Installing water meters with your own hands - rules and procedures. How to install a water meter in an apartment What is placed in front of the water meter

According to the adopted law, all homeowners must install water meters. Deadlines are constantly moving, but sooner or later they will have to be set. There are a decent number of organizations that can do this for you. For a fee, of course. Some operating companies offer to do this for free and are even willing to provide a counter. But the bills for these water meters are cosmic - the figures are too high. Therefore, installing water meters with your own hands - the best way out from the situation if you do not want to pay the company for services.

Profitable or not

There is no longer any need to think about whether a water meter is needed or not - a law has been passed according to which everyone is required to install one. But many people wonder how profitable it is. If there are as many people living in the apartment as registered or less, installing a meter is beneficial. It is also beneficial if, say, someone moves to a dacha for the summer or spends a vacation there. If the situation is diametrically opposite - fewer people are registered than live, it is not profitable for you to install a meter. But there is no escape from this.

How big will the savings be? permanent residence depends on the calculation method adopted in your management campaign and how intensively you use water. At a minimum, you will save about 30%, but there have been cases when payments after installation were reduced significantly. This may happen if the house has a common meter. In this case, based on the results of the month, the consumption of those residents who have meters installed is subtracted from the total readings, and the remainder is divided among the remaining apartments according to the number of registered people. Usually those who actually have more people living with them than registered do not install meters. In this case, the consumption per month per person can be 8-10 cubic meters of cold and approximately the same amount hot water. In fact, even if you don’t save much, you get about 3 cubes of cold and 2 hot. So it really does make sense.

Install it yourself or through a company?

According to current legislation, the installation of water meters is at the expense of the homeowner. That is, you must buy a meter and install it at your own expense. Representatives of the water utility or DEZ seal installed water meters free of charge.

Self-installation procedure

Self-installation of water meters is possible. Nobody should object. You just have to do everything yourself - install the meter, and call a representative of the housing office to seal it. What you need:

All papers are reviewed, a standard contract is filled out, you sign it, and at this point it is considered that you pay for water according to the meter.

How to hire a good firm and what they should do

There are two ways to find a company that installs water meters: take the list from the Economic Protection Agency or find it on the Internet yourself. The list will definitely include companies with licenses, but obviously not all of them that work in this area. On the Internet, you must check for a license. A copy of it should be posted on the website.

Then, in any case, you should read the standard agreement that the company will conclude with you. It must contain a complete list of services. The conditions may be different - someone provides their own meter, someone installs yours, someone comes with their own spare parts, someone works with what the owner has. Based on the combination of the list of services provided, you make a choice.

Previously, the contract had a clause about after-sales service and without it, companies did not want to install meters. Today this clause is recognized as illegal, since in fact there is no need to service the meter, and it should not be in the agreement, and if it is, you have the right to refuse these services and not pay for them.

Preparing for installation

If you have not chosen any campaign, you must leave a request to them. There are two options - some companies accept applications on their website and may even offer a discount for this, while others prefer to see you in the office and sign an agreement.

In any case, first a representative of the campaign arrives (you agree on the date and time of arrival), inspects the “field of activity,” assesses the condition of the pipes, takes measurements, and often takes photos of communications. All this is necessary so that you can develop a meter connection diagram and quickly assemble it. Then they should call you and confirm the date and time of installation of the water meter. In this conversation, you need to find out who negotiates the disconnection of the risers with the operational campaign. Normal companies take care of this.

Installation of water meters by campaign representatives

At the appointed time, a campaign representative (sometimes two) arrives and does the work. In theory, they should agree with you on what and how to place it, but this does not always happen. Upon completion of the work (usually takes about 2 hours), they give you a certificate of completion and a special paper on which the serial numbers of the metering devices are written. After this, you must call a representative of the government water channel or DEZ to seal the meter (in different regions different organizations do this). Sealing of meters is a free service, you only need to coordinate the time.

The certificate that you were given during installation must contain the initial meter readings (they differ from zero, since the device is verified at the factory). With this act, a photocopy of the organization’s license and the passport of your water meter, you go to the DEZ and sign a standard agreement.

How to transfer data

You will need to submit actual consumption data monthly. The procedure is implemented differently in different regions, but basically there are several ways:

  • pieces of paper torn and filled out from the subscription book are placed in special boxes;
  • leave data in personal account on the website of the water supply organization;
  • send emails with testimony to a special address of the organization.

There may be other methods - each water utility or diesel power plant develops them itself. If there are several ways, you choose the one that is easier for you.

Water meter readings can be transferred to the campaign website, to their email address or put tear-off slips in a special box

Water meter installation diagram

It doesn’t matter whether you install the meter through a company or with your own hands, you need to know what the correct diagram should look like - it is very desirable to control the process.

Where and how to install: choosing a location for a water meter

The meters are installed immediately after the riser in a straight section before the first branch to the plumbing fixtures. There are water meters that can only be installed in a horizontal position; there are models with the ability vertical installation. Just keep in mind that in a horizontal position the accuracy of the device is higher than in a vertical position and it is not a fact that it will count less. So it is very advisable to find a way to place it “lying down”.

What and why should be in the diagram

The standard water meter installation diagram looks like this:

Now let's take a closer look at what each element is needed for.

A ball shut-off valve is needed to turn off the water if necessary - to repair the faucet, clean the filter, change the meter, etc. Therefore, its presence is mandatory. It must be placed so that it is convenient to turn the valve.

The coarse filter catches the largest particles that are in the water supply. It must be installed so that the outlet is directed downwards. Otherwise it will clog quickly.

All these elements most often have internal threads. So that they can be connected to each other, connecting elements are used, which are often called “slopes”. They have on both sides external thread And small area flat pipe (in some cases only a few millimeters). with their help everything is connected to each other.

Optional Schema Elements

Often after the counter they put check valve. It is required so that in the absence of analysis, water does not flow in the opposite direction. This also prevents the reading from increasing in the presence of unstable pressure.

It also cuts off two more unpleasant situations: and prevents cold water from flowing from one pipeline to another. This happens if someone has a hygienic shower installed on the riser (on the toilet or bidet), a shower stall with cheap faucets. They do not have check valves and such overflow is possible.

Check valve circuit

If the pressure cold water higher than hot water, then cold water reduces the temperature of the hot water supply, and in the opposite situation, hot water can flow from the cold water tap. Therefore, installing a check valve for both cold and hot water is highly desirable, but not required.

Sometimes it is recommended to install another shut-off valve after the check valve. It is needed so that when removing the meter or when cleaning the same filter, water from the pipes in the apartment does not drain onto the floor. In principle, you can substitute a container, but this is not always possible. There is water in the pipes ordinary apartment about 6 liters, collecting from the floor is not the most pleasant experience. But this element of the harness is installed or not at the request of the owner.

There is another device that can be installed - a pressure reducer. It stabilizes the pressure in the system, extending the “life” of the entire household appliances and taps/mixers. Placed after the coarse filter. Not the cheapest thing, but very useful.

Some subtleties and nuances

When purchasing a meter, you need to make sure that the number in the passport matches the number stamped on the water meter. The device must also bear a sign that it has been certified. The passport must have a stamp with the date of factory verification. The “newer” the date, the better - the more likely it is that you will not be forced to check it before installation. Another one required part— store record of the sale with a stamp. If the meter malfunctions, you will be given a certificate with which you can demand its replacement.

It is also very desirable that the factory verification date be “more recent” - you will not have to carry the device for verification longer.

Installation features

When installing water meters, all threaded connections must be sealed - the pressure in the lines is serious. For this, linen winding or fum tape is used. If you use a winder wound around a thread, it is advisable to lubricate it with packaging paste - it will make the work easier. The fum tape does not need lubrication, it is itself elastic.

One important point: when tightening connections, do not use excessive force - microcracks may appear, which will then lead to leakage of the connection.

If you have steel pipes coming from the riser outlet, you will need welding or a grinder to cut off the now unnecessary piece. You will also need to cut a thread at the end of the pipe (if there is none) - this is the only way to connect the shut-off valve. On the reverse side the situation is the same - you will need either a transition fitting or thread cutting.

Flow direction

When assembling all the parts, pay attention that there is an arrow on the body of each. It may not be there except on the ball valve, since it doesn’t care in which direction the water flows. Although, if installed incorrectly, you will have to turn the handle in a different direction, but this is not fatal. For other devices - meter, filter, check valve and reducer - the direction of flow is critical. Therefore, when assembling, position them so that the water flow follows the arrow. This is really important.

If there are no arrows on the body of the listed parts, most likely you have the cheapest and possibly low-quality part. If possible, it is better to replace it with a normal one; if not, find out the direction of the flow yourself; by examining the structure, you can understand where the flow should move.

As you can see, installing water meters with your own hands is possible, but there are quite a lot of features. And one more thing: when you negotiate to turn off the risers, ask not for two hours, but better for four. And pre-assemble everything without winding, measure the length, figure out where and how everything will be placed, draw where you need to cut, weld, install holding clips (if the pipeline is from), etc. In general, do as much preparation as possible. In this case self installation water meters will be completed with a minimum of hassle.

Video on the topic

After entry into force Russian law regarding the mandatory installation of water flow meters in residential premises, the issue of self-installation of such metering devices has become especially relevant. And all because individual installers and companies working in this area have raised the price of their services literally “to the skies”.

Meanwhile, installing a water meter yourself is a simple matter that does not require any special vocational training. The installer will only need to be careful and careful.

Table of contents:

Which counters to choose?

Before you put something on, you need to choose this “something”. And water meters are no exception. Experts are confident that the best meters are mechanical turbine ones (with an impeller). But electronic variations - this may be “cool”, but it’s just unreliable. Practice shows that electronic meters break down much more often than others.

Metering devices designed for cold and hot water have different designs. Visually, each is marked with a colored stripe: the cold water meter has blue markings, and the hot water meter has red markings. And it is imperative to install these devices correctly (“cold” device for cold water, and “hot” device for hot water), otherwise they will not pass pre-operation verification.

It is best to buy the most ordinary meters, without any bells and whistles. Especially when it comes to self-installation. Moreover, all devices sold in stores have passed mandatory certification. All that remains is to verify and seal them after installation, but this is the concern of specialists.

When purchasing a water meter, you should make sure that it is fully equipped, according to the accompanying specifications. The set must include:

  • mesh filter;
  • a pair of connectors equipped with nipples, gaskets and union nuts;
  • as well as a check valve.

Important: All this should be sold together with the meter, and not separately and for an additional fee.

When purchasing a device, you must also check its passport. The document must be printed in a printing house and certified by the manufacturer's stamp. The serial numbers in the product passport must completely match the numbers on the device.

Important: Under no circumstances should you be content with a photocopy of your passport for the meter when purchasing. Such a device is not will be registered and verification, which means it will not be allowed for operation.


Quite often, a factory water meter is also equipped with a shut-off valve with a hole in the pipe eye for sealing. Permission to install such a device should be obtained from the local water utility inspector. The buyer is required to ensure the quality of the device.

The main thing is not to purchase a meter equipped with a silumin tap, since this type equipment is subject to sudden destruction under the influence of intergranular corrosion. For use, it is better to choose stopcocks made of metal-plastic.

Some technical features

  1. If there is a fire drain in the room where water meters are installed, it is necessary to install a valve on the bypass pipe and subsequently seal it with the participation of a water utility inspector. In theory, firefighters should also be notified about this valve, but this is not supported by any regulatory act, so the decision to call specialists or not remains with the owners of the premises.
  2. If DHW system in the apartment is designed on two pipes (this happens, although not often) and the owners of such housing are well familiar with the concept of “elevator unit”, it is possible to install water meters in this living space, but you will need to purchase an additional bypass valve for the circulation pipe. Otherwise, the counter will “wrap” serious numbers into the payment receipt utilities.
  3. Important technical point is also the temperature in the room where the meters are installed. According to the specifications for such devices, the temperature cannot drop below +5°C. In apartments this is not important, since the temperature will not drop below this indicator, but in unheated basements of private houses the issue will have to be resolved somehow. And again with the participation of a representative of the water utility.

In some cases, it turns out to be easier and cheaper to insulate and wall up a basement pipe by installing a meter in the toilet.

Verification and first seal

The “life” of a water meter in a specific apartment or private house begins with its verification. And before you pay money for a device in a store, you should make sure that zero marks are set on it, and ask the seller to check the functionality of the equipment. And if later during commissioning it turns out that the device is faulty, and the expert issues an appropriate conclusion about this, the seller will be obliged to replace the device.

Verification of meters is carried out either by the water utility's instrumentation service, or by the centralized instrumentation of the locality/district, or by the instrumentation of the local housing department. Verification can also be carried out by a private entity that has the appropriate license.

Important: In any case, the verification procedure is free, you should know and remember this. This is written in the law on gas and water meters.

You should check with your management company or housing department about which organization to have your meters verified. According to current legislation, the chief engineer of the housing maintenance office or management company must answer all questions in this area to interested users. He has a corresponding job description for this.

Verification procedure

For verification, water meters are sent accompanied by a factory passport. And after the procedure, the corresponding stamp of the instrumentation service about completion should appear in this document. After verification, the required passport fields are also filled in.

In principle, specialists will undertake the verification of even the “left” device for which there are no documents. Only then will you have to pay a set amount - the cost of the registration certificate according to the tariff. In this case, the verification procedure itself will also be paid, because the law applies only to devices that have passed the appropriate certification.

As for sealing, the instrumentation service will tell you the date, that is, the date on which you can pick up the device with the seal. This seal cannot be broken, since the water utility will not allow such a meter into operation.

Counter space

By existing rules Water meters should be installed as close as possible to the entry of the water supply pipe into the premises.
But before allowing the meter to be used, the water utility inspector must make sure that there is no possibility of cutting into the water supply to the installation site of the meter. Therefore, if you install the device yourself, you should choose an area that will not raise questions from the inspector.

In city apartments, inspectors, as a rule, do not have any complaints regarding the installation of meters. But in private houses they look much stricter. There are certain requirements that must be met:

  • the distance from the pipe exiting the wall or floor to the meter should be no more than 20 cm;
  • the water well in the local area must have a permanent structure;
  • the main well must have a durable and lockable metal lid;
  • the cover of the capital well must be sealed;
  • To carry out well work that requires breaking the seal on the lid, it is necessary to call a water utility inspector each time to unseal and then seal it.

Meter installation

In fact, self-installation a device for metering water consumption is a simple matter. It is performed according to the following scheme:

Just a few things to consider:

  1. There should be no water draw-off devices before the ball shut-off valve.
  2. If the pipes are metal, then their first and last joints (along the watercourse) are waterproofed using FUM or Unilok. For the remaining joints, a standard seal will be sufficient.

As for the actual node elements and their purpose, these are:

  • shut-off ball valve that shuts off the water supply to the room;
  • a mesh filter that collects fine suspended matter from the water flow and prevents clogging of the meter;
  • a check valve that prevents the meter readings from rolling back.

Regarding the installation of metering devices, it is worth noting only one, but quite significant nuance: during the installation of the meter, the filter drain pipe (the one that sticks out at an angle) must be turned down if the meter is horizontal, and sideways if the device is installed vertically. With this location of the pipe, water will not flood the device in cases where it is necessary to disassemble the filter for cleaning.


Upon completion of installation, you should make sure that the meter is functioning properly, nothing is leaking anywhere, and water can be used without any problems. Next, you should as soon as possible contact the water utility or the organization servicing the house (private or multi-apartment - no difference) with an application for the installation of metering devices. Otherwise, residential water consumption will continue to be calculated at the established maximum.

Within 3 days from the date of the residents’ application, the operator’s inspector must visit the apartment or house. And by the time of his visit, homeowners must have a passport and a verification certificate for the installed meter/meters ready. The inspector will record its initial readings in the device commissioning report and will also conclude a service agreement. And in addition, it seals the instrument unit.

Important: You should carefully read the terms of the contract before signing it. There should be no exorbitant subscription fees, “insurance” for breaking the seal and fictitious frequent verifications (say, once a quarter or more often) at the expense of the subscriber.

From the moment the contract is signed, the owner of the apartment/private house or the responsible tenant pays for water according to meter readings. He must also have the following documents on hand:

  • a second copy of the concluded agreement;
  • technical passport for the meter (if it was in a single copy, the inspector can take it with him, but only to make a copy, with a return);
  • a copy of the signed act on putting the device into operation.

Some cases from user practice

During the operation of water meters, the following situations may well arise:

  1. The water flows poorly, although the neighbors do not complain about this. Possible reason This state of affairs means the filter is clogged. You cannot remove it and clean it yourself, because this will require breaking the seal. An application must be submitted to the operator. And according to the law, he will have to do everything for free, including re-sealing.
  2. The seal was accidentally broken. In this case, there is no need to try to “fix” anything - this operation is fraught with large fines if traces are discovered. You only need to immediately notify the operator about the incident (on the first working day, if the incident happened on the weekend), and within 24 hours he will have to send a specialist to draw up a report and reseal it. If you delay and the inspector discovers a broken seal, the amounts for water will be recalculated to the maximum since the last verification (and a lot of time can pass) plus a fine will be issued for failure to report.
  3. It is necessary to carry out work that requires breaking the seal. This is where refilling will cost money. If the work is carried out by a third-party organization or a master, all expenses are at their expense. If the work is carried out by the owner or tenant of the apartment, you will have to pay yourself.
  4. Verification (scheduled and unscheduled). Residents often suspect that the meter shows too much water consumption. In this case, you can order an unscheduled verification. It will be free once and will help resolve the doubts of concerned users.

While the meter is being verified, water calculations for an apartment or private house are carried out according to average statistical indicators (minimum) for a particular region. Scheduled inspections are naturally carried out “according to plan” (and more often they are not carried out, since few authorized persons carry out such inspections on their own initiative without complaints from apartment/house owners and tenants).

"Complicated" apartments

What should those who have a two-pipe hot water supply or, for example, a fire hydrant in their home do? They cannot install water meters themselves. For these purposes, it is necessary to invite professionals from the local water utility or from a specialized contractor.

Installing water measuring devices at home is a profitable business. And do-it-yourself installation in this situation is doubly beneficial. True, you will have to tinker to do everything right. That is why it is worth first calculating own strength and opportunities. It might be easier and cheaper to invite craftsmen.

This article covers in detail the question - how to correctly replace or install a water meter yourself, installation diagrams, how to choose a water meter, what tools and documents will be needed, etc.

Under the current conditions, the time for standardized water consumption has not yet arrived, but the first step towards this is to record its consumption using water meters.

Installing a water meter these days is required by Federal law (penalties are applied to force the population to install it), and in order for it to work correctly, it has been developed typical diagram connecting the water meter in the apartment.

Is it possible to install a water flow meter yourself - what does the law say about this?

The ability to install a water meter yourself is not specifically stipulated by law; the law only obliges all citizens Russian Federation have them in stock.

The only thing to save the population from the temptation to distort the readings of water meters is that sealing them independently is not allowed. All work must be performed by certified organizations that have the appropriate license.

At the same time, all water meters must meet the requirements of the standards and be included in the list of permitted installations in apartments. However, specialists from authorized organizations will offer the apartment owner certified water meters, with which there will be no problems.

You are allowed to install a water meter yourself, but the device will not be sealed and registered, so additional efforts will be required to register it.

Until 2012, in order to install a meter on a pipe, it was necessary to contact the territorial housing administration with a statement - the rules for installing water meters in an apartment did not provide otherwise. Now you can connect everything yourself.

Install the meter by representatives of the management company - registration procedure

Nowadays, you are allowed to install a water meter in your apartment yourself. But if you still decide to install a metering device by company representatives, you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Submit an application to the housing and communal services office according to the affiliation. Here you should be able to choose from a list of specialized organizations that install water meters for water in apartments
  2. Next, you need to sign an agreement with the contractors for the installation of a water meter in the apartment and their further maintenance
  3. Upon completion of the installation work in the apartment, a certificate of acceptance of the equipment and its commissioning is drawn up.
  4. Simultaneously with drawing up the report, the water meter is sealed.
  5. An agreement is concluded with the operating organization on the use of these devices to calculate payments for used water.

Install for free – to whom the law provides free installation of the device

It should be noted that according to the law, a certain group of citizens can install a water meter free of charge.

This service can be used free of charge by:

  • citizens with a total income below living wage;
  • WWII participants;
  • incompetent citizens belonging to the first and second groups;
  • citizens raising disabled children.

In some regions of the country, the local government may supplement this list of citizens entitled to a free replacement by law (for example, pensioners); for completeness of information, this must be clarified in local authorities self-government.

Installation diagram for a water meter in an apartment

Install measuring device for general house use is possible only in compliance with all the requirements of SNiP and in strict accordance with the project. Such work is performed only by specialized organizations. The situation is somewhat different with indoor water meters.

The rules for their installation have not been developed to this day, and this is unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future. The only thing is that you must strictly follow the installation instructions contained in the manual supplied with the device. Here are some provisions that must be adhered to:

  1. Water meters in the apartment should be installed in easily accessible places with prerequisite direct visual accessibility.

  1. It is necessary to maintain the length of straight sections of the pipeline up to and behind the device.
  2. Most apartment water controllers are equipped with the necessary pipes to solve the problem outlined in the previous paragraph.

Water must enter it through the filter (2). The meter (1) is connected to the piping. At the points where such a unit is connected to the pipeline, shut-off ball valves are installed to ensure that the internal wiring is disconnected if repairs or replacement are necessary without shutting off the riser.

It should be noted that it is preferable to use two types of filters - coarse and fine. This will provide more long work not only filters, but the entire system as a whole.

In order not to interrupt the water supply during repairs or verification of the metering device, it is advisable to include in the wiring diagram bypass with ball valve. It will be a little cheaper to keep an insert of the required length in stock, which can be installed during repairs.

How to choose the right water meter

When selecting a water flow controller, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the diameter of the internal distribution pipe. Recommended sizes are shown in technical documentation on the meter and this circumstance must be taken into account first.

Last but not least, the cost of the meter matters. Having purchased the cheapest of the suitable options, you can make a mistake in another. You also need to take into account:

  • warranty period and operating time;
  • duration between verification period;
  • ease of installation and assembly;
  • the release date of the water meter, because during the time it is on the store shelf, its resource inexorably decreases.
  • type of device - below we will consider in detail the main modifications, here we can briefly note that they are non-volatile and powered by an electrical network

The service life of cold water meters is usually about 6 years, and hot water meters - 4 years.

It should be noted that the next verification of metering devices (after 6 years for cold water and 4 years for hot water) rarely gives a positive result. As a rule, water meters are considered unsuitable for further use.

Place of installation of the water meter in the apartment

The generally accepted connection location is at the inlet riser. The shut-off valve is installed first, followed by all other equipment.

It must be remembered that the crane on the riser is the responsibility of the management company. If a malfunction is detected, you should contact them.

Replacing a water meter in an apartment, at whose expense is it carried out? There is no free replacement or installation. Must be used for work paid service specialized services or companies. If possible, the work can be done independently, but registering the device in the apartment and installing a seal on it is the responsibility of the management company.

The rules for replacing water meters are simple:

  • after installing the water meter, you must submit an application to the management company for sealing and registration of the new device;
  • Attach a connection diagram in free form to the application;
  • You also need a photocopy of the meter's passport.

Coordination of the arrival time of a specialist who must check the correct installation of the equipment and install seals on the water meter itself and the bypass lever, if one is installed. Violation of the integrity of the seals automatically prevents the use of meter data, and fees are charged on a general basis based on averaged data.

Signing the act of putting the device into operation provides for mandatory monthly transfer of data to management organization. Currently, water meters are produced that are connected to the control network and transmit data automatically.

You should also ensure that management company employees have access to the meter for control.

According to the standards, such a visit is required no more than once every six months, but if you did not allow the employee to inspect the water meter earlier, this may become a reason for accrual according to the standards.

Tools and materials for self-installation or replacement of a water meter in an apartment

Before installing or replacing a device, you should determine the need for materials and check the availability necessary tools. And this is preceded by a thorough examination of the condition of the working water meter:

  1. Shut-off valve between the riser and the water meter. You need to make sure that it is working; if it does not lock, the replacement event will have to be postponed until the malfunction is resolved by the management organization in charge of this product. An application can be sent to the dispatch center by telephone.
  2. The coarse water filter must be checked for throughput. To do this, you need to remove the cover and remove the filter element. It must be thoroughly rinsed and cleaned to ensure the integrity of the mesh.
  3. The check valve is used in this unit only if there is a storage tank in the system.
  4. The actual water metering device. Its suitability for further use is determined by the results of verification. As a rule, based on its results, the water meter is recognized as unsuitable for further use.
  5. Ball valve with internal thread. Its functionality is checked by closing it and checking for leaks on the nearest console.

The decision on the suitability and further use of the listed parts is made based on their ability to efficiently perform their main functions.

Watch the video on how to make the replacement yourself

If the water meter is being replaced, then first of all it is necessary to dismantle old system. Threaded connections in water pipes tend to “stick” over time. When disassembling them, damage to parts at the joints is possible.

To avoid this, before disassembling it is necessary to treat the threaded connections with proppant fluid (for example, VD-40). After applying it to the threaded connections, you need to let it sit for about 10 minutes, and then repeat the operation. The costs of this product are small; if you can save at least one detail, they can be considered justified.

From materials it is also necessary to purchase means for sealing threaded connections. Their use is mandatory. For this purpose the following are used:

  1. Traditional material- flax tow.

  1. FUM tape is a fluoroplastic sealing material. Available in the form of tape on reels. It is wound onto the thread in several layers. When installed, the mating part is destroyed, filling all irregularities on the surface of the threads and, thus, preventing fluid from seeping through.

  1. “Tangit Unilok” cord is a material made from the same fluoroplastic, but in the form of a cord.

In addition to the listed means, a silicone sealant in the form of a gel is actively used for this purpose, which is desirable to have when replacing a water meter.

Before starting work, you need to purchase sealing washers made of rubber or silicone. However, a good owner always has them in stock.

To carry out work on installing or replacing a water meter in an apartment, you do not need a large set of tools. It's enough to have a few wrenches.

You can also use adjustable wrenches, but they are less convenient to use. It should be understood that it is undesirable to use tools with corrugated jaws, since they cause serious damage to the surface of the parts.

Replacing water meters in an apartment, procedure

First of all, it should be noted that with the massive distribution of water metering devices, there have also been massive attempts to make a business out of this, built on deception. Increasingly, calls are heard in the apartments of water meter owners about the time for the next verification and replacement of these devices.

As a rule, representatives of private organizations call, regardless of the operating life of the current device. The replacement is presented as planned or forced under various pretexts. When replacing a water meter first How legitimate are these requirements?

You should know that:

There is practically nothing to break in this device; it consists of one moving part that does not have a significant moment of inertia. The readings change when a magnet mounted on the turntable passes through. The rotor operates in aquatic environment, which acts as a lubricant, ensuring long-term operation of the mechanism.

As we have already established above, the decision to replace the accounting device is made only by the owner of the apartment in which it is used. He is also responsible for the accuracy of the data presented. A critical indicator for forced replacement of a water meter is the service life limit specified in the passport.

Above, we have already discussed the procedure to follow if it is necessary to replace the water meter in an apartment. Physically installing a water meter with your own hands is absolutely elementary. You need to unscrew the two American nuts of the old device and tighten two new ones. Naturally, you need to use sealing agents and replace the gaskets.

There is no difference in installing devices for cold and hot water. In general, these two types of meters are practically no different, except for the extreme permissible temperatures operation. For cold and hot, the lower level is 0.1 degrees, and the upper level can differ significantly, so it is specified according to the passport data.

For hot water, the upper limit is limited to 70-130 degrees. Obviously, a device for hot water can also be used on a cold pipeline with the same results.

A significant difference is the cost of the devices, which is higher for hot water devices. This is due to the use of heat-resistant materials for them, the cost of which is much higher.

Which meter to install in the apartment

Devices can be used to measure water flow various types:

  1. Induction or electromagnetic provide connection to the electrical network. TO positive aspects This includes the absence of mechanical components, which determines a long service life. The principle of operation is the use of electrical conductivity of water. Very demanding on the purity of the liquid, which is not distinctive feature our water pipelines. It has a high price, which does not contribute to its popularity.
  2. Ultrasonic water meters work on the principle of comparing the speed of ultrasound in the direction downstream and against it. They are very demanding on water purity and have a high cost. Energy dependent, rarely used.
  3. Tachometer the devices operate from a fluid flow acting on an impeller. A cycle is each revolution marked by the action of a magnet. Non-volatile, operate stably in environments with suspended solids. But since contamination contributes to increased wear of the impeller, a coarse liquid filter must be installed in front of the water meter. Affordable and most popular.
  4. Pulse– operate using a reed switch that closes a low-current circuit at each revolution. Available pointer indicator, duplicated by a digital scale with consumption indicators. The device is volatile and requires a network connection. In terms of price, it is budget-friendly, which explains its popularity.
  5. Vortex The devices operate on the principle of measuring the flow speed behind an obstacle of a special shape. The flow characteristics are analyzed by a special electronic device. Volatile, expensive.

From the given characteristics, it is obvious that the most acceptable devices for use in our conditions are simple and reliable non-volatile tachometer devices.

Sample documents for registering water meters

The proposed forms of documents for replacing water meters are not mandatory. Many management companies have their own ways of designing the process. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with them directly from these organizations.

The final act of registering the replacement of water metering devices in an apartment is sealing the meter.

Sealing water meters

The very fact of applying a seal to the water meter is confirmation of the correctness of the work performed and the use of the permitted type.

Therefore, the right to perform such an action is entrusted to special organizations - the local Gorvodokanal or HOA (may differ by region). To initiate such an action, the user of the device submits an application to this organization, where the date and time of arrival of the specialist is agreed upon.

After installing the seal on the water meter and bypass (if any), a corresponding act is drawn up, which is the basis for the management company to switch to calculating payments for water based on its actual consumption. Meter readings and transmission of data to the management company are carried out by the consumer himself.

We looked in detail at how to install water meters in an apartment. It's a hassle, but worth your attention, which will be reflected in your water bills. And everyone can install the device with their own hands House master.

Watch DIY installation video


At the end of 2009, our country adopted a law on energy saving, obliging all owners of buildings, structures, residential buildings, as well as individual apartments and premises to apartment buildings ensure accounting of water coming from water supply networks.

The feasibility of installing water meters

Installing water meters requires funds; nothing is being done for free now, but the law does not provide for funding for these activities from the budget. The costs required to install water meters are borne by the building owners. The Russian government considered that the savings received after installing metering devices would cover the costs of their installation.

To date, the installation deadline for metering devices has expired, despite the fact that they have been postponed several times. Nevertheless, the equipment of apartments, and especially individual houses, remains at a low level. The reasons for this situation are obvious:

  1. Lack of production capacity to produce a sufficient number of metering devices at the time of adoption of the law;
  2. Difficulty in installation and commissioning (at the initial stage, only organizations engaged in construction activities had the ability to install water meters);
  3. Lack of penalties for citizens who do not comply with the law.

Payback of the meter - Photo 03

The installation of a meter in itself is not a water saving measure. It’s just that with it we stop thoughtlessly pouring water, forgetting to turn off the tap, or not repairing a leaking toilet flush tank for months. Thus, the overall consumption of drinking water is reduced and utility bills are reduced. The cost of installing water meters pays off for quite a long time, but given the reduction in payments for sewerage, saving 20-30 rubles per month per person is not difficult.

The payback of the hot water meter occurs even faster due to high cost thermal energy. And the installation individual devices accounting on credit for up to 5 years at the Central Bank refinancing rate, which is the responsibility of the energy supply organization, actually becomes free.

Legal regulations affecting the process of installing metering devices

For owners who do not want to equip their premises with meters, the law provides for sanctions in the form of forced installation of water meters by the energy supply organization. But this provision of the law does not yet work, since the mass installation of metering devices has led to a decrease in the income of organizations supplying water to settlements, since the state limits the growth of tariffs.

Laws are constantly being improved; for example, since 2011, independent installation of water meters for individual houses and apartments has been allowed. Since 2015, changes to the “Rules for Setting Standards for Public Utilities” have come into force, putting rubles on the pockets of careless owners. Most regions of the country already have increased standards for water consumed without meters.

Costs for water supply and sanitation for owners who ignore the law will increase every 6 months and, in addition to inflationary price increases, will increase 1.6 times over 2 years.

Rules for installing water meters

It is quite easy to install water meters in your apartment. If the installation of a common house meter requires an organization carrying out this type of activity and a special project that is carried out in accordance with building codes and rules, then an individual water meter is installed based on the instructions specified in the device’s passport. Rules for installing water meters in apartments have not yet been developed by anyone and, most likely, they will never appear, but in regulatory documents There are certain points that must be observed.

  • Water meters cannot be installed in hard to reach places, and the reading scale should be visible to the naked eye.
  • It is necessary to observe the lengths of straight sections of pipes after and before the device specified in the passport.
  • Some devices are supplied with connecting pipes, the installation of which eliminates the issue of straight sections.

Water meter installation diagram

The simplest diagram for installing a water meter in an apartment looks like this:

To provide water during repairs or verification of the meter, a bypass with a shut-off device can be provided in the circuit. It is much cheaper to make a pipe of the appropriate length and insert it instead of the meter. Sometimes a check valve is installed after the meter, but such a device is necessary when there is a reserve tank in the apartment. On some meter models, the manufacturer installs a mesh filter. Then the filter (No. 2) can be excluded from the circuit. IN wiring diagram Ball valves are shown as disconnecting devices. The use of valves instead of them, of course, is allowed, but less resistance and the absence of rubber gaskets increase the pressure of water flowing from the tap and simplify operation.

Features of selection, verification and replacement of water meters

The choice of a water meter is made based on its consumption, and the size of the connecting pipes of the device is most often smaller than the cross-section of the pipes into which it cuts, but a water meter is usually installed in the apartment in accordance with the diameter of the water supply. Water meters from various manufacturers are now on sale.

The question immediately arises - what kind of water meters to install? When choosing the cheapest one, you can make a mistake. Warranty period and operating time, duration of the calibration interval, ease of installation - here additional criteria that need to be taken into account. The manufacturing time of the meter is also important, because the longer it sits on the store counter, the sooner you will have to carry out the next verification.

The calibration interval for cold water meters is usually 6 years. Water meters for hot water metering last 4 years until the next verification. But there are manufacturers who produce water meters with other calibration intervals.

Unfortunately, re-testing meters rarely gives positive results. Having paid a considerable amount for verification, you may be denied further use. You can check the accuracy of the device yourself. Having simultaneously fully opened all the taps in the apartment and filled the containers with water, carefully count the spilled volume and compare it with the readings of your meter. If the error is above 2%, then the meter most likely will not pass verification, and it is better to buy and install a new one.

Choosing a location and technology for installing water meters with your own hands

The installation location of the water meter in an individual residential building must be agreed with the supplier. Installing a water meter in an apartment does not require such approval. Usually it is placed immediately after the shut-off device on the riser (in the diagram this is the valve in front of the filter). The technology for installing water meters is quite simple. When buying a meter, purchase taps, a filter, bends, couplings, lock nuts, and sections of pipes with threads of the required sizes. Putting it all together using FUM or linen tape is not difficult for a man.

It’s even easier to install water meters with your own hands when using metal-plastic pipes and fittings. But in polypropylene water supply embed the counter without welding machine it won't work.

Please note that the valve on the riser is a common property of the house; you have already paid for its repair and maintenance using a monthly receipt from the management company. If a closed valve allows water to pass through, then there is no need to turn off the common tap on the riser. It is enough to submit a request to the service organization about the need for repairs.

Putting the meter into operation and sealing it

To register a water meter, you must submit an application to the management company, attach to it a water meter installation diagram (a drawing on a piece of paper is enough) and a photocopy of the device’s passport. Agree on the arrival time of a technician who will check the correct installation and install seals on the meter and the bypass shut-off device (if there is one). Breaking the seals automatically deprives you of the right to use a water meter to record its consumption.

The signed act of commissioning a water meter imposes some responsibilities on you. It is necessary to submit monthly meter readings to the operating organization. The deadlines for data transfer are strict, but if there are no readings, problems will not arise for 3 months. During this period, bills will be presented based on average monthly consumption. Then the calculation will proceed according to the standard.

In addition, it will be necessary to allow employees of the management company to check the meter. Such checks are carried out no more than once every 6 months, but refusal to do so may result in the loss of the opportunity to pay for your water consumption using the meter, and Management Company will receive the right to charge your water consumption according to the standard.

Some cases from practice

Special attention should be paid to the points of the rules by cunning people who make taps into the water supply system in addition to the metering device. The water supplier, in case of detection of illegal withdrawal, has the right to make a calculation based on the maximum water flow through such a pipe. The time taken into account in the calculation does not exceed 6 months, but the amount of the fine even through a pipe with a diameter of 15 mm can be 100 thousand rubles or more.

The use of metering devices does not eliminate the problem of water leaks into the sewer system through faulty shut-off valves toilets or torn faucet gaskets. The fact is that water meters have a sensitivity threshold of 1% of the nominal flow. An apartment water meter DN 15 mm can pass through up to 15 liters of water per hour, and the meter dial will not move. There are many cases when a single pensioner, who uses 5-6 m³ of water per month according to the meter, has 10-11 m³ of it drained into the sewer every month through a leaking toilet.

Currently, management companies only have the right to inspect the condition of equipment inside apartments, but cannot fine negligent owners or force them to repair faulty sanitary fixtures. The difference between a common house meter and the amount apartment meters, which occurs when large quantities Management companies are forced to cover minor leaks from their income. This difference in some houses reaches 35-40% of total consumption. The Government of the Russian Federation urgently needs to make changes to the “Rules...”, allowing management organizations to register apartment leaks and collect the corresponding amounts from apartment owners.

Recently, every residential property owner must install a water meter.

According to officials, this is primarily beneficial for the residents themselves, since they can control its consumption based on the capabilities of their budget. The law of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of free installation of a meter for certain categories of citizens.

Who is eligible to receive this service free of charge? What is the procedure for providing it? What happens if you don't install the device? Who is exempt from the need to use?

Legislative framework of the issue

The issue of installing a water meter is regulated by:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 776, which provides for the procedure and rules for the use of water, including wastewater;
  • Federal Law No. 261 on the procedure and rules for installing a cold and hot water consumption meter;
  • Government Decree No. 306 on the formation of tariffs for citizens who, for some reason, have not installed a meter.

The list is not exhaustive, since at the regional level the local administration can adopt its own amendments to laws that expand the list of categories of citizens entitled to free installation of water meters, and also modify the very procedure for registering a meter.

Who can use this service from the state

On the territory of the Russian Federation to claim free installation of water meters certain categories of citizens have the right, namely:

In some regions of the country, local laws provide for the possibility of free installation of a water meter for pensioners who retired due to old age.

For example, in the capital, all citizens who have received meters can install meters for free.

In addition, in each region, the local administration can carry out some kind of promotion when, during a certain period of the year, water meters are provided free of charge to all citizens. A similar event was already held last year in St. Petersburg.

When not to use this device

Water meter may not be installed if the building:

In a situation where a residential building belongs to any of the above categories, it is imperative to contact the management organization to obtain a document that can confirm this fact.

If this cannot be done for some independent reason, you must contact Rospotrebnadzor with a corresponding application. Based on the submitted application, a specialist will be called who will be able to issue an appropriate conclusion.

Registration procedure

Initially, it is worth remembering that the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 776 of September 2013 “On approval of the procedure and rules for the private use of water, including waste water” clearly states: the introduction of meters into operation for citizens of the Russian Federation must be carried out on free of charge . In addition, the device itself is sealed free of charge.

Myself design algorithm is as follows:

If the management company is not personally involved in the installation of water meters, it must provide a list of organizations that are ready to provide such a service.


If the property is municipal property, installation is free.

When installed in a privatized apartment, you will need to pay for installation of the device on average from 4 to 7 thousand rubles(depending on the region of residence and the level of complexity of the work).

Many management organizations already have the necessary equipment, but you can also purchase them in person. In any case, you need to be prepared to pay about 2.5 thousand (average price for the device). The price may increase depending on the meter model and manufacturer.

What to do after installation

After the meter has been successfully installed in the apartment, it will be necessary to call an employee of the management company to draw up the appropriate commissioning certificate.

After receiving it in your hands, you will need to conclude payment agreement for consumed water according to meter readings at established tariffs.

Package of documents

To install a water meter needs to be prepared:

To conclude an agreement You must have a certain list of documents with you:

  • agreement for the installation of a water meter;
  • passport for the device issued by the manufacturer (included in the kit);
  • commissioning certificate;
  • certificate of conformity.

If necessary, the list can be expanded.

Verification rules

Initially, the verification period is set by the manufacturer.

In such a situation, no one has the legal right to cancel it; if, according to the specifications, the meter wears out and after a certain volume of water passes through it, it begins to give false readings - it must be checked immediately.

IN general procedure verification period is regulated Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 2011.

However, the provided rules only provide an unsubscribe to the agreement on the provision of public services, which indicates:

  • information about the type of counter;
  • when it was installed;
  • manufacturer's sealing time;
  • verification period.

In simple words, verification period based on existing technical conditions.

For today it is provided several varieties determining the verification period:

  • time interval. Many meters have a standard time - 4 years must pass between calibrations for hot water and 6 years for cold water;
  • or after a time when a certain volume of water passes through the device.

In practice, only the first method is used so far.

Writing an application

When compiling applications for filling meter and its further registration, it must be remembered that it must contain the following information:

Sanctions and fines for lack of water meters

Federal Law No. 261, adopted back in 2009, did not include any sanctions against those citizens who did not install water meters. This situation also developed with subsequent acts concerning the issue of transferring the equipping of utility systems with water consumption meters.

The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly states that citizens who have not installed water consumption meters before 2017 will not be subject to penalties.

However, there is a small nuance: starting from 2015, water tariffs for citizens who have not installed meters are calculated with an inflated coefficient.

According to the Resolution Government of the Russian Federation No. 306“On the approval of rules for calculating utility consumption standards” for 2019, the coefficient is set at 1.5.

It can be used for those categories of citizens in whose apartments it is possible to install a meter, but they have not yet done so.

In addition, the management company was allowed to install a water consumption meter without obtaining the consent of the residents. This possibility is permitted only by court decision.

It is worth noting that this provision is already being disputed by human rights organizations, since the mechanism for providing devices without the consent of residents remains completely unknown. Moreover, if we take into account high level corruption among officials, then the forced installation of meters can only significantly worsen the financial situation of ordinary citizens who want to save at least a little on utility bills.

Well, for now there are only two options: install a meter and control your water consumption, or pay inflated tariffs.

The need to use individual water meters is described in the following video: