Uninsky district of the Kirov region. Uninsky district of the Kirov region What the heroes of Peter and Fevronia teach us

Sections: Primary School

Class: 1


1. Organizational stage

- Good morning, children. The morning must be good and pleasant. And so that the whole day goes well, and all matters are resolved successfully, start the day with a smile and a kind heart. Good morning everyone and have a great mood! Let's start our lesson.

Mobilizing beginning of the lesson (“initial motivation”)

- Guys, do you like to read?
– What do you think a very good book should be? (It should be colorful, with beautiful drawings, interesting and instructive.)
– Does anyone have a favorite literary character from whom you can learn something good, and with whom you would like to become friends?

Speech warm-up “Instead of the topic of the lesson - a question!”

- Look at the blackboard. The words are written on the board: “Hero of a literary work.” Let's try to ask questions about the word "hero".

Children's questions:

Who is he?
What is their work?
What's his name?
Does the hero do good or bad deeds?
Who does the hero help?
Who helps the hero?
Is this the main character?
How does the author relate to the hero?
What can we learn from this hero? and etc.

- Well done boys. You asked very good questions. What do you think is the most important question for the reader? Right. This is the question “What can you learn from the hero of the book?” And this question will be the topic of our lesson today. So, lesson topic: “What do the heroes of children’s books teach us?”

– Guys, when I was at school, we had a wonderful counselor. He played the guitar and sang one very good song. It contained these words:

We go through life every day believing in miracles.
But we are not alone on the road.
They help us do our good deeds
Heroes of children's books.

They will teach us not to lose heart and not to give up,
Greet the new day with a smile.
They will tell us everything that we so wanted to know.
And we are not too lazy to read books.

– Both adults and children – we can all learn something good from book characters and not repeat their mistakes in our lives.

2. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities

– In this lesson you will be able to test your knowledge, evaluate yourself: “What can I do? What do I know?" And all together we will try to answer the question of our lesson, “What do the heroes of children’s books teach us?”

3. Updating students' knowledge. Identifying children's reading experiences

Game "Remember and name"

– And now, guys, let’s check if you remember the works that we read in our literary reading lessons this school year. Can you recognize the heroes of the books you read? Do you know the authors of these works? Let's play the game "Remember and name." This diagram will help you correctly formulate your answer.

– The hero of this story “never ate plums and kept smelling them. And he really liked them. I really wanted to eat it. He kept walking past the plums. When there was no one in the upper room, he could not resist, grabbed one plum and ate it.”
The boy Vanya is the hero of the story “Bone”. The story was written by L. Tolstoy.
– The hero of this story “understood how to teach patience with a knife.”
Mitya is the hero of the story “The Hasty Knife,” written by E. Permyak.
– The heroes of this story could fly kites into the sky. “There’s just something they haven’t learned yet.”
The heroes of this story were named Borya, Semyon and Petya. The story is called "Paper Kite". The author of the story is E. Permyak.
– The hero of this story learned from his father that “it is a shame for the big and strong to offend the small and weak.”
The hero of this story is called Volodya. The story is called "Playing Dogs". The author of the story is K. Ushinsky.
– The hero of this story “decided to give up such a valuable thing as a dump truck for some worm.”
Denis Korablev is the main character of V. Dragunsky’s story “He’s Alive and Glowing.”
- And the nails are simply mocking this literary hero - “the nails bend, the nails crumple, they don’t drive into the wall.”
Seryozha. This is the name of the hero of V. Berestov’s poem “Seryozha and Nails.”
– This literary hero greets passers-by from the window, busily informs a lonely girl: “Starting Monday morning you will be my sister,” nurses and entertains babies on the boulevard, finds out why a turtle has lost weight, and when he comes to the garden where fallen leaves are being removed, he commands the wind do this work for the guys (and the wind listens to it!)
The hero of Agnia Barto’s poems is called “Vovka - a kind soul.” And the book is called “Vovka - a kind soul.”

- Well done! You did a very good job.
– Tell me, children, what do these works have in common? (These works are about children)
– How do they differ? (Heroes, genre)

Working with models, diagrams

Children name the names of writers and poets who wrote about children and for children, and select covers of works for each model.

4. Physical exercise

5. Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation. Group work

– Now each group will receive an envelope with an assignment. There will be tasks not only for the whole group, but also for each student separately. Also in the envelope are colored cards with written proverbs that will help you guys complete tasks and answer questions.
– When completing assignments, I recommend that you turn to the textbook, leaf through the pages of the textbook, and look at the table of contents.

Tasks for each group:

1st group
  1. Name the work.

The hero of this story, going to bed, told his brother everything he had done, and always asked: “Isn’t my day wasted”?

  1. :

A minute saves an hour. Life is given for good deeds. Where there is work, there is joy. Business before pleasure. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  1. Read expressively.
2nd group
  1. Name the work.

The hero of this story knows “that he is studying for himself. But he also wants to help other people, and not just go to school. Only they tell him: “You are still small.” You need to study first. Then you will help us properly"

  1. Choose proverbs that fit this work :

Learning is always useful. What Vanya didn’t learn, Ivan won’t learn. It is better to act well than to speak well. If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him. Reading is the best teaching.

  1. Read expressively.
3rd group
  1. Name the work.

The hero of this story “grew up as a strong and strong boy. Everyone was afraid of him. And how can you not be afraid of this! He beat his comrades. He made faces at the adults. He pulled out the cat's whiskers. He was even rude to his grandmother. I wasn't afraid of anyone. He was not afraid of anything. And he was very proud of this. I was proud, but not for long.”

  1. Choose proverbs that fit this work :

A person is judged by his deeds. As it comes back, so will it respond. What goes around comes around. A mother's heart warms better than the sun. Beautiful is he who acts beautifully.

  1. Read expressively.
4th group
  1. Name the work.

The heroine of this fairy tale was given a nutshell, a fly agaric and a rotten cone for her birthday.

  1. Choose proverbs that fit this work :

What a gift is such a gift. As it comes back, so will it respond.
A strong friendship cannot be spilled with water. It is better to act well than to speak well. Politeness opens all doors.

  1. Read expressively.

Children complete tasks in groups, discuss questions, choose answers, and work with a textbook.

6. Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Checking the completion of tasks in groups.

– Are all groups ready? Fine. Let's check how you completed the tasks. Name the works.

Group 1: V. Oseeva. Lost day.
Group 2: V. Golyavkin. About who Vovka is studying for.
Group 3: E. Permyak. The worst thing.
Group 4: S. Prokofiev. A fairy tale about giving.

Reading works

Children expressively read the texts of the works and name the selected proverbs.

- Well done boys! All groups correctly named the works and chose the right proverbs. And they read it - just wonderful!

Answers on questions.

– And now I will ask each of you to think and answer the questions “What have I learned? What did you understand? What lesson did you learn for yourself?”

Answers from first graders:

Learn something new every day.
Do good deeds every day.
Time must be valued.
You study for YOURSELF.
You learn for yourself and for others too.
You study for mom and dad.
The worst thing is to be left alone.
It's bad to be alone.
Give only what you need.
Learn to admit your mistakes.
Know how to apologize.
Know how to ask for forgiveness.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

- Well done boys. Very good. You are right: book characters teach us to make the right decisions. In the heroes of books, we recognize ourselves or our friends, we learn from other people’s mistakes and try to avoid them. We learn good manners and good deeds from the heroes of the books we read.

7. “Just a minute joke”

It's time to relax and smile. I will read you a wonderful poem by L. Kudryavskaya “ I am reading!"

I read a book for half a day.
I want to rest - I’m tired.
I read a book for half a day -
I read three pages!

- Did you smile? Have you rested? Well done!

8. Work in pairs. Speech warm-up “Everything is okay”

– Books about children are not only stories and fairy tales, but also, of course, poems. I know that you really love E. Uspensky’s poem “Everything is Alright.” Many of you know this poem by heart. Let's read the poem by role.

Mom comes home from work
Mom takes off her boots
Mom goes into the house
Mom looks around.
– Was there a raid on the apartment?
- No.
- Did a hippopotamus come to us?
- No.
- Maybe the house is not ours?
- Our.
- Maybe not our floor?
- Our.
Seryozha just came,
We played a little.
- So this is not a collapse?
- No.
– Didn’t the elephant dance with us?
- No.
- I am very happy.
It turned out,
I had no reason to worry!

- Well done!

9. Monitoring the assimilation of the material. Independent work in a notebook

– Make a model of the cover of your favorite book about children. Fill out the chart.

10. Homework assignment.(Free choice options are given)

  1. Take a book about children from the library, look at it, read it and bring it to school.
  2. Make a list of authors of works about children and for children. Arrange the authors' names in alphabetical order. (You can use a computer)

11. Reflection

– Our lesson is coming to an end. Each of you took an active part in the lesson. How would you evaluate your work? Please fill out the forms (yes/no). Students fill out the signs and speak out.

– Continue the sentences:
- Now I know... Now I can...

12. Lesson summary

– What we read in childhood stays with us throughout our lives and helps us become human. Reading books is a special type of communication, a conversation between the author and the reader. And the “bridge” during this conversation is a book. I would like to finish our lesson with the words of the poets N. Pikuleva and S. Mikhalkov’s address to young readers:

Read it, girls! Read it, boys!
Your favorite books teach you good things!
Let books come into homes as friends,
Read for the rest of your life, gain your mind!

07/05/2016, views: 6,491, reviews: 17

For the ninth year now, July 8 - the day of remembrance of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia - has been celebrated as the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

Amazing "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia", written by the priest-monk Erasmus in the 16th century in connection with their canonization, has survived to this day. This story is like this.

There were two brothers, Peter and Pavel. Pavel, as the eldest, reigned in Murom. An unclean serpent took possession of his wife, taking on the image of Paul and tempting her to sin. The wife told her husband everything. The princess learned from the serpent that his death was “from Peter’s shoulder, from Agrikov’s sword.” Paul told brother Peter about this. At the direction of the angel who appeared, Peter Agrikov finds a sword in the monastery church in the altar wall. With this sword Peter killed the snake. But he was splashed with filthy blood, and where the blood got in, he developed terrible ulcers. Then he sends his servants to the Ryazan land, famous for its skilled doctors.

One of the servants finds a wise girl, Fevronia, who speaks in parables and riddles, and who promised to cure the prince if he takes her as his wife. She came from a simple family of beekeepers. The prince agrees - and Fevronia heals him. However, Peter does not fulfill his promise and falls ill again. Then he “with shame” again turns to Fevronia and this time marries her.

After the death of brother Pavel, Peter becomes the sovereign prince of Murom. But the boyars were dissatisfied with the low origin of the princess and demanded that Peter divorce Fevronia and marry another, and let Fevronia take as much wealth as she wants and leave the city. Prince Peter, remembering the words of the “Savior: “What God has joined together, man does not separate” and “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery,” renounces his reign and goes into exile with Fevronia.

They were not destined to wander for long. The boyars in Murom fought over who should be the sovereign prince, killed each other, and soon an embassy came to ask Peter and Fevronia to return to the throne. They returned to the city and “ruled there, keeping all the commandments and instructions of the Lord blamelessly, praying incessantly and giving alms to all the people who were under their authority, like a loving father and mother.”

In their old age, Peter and Fevronia took monastic vows with the names David and Euphrosyne. They prayed to God to die on the same day and hour and bequeathed to put them in a common coffin, having previously prepared a tomb from one stone with a thin partition between them. The Murom residents, breaking the will, laid them in separate coffins. But the next day they miraculously ended up in the same tomb. Again people tried to separate the spouses, and again the same miracle happened. After that, no one dared to separate them. So they were buried in a common tomb. Tsar Ivan the Terrible erected a stone cathedral over their relics in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What does this touching story teach us?

FIRSTLY- fulfilling your promises to God. Using the example of the prince, we see how a terrible illness returned to him again after breaking a promise, and how, having repented, he fulfilled it and was healed.
SECONDLY- fidelity. For the sake of God's commandment, remaining faithful to his wife, the prince renounces the throne and princely honors.
THIRD- wise government of the people. This is an example to all leaders at any level - district, regional, state - to love their people, who are under their authority, and to rule not for the sake of their own enrichment, but for the good of the people and the benefit of the Fatherland.
FOURTH- kindness. They forgave the Murom people all the insults and humiliations, did not take revenge, did not bear any grudge, but humbly returned to the throne.
FIFTH, the life of Peter and Fevronia is an example of the highest divine love. There was no love between them at first sight, which, as a rule, quickly fades away. They give a lesson to all young people that love is possible only in a legal, blessed marriage and arises gradually through caring attitude towards each other. Love is like a garden, in which a seed is first sown, then a sprout appears, and a flowering and fruit-bearing tree grows a few years after long-term care for it.
The holy princes showed us an example of how to cultivate a great feeling of love, asking for God's help and keeping His commandments. Just as a tree cannot grow without God, who warms it with the sun and waters it with rain, so love without God’s grace is impossible.
With their lives, Peter and Fevronia embodied on earth the complete unity of spouses in love. They are the patrons of family happiness, guardians of chastity, mental and physical purity. So let us imitate their piety and turn to their prayerful help in all family circumstances.

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, a festive service for these saints is held in all churches of Russia on this day.
We invite everyone On Friday, July 8, at 9 a.m., go to our Alexander Nevsky Church to pray for family happiness.

For the ninth year now, July 8 - the day of remembrance of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia - has been celebrated as the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

Amazing "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia", written by the priest-monk Erasmus in the 16th century in connection with their canonization, has survived to this day. This story is like this.

There were two brothers, Peter and Pavel. Pavel, as the eldest, reigned in Murom. An unclean serpent took possession of his wife, taking on the image of Paul and tempting her to sin. The wife told her husband everything. The princess learned from the serpent that his death was “from Peter’s shoulder, from Agrikov’s sword.” Paul told brother Peter about this. At the direction of the angel who appeared, Peter Agrikov finds a sword in the monastery church in the altar wall. With this sword Peter killed the snake. But he was splashed with filthy blood, and where the blood got in, he developed terrible ulcers. Then he sends his servants to the Ryazan land, famous for its skilled doctors.

One of the servants finds a wise girl, Fevronia, who speaks in parables and riddles, and who promised to cure the prince if he takes her as his wife. She came from a simple family of beekeepers. The prince agrees - and Fevronia heals him. However, Peter does not fulfill his promise and falls ill again. Then he “with shame” again turns to Fevronia and this time marries her.

After the death of brother Pavel, Peter becomes the sovereign prince of Murom. But the boyars were dissatisfied with the low origin of the princess and demanded that Peter divorce Fevronia and marry another, and let Fevronia take as much wealth as she wants and leave the city. Prince Peter, remembering the words of the “Savior: “What God has joined together, man does not separate” and “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery,” renounces his reign and goes into exile with Fevronia.

They were not destined to wander for long. The boyars in Murom fought over who should be the sovereign prince, killed each other, and soon an embassy came to ask Peter and Fevronia to return to the throne. They returned to the city and “ruled there, keeping all the commandments and instructions of the Lord blamelessly, praying incessantly and giving alms to all the people who were under their authority, like a loving father and mother.”

In their old age, Peter and Fevronia took monastic vows with the names David and Euphrosyne. They prayed to God to die on the same day and hour and bequeathed to put them in a common coffin, having previously prepared a tomb from one stone with a thin partition between them. The Murom residents, breaking the will, laid them in separate coffins. But the next day they miraculously ended up in the same tomb. Again people tried to separate the spouses, and again the same miracle happened. After that, no one dared to separate them. So they were buried in a common tomb. Tsar Ivan the Terrible erected a stone cathedral over their relics in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What does this touching story teach us?

FIRSTLY- fulfilling your promises to God. Using the example of the prince, we see how a terrible illness returned to him again after breaking a promise, and how, having repented, he fulfilled it and was healed.
SECONDLY- fidelity. For the sake of God's commandment, remaining faithful to his wife, the prince renounces the throne and princely honors.
THIRD- wise government of the people. This is an example to all leaders at any level - district, regional, state - to love their people, who are under their authority, and to rule not for the sake of their own enrichment, but for the good of the people and the benefit of the Fatherland.
FOURTH- kindness. They forgave the Murom people all the insults and humiliations, did not take revenge, did not bear any grudge, but humbly returned to the throne.
FIFTH, the life of Peter and Fevronia is an example of the highest divine love. There was no love between them at first sight, which, as a rule, quickly fades away. They give a lesson to all young people that love is possible only in a legal, blessed marriage and arises gradually through caring attitude towards each other. Love is like a garden, in which a seed is first sown, then a sprout appears, and a flowering and fruit-bearing tree grows a few years after long-term care for it.
The holy princes showed us an example of how to cultivate a great feeling of love, asking for God's help and keeping His commandments. Just as a tree cannot grow without God, who warms it with the sun and waters it with rain, so love without God’s grace is impossible.
With their lives, Peter and Fevronia embodied on earth the complete unity of spouses in love. They are the patrons of family happiness, guardians of chastity, mental and physical purity. So let us imitate their piety and turn to their prayerful help in all family circumstances.

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, a festive service for these saints is held in all churches of Russia on this day.
We invite everyone On Friday, July 8, at 9 a.m., go to our Alexander Nevsky Church to pray for family happiness.