Caring for home and garden calla lilies. Purple calla: description of the hybrid with photo

Calla flowers - popular ornamental plant in gardens, greenhouses and pot culture. Callas belong to the genus Zantedeschia, perennial herbs of the araceae family. Popular name flower - calligraphy. This apt word accurately reflects appearance crops - a large wide petal-veil is most often white and looks like a bird’s wing. The flower comes from equatorial and southern Africa. There it grows in swampy places.

General description of calla lilies

Calla, or, is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 2.5 meters high. The leaves are wide, basal, dark green. Some varieties have leaves covered with white spots. Inflorescence - spadix yellow color on long peduncle. The flower cover is large, funnel-shaped, white, pink or yellow.

Callas are grown in greenhouses and are common in indoor floriculture. Many varieties are suitable for cutting, as they can last in a bouquet for up to a month.

Calla lilies belong to poisonous plants due to high calcium oxalate content.

The entire plant is poisonous. When calla juice gets on the mucous membranes, pain and irritation occur, swelling and subsequent severe pain are possible. allergic reaction. Contact dermatitis may appear on the skin from the juice of the flower. You should take care of it very carefully, avoiding getting the juice on your skin.

Callas can be propagated by seeds, but most often this is done vegetatively - by dividing the root.

Calla lilies require a period of rest for regular flowering. It lasts from two to six months.

During this period, colored species shed their leaves and completely stop growing, while white callas do not lose their decorative appearance, but stop developing. During the dormant period, colored varieties are stored in a cool place in the form of a dormant tuber, and white varieties are limited in watering.

The following types of callas are common in indoor floriculture:

Photos of calla lilies amaze with their variety of shapes and colors. Among them there are snow-white specimens, yellow, red, purple and almost black. Two-color varieties are especially beautiful, when the flower has different shades at the base and edges.

Calla Elliott "Zantedeschia elliottiana"

Calla Elliott has large leaves with white spots and flowers of two shades. The plant is a tuberous plant and is best propagated vegetatively. Variety loves good care– a lot of light, warmth, frequent watering.

The most famous varieties of callas:

Calla rehmannii

Calla Remani is a low-growing species. Plants reach a height of no more than half a meter. It has narrow green leaves that are shed in the winter. Propagated by tubers, popular in indoor floriculture.

Known varieties:

Ethiopian calla (Zantedeschia aethiopica)

Calla Ethiopian is the largest variety of Zantedeschia for growing in room conditions. This species has large heart-shaped leaves and funnel-shaped inflorescences. During the dormant period, the foliage remains bright green, which increases the decorative appearance of the species.

To the most famous varieties Ethiopian calla lilies relate:

How to plant calla lilies correctly

Purchased tubers should first be kept diluted until Pink colour potassium permanganate, and then put it in a solution of the stimulant “Kornevin” or any other for a couple of hours. The plant requires a fairly large volume of soil - about 2.5 liters per tuber. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot, then nutrient soil. The calla tuber is smooth at the bottom and has small protuberances at the top. The tuber should be placed with the smooth side down in moist soil.

The planting should be shallow, the tuber is only covered with a layer of soil no more than 1-2 cm. Otherwise, there is a high risk of root rotting.

Video selection of varieties and types of calla lilies

If you have chosen such an aesthetically attractive and exquisite flower as calla lily, caring for it at home means following a certain number of rules. The main factors that have a beneficial effect on plant growth are light, warmth and a properly selected pot. During the growing process, many more difficulties may arise, which can be circumvented if you “arm yourself” with sufficient knowledge.

Calla lilies in a pot: care at home

Despite the homeland of this elegant plant being sultry Africa, it is often used to decorate many interiors around the world. In European countries, this flower is grown exclusively indoors, where everything is created for this the necessary conditions. Even if you do not have the relevant experience to grow, care at home can be quite simple.

Domestic specimens are quite unpretentious; they require minimal care. To make a calla lily please with its pleasant appearance, it is enough to provide it with light, warmth and a pot of suitable size. Watering should be plentiful only during the growing season. The rest of the time, indoor calla prefers moderate watering. However, this does not mean that the plant does not like spraying. They must be regular so that the flower can get enough moisture.

When the flowering period is over, watering should be reduced to once a week. Some experts recommend the following technique: stop watering in August, and then resume after 1.5 months.

Growing calla lilies at home

It is advisable for novice gardeners to adhere to the classic watering scheme. In summer, it is recommended to water calla lilies once a week, and from the end of August the procedure should be made more frequent. In general, the plant is shade-tolerant, so the pot can be placed in almost any part of the apartment. The only thing to keep in mind is that calla lilies do not like a lot of sunlight.

When growing calla lilies, care at home is simplified by the fact that this plant easily tolerates standard (no higher than 20°C) temperatures. temperature regime in the room. If the room temperature is very high, the flower should be sprayed with a spray bottle. From time to time it can be taken out Fresh air while avoiding the scorching sun.

To ensure abundant flowering, it is necessary to remove young root collars that appear during the growth process.

Why doesn't calla lilies bloom at home?

Don't expect it to bloom often enough in an indoor environment. This usually happens twice a year, or more precisely, in months such as May and October. However, if flowering is completely absent or occurs rather passively during the indicated periods, then there may be serious reasons for this.

Unfavorable factors affecting flowering include:

  • frequent change of flower location;
  • tuber growth;
  • frequent transplantation;
  • insufficient indoors;
  • poor plant nutrition;
  • violation of care rules during the growing season.

It is best to fertilize the plant between January and March. This should be done no more than once a week using special means.

When growing calla lilies at home, it is very important to protect them from drafts. IN spring period the flower should be gradually adapted to natural light. Leaves on which yellowness has appeared must be cut off. If you care for this plant incorrectly, some diseases may appear, including gray mold, as well as anthracnose and others.

Callas, or Zantedeschia, are one of the most popular and beautiful indoor plants of the Araceae family. You can also find the names calliper and arum. In natural natural conditions Calla lilies are native to South Africa.


There are 8 species of this flower in total.

In addition to the type of root system, plants differ in size and color - tuberous callas can have a variety of colors, and rhizomatous callas, photos of which can be found most often, are white.

Associated with this plant species interesting signs. So, sometimes you can come across the phrase “calla lilies are the flowers of death.” Where did such an unusual name come from? In the Catholic tradition, indoor calla lilies, like garden ones, are strongly associated with funeral traditions, so their presence in the house was sometimes considered to foretell the death of one of the inhabitants. But this is not the only meaning - it also symbolizes purity and innocence.

Home care

Of all the different types of diseases of indoor plants, owners of calla lilies most often encounter rot - brown, gray and bacterial. Fungal infections are much less common.

Indoor calla lilies do not require much care, but basic principles should be followed:
— It is better to replant calla lilies into new soil once a year, otherwise the plant may develop diseases - the soil is depleted, new bulbs do not have enough space in the pot, and the level of fertilizer reaches a level that is dangerous for the life of the flower.
- Zantedexia is indicated for warmth and light, especially in the afternoon.
— It is necessary to water the plant regularly, especially during the growing season. It should be remembered that multi-colored Zantedexias are more moisture-loving than white ones.
- For normal height For calla lilies to bloom, it is necessary to maintain sufficiently high air humidity and regularly spray its leaves with a spray bottle.
- For these indoor flowers, drafts can be destructive, so during the dormant period you should monitor the flower especially carefully.
- Should be updated upper layer soil approximately once every three to four months.

Planting and transplanting

How to transplant callas? This can be done every year at the end of the dormant period, in the spring. Simultaneously with transplanting into the ground, you can also divide the tubers of the Zantedexia flower or other species. It is better to use shallow, wide pots.

The bottom of the container should be lined with a layer of drainage about 5 cm in height.

Before planting colored calla lilies, you need to assess the condition of the tubers - you should choose elastic ones with smooth skin. You can soak them in a solution of potassium permanganate before planting or treat them with a fungicide.

To avoid rotting, parts of tubers or rhizomes planted in the ground are best sprayed with a spray bottle, and only after two weeks can they be actively watered.


An important component of caring for Zantedexia at home is properly selected lighting. These flowers love diffused light.

In autumn winter period Additional lighting with an intensity of 700-800 Lux should be arranged. Otherwise, the color of the callas becomes pale, the cuttings become elongated, and in general the flower becomes less aesthetically pleasing.

In summer it is better to arrange a home garden with these plants on the windowsill on the west or east side of the window, in winter - on the south.

There is a little trick to help make the color of flowers more intense. At night you need to lower the temperature for calla lilies to +16 C, and during the daytime provide bright lighting, avoiding direct rays of the sun.

In winter, you can use fluorescent lamps.


Callas develop most actively at a temperature of approximately +15-20 C (during the daytime). At night this value can drop to +13-15 C. For species with colorful flowers the preferred temperature is from +20 to +24 C and up to +25-28 C during the rest period.


The temperature and humidity required for calla lilies to grow vary depending on the type of flower. Thus, for rhizomatous types, the favorable temperature during the growing season is from +17 to +21 C, during the dormant period from +10 to +13 C.

Zantedexia “loves” air with high humidity, approximately 70-80%, so you need to spray the leaves with soft water and place the pots on trays filled with moss or expanded clay. Tuberous callas should be wiped with a sponge soaked in water every day.


Like almost any other plant, calla lilies need feeding. If flowers are planted in open ground, need to be entered mineral fertilizer in the amount of 30-40 g per 1 square meter. To care for Zantedexia at home, use balanced liquid substances, for example, Kemira-Lux. It is added to the soil with water during every fourth or fifth watering. Organic fertilizers more often used for calla lilies growing in the garden.


During the flowering period, callas of any variety require regular watering, it is necessary to constantly maintain soil moisture. However, you need to ensure that the water in the pan does not stagnate and drain it as the container fills.

At the end of the growing season, it is better to reduce the number of waterings to 3 times a week. In some periods, the soil in which Zantedexia flowers grow may not be moistened at all. Even if the leaves dry out, with proper care the plant will recover over time.


As a rule, callas reproduce vegetative way For example, in Zantedeschia, the rhizome is divided into parts. This procedure is carried out at least once every four years. After dividing, parts of the tuber should be planted in separate containers. To reproduce colored ones, you need to separate the daughter tubers from the mother tubers.

The use of seeds is less preferable due to the low percentage of sprouts emerging. Ripe seeds should be soaked in a growth stimulant solution before planting and placed in a warm place on moistened material. When the first shoots appear, they are planted in the ground. To planting material does not rot, it is better to moisten the sprouts with a wick. After two months, the seedlings can be planted.


The following species are grown at home:

Ethiopian calla (Calla aethiopica) is distinguished by its largest size. Its wide leaves are shaped like a heart, and its funnel-shaped white flowers are painted white. This is the most popular look on the houseplant market. The most common varieties are Childsiana and Green Goddess.

Calla Elliott grows to about 50 cm. Large, wide leaves are variegated in color, and the flowers are yellow. The bedspread is quite long, reaching 15 cm in length. Often these plants are used to create compositions and bouquets. Elliot's calla lilies reproduce by tubers.

Calla Remani is a compact, pretty small view, grows up to 70 cm in height). The flowers can be colored pink, deep purple, red or black, making them especially popular among houseplant aficionados.

Swamp calla (Calla palustris)
True to its name, it grows in the swamps of Asia, North America and Europe.

Medicinal properties

The leaves and roots of plants of the Calla family contain a significant amount of ascorbic acid, as well as starch, flavonoids of organic origin, saponins, etc. Any parts of the plant are used in folk medicine For example, the rhizome is used to treat bleeding, shortness of breath and flu, as well as snake bites. The roots are good remedy from rheumatism, edema of varying degrees of intensity and origin, dropsy. Leaves boiled in milk are helpful in the treatment of felon and problems with gastrointestinal motility.

Florists who grow flowers at home are well aware of this plant, which belongs to the aroid group. Sometimes you can hear the name of the flower - calligraphy. This is what people call calla lily.

There are many different speculations about this house plant. It is considered a harbinger of death. The fact is that these flowers are very often brought to the cemetery and placed on the grave.

Can homemade calla lilies, which are very easy to care for at home, really be called a flower of sorrow? Take a look at the photos of these flowers; you won’t find anything scary or magical. Yes, the appearance of the white flower is unusual; some even find mystical features in it.

Not every person likes home calla lilies, the cultivation of which does not require special care and conditions; the majority believes that these flowers attract death. This is why many are simply afraid to start growing a plant indoors. In their opinion, it should not be in the house.

In principle, the whitewing is the same “harbinger” of death as other ordinary flowers. More precisely, it is a plant that brings prosperity to the house, not death. What is this connected with?

What are calla lilies associated with?

These beautiful flowers the photo speaks of a person’s innocence and purity. In most cases, a snow-white bouquet is given to young girls. Sometimes it is presented to women of Balzac's age.

For a long time now, domestic calla lilies, the cultivation of which does not require special conditions and special care, associated with a variety of concepts. Chic White flower, a photo of which can be seen on the Internet, its appearance strongly resembles expensive royal clothing. It seems to cover a golden core, very similar to a rod. The plant seems to emphasize the meaning of royal nobility. Bouquets of these flowers are most often given to those who occupy high positions in society.

Gifted home flowers emphasize the importance of this person in the life of the giver. If you came to celebrate the anniversary of a very worthy person, known in society for his positive deeds, then this is the kind of bouquet you can give to the hero of the day. These luxurious flowers will emphasize your respect for this person. Very they are often given to women, as they are associated with unique beauty.

It must be said that these plants also have an impact on human well-being. They are used as an excellent antidote for snake bites. The human immune system improves, the plant calms nervous system, charges a person with additional energy.

History of a flower

A long time ago, in a deep forest there lived a village that was completely attacked by a strong tribe. The leader of this tribe was struck by the beauty of the young girl. Her skin was snow-white, silky, and her huge eyes spoke of unspent love.

The leader decided that this girl would become his wife. He set a condition: the tribe would remain alive if the girl married him.

There was not a single person who wanted to protect the beauty. When the day of the forced wedding arrived, the young girl was dressed in beautiful white Wedding Dress. The procession went to the leader.

On the road to the poor bride met a ritual fire. She decided to throw herself into the burning flames. However, as soon as she ran towards the fire, the girl froze in place. She has turned into a very beautiful flower white. Thus, heaven protected the young lady from the cruel leader. After this, the grateful beauty, which has become a beautiful plant, is considered a symbol of purity. Looking at us from the photo is a luxurious plant, which has become a talisman for many women, protecting a family where love and mutual understanding reign.

What does calla lily contain?

Some believe that calla lilies can be a great talisman, while others talk about eternal damnation. Any plant, including calla lilies, does not have sensory organs. Therefore, she is not able to attract death. However, no matter how strange it may sound, calla lilies can sense its approach.

According to esotericists, plants grow on earth that correspond to the energy background of their location. They react very quickly to the smallest changes.

Calla lilies are one of these plants. When she grows up in a house, he becomes an inanimate part of the family. Calla shows what the condition of each family member is. In fact, this is a plant can be called a living indicator.

People who can sense energy fields by looking at this beautiful plant, can immediately feel a change in the energy field. In some cases, they are even able to fix it.

When many times a plant predicts imminent death, the owners of the flower tend to throw it away. There is no need to do this. It is better to try to understand how valuable such a talisman is. After all, it shows the future, you just need to learn to understand this flower and communicate with it correctly.

Why did calla lilies become the flowers of death?

This is due to the custom in European countries of bringing white flowers to funerals, sometimes calla lilies. These plants are planted at the grave of a deceased loved one.

Calla lilies should not be given to elderly women. This looks like a hint of their imminent departure from life. There is also an opinion that calla lilies resemble wax figures and are completely different from real flowers.

What florists say

According to these experts, calla lilies are unpretentious plants that do well in the garden, or in a room on a windowsill, planted in flower pot. The properties of this flower include:

  • Increased immunity;
  • Calm the nervous system;
  • Stopping quarrels;
  • Restoring peace in the family.
  • Do not allow a sad mood;
  • Protects against despondency.

Calla, caring for which at home does not require much effort, helps predict the weather.

When the calla in the vase has fully unfolded, you can expect a nice sunny day without precipitation. If the calla along with its head is pressed against the stem, it means there will be rain and heavy fog is possible.

Why calla lilies began to be considered the flowers of death

The reason was the customs of many European countries when it is necessary to come to a funeral with white flowers. Calla lilies are most often brought. These unassuming plants bloom beautifully on the grave of the deceased.

Calla lilies are prohibited from being given to women who have reached old age. They may take this as a hint of a quick departure, that they will soon leave this mortal world. There is an opinion that such beautiful calla lilies are very similar to figures made of wax. They look absolutely nothing like real flowers.


No need to believe slander! These plants decorate gardens, they worthy of many epithets:

  1. Tender;
  2. Luxurious;
  3. Strict;
  4. Elegant;
  5. Solemn;
  6. Self-sufficient.

These flowers, which are easy to care for and grow, are admired and always decorate the home garden. They can give one by one, you can make a bouquet together with other flowers, or create a bouquet of callas of different colors.

This plant has never been associated with death. It symbolizes love and admiration. The claim that these flowers symbolize death is completely baseless.

Calla - flower of death

Lovers who grow plants at home consider indoor callas to be the most beautiful indoor flower. It’s hard to disagree with them; a huge single-leaf flower with a bright spadix attracts attention, and the flower itself pleases for a whole month.

Calla lilies are native to South Africa, but the modern range of this plant has spread far beyond the continent. Relatively recently, it was possible to find such a flower in our latitudes only in swampy areas, but thanks to the work of botanists, growing calla lilies at home is now quite an ordinary event. Home plant Calla lilies appear in people's homes, not only for their appearance. This flower is an accurate barometer; drops form on the leaves right before the rain. Let's take a closer look at how to care for your home calla lilies.

Thanks to the hard work of botanists in breeding this plant, today we have the opportunity to cultivate a large number various types home calla lilies.

Calla elliottiana– abundantly flowering variety a flower characterized by a special love for illuminated places and regular watering. The flower is painted in very contrasting colors: its outer part is yellow-green, and its inner part is bright yellow.

Ethiopian calla (Calla aethiopica)– this variety rightfully ranks first in popularity. Calla lilies flowers are white with a yellow core; the only leaf of the flower is folded into a funnel and widens towards the top. The dense leaves of this species can be up to 45 centimeters in length, and the stem grows up to 1 meter.

Rehmann (Calla rehmannii)– a miniature variety (up to 50 cm in height), distinguished by its bright flower color from pink to deep red. Red calla lilies served as the starting point for developing varieties with variegated colors.

Amethyst– the choice of sophisticated people. Delicate shades of inflorescences intertwine with aromas sea ​​air, creating an atmosphere of comfort and luxury. This variety of flower has become an integral part of royal women.

These are not all types of indoor calla lilies; thanks to selection, new varieties appear on the market every year. New indoor calla lilies are distinguished by increasingly variegated and sophisticated colors.

Features of caring for home calla lilies

Plants of this culture differ in many ways from other indoor inhabitants; this puts a certain imprint on the care of calla lilies. Caring for calla lilies at home is not difficult, but you need to pay attention to all the requirements.


The basis for the full growth of a plant is watering. The nature of this plant implies the presence large quantity water in the soil, as well as high humidity. Lack of regular watering will lead to stunted growth. White loves water the most indoor calla lily, whose homeland is swampy terrain.

Homemade calla flower, water when the top layer of soil dries 1 centimeter for white callas and when the top layer dries 2-3 centimeters for colored varieties. Colored callas also like regular watering, but to a lesser extent than white ones. The remaining water in both cases is drained after 15 minutes. Water for irrigation should be room temperature. Flower growth occurs best at high humidity, about 80%. The leaves of the flower are sprayed twice a day or wiped twice with a damp cloth. It is also worth putting moss or expanded clay on the tray.

After flowering ends, the frequency of watering will be significantly reduced, and after a couple of months, watering should be stopped altogether. You cannot immediately put your flower into a dormant state; you must give it time for the root to reach the desired state. The dormant period of the flower is up to three months, but this value can shift based on the conditions of the plant.


Growing calla lilies at home should be done by providing the plant with sufficient lighting. Indoor callas love light, especially in winter. In poor or incorrect lighting, the plant may not bloom, only stems may grow, colored varieties may lose their bright color. Indirect sunlight and direct morning and afternoon sun are best. Direct sunlight from the summer sun can harm the flower.


Regardless of the type, homemade calla lilies in a pot require maintaining the temperature within normal limits, as well as the absence of sudden changes. During the growing season, white varieties require maintaining a temperature of +18...+ 20 degrees, colored varieties +20...+ 24. After flowering, the tubers stop watering and are kept at a temperature of 25 to 27 degrees for about 30 days, then the temperature is slowly reduced to 10 - 12 degrees. The finished tubers are placed for the winter, covered with sawdust.

Note. A slight difference in temperature between day and night has a positive effect on the growth of tubers and leaves of the plant.

The soil

The soil for calla lilies needs to be acidified, approximately pH 6-6; it is very useful to add peat and sawdust to it. The following mixture is best suited for planting calla lilies:

  • turf land (2 parts);
  • leaf soil (1 part);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part).

Often, properly selected soil is not enough for the full growth and development of a flower. Therefore, in summer, care at home involves planting a flower in open ground. An alternative to this method would be every two weeks. Before flowering begins, you should not overdo it with nitrogenous mixtures; when flower stalks appear, urea is added, and with the beginning of flowering, eggshells are added.

Transplantation and propagation

Proper planting of calla lilies is the key to success. Tubers are sold from January to April; when purchasing them, you should pay attention to their elasticity; the skin should be light. Before planting, the tubers are dipped for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure helps protect the tuber early stage from diseases and identify damaged areas. If, after dipping into potassium permanganate, defects appear, they can be carefully removed with a knife and then treated with brilliant green.

Growing calla lilies at home will go without a hitch if you choose a wide pot, because this indoor plant loves the space given to the root system. Planting and replanting occurs as follows: first, a hole is made, up to 5 cm deep, then a tuber is placed in it no deeper than 10 cm. Watering during this period should be treated carefully to prevent the bulb from rotting.

Experienced gardeners know how to grow calla lilies from seeds at home. To do this, the seeds are germinated on paper towel and after signs of growth appear, plant them in pots, no more than 2 seeds per pot. You should choose the usual soil for seedlings, watering through the bottom of the pot; if the top layer of soil has dried out more than necessary, you can lightly irrigate it with water from a sprayer. The appearance of shoots is a signal to replant callas, but before placing them in new pot existing roots should be washed thoroughly. The further life of calla lilies in pots follows the rules and subtleties described above.

Note. After planting, indoor calla lilies may not appear from the pot until they form root system, so don’t be upset if your home flowers haven’t appeared within a month.

You can propagate your home flower calla lilies using seeds on their own; moreover, this process can bring unexpected results. This is due to the fact that you will have to pollinate the flower yourself and it is almost impossible to predict the final result.

A more stable method of propagation is to divide the tuber; for this, tuber shoots are separated during transplantation. Considering the fact that indoor flower is such a sissy and requires replanting after flowering, you do not need to guess and wait for the moment when it is necessary to get the plant and separate the tubers.

Diseases of home calla lilies and care during this period

Even though proper care, callas are susceptible to various diseases.

    1. If your indoor calla lily has been attacked by aphids, it is often enough to wipe the leaves with a solution of soapy water. In case of a strong attack, you can use Actellik or Bison.
    2. Gray rot, which affects all parts of the plant, is fungal in nature, so the flower must be treated with various fungicides (Vitarox, Rovral).

On a note. If your calla lily does not bloom at home, then most likely you made a mistake at the replanting stage. For example, you placed a tuber that was too large in a pot or did not maintain the temperature conditions.

  1. Another popular problem is the difficulty with why calla lily leaves turn yellow. This event may be preceded by both calla disease and lack of soil nutrition, poor watering or excessive amounts of direct sunlight.
  2. If previous diseases of calla lilies had a certain treatment, then bacterial rot, alas, cannot be treated with anything and such a flower must be disposed of.
  3. Callas affected by anthracnose have damaged leaves Brown which need to be removed and the plant treated with fungicides.

Knowing how to care for callas at home, you can enrich any windowsill with beautiful blooming flowerbed from delicate flowers.