Exercises for the internal organs of the abdomen. Exercises for internal organs for various diseases. We tighten the pelvic organs

These exercises improve blood circulation and strengthen internal organs

Exercises to strengthen internal organs and improve blood circulation

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle or stand a lot during the day, we recommend a set of Chinese gymnastics exercises according to the method of Dr. Wang Peiju

1. We do a facial massage. The fingers slide up past the nose, the base of the eyebrows to the top of the forehead. Then the palms are lowered back to the starting position. Repeat 15 times.

We do the same massage with two palms, starting from the chin up through the head to the back of the head and back to the chin. This is done 15 times.

Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on stomach on top of each other. Massaged 24-36 times with the middle finger of one hand top part other hand 3 fingers up from index finger. Then the other hand is massaged.

The body position is as in the previous exercise, the position of the palms is one on top of the other. Massage the upper abdomen clockwise with small circular movements 8 times, then with large circular movements 8 times. Do the same counterclockwise.

Feet shoulder width apart. One hand is placed behind the back, and the palm of the other hand is drawn from the forehead to the back of the head. The body is turned towards the hand placed behind the back. Then the body turns in a different direction, the hands are changed and the massage is repeated with the other hand. This is done 6 times with each hand.

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, fingers clenched into a fist. Left leg bends at the knee, right hand stretches up and back, and the left one down and back. We return to the starting position, the same movements are made with the other leg, the hands change. The exercise is done 4-6 times.

Starting position as in the previous exercise. Hands are raised up with outstretched palms, then placed on the belt with thumbs forward, the remaining fingers turn towards the lower back. The body turns left and right and back - right and left, then we lean forward and then back. The exercise is repeated 4-6 times.

Yoga is an ancient system of healing and self-knowledge. Many modern methods of development and improvement are based specifically on the knowledge of yoga. In this article I want to suggest effective exercises, the regular implementation of which ensures the coordinated functioning of the whole body and, with constant practice, replaces exercises for the abdominal muscles, many of which are a strong load on the spine.


These practices are done on an empty stomach, so the morning is the most best option for classes, but you can choose another time, provided that your stomach is empty. These are the so-called internal locks - in yoga they are called bandhas (translated as “hold”, “restrain”, “bind”). At the physical level there is a soft massage, tone and cleansing internal organs, stagnant processes of blood and lymph are eliminated, which improves general health body. On an energetic level, bandhas allow one to accumulate and consciously redirect energy within the body. There are four locks in total: three of them are not tied to breathing and have virtually no contraindications. The fifth exercise is the same locks, only in dynamics.

Root lock (mula bandha)

To perform this exercise, you need to strongly squeeze the pelvic area, perineum, anus, as if you are holding back urination. The abdomen and buttocks do not tense, only the internal muscles. The easiest way to create the required effort is in the toilet, temporarily delay the process of urination, and you will immediately understand which muscles are involved in the work (you don’t need to do this regularly, just as a test). Mula bandha improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, prevents prolapse, incontinence, and congestion (which is especially important in our time of sedentary lifestyle for many).


There are two modes for performing a root lock:

  • Dynamic. We strongly squeeze these muscles, then release them completely, but without straining. You can imagine that you take an elevator to the top floor, then lower it to the first.
  • Static. The muscles contract and remain toned for a certain amount of time. I recommend not only in the morning, but also throughout the day, to practice both options: for example, ten times - dynamic (squeezed and released) and ten counts - static (pulled and held).

The number of approaches depends on your motivation; remember this exercise at least five times a day and perform it in any body position - lying, sitting, standing. Great option– do this in transport, in line, instead of languishing with boredom and irritation. It should be noted that the pelvic floor muscles can be weakened after pregnancy, certain diseases and due to certain physiological characteristics. In this case, it is recommended to train while lying down, and over time you will feel the strength of these muscles.

In addition to the physiological effect, mula bandha helps to increase energy levels and enhances attractiveness.

Neck lock (jalandhara bandha)

You need to pull your chin towards your collarbones, pulling the top of your head up. This stabilizes intracranial pressure. This exercise should also be performed if you feel dizzy. On an energetic level, this lock helps cope with stress and anxiety.

Tongue lock (nabho bandha)

You should press the tip of your tongue against the upper palate just behind your teeth. This allows you to prevent energy dissipation and work with attention. Practice this lock often throughout the day. Especially if you feel like you might say too much.

Abdominal lock (uddiyana bandha)

This is the fourth lock, which has contraindications - pregnancy, menstruation, acute diseases of the abdominal organs - and is performed by holding the breath after exhalation along with the rest of the bandhas.


Technique. We exhale completely, hold our breath and, without tensing the abdominal muscles, pull the stomach under the ribs, it turns out to be concave inward, like a deep plate. At the same time, the ribs expand, the diaphragm rises up, as during inhalation, but no air enters, and due to the vacuum in the abdominal cavity, the abdomen is pulled up and back. Simultaneously with drawing in the abdomen, we squeeze the pelvic floor muscles, press the chin to the collarbones and hold the tip of the tongue on the upper palate. When you want to inhale (breath holding is comfortable), first gently release the stomach, then the chin, and keep the root lock in good shape throughout the entire inhalation.

This exercise involves a powerful massage and cleansing of the internal organs; with regular practice, this helps to lose weight and tone the abdominal muscles.

Body position options:

  • lying on your back (especially if the pelvic floor muscles are still weak and it is not possible to keep them in good shape while holding your breath and during inhalation);
  • On knees;
  • sitting (this is the most difficult option, it’s worth moving on to it when you’ve mastered abdominal retraction well);
  • standing, legs bent, hands resting on hips.


Technique. We exhale, hold our breath and tighten the pelvic floor muscles, press the stomach under the ribs, press the chin to the collarbones, hold the tip of the tongue on the upper palate behind the teeth. When you want to inhale, let go of your stomach, chin, and keep your pelvic floor in good shape.

Number of times:

Thus, the first morning ritual is internal locks.

Belly wave (agnisara-dhauti)

In essence, these are the same locks, but the abdominal lock is performed dynamically - while holding your breath, we pull in the stomach and release it without tensing the abdominal muscles. This creates an even more powerful massage of the internal organs. The contraindications are the same - pregnancy, menstruation, acute abdominal diseases.

Technique. We exhale completely, hold our breath, tighten the pelvic floor muscles, press the chin to the collarbones, the tip of the tongue on the upper palate, pull in and release the stomach a comfortable number of times. When you want to inhale, we fix the last retraction for a second and release the stomach, raise the chin, the root lock remains in good shape while inhaling. The body position is similar - lying down, especially if the pelvic floor muscles are weak, on all fours, sitting (only if the exercises are well mastered), standing with support on the hips.

Number of times: up to 30 – with a fragile physique, 100 and more – with a normal and dense physique.

To make the above techniques clearer, watch this video:

There is another powerful practice, which in yoga is called nauli. It is worth starting only if bandhas and belly waves are well mastered. I will definitely write about this exercise in a separate article. In the meantime, practice your morning health rituals and be happy!

This article was inspired by the increasing requests for help from women with a similar problem. Moreover, these were young and apparently absolutely healthy girls.

Someone had a problem after childbirth, someone had an “age problem” (I was always amused when a 35-45 year old girl starts talking about an “age problem”), someone felt discomfort after a long, chronic cough - the point is one. All of them faced varying degrees of “depression.” I will not go into deep medical detail of this issue now - but we don’t need it. We now need to understand in general what prolapse of internal organs is, why it happens, and, most importantly, how we can cope with it, and even better, prevent it. So, prolapse of internal organs is a lower, compared to normal, location of one or more internal organs (stomach, liver, intestines, kidneys, pelvic organs).

Today our topic is prolapse of the pelvic organs (uterus, vaginal walls, bladder, rectum). Most often, women encounter this disease due to lack of proper preparation for childbirth and proper recovery after childbirth, after the onset of menopause (hormonal changes), during heavy lifting or chronic cough (especially if there is already a postpartum predisposition), in case of metabolic disorders (overweight or sudden weight loss, diabetes), etc. Also the disease is associated with weakness of the muscles and ligaments that hold the internal organs in their normal position.

And now “on the fingers,” so to speak. The human body is designed very wisely (especially the female body, which is also responsible for the small life in our stomach) - the main thing is to know and understand how to treat it competently. All our internal organs “are not piled up in the stomach and do not put all their weight on the pelvic floor”- as many imagine it. Each of the organs has its own suspending and supporting system of muscles and ligaments, fixing it at a certain height and allowing a certain movement according to the physiological processes in the body.

To make it easier to imagine, look at your stomach and imagine, instead of the cavity between the respiratory diaphragm and the pelvic floor muscles, a room (the ceiling is the respiratory diaphragm, the floor is the pelvic diaphragm, the walls are the abdominal and back muscles).

And the internal organs do not just stand on the “floor” as furniture, but are also attached to the “walls and ceiling”, on the “floor”, exerting minimal pressure. This is all with the correct physiology. Now imagine that general design becomes “flimsy”, the ceiling begins to sag, the walls lose the necessary elasticity, the fastening ropes stretch. What's happening? That's right, now the “weight of the furniture” will fall more “on the floor”. And if the “floor” in the room is also weak, it will first “sag” too, and then... In general, from “sinking” you will have to move on to “falling out”.

Why am I drawing you all these pictures? Just so you understand that pelvic organ prolapse is not only a failure of the pelvic floor muscles. By using special exercises we need to restore tone to all the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen, primarily the respiratory diaphragm (“ceiling”), the abdominal and back muscles (“walls”) and, of course, strengthen the pelvic floor (“floor”). And half-measures in the fight against prolapse will not bring the desired result or will only bring temporary relief (for example, only “Kegel exercises” or only pumping up the press, often also incorrectly, with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure). Needed here A complex approach. However, not everything is as complicated as it seems.

A competent selection of a 30-minute set of exercises - and after just a month of regular work you will feel a clear improvement, and after two months you will forget about this problem (I’m not talking about difficult cases now).

Let's summarize. If you begin to experience sensations such as:

  • periodic pain in the lumbar region,
  • "pulling" pain in the lower abdomen and sacrum,
  • episodes of urinary incontinence when coughing, sneezing, laughing, jumping,
  • painful sexual intercourse,
  • sensation of a “foreign body” in the vaginal canal,
  • problems with the intestines and bladder,
  • the possibility of prolapse of the uterus and vagina, which sometimes ends in their loss, cannot be ruled out. This is not a reason to panic. This is a reason to take care of yourself, with love and pleasure.

According to statistics, every 3rd woman faces this problem. You may never become that 3rd. Or consciously leave this category. The choice is yours!?

Below are the basic exercises (about the main exercise with variations) for prolapse of the pelvic organs. Let me make a reservation right away - we are talking primarily about the initial stages of prolapse. More serious cases require individual approach. I cited signs of incipient prolapse in a previous article - and, of course, it’s good to also have a gynecologist’s report. So, what you need to do - and what you absolutely cannot do. First of all, you need to exclude everything that increases intra-abdominal pressure. To do this, first let’s figure out what kind of “beast” this is - “intra-abdominal pressure”.

Now I will again “explain with my fingers”, appealing to your imagination. Imagine that instead of a torso you have large syringe- and the breathing diaphragm is the piston in this syringe. What happens in a syringe when we push the plunger down? That's right, the medicine is "pushed" out due to increased pressure in the lower cavity. In our case, the lower cavity is the abdominal cavity, and the pressure in it is intra-abdominal (the chest cavity is the “upper part of the syringe”, and the pressure in it is “intrathoracic”). Physiologically, the play of these pressures (intrathoracic and intra-abdominal) plays a very important function, creating a powerful additional “pump” for the movement of fluids (blood, lymph) from bottom to top and providing massage to the internal organs, helping with childbirth and a host of other processes in the body (we’ll talk about this later). We'll talk in more detail someday). And, again, physiologically this “pump” is designed for a healthy system, that is, in the lower part of the syringe there is not an “atonic belly”, not a weak lower back, not weakened by childbirth ligaments and pelvic floor muscles. Do you see where I'm going with this?

In a healthy system, the piston can drop easily and often - the system will withstand, “dampen” - this is physiological.

In a weak system, an increase in pressure in the lower part (the piston has dropped) leads to a gradual “pushing” of the abdominal organs down (here gravity also helps). So, under what conditions in ordinary life Is there an increase in intra-abdominal pressure? Lifting weights - jumping and running - sneezing and coughing - acts of straining (by the way, current constipation is “future hemorrhoids”). Thus, now we understand what to avoid at the first symptoms of prolapse. Also replace your favorite one for a while Gym or step aerobics yoga and swimming. Believe me, these are temporary measures - then you will come back again, but this time healthy. Again, temporarily (!) we replace the usual “abs pumping” while lying on the back (“classics of the genre” - hands behind the head, lifting to the knees - also increases intra-abdominal pressure) and various leg raises while sitting and hanging with “hypopressive” exercises, then eat by lowering intra-abdominal pressure. And the royal place among these exercises is rightfully occupied by the “vacuum abdominal retraction” exercise. In yoga it is called "Uddiyana bandha" or "Empty Uddiyana". The essence of it is to completely exhale the maximum volume of air, pull the stomach deep under the ribs and hold it there "as long as possible without going beyond a comfortable state"(that is, you should not turn blue and bulge your eyes). I’ll give the technique below, but for now let’s talk about the effects of this exercise:

  • The diaphragm, rushing up under the ribs, pulls up all the internal organs, including the pelvic organs, eliminating their displacement
  • The abdominal organs are massaged. Thanks to this, constipation, problems with the intestines and pancreas are eliminated, and digestion is normalized. Abdominal massage is also beneficial for the kidneys, liver, spleen and adrenal glands.
  • Beneficial effects on the circulatory system. Exercise helps remove venous congestion, improve blood supply to all internal organs and accelerate regenerative processes in various diseases.
  • Stimulates nervous system. Since there is an impact on " solar plexus", and there are many nerve endings concentrated in the intestines; when performing uddiyana bandha, they are stimulated. This leads to calm and tranquility, nervousness and hyperactivity go away.
  • Stimulates the hormonal system, adrenal glands and pancreas. In combination with Mula bandha (volitional contraction of the pelvic floor muscles) it affects the uterus and ovaries.
  • The active effect on the genitourinary system is explained by the fact that the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs increases, the blood supply is activated, and excess liquid, and in combination with Mula bandha, the pelvic diaphragm is strengthened and local immunity is stimulated. Uddiyana bandha is especially beneficial for those who suffer from pelvic and abdominal organ prolapse.
  • Vital energy rises, which helps slow down the aging process and have an overall rejuvenating effect.
  • Due to active “retraction”, the wide muscle layers of the abdominal press are activated, fat is removed from the abdomen, and the figure becomes more elegant, toned and slender. To put it simply, this seemingly simple exercise will replace many other variations of working the abdominal muscles, many times surpassing them in effectiveness. You can find a great variety of techniques on the Internet - the main thing is not to lose sight of the order of “closing the locks”: exhale - chin down, tuck the pelvic floor, pull the stomach inward. Hold for a comfortable amount of time, and in the reverse order we release everything - “stomach, pelvic floor - chin” and only then inhale. This sequence is important for the correct alignment of pressures inside the body.

I'll give a classic example below.

Technique for performing Uddiyana Bandha in Fisherman's Pose.

  1. Take the “Fisherman Pose” position with your hands on your knees.
  2. Take as full a breath as possible.
  3. Exhale as completely as possible, completing the exhalation by lowering your chin to your chest, while simultaneously moving the back of your head upward.
  4. Pull the pelvic floor muscles inward.
  5. Pull your stomach in and up (there should be a “vacuum traction” from above, your stomach should “suck”, “stick” to the “back wall and ceiling”)..
  6. Hold for a comfortable amount of time (5-20 s.).
  7. Then relax everything in the reverse order: stomach, pelvic floor, lift your chin - and inhale.

And, as usual, two conditions: correct execution and regularity.

Because, as practice shows, for some reason we are ready to pump the press 3 sets of 20 times - and we consider this normal. But when we start doing the “vacuum in the stomach”, we expect magic from one approach of 3-5 times.

And now, depending on the state of our body on this moment We are building our own “Uddiyanov complex”.

  1. The easiest option (for those who have recently given birth) is lying in bed. In a horizontal position, we get the most “light” version of working with uddiyana.
  2. In ascending order - lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees. We do uddiyana with a raised pelvis (put a blanket rolled up under the pelvis), thus “turning off the gravity” of the internal organs, helping them rise up.
  3. In “Slide” or “Downward Facing Dog” (if it’s difficult, replace it with a position on your knees and elbows).
  4. Standing in the “fisherman’s pose”, with your hands resting on your knees, draw in as deeply as possible while exhaling as completely as possible.

We select several currently possible options and do 3 approaches 3-5 times. For example, 5 uddiyans in the floor position, 5 in downward-facing dog, 5 in the fisherman's pose. Between sets there is rest and several full deep breathing cycles. Then every day we add 1-2 times, bringing it up to 10 times in a set. Or we divide the complex into stages, 2 times a day, 15 minutes. in the morning and 15 min. In the evening. Required condition- the stomach must be empty! Therefore, the morning is the ideal time to study. And, of course, the faster the result we want to achieve, the more regular, accurate, and daily the classes should be. And also - “for starters”, so to speak. This exercise is a guide to various techniques of “Thai tricks” in bed. Therefore, it’s worth mastering - you definitely won’t go wrong. Be healthy and sexy!

Oleg Astashenko

Exercises for internal organs for various diseases


Movement can replace various medications, but no medicine can replace movement.

Clement Tissot

“Life is in motion,” if people remembered this famous aphorism more often, they would get sick less. But, alas, modern realities are such that a person often deprives himself of this main source of health. And if an illness knocks on his life, he completely protects himself from all sorts of stress, reducing treatment only to taking medications. Meanwhile, even in ancient times, movement was widely used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of various diseases.

In Ancient China, for example, gymnastics for treatment was first mentioned in the book “Kung Fu,” compiled two and a half thousand years BC. In medical gymnastics schools Ancient China special exercises were used not only to treat the spine, various fractures and dislocations, but also for heart and lung diseases. As the famous ancient Chinese physician Hua-To (2nd century AD) said, “the body requires exercise, but not to the point of exhaustion, for exercise is intended to eliminate bad spirits from the body, promote blood circulation and prevent illnesses.”

IN Ancient Greece The first information about medical gymnastics dates back to the 5th century. BC e. and connect them with a doctor named Herodicus. According to Plato, Herodicus suffered from some incurable illness (possibly tuberculosis), but thanks to the healing exercises that he regularly performed, he lived to be almost a hundred years old. Herodicus taught therapeutic gymnastics to his many students and patients.

The first sports doctor known to us and follower of Hippocrates, Claudius Galen (129–201 AD), also used specially designed gymnastics in the treatment of gladiators. He wrote: “Thousands and thousands of times I have restored health to my patients through exercise.”

Rehabilitation gymnastics for seriously ill patients was widely used by Clement Tissot (1747–1826), a military surgeon in Napoleon's army. His work “Medical or Surgical Gymnastics” was translated into all European languages, and his aphorism - “movement can replace various drugs, but no medicine can replace movement” - became the motto of physical therapy.

The creator of the physical therapy system, the Swede Per-Heinrich Ling (1776–1839), argued that many painful phenomena in the human body can be eliminated by systematic muscle exercise.

In Russia, the science of medicinal use physical exercise began its development in the second half of the 18th century, when Moscow University was opened (1755) and on its basis Faculty of Medicine, but became especially widespread in the 20s. last century, during the heyday of resort and sanatorium treatment.

Today, therapeutic exercises, which are based on the use of the main biological function of the body - movement, are increasingly used in the treatment of various diseases. Specially designed (based on a doctor’s diagnosis) exercises can not only improve the functioning of a diseased organ, but also eliminate existing disorders.

For example, a set of exercises for the heart strengthens the heart muscle and prepares it for gradually increasing physical activity, restores normal blood circulation and improves metabolism.

For respiratory diseases, gymnastics helps eliminate or reduce respiratory failure, developing chest mobility and increasing the vital capacity of the lungs.

Physiotherapy - good remedy prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Correctly performed exercises help restore the functions of the stomach and intestines, strengthen the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and improve blood circulation to the internal organs.

But, like any other remedy, gymnastics requires consultation with a doctor - it is he who must determine the level of load, taking into account the nature of the disease and general state sick.

Therapeutic gymnastics also has contraindications: you cannot do it during or after acute viral diseases, for oncology and some mental illness; In addition, each disease has its own limitations.

If you have received the “go-ahead” to practice therapeutic gymnastics, you can safely begin to master it. You just need to approach this matter quite responsibly and consciously: only systematic implementation of special exercises in combination with an optimistic attitude can give a powerful positive effect.

The cardiovascular system

Physical exercises are given important place in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

As a result of therapeutic exercises, the heart muscle is strengthened, its contractility is increased, and blood circulation, including peripheral circulation, is enhanced. Good blood flow, in turn, promotes mechanical massage of the walls of blood vessels, due to which they become more elastic. The level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, which means the risk of blood clots forming inside the vessels. All this inhibits the development of atherosclerotic changes in the body - main reason heart ailments.

The intensity of training depends on the patient’s condition, therefore, before starting training, you should definitely consult with your doctor! This is especially true for elderly and frail people and those who have recently suffered a myocardial infarction.

When performing treatment complexes, there are other rules that should not be neglected:

Even if you feel well, you cannot sharply and quickly increase physical activity.

Exercises should begin no earlier than 1.5–2 hours after eating.

Classes should be stopped immediately if symptoms appear during or after them. discomfort in the heart area, dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitations. If the pain does not go away on its own, you should take validol or nitroglycerin and be sure to consult a doctor!

Elderly people suffering from atherosclerosis with cervical osteochondrosis, bending “below the heart” is not recommended to avoid a rush of blood to the head, rotational movements of the head and torso of large amplitude, strength exercises with straining (the outflow of blood from the brain is hampered), exercises that lead to a concussion of the body (imitation of chopping wood, boxing).

It is very important to monitor your heart rate during physical activity.

It is believed that physical education has a positive effect on the body when, by the end of exercise, the pulse increases by 20–35 beats, not exceeding 120 beats per minute, and after 3–5 minutes of rest it returns to its original frequency.

Therapeutic movements after myocardial infarction

The main goal of rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction is to restore the cardiovascular system, improve exercise tolerance, lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and increase psychological resistance to stress.

Part of the rehabilitation therapy system is physical therapy with a gradual and strictly controlled increase in the intensity of physical exercise.

All exercises must be performed smoothly, rhythmically, alternating them with breathing exercises. Purpose physical training is a gradual increase in the number of heart contractions to 100-120 per minute.

It should be remembered that during the rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction Each patient is assigned his own mode of physical activity, therefore all additional physical exercise must be approved by a physician.

Complex 1

Exercise 1

Starting position – standing, arms along the body, feet shoulder-width apart.

Raise your arms up, palms facing out, and stretch – inhale. Lower your hands down, making a circle with them -

Part I Gymnastics for internal organs

Internal organs located in the abdominal cavity (liver, spleen, gall bladder, intestines), pelvis (uterus and ovaries in women, prostate gland in men, bladder) and retroperitoneal space (kidneys), electrical impulses constantly arrive from the spine along the nerves, which maintain their normal level of functioning and metabolism. As soon as the number of impulses decreases, metabolic processes in internal organs slow down, aging processes begin to develop in them, and various pathologies arise.

Already in the 5th century BC. e. The great physician Hippocrates successfully treated diseases of internal organs by influencing the spine. Practical observations and scientific research It has been proven that with pathology of the lower thoracic localization there may be pain in the abdomen, and there is a need for differential diagnosis between the syndrome of “acute abdomen”, which requires emergency surgical care, and radiating pain from the spine. Abdominal pain can be combined with heartburn, independent of acid levels, and constipation. Cases of erroneous diagnoses of “acute abdomen” that resulted in unnecessary surgery have been described. Abdominal pain may be caused by irritation of the nerve plexus, and then the clinical picture is characterized by pain in the navel and back, inhibition of peristalsis may develop and increased arterial pressure due to spasm of abdominal vessels.

Each internal organ in the abdominal cavity occupies its own spatial location and is fixed by ligaments, muscles or neighboring organs.

As a result of stretching or shortening of ligaments, muscle spasms, adhesions, disruption of functional connections with adjacent organs, the spatial arrangement of the internal organ changes, which leads to disruption of its function and rhythm of activity (for example, a change in the sequence of contraction of longitudinal and transverse muscle fibers in the intestine to move food).

Rice. 1. Guidelines for determining the localization of the spatial arrangement of internal organs

To determine the localization of the spatial arrangement of internal organs, there are the following guide lines (Fig. 1):

1. Anterior midline of the body - divides the human body into two symmetrical halves from the tip of the nose to the perineum.

2. Anterior axillary lines (right and left) - descend parallel to the midline of the body from the front of the axilla to the pelvic bones.

3. Mid-axillary line (right and left) – descend parallel to the midline of the body from the middle part of the axilla to the pelvic bones.

4. Mid-lateral lines of the body (right and left) - descend in the middle between the midline of the body and the anterior axillary lines to the inguinal fold parallel to the midline.

5. Mid-lateral lines of the abdomen (right and left) – descend from the chest along the mid-lateral lines of the torso.

6. Mid-umbilical lines (right and left) – connect the upper points of the mid-lateral lines of the body with the navel.

7. Anterior pelvic lines (right and left) – connect the navel with the lower points of the anterior axillary lines.

8. Midpelvic lines (right and left) – connect the navel to the middle inguinal fold.

9. The left and right costal arches are places to palpate the lower ribs of the lower part of the human chest (in the supine position - the anterior surfaces, in the lateral position - the lateral surfaces).

10. Pelvic bones (iliac crests).

11. The line connecting the lower angles of the shoulder blades on the back is the level of the spinous process of the VIII thoracic vertebra.

12. The most prominent spinous process in the spine at shoulder level, which does not go away from under the finger when the head is straightened back, is the spinous process of the VII cervical vertebra.

13. Posterior midline of the body - divides the human body into two symmetrical halves from the back of the head to the perineum.

14. Shoulder blades.

16. The womb is the anterior bony part of the pelvis.

This text is an introductory fragment.

18. Injuries to internal organs Morphological features of injuries to internal organs allow us to make very limited judgments about the mechanism of action of blunt force hard object and other things to a lesser extent– about its properties. When exposed to small objects on the head

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IV. Diseases of internal organs 1. Congenital and acquired heart defects.2. Rheumatism, rheumatic heart disease (rheumatic pericarditis, myocarditis, rheumatic valve disease). Non-rheumatic myocarditis, endocarditis. Other heart diseases: cardiomyopathies,

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Prolapse of internal organs Prolapse of internal organs, in common parlance – prolapse of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, genitals, can cause very serious diseases. For example, infertility in women. Massage and energy therapy are used to treat stress.

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CLEANSING INTERNAL ORGANS Tea balm Required: 2 tbsp. l. birch and lingonberry leaves, 4 tbsp. l. wild strawberries, 3 tbsp. l. linden flowers, 2 tbsp. l. black tea, 0.5 liters of water. Preparation. Chop the herbs and mix. Brew with tea: 1 tsp. mixtures for a teapot,

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