This may include:

Multi-stage cleaning system

Purified water can be used for water procedures and wet cleaning. After ultraviolet irradiation, the liquid becomes suitable for consumption.

Communications in the shelter

The structure is a strategic facility; it must be equipped with effective and reliable means of communication. The reinforced structure of the walls of the facility will shield radiation waves and communication signals.

Communication can be provided using several technologies:

Modern technologies and materials make it possible to achieve the best results in creating a reliable bunker. Concrete of heavy-duty grades and unique designs of load-bearing metal structures, tightness, effective autonomous systems of water supply, purification, filtration, power supply and other types guarantee human safety and comfortable living conditions even for a long period of time.

Bomb shelter

Bomb shelter

To increase the safety of your loved ones and relatives, you can install armored sheets at the entrance to your house, alarms on the windows, hire security and take many other measures. But in the event of a nuclear war, only a bomb shelter designed like a bunker can protect. This could be a bomb shelter at the dacha, in which you can hide from natural disasters, fires or hurricanes, and also wait out any danger in cases where evacuation by other means is impossible.

Do-it-yourself shelters and underground bunkers on a summer cottage are quite legal, since there are no clear prohibitions. It is more difficult to make a bomb shelter with your own hands within the city, since the land plots are owned by the administration or other people. Let's take a closer look at how to build a bomb shelter with your own hands, where and how to find a place for it in the city, photos of typical shelters and bunkers in the house.

Your own bunker on the site can be used by private individuals as a place for a long stay or short-term stay. You can wait out some time in a simple cellar, although the bomb shelter does not contain complex schemes and resembles a cellar with a low earthen floor, walls made of boards or logs and a wooden roof.

There are also no drawings of a long-term bomb shelter, but there are some structural differences - it is necessary to drill wells, purchase and install a septic tank at the base of the pit. And only after this can a layer of concrete be poured as a foundation.

Each owner of the site found many advantages and disadvantages of both options, but they build bomb shelters in the country no deeper than half a meter to groundwater. It is recommended to have a thicker earthen lintel under your feet to prevent waterlogging of the base of the structure. Knowing his property, a person can clearly focus on the depth of groundwater, or check this point with neighbors with a drinking water well.

How to make a short-stay bomb shelter?

The most important thing when arranging bomb shelters is to choose the right location. The shelters made should not be placed under the house or near buildings, high landings or massive structures. The construction of a bomb shelter is carried out exclusively in places where there will be no rubble from destruction during disasters. A fence, a tree, a house - these buildings can collapse due to a shock wave or extreme elements, and the entrance will be blocked. Experts have found a way out - you need to make an emergency exit in case the main one collapses.

By simple calculations you can find out the amount of work in the ground that needs to be done. To hide from the elements for a short time, it is enough to dig three square meters. meters per person. With a building depth of 2 meters, a two-person bomb shelter will be 12 cubic meters. You can do this work yourself within a couple of weeks, maximum, a month.

The optimal location would be on a slope so that the sides of the entrance are covered with natural landscape. From the side, the entrance area is masked by technical buildings, a toilet or shed, large trees or powerful bushes.

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Interior arrangement

The floors in the pit are covered with sand and crushed stone, on top of which timber and deck boards are placed. Drainage must be sufficient to remove water from precipitation or melted snow. The walls made of earth need to be sheathed with logs (thin) or boards, and the ceiling should be finished with them. The cross members on the ceiling must be fastened especially carefully so that during a bombardment or from the action of a shock wave the soil does not destroy the roof when shaken.

The slope on top is covered with 20 centimeters of soil. An entrance is built on the side of the structure; it is better to make it a tunnel with a well made of earth and a lid. To minimize labor costs, you can bury a plastic septic tank, container or metal tank in the pit.

It is very important to make a ventilation system equipped with a pair of pipes. The longest one should be placed with an exit near the floor, and the second should be 20 cm near the ceiling. The exits are covered with deflectors, and they should rise no more than 40 centimeters. A dust filter is placed in each pipe; flax fiber or gauze is suitable for this. The bathrooms in the bomb shelter are fenced off and located near the hood so that the smell does not interfere with being inside. If you install a bio-toilet, the waste will be processed chemically.

A bunker or shelter in which people will stay for a long time, the pit must be dug 4 meters deep. The foundation is poured monolithic from 23 centimeters of concrete. The same work is performed during the construction of cottages or country houses. The concrete mixture needs to be strengthened with bundles of metal rods for reinforcement; basalt fiber rods can be used. You cannot do such work efficiently yourself, because the grant tends to sag and the foundation may become covered with cracks.

The area of ​​the bomb shelter is determined based on the total area of ​​the residential sectors of 12 square meters, but a toilet, shower and technical sector are equipped separately. One room can be made into a warehouse for food and things. You can also store drinking water in your food pantry. The walls must be 2.2 meters and at least 0.25 meters thick. The connection to the base must be monolithic, without cracks or seams. The optimal material would be concrete.

The ceiling is made of slabs filled with a cap and a layer of soil. Channels can be used to strengthen the floors; the main exit is arranged like a pipe in a trench. It is installed on slopes, making the shelter more protected. The exit can serve as ventilation, especially if it is reinforced with a half-meter corrugated pipe. A special booth is made on the surface into which the end of the corrugated sleeve is inserted.

Bunker house project

Much attention is paid to the entrance - it is hidden from prying eyes and has a hermetically sealed closure. Water and electricity are supplied to the building, and wastewater is discharged. It is necessary to prepare in advance a supply of medicines and food, water and other necessary things, without which the owner will feel uncomfortable.

An air-raid shelter is built according to a person’s individual plans, but there are also ready-made drawings in which you can make changes and add rooms. Experts recommend studying additional information and reading literature on arranging shelters in order to, if necessary, equip a library or recreation area, gym and other sections inside.