We decorate the garden and vegetable garden. DIY country crafts for garden decoration photo. Prices for pebbles

In this article we will offer you ideas that will allow you to decorate your personal plot or a dacha. Most of the ideas we offer require virtually no investment, just skillful hands, a little imagination and desire to turn your garden and yard into a charming corner.

A cheerful ladybug made from an ordinary shovel will definitely delight the guests of your site.

An artist's palette, where instead of paints there are fresh flowers. You can cut such a structure from ordinary plywood, and simply insert flower pots into the holes different shades. A win-win, agree!

It is immediately obvious that the owners of this land plot They take their design and growing vegetables seriously. Everything is orderly, neat, but at the same time bright and beautiful.

Plastic pots were simply strung on a metal rod. The design looks very unusual.

To create such an unusual flower bed, all you needed was an old teapot.

A flowerbed-hearth in a real cauldron suspended on a chain.

Another one old-new idea. Turning a stump into a fly agaric using a metal bowl is an old idea, but adding old shoes, a red nose and expressive eyes is a great idea. original version. This composition is complemented by bright strawberries and ladybugs, just scattered on the grass.

Stone - be it natural boulders or an artificial version - can be used to create a wide variety of flowers, including flower beds like these.

It is immediately obvious that the owner of this personal plot has the talent of an artist! In such barrels you can store rainwater for watering, arrange a flower bed or simply turn it into a bright element of landscape design.

Don't rush to throw it away old bath! She can turn into such a charming artificial pond, and without any effort or expense.

And this old bath became a real fountain thanks to another old and already unnecessary thing - a pipe that had served its purpose.

If your site is protected from prying eyes by a high fence, you can decorate it from the inside using something like this simple option vertical gardening. All you need: plastic bottles of mineral water or lemonade with holes cut out, reliable rope or fishing line, soil, as well as plant seedlings or seeds.

Another very popular option for decorating a garden is all kinds of wheelbarrows, carts, carts that turn into flower beds and become a highlight landscape design.

Old plates that you no longer use in the kitchen can become an unusual border for a flower bed.

“Box of pencils” as a fence for the site. Who will say that this is boring and ugly?

In Europe, old chairs like these, which have become flower stands, can be bought at special markets and sales. But you can do something like this original flower beds with your own hands without spending a penny!

At first glance, it looks like a chaotic collection of things. But in reality it is a well-thought-out landscape composition.

A visual illustration for the manual “ new life old things." This is how an ordinary washbasin became an elegant fountain.

A teapot with a broken spout, chipped or cracked cups can become convenient containers for flowers. You definitely can’t call such a flowerbed banal.

In general, decorating a garden is a matter of the owners’ imagination and their desire to put in some effort. We hope that our ideas will stimulate your actions and help make your garden plot more original and vibrant.

Many people think that the appearance of a vegetable garden looks boring and uninteresting with its straight beds. But let me prove the opposite to you. Look at the photo of the original DIY vegetable garden.

In today's article we will talk about impressive ideas, decorating methods, recommendations for creating unique vegetable gardens and some instructive lessons.

Lazy beds - a modern option

Do you want to free yourself from boring and annoying gardening chores? You should immediately study the technology of creating modern beds, called lazy beds. They do not require constant weeding and provide you with time for a summer holiday.

In addition, this option of beds is convenient and helps to increase productivity.

Dacha residents are well acquainted with the processes of growing various plants, and the final result does not always live up to expectations and costs. Thus, seedlings may not take root and die, or may not produce a harvest. A lazy beds can help resolve these problems.

The peculiarity of these beds is that the seedlings grow independently, and their productivity increases by several orders of magnitude. The secret of this technique is very simple: the beds should not be disturbed by weeding or loosening the soil; this is only possible during their preparatory period and during the planting period.

Undoubtedly, by regularly weeding the ground, you will eradicate all the weeds and loosen the soil, but because of this, the soil itself will begin to dry out and will not sufficiently moisten the plants.

Lazy beds are not difficult to make, you just need to do everything step by step:

First you should decide on the size of the sides, especially the height, which depends on their location. According to the selected dimensions, prepare boards for them, fasten them with self-tapping screws and wooden blocks at the corners of the sides. To do this, you should use clamps.

Having finished assembling the box for the garden bed, turn it over and install it in a predetermined place that is well lit.

Prepare holes, the depth of which should be 12-15 cm, so that the corners wooden blocks fit them perfectly. Install the box securely. Use a level to make sure the bed is installed correctly.

WITH inside Attach a PVC pipe to the sides so that you can later attach film or hoops with mesh to it. Lightly compact the bottom, cover it first with a metal mesh to protect against rodents, then with geotextile material.

Fill the box with soil and secure the watering hoses. Plant the harvested seedlings. If you need to cover the bed, secure the arcs for the film. The bed is ready!

Don't forget to provide a watering system. You don't have to buy an expensive one. It is recommended to water not often, but enough so that the plants are fully moistened before the next watering.

Will help you save time and energy gardening tools, which is chosen correctly. In this regard, it is worth purchasing only quality tools to make work easier and more comfortable. Store equipment in a designated storage area.

As the planting season begins, dig up the soil to prepare it for planting seedlings or seeds.

Having completed the planting process, do not disturb the soil; the mulch will do everything for you. Your job is to provide regular watering.


As you can see, this version of the beds is really for the lazy, but the most hardworking summer residents have taken note of it and put it into action.

Excellent productivity from raised beds

Construction frame structure and watering system for high beds - the process is very labor-intensive, but then you will be completely satisfied with the yield and weather conditions.

The sun's rays have a great effect on raised beds in terms of illumination and soil warming, as a result of which planting can begin in April.

Rodent protection in the form of metal mesh. With a frame width of 1.5 m, it will be easy for you to care for plants either from one side or the other. You can also make a two-lane bed and cover it with film on top, you will get a greenhouse version of the bed.

The harvest in such beds usually ripens early. Their only disadvantage is that they need to be watered frequently, since water is not retained in the soil.


Despite the labor-intensive nature of building beds, this is quickly compensated for by good results and a very attractive appearance.

Smart beds are the best

Smart or warm beds little different from lazy people. The only difference is the use of fertilizers, which, as a rule, increase the volume of the crop with minimal effort.

As a primer smart beds They do not use soil, but compost with sawdust, leaves, and straw, which further nourishes the plants. A layer of soil is poured on top of the compost and after one month planting begins.

The height of the beds is approximately 1 m. You can use stones, logs or bricks to fence them, which will make the garden more interesting. Don't forget to provide the beds with internal watering.

If you don't mind the time and money for a large number of fertilizers, then this method is for you. But we assure you that you will not be at a loss, and you will be pleased not only with gorgeous beds and the design of the garden in general, but also with early harvest.


Economy option for raised beds

Fencing beds with wattle fence is the most economical option in terms of finances. Besides this, such design idea for the garden will perfectly decorate your plot. Such beds are suitable for growing both flowers and vegetables.

Step-by-step instructions for building a garden bed:

  • Inside the fence, cover the ground with geotextile material or cardboard to useful material did not seep into the soil when watering. Although cardboard is not durable, it will eventually become organic matter.
  • Top with garden weeds or freshly cut grass from the lawn.
  • Cover everything with a layer of dry straw.
  • Place compost or rotted leaves on top of the straw.
  • At the end there is a layer of black soil.
  • The best period for these beds is autumn, when the necessary components are abundant. To naturally warm the soil, it is worth taking care of a layer of manure, which will release heat when it flows.

A beautiful vegetable garden may well become a decoration of the landscape of the entire site. How to create a unique look for your garden with your own hands?

Use some tips:

  • if necessary, use a trellis for climbing plants;
  • use multi-colored and different shaped garden plants.
  • frame the beds in an original way, this will not only increase the yield, but also improve the appearance.
  • Decorate your garden with flowers, preferably perennial ones.
  • divide the beds with beautiful paths or paths in the form of pebbles or pebbles.
  • count on big harvest, then English either french styles for you.


By building a scarecrow in your garden, you will not only scare away birds, but also decorate it.

And a scarecrow doesn’t necessarily have to be scary and unkempt. Your version of a scarecrow can be mischievous, fun and colorful.

It can be built not only in the form of a person, but also in various other images, using all kinds of available materials.

By installing such a guard in your garden, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your harvest!

DIY vegetable garden photo

Most go to the country to combine business with pleasure - rest and work. At the same time, there is simply not enough time for flower beds, gazebos, and garden ponds. Treat yourself and surprise your neighbors! Do beautiful design DIY vegetable gardens. It is not difficult. It’s worth using a few ideas to turn ordinary beds with vegetables and berries into spectacular garden decor. This way you can combine the functionality and aesthetics of your dacha space.

Zoning the space

You can make a beautiful garden design with your own hands (photo above) by dividing the territory into separate parts using artificial or. Firstly, they are placed along the perimeter of the fence, planting berry bushes or tall greens, as well as corn or sunflowers. It's good to experiment with trellis or decorative or vegetable crops(grapes - edible or decorative). The same is done in the garden itself, if you need to separate one zone from another. For example, cucumbers weave well on a vertically installed trellis, a stretched mesh. Surprise your neighbors - grow hedge or an arch of cucumbers. Tasty and beautiful.

We decorate the garden with decorative objects

If you want variety in the space between the beds, find a place for various objects that can be made from scrap materials. If you have a barrel for irrigation, paint an original pattern, funny emoticons or some characters on its surface with weatherproof paints. Many people like to make mushrooms from upside-down basins placed on tree stumps. It is popular to paint stones in the form of insects, animals and other objects of the animal and plant world.

Many people buy or make their own sculptures, balls, and decorative containers. There are actually a lot of ideas.

As you have seen, decorating a vegetable garden with your own hands is not such a difficult task. You just need to show your imagination and use some tricks and useful recommendations. Then your beds will look no worse than any flower garden.

In this article we will offer you ideas that will allow you to decorate your garden plot or cottage in a very original way. Most of the ideas we offer require virtually no investment, only skillful hands, a little imagination and the desire to turn your garden and yard into a charming corner.

A cheerful ladybug made from an ordinary shovel will definitely delight the guests of your site.

An artist's palette, where instead of paints there are fresh flowers. You can cut such a structure from ordinary plywood, and simply insert pots with flowers of different shades into the holes. A win-win option, agree!

It is immediately clear that the owners of this plot of land are serious about its design and cultivation of vegetables. Everything is orderly, neat, but at the same time bright and beautiful.

Plastic pots were simply strung on a metal rod. The design looks very unusual.

To create such an unusual flower bed, all you needed was an old teapot.

A flowerbed-hearth in a real cauldron suspended on a chain.

Another old-new idea. Transforming a stump into a fly agaric using a metal bowl is an old idea, but adding old shoes, a red nose and expressive eyes is an original option. This composition is complemented by bright strawberries and ladybugs simply scattered on the grass.

Stone - be it natural boulders or an artificial version - can be used to create a wide variety of flowers, including flower beds like these.

It is immediately obvious that the owner of this personal plot has the talent of an artist! In such barrels you can store rainwater for irrigation, arrange a flower bed, or simply turn it into a bright element of landscape design.

Don't rush to throw away your old bathtub! It can turn into such a charming artificial pond, and without any effort or expense.

And this old bathtub became a real fountain thanks to another old and already unnecessary thing - a pipe that had served its purpose.

If your site is protected from prying eyes by a high fence, you can decorate it from the inside using this simple version of vertical gardening. All you need: plastic bottles of mineral water or lemonade with holes cut out, reliable rope or fishing line, soil, as well as plant seedlings or seeds.

Another very popular option for decorating a garden is all kinds of wheelbarrows, carts, and carts that turn into flower beds and become the highlight of landscape design.

Old plates that you no longer use in the kitchen can become an unusual border for a flower bed.

“Box of pencils” as a fence for the site. Who will say that this is boring and ugly?

In Europe, old chairs like these, which have become flower stands, can be bought at special markets and sales. But you can make such original flower beds with your own hands without spending a penny!

At first glance, it looks like a chaotic collection of things. But in reality it is a well-thought-out landscape composition.

A visual illustration for the manual “new life for old things.” This is how an ordinary washbasin became an elegant fountain.

A teapot with a broken spout, chipped or cracked cups can become convenient containers for flowers. You definitely can’t call such a flowerbed banal.

In general, decorating a garden is a matter of the owners’ imagination and their desire to put in some effort. We hope that our ideas will stimulate your actions and help make your garden plot more original and vibrant.

In the time of our parents, the garden was decorated with lilac bushes and many different flowers. All kinds of vegetables grew in the garden. The beds were laid out, and even the most small plot soil with cucumbers and tomatoes, dill and parsley. Now everything has changed greatly and modern gardeners decorate their estates according to the European model. You can come up with a design yourself, and make decorations from any available materials - the more unexpected, the better.

  1. Making a design plan
  2. Vegetable garden in a new way
  3. DIY garden and vegetable garden decorations
  4. Ideas from plastic bottles
  5. Unusual garden decorations
  6. New Year's fairy tale in the garden
  7. Conclusion

Making a design plan

Like any undertaking, designing a garden needs to start with planning. To do this, you need to determine the boundaries of the site, then think about what exactly you would like to see on your site. Divide the territory into several parts and come up with a theme for each of them. There must be a driveway along which it will be pleasant to approach the house. The layout must indicate everything that is on the site, any building or path.

It is not recommended to plant trees on the side of the main entrance to the house, because over time they will simply become an obstacle to access to the house. And they will cast a permanent shadow on the house itself. It is best to lay out a garden behind the house or on the side. It's better to decorate the yard. At the same time, plant the flowers in such a way as to create the impression.

The perimeter of the site can be decorated instead of high fences or wood. For this purpose they plant low growing bush, which are periodically trimmed for an aesthetic appearance.

Vegetable garden in a new way

You can decorate it no worse than a garden. Each bed can be designed to match the style of a flower garden or flower bed, to which you can lay a path. The path itself can be decorated with garden greens. It could be parsley, dill, horseradish or even carrots, the leaves of which will be green until late autumn. In addition, pepper “lanterns” along the path will look nice. The beds themselves can be made of any shape. It depends on the imagination of the garden owner.

The garden can also be planted around the perimeter with bushes or decorative trees. Then small piece paradise will be hidden from prying eyes.

crazy hands

When a plan has been created and all the plants in the garden have been planted, you can think about the decorations of the garden and vegetable garden. Because it will be very unexpected and original to see an unusual thing for a garden, or even an animal, among the greenery. To make decor, you can use the most unusual things that you can find at home. It can be:

  • Old irons;
  • Buckets;
  • Plastic bottles;
  • Old tires from wheels;
  • Wooden wheels from a cart;
  • Old beds;
  • Clay pots and other rags.

Each of these things will be an excellent garden decoration. In an old bucket or plastic watering can you can plant bright flowers, which can be used to decorate the staircase at home or display on a wooden block in the middle of the garden. To create a bright island in the flower garden, you can also use an old cart or bed, a broken chair or some kind of basin.

In addition, various kitchen utensils can be used as unusual flower beds. These could be old saucepans, pots, bowls, teapots. All this will be very unusual look. All this can be painted in various colors and add color to the garden.

Ideas from plastic bottles

If a person has a well-developed imagination, then plastic bottles can become the most valuable material for creating the most unexpected characters on garden plot. To create them you need several things:

  • Knife for cutting bottles;
  • The bottles themselves and the caps;
  • Paints and brushes;
  • Rags and ropes.

With this set you can create many flower beds and figurines for garden decoration. Lawns decorated with plastic bottles will look original. To do this, a mound of earth in the shape of an animal is formed. It could be a crocodile. The bottoms of plastic bottles are placed along the perimeter of the figure. The middle is planted with grass, and the eyes can be made from the top of plastic bottles.

You can also make a figurine of a swan from plastic bottles, in whose back you can again plant flowers. They also make original palm trees from bottles and display them in the middle of the garden. Cutting a hole in the bottle top part the bottle will be the snout of a pig. The lid is painted with a snout, eyes are drawn, and ears are cut out from parts of the bottle. The ponytail is made in the same way. The result was an original pig. The empty middle of the decorative pig is filled with earth and planted.

You can hang a pot made of plastic bottles on the wall of your house. Holes are cut out in them, filled with soil and flowers are planted, preferably ones that send out weaving runners. It will work out green wall strewn with flowers.

Unusual garden decorations

In this case, you can use old shoes. These can be old shoes or elegant ones women's shoes. They are also covered with earth and planted with flowers. You can make decorative mushrooms from old bowls. To do this, you will need a little cement, which is poured into a bowl, a piece of pipe is placed in the middle, it will serve as the stem of the mushroom. Allow the cement to harden, and dig the mushroom stem into the ground. The top is painted the color of the fly agaric or boletus mushroom.

In addition to these garden decorations, you can create a decorative spring in the middle of the garden. To do this, water is supplied to the designated area. You can use an old broken jug for a spring. From which you can let water flow in a thin stream. The spring will look very impressive and original. You can do it around the spring.

You can also use cobblestones to make various beetles or other decorative ornaments for garden. In this case, stones and glass, paints and brushes, as well as stencils are used. Wooden figures or simply logs are used to decorate the garden.

New Year's fairy tale in the garden

New Year and Christmas are a special occasion to give free rein to your hands, especially creative hands. Before their arrival, it is customary to decorate your home and garden. First of all decorate front door and a gate. The main decoration of which is considered wreath of spruce branches. For design that can be used not only Christmas decorations, but also rowan and viburnum berries. They also use cones and various New Year's tinsel. Don't forget about the horseshoe. All this is considered not only to decorate doors, but also a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

The garden can be decorated with snow figures, provided there is a snowy winter. All family members take part in decorating the garden. This will not only be work, but also fun for the children. You can make not only simple snowmen, but also figures of various animals and people.

To decorate the garden, you can also use sleighs that no one uses anymore. They can be decorated with a figurine of Santa Claus with gifts, garlands, pine or spruce branches. And also various tinsel

If there is a spruce growing in the yard, you can decorate it with handmade toys and also glowing garland. You can also add glass toys to the tree; during the day they will add a special shine to the tree.

To decorate the walls and windows of the house, you can use various illuminations, snowflakes and applications. All decorations can be made with your own hands, with the exception of garlands. Snowflakes can be made from foil, white paper or knitted from thread. Applications for decorating windows are also made by hand. For this I use cardboard, paper, brushes and paints, as well as adhesive tape. The walls and roof are decorated with garlands. You can create various illumination from garlands.

A dacha is a place where people are used to relaxing. And when the man was about to buy country cottage area, he needs to take care of what he will have at the dacha. Naturally, the first thing will be to build a house in which you can spend the night or even live for a while. The next buildings will be a garage for tools, a gazebo for relaxation, which can be landscaped with grapevines.