Installation of a septic tank at high groundwater levels. Septic tank for high groundwater levels: how to choose and install on the site. Option #1: garden auger and rod

Owners of private houses and dachas located in regions with high humidity soil, they know well how difficult it is to arrange a local sewer drain in such extreme conditions. High level groundwater– the reason for the high cost, because to ensure complete wastewater treatment, a special septic tank is required to provide additional treatment of clarified sewer water.

A high groundwater level is considered to be its location at a depth of a meter or more relative to the soil surface. If we compare this indicator with the requirements of SNIP - special technical document, which should be taken into account when constructing a sewer system, it becomes obvious that immersing a septic tank to the required depth in such conditions is quite problematic.

Of course, there is a way out. Experts have long developed engineering structures that make it possible to use sewerage systems without problems when groundwater levels are high. However, owners need to be prepared for additional financial costs and an increased volume of construction work.

In short, a septic tank is a part of the sewer system that provides outflow and storage of contaminated domestic and economic water, as well as fecal waste.

With a sufficiently clean sewer system (without connecting toilets to common system drainage), the septic tank may have a filter bottom and walls to ensure the slow absorption of liquid into the soil surrounding the structure. This technique makes it easier to maintain the sewer system - cleaning the drain is required much less often. In other cases, safety for humans and the environment is ensured through the use of sealed septic tanks. Sealed drains are pumped out regularly, depending on the intensity of sewer use.

Danger of incorrect placement

When placing a septic tank in soil with a high groundwater level, there are two main problems.

Danger of environmental pollution if the seal of the structure is broken. Sewage water, mixing with groundwater, enters drinking water or penetrates into vegetable beds and garden plots. Such unsanitary conditions are the reason for the spread of dangerous to human health infectious diseases. Besides, drinking water loses transparency and taste.

The second problem is related to the destruction of the septic tank or the so-called ascent. Obviously, a safe septic tank is a sealed container. Manufacturers make such structures from polyethylene, polypropylene, and fiberglass. All of the above materials are light in weight. The septic tank can float up during a flood or be squeezed out of the ground when it freezes (soil heaving). The displacement of the structure causes depressurization of the drain pipes. This also leads to environmental pollution and additional repair work for sewerage restoration.

Experts recommend strengthening sealed sewer water inlets using concrete slabs or columnar foundation.

Determination of groundwater level

In this regard, it is indicative that they are extremely sensitive to groundwater. In case of floods or heavy rains, it is necessary to measure the height of the water surface in the well. It will inform the owners quite informatively about soil moisture.

If there is no well on the site, you can drill the soil with a garden drill and use it to determine the location of the water. Test drilling is carried out during the period of spring flooding of the site or after heavy rain.

It’s even easier to talk to neighbors who have lived in a particular area for a long time, who are probably well aware of the condition of the soil.

It should be noted that middle lane Russia has a high groundwater level. In some areas, water may be located as little as 20 centimeters from the soil surface.

Which septic tank is preferable?

As noted above, the tightness of the storage tank is an important technical parameter of the septic tank. A sealed design will help avoid most problems.

In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to save money by using it. Concrete well unable to ensure complete tightness! Of course, owners can spend money on additional waterproofing. However, this will not guarantee the absence of an emergency situation when the slightest displacement of any concrete ring will cause sewage waste to leak into the soil surrounding the septic tank.

Installing such a structure will not be easy - strengthening the septic tank in the ground requires additional building materials and work.

Choosing material for a septic tank

When choosing a septic tank, several technical factors should be taken into account:

  • weight of the structure;
  • its tightness;
  • reliability in operation.

Concrete rings are the most unreliable construction material. Water will seep into such a storage well all the time, and over time it will lose its tightness and begin to release untreated sewage waste into the environment.

Brick structures have all the disadvantages of concrete rings. In addition, brick is a more expensive building material, and you will have to hire specialists to do the masonry.

Old plastic or iron containers (such as barrels or tanks) – relatively a budget option sealed septic tank. Disadvantages include small capacity and the need for reliable fastening in the ground.

Factory septic tanks are the best option for installation provided that sewerage is used in soils with high groundwater levels. Owners can choose structures of any suitable capacity. Typically, the device has several chambers designed for settling and filtration. Such septic tanks are equipped with reliable hatches and are made of durable materials with low thermal conductivity. The disadvantages of installation include the need to install additional fasteners.

Biological treatment systems are the most modern and functional septic tanks that allow you to clean and disinfect sewage. As a natural reagent, special ones are used that decompose waste into sludge and water that is safe for nature. The disadvantages of the system include its high cost and dependence on power supply - fresh air must be constantly supplied to the cleaning chambers.

How to install correctly?

To ensure the reliability of the structure, it is necessary to lay a concrete pad at the bottom of the prepared pit. The septic tank is strengthened on this on a reliable basis. Then the owners do not have to worry about the container accidentally floating up during spring floods. If a ready-made concrete slab is used, its weight must be at least half the weight of the septic tank. For example, a Topas brand septic tank for five people weighs 230 kilograms. The concrete slab used as a foundation should not weigh less than 115 kilograms.

Work on installing a septic tank includes the following steps:

  1. filling the bottom with sand (up to 10 cm);
  2. digging a pit;
  3. lowering a concrete slab with steel hinges to the bottom to secure a storage tank or installing
  4. loops and filling the bottom with concrete;
  5. if pouring was performed, the concrete should sit for one week to achieve maximum strength;
  6. installation of a heating cable and spraying of insulating materials on the septic tank structure;
  7. lowering the septic tank into the prepared pit;
  8. securing the structure with hinges at the bottom of the pit;
  9. connection sewer pipe or its insert (sealant must be used!);
  10. checking the heating cable and filling the pit with sand (the so-called sand backfill).

Correct operation

After completion of installation work, the sewerage system is put into operation. To ensure its uninterrupted operation, it is necessary not to forget about timely maintenance And basic operating rules.

The topic of today's publication is the use of a septic tank for a summer residence with a high groundwater level. The successful implementation of such a project will help solve the problem of waste disposal at minimal cost.

Read in the article:

Creation of an autonomous sewer system for a dacha with a high groundwater level

Even if you decide to entrust all the work to professionals, your own knowledge on this topic will come in handy. They will help you buy a septic tank for high groundwater without overpayments, and monitor the actions of performers during installation operations. It is necessary to clarify the operating rules in advance so as not to create unnecessary difficulties in the future. Extending the service life is very important since a large volume is expected earthworks, surface leveling, application of landscape design. Repeatedly performing such actions is associated with significant costs.

You have to choose reliable design, which is capable of ensuring tightness over a long service life. During operation, the liquid washes away the soil and pushes the container upward. Such impacts can damage the connection to the transport system. In winter, it is necessary to prevent freezing of the installation and consider protection against heaving forces. Here are the main tasks that will have to be solved in practice. Taking this information into account, we will evaluate specialized equipment as a whole and its individual components, cleaning technologies, factory products and homemade products.

Determination of groundwater level

Similar research is done during the creation autonomous water supply

Geological research precedes the construction of a house to clarify the depth of installation of the foundation and calculate the drainage system. If there is no such information, the check can be done using a regular garden auger. They also dig pits, but this method is accompanied by significant physical exertion.

The surveys are planned for the period of spring floods, when maximum high level groundwater (GW). The drilling pattern is determined in advance, taking into account the intended installation location of the main structural elements of the septic tank itself and the sewerage routes.

The purpose and principle of operation of septic tanks for summer cottages with a high groundwater level

Such structures are installed if connecting to the main municipal sewer is impossible or too expensive. Cesspools are characterized by low productivity. These outdated cleaning products are still used in dachas. But for year-round use, septic tanks are much more convenient.

The principle of operation of septic tanks for summer cottages

The figure shows the main components of a modern equipment set. Domestic waste They flow by gravity through a non-pressure pipeline into the first part of the tank. Here solid particles sink to the bottom. The processes of biological decomposition begin immediately. Partially treated wastewater enters the second department, where a “biofilter” with aerobic bacteria is installed to speed up work processes. To increase efficiency, such installations are supplemented with forced air supply devices. From here the liquid enters the infiltrator. This unit distributes wastewater over a large area.

For your information! Using this scheme, you can achieve a purification level of up to 97-98%. It is completely safe for the environment. To get this result you need to do correct calculation and do not violate the rules for operating a septic tank for a summer residence with a high groundwater level.

Special anaerobic bacteria are also used. They are cultivated using special techniques in an oxygen-free environment. Beneficial decomposition processes using such agents occur inside the wastewater. The obvious advantage is the simplification of the design due to the elimination of the aerator, which reduces energy costs. But to maintain the activity of such fillers, it is recommended to add a new portion of activators at least twice a month.

Expert opinion

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“In any of the options, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the life of beneficial microorganisms. It is necessary to prevent the entry of chlorine and other harmful compounds and antibiotics into sewage drains. Don't forget about vents and pipes. They are needed to remove gases that are released during the fermentation process.”

Basic rules for installing a septic tank on the site

Please note that the figure shows the permitted distances to any part of the treatment facility. To clarify the data, you need to study the current legislation:

StandardsDocumentScope of application, features
Construction norms and rules (SNiP)2.04.03-85 Construction of local treatment systems, transport routes for moving wastewater.
SNiP2.04.01-85 (2.04.4-85) Location of water supply sources and components in relation to treatment plants.
Sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN) Restrictions on environmental protection zones near open water bodies.
SanPiN2.2.1/ The boundaries of free space near septic tanks and other objects that can harm the environment.

The list of restrictions is too long for detailed consideration in one publication. But it should be noted that the approved rules provide for many important factors:

  • filtration and throughput different types soils;
  • the impact of runoff on different types of plants;
  • direction of groundwater flow.

Minimum distance from the septic tank to various types buildings are installed as follows:

  • residential building – 3 m;
  • workshops, garages, other outbuildings – 1m;
  • buildings intended for keeping poultry and small livestock - 4 m.

The distance to the border of the neighboring property must be at least 2 m. It is imperative to take into account the distance of the marked objects in the adjacent territories.

Calculation of volume and formulation of technical requirements

If you are guided by the provisions of SNiP 2.04.03-85, single-chamber septic tanks for summer cottages with a high water level are suitable for a wastewater volume of no more than 1 m³ per day. In such a structure, new ones are constantly added to the accumulated pollution. Poorly soluble fatty wastes block cleansing functions. Quite often you have to use the services of vacuum cleaners.

A two-chamber structure is used with a wastewater volume of 1−10 m³/day

In some systems, the bottom of the second container is removed. Pebbles and other granular materials are poured there to create an additional filtration layer. But such a solution is not suitable for a dacha with a high groundwater level. In the project under consideration, all septic tank containers are made airtight.

For larger quantities of wastewater (>10 m³/day), three-chamber treatment systems are used. The capacity of the containers can be distributed in the proportion of 50%−30%−20%. But these numbers are not mandatory. The use of certain technologies is essential.

You also need to correctly calculate the required total volume. For accurate calculations, you can find a thematic calculator. The engineering formula takes into account several parameters:

  • wastewater storage/processing time;
  • standard standard for one person;
  • content of suspended impurities in the outlet pipe;
  • temperature of the incoming liquid.

Related article:

After reviewing the information provided, you can get a more complete understanding of the structure of your home sewage system and wastewater treatment system and consciously begin choosing the design of a treatment facility.

The correct solution of everyday problems is quite acceptable using simplified calculations. Suitable septic tank for a dacha with a high groundwater level, it must contain so much waste that there is enough time for them efficient processing. Difficulties arise here, which can be explained different positions regulatory authorities. According to building codes, the capacity of such a structure must be at least 3 days’ volume of sewage. Sanitary standards indicate the minimum level of contaminants that is allowed to be sent naturally into the ground for final cleaning.

With average pollution levels, you can use a proportion of 1.7−2.2 m³ per user. Thus, 5.5 m³ is enough for a family of three. It is better to make a reserve of 10-15% to avoid insufficient treatment when the volume of wastewater increases.

For your information! For an accurate assessment, it is necessary to take into account the salvo discharge. This indicator indicates the ability to maintain functions while quickly passing through the maximum amount of wastewater.

If we are talking about storage capacity, then you will have to increase the size. The average amount of waste per person is 200 liters. The tank capacity of standard sewage disposal equipment is from 4 to 5.5 m³. If you save too much on the initial investment, you will have to use the corresponding services more often.

When installing a compact septic tank for a dacha with a high groundwater level with a volume of 2 m³, it will be necessary to call specialists for removal every three days

Types of septic tanks with high groundwater level

Storage septic tanks with high groundwater levels - an analogue of a cesspool

A large tank is installed underground to save space on the site

The location of the structure is chosen in accordance with the rules discussed. The depth is determined by the level of soil freezing. It should be higher than the main tank. A suitable neck is selected accordingly.

In this option, one camera is enough. To simplify control, install float sensor, which signals that the container is full. Since quite frequent emptying is expected, the installation site is chosen closer to the border of the land plot, and a wide and durable passage for freight transport is built.

Expert opinion

VK design engineer (water supply and sewerage) LLC "ASP North-West"

Ask a specialist

“Remember the standard distance to public roads - at least 5 m.”

Budget septic tanks for a summer residence without pumping

Wiring diagram installation of a septic tank for a summer residence

Such sets are produced in different options execution. The main container is divided by partitions into 2-3 functional parts. The standard package includes a cover, inspection ladder, ventilation system pipe, and other components. As a rule, the model range is compiled taking into account typical needs. It is easy to find an option suitable for a particular property.

For your information! With the correct choice of equipment parameters, solid waste removal will be required no more than once a year.

Biological treatment stations

What does a biological treatment station consist of?

After multi-stage wastewater treatment, it is ensured good level cleaning. Modern stations are capable of removing up to 97-98% of all impurities, which corresponds to the best multi-chamber septic tanks for a summer residence. Such structures are ideal for areas with high groundwater levels. They are sealed and perform their functions without an additional drainage field. In this case, regular removal of solid sediments will not be necessary. Routine flushing can be performed independently or with the help of a service department.

Comparative analysis of different septic tanks for a summer residence with a high groundwater level

Septic tank typeAdvantagesFlaws
CumulativeLight weight, reasonable cost, tight design.

Lack of filtration fields, complex mechanisms and technologies.

Easy to care for.

The need for regular use of sewage disposal services.

Significant loads on the road surface.

Multi-chamberLong-term preservation of performance without calling sewage disposal equipment.

High level of cleaning.

Possibility of environmental contamination if the filtration field is installed incorrectly.

Reduced efficiency in the presence of substances and dangerous microorganisms in wastewater.

Biological treatment stationCompactness.

Easy to install.

No additional cleaning area.

High price.

Such equipment must be connected to the electrical network.

Its complexity means an increased likelihood of breakdowns.

Features of materials for making cameras

Concrete septic tank with high groundwater levels

A septic tank consists of many components - basic and additional.

A standard solution is not suitable for our project. Septic tanks for dachas with high groundwater levels are well insulated to prevent environmental pollution. To do this, close the bottom of the third container and drain the drainage from it to the drainage field.

High-quality factory-made reinforced concrete products retain their integrity for decades. They are designed for significant mechanical loads. They are not damaged by aggressive chemical compounds. However, it is necessary to take into account the difficulties during transportation, during unloading and installation operations. To install large products, it is necessary to dig a large pit. Careful sealing of the joints, additional equipment with a hatch and connecting pipes will be required.

Using standard reinforced concrete products it will not be possible to optimize the volume. When the soil heaves in winter, displacement of the rings is possible. In such a situation, soil contamination occurs. To restore the integrity of the structure and joints, a complex set of works is performed.

Plastic, combined materials

In such products, protection from loads is provided by a metal frame. Will come in handy:

  • tightness;
  • chemical neutrality;
  • light weight.

But, as in the previous example, you will have to handle standard containers of a certain volume. Additional equipment will be required: a neck, a large hatch, and connecting pipes. The total financial and labor costs will be quite large.

More profitable to purchase ready set

The photo shows typical features:

  • flat support (1) providing good stability;
  • stiffening ribs (2) to strengthen the structure while maintaining low weight;
  • separate functional chambers (3) designed for sequential wastewater treatment;
  • built-in pipes (4);
  • shafts (6) and hatches (5).

With a low weight, such a structure is pushed upward when the groundwater level rises. It needs to be fixed in its normal position. Disadvantages include limited strength.


Related article:

The structure, principle of operation, requirements for location, independent equipment of treatment facilities for a private home - read in the publication.

You can make such a product yourself if you have the appropriate skills or by ordering it from a specialized workshop. In any of the selected options, it is permissible to use required sizes, shapes, placement internal partitions, other unique solutions. By using a sufficiently thick sheet, it is not difficult to provide the necessary strength.

However, it should be noted the significant cost of a high-quality steel septic tank. The work of a qualified welder is highly valued.

A layer that protects against corrosion is required. It can be damaged during installation. Therefore, special care and thorough preparation of the base will be required.

Fixing the septic tank from floating and protecting against soil heaving

Algorithm of installation operations:

  1. The pit is dug in accordance with the diagram provided by the manufacturer's instructions. Observe the established slope of the walls.
  2. At the bottom, a sand bedding of 250-350 mm is made, followed by compaction.
  3. A reinforced concrete slab is installed. An additional layer of sand (without stones and other large fractions) 150-200 mm thick is made on top.
  4. The septic tank is being lowered. Install supports if there are no flat supports.
  5. Fill the container to ½ of the nominal volume with water.
  6. Anchors are screwed into the reinforced concrete slab. Cables (tapes) are connected to them. Fix the septic tank in the desired position.
  7. Fall asleep free space in the pit in layers (200−300 mm) with a tamper. At the same time add water.
  8. To prevent damage from heavy transport, a reinforced concrete slab with a hole for the hatch neck is installed on top.

When installed in clay soil The septic tank is pushed out by heaving forces. They form in places where water transforms into ice and then expands. To prevent damage, the container is installed at a depth below the freezing level. It is also useful to replace the original soil with sand, which allows moisture to pass through and performs damping functions.

Installation of an above-ground filtration field

If there are no natural elevations, an artificial embankment is created. To supply wastewater there, a pump is installed in the distribution well. Pumping equipment is selected taking into account the contamination of the liquid.

For your information! The location of the final part of the cleaning at ground level and above increases the cost of the project.

Rating of septic tank manufacturers for high groundwater levels

PlaceBrandFeatures of the model rangeNotes, positive features
1. TopasThe range includes models with cleaning performance from 0.8 to 3 m³ or more per day.

To increase efficiency, the manufacturer offers multi-stage treatment in multi-chamber septic tanks (up to 5 working volumes).

The narrow specialization of the manufacturer helped to occupy a leading position in the market.

Experts and users note the high quality of cleaning, reliability, and timely implementation of the latest specialized technologies.

2. TankSeptic tanks under this brand are represented by the domestic enterprise Triton Plastic.

Productivity of popular models: 0.6−1.8 m³/day.

Reasonable price policy complemented by careful development of the smallest details.

These treatment plants are well prepared for operation in difficult conditions.

3. TritonSpecial series of the production enterprise "Triton Plastic".

Current model range There are storage tanks and multi-chamber septic tanks.

Affordable cost, wide range, ease of installation on your own.
4. TermiteProductivity of popular septic tanks (m³/day): 0.4; 0.6; 1.

The range includes models specially adapted for installation in areas with high groundwater levels.

Seamless casting technologies allow you to create strong, durable structures without defects.

Each product is checked special complex tests before shipment to the retail chain.

5. PoplarThe manufacturer offers specialized equipment for household and commercial use. With the appropriate equipment, a large septic tank of this brand is capable of treating more than 20 m³ of wastewater per day.The equipment of this brand is distinguished by high quality compressors and other additional components.

The limitations of technological solutions do not allow us to take a higher position.

Estimated prices for septic tanks for summer cottages

Brand/Modelprice, rub.Specifications, notes

79800−82300 Productivity: 0.8 m³/day.

Salvo discharge - up to 175 l.

Designed for a family of four.

35 800−37200 Storage device.

Volume − 3 m³.

Weight −135 kg.

48 500−49800 Multi-chamber septic tank for a summer residence with a high groundwater level.

Volume: 2.4 m³.

Productivity – up to 0.9 m³/day.

92 400−96500 The volume of processing per day is up to 1.9 m³.

Salvo discharge - 470 l.

Electricity consumption – 50 W/hour.

71 500−73600 Cleaning capacity: 0.5 m³/day.

For a family of 2-3 people.

A 40 W compressor is included.

To get a detailed look at the parameters of the models you like, you can find relevant reviews on the Internet.

qwelle13, Moscow: Advantages: comfort! Quick installation, no dirt on the site! The installation of a septic tank takes place in one day. Work began in the morning at 10:00 and ended at 16:00. The work is turnkey, meaning you can immediately use the toilet. The final cost includes the price of the septic tank, delivery, installation, and setup.

Disadvantages: maintenance is required once a year, but apparently this cannot be avoided.

More details on Otzovik:

What is the best septic tank for high groundwater levels?

Correct conclusions can be drawn only after a careful preliminary study of the actual conditions in the plot of land. In addition to the groundwater level, the possibility of placing equipment in accordance with current standards and regulations is checked. The usual and maximum needs and mode of use are clarified. Based on the collected data, a suitable model is searched for.

Please use the publication's attachment for answers to additional questions. Here you can also post your own comments on cleaning methods and operating features of specific septic tanks for dachas with a high groundwater level.

Video (installation of wastewater treatment equipment):

Problems with sewerage treatment cause a lot of trouble for owners of suburban real estate. The most pressing issue facing owners of private houses is connecting to the central sewerage main. In rural areas, sewer pipelines are a rarity.

Creation of an autonomous sewerage system in a private household

To create comfortable living conditions, homeowners need to take care of the disposal of liquid human waste themselves. There are only two options for resolving the issue:

  • create a local treatment system with a cesspool;
  • install a septic tank for high groundwater levels.

IN economically the second option is considered less expensive. For a house in a rural area, it is necessary to install a septic tank for the dacha. A high groundwater level will require additional costs for pumping and removal of accumulated liquid. And the services of a sewer truck are expensive.

Installing a factory-made septic tank will require large investments in initial stage construction of a sewerage system. But during operation, the costs will more than pay off. Which septic tank to choose for a private home if the groundwater level is high is a question that should be studied in detail.

If moisture comes out at a depth below three meters, then feel free to buy any installation. But when liquid appears in a meter thick soil, then the choice of equipment for autonomous sewerage is limited to several models, which will be described below.

Determination of groundwater level

There are several ways to find out this parameter:

  • ask neighbors, ask old-timers settlement where your house or cottage is located;
  • drill a well one and a half to two meters deep (which corresponds to optimal level, in which it is planned to place a septic tank for a high groundwater level).

Important! The optimal time of year for determining the exact horizon of liquid underground in a specific area is considered to be early spring, when the snow melts.

The obtained measurement results will become the starting parameter in the process of selecting and purchasing the equipment necessary to create a sewerage system in a private house.

Installing a septic tank requires special construction technology. The equipment is carefully fixed to a concrete base.

Otherwise, during the spring flood sewage tanks squeezed out of the ground. Depressurization will occur, and environmental damage will be caused to the surrounding area.

Operating principle

The process of drainage, collection and disposal of sewage is quite simple:

  • dirty water flows through pipes into the first container;
  • insoluble suspensions settle at the bottom of the settling tank;
  • Fermentation begins in the water thanks to bacteria living in the tank (they feed on solid deposits);
  • The gas released by microorganisms - methane (it is explosive) is released through the drain pipe into the atmosphere;
  • 75% purified liquid flows into the underground drainage layer or onto the filtration field;
  • sediment settled at the bottom is removed independently or by utility workers.

The additional installation of a biofilter in the septic tank increases the degree of wastewater treatment by up to 90%. Anaerobic bacteria process solid impurities in the sewer and turn them into sludge. From time to time the sediment is removed manually.

After initial purification, the liquid enters the aeration tank, where the fermentation process continues. The rate of accumulation of wastewater in autonomous sewerage tanks depends on the intensity of water use and the number of people living in the house.

Calculation of the capacity of the treatment plant

Sanitary standards require that a septic tank for a high groundwater level contain a three-day volume of sewage. Legislative acts The water consumption for domestic needs is set at 200 liters per day per person living in the house. Consequently, for families with four members, septic tanks will be required at high groundwater levels with a minimum tank volume of 2400 liters.

Most on-site treatment plants have two or three chambers.

The capacity of the second container may be reduced by one quarter in relation to the first.

When designing a structure, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of accepting salvo discharge.

This parameter is calculated based on the level of placement of the device for transferring liquid from the first container to the second.

The higher the outlet is located, the less free space remains in the first receiving compartment. The location of the overflow pipe determines the performance of the septic tank.

Which septic tank is better

A review of plumbing devices for local sewage systems revealed that the market offers a lot of models for consumers with excellent technical characteristics.

Based on sales volumes and studying customer reviews, we have compiled a short rating of factory-made installations:

  • "Ecopan". Consists of six chambers made of durable polymer. Its power is enough to dispose of waste for 6-8 people;
  • installation "Breeze". Capable of meeting the needs of 3-5 people permanently residing in country house. The equipment consists of a double tank with a biofilter;
  • septic tank "Count". Modular design. The set is made up of one, two or three containers;
  • local cleaning system "Astra". Sewage station with high performance. The specific model is selected according to the number of residents in the house. Capable of recycling wastewater from several cottages.

Without a doubt the best septic tanks industrial production installations are recognized. Manufacturers guarantee 100% tightness of their equipment. Homemade designs, for example, a prefabricated reinforced concrete septic tank, copes much worse with high groundwater levels.

Factory installations are equipped with a filtration system that meets the requirements of sanitary standards and cope excellently with loads.

Equipment manufactured in industrial conditions has powerful protection against mechanical external damage.

Homemade sedimentation tanks are not able to compete with factory-made installations. Often their seal is broken and leaks into the ground occur.

Helpful advice. If the homeowner does not have experience in installing sewer systems, we recommend inviting a specialist for consultation. A professional will study the features of the territory and determine the required volume of waste disposal. He will help you choose and tell you how to properly install a septic tank at a high groundwater level in order to protect it from arbitrary floating.

Storage type equipment

These septic tanks are purchased for installation in households with temporary residence of people. Concrete septic tank When the groundwater level is high, it is ideal for placement in dachas. Simple and inexpensive models are designed for processing small volumes. The capacity of the container is determined based on the average daily water consumption of one person: 60-300 liters. For cleaning you will have to order a sewer truck. It is necessary to weigh all the arguments, and only then make a decision in favor of purchasing and installing a storage type.

When choosing equipment, pay close attention to the thickness of the tank walls. Keep in mind that it will need to withstand enormous loads. Ground pressure increases in areas with high groundwater levels.

The location for the structure is selected taking into account the provision of free access for the sewer truck.

You can make a storage tank yourself. Ideal option considered monolithic reinforced concrete structure. It corresponds to the main parameter for septic tanks with high groundwater levels - tightness.

To create a treatment local construction accumulative type are used:

  • iron containers;
  • plastic containers;
  • Eurocubes.

The wastewater is directed into a container buried in the ground. The high location of groundwater is not an obstacle to such structures.

The main disadvantage of storage septic tanks is high operating costs and distribution unpleasant odor(it intensifies during pumping).

Biological wastewater treatment

The equipment is manufactured only in factory conditions. Septic tanks create conditions for bacteria to live. They process waste coming from the sewer into a collection container. To maintain conditions for the productive activity of biological microorganisms, the liquid must be saturated with oxygen. For this purpose, air compressors are included in factory kits. The movement of liquid from one chamber to another is carried out by an integrated pump.

A septic tank for a high groundwater level with a biological treatment function is considered the most effective structure for the disposal of sewage waste. The purified liquid can be safely used for watering the lawn, vegetable garden and garden.

Septic tanks have low energy consumption. The only drawback is the high cost of the equipment. High-quality designs, unfortunately, do not come cheap.

The procedure for installing a septic tank in an area with a high groundwater level is as follows:

  • dig a pit, the size of which exceeds the dimensions of the installation by 50 cm around the perimeter;
  • lay a concrete slab at the bottom of the pit or fill the area with a solution of sand, crushed stone and water;
  • securely secure the equipment to the sole;
  • fill half the containers with water and fill the hole with soil to the same level, watering the layers of soil with water from a hose;
  • add liquid to the septic tank to the full volume and finish backfilling the pit.

Unreliably secured plastic tanks can float during spring floods. To avoid such a nuisance, in areas with a high level of groundwater for fastening installations, except anchor bolts, bandage belts are used.

Settling basins made of concrete rings

They are constructed using lifting mechanisms. Reinforced concrete rings installed in a pre-prepared pit. Their quantity is determined by the three-day volume of sewage or the depth of the dug hole.

The first ring is installed on a concrete base.

The second is placed on top of the mortar. If necessary, install both the third and fourth rings. All seams are covered cement mortar with liquid glass.

A concrete septic tank with a high groundwater level is considered the best structure for personal plots among similar systems built with one’s own hands.

The advantage of the design is reliability and durability. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the complexity of installation work. You can't do without a truck crane. Defective rings may have subtle cracks, which will shorten the service life of the structure.

Eurocube system

The idea of ​​​​creating a septic tank for autonomous sewage from several sealed containers appeared recently. But she has already managed to conquer many fans of building treatment plants with their own hands. To create a septic tank you will need to purchase two or three Eurocubes. They are installed sequentially in the pit.

The attractiveness of the idea consists of:

  • an inexpensive way to create a septic tank (the price of a Eurocube is lower than factory-made equipment);
  • ease of installation (the container is light in weight);
  • resistance of polymers to aggressive environments.

Negative points: it is impossible to ensure forced flow of liquid between containers.

Do-it-yourself installation and installation

Construction of treatment facilities on personal plots from rubble stone, brick, old tires for trucks or other improvised materials are a thing of the past. The main obstacle to the homemade devices listed above is the inability to eliminate leakage of wastewater beyond the containers.

Metal tanks must be coated with an anti-corrosion compound. The service life of iron containers is shorter than that of polymer products.

Keep in mind that if you decide to build a septic tank with your own hands, a high groundwater level indicates in favor of choosing plastic tanks. They are sold in any size and in various configurations. Tanks are made from:

  • polyethylene;
  • polypropylene;
  • fiberglass.

The tanks have high strength against mechanical damage and successfully withstand high blood pressure soil and chemical reagents(detergents and cleaning products, washing powders).

Helpful advice! For homemade septic tanks for deep wastewater treatment, install the overflow pipe at a level, retreating from the top edge of 1/2-1/3 of the height of the tank. A pipe embedded at this level in structures made from Eurocubes will provide free space to receive a salvo discharge of 300 liters.

A few words about the installation and The high level of groundwater greatly complicates the construction of the structure. Keep this in mind.

Monolithic reinforced concrete structure

The ideal solution to the issue would be to install monolithic structures, from which a septic tank is made up at a high groundwater level. User reviews indicate that this is the best solution to create an autonomous sewerage system.

External and internal surfaces are covered with a waterproofing compound.

To overflow the drains, holes are made into which pipes are inserted.

The movement of liquid between tanks is an important condition for the normal functioning of the installation.

The top plate is made with holes for the hatch and vent pipe. The sewer line is laid from the house through a trench half filled with sand.

Filtration fields

They are created on personal plots with high groundwater levels. The final treatment of sewage wastewater takes place at a specially created site. For this purpose, determine the place where the liquid will be discharged at the outlet of the septic tank.

The fertile layer of soil is removed from the marked area. The edges are embanked. The pit is filled with sand mixed with fine crushed stone. Purified water is discharged into nearby water bodies or into the drainage system.

Company Trans-Unit will help organize sewerage country house in short time and by pleasant prices in Moscow.

A septic tank is a completely unique structure. It can not only accumulate waste over a period of time, but also clean it and even recycle it. Therefore, these devices are superior to conventional drainage pits.

Many people would like to install this equipment on their site. But they don’t know which model to choose. For example, there is a special septic tank for high groundwater. What is its advantage over others?

Increased water levels are a common phenomenon in Russia. Water can be found by dripping only to a depth of 20 cm. This is a difficulty, but there are sewage systems that are not afraid of this, and they are able to cope with this problem.

Below are models that are ideal for areas with high groundwater levels.

Catalog of septic tanks for high groundwater


Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo release: 210

Processing volume, m3/day: 1

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Model price:
RUB 77,615 -5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 2

Salvo release: 200

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Model price:
RUB 84,740 -5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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?The most popular septic tank based on the results of 3 months of sales, having only positive reviews buyers.

Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 6

Salvo release: 270

Processing volume, m3/day: 1.3

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Model price:
RUB 85,500 -5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo release: 390

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Model price: 90 100 rub.

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo release: 250

Processing volume, m3/day: 1

Add to comparison

Model price: RUB 90,800

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo release: 250

Processing volume, m3/day: 1

Add to comparison

Model price: 93,000 rub.

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo release: 200

Add to comparison

Model price:
RUB 85,950 -10%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 2

Salvo release: 200

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.5

Add to comparison

Model price:
RUB 92,815 -5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo release: 200

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.75

Add to comparison

Model price:
RUB 88,200 -10%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo release: 320

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.9

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Model price: RUB 99,450

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo release: 390

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.9

Add to comparison

Model price: 102,000 rub.

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo release: 250

Processing volume, m3/day: 1

Add to comparison

Model price:
RUB 89,250 -15%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 3

Salvo release: 250

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.75

Add to comparison

Model price:
RUB 100,035 -5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo release: 320

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.9

Add to comparison

Model price: 106,000 rub.

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 8

Salvo release: 370

Processing volume, m3/day: 1.6

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Model price:
RUB 100,700 -5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 7

Salvo release: 550

Add to comparison

Model price: 113,000 rub.

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 7

Salvo release: 500

Processing volume, m3/day: 1.2

Add to comparison

Model price: 117,000 rub.

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 3

Salvo release: 250

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.75

Add to comparison

Model price:
RUB 111,245 -5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Popular manufacturers of septic tanks for high groundwater levels

The Topas autonomous septic tank is well suited for areas with high groundwater levels. This is what many owners choose suburban areas. The point is the variety of advantages of this equipment:

  • Natural recycling of waste;
  • No sounds;
  • Does not require pumping;
  • No unpleasant smell;
  • Installation, both during the construction of the house and after its completion;
  • Service life from 50 years;
  • Works at any temperature;
  • Reasonable price.

Also suitable devices can be found in the Unilos Astra range. Their features are as follows:

  • A septic tank combines 2 types of cleaning: mechanical and natural. Thanks to this, waste treatment reaches 95%;
  • No unpleasant odors;
  • The entire system weighs very little, which makes it easy to deliver and install;
  • The septic tank body is made of environmentally friendly waterproof material;
  • Reasonable cost;
  • Does not require pumping;
  • Shelf life from 50 years.

Eco Grand septic tanks have a biological waste treatment system. They can be used both regularly and periodically. This does not in any way affect the degree of waste treatment.

Advantages of the system:

  • No waste pumping required;
  • No unpleasant smell;
  • Made of durable material, environmentally friendly;
  • Can be used within all year round, regardless of the ambient temperature;
  • Long service life.

Why should you choose autonomous septic tanks for high groundwater levels?

When you have to choose a septic tank for your dacha, a high groundwater level can become a hindrance. Therefore, experts recommend choosing not storage systems, but autonomous ones.

The choice is made based on how many people will need to be served. For example, if no more than 3 people live in a country house only in the summer, you can purchase a septic tank with a reservoir with a volume of up to 5 m3. It is clear that for continuous use of the device throughout the year or for a larger number of people, you need to choose a system with a large reservoir volume.

Important! The most important thing is that when the groundwater level is high, the system has a forced release of water. In other words, you should opt for septic tank models with a pump. Thanks to this, purified water will be discharged to the surface of the ground, which means that groundwater will not enter the device.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The septic tank body must be made of durable and strong material;
  • The device should weigh little;
  • The system should be easy to install.

When choosing, it is important to seek advice from specialists. They will be able to recommend a septic tank adapted to the Russian climate, purifying waste up to 98%, without unpleasant odors or sounds.

Some people do not want to install septic tanks on their property just because they do not want to spoil appearance territories. However, experts found a way out of the situation here too. After installation cleaning system you can make her look beautiful alpine slide! And the problem is solved.

Important details:

  • It is advisable to install a septic tank at a distance of at least two meters from a residential building;
  • If it is installed at a distance of 15 meters from the house and further, it must be equipped with intermediate wells;
  • It must be installed at a distance of 15 meters from a source of drinking water.

Only a specialist can take into account all the important points. Therefore, you should not engage in amateur activities. It is necessary to involve professionals in installing a septic tank!

We are located at:
Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 131

If the central sewerage system is unavailable, home and dacha owners install autonomous system for wastewater treatment. A septic tank for high groundwater is constructed according to special rules, otherwise the device will quickly become unusable. If the groundwater level (GWL) in the area is less than 1 meter, carefully select the septic tank model and take measures to protect it from the harmful effects of subsoil moisture.

Problems of sewerage arrangement at high groundwater level

Installation and operation of a septic tank with high groundwater is complicated for several reasons:

  1. The complexity of manual excavation work. Digging a pit or backfilling while standing in water is difficult and uncomfortable.
  2. Difficulty in performing soil purification. It is practically impossible, since damp soil is not able to absorb water. For this reason, the construction of a filtration well or filtration fields is ineffective. To overcome this situation, the filter elements are placed above the ground, on a special platform. This technical solution requires additional costs - a drainage pump that pumps the contents of the septic tank into infiltration tunnels (cassettes). To prevent shallow cassettes from being torn apart by frost in winter, they are covered with earth: such a mound can be disguised as flower bed.
  3. Ineffectiveness of a prefabricated septic tank made of concrete rings. The most popular option for local sewerage due to high humidity almost always loses its tightness. As a result, wastewater seeps into the soil, and external moisture enters the well. What to do if there is groundwater in the septic tank? The answer is obvious: you have to call a vacuum cleaner. Otherwise, liquid from an overfilled container may flow in the opposite direction through the outer pipes.
  4. Possibility of “floating up” of a plastic tank under the pressure of groundwater. The phenomenon, caused by the low weight of the structure, threatens to rupture the sewer pipeline. To “anchor” the container, it is mounted on a concrete base and rigidly fixed to it. If the septic tank floats up, the drains will have to be pumped out of it, dismantled and flushed, and then reinstalled.

Will help neutralize the disadvantages of high groundwater level preventive measures at the sewerage design stage, choosing the optimal model treatment plant.

Requirements for the septic tank and its placement

When choosing a septic tank for a dacha or a house in an area with high groundwater, take into account the following design characteristics:

  1. Tightness. Since the body will be in constant contact with wet soil, even the most thorough waterproofing will eventually become unusable. The best option– one-piece plastic container. If you choose a cast concrete tank, you will have to ensure that cranes and trucks can enter and work in the area. In addition, concrete gradually begins to let water through, even if its surface is treated with hydrophobic compounds.
  2. Dimensions. When choosing a model by size, take into account the characteristics of nearby ground moisture. The height of the tank should not be too high: you will have to dig a deep hole under it, and it will be filled with water all the time.
  3. Volume. It is determined by calculating the three-day average amount of wastewater entering the sewer system. Take into account the number of residents and devices connected to the sewer: toilet, washing machine and dishwashers, shower stall, bathtub (its capacity also plays a role). A small reserve is added to the calculated volume of liquid drainage. It is important that the container is not empty, otherwise microorganisms that process waste may die due to lack of nutrition.
  4. Design. So that the septic tank does not float up at high groundwater levels , it is securely secured with clamps or ties. In this plan more convenient design, which already has loops or eyes for fixation.

The cleaning system is installed in compliance with generally accepted sanitary standards: at a distance of at least 5 meters from a house or road, no closer than 15 meters from a well or well. There must be at least 30 meters to an open reservoir.

Installation features

When deciding how to make a septic tank if groundwater is close, sometimes developers install a regular single-chamber storage tank without burying it in the soil. This scheme allows you to save materials, reduce the complexity of installation and speed it up. But a storage autonomous sewer system is justified only when servicing a small dacha with a small number of residents and sanitary equipment. In other cases, the dimensions of the tank will be too large, but despite this, you will often have to call a sewage disposal truck.

The most rational option for high groundwater levels will be one of three options:

  1. Installation of a three-section anaerobic septic tank. In the first compartment, the wastewater is settled and divided into fractions, and in the second and third it is further purified. Thanks to infiltrators used in factory models instead of filter wells, 95% of the purified liquid is absorbed into the soil. Usually the product is sold disassembled: its components are assembled at the installation site according to the diagram provided by the manufacturer.
  2. Self-assembly of a sewer system with an infiltrator from sealed plastic tanks or Eurocubes of suitable volume. The resulting compartments are connected to each other by pipes.
  3. Installation of an aerobic septic tank. It is a biorefinery station that supplies oxygen necessary for the activity of aerobic bacteria. To ensure natural air flow, a biofilter is installed - a plastic tank with expanded clay and a special ventilation system. There are energy-dependent filter models into which air is forcedly pumped using an air compressor for aeration.

To independently install an anaerobic wastewater treatment system in the presence of high groundwater, proceed as follows:

  1. Two wells are dug at a distance of 2 meters from each other. The dimensions of the pits are calculated so that there is 15 cm on each side between the walls of the containers and the earthen slopes. The bottom of the pits is leveled (the result is controlled by level), sand is filled with a layer of 30 cm, and compacted. A reinforced concrete slab with special embedded loops is laid on the sand cushion. If the passage of lifting equipment for laying massive reinforced concrete slabs is difficult, the bottom of the wells is filled with concrete mixture on their own, having previously installed embedded parts for fixing the tanks.
  2. Using a bandage, each container is secured to a concrete base (belts are passed through its top cover). The manufactured sections are connected by a pipe for water flow. A drain from the house is connected to the first tank. Without filling the wells with soil, proceed to the next stage.
  3. Dig a hole no more than 0.5 meters deep, with a perimeter half a meter larger than the cassette. The excavation is filled to the top with sand and compacted; concrete slabs 250 mm high are placed along its contour. The resulting container is filled with medium-fraction crushed stone (20-40 mm).
  4. Cassettes are placed on a crushed stone bed. They are connected to the second tank, in which a submersible drainage pump is installed (before this, electrical wiring is installed to connect the equipment). Must be installed float switch with a moisture-resistant cable to start the pump when the container is filled and turn it off when the minimum level is reached. It’s better to play it safe and install two pumps: the float of the backup unit is set to a higher switching level so that it will work if the main one malfunctions.
  5. When making a sewer system, the factory infiltration cassette can be replaced homemade device. For this purpose, take an oblong plastic container without a bottom (similar to a pipe), many small holes are made in it to allow the settled liquid to exit into the ground. The cassette is used only in conjunction with a septic tank, otherwise the holes will become clogged with untreated wastewater. A ventilation pipe is installed at the exit from the infiltration tunnel.
  6. Backfilling. To protect the plastic from interseasonal soil heaving, wells are filled with a special composition: 5 parts sand to 1 part dry cement. Backfilling is carried out gradually, compacting and spilling water on each layer. To prevent the flexible plastic from bending, the chambers are gradually filled with water so that the liquid level constantly exceeds the level of the soil backfill.

It is more convenient to carry out installation work in the summer, when the groundwater level is lowest. If the container is still filled with water, pump it out and then continue installation. It is recommended to install a ring drainage around the treatment plant. Dig a trench buried 20 cm relative to the freezing line of the soil. They make a sand cushion, lay perforated drainage pipes to drain groundwater in a geotextile shell, and fill them with sand and crushed stone.

Industrial production models

If preference is given to purchased installations, the question arises: which septic tank is the best for high groundwater? There is no definite answer here, since equipment is produced with different technical specifications and in a wide price range.

  • "Tank" (manufacturer "Triton Plastic"). Universal three-chamber septic tank made of plastic. In the second section, anaerobic purification occurs, the third can serve as a biofilter.
  • "Mole" (Aquamaster company). It is equipped with hull protection against floating and a compact biofilter.
  • "Multplast". Multi-chamber model equipped with a drainage pump. If desired, you can install an aerator and upgrade the installation to station level deep cleaning.
  • "Bioton-B" (PolymerProPlus company). It consists of three sections, also includes a biofilter and a compartment in which a drainage pump can be placed.