Caring for indoor potted trees. Houseplants: money tree. How to care for a money tree. Common growing problems

Money Tree(tree crassula, Crassula) is one of the most common and amazingly beautiful house plants, which decorates the homes of not only indoor plant lovers or professional gardeners, but is also often grown at home by people who do not always remember the name of this most popular miniature tree of Happiness. The Money Tree has gained popularity in our country thanks to its amazing unpretentiousness to home care, amazing healing properties juice of Crassula leaves, comparable only to beneficial properties such medicinal fat plants as Kalanchoe Dergemona and K. Pinata, as well as due to the ability to “attract” good luck and money into the family. Fame unique properties money tree prompted many craftswomen to the idea of ​​making crafts with their own hands “for good luck” from beads or from coffee beans in the form of topiaries and miniature trees of Happiness from flowers that look like Crassula.

From this material you will learn how to easily and simply care for a money tree at home in order to cause the plant to bloom. We will also tell you how to form the crown of a homemade Crassula to make miniature plant as similar as possible to the Money Tree, and the photo different types tree-like Crassula will help you choose the Crassula option that is suitable for the interior of your room. By the way, experts in the symbolic organization of space (including Feng Shui) classify not all types of Crassula as money tree crassulas. Recommended options are Crassula Tree (C. arborescens), as well as Crassula Ovata (C. ovata) with fleshy rounded leaves (varieties: Hobbit, Variegata, Gollum, Coral). Crassulas fit perfectly into the modern phytodesign of an office or residential space and are harmoniously combined in compositions with such popular indoor plants as Ficus Benjamin, palm-shaped Dracaena Marginata, the flower Spathiphyllum, which attracts female happiness, and the male Anthurium with chic leaves and flowers.

The “magical” properties of the fat plant attract material wealth.

Why do many people believe that tree-like crassulas attract material wealth and financial well-being? It is believed that these indoor plants have powerful positive energy and extraordinary properties that allow even the most inveterate loser to believe in his inner strength and achieve success in his career. It is interesting that after the Crassula leaves fall from the tree and dry out, they become like scatterings of jewelry (photo below). There is also a belief that when the money tree is blooming, you must make a wish for financial independence and it will certainly come true. It is advisable to bury several small coins in the substrate during the flowering period of the tree. The gift of accumulating and increasing wealth lies in amazing abilities Crassulas - rounded leaves, similar to coins, accumulate moisture and nutrients for a long time, helping the plant to develop even in harsh environmental conditions.

Medicinal properties of Crassula leaf juice.

If the existence of the “magical” power of crassula raises doubts among some people, then it is difficult for even an inveterate skeptic to doubt the medicinal properties of the juice of the leaves of the crassula. The healing juice from the leaves of the money tree is widely known for its antiviral, bactericidal, and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to get rid of colds (herpes) on the lips:
Pass the leaves of the crassula through a grater onto cheesecloth and squeeze the juice from the crushed pulp into a glass jar. Dip a cotton swab in the medicinal juice and attach (with a medical plaster) to the area of ​​skin affected by herpes before going to bed. In the morning, remove the tampon and apply a cotton wool soaked in juice to the inflamed skin every 40-60 minutes.

How to get rid of itching after blood-sucking insect bites:
Apply juice squeezed from Crassula leaves to inflamed areas of skin after wasp, bee or mosquito bites 5 times a day.

How to use Crassula leaf juice for cuts, abrasions, wounds and boils:
Grind the leaves to a paste and spread evenly over the surface of gauze folded several times. Apply gauze and bandage. Change the dressing every four hours.

How to make and use an infusion of Crassula leaf juice for inflammatory kidney diseases:
Chop 5-6 leaves and pour hot water. Leave the medicine for an hour, then strain through gauze. Take the infusion three times a day 20 minutes before meals every day.

How fast cure tonsillitis or purulent sore throat using juice from Crassula leaves:
Strain the juice squeezed from 10 leaves through cheesecloth and dissolve in 250 ml of warm water. drinking water. Gargle 4-5 times a day.


Location and lighting.

The most ideal location for crassulas is on a floor stand near a window or on a window sill shelf on the southeast side. On windows from the south or southwest sides, these plants also feel comfortable if you shade the glass a little in the hot summer, protecting from direct sun rays. Be sure to take Crassula out into the fresh air (loggia, garden) on warm spring days and in summer, if possible. It is important that your money tree is placed close to sunlight, otherwise the plant will become easily susceptible to pests and diseases.

Temperature conditions.

IN autumn-winter period It is advisable to keep the tree-like crassula away from heating devices and lower the temperature to 14-17°C, which promotes abundant and timely flowering of the plant and reduces the likelihood of shoots stretching. Optimal temperature in the room in spring and summer - 19-25°C.

Air humidity.

It is known that tree crassulas tolerate any air humidity well at home, but frequent changes in humidity levels can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the fleshy leaves, and they may also begin to turn yellow and fall off. You can spray Crassula with water during hot, dry periods. But it is best to wipe the leaves of the plant with a damp sponge.


Adult plants can easily endure several weeks without watering, since the thick leaves contain a fairly large amount of moisture. But frequent and abundant watering can lead to rotting of the roots, which can kill the indoor plant. In summer and spring, water Crassula when the substrate is almost half dry. And in the autumn-winter period no more than once a month. Use soft, well-settled water for irrigation.

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

The container for planting the plant should not be very deep, since root system Crassula develops more in breadth rather than in depth. Be sure to provide good drainage in the soil, as water should not stagnate around the root system. You can make a soil mixture for planting Crassula with your own hands by mixing turf soil, river sand, deciduous soil and humus in a ratio of 4:1:1:1.

You cannot often feed the plant with fertilizers. In spring and summer, it is enough to fertilize (you can buy special fertilizer for cacti and succulents in flower shop) once a month. Over the entire autumn-winter period, it is enough to fertilize several times in the form of a weak fertilizer solution (less than half the dose indicated in the instructions).


It is enough to transplant an adult tree-like crassula into a new pot with a new soil mixture once every 2-3 years in the spring, since the plant grows very slowly. Keep in mind that the leaves and trunk of the “money tree” are quite heavy, and the root system is quite weak. Therefore, choose a wide, stable pot (or bowl) for replanting. Perhaps after replanting it will be necessary to strengthen the massive plant with supports for a couple of months.

Trimming and pinching.

Topping. If you want to grow a beautiful money tree with a lush crown, be sure to pinch! When 3-4 pairs of leaves grow on a branch, you need to carefully pinch a new bud located between the leaves of the last pair with tweezers or a fingernail. Several new buds will appear in this place and the Crassula will begin to branch well.

Trimming. If the branch has grown quite long (with 6 pairs of leaves or more), then it is advisable to prune above the growth point - above the last pair of leaves that will remain on the branch. After this, you need to sprinkle the cutting area with crushed activated carbon.


If you want to achieve regular flowering of the money tree, then you must definitely choose a place for it that is well lit by sunlight. The likelihood of beautiful flowers appearing increases if you transplant in March (or no later than mid-April). In addition, it is advisable to take the plant out into the fresh air in the warm season, and in winter place it in a bright corner with a low temperature (12-15°C).


Cuttings. Crassula reproduces remarkably well using stem or leaf cuttings. To do this, just cut off the leaf (or shoot) with a sharp knife, neutralize the cut site with crushed activated carbon and dry it for several days. Then you can plant the cuttings in a wide container with a mixture consisting of leaf soil and clean sand (proportion 2:1).
Seeds. To propagate Crassula by seeds, you need to take a wide bowl with holes in the bottom and fill it with a mixture of leaf soil and sand. Sow the seeds evenly on the substrate and cover with a glass lid. We spray the seedlings daily clean water and ventilate.


Root rotting.
Signs: First, the leaves lose turgor, and then turn yellow and fall off.
What to do: Carefully remove the plant from the pot and wash off the soil from the roots under a warm shower. After drying it a little and carefully examining the roots, we cut off the rotten roots with a sharp knife and treat the cut areas with crushed activated carbon. It remains to transplant the plant into new pot with prepared soil mixture. The most important thing is to reduce the number of waterings, since most likely it was this reason that caused the rotting of the roots of the crossula.

Fungal infections.
Signs: the appearance of brownish or light spots on the leaves.
What to do: Remove leaves affected by the fungus and treat the plant with a systemic fungicide according to the instructions.


Spider mite.
Signs: A thin cobweb can be found between the leaves and stems, as well as yellow spots on the leaves.
What to do: Treating the plant with 96% alcohol is very effective. It is necessary to very carefully disinfect the leaves and stems with a cotton swab moistened with a small amount of alcohol, which will evaporate quickly.

Signs: on a surface sheet plate round spots-tubercles of brown or yellowish color appear.
What to do: remove insects with a soft brush, and then treat the Crassula leaves with a solution laundry soap(option - with the drug Fufanon).


Signs: in the axils of the leaves you can find a grayish coating, which can be compared to pieces of cotton wool appearance.
What to do: treat the plant by special means. Home remedies - rubbing the leaves with tobacco or garlic infusion, or spraying with a solution of laundry soap. You can also treat the plant with an insecticide solution.


Be sure to shape the crown of the money tree by pinching it and do not let the shoots grow randomly. The crassula crown should branch evenly and be lush;

Watering the plant should be very moderate, without waterlogging the soil even in summer time. Excess water immediately pour out of the pan;

It is important to choose the location of the pot to ensure good illumination of the Crassula with diffused sunlight every day;

Right choice potty is a deposit good flowering money tree! The best option is a wide and shallow clay bowl;

Do not replant a mature plant frequently without special reasons. It is enough to replant an adult Crassula once every three years. Young plants (up to three years old) can be transplanted annually into a larger pot.


Question: Why are my money tree leaves withering and drying out?
Answer: This often happens on hot summer days if the plant is in a room and the window glass is not shaded from direct sunlight. It is necessary to ensure that diffused light reaches the crown of the tree. the best option- keep it on during hot periods fresh air, providing timely shelter from heavy rain.

Question: What should you do if the leaves fall off the money tree?
Answer: One of the common causes of this problem is too dry indoor air during heating season. Ventilate the room often. Leaves may also fall off if you water the plant too often or if too much salts and minerals are added to the soil.

Question: Why does the money tree fall over and not grow straight?
Answer: First of all, you need to choose the right container for your Crassula, the root system of which is very weak and shallow. Plant the plant in a wide, shallow pot, covering the substrate around the trunk with large pebbles.

Question: Is it necessary to shape the trunk of a money tree by removing the lower leaves?
Answer: This procedure is not required to improve the appearance of the tree. The lower leaves will fall off on their own over time, revealing the beautiful woody trunk of an adult plant. But don’t forget about pinching to form the crown of the money tree!



Very useful tips. How to properly transplant Crassula and make it bloom.

How to properly plant a money tree (crassula) from a shoot into a pot and care for it at home so that there is money in the house: Feng Shui and advice from flower growers.

Crassula as a means to attract money

Money Tree, breadfruit, tree of happiness - what beautiful names flower growers have not come up with for the plant, which is correctly called Crassula (Crassula).

This tree with a thick trunk and oval dense leaves is so unique that it has both decorative, magical and medicinal properties.

If you believe, the fat woman improves financial well-being, brings peace and good luck to the house. The money tree is a talisman that activates the zone of well-being and attracts wealth to the home. Crassula attracts money, works like a magnet for it. Its leaves look like shiny coins.

The plant is also believed to purify the air in the home and kill bacteria. Where Crassula grows there will always be a favorable atmosphere.

Types of money tree

There are many varieties of Crassula that differ in appearance. Among them there are ampelous, groundcover, bush-like and tree-like forms.

The most popular varieties among flower growers are Crassula ovata and Crassula lycophytes. Both species are succulents and are completely different from each other.

Crassula moss is grown only in greenhouses and winter gardens, and Crassula ovata grows quite successfully at home.

How to plant a money tree in your home

Crassula is not a capricious flower that requires painstaking care and careful attention.

How to plant a money tree cutting in a pot

First of all, let’s figure out how to propagate the Crassula correctly, so that by taking a shoot from friends or acquaintances, you can easily plant it in a pot in your home.

Propagation of the money tree is carried out using seeds or cuttings. Seeds are sown in shallow containers with drainage holes, then covered with polyethylene. Subsequent care of seedlings consists of regular ventilation and spraying. In 2-3 weeks the first shoots will sprout. This method of breeding Crassula is quite complex.

The method of propagating Crassula by cuttings is much simpler. The cuttings can be rooted in water or immediately planted in the ground. The money tree shoot is planted in a pot to a depth of about 5 cm. Some gardeners believe that when planting cuttings in March or April, the likelihood that the money tree will bloom in the future increases. And if Crassula is planted in the middle of summer, the chances of this will be less.

How to choose the right flowerpot for a money tree

Crassula has a rather massive ground part, which means this flower would be better suited wide and low pot with good stability. This choice of pot is also due to the fact that Crassula has a superficial root system. For water to drain successfully into the pan, there must be small holes at the bottom of the pot.

Of course, it is not necessary to immediately plant a money tree shoot in a large flowerpot. To start with, a small pot is enough, but as the flower grows, it needs to be transplanted into a more suitable pot.

How to replant a money tree

To transplant a grown Crassula flower, you need to take a pot of suitable size and fill it one third full. drainage layer(for example, from pieces of coal or crushed bricks), then add earth. Transplantation is carried out by transferring an earthen clod. This will make it easier for the plant to tolerate this procedure. After this, the soil is added to the top.

During the transplantation process, you need to carefully examine the root system of the flower. Rotten roots, indicating an excess of moisture, must be removed. After this, the crassula is left to dry for a day.

How to choose land for planting Crassula

Planting a money tree should be done in the ground for succulents, which this plant belongs to. The flower feels best in turf soil. The soil used for growing cacti is suitable, but Crassula can also be successfully planted in universal soil.

If desired, you can prepare the soil mixture yourself. To do this, flower growers advise mixing one part each of sand, humus and leaf soil, adding four parts of turf soil.

How to plant a money tree correctly so that there is money in the house?

To ensure that there is always money in the house, when transplanting it into a pot of Crassula, you need to put a coin and tie its branches with red ribbons. It’s good if a crassula grows in your apartment, but it’s important to learn. You can do this even with a small salary.

How to properly care for a money tree

Growing a money tree at home is not labor-intensive and very interesting. This flower comes from hot countries, so it needs to be provided with conditions as close to tropical as possible. Crassula has a growing season in spring and summer, and winter is a dormant time. Basic care for a money tree at home is to follow the following rules.

How to water a money tree?

Many gardeners have a question: how to properly water a money tree? The first rule: do not allow the fatty fish to flood. Excess moisture is detrimental to it. Overwatering can cause the roots to rot and the leaves to begin to fall off. In the warm season, the plant can be watered twice a week; with the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced to a minimum. To avoid flooding the money tree, before each watering you need to check the condition of the soil at a depth of 3-4 centimeters. If the soil there is dry, Crassula can be safely watered.

If the watering regime is not observed and the soil is excessively moist, the root system is susceptible to fungal attack. In this case, you can save the money tree if you take it out of the pot together with the earthen lump, dry it thoroughly and treat it with a special anti-fungal solution.

However, Crassula can also suffer due to lack of moisture! Ideally, the soil with the flower should be slightly moist.

We wipe the leaves of the fat plant - we attract money!

Flower growers advise from time to time to wipe the leaves of the fat plant with a damp cloth to remove dust and spray water on them from a spray bottle. It would be optimal to arrange a crassule once a week warm shower. In winter, such a “wash” can be done once a month.

The water should be warm, but not hot. To prevent moisture from getting on the soil, you can cover the soil in the pot with regular cling film. You can’t take a wet fat woman to her place. You need to let the water drain a little.

Where is the best place to put a money tree in an apartment?

Crassula is a light-loving plant, but placing it under the scorching sun is strictly prohibited. Moreover, in this case upper layer The soil in the pot will dry out very quickly.

The plant will grow fully on a windowsill on the south-east side, where there will always be light, but there will be no sun. With the onset of spring, many gardeners place it on the floor of the balcony, and in winter - on the windowsill on the south side.

Insufficient lighting can cause the plant's stem to stretch, causing it to become misshapen. To prevent this, the fat plant should be placed on window sills, especially in poorly lit rooms.

In summer, temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees are suitable for Crassula. But in winter, the flower will need to lower the temperature to 10 - 15 degrees. A drop in temperature of up to 6 degrees is allowed. If it is not possible to place the plant in a room with such a temperature in winter, then at least you should remove the flower from the radiator.

A negative consequence of incorrect temperature during the dormant period can be the elongation of the Crassula trunk and the falling of leaves located below. Leaves may also fall off if there is a constant draft in the room where the money tree pot is located. Of course, the fat woman needs constant ventilation, but drafts should not be allowed to appear. They will only do harm.

The money tree needs to be fed!

Universal preparations or additives for succulents are most often used as fertilizers for fat plants. To ensure better absorption of nutrients, plants are fertilized only after watering.

Fertilizers are applied during the growing season - in spring and summer, once a month. In the autumn-winter period, feeding is carried out once every 3 months.

Formation of the Crassula crown

To create a uniform and symmetrical shape, the fat plant is rotated in the light around its axis. But to form a beautiful crown, the flower still has to be trimmed a little.

To form a crown, you need to wait until four new leaves appear on the plant and a new bud begins to form. You need to pinch it off by carefully twisting it with your hands or miniature tweezers.

Each branch of a money tree should have no more than three to four pairs of leaves. When the tree grows, its top will also need to be plucked off.

If the moment when four leaves have already grown is missed and new leaves appear, pruning will help. You need to cut the branch above the 4th pair of leaves. The cut is covered with activated carbon powder.

Possible problems in caring for a money tree

Many gardeners complain that the leaves of the fat plant fall off or wither. What can be wrong?

Excessive watering causes leaves to darken, change color, or fall off.

A change in foliage color to dirty yellow can also be caused by a fungal disease caused by waterlogging of the soil.

Watering cold water- another reason why tropical flower diseases appear.

The appearance of brown spots on the foliage indicates a lack of moisture.

Rot that appears at the base of the stem is a sure sign of rotting of the plant’s root system. In this case, the apical part of the plant is cut off and the flower is grown in a new way.

Money tree pests

Crassula is an unpretentious and pest-resistant plant. However, there are many pests that attack the fat plant:

Scale insects - forms brownish or yellow spots. Methods of treatment: “Fufanon”, “Fitoverm”, soap solution.

Spider mite - forms cobwebs between leaves and stems. Methods of treatment: garlic infusion, tobacco infusion, soap solution.

Mealybug - forms a whitish coating on the axils of the leaves. Treatment methods: thick solution of laundry soap, insecticides.

Is the money tree blooming?

Flowering in Crassula is a rare phenomenon, so not every gardener gets to see it. Therefore, it is a very common belief that the money tree does not bloom. But that's not true.

During the flowering period, the plant is densely covered with small flowers of white, light pink or greenish color, depending on the variety. They emit a pleasant sweet aroma.

The flowering period begins during the plant growth stage in spring and lasts 2-3 months. You should not hope that the fat plant will bloom in the first years after planting. It can produce flowers after 8 or even 10 years. Or it may not bloom at all, despite the fact that it was provided with proper and timely care.

Flower growers believe that the flowering of the money tree is hampered by lack of lighting. This is a feature of our climate.

There is a sign: if a money tree grows well and gets stronger, wealth is just around the corner, but if it withers and its leaves fall off, this promises problems with money.

However, it is not at all necessary to believe in omens. If you properly care for a money tree, it can become an excellent decoration for any room, will delight you with its beauty for a long time and will bring warmth and comfort to your home.

The name "Money Tree" was introduced into use in China during the Han Empire (206 BC - 220 AD), which is confirmed by the finds of bronze and faience images during excavations of imperial tombs. But the plant itself has been known to man since even earlier times, and South Africa is considered its homeland.

We are talking about a succulent from the genus Crassula or Crassula (the Tolstyankov family). IN indoor floriculture some species of this plant (K. tree-like, K. oval and others) due to round shape leaves, indeed, are more often called the “Money Tree”.

Caring for the “Money Tree” after purchase

Crassula, like all succulents, can be easily grown from a cutting or leaf - they take root within a few days. If the plant was purchased in a flower salon, you need to remember some rules:

Important! The purchased “Money Tree” must undergo a period of acclimatization in the new room.

Growing conditions

In indoor culture, “Money Tree” will not cause much trouble. Like all plants that come from hot, dry parts of the planet, it will respond positively to sun, frequent changes in air masses, an adjusted watering schedule and a cool dormant period in winter. Even a beginner in floriculture who has studied its life cycle and basic requirements can grow a healthy specimen.


Unpretentious Crassula can adapt to various room conditions, but the ideal temperature for it ranges between 18 and 25 degrees.

In this case, a contrast between day and night readings is absolutely necessary (within 5 - 10 degrees).

In the autumn season, when the plant begins to prepare for the dormant period, the temperature should be gradually lowered. IN winter months The thermometer should show 10 - 15 degrees. And the condition of the tree must be constantly monitored - hypothermia must not be allowed.

If it is not possible to create winter coolness, then the “Money Tree” is placed far from heating devices and closer to the glass.

Air humidity and freshness

As a native of the arid zones of the earth, Crassula easily tolerates low humidity apartment air.

On the contrary, it can be damaged by a humid microclimate - if such conditions arise, it is necessary to significantly reduce the amount of watering.

Spraying for the “Money Tree” should not be carried out (only for the purpose of combating spider mite), But Leaves should be regularly wiped to remove dust.

In summer, the plant needs a constant change of air masses, so ventilation is very important, but drafts are unacceptable. It is allowed to take it out onto the balcony or veranda, protecting it from direct rays of the sun.


Crassula is a light-loving plant, for which it is important to receive equally bright light all year round.

It can be in direct sunlight, but not for long, and if the leaves do not touch the window glass, otherwise burns are possible, which are characterized by a change in the color of the leaves to a red or brown tone.

With a lack of light, the bush loses its attractiveness. The leaves decrease in size, the branches become long and thin, sometimes taking on a drooping shape. The plant has a depressed, sickly appearance. But it can be called shade-tolerant, since the tree will withstand low light for a short time.

Reference! To preserve the decorativeness of the crown and uniform comprehensive development branches, it is recommended to gradually rotate the “Money Tree” relative to the main light source.

Need for support

Sometimes the “Money Tree” stops growing evenly, it seems to fall on one side. To prevent the plant from falling, some kind of support is required. This state of affairs can arise for several reasons:

  1. Excessive watering, especially during the dormant period, does not allow the trunk to gain the necessary strength;
  2. Pot size mismatch the size of the plant: the tree has grown, but the root system is not allowed to develop in a small pot. Requires transplantation;
  3. Incorrect crown formation leads to its weighting - the bush cannot support its own weight;
  4. Weakening due to overheating in the sun in the summer.

To save the tree, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause. In the meantime, the plant will restore its shape, help it by providing support.

The best place for Crassula

As a plant that requires the maximum amount of light, the “Money Tree” feels great on sunny windowsills on the southeast side of the house.

With this location, the risk of burns from direct rays is eliminated. South-facing windows are also suitable, but they require shading in the summer.

The location of plants on the north or west side requires additional lighting, especially in winter.

Crassula in the interior

A correctly formed Crassula has the appearance of a small compact tree with a lignified trunk. Brown, the thickness of which depends on the age of the plant.

Adult specimens usually grow 1-1.5 m, but much more is found. tall plants(up to 3 m).

After pinching, the branches grow greatly in width, forming a spreading crown with a large number of rounded leaves of a fleshy and plump texture. It is because of the shape of the leaf that the plant was dubbed the “Money Tree”.

The leaf color can be green or silver-blue. To form a beautiful crown, only one plant should grow in a pot.

It blooms very rarely in indoor culture. The first buds can form after 8 – 10 years of life. Small, star-shaped flowers are collected in small panicles. The color is white, pink or yellowish.

In the interior, the “Money Tree” looks very impressive - a small copy huge trees involuntarily attracts the attention of guests.

Flowering conditions

The flowering of the “Money Tree” directly depends on the growing conditions:


The money tree has a negative attitude towards procedures such as transplantation. Therefore, this activity is carried out only in cases of extreme necessity and with extreme caution.

Attention! ““Money tree” is characterized by a weak root system that does not correspond to the volumetric crown. Therefore, when replanting, it is necessary to choose a wide, weighty pot with a stable bottom and fill it with heavy drainage pebbles. This will prevent the plant from tipping over and breaking.


If you want to grow a “Money Tree” yourself, you can use two planting methods:


"Money Tree! most often propagated by cuttings - leaves or stems. The operation is performed in the spring, but when strong desire You can grow a talisman from cuttings at other times of the year. Use the apical shoots and lightly dry them (2 days). Ready material put in loose soil and moisturize periodically. Rooting takes about three months.

More quick way– rooting the cuttings in water followed by timely planting. In this option, roots form earlier, especially in bright light.

Sometimes broken leaves take root on the ground on their own. Then all that remains is to transplant them.

Seed propagation is used much less frequently. It involves the use of a greenhouse and double picking of seedlings. Sprouts appear after 10 – 14 days.

Crown formation

To give the Crassula the shape of a tree, it is necessary to form a crown. This is a very responsible and lengthy process that allows you to achieve the decorative appearance of the “Money Tree”. An exception to this is T. arborescens, which itself forms its own tree contour.


The first signs of plant aging are the shedding of leaves, loss of turgor in the trunk, complete failure of flowering (if this specimen had it). In this case, you have to use the “Money Tree” rejuvenation method, that is, severe pruning. This, unfortunately, is only a temporary measure, but it can extend the life of the plant.

Rejuvenation is also used when the plant is severely damaged by diseases or pests.

Watering mode

In the warm season, Crassula requires regular, but very moderate watering. The soil in the pot should dry out at least half between waterings. Excessive moisture threatens rotting of the root system and possible death of the plant. Therefore, the flowerpot should be kept in a tray and excess liquid should be drained.

Water for irrigation is taken that is settled and warm.

Peculiarity! The “money tree” can go without watering for quite a long time - it is more afraid of waterlogging than drying out.

When providing “Money Tree” winter period During dormancy, watering is canceled, since the plant has enough moisture accumulated in the leaves. If the soil is very dry, it can only be slightly moistened (once every two weeks) to prevent the roots from drying out.

When kept warm in winter, watering is carried out according to the summer principle - depending on temperatures and drying of the soil (twice a week).

The plant does not need to be sprayed either in summer or winter. But wiping the leaves from dust with a damp sponge is useful.

Top dressing

At home, the “Money Tree” grows in soils that are not very rich in nutrients. Therefore, it does not like frequent feeding.

During the growing season, it is enough to fertilize the soil once a month. During cold wintering, reduce the use of fertilizing.

The main rules of feeding:

  1. Apply fertilizer after watering to protect the roots from burns;
  2. Fertilizer should not be used on transplanted and diseased specimens - this can lead to the death of the plant.

To feed the Money Tree, use standard fertilizers for cacti or alternate between regular mineral fertilizers and organic matter.

Diseases and pests

“Money tree” is quite resistant to diseases and pests.

All diseases that can still affect a plant arise from non-compliance with the rules of care:

  1. Various rot– violation of the watering schedule;
  2. Leaf fall– too much watering or overheating during winter dormancy;
  3. Shriveled leaves– when the roots dry out or there is little light;
  4. Spots of light shades on leaves- burns from the sun's rays.

How to resuscitate?

The peculiarities of the “Money Tree” as a succulent plant allow you to avoid the death of damaged specimens.

When shedding leaves, loss of turgor, stretching of branches and other problems associated with improper care, it is enough to remove the damaged areas.

It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the plant to return to its original appearance.

But when root rot is discovered on the Money Tree, drastic measures are required to revive it. Infected roots are removed from the plant, treated with an antiseptic and replanted in new soil. If all the roots are dead, then the top of the tree is cut off and rooted, as with cuttings. This is the only way to save the plant.

The most common mistakes when growing

“Money tree” is very unpretentious and does not require much time to care for. But due to inexperience, beginners sometimes have problems and they have to overcome the consequences of their mistakes:

  1. Refusal to form a contour or creating a one-sided crown (the plant was not rotated relative to the light) - this can lead to the bush turning over due to the heavy crown.
  2. Too much frequent watering – leads to the formation of root rot, leaf fall and even tree death.
  3. Wrong location in the room– lack of light threatens with stretching of branches, shredding of leaves and loss of decorative effect; Direct rays of the sun depress the plant due to overheating and burn the leaves.
  4. Insufficient soil moisture– leads to drying out of the root system.
  5. Feeding without pre-watering– will cause burns on the roots.
  6. Feeding a sick or transplanted plant– oversaturation with nutrients, pain and loss of appearance.
  7. Replanting the “Money Tree” immediately after purchase means the plant does not adapt and slows down its growth and development.

Answers to popular questions

When will the Money Tree bloom?

Only mature trees are ready for flowering - this can happen in 10 - 20 years. In addition, to produce flowers, the plant needs a period of winter dormancy, and sometimes a little stress in the form of drought or shade. And not all Crassulas bloom in indoor culture.

How long does a tree live?

Under natural conditions, the plant lives for decades and reaches considerable sizes. In an apartment, the “Money Tree” depends entirely on the care and love of the grower - in comfortable conditions it can be passed on through several generations.

The tree is withering. Why and what to do?

It is quite obvious that the plant was watered too often, and the root system died from waterlogging. It is necessary to make cuttings from a healthy part of the crown and grow new trees. Be sure to adjust their watering schedule.

The Money Tree is said to be poisonous. Is it true?

Indeed, in nature, Crassula can accumulate a sufficient amount of arsenic in its leaves. But cultivated tree does not have this opportunity, since the soil in which it grows does not contain this poison. The plant is safe for children and animals.

Carefully! You should not ingest the leaves of the wild “Money tree” - they contain poison.

Does the tree have medicinal properties?

Also in ancient China used the leaves of the “Money Tree” to treat abscesses, wounds and insect bites - the plant has anti-inflammatory properties. It can cure a sore throat, it helps with kidney diseases.

In addition, the tree has a strong connection with the owners of the house: if a family member gets sick, the plant droops and loses its outer shine. When a person recovers, the plant soon also returns to its decorative properties.

I need to go on a business trip for a month. How to leave a tree?

There is a rule regarding watering the “Money Tree”: it is better to dry it out than to overwater it. Before leaving, the plant should be watered, the soil should be mulched and the pot should be placed away from the window. In this state it will feel great all month.

Why can't I form a round crown?

You need to form the crown gradually, pinching out the branches that stand out. To prevent the crown from being one-sided, the plant must be rotated from time to time relative to the light source. All branches will receive the same lighting and will begin to develop synchronously.

Useful video

Learn more about caring for the Money Tree in the video below:


Growing a “Money Tree” is not special labor. If you follow some simple rules, you can get a wonderful and healing plant that can create comfort in your home and monitor the mental and physical well-being of family members.

In addition, by forming the crown, it is possible to create a unique contour of the tree, which will delight with its splendor long years. And the tree will definitely respond to care and love with flowering.

In contact with

Houseplants can give a residential look to any room; they make the room cozy and comfortable. Plants from the Crassulaceae family are especially popular. How to care for a money tree - this is what is interesting to those who decide to have this species at home. Crassula is a type of succulent, which means it has extra tissue to store water. This mechanism can be explained simply: the homeland of the Crassula is South and Tropical Africa, areas with arid climates. To survive in conditions of lack of moisture, you have to accumulate it yourself.

Interesting! The Japanese consider Crassula a mandatory wedding gift as a symbol of happiness and longevity. The tree of happiness, life, friendship, good luck - common names for the fat plant.

The Crassulaceae family includes more than 300 species, but not all are popular outside Africa.

The popular name is based on the fact that the dense, round, coin-shaped leaves resemble money. The money tree is a shrubby type, which means it has several stems that replace each other. Reaches a height of 1.8 m. Its shrubby relatives from Africa can reach 3 m, but when grown at home, such tall Crassulas do not exist. Characteristics:

  1. The main stem has a noticeable lower thickening, turning into an impressively sized root, the remaining roots are located close to the soil surface, the type of root system of the Crassula is taproot.
  2. The leaves are wedge-shaped, densely arranged, the surface is shiny, like all succulents, rich green on top, can become different shade, it depends on the type of fat woman.
  3. The flowers are small, inflorescences of racemes or panicles, white or whitish in color, the inflorescence appears at the end of the shoot.
  4. The stems resemble tree bark, but their apparent strength is deceiving; they can easily break.

If you once see a photograph of a Crassula, then later it is impossible not to recognize it. Stems that resemble a trunk, as well as leaves that look like coins, are found only in her.

Information! The scientific name of the Crassula is Crassula.

Popular types

The genus is rich in various species. Those that have taken root in other countries have become favorites of flower gardeners. All of them are unpretentious, can do without water for quite a long time, and with proper care, they will delight their owners with flowers. In addition, they have medicinal properties that are widely used in traditional medicine.

Crassula species Differences in leaf color and shape
Tree-like dark green with a reddish border;
Silver green with a silvery tint;
Oval strictly oval green in color with reddish spots on the inside;
Fragilis spherical, pressed to the stem, the smallest of all types;
Buddha Temple dark green, curved upward;
Pyramidalis green, thin, triangular;
Crescent gray-green, semi-oval;
Perforated paired, fused into a rhombus;
Pellucida bluish round;
Marginalis yellowish with red edging;
Spot green with red dots on top, purple below, collected in a loose rosette;

Information! The pulp from the leaves has bactericidal properties.

How to care at home

Crassula is mentioned among the best indoor plants by experienced amateur gardeners. Sometimes it is given as a gift for birthdays or housewarmings, implying its fame as a plant that brings money, good luck to the owner and harmony to all family members. Such a gift will be a universal gift with meaning, given that care will not require much time or money.

Location, lighting, air humidity

Correct location is the first step after purchase. Crassula needs good lighting. She loves light, shadow is destructive for her. Experts recommend windows facing south or east. Sometimes the pot needs to be turned over so that the light is distributed evenly.

In the warm season, it can be located on a balcony or loggia, but direct sunlight should be limited. The scorching sun can burn, especially young specimens. It can often be very hot on balconies in summer; it should be borne in mind that after +34° C the fat plant stops growing.

Information! An important condition You can call it air circulation; the fat woman loves ventilated rooms. Open air is beneficial for her in the summer, but experts advise avoiding drafts.


Suitable for summer temperature regime from +20 to +25°C, in winter the Crassula rests, gains strength for future growth and flowering, the temperature can be lowered to +10,+12°C, but too much low temperatures dangerous for the plant. Below +5°C it may die. In winter, the fat woman will feel comfortable on the floor balcony door, away from heating radiators.

Top dressing

A prerequisite for maintenance is feeding. useful substances. Succulents are fed according to the following scheme:

  • April-September – monthly feeding;
  • September - April - 1 time for the entire period.

Fertilizers have a reduced nitrogen content, this is important, since oversaturation with nitrogen often leads to rotting of the root system. The growth period is supported with nitrogen-containing fertilizers to regulate the water balance. Fertilizing is carried out at the roots; spraying is not suitable for succulents. Fertilizers may contain essential elements to adjust the growth of a particular succulent.

Potassium. Necessary as a source of nutrition, promotes thickening of shoots. If there is an excess of potassium, the fat plants stop growing and the root system begins to rot.

Calcium. Promotes growth, development, in case of calcium deficiency indoor flower becomes fragile, branches begin to break from any minor impacts.

Phosphorus. The main load is to promote growth and development of the root system. With a systematic lack of phosphorus, Crassula, which rarely blooms, may never bloom.

Nitrogen. It's impossible without him normal development, but excess nitrogen can contribute to the appearance of looseness, provoke rapid growth, and then sharp wilting.

Organic fertilizers . Solid organic fertilizers excluded, organic matter reaches succulents only liquid method. Organic fertilizers help protect against insect pests.

Important! Fertilize only healthy plants so that they can absorb the feeding.

Watering a pot

Watering for Crassula is an important component of care; the peculiarity is that Crassula does not like excess water. In spring, 1 watering per week is enough for it, in summer - 2 weeks, and in winter and autumn, the access to water is completely limited. The condition of the soil is taken into account; it is contraindicated to leave water on the pot stand; care must be taken to ensure that it does not stagnate.

Increased soil moisture leads to rotting. On hot summer days, the procedure is carried out early in the morning or late in the evening. Water is collected in advance for settling.

Important! Crassula is watered with water at room temperature.

The soil

Despite the fact that the fat plant is completely unpretentious, flower growers have developed a formula for an earthen substrate that is ideal for all succulent species:

  • 1 portion of sod;
  • 3 servings of leafy soil;
  • 1 portion of sand.

High-quality, pre-selected drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, and humus is also added to the substrate.


Crassula reproduces vegetatively and by seed method. The vegetative method is more common, which means that regeneration occurs on high level. Vegetative propagation is carried out in the spring by cutting off shoots. This is done using sharp knife, then the cut area is treated with activated carbon and left to dry.

The broken cuttings are placed in a glass with an activated carbon solution and wait for rooting to occur. Cuttings are grown up to 5-10 cm, and roots up to 2-3 cm, after which they are planted. For this purpose, small-sized containers are selected.

Information! Activated carbon prevents putrefactive processes and is used to disinfect cuts.

Seed propagation means sowing seeds in containers with an earthen substrate, covering the top with glass, spraying once during the day, and after 2 weeks the seeds germinate. After this, you need to place the container with the seedlings where they will be provided with non-aggressive light and warmth. As soon as they get stronger, they can be planted. This path is quite long, since strengthening the seedlings takes a long period - up to 3 months.


Replanting begins as needed, that is, when the capacity becomes small for the overgrown root system. This is noticeable at first glance, the tree is not deep in the ground, all the roots are located under the first layer of soil, so it noticeably bends or bends. Pots for replanting are chosen from heavy material, since the lungs can turn over under the weight of the flower.

For transplantation, choose the time when daylight hours become long, that is, after two spring months.
The soil mixture must be fertilized with one of the following components:

  • clay;
  • ash;
  • humus;
  • brick chips;
  • activated carbon.

The transplant is carried out in the following order:

  1. Take the tree out of the pot, shake it off the ground, and inspect the roots.
  2. Leave on outdoors for 24 hours so that the root system dries and recovers.
  3. In the presence of problem areas, the roots are treated with a manganese solution.
  4. The container for planting is filled with drainage, a thin layer of soil, the fat plant is placed, and the soil prepared in advance is added.
  5. It is recommended to water the transplant carefully after 24 hours to prevent rotting.

Transplantation is carried out annually for young fat girls, less often for adults. It is necessary to transplant as quickly as possible home flower, if the shape of the pot interferes with development.

Information! The peculiarity of succulents is the lack of abundant watering.


A prerequisite for maintenance is pruning. Crassula is also popular because it can be given any shape. If you do not trim it, it will grow so large that it will be difficult to control the situation.

Information! Pruning begins as early as possible.

There are several main reasons for pruning:

  • crown formation;
  • giving stability (an overgrown tree can fall on its side);
  • enlargement and centralization of the main stem;
  • improving the quality of care (branches make access difficult).

The main stage occurs at the beginning of the spring months, but before the active growth phase begins. In the summer, adjustments are made.

Crown formation is achieved in two ways:

  • by pinching, it ensures the appearance of the ovary in the place that needs to be developed;
  • pruning, it is carried out on branches with 7-8 pairs, the place is treated with activated carbon.

For formation it is necessary to carry out pruning regularly. Crown formation options:

  1. With one trunk (after 4 pairs of leaves, a bud is pinched off, fallen leaves that can sprout are removed).
  2. In bonsai style (the lower branches are left, and as they grow, they are regularly pruned, thus enlarging the trunk and giving it the shape of a tree).
  3. As a shrub (this method provides for the free growth of shoots, but it is necessary to monitor the size and control the number of shoots).

Trimming is necessary as a tool to create a shape for any interior.

How to plant a money tree to make money

The plant is loved by many because of the fame it has gained through the philosophy of Feng Shui. These are philosophical practices for the development of space. Fulfillment of certain conditions for the distribution of space in the apartment and the arrangement of things should bring harmony, comfort, and coziness. To attract money, Crassula is planted:

  • during the waxing moon phase;
  • The best day of the week for planting is Wednesday;
  • several coins are placed on the drainage;
  • Choose decorative elements for the form in green, red or gold colors.

The shoot must be purchased from those people whose incomes are high. If possible, you should pinch off the shoot yourself so that it is not touched by strangers. If this is not possible, then the shoot can be purchased at the store. To attract money, only the shoot is useful, and not an independent adult crop. The shoot should rise according to income. Banknotes are often placed under the bottom, thereby attracting their doubling. Figures of a toad or a dragon are placed next to the flower, which, according to Eastern signs, indicate wealth.

Information! Chinese coins, symbols of happiness in the form of knots, stones and bracelets are hung on branches to attract positive energy.

According to the rules, it is necessary to take into account combinations of indoor plants and prioritize them. Crassula is not recommended to be placed next to cacti or climbing flowers; it is believed that they drown out the energy of the flower and take it for themselves. There are special spells that are pronounced during planting and watering.

How to care for a money tree so that it blooms?

This type rarely blooms at home. Many people have seen a money tree, know what it looks like, but are surprised if they find out that it has the ability to bloom. There are several rules for living conditions that are ideal for the fat woman. If you follow them, flowering can be achieved from a mature species. But it will take about 10-12 years to achieve this.

  • year-round optimal lighting;
  • long wintering in conditions from 7 to 12 C;
  • systematic replanting into new soil, taking into account all the characteristics of the soil and watering.

Flowering occurs in spring, this period lasts up to 3 months, the flowers are small, white, collected in inflorescences. But some individual species they can be red or pink.

Why do the leaves fall

Nature intended that the natural shedding of leaves should occur once every 2 years, but if they fall more often, then the problem is hidden elsewhere. To understand the reason why leaves fall, you should analyze whether watering is done correctly and whether pruning is being done.

They can fall off due to excess moisture in winter, before which they shrink and become soft. In spring and summer, discharge can occur due to lack of moisture, as well as due to watering with cold water.

Common growing problems

During growth, problems may arise due to the wrong approach to maintenance, but the good thing about the money tree is that it will immediately make it clear what is wrong:

  1. The appearance of black spots is evidence of a sunburn; care must be taken to change the location, rearrange it so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  2. Drying, lethargy, dense leaves become soft - this is a sign of increased air temperature; it is necessary to ensure the supply of fresh air.
  3. Lack of growth may mean that the capacity has become too small for the root system and a replanting is needed.
  4. The trunk darkens due to excess moisture.
  5. Soft, limp leaves indicate a lack of nutrients in the soil; the crop should be fed with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.
  6. The leaves turn yellow, while the soil remains moist - a direct indication of rotting of the roots; it is necessary to pull out and dry the roots;
  7. When the Crassula stretches out, grows in one direction, takes on curved, ugly shapes, this indicates a lack of sanctification, the location should be changed.
  8. Brown spots indicate the appearance of small pests; measures must be taken to combat them.
  9. Thinning of the main stem and lengthening of the leaves is a signal of a lack of light.
  10. The appearance of cobwebs is a signal of mite pests.
  11. Brittleness and loss of branches is a lack of calcium; additional feeding is required.
  12. Wilting, yellowing, withering, lethargy - perhaps the shoots interfere with each other, there are too many of them, a transplant is necessary.

Interesting! In the Czech Republic, Crassula is called a "family tree" due to its similarity to the generally accepted idea of ​​a family tree.

Diseases and pests

Crassula diseases are usually directly related to the appearance of pests. The most favorable period when insects appear is the end of the heating season in apartments or when it gets warmer outside. The composition of the air changes significantly, which leads to consequences.

The appearance of yellowish spots and web elements indicates that there is a spider mite infestation. Small reddish insects are dangerous because they lay offspring and use plant cells for nutrition. All elements are processed soap solution, spray with special preparations, and expose the home flower to the open air.

Whitish growths where the leaves are attached to the main stem indicate the presence of mealyworms. The affected areas are treated with a brush, soap solution and special preparations, inspected and sprayed daily.


Crassula does not require excessive attention, like some other plants; the principles of its maintenance can be briefly formulated:

  • rare watering;
  • bright room;
  • mandatory pruning.

Crassula is suitable for homes and offices; many believe in its ability to attract money and good luck, but besides this, it looks good in any interior. The money tree will delight its owners for a long time with its appearance if you figure out how to properly care for it. Look detailed video about caring for the money tree.

The conditions of a modern metropolis do not allow us to often go out into nature. By surrounding yourself with indoor trees, you can create an indoor oasis. They will become an excellent decoration for your home and create comfortable conditions in it.

Home living trees, unlike other indoor flowers, have a central trunk and branches. Some of them bloom at home, in other cases the tree has a lush crown. Thanks to pruning, they can be shaped. The most popular is to create Bonsai from them. Pets perform a decorative function and, in addition, freshen the air.

They are used for landscaping apartments, offices and commercial premises. Large, beautifully flowering, and deciduous trees can be the most different shapes. They also differ in the shape and color of the leaves. Features of the most popular species that grow in flower pots will allow you to turn your room into a blooming garden.

Unique of its kind. At home it blooms and pleases all year round with its greenery. In place of the inflorescences, berries are later formed. The leaves appear dense, shiny and textured.

At proper care his high can reach 1 meter. The crown is formed by pinching. It tolerates drought well; it is recommended to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

In winter it is necessary to provide additional lighting.

An indoor flower often found in apartments. Mature tree quite tall and spreading. The leaves are large, with symmetrical slits. The color of the leaves is bright green and shiny. The monstera leaf is dark green in color and shiny. Over time, aerial roots form in the lower part. There is no need to remove them; they provide the plant with support and additional nutrition. Blooms rarely, with white inflorescences.

Monstera is suitable for large spaces. Height can reach 3-5 meters.


Spreading indoor tree in a flat pot, came into existence in China, later in the West and Japan. The creation of Bonsai has become a whole science. A miniature copy of a tree with a powerful crown has its own characteristics.

  • bonsai is considered to be indoor plant with a strong trunk and well-developed root system;
  • the branches must have a clear outline, they can have a curved shape;
  • the trunk should not be hidden in the foliage; its ratio is kept to a minimum;
  • The pot used is flat, often clay, and discreetly colored.

Florists will classify bonsai by size and shape. Care requires some knowledge of the characteristics of this variety.

To prevent the bonsai branches from stretching towards the sun in one direction, it is recommended to turn the pot around.


An exotic houseplant is not only beautiful, but also useful. With proper care bears fruit all year round. There are many varieties, they differ in tree height, leaf shape and fruit.

Productivity is maintained up to 20 years. The leaves are bright green and dense. They are used for brewing tea. Thanks to its unique properties, lemon helps purify the air.

He is afraid of drafts, if he is comfortable in one place, there is no need to move him again.

Chinese rose

Beautiful blooming rose can grow up to gigantic size . The trunk is tree-like; the older the flower, the stronger the crown grows. The shape can be adjusted by trimming. It blooms with large scarlet inflorescences. Scientifically called hibiscus.

Suitable for indoor and greenhouse cultivation. Propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, layering and cuttings. Easy to care for, it will decorate any room with its presence.


The evergreen tree can be found in warm Asian countries. We have it. The leaves are dense, oval in shape. The leaf color is green or bicolor.

Rarely blooms unsightly-looking inflorescences. Florists use different types of ficus to create bonsai. The height of an adult flower can be 3-5 meters. Propagated by cuttings. It is recommended to apply fertilizer 2-3 times a month. If not properly cared for, the leaves may fall off completely.

Ficuses do not tolerate dry air and drought; they need regular watering and daily spraying of leaves.

In ancient times, laurel was considered sacred. Today Europeans are forever green plant used in registration landscape designs. A noble tree with fragrant leaves, often grown in kitchens for use as a seasoning.

  • leaves are dense, dark green;
  • the bush grows slowly, is not afraid of pruning;
  • laurel loves bright and spacious rooms;
  • After flowering, seeds form in place of the inflorescences.

An unpretentious indoor flower will not cause much trouble; it will become a worthy interior decoration. In the summer, pots with laurel can be taken out onto the balcony or loggia.


A sunny and elegant tangerine tree will become a bright element landscape design premises. The plant secretes special substances that enrich the air.

Mandarin repels insects and gives good harvests of fragrant fruits. You can often find them on windows dwarf varieties mandarin The leaves are dense and green. The trunk is tree-like. It blooms with small flowers, in place of which green tangerines are formed. When ripe, the fruits turn orange.

The variety is susceptible to diseases and pests. The condition of the flower must be regularly monitored. You cannot spray with poisons; it is better to use an aqueous solution with laundry soap.


The tree, whose trunk is shaped like a bottle, can be found in nature in Mexico and the USA. The scientific name is nolina. The leaves are palm-shaped, thin with pointed edges. Grow in small pots.

The plant loves the sun, is not afraid of drought, but still requires regular spraying. It grows slowly, to get a large trunk you will need 6-8 years. If you water abundantly, the trunk will rapidly stretch upward, so you need to organize drought conditions.


A real miracle, rarely does anyone manage to grow it correctly and enjoy flowering. The flowering period is coming in 5-6 years. Until this moment, the plant resembles a snake. Later it rushes upward and forms a tree. The buds look bewitchingly beautiful, but at the same time emit a nauseating odor. Those who decide to place it in a residential area must take this fact into account.

When growing compact trees at home, do not forget that this is painstaking work. It will take several years to get an original bonsai. You can buy a ready-made tree or get cuttings from friends. There are no particular difficulties in care, you just need to take into account their features.