Installation of a toilet sewer. How to install and connect a toilet to the sewer: instructions and video. Connecting the cistern to the toilet bowl

A toilet is a fairly large and sometimes very expensive purchase for a bathroom. In the city you can easily find specialists to install this plumbing fixture, but in non-urban areas this is more difficult to do. However, the installation itself is not difficult. The main thing is to choose the right device for your existing sewage system and carefully read the installation instructions. Let's take a closer look at the technology of connecting plumbing to the sewer system.

What is needed for work

First of all, you need to know that floor structures have different shapes release of fecal water:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • I slant.

In new buildings, they began to install toilets with a horizontal discharge of fecal water long ago, while in old buildings such as “Khrushchev” there are devices with an oblique discharge form. Toilet bowls with a vertical outlet are used less and less often, found mainly in Stalinist buildings.

Therefore, before purchasing this device, you need to know how water enters the sewer pipe, so as not to redo the sewer system and quickly and efficiently install the plumbing device.

To connect plumbing fixtures to the sewer system, special pipeline fittings are used, among which the most commonly used are:

  • fan pipes;
  • eccentric cuffs;

The use of fan pipes gives a visual appearance of the unity of the toilet with the connecting material, since both are made from the same material, for example, earthenware, ceramics, porcelain and others. The only installation difficulty in this case is the need for an exact match to the installation location; it will not be possible to fit by cutting.

Eccentric cuffs are made of polymers, which are a structure of two bends with shifted axes. The cuffs can be of different lengths, so it will not be difficult to choose them to connect the toilet to the sewerage system with different outlet and socket parameters sewer pipe.

How to install it yourself - installation options

Corrugated pipes are a flexible form that can stretch and bend. The method of connecting the toilet to the sewer using a corrugated element gives the master freedom of movement and ease of installation. However, here too we should not forget about the slope of the corrugated sewer pipe for good permeability, and also take care of the normal rigidity of the manufacturing material so that the walls are strong and reliable during further operation.

The cast iron sewer pipe is connected to the toilet using a rubber cuff, which is located at one end of the pipe. When putting the toilet on the outlet, the cuff is turned inside out, which leads to complete sealing. The tightness of the connection can be strengthened by using sealant.

For self-installation, in addition to the device connection diagram, you need a number of tools for work, such as, for example:

  • wrenches (set) or an adjustable wrench required when installing a drain tank and connecting a plumbing fixture to the system;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • metal saw for dismantling an old toilet;
  • tape measure, knife, sandpaper, hammer;
  • sealant, cement and a little tow;
  • a hammer drill with pobedit drills for mounting the fastening elements of the device, dowels;

With corrugated pipe

The corrugated element for installation is used in cases where it is impossible to use other materials. The connection process requires a number of steps.

Installation without corrugation

The decision to connect a toilet to the sewer system without using corrugation requires following certain rules:

  • using a pipe called an adapter or vent pipe. Installation is carried out depending on the release form;
  • the oblique shape involves installing the toilet on the floor;
  • the vertical form of release involves installing the toilet at an angle of 90° into the wall;
  • The horizontal form of the outlet involves installation at an angle of 30−40° into the wall.
  • the toilet is selected according to the existing connection diagram in sewer network(if this is replacing old equipment with new ones). If you choose a device with a mismatched outlet shape, you will need to use a corrugated pipe or an eccentric cuff.

Toilets with vertical outlet

Recently, toilets with a vertical outlet have begun to be installed in new buildings, although quite recently this was the prerogative of Europe. However, it can also be installed in our apartments. This model has a siphon with an upward outlet. This design is easy to install, it is done like this:

The advantages of this connection scheme are that the plumbing fixtures can be placed close to the wall and will not be visible plumbing, the room will have an elegant look without protruding pipes, however, a serious disadvantage of this installation is that the pipes are located under the floor, and in case of a leak, in addition to dismantling the toilet, you will have to break flooring.

Toilet with vertical outlet - the best choice for a private home, if you are laying the sewer yourself. This will solve the problem of saving space, because the sewer pipe will be below the floor surface.

With horizontal outlet

Due to the fact that the toilet outlet turns out to be directed towards the wall (backwards), to connect it to the sewer it is necessary to use sealing collar. Installation begins with fastening to the floor using dowels, and connection to the sewer must be carried out carefully, preventing damage to the surface of the device.

The advantage of installing a device with a horizontal flush is simplicity, however, such a toilet can only be connected to a vertical riser.

With oblique release

The rules for installing a device with an oblique drain are as follows:

The versatility of connecting an oblique outlet between straight and horizontal is a big plus; the disadvantage of this method may be long distance between the device and the wall, necessary for proper connection with the sewer pipe.

What is important to consider during installation

In old houses where there are cast iron pipes in the sewer system, connecting a toilet with an oblique flush is done in the following ways:

  • put the outlet of the device into the sewer hole, and cover the remaining gap between them with a cement composition so that it does not fall into the riser;
  • you can use a cuff used in a connection with an oblique outlet. They use it like this: put it on the outlet, which is then immersed in the hole of the sewer pipe, previously cleaned of cement and other dirt, cover the unevenness with sealant;
  • A corrugated pipe is used when the toilet bowl is turned at an angle relative to the socket, but water will stagnate in it due to the resulting slight slope. It is also used if, after repair, the toilet is mounted high and its outlet does not enter the sewer hole;
  • To avoid smell from the upper floors of an apartment building, when installing a toilet with a direct outlet, you need to put a rubber cuff on the outlet and then place it on the socket.

Video: installing and connecting the toilet

Installing a toilet in your home yourself is not that easy. a big problem, if you have at least minor skills in working with tools. According to the instructions supplied with the plumbing fixture, it is not difficult to install. However, if you have any doubts about your knowledge and skills in this area, it is better to turn to specialists - it will cost you less and faster.

One of the most important tasks when installing plumbing fixtures is connecting them to the water supply system. You can connect the toilet to the water supply and sewerage system yourself. For this you will need minimum set tools and plumbing skills.

Types of connection

There are several types of toilet designs:

To connect each of the described devices, various adapters are used, also called couplings or cuffs.

Cuffs are:

When choosing a specific type of adapter, it is important to pay attention to the following features. Thread - can be internal, external, left and right. At the connection points it should be the same, but if the sewer pipe pipe has internal thread, then the adapter, accordingly, must be external.

The length of the connected cuff is very important. With flexible adapters, this problem is not terrible, but if a rigid adapter is used in the work, then its length must strictly correspond to the distance between the toilet and the sewer hole. Otherwise, the conductor simply will not work.

A liner is used to connect the toilet and water supply. It is selected based on the design of the tank of the plumbing fixture. It can be bottom (silent) and side (more common). Among materials, preference should be given to metal ones flexible tubes- They are affordable and quite durable.

How to connect a toilet to a sewer

To connect the toilet to the sewer, you will need the following tools:

  1. Hammer or drill. To install a plumbing fixture, you will need to drill holes in the floor into which fasteners will be installed in the future;
  2. Silicone sealant, repair solution (putty), FUM tape for thread processing;
  3. Suitable adapters (couplings), supply hose (which will be used to connect the tank), additional elements;
  4. Rags, spatula, level.

We will consider an option in which the old device is dismantled and disconnected and a new one is installed.

Step-by-step instructions on how to dismantle old toilet and connect a new one in its place:

  1. It is necessary to turn off the water so as not to flood the apartment during the installation process. Afterwards, the eyeliner is unscrewed from the water outlet;
  2. The flexible hose is carefully disconnected from the tank, and the tank itself is removed from the toilet bowl. If the structure is monolithic, then immediately proceed to point 3;
  3. Using a hammer drill, the fasteners that hold the toilet to the floor are removed. You need to act carefully so as not to damage the floor covering. The fastenings are anchor bolts, which are screwed into plastic bases. If they are not covered with a layer of rust, then you can try to unscrew them with an adjustable wrench;

  4. After removing the bowl or monolith, wooden taffeta can be seen on the floor. It was often used in Soviet buildings for the installation of plumbing fixtures. Now it has been replaced with dowels and professional glue. Therefore, the board can be safely removed. After dismantling, the taffeta will remain in its place. big hole. It needs to be covered with plaster or putty and leveled to the floor level;

  5. After the repair solution has hardened, the sewer pipe is cleaned. If it is made of cast iron, then you can “walk” brushes or even knock on visible surfaces. If made of plastic, then wipe only the working surfaces with a hard cloth;

  6. The selected adapter at the attachment points with the sewer pipe is generously processed silicone sealant. Please note that if a threaded connection is used, this is not necessary. Instead of silicone, FUM tape is wound on the thread;
  7. The outlet of the sewer riser is processed similarly. Silicone sealant is used here for better passage of the coupling and a tighter connection of the parts. The branches are joined together as tightly as possible;

  8. After graduation preparatory work is installed new toilet. The location of its attachment is determined experimentally by measuring the center of the toilet room and the distance from the sewer outlet;
  9. In order to determine where the toilet is attached to the floor, you need to outline its outline using a felt-tip pen or pencil and mark the holes for the dowels. Holes are made in the marked places and fasteners are installed in them;

  10. After installing the toilet, its drain hole is also treated with silicone sealant and a corrugation or plastic adapter is inserted into it. The tightness of the joint between the coupling and the sewer outlet is checked, after which the entire structure is wiped to remove excess sealant.

The toilet can only be used after the silicone protective layer has completely hardened. If water collects around the toilet during operation, you need to install a rubber ring under the coupling for additional sealing.

Complete video instructions for installing a toilet

How to connect a toilet to a water supply

Equally important is the connection of the toilet tank to the water pipe. From it, water is drawn into the tank for draining. In all apartments (old and new type) for supply tap water so-called water outlets are connected to the tank.

How to connect the toilet tank to the water supply:

From the correct installation of plumbing fixtures in toilet room Not only the comfort when visiting the restroom depends, but also the safety of its operation. Since if the water supply to the toilet is not carried out correctly, this can lead not only to problems with the drainage, but also to problems with the neighbors, who are unlikely to see water dripping from the ceiling.

The instructions below will help you avoid the above problems and perform all the work correctly.

Choosing a toilet and the nuances of its installation

The toilet is an integral element of any municipal apartments or at home. Most people completely in vain do not pay due attention to the choice of this device. At the same time there is great amount models that differ not only in size and color, but also in the shape of the bowl, the placement of the outlet pipe, the design of the cistern, and even then.

The method of installation depends on the type of toilet. Since if, for example, you bought a model with a vertical outlet channel, and the sewer pipe is laid in the wall, installation will not be feasible, you will have to either modify utility network, or take a new plumbing fixture.

In addition, before purchasing, you need to decide how the water supply to the toilet will be carried out.

In order not to experience inconveniences and troubles with the use of the restroom, it is advisable to follow these rules:

  1. Choose the right toilet. The huge assortment of these products in modern construction stores allows you to choose any model based on personal preferences. It is necessary that the device you buy is not only beautiful, but also easy to install with your own hands. Price also has a big influence on the choice. In most cases, foreign models of plumbing fixtures are quite expensive, but there are also domestic options, the price of which is completely affordable and the quality level is high.
  1. Take high-quality fittings, additional equipment and tools. The specific kit depends on how the toilet will be fixed: on studs, cement mortar and without that later. In any case, you need to stock up on hoses and gaskets various diameters, polymer tape for sealing threaded connections, silicone sealant and other little things.
  2. During installation, pay special attention to preparing the base. The floor must be perfectly level so that installed toilet didn't sway from side to side. This will not only create inconvenience during its use, but may also cause injury.
  3. Connect the device securely and firmly to water supply and waste disposal systems. This is where you will need seals purchased in advance. Make sure that the dimensions of the gaskets exactly match the diameter of the holes.

Advice! After finishing the work, it is necessary to pause so that the sealants for sewer pipes and gels polymerize. Only after 3-4 hours is it possible to test run the drain tank into operation.

Water supply to the cistern

Types of hoses used

Connecting the toilet cistern to the plumbing system is a simple procedure at first glance. But when carrying out work, it is necessary to pay attention to some features that greatly affect the final result.

Advice! First of all, turn off the water in the plumbing system. For this purpose, either a tap is used, which is located on a special outlet for the toilet, or, in the absence of the latter, a shut-off valve that is responsible for the entire apartment.

The next step is choosing the type of eyeliner. All existing varieties and their features are presented in the table.

View Description
Hard To connect the incoming pipe of the drain tank with the pipe of the water supply system, tubes made of steel or copper are used. The first is a corrugated pipe, characterized by strength and durability. All elements in contact with liquid are made of of stainless steel, which eliminates the formation of corrosion. Bronze tubes are practically not used due to their high cost.
Flexible For supplying water to the inlet storage capacity meet hoses made from different materials. A flexible supply to the toilet is no less reliable than a steel one, but allows you to arrange a supply of complex configurations. Rubber tubes reinforced with iron threads are much more often used. Take materials famous manufacturers, since inexpensive fakes can tear, and leaking water can flood neighbors.

Advice! During installation, make sure that the flexible connection is connected to a cold water supply and not to a warm water supply line.

Placement of inlet pipes

There are a couple of ways to connect the toilet to the water supply. The specific type depends both on the design of the plumbing fixture itself and on the method of placing the storage tank. Some tanks can be mounted on the toilet itself, while others can be hidden mounted on or on the wall.

In both cases, the placement of the inlet pipe is very important, since from time to time building construction make connecting the hose impossible.

Let's consider all the options for placing inlet holes for pipes:

  1. With side eyeliner. Such models are the most common. Connection holes are equipped on both the right and left sides of the tank in order to minimize installation work. Toilets, as a rule, are placed so that there is free space on the sides for their comfortable use. Consequently, the hose attached to the side of the tank will be comfortable to install, and the tap will be easy to turn off if necessary. From time to time, a sink is placed on the side touching the toilet, which complicates the installation. In this case, it is possible to choose not solid pipe, but a flexible hose that takes any ergonomic shape.
  1. With rear eyeliner. Cisterns with a rear hose connection are rarely used. Since toilets in most cases are placed so that their back part is actually close to the wall of the restroom. In other words, access to the pipe and shut-off valves that block the flow of water will be very difficult. In addition, there is a huge possibility that during the use of the toilet the supply hose will be damaged, and this will lead to the formation of a leak.
  2. With bottom eyeliner. This method is the most aesthetically pleasing, since the hoses, pipes and stopcocks are virtually invisible and do not introduce dissonance into the interior of the restroom. The disadvantage of a similar solution is the complexity of installation. Here you must first install the pipe and connect it to the supply hose, and only then install the toilet flush container on the bowl.

Installation of the supply hose

The process of connecting the toilet to the water supply system to the flush tank is as follows:

  1. To avoid leaks, it is necessary to shut off the water in the water supply system of the apartment or house.
  2. The purchased flexible hose or corrugated pipe should be connected to a pre-arranged outlet of the cold water supply pipe. You need to do this through shut-off valves– a tap - which can shut off the access of water to the toilet without stopping the operation of the entire utility network.

  1. All threaded pipe connections must be sealed with special polymer tape and silicone sealant. Do not forget that the sealing gel must dry before water is released into the equipped inlet.
  2. The pipe is installed. In most cases, this plastic sleeve, fixed in one of the holes (right, left, bottom or back) and secured with special nuts.
  3. The inlet is connected to the inlet of the pipe. It is already equipped with a special gasket that ensures tightness, but for reliability it is better to use a plastic sealing tape.

  1. After completing the connection, you must wait 2-3 hours until all the sealants have completely hardened, after which open the shut-off valves and test the toilet cistern in action. Make sure the following joints are securely sealed:
  • between the eyeliner and water pipe;
  • between the hose and the inlet pipe of the drain tank;
  • at the junction of the storage tank and the toilet bowl (there is a huge rubber O-ring installed there).

Installation of tank drain fittings

In addition to the liner, the mechanism installed there is responsible for the proper functioning of the drain tank. Its price is low, and you will need to pay for installation services a large amount. Therefore, it is also better to perform this operation yourself.

The drain fittings are installed as follows:

  1. The mechanism housing is installed on the outlet of the tank. To ensure tightness, a rubber or silicone gasket is also used here. When purchasing fittings, make sure that they are reliable so that the seal is not damaged.
  2. To the inlet pipe with inside a valve is attached that controls the flow of water entering the container.
  3. After this, the water level is adjusted. The float must be controlled using a special screw. His position is selected by a skillful method.


The hose for supplying water to the toilet is small, but very important detail. This is where leaks often appear, which become a cause of enormous trouble. Knowing the procedure for connecting the drain tank to the water supply network, and carefully following all the tips, you can trust in the reliability and durability of the connection.

But it is equally important to correctly connect the toilet to the sewer pipe. You can understand our topic more clearly from the video in this article.

Not only the comfort when visiting the restroom, but also the safety of its operation depends on the correct installation of plumbing fixtures in the toilet room. After all, if the water supply to the toilet is not carried out correctly, this can lead not only to problems with the flush, but also to troubles with the neighbors, who are unlikely to notice the water dripping from the ceiling.

The instructions below will help you avoid the troubles listed above and perform all the work correctly.

Choosing a toilet and the nuances of its installation

The toilet is an integral element of any city apartment or house. Most people completely in vain do not pay due attention to the choice of this device. Meanwhile, there are a huge number of models that differ not only in size and color, but also in the shape of the bowl, the location of the outlet pipe, the design of the cistern, and so on.

The method of installation depends on the type of toilet. After all, if, for example, you purchased a model with a vertical outlet channel, and the sewer pipe is laid in the wall, installation will be impossible; you will have to either modify the utility network or buy a new plumbing device.

Also, before purchasing, you need to decide how the water supply to the toilet will be carried out.

In order to avoid inconvenience and problems with using the restroom, it is advisable to follow these rules:

  1. Choose the right toilet. A huge assortment of these products in modern construction stores allows you to choose any model based on personal preferences. It is advisable that the device you buy is not only beautiful, but also easy to install with your own hands.
    Price also has a significant influence on the choice. As a rule, foreign models of plumbing fixtures are quite expensive, but there are also domestic options, the cost of which is quite affordable and the quality is at the proper level.

  1. Buy high-quality fittings, additional equipment and tools. The specific set depends on how the toilet will be fixed: on studs, cement mortar, and so on.
    In any case, you need to stock up on hoses and sealing gaskets different diameters, polymer tape for sealing threaded connections, silicone sealant and other small items.
  2. During installation, pay special attention to preparing the base. The floor must be perfectly level so that the installed toilet does not rock from side to side. This will not only create discomfort while using it, but can also cause injury.
  3. Connect the device securely and firmly to water supply and waste disposal systems. This is where pre-purchased seals come in handy. Make sure that the dimensions of the gaskets exactly match the diameter of the holes.

After finishing the work, you should pause so that the gels polymerize.
Only after 3-4 hours can a test run of the drain tank be carried out.

Water supply to the cistern

Types of hoses used

Connecting the toilet cistern to the plumbing system is a simple procedure at first glance. But when carrying out work, you need to pay attention to some features that greatly influence the final result.

First of all, turn off the water in the plumbing system.
For this, either a tap is used, which is located on a special outlet for the toilet, or, in the absence of the latter, a shut-off valve responsible for the entire apartment.

The next step is choosing the type of eyeliner. All existing varieties and their features are presented in the table.

View Description
Tough To connect the incoming pipe of the cistern to the pipe of the water supply system, tubes made of steel or copper are used. The first is a corrugated pipe, characterized by strength and durability. All elements in contact with the liquid are made of stainless steel, which eliminates the formation of corrosion. Copper tubes almost never used due to high cost.
Flexible Hoses made of various materials. A flexible supply to the toilet is no less reliable than a steel one, but allows you to arrange a supply of complex configurations. Most often, rubber tubes reinforced with metal threads are used. Buy materials from well-known manufacturers, as cheap fakes can tear and leaking water can flood your neighbors.

During installation, make sure that the flexible connection is connected to the cold water supply and not to the hot water supply line.

Location of inlet pipes

There are several ways to connect the toilet to the water supply. The specific type depends both on the design of the plumbing fixture itself and on the method of placing the storage tank. Some tanks can be attached to the toilet itself, others can be hidden mounted on the wall or simply hung on it.

In both cases, the location of the inlet pipe is extremely important, because sometimes building structures make it impossible to connect the hose.

Let's consider all the options for the location of inlet holes for pipes:

  1. With side eyeliner. Such models are the most common. Connection holes are equipped on both the right and left sides of the tank to make installation work as easy as possible.
    Toilets, in most cases, are placed so that there is free space on the sides for their comfortable use. Consequently, the hose attached to the side of the tank will be convenient to install, and the tap will be easy to turn off if necessary.
    Sometimes a sink is placed on the side, close to the toilet, which complicates the installation. In this case, you can choose not a rigid pipe, but a flexible hose that can take any convenient shape.

  1. With rear eyeliner. Tanks with a rear hose connection are rarely used. After all, toilets are usually placed so that their backs are almost flush against the wall of the restroom. That is, access to the pipe and shut-off valves that block the flow of water will be very difficult.
    In addition, there is a high probability that during use of the toilet the supply hose will be damaged, and this will lead to the formation of a leak.
  2. With bottom eyeliner. This method is the most aesthetically pleasing, since the hoses, pipes and stopcocks are practically invisible and do not bring dissonance to the interior of the restroom.
    The disadvantage of this solution is the complexity of installation. Here you must first install the pipe and connect it to the supply hose, and only after that install the toilet flush container onto the bowl.

Installation of the supply hose

The process of connecting the toilet to the water supply system to the flush tank is as follows:

  1. To avoid leaks, you need to turn off the water in the water supply system of your apartment or house.
  2. The purchased flexible hose or corrugated pipe should be connected to a pre-arranged outlet of the cold water supply pipe. It is advisable to do this through a shut-off valve - a tap - which can shut off the access of water to the toilet without stopping the operation of the entire utility network.

  1. Everything must be sealed with a special polymer tape and silicone sealant. Remember that the sealing gel must dry before water is released into the equipped inlet.
  2. The pipe is installed. As a rule, this is a plastic sleeve fixed in one of the holes (right, left, bottom or back) and secured with special nuts.
  3. The inlet is connected to the inlet of the pipe. It is already equipped with a special gasket that ensures tightness, but for reliability it is better to use a plastic sealing tape.

  1. Once the connection is complete, you need to wait 2-3 hours until all the sealants have completely hardened, then open the shut-off valves and test the toilet cistern in action.
    Check the following joints for leaks:
    • between the connection and the water pipe;
    • between the hose and the inlet pipe of the drain tank;
    • at the junction of the storage tank and the toilet bowl (a large rubber O-ring is installed there).

Installation of tank drain fittings

In addition to the liner, the mechanism installed there is responsible for the proper functioning of the drain tank. Its cost is low, but you will have to pay a considerable amount for installation services. Therefore, it is also better to do this operation yourself.

The drain fittings are installed as follows:

  1. The mechanism housing is installed on the outlet of the tank. To ensure tightness, a rubber or silicone gasket is also used here. When purchasing fittings, check that the seal is not damaged.
  2. A valve is attached to the inlet pipe on the inside, which controls the flow of water entering the container.
  3. Then the water level is adjusted. The float must be controlled using a special screw. His position is selected empirically.

Connecting a toilet to the sewer system is a process in which not only the installation of the device is carried out, but also the supply of water to it, as well as a sewer pipeline. If there are no problems with supplying water to fill the toilet tank, then when installing sewer drain the situation is much more complicated. In order for a novice master to cope with connecting the toilet on his own, you need to familiarize yourself with step by step instructions for its correct installation.

How to connect a toilet to a sewer

The toilet outlet is standardized and therefore there are no problems when purchasing a connecting pipe. Connecting a toilet causes difficulties when you need to connect the pipe to the sewer pipe. Typically, the sewer pipe has a diameter that is larger than the outlet from the toilet. Before installing a toilet, you need to think about what diameter the sewer inlet should be, and what, in addition to the toilet, will need to be included in the drain. In addition to the pipe, the connection also involves the use of adapters, cuffs and fittings.

Types of toilet flares

The design of toilets from different manufacturers is almost the same, the only difference is the outlet. There are three types of toilet outlets or socket types:

Depending on the above socket options, connection to the sewer inlet can be made by placing the pipe in a horizontal, vertical or oblique form. The photo below shows three existing types of bells.

Vertical and oblique socket toilets are the most popular. This is due to the absence of the likelihood of sewer clogging. Horizontal view descent is used very rarely when the entrance of the sewer pipe is located not in the floor, but in the wall at the level of the outlet from the device.

Connecting a toilet with a horizontal outlet requires a high-quality connection between the pipe and the sewer hole, otherwise the pressure when draining water from the tank can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Types of pipes for connection

Often sewer systems do not have connectors for direct connection, so you will need to purchase connectors first. The following elements are considered as such connectors:

  • pleated cuffs;
  • eccentrics;
  • plastic corners;
  • outlet tubes;
  • fan pipelines.

What each of these elements represents should be understood in more detail.

Corrugated cuffs or pipes are used when there is a misalignment when connecting pipes. The advantage of corrugation is the ability to bend the pipeline in any direction and at any angles.

Eccentric tubes consist of two branches, the axes of which are shifted from each other by a certain distance. To pick up suitable option eccentric cuff, it is necessary to measure the difference in displacement between the outlet from the toilet and the inlet into the sewer.

Corners and bends made of plastic are used mainly where it is not possible to place corrugation. Such connector options have one big drawback - their rigidity, due to which leaks occur, which are formed due to the occurrence of distortions. Along with the disadvantage, one advantage should be noted. Compared to fan pipes, plastic materials can be cut to suit the required length.

Toilet drain pipes are used in plumbing only when there is a significant risk of water seal failure. A water seal is a special design of a toilet that does not allow unpleasant odors from the sewer to penetrate into the house. If sewer riser will have insufficient throughput, then this may be reflected negatively in the form of water being drawn into it from the siphon. If the functioning of the water seal is disrupted, the owners will feel the occurrence of unpleasant odor, emitted when the toilet lid is opened.

To prevent the functioning of the water seal from being disrupted, the riser is connected to the toilet using a drain pipe with a valve. This valve opens when water is drained from the tank, thereby drawing in air from the room or street, which eliminates the possibility of a water seal malfunction.

Connecting cast iron sewerage with plastic pipes

In the majority apartment buildings old building Not only were old-style toilets installed, but also risers made of cast iron. The hole diameter of the cast iron riser is 123 mm, and that of a similar plastic pipe is 110 mm. If you need to install a new toilet, you will need to connect it with a plastic pipe to a cast iron riser, unless you plan to replace it. For such cases, there are special rubber cuffs that ensure a reliable connection.

Cast iron a drain pipe for a toilet, although it is a product with a long service life, it has a significant drawback - the occurrence of stagnation and blockages. IN apartment buildings old buildings to improve the quality of functioning sewer system It is planned to replace cast iron pipes with plastic ones. However, such replacements are carried out only in cases where cast iron sewer pipelines are in disrepair.

How to connect a toilet to a sewer with your own hands

In a private house, the toilet connection diagram is simplified by the fact that even if it is used as a sewer pipeline cast iron pipe, then it can be replaced with a plastic one. The rationality of carrying out such a replacement arises only if the cast iron pipe has been in use for a sufficiently long period of time.

In the apartment, the connection of the toilet to the cast iron sewer is carried out due to the hopelessness of the situation. Replacing a cast iron sewer along with the main riser will not only be expensive, but also requires overhaul in apartments. That is why many people resort to replacing the cast iron pipe up to the main riser with a plastic one. Let's look at what they are possible ways connecting the toilet to the sewer.

Dismantling the cast iron pipeline and replacing it with a plastic insert

Initially, work on replacing a toilet begins with the dismantling of the old product. The products are fastened to the floor using two slots secured with nuts. After removing the old product, you should resort to dismantling the cast iron pipeline.

When removing a cast iron pipe, you must use a hammer and chisel, or a grinder.

Using a hammer drill or impact drill The layer of concrete in which the cast iron pipe is often located is removed.

After the cast iron pipe is freed, it needs to be removed and we begin to clean plaque, rust and oxides on the inlet pipe into the main riser. To clean, it is recommended to use a drill with a special brush. The inner walls of the pipeline are treated with special substances that corrode rust. After the internal cavity of the cast iron pipeline has been cleaned, it is necessary to install a plastic pipe with a cuff.

All work should be performed with special rubber gloves and a respirator. The better the internal walls of the cast iron pipe are processed, the more reliable the new connection will be.

To simplify the process of installing a plastic tee inside the socket of a cast iron pipe, the inner walls are coated with Vaseline. Before installation, you should put a cuff on the plastic pipe to connect the toilet to the sewer. During the installation process, the plastic tee should be rotated in different directions, which will simplify the installation process. After the plastic tee or pipeline has been installed, you can proceed to the next stage - installing the toilet and connecting it.

If it is planned to replace a cast-iron pipeline with a plastic one, which is often done in private homes, then for this purpose the cast-iron pipe is initially dismantled and a plastic one is installed in its place.

Corrugated pipe for connection

Exist different ways connecting the toilet, and which option to choose, it all depends not only on the situation, but also on the type of toilet. Corrugated pipe is used when it is impossible to use other types of materials.

Step-by-step instructions for connecting a toilet to a sewer using a corrugated pipe are as follows:

  1. The product is initially installed. To do this, 2 holes are drilled in the floor, having previously marked their location.
  2. After drilling the holes, dowels are installed into which two slots are screwed. The toilet is installed into these slots with holes, after which it is fixed with plastic nuts.
  3. After this, the toilet is connected to the sewer. A corrugation is used, one end of which is initially put on the sewer hole, and the other on the outlet of the device.
  4. It is recommended to treat the joints with a waterproof sealant.
  5. After installing the corrugated pipe, the reliability of the connection is tested.
  6. If after draining the water there are no leaks or drips, then the process can be considered complete. All that remains is to install the tank and connect the water supply.

To prevent dirt and dust from penetrating under the toilet, it is recommended to lubricate its base with silicone grease.

Features of connecting a product with an oblique outlet to the sewer system

Connecting devices with oblique outlets is typical for houses that were built back in the 1950s. Often, the installation of such products occurs in conjunction with cast iron fittings. To connect oblique outlets of devices with cast iron fittings, a cement mortar is used, with which the cracks are sealed.

Before inserting the device into the cast iron socket, a mixture of red lead and drying oil is applied to its surface, and a resin strand is wound on top. After this, the outlet hole is re-coated and inserted inside the socket. This connection option is called dirty. Before final installation of the device inside the socket, holes should be pre-drilled, and it should be secured after installation in the slots.

However, this is not the only option for connecting a toilet with an oblique outlet. The clean version involves the use of a rubber cuff. This cuff is placed on the toilet outlet pipe, after which the connection is made.

Features of installing a toilet with horizontal outlet

Connection of toilet with sewer from plastic pipes carried out for devices with horizontal outlet. This connection method is convenient due to its ease of installation. First, the sewer is removed from the wall, after which the device is installed close to the incoming sewer hole.

Such a requirement as installing a toilet with a direct outlet from the socket at a short distance must be taken into account at the planning stage of the sewer system. In apartment buildings, this release option is irrelevant, since it is necessary to build a 110 mm pipe into the wall.

A horizontal pipe should come out of the central sewer system, into which the toilet is installed through a cuff or using a corrugation. It is recommended to seal the joints to prevent the penetration of unpleasant sewage odors.

Features of installation of a product with a vertical outlet

Toilets that have a vertical outlet form are installed mainly in old houses. The product includes a siphon and a pipe, so the outlet is located at the bottom of the device. Devices of this type can be placed in close proximity to the wall, since there is no need to leave free space for connection to the sewer.

The toilet is mounted on the sewer inlet. Devices with vertical outlet are equipped with all necessary elements, which make it possible to ensure the tightness of the joint. The tightness of the connection is ensured thanks to the sealing ring. At the final stage, after installing the toilet on the sewer hole, all that remains is to secure it with 2 nuts.

The disadvantage of this version of the product is that installing it on cast iron sewer impossible. In addition, you will need to install the pipeline directly into the floor, which causes some problems.

How is the toilet connected to the water supply?

Water supply and sewerage have no relationship. To connect the toilet to the water supply, you will need to connect a plastic pipeline to the installation site of the device. It is recommended to install a valve on the pipeline near the toilet so that, if necessary, you can always turn off the water supply in an emergency.

The connection between the water supply and the tank is made using a rubber hose in a steel braid. The water supply must be connected to the tank immediately after the device is connected and installed.

Connection to sewerage wall hung toilet carried out in the same way as devices with horizontal release. In this case, the device is fixed not directly to the floor, but to the wall. Significant disadvantage Such products are incapable of supporting a person’s heavy weight, so if there are obese people in the family, then this option should be abandoned.

Now you know what connection methods exist, so you can install a toilet in your house or apartment yourself without the help of specialists in a convenient and acceptable way. If installing the device is difficult, you can always use the services of plumbers.