Street bugs - forest, green, tree, berry: description of species with photos, why they are harmful and how to get rid of them. How to get rid of wood bugs in an apartment: tips and recommendations Is it worth poisoning bedbugs with insecticides

The stink bug is a very common insect. They have a chitinous shell, shaped like a shield, for which they are called shield bugs. The shell protects the bug from exposure external environment.

The bug lives near bodies of water and feeds on the juice of plants, berries, cereals and the remains of other insects.

The stink bug is known for its unpleasant odor due to a substance secreted by the scent glands in case of danger.

But this property of the insect is also used for the benefit of people. A method of treating alcoholism using vodka tincture on wood bugs has long been known. This article will tell you what types of stink bugs there are, how to recognize this insect, what harm it can cause to the crop and how to fight the pest.

Insect species

The stink bug family is characterized by brightly colored, medium to large sized ground bugs with flat, scute-like backs. Of the varieties, the families of true shield bugs, earthen, hemispherical, woody or berry, turtle shield bugs and many others are known.

  1. The family of true shield insects has up to 4,000 species, the size of insects is from 0.8 to 1.8 cm, and more than 200 species live on European territory. Of the varieties of this family, the lined scale insect stands out with its bright color. He was nicknamed the Italian bug for his red back with black stripes, similar in color to the uniform of the Vatican guards.
  2. The earthen shield family has more than 700 species, lives on the surface of the earth, feeds on roots and is harmful to some types of cereals and peanuts. The family of hemispherical shield bugs includes more than 500 species, ranging in size from 0.2 to 2 cm; representatives have a rounded shell reaching to the abdomen.
  3. The family of shield turtles is small in number, numbering no more than 100 species. An insect measuring from 0.6 to 1.5 cm. They are considered the most powerful pests Agriculture, live in fields; plant sap serves as food for shield turtles.
  4. Wood bugs are a family of no more than 200 species. The size of the insect can be from 0.5 to 3.5 cm. They live on trees and shrubs, feeding on foliage. The most famous varieties are the green and gray wood stink bug and the berry stink bug.
  5. The gray shield is little bug from 0.5 to 0.8 cm long. Habitat: trees such as birch, beech, holly, alder, spruce. The green shield bug or berry bug is a large insect up to 3.5 cm long, lives on trees and shrubs, often in raspberry fields, feeds on the juice of leaves and berries. It is considered a pest of agricultural crops.

The picture shows the types of bedbugs:

  1. edge worker;
  2. sharp-headed shieldbill;
  3. Italian stink bug;
  4. green tree shield;
  5. subcorn;
  6. smoothie;
  7. predator;
  8. shield catatacanthus incarnatus;
  9. bed bug;
  10. streaked rower;
  11. ranatra;
  12. sea ​​water strider;
  13. shieldweed "senator";
  14. water bug;
  15. stink bug Chrysocoris silatus;
  16. edge worker;
  17. skinny bug;
  18. water scorpion;
  19. soldier bug.

Wood bug

The wood bug has a large, flat body. Coloring the insect depends on the time of year: in summer it is light green, merging with the green of summer foliage; closer to autumn, the green color is diluted with brownish-brown spots, and at the height of autumn the insect merges with the crimson-orange color of autumn trees.

In the back of the body, brown wings are hidden under the shield, which the bug does not use very often. Its wings have a small span and insufficient strength for the insect to take off easily, so getting into the air is a very energy-consuming task for the bug.

The stink bug makes flights only when it is necessary to search for new food.


In winter, shield bugs hide in forests under fallen leaves and are in a state of suspended animation. With the arrival of spring, they leave their wintering grounds and fly to gardens, fields, and bushes to gain strength after winter and nourish themselves with plant sap.

After the recovery period, the period of mating and egg laying begins.

In the warm spring-summer period, stink bugs can lay eggs twice a season, which have the same soft green color as the insect itself. The eggs are attached very tightly to the back of the leaf and are arranged in even rows, reminiscent of beadwork. One clutch can contain about 100 eggs.

The egg looks like a barrel or a jug, it depends on the type of bug. On the empty egg you can see small teeth that held the lid until the larva hatched. The duration of the egg development stage depends on temperature conditions, the egg usually develops within a week to a month.

The larva hatched from the egg differs from the mature bedbug only in the absence of wings, and the color and shape of the larva and the adult bedbug are similar. A strong chitin shield prevents the larva from growing, so during the development process it sheds it five times. This is the most difficult stage of development for an insect. U large quantity During this period, the larvae are unable to shed the shell that restricts their growth, and they die.

What damage do insects cause?

Of the shield insects, the most severe harm brings the variety Eurygaster integriceps, translated as "". This species of stink bug feeds on young shoots of cereal crops, can make long flights, winters in forests, flies to fields in the spring and causes serious damage to cereal plantings.

Adult insects and their larvae, feeding on plant sap, use their proboscis to make punctures in the fruits, stems and leaves of the plant; yellowish-whitish spots remain at the puncture site. As a result, the plant withers, grows poorly and withers, damaged young shoots of cereals either die or produce a poor harvest with depleted seeds. Thus, great damage is caused to wheat and rye fields.

Another family of stink bugs, the so-called cruciferous bugs, seriously harm vegetable crops, as they feed on the juice of cabbage, carrots, dill, and rapeseed. These bugs are bright blue-green with metallic highlights and yellow-red stripes or spots.

Berry scale insects cause damage to gardens with berry bushes. These bugs feed on both the juice of leaves and the juice of the berries themselves, leaving bad smell and detrimental to crop growth.

Pest Control Products

When there is a noticeable increase in the number of harmful stink bugs in the garden or vegetable garden, insecticidal poisons such as karbofos or chlorophos are used. But at the same time, chemicals also reach the crop. Therefore the most safe way get rid of pests on garden plot- this means collecting insects by hand, especially since they are not very agility.

To repel bedbugs, the so-called black cohosh, or black cohosh, is often planted in the garden and shrubs. The plant has an unpleasant, pungent aroma that repels stink bugs.

Infusion of onion peel or diluted in water mustard powder You can also repel pests from garden vegetation. To do this, spray the garden and shrubs with a solution prepared from 200 grams of onion peels or 100 grams of mustard per 10 liters of water. The smell of onions and mustard drowns out the aroma of berries and vegetables: this protects the crop from stink bugs and other insect pests.

American scientists are looking for new way scaring away stink bugs from green spaces. They are developing a drug containing artificially created analogues of insect pheromones (). This should, in their opinion, affect the sense of smell of stink bugs and distract pests from the harvest of fields, orchards and vegetable gardens.

If, by chance, a stink bug gets into your apartment, there is no need to worry too much: it is not dangerous to humans. Just throw it out the window. Cases of large concentrations of stink bugs in residential areas have not yet been observed, since the main food for these insects is tree foliage, fruits, berries, and cereals. If you are still worried about the appearance of these uninvited guests in your apartment, just secure your home with the help.

Green arboreal shieldweed

Scientific classification









Real shield protectors




Green arboreal shieldweed

International scientific name

Palomena prasina Linnaeus, 1761

Green arboreal shieldweed, or Palomena green(lat. Palomena prasina) - a species of bugs from the family of true stink bugs ( Pentatomidae).


Imago. Ventral view


Body length 12-14 mm. The general color is green above, reddish or greenish-yellow below; by autumn it becomes rusty-brown or brown-violet on top; in the spring it turns green again. Pronotum with a narrow orange rim. Legs and antennae are brown; The 2nd and 3rd antennal segments are approximately the same length. Slightly convex. The lateral margins of the pronotum are straight or slightly notched.



The range covers Europe, Western and Central Asia, Kazakhstan, China and North Africa. In Russia, it is distributed from the extreme south to the coniferous forest zone and from the Baltic states to Primorye, in the Caucasus.

In the Rtishchevsky district it was noted in the Tretyak grove.


Inhabits mixed forests on deciduous trees and shrubs. After wintering, adults fly off to open spaces, including to cultivated fields; later they return to the forests, but stay mainly on the edges.


Overwinters as an adult insect. The adult hibernates under fallen leaves and other secluded places.

A polyphagous species, adults feed on the sap of fruits and young shoots of more than 30 plant species, most often shrubs and trees of the following genera: Ribes, Rubus, Rosa, Quercus, Crataegus, Prunus, Sorbus, Acer, Fraxinus, Tilia, Betula, Alnus and others.

Sometimes it slightly damages flowering plantings and sugar beets of the first year (as a result of its sucking, the skin on young shoots bursts), as well as legumes, grains, garden crops berry bushes, fruit trees(young shoots and fruits). It causes significant harm to hazel, in some places reducing the nut yield by 5-8%, sometimes up to 40%.


Egg laying occurs at the end of apple tree flowering; Their development lasts 7-8, and the larval phase lasts about 60 days. The larvae develop on herbaceous plants and shrubs. The new generation appears in the second half of summer.


  • Babenko 3. S. Insects-phytophages of fruit and berry plants in the forest zone of the Ob region. - Tomsk: Tomsk University Publishing House, 1982. - P. 52
  • Gornostaev G. N. Insects. Encyclopedia of Russian nature. - M.: AVR, 1998. - P. 140
  • Gusev V. I., Ermolenko V. M., Svishchuk V. V., Shmigovsky K. A. Atlas of Komakh of Ukraine. - K.: State Educational and Pedagogical Institute “Radyansk School”, 1962. - P. 50 (Ukrainian)
  • Yesenbekova P. A. Hemiptera (Heteroptera) of Kazakhstan. - Almaty: “Nur-Print”, 2013. - P. 249. - ISBN 978-601-80265-5-3
  • Insects and mites are pests of agricultural crops. T. 1. Insects with incomplete transformation. - L.: Publishing house “Science” Leningrad branch, 1972. - P. 234
  • Plavilshchikov N. N. Insect guide: A brief guide to the most common insects in the European part of Russia. - M.: Topikal, 1994. - P. 128
  • Stanek V. Ya. Illustrated encyclopedia of insects. - Prague: Artia, 1977. - P. 99

It happens that even in major cities Wood bugs get into your home. In nature, these pests are found on trees and shrubs, but when they get into the house, every person asks a list of questions about what this insect looks like, why its different types are dangerous and how to get rid of them.

What does a wood bug look like and what does it eat (photo)

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! In the fight against bedbugs, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. Electromagnetic and ultrasonic technology is 100% effective against bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects. Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets.

Wood bug

The following incidents are considered to be the reasons why the shield bug begins to fight and migrate:

  • Flood;
  • Fire in the forest;
  • Too high or low temperatures;
  • The appearance of toxic fumes and other incidents.

Red wood bug

Today, the shield bug comes in many varieties, but not all of them are dangerous to humans. The red beetle has a distinctive black and red coloration and feeds on plant sap or carrion. The fight against this creature is relevant in the vegetable garden, but in the apartment the shield bug does not cause harm, and you can easily fight it.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! To get rid of BUGS, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electromagnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets.

Red wood bug

What to do if you are bitten by a wood bug?

Before getting rid of an insect of an unknown species that is found in your home, it may leave a bad odor or even bite. To get rid of a bite mark from any type of this pest, simply treat it with alcohol. When the bite site swells. You should consult a doctor as this may be a symptom allergic reaction to insect venom.

Wood bugs for alcoholism

Exists folk remedy, helping to get rid of alcoholism. To prepare a drug for alcoholism, you need to collect a considerable number of these insects and make a tincture (approximately 100 grams of beetles are poured with 500 grams of alcohol or vodka and infused in dark place week). It is believed that this will not only help fight alcoholism, but also forget about this problem forever.

How to get rid of wood bugs in an apartment, house and on the balcony?

To get rid of pests in your home, you don’t even need to fight them through disinfection. Purchase special means relevant, but only if there is a need to fight stink bugs regularly. Their appearance in housing is single, so it is enough to throw the stink bug outside or kill it. It does not reproduce in housing.

Wood bugs in the apartment - how to get rid of them?

Anti-wood bug remedy

In cases where the apartment is located near a garden, there is a need to regularly combat the appearance of insects. To understand how to destroy wood bugs, it is worth considering the range of stores household chemicals. Today, various aerosols are offered that paralyze nervous system pest You can read about which means are considered the most effective

Wood bug

This insect is also called the forest insect. It feeds on plant juice, berries, some plants and the remains of other insects. The shell of this insect is quite durable; it is what protects it from the external environment. It is necessary to fight the stink bug only when it causes damage to agricultural estates. It is not difficult to get rid of it, only if not the entire swarm has arrived. For humans, stinkers are not dangerous, but on the contrary, they are useful. Since ancient times they have been used to treat alcoholism. Where does the wood bug live, you ask. It is occupied in forests and near water bodies.

Red wood bug

Do tree bugs bite?

What to do if bitten by a wood bug

Their bites are not dangerous to living creatures. Redness may appear; surgical assistance is not needed; it is enough to treat the area with alcohol.

Wood bugs for alcoholism

How to get rid of wood bugs in an apartment, house and balcony

Wood bugs in the apartment: how to get rid of them

You can remove the population manually by collecting and crushing them. There will be a smell, but not that strong. You can still fight with universal remedy from insects. Regular Reid aerosol will do. This insect will leave the unusual environment on its own and will not leave eggs in the apartment. Therefore, there is no need to call the SES.

Anti-wood bug remedy

The following means will help fight uninvited guests:
1. Xulat Micro
2. Delta zone
3. Get
4. Clean House
5. Dichlorvos
When you don’t know how to kill wood bugs, we advise you to choose not very toxic drugs, because these pests are very vulnerable to chemicals. It is easy to fight them using folk methods.

This species of the shield family does not pose a threat to humans and cannot significantly affect the amount of harvest, such as. The only problem is that the wood bug gives off a terrible unpleasant odor and has an intimidating appearance. Although it should be clarified that with a large population they can affect the amount of harvest in the garden.

Find out what the green wood bug looks like, how to get rid of it if it gets into the house and on personal plot. It’s so unpleasant to put a currant or raspberry in your mouth, and along with it a “fragrant” bug.

What does a wood bug look like?

Let's get acquainted with the green wood bug, the second name is the wood bug (in Latin Palomena prasina). It has a fairly impressive size of 12-15 mm adult. The photo below shows a typical representative of the green wood bug.

The insect's body is covered with a durable chitinous shell. Because of this strong shell, the green stink bug is never numerous. The fact is that in order to become an adult, a bug goes through five stages of molting. Each molt is a real test for the insect due to its hard shell. Most of the nymphs die during this period. 20 percent of the population survive to adulthood.

There are wings on the back, but the stink bug uses them extremely rarely; the mass and volume of the insect does not allow it to fly long distances.

On the underside of the abdomen there are special glands that produce an odorous secretion. In case of danger, the bug releases this smell and scares away other insects and even birds.

Their interesting feature is the ability to change color depending on the time of year. From spring to late autumn it has a basic green color with dark small dots on the body. In autumn, the color of the beetle becomes red or red-brown, but after wintering it turns green again.

This feature makes the bug unnoticeable. So in the summer it hides in the green foliage and is practically invisible, but in the autumn the wood bug becomes the same color as the leaves around it.

How do they reproduce?

Palomena prasina produces only one generation of insects during its life cycle. Mating most often occurs in May and June. This can also happen in July.

The female attaches eggs to plants containing up to 28 eggs. At the end of July and beginning of August, new generations of beetles appear. Small bugs (nymphs) go through five molting stages to become adults. They go to winter as adults.

Nymphs are very similar in appearance to adult insects, only smaller in size and lacking wings. Wings appear after the fifth molt.

How do they winter?

The wood bug hides under dry fallen leaves until spring. Some of them also manage to sneak into houses and spend the winter there.

What do green shield bugs eat?

Beetles are polyphagous. This means that it can feed on both plants and small insects. But he prefers to live on deciduous trees, such as alder and linden, on raspberry bushes, cotoneaster and some herbaceous plants. It is a minor pest garden crops– apple trees, pears, etc.

What does the wood bug eat? Nymphs (not adult bugs) suck young shoots of plants. Adults prefer fruits and seeds. Also, if the green shield bug comes across a dead ant or other bug, it will happily feast on it.

Most often, the shield bug eats the following trees and plants:

  1. Apple tree;
  2. Pear;
  3. Apricot;
  4. Raspberries;
  5. Currant;
  6. Hazelnut;
  7. Gooseberry, etc.

The photo shows a leaf after a wood bug has feasted on it.

At the same time, characteristic brown spots remain on the leaves, the leaf dries out due to the lack of nutrients in it.

How long does the green wood bug live?

Green stink bug lives on average 2 years under favorable conditions. Young nymphs often die before reaching adulthood. Since during molting, not everyone is able to shed the old shell and the insects do not survive.

Green wood bug in the house: why is it dangerous?

The house is not a place for the green shield to live, since there is no food for it. But in the fall, when cold weather sets in, a beetle can enter a house through cracks or fly into a window and safely spend the winter there.

More often we're talking about about single insects. But there are situations when the house can literally be flooded with them. This happens extremely rarely and the main reason is abnormal changes weather conditions. It became very hot, or vice versa, a sharp cold snap. A fire or flood can also cause bedbugs to rush into your home.

He does not pose a danger to the owners of the house. The only thing is that if you crush an insect, you will feel an unpleasant, irritating odor.

Do green bugs bite?

The wood bug is not capable of biting a person. Since the oral apparatus does not allow piercing human skin. When the Internet is full of headlines about stink bug bites, it is most often confused with other species of the bedbug family, whose mouthparts can actually pierce the skin.

Danger is possible if there is a large concentration of insects in the house. Because they will emit a terrible smell. People with allergies and young children may have reactions to this substance.

Where do they come from in the house?

If your windows don't have screens and you keep front door open, it is likely that the insect will fly into your house.

Also in the fall the bug looks for comfortable spot for wintering. They can become cracks in your home.

How to deal with tree stink bug in the house?

The best solution would be to throw the beetle out the window.

If there is a real horde of green shield bugs in your house, follow these recommendations:

  1. Find their wintering place. These can be cracks and holes, under baseboards, in mounds of old newspapers and magazines.
  2. Try to lure the green bug out of its hiding place. To do this, make it too warm in their hiding place (install a heater) and point a direct light source at them.
  3. Once you get them, don't kill them (the smell is disgusting). It is better to collect them in an airtight container and burn them.

How to poison an insect?

The question immediately arises: why complicate everything so much, to lure them out. If you can take an available insecticide, for example Dichlorvos, and poison the bugs. That's how it is, but you forget that you will never be able to get these insects out of their hiding places. This means that the smell from them will continue to bother you for a long time.

Also, the remains of insects are an attraction for new, similar shield insects.

How to get rid of it on the balcony?

For many, the balcony is a place where old books, newspapers and magazines are stored. And this is just a good place wintering grounds for the green wood bug. Therefore, it is recommended to remove everything unnecessary from the balcony. And also, if possible, glaze it, and then not a single insect will remain with you for the winter.

Basic rules to avoid getting stink bugs into your home

  1. Seal all cracks and chips in the house;
  2. Remove unnecessary things from the balcony, and put everything that needs to be left in sealed packaging;
  3. Close the windows or place a special mosquito net on them;
  4. If a beetle does sneak into your house, do not crush it, but throw it outside.

What to do with green stink bug in the garden?

As a rule, this type of insect does not cause much trouble for gardeners. Because its population is not large. But if it happens that a beetle spoils your harvest, treat trees and bushes with the following insecticides:

  • Aktara is a drug from the group of neonicotinoids. Known to most gardeners thanks to affordable price, ease of use and effectiveness. The drug can be either sprayed on the plant or poured at the root.
  • Confidor Extra;
  • Tanrek;
  • Karate Zeon;
  • Talstar.

Most often, a single treatment is enough to get rid of the insect for the whole summer. But do not forget that other useful bugs may die along with the shield bug.